avanalae · 4 years
Don't mind me, Imma go with 33, 36, 45, 12, aaaand 1
Okay this took a while. =__= So sleepy...
33. What’s your revision/rewriting process like?
So I'm the type of writer that just writes. Sometimes I'll skip around if I have a specific idea in mind for a scene, but usually I start and write towards the finish, be it a chapter or a oneshot. I do keep an eye out for mistakes as I type, so when I reread it, usually there aren't too many grammatical mistakes, though I do miss one on occasion.
So I read the fic through and make any corrections that need to be done, but also make any small changes I want as I go. If I want to change a scene quite a bit, I'll cut out the original section and paste it at the bottom of the doc so I can use it later or such. Then I write the new scene. But yeah, uh, I don't do too much rewriting or major revision. I just kinda go with the flow, with firm ideas in mind along with smaller ideas and a general thought of where I want to go with it. Then I just start typing and just go with the flow.
36. Post a snippet
Uhhhhhh shoot you're really gonna make me look, aren't you?
Okay so this is a snippet from an idea I had for a JayTim Batman/Wish (Clamp) crossover. This is all I had written. Idk if it's ever gonna go anywhere but I spent forever searching and had little luck. I usually sit down and crank out all the writing in one sitting and then post. So not many wips to share.
_ Tim had always admired Jason. Even though he’s a demon. One of Hell’s finest. Angels and demons don’t get along. It’s an unwritten rule. But still. And in their power-saving forms, neither of them can do much to the other aside from small, simple spells. Tim isn’t even angry at the demon for splashing them with that sealing potion. It will wear off in a few hours. But because of it, Tim finally can do what he’s wanted to do without fearing deadly repercussions. His tiny feathered wings flap a bit as his floats next to Jason. The dark being is glaring at him, snapping insults, but Tim ignores it. He dives in and pecks Jason on the cheek. Jason is still, eyes wide and a blush suddenly spreads on his cheeks. Tim’s lips don’t leave Jason’s cheek for a moment, smiling against the skin. But he eventually pulls away, just noticing his hands were clinging to the sleeve of the t-shirt the demon is wearing. Tim smiles brightly at the demon who is staring at him. And he yelps when he’s suddenly tackled by him. They wrestle for a bit, until Tim finds his face cuddled against Jason’s neck. The older man is holding him tightly and Tim blushes at the contact. “You stupid angel.” And warm lips press a kiss to his forehead. _
45. First or third person?
I definitely prefer third person. First person has its place and I will use it on occasion but definitely third person.
12. Which story of yours do you like best? why?
Okay so funny tidbit about me. Maybe because I'm older and had experience writing before I really started writing fanfic, but I can look back pretty far on my work and not think badly about it. I still like a lot of my past fics, and the ones I don't I can appreciate even if I don't think I'd portray the characters that way now/do that trope/etc.
But my favorite of my fanfics? Hmmm. We'll stick with Batfam for this. I think I like Burdensome, Confession, or For the Family the most of my oneshots. As for a series, my favorite is probably Mockingbird. Even though it's been a while... Since I touched it... ehehe...
Overall favorite is Burdensome, though. Probably. I think.
1. Tell us about your WIP!
Uhhh... Which one? >_>
Let's see... I have a few stories I'm focusing on right now, unfortunately they aren't DCU. But I've been getting the itch to write some JayTim or Ra'sTim recently. I have prompts for both in my inbox right now that I managed to find after some excavation. If you're interested in something or have an idea, feel free to message or text me. :)
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avanalae · 4 years
So. Uh. The discord event for Tim’s birthday was, now, ages ago. And I have now finally remembered to post this. I wrote this for dear @miss-annthropy, who I was assigned to either by something divine or by herself because she helped organize it but gosh. Who knows? Not I. 
Anyway, this is 100% Tim whump. 5k words of it. With no pairings at the moment but potential for, like, all of the batfam pairs for him.
Have fun.
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avanalae · 4 years
Here is the BruTim continuation of “A Need for More” :))
Happy belated birthday, @miss-annthropy!! ILY~! *blows kisses*
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avanalae · 3 years
Tagged by @heartslogos 💕
Choose one picture from your camera roll without downloading to sum up your personality and then tag 5 people
Tumblr media
Tagging: @ginini @yufei @jaykore @wuffen @miss-annthropy This is optional, obviously, so no worries either way. :)
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avanalae · 4 years
I was tagged by dear @miss-annthropy (rahndom) who seems to be bringing it back, which I'm fine with.
Nickname: Ava, Avana, other irl ones and a few that only my best friends can use because I love them and I find nicknames to be a great way of showing affection 😘
Zodiac: Capricorn ♑
Height: 5' 7" or 170 cm 🙆‍♀️
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw, tho it's always been a close tie with Slytherin. So, Slytherclaw!🐍🦅
Last thing I googled: Uhhhh idk I dont have Google keep track of my search history. 🤷‍♀️
Song stuck in my head: None at the moment because I'm listening to music rn 🎧
Number of followers: I'm actually almost at 700, when I checked a few days ago. I was very surprised. 😳
Amount of sleep: Uhhh so my sleep has been so off recently due to my being so ill but normally I need 8-10 hours to function 😴
Lucky Number: 13 👀
Dream Job: Character designer - preferably involved in video games 🎮
Wearing: My purple Batman logo nightshirt. Its not 3 am idk what you're talking about 😰
Favorite song: I Miss the Misery by Halestorm rn but it changes literally every week or less. 🎵
Favorite Instrument: Timpani! 🥁 (<-- not timpani)
Favorite Author: Tamora Pierce 🙏 She is a true blessing.
Favorite Animal noise: KITTY PURRS 😍
Aesthetic: Uhh it varies but I tend to like more modern styles with some flair. Black and white with accent colors for furnishings and such. Uh, I really like swirls and subtle patterns in decor and such. I dress real casually usually, simple dresses with handkerchief skirts when I wear one (which is not often), dress shirts with patterns I like for nice stuff, etc. I like gothic and lolita stuff visually, along with other things like that that I can't think of at the mo due to my headache. 🛍
Random: Uhhh =__= Okay so I had to look up a list of random questions and decided to rant about where I live. For some reason.
As some of you may know, I live in the state of Arizona in the United states. It's (unfortunatly) commonly known for being a huge desert but it's not true! 😩 Arizona actually experiences almost, if not all, known biomes!! Though parts of 3 of the 4 North American deserts are in parts of the state so I guess I get the assumption. But in the arid areas, we actually have 5 seasons: spring, dry summer, wet summer, fall, winter.
I do live in a very arid part of the state, so rain is always a blessing and usually a fun experience. Children here usually cant focus in classes when it's raining. I know I couldn't. 😂 And the smell of creosote bushes during and after the rain... oh that smell means so much to me. I live for the smell of rain and the creosote, so heavy in the air that you can just breathe it in. The clouds so dark and dreary shading the land and refreshing it, giving way to a clear sky. 😌 Man, I just cannot wait for monsoon season.
Tl;dr - Arizona is awesome if you think otherwise I respect your opinion but will wonder if you've even been here and may suggest looking up some info. 🏜
I tag @heartslogos, @ailea, @jaykore, @bluethursday, @yufei, and, uh, anyone who wants to do it? And no one is under any obligation to. Thanks for reading!
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