crowtrobotx · 9 months
Speaking of Dad-Berg truthers, I’m also one lol. With the whole “Elena is Miranda’s daughter” plot I have going on, Heisenberg was the one to take care of her in secret as he tried to find a way to smuggle her out of the village after accidentally reviving her after Cadou experimentation (yay for them lol).
Old man did NOT know what he was doing for a solid few weeks. Did not even give her a name outside of “little fucker” and “kid”, made a wheelbarrow into a bassinet with old clothes and blankets, tried to entertain Elena via metal tricks, attempted to feed her Spam until the Duke found out and got milk - chaotic mess but I refuse to have it any other way for those two lol.
In a previous rendition I had of them, they were trying to escape an Umbrella lab so he made a locker float with both of them on it while she propelled it with fire (her Cadou power). I still think about the “HOW DO I STOP THIS THING?!” “HOW SHOULD I KNOW?! YOU’RE THE ONE DRIVING IT!” plot a lot because it’s so silly.
I’ve always just kind of had him as like, the far away dad for her, the man who has her back when she needs it most, even when he isn’t the best at it. Very few people have her back, especially when it comes to taking on the megamycete while Ethan goes to save Rose, but Heisenberg is definitely one of the ones who will always be on her side because they have a similar goal.
Honest to god you are so right for all of this lmao. I have yet to write the Actual Baby Lottie sections of Chrysalis but I have very similar ideas about the “he a little confused but he got the spirit” vibe for Heisendad lmao. Also you know I approve of the SPAM reference, being from the SPAM royal family myself.
I can 1000% appreciate a “distant but still has your back” version of him, too - once again we’re talking about a character who had 12 minutes of screen time and I can totally see him assuming that role. I love the image of him and Elena having a godawful “driving” lesson with the floating locker. Can you imagine him actually teaching someone to drive a real vehicle lmao. “Now speed limits are more like guidelines than actual rules…”
I don’t know what it is, maybe it’s the sheer comedy of the most stinky, unkempt old man you’ve ever seen being a doormat to a tiny lil girl but it just. Feels Right.
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mishwanders · 6 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. let’s spread the self-love
Tagged by @the-resident-vampire 💕
You people only expect me to choose 5??? There’s so many I’m so dang proud of! Practically all of my disability fics are my favorites, but here’s a handful.
The Devil’s Teeth is my biggest work that I’ve completed and I put so much of my own heart put into it. Much of the way that the MC’s deals with their condition is very much tied to my own journey with disability, so it means a lot to me to have been able to write it and have so many people fall in love with it too. Albert Wesker really took me by the neck and said WRITE! (Mature and heavy topics, with explicit NSFW sprinkled in it, Mdni).
The Chain (and others) With A Disabled Traveling Companion which is a list of headcanons I wrote for Linked Universe while having a bad pain day and needed a lot of comfort and it makes me happy to see all the people in my notes who also feel comfort from it (Sfe).
Honey Whiskey which is a oneshot with Astarion feeding off the Tav/Readers wrist and getting a comforting hug. (Sfe)
Killshot which is a Chris Redfield x chronic pain reader x Leon Kennedy smut one shot I did which was based off of a previous oc thing I wrote before. (Mdni)
I Don’t Want To Set The World On Fire which is a Wesker x cane user reader smut one shot that I also based off of a previous oc writing I’d done before. (Mdni)
Tagging (but no pressure!): @mydisenchantedeulogy @the-cucco-nuggie @thebisexualmandalorian @skyward-shade @thedomesticanthropologist
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Allow me to introduce Subject 15 or Victor Foxtrot a Resident Evil oc ☂️
He's technically a failed experiment by Umbrella standards, but he's a big success in the eyes of one Albert Wesker. Victor tears up the room with his smile and his bare hands all to see Wesker smile.
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lex-the-flex · 8 months
Astarion finding out reader is ticklish
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Oh, Astarion would love this.
He wouldn't stop teasing you. No matter how hard he tried. The day he discovered that you were ticklish was a fun one in fact. It happened when it was time for the two of you to take patrol in hunting for the day. The group's rations and water was running low, so Gale suggested that you and Astarion should track down some deer.
"Why the two of us?" You asked Gale, tying the laces of your boots.
"Because you are an excellent shot, Y/N. And that Astarion can track anything from miles away." Gale responds, crossing his arms.
"Not to mention that he's fast. Incredibly fast." You scoff, trying to shake the shudder from creeping up your spine.
Sure, you liked Astartion. You were still getting used to him and you couldn't deny the new and surprising feelings you had for him. But you weren't sure if he felt the same.
"Come on, Y/N. He's good to have around and I know he enjoys your companionship. Besides, the two of you work good together." Gale replies, helping you from your spot on the ground.
"Alright, fine." You answer, before heading to get your gear ready.
The woods peacefulness felt wonderful amongst all the fighting and missions your crew had to go on. Filling up the few canteens with fresh water from the river, Astarion caught you off guard. Grabbing your sides in hoping to scare you, he tickled you feverishly.
"Astarion, stop! As-- Star!!" You begged through giggles, wanting him to stop.
"Oh why, it's so precious when you giggle for me!" He teases, finally letting go of your waist.
Standing from the river's edge, you both were ready to go back to camp when suddenly, Astarion got an idea. An funny, yet a naughty idea. When the two of you reached the camp's boarder, Astarion set down the supplies that you both had gathered and then proceeded to reach for your waist.
Gently tickling your sides, you're unable to break free from his grasp, and he carefully backs you against a tree. Grabbing his shoulders, Astarion pauses as the two of you silently gaze at one another. Slowly leaning forward, Astarion hesitantly presses his lips to yours, capturing you in a passionate kiss.
Wrapping his arms around your form, he pulls you closer to him, wanting to feel your body against his own. Tangling your fingers in his white curls, he breaks for a moment, relishing in the taste of your lips. Gliding his lips down to your neck, a gasp leaves your mouth just as he makes contact with the sensitive skin.
Parting your legs with his knee, Astarion secretly; desperately wants nothing more than to feel you around him. To have you scream his name while he fucks you so smoothly, and he wanted to be your first. He wanted to be all yours in a clogging wave of lust and love and you wanted it too. You trusted him with everything, so much that you were willing to let Astarion introduce you to a whole new side of him.
Biting your lip, a quiet moan escaped your lips, and Astarion's ears perked up.
"Sshh, not now, love. We'll get to enjoy each other soon enough." He whispers before kissing you once more.
tagging ~
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trippygalaxy · 3 months
My Opinion on the LU Boys DND Classes
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as a DM of 3 years and a enjoyer of dnd for MUCH LONGER, i have so sososos many thoughts on what classes the boys would be. This will also include subclasses CAUSE ITS MY POST AND IMMA DO WHAT I WANT! /LH SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!!!
Time -> Fighter, Eldritch Knight
Twilight -> Barbarian, Path of the Ancestral Guardian
Warriors -> Fighter, Battle Master
Sky -> Paladin, Oath of Devotion
Wild -> Ranger, Gloomstalker
Legend -> Wizard, Bladesinging
Hyrule -> Warlock, The Celestial
Four -> Fighter, Echo Knight
Wind -> Rogue, Swashbuckler
Taglist cause I know somepeople were interested! @catreginae @next-hero-in-line @unexpectedstormy @nancyheart11 @majorproblems77 @ladye-zelda @ajscico @mishwanders @violetregrets1837 @1dragon-mustard1
Under the cut will be explanations as to why i picked these classes! (as well as the official descriptions of the subclasses for context)
Time, The Eldritch Knight
Subclass Description; They focus their study on two of the eight schools of magic: abjuration and evocation. Abjuration spells grant an Eldritch Knight additional protection in battle, and evocation spells deal damage to many foes at once, extending the fighter's reach in combat. These knights learn a comparatively small number of spells, committing them to memory instead of keeping them in a spellbook.
Fighter is a go to for all the boys, but I think Time is a perfect fit for the class as he is shown time and time again to be a frontline fighter. He's quick to draw his sword and quicker to swing it.
Though Time is not a heavy magic user in the LU comics, he is known to have quite a few spells/magical abilities in his games and comics! Many of these abilities are defensive or to deal with large 'groups' of enemies at once, which is what Abjuration and Evocation spells are used for -respectively. The Class is still heavily rooted in melee rather than magic -like Time- but the magic they do use is to add a extra kick to their punch.
There are also abilities that make the Eldritch knight much harder (if not impossible) to disarm!
In higher levels, the subclasses allows the user to be more effective and quick with their spell casting who their actions are free for melee attacks, which would be a perfect fit for the quick and preciseness Time uses in battle.
Twilight, The Barbarian of Ancestral Guardians
Subclass description; Some barbarians hail from cultures that revere their ancestors. These tribes teach that the warriors of the past linger in the world as mighty spirits, who can guide and protect the living. When a barbarian who follows this path rages, the barbarian contacts the spirit world and calls on these guardian spirits for aid.
Barbarian is a common pick for Twilight as it is the most strength based class and while I agree with it always never quite sat right with me due to the violence the class is stereotyped to lean towards.
The subclass itself was picked because I connected it with not only the Hero's Shade but also the light spirits that Twilight encounters on his journey. Its very much a spirit heavy class that deals with a lot of themes regarding 'guardian' like figures which fit perfectly for the 'guardian' spirits Twilight runs into -and is trained by- during his adventure. I also choose this one because of how defensive it is, especially when it comes to protecting others!
Twilight is a protector, in the LU comics, in his games, in his manga, he is shown time and time again to protect others so to have a subclass to reflect his protective nature is a perfect match for his character!
Warriors, the Battle Master
Subclass Description; Those who emulate the archetypal Battle Master employ martial techniques passed down through generations. To a Battle Master, combat is an academic field, sometimes including subjects beyond battle such as weaponsmithing and calligraphy. Not every fighter absorbs the lessons of history, theory, and artistry that are reflected in the Battle Master archetype, but those who do are well-rounded fighters of great skill and knowledge.
Another fighter! Like I said for Time, this class is very much a 'go-to' class for any and all of the LU boys! But warriors fits so well for this class, a undeterred and seemingly never ending energy in a fight, Fighter fits perfectly!
I think that we all can agree that Warriors is one of the top 3 swordsmen in the group, his way with his sword is unlike the others as he holds an elegance and swiftness that can be rivalled by very few. The Battle Master subclass is built upon the idea of 'Yeah, you can try to hit me but get ready for your shit to get rocked.' It is about countering, using the enemies weaknesses to your gain and getting your hits in whenever you can.
A Captain in a war would be a battle master without a doubt!
Sky, Paladin of Devotion
Subclass description; --They hold themselves to the highest standards of conduct, and some, for better or worse, hold the rest of the world to the same standards. Many who swear this oath are devoted to gods of law and good and use their gods' tenets as the measure of their devotion. They hold angels – the perfect servants of good – as their ideals, and incorporate images of angelic wings into their helmets or coats of arms.
Is...Is this a surprise to anyone? A little cliche yes, but how can you blame me when it suits him so well!
First, Divine smite? PERFECT for the Skyward Strike, without a doubt and I don't think theres anything that could fit it so well! A mighty strike blessed with divine power and -depending on what spell/ability- can shed a great amount of light and cause lightning/thunder to burst from the strike! There is also abilities with the subclass that makes your weapon a beacon of light for a short period of time
Sky is devoted to many things. But its obvious hes devoted to his Zelda -the reincarnation of Hyila, a goddess- so much so that before he knew of her divine spirit he was willing to head into a world unknown just to look for her. He is so devoted to her and Skyloft that he fought a GOD to keep everyone he loved safe and sound.
Wild, The Gloom Stalker
Subclass description; Gloom stalkers are at home in the darkest places: deep under the earth, in gloomy alleyways, in primeval forests, and wherever else the light dims. Most folk enter such places with trepidation, but a gloom stalker ventures boldly into the darkness, seeking to ambush threats before they can reach the broader world.--
Since TOTK I feel like this would be fitting for the hero to be proficient in fighting in the darken places of the world. The name of the subclass is also suits him considering a huge part of the game -The Gloom- is apart of this class in a way.
Ranger is a great class for Wild, it is the definition of a hunter, an explorer, one that finds there own path in the wildness. Wild, though seen to get lost in the comics, has a great understanding of his Hyrule and its geographic locations and terrain, both surface and depths. He is also a great archer, and a even better hunter!
The hero is a survivor of the wilds, and Rangers are the best suited to do such a thing
Legend, The BladeSinger
Subclass Description: Bladesingers master a tradition of wizardry that incorporates swordplay and dance. In combat, a bladesinger uses a series of intricate, elegant maneuvers that fend off harm and allow the bladesinger to channel magic into devastating attacks and a cunning defense.
Legend is one of the more magically inclined Heros, and though thats mostly through his artifacts and magic items that doesn’t take away the fact that the hero has a broad knowledge when it came to magic.
I picked bladesinging specifically because while it’s main focus is magic it still uses the sword and it’s connection to ones-self. Legend is still a fighter at heart so i don’t think he would toss away those skills in this situation. He is shown in a few panels to have some sort of connection/bond to the mastersword and likely his own weapon, so it was important for me to somehow intertwine his two biggest skills together.
And a bit selfishly, i think he would look very very cool dancing around with his sword-
Hyrule, The Holy Warlock
Subclass description: Your patron is a powerful being of the Upper Planes. You have bound yourself to an ancient empyrean, solar, ki-rin, unicorn, or other entity that resides in the planes of everlasting bliss.
I know most people would make Hyrule either a wizard or nature based magic user but in all fairness, I dont think Hyrule is one to learn magic by the traditional means (reading/studying it). This isn’t to say the kid isn’t capable of doing so, but with the whole “hero of Hyila,” you’d think there would be a bit more a divine connection there.
Warlocks make deals, pacts, with some sort of higher being for their magic intentionally or not and Hyila ,a holy celestial, being fits perfectly to be his patron. The magic granted to a celestial warlock is based on a clerics abilities, healing, protecting from the undead and fiends, lighting a path etc. Warlocks also are also a little more focused on melee/combat and if picking the right pact boon, can have a special relationship/connect to their sword!
Four, The Echo Knight
Subclass description: Echo knights harness fading shades of unrealized timelines, pulling a shadowy duplicate of themself called an "echo" to fight by their side. The echoes are somewhat fragile, but the echo knight can summon another at any time.
Okayokayokay— HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE!!!
One of the echo knight’s main abilities is being able to make shadowy versions of themselves to fight alongside them in a battle. These shadows or ‘echoes’ are an extension of the person’s form/soul and are able to communicate and aid the original knight. They are able to project their consciousness into these shadows to get the information they have seen/witness and collects it all once they all fuse back together.
Wind, The Swashbuckler
Subclass Description: You focus your training on the art of the blade, relying on speed, elegance, and charm in equal parts. While some warriors are brutes clad in heavy armor, your method of fighting looks almost like a performance. Duelists and pirates typically belong to this archetype. A Swashbuckler excels in single combat, and can fight with two weapons while safely darting away from an opponent.
….i feel like this is pretty straightforward as to why i picked this for Wind.
Wind, shown to be quite a sneaky Link in his games, is probably the most rogue like in the Chain. He’s a strong kid, but he specializes in quick strikes and keeping his opponents on their toes and unexpecting. He is also, very clearly, a pirate! So it isn’t surprising for the hero to have one of (if not the only) pirate theme-d subclass! The class is very agile, but the subclass specifically is focused on disarming, ‘backstabbing’ and overall being sneaky in plain sight!
And thought i do think this is a great fit for the hero, i could also see him as a Storm sorcerer, which was my second pick!
UHHHH! YEAH THATS IS! if you're reading this, thank you so much for listening to me ramble and if you have any ideas/thoughts of your own i would LOVE to hear them!!!
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fourstarsoutofnine · 8 days
LU tag game!! The chain as songs you’ve recently listened to!
Wild:I can do it with a broken heart by Taylor Swift
Time:too sweet by hozier
Twi:lady may by Tyler Childers
Wars:my boy only breaks his favorite toys by Taylor swift
Wind:Robin by Taylor swift
Sky:my love, mine all mine by mitski
Legend:pink pony club by chapell roan
Hyrule:ends of the earth by lord Huron
Four:king and lionheart by of monsters and men
No pressure tags @beyondtheglowingstars @peepthatbish @mishwanders (and anyone else who wants to join)
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birb-boyo · 5 months
Post a dialogue for a wip you have, and make others guess who said it
(This would be for Linked Universe)
“Speak out of turn again, and I’ll have to do something to that mouth of yours. It’s too sharp for my liking. I might have to smooth it out, yeah?”
@trippygalaxy @mishwanders @vio-starzz @soniayonce @breannasfluff and anyone else who thinks this might be fun🤷‍♂️ (also feel free to ignore this)
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Tag Game
Tagged by: @quinloki (thanks so much, hun). 
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it, then tag as many people as you have WIPs. 
(Most of mine are going to be chapter titles as I haven't been doing many one-shots lately). 
1. Closing Time
2. Limelight
3. Realization 
4. Unhappy, Eternally
5. Cursed 
6. Bound In Chains 
Tagging: @mishwanders , @the-resident-vampire , @bonez-drabblez , @swamplinglvr , @lo1k-diamonds , @savage-rhi , @useless-potatho , @shions-new-blog-of-stuff
(And anyone who wants to join).
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Celebrating my birthday this month
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Hung out with some friends yesterday to watch WrestleMania
Today my family got together to bring me a cake plus Mom making my favorite dinner
Other friends are planning to take me out to eat on the 20th (tentative date)
I feel loved 😍
@squashfics @mishwanders @the-resident-vampire @notrattus @resident-mercie @macabrecake
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crowtrobotx · 9 months
I started watching Black Sails last night and I’m loving it so far but I was completely thrown when I saw Jacks sunglasses. Truly a work of genius tbh.
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The vibes this man brings to the table - amazing, wonderful, a fashion icon, truly.
WELCOME TO THE JACK RACKHAM FAN CLUB MISH!!!!!! He literally sucks so bad and by the end almost everyone I know is like "I would lay down my life for him while also occasionally punching him in the mouth." His outfits are fucking ludicrous and iconic. The limpest wrists in the Caribbean. The biggest malewife to his beloved girlfriend. We can all only hope to achieve such immaculate vibes. @grisailledreams and @patchworkgargoyle will be so happy to hear we have another person to yell about our ridiculous wet cat pirate with.
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mishwanders · 10 months
The Chain
The Chain (and others) with a disabled traveling companion
The Chain and GN!Hispanic Reader Headcanons
Nonnie submission of more Hispanic reader headcanons!
The Chain and GN!Fashion Designer Reader
The Chain listens to modern music
The Chain (and others) become friends with a very strong reader
The Chain and bodyMod reader (HC)
The Chain and the reader with a Dark Shadow (HC)
The Chain discuss your modern clothes
The Chain and the mom friend
The Chain taking care of you when you’re sick
The Chain and the speed racer
You and Hyrule witness Time and Wild eating the sins of god (burnt fries)
The Chain and Termina Linkel
The Chain (and Dink) with Kitsune Reader
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aceghosts · 6 months
WIP Music Monday
Just under the wire of Monday ending, I'm bringing you some tunes that have been inspiring my work. I was tagged by @fourlittleseedlings, @cassietrn, @inafieldofdaisies, @direwombat, and @socially-awkward-skeleton.
Tagging (Opt In/Opt Out): @bbrocklesnar, @marivenah, @strangefable, @carlosoliveiraa, @alexxmason, @theelderhazelnut, @nightbloodbix, @mishwanders, @clicheantagonist, @amalkavian, and anyone else who wants to do this!
Because I'm still in cyberpunk hell, all the songs are related to the cyberpunk fics that I've been working on.
I come and I go Tell me all the ways you need me (Ooh) I'm not here for long Catch me or I go Houdini I come and I go (I come and I go) Prove you got the right to please me Everybody knows (I'm not here for long) Catch me or I go Houdini
I've been listening to this while working on the Celebrity News fic, but I'm not sure it quite fits the fic. That said, I do think that it kinda fits Rooney's fear to get back into a relationship with Yorinobu, but still kind of wants to be in his life.
I've been searching through the wreckage But it's like standing in the eye of a storm When will I finally get the message? Some things are broken beyond repair This is my cross to bear My own meaningless catastrophe I never had the time to prepare Because I never knew that all my nightmares could come true Now the oceans have drained out Can I come up for air? 'Cause I've been learning to live without And I'm fighting with broken bones Now the skies have been blacked out I've got to find my way 'Cause it's been raining but there's a drought And I'm fighting with broken bones
I've had this one on while working on the Relic Malfunction fic, and it definitely fits Rooney's mental state. They know they're almost at the end of their road with Johnny and the Relic, and Rooney doesn't have much time to make a decision about their fate. Unfortunately, they now have to tell Yorinobu about the Relic and that they're dying. This one is gonna be a real angst fest.
Kingslayer, destroying castles in the sky Kingslayer, I'll fight for you until I die Kingslayer, destroying castles in the sky Kingslayer, forevermore the apple of my eye I'd sacrifice it all to guide you, never have to battle alone Kingslayer, come and collect us from the night
I really fucking love Kingslayer. It's already on Rooney's Cyberpunk playlist, and i'm thinking about putting it on their ship playlist. But, I've been listening to this one while working on a prompt for Rooney and Yorinobu. TLDR of the prompt is that Rooney defends Yorinobu when a few assassins go after the pair, but gets pissed off when he comes back for them. (Rooney is just really concerned about him getting hurt, lol.) Anyway, I like to think this speaks to Rooney's devotion to Yorinobu.
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lex-the-flex · 9 months
Astarion and reader slow dancing?
thank you for requesting and i've decided to combine another idea from @shions-new-blog-of-stuff!
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Dancing with Astarion
Breaking free from Cazador’s reign of power was not an easy task for you and your crew, and everyone was forced to be pushed to their limits. Especially for Astarion. The endeavor hit him the hardest, both physically and mentally. Shortly after the entire encounter, Astarion was starting to silently succumb to the years of abuse brought on by his Master, and everyone saw it. But no matter how hard they tried, nothing worked. 
Except your calming presence. That was all he needed to recover. 
So one night, you decided to take measures into your own hands. Prepared with all the love to give; and two cups of his favorite dark tea, you were ready. 
Joining Astarion at your favorite spot in the woods, you discover him stargazing. Gazing at the infinite number of tiny lights in the nighttime sky, a small smile filled your face. 
“It’s nice to see you out and about.” You say, slowly approaching him. 
“I could say the same for you, dear. It’s always nice to see your beautiful face.” Astartion responds with a gentle hum. 
Sitting next to him on the forest floor, he takes his cup  and quietly sips on the hot liquid as you adjust to the calming atmosphere. Enjoying the fresh batch of tea, a quaint pause fills the air, so you sit up with your legs crossed. 
“I’m glad you’ve recovered. …I can’t imagine how hard this is for you. Killing the man who turned you.” You say, looking down at your hands. 
Glancing your way, Astarion finishes the rest of his tea, and stands up from his spot on the ground. 
“It wasn’t all bad. Minus the torture, the scars, and the infinity for nighttime, Cazador did teach me a few enticing secrets of romantic endeavors.” Astarion explains, extending his hand in your direction. 
Setting down your cup, you take his hand and stand up. Closing your palm on his, Astarion carefully holds the small of your back with his free hand, pressing your bodies together. Gently swaying together, the low sound of Gale’s flute from the camp fills the air, and a wave of bright fireflies emerge from the grass. 
Enjoying the stillness of the night, Astarion leans his forehead against your own, a smile crossed his lips. Astarion was free, and wanted nothing more than to the rest of his adventures with you. 
As the wind flowed through the woods, Astarion gently dipped you, as if he was bowing above you. Slowly opening your eyes, the sight of Astarion’s fangs fills your vision, however he doesn’t go in for the bite. As much as he wants to make you all his – forever, he knows that it’s best to wait until you're ready.
astarion taglist ~
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trippygalaxy · 7 months
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Fierce deity for you folks 🤭😋
For those who might be interested— @the-cucco-nuggie @fairly-linked @skyward-shade @pinkalmondcake @mishwanders @majesties-palace
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angry-trashcan · 10 months
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I got tagged by @mishwanders to show what my OC would be like if they never went through that one defining traumatic event and then showing what becomes of them after that trauma. Basically, it's the untraumatizing your OC challenge. The picrew!
First - Ceres before/if she didn't get into a relationship with Aldric. That man ruined her more than words can explain.
Second - During her relationship, she stops doing her hair, which means so, so much to her. She has to worry more about hiding bruises and marks. Pretty much all hope and happiness has left her 🥴
Third - Traveling with the chain! She's moved on from her past traumas as much as she can. Cut her hair, started doing it again, and found real love with them.
I'm tagging (but that doesn't mean you have to!!!): @neverchecking @lovanmari @wayfayrr @anonnymaus-author
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birb-boyo · 5 months
You guys ever reread something you wrote and get to a part/line and go:
“I WROTE THAT?!?!?!”
Because it’s such a pretty line and/or amazing description or imagery and just wow-
Yeah, good because all of your writing is beautiful and amazing like you🤭
@trippygalaxy @vio-starzz @baileyboo2016 @mishwanders @soniayonce @nancyheart11 @skyloftian-nutcase @skyward-floored @silvercaptain24 @treasure-goblin
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