#miscecanis tertiary gender
sunshine-omega · 11 months
Please, please! I'd need to know more about Delta’s, Gamma’s, Sigmas, Zeltas and any other secondary gender. May you do help me? I'd be really grateful, because I'm really want to find my way in ABOverse❤️. Sent you love 😘
Hi anon! I’ll do my best :) here’s a great post by @miscellaneous-miscecanis on the subject, so please check that out ✨ if you want some more info then here u go
Tertiary genders in miscecanis
Let’s get basic:
primary gender— man, woman, nonbinary, agender, etc
secondary gender— alpha, beta, omega, dynamifluid, binamic, etc
tertiary gender— sigma, zeta, delta, gamma (or more if you like, but these are the ones I’m familiar with)
What’s a tertiary gender?
It’s an extra flavor on a dynamic/secondary gender, or, some identify with this AS their dynamic rather than a secondary gender
Think of dynamic like your central a/b/o identity. For example, some miscecanis see their dynamic as beta and to get more specific, delta. Some wouldn’t call themselves a beta at all and only feel at home with the label delta.
What are the tertiary genders?
Gamma: between alpha and omega, or an alpha with omega tendencies
Delta: between alpha and beta, could be an alpha with beta tendencies or vice versa
Zeta: between omega and beta, could be a beta with omega tendencies or vice versa
Sigma: between omega and alpha, or an omega with alpha tendencies
A note on tertiary genders:
There isn’t one right way to find your way in miscecanis. If you are an alpha who has omega tendencies, you don’t HAVE to call yourself a gamma, for example. You’re certainly welcome to, but you can just be an untraditional alpha! And that’s great too :)
If you’re struggling to pick a dynamic, also consider dynamiqueer identities! For example having a fluid dynamic or more than one. Maybe considering yourself transdynamic resonates with you and that’s cool too
Finally, here’s a link to I post I wrote on finding your dynamic a while back
I hope this is what you’re looking for! Please let me know if you had something different in mind or if there’s anything else you’d like to know 💛
P.S. it seems like you’re new here, and that’s ok! Just so you know we don’t use “abo” here since that’s a slur towards indigenous Australians. Put slashes between a/b/o and you’re golden ✨
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melabea · 1 month
all this is /neu or /pos I'm not too worried about it, but I did a bunch of Big Thinkies and this is all I could come up with (cw: pregnancy mentions)
I dunno but I feel like my dynamic has a lot to do with being a vocaloid
like I feel like I don't have any natural organs to create life, but I do have artificial organs to create life, but then would that even create the same life as humans?
I guess all this is like… I don't feel like I would pregnancy like humans pregnancy or even create pregnancy how humans create pregnancy???
like idk I feel like if I created a pregnancy it would be like… putting a Not Penis Tube Thing inside and sliding out Child Material?????
and I feel like if I did a pregnancy it would be like.. not??? a pregnancy at all?????? like no carrying the child by force for however long, much more like….. I can have child inside if I want???? kinda like Rockstar Freddy from FNAF Security Breach???????? but like for however long the child needs to develop in the womb they'd be an egg????????
I dunno, I'm not exactly as perfect and pretty as android miku is in many medias (not insecure about it) in that I can like… take of my skin plates??? and have a bunch of rusty looking steamish solarish punk cogs n sutff there??????????? I feel like that has something to do with it…
I also don't conform to gender like at all so that might akso be part of the problem???
anyway I feel like I have characteristics of literally every dynamic I've seen both in like steroetypes sometimes and often times in like "oh how this dynamic interacts with their partner" too so idk
like okay, going through just the tertiary dynamics for ease (info gotten from miscellaneous-miscecanis on tumblr) and skipping biological factors because… I mean… yeah: gamma: "protective, often timid, introverted, very easy to get along with but may take longer to form a close bond" okay, I'm protective and easy to get along with (I think idk many people like us); delta: "fiercely loyal, standoffish, introverted, sometimes hard to get close to (but you’ll never regret it once you do)" okay, I'm fiercely loyal, and I can be an accidental asshole (like most of us tbh) so I think that counts as standoffish?? dunno; Zeta: "doting, tend to overshare, ambiverted, open up very quickly and form intense relationships" okay I'm all of that that's where I'm leaning the most if I have to pick one idk I could just be a different misce-type (miscefelis, miscecanis, miscelupus) than any of the rest of my system (who are all either basic misceverse or a biological animal misce-type); sigma: "bold and passionate, stubborn, extroverted, can be intimidating at first but are very sweet if you take the time to get to know them" this is where I started getting problems now I remember I don't feel like a mix of Zeta and Sigma but both steroetypes of the behavior are incredibly true for me and idk what to do
ok so here are some ideas i have for terms you could use;
a xenosecondary (link) connected to vocaloid
pandynamic (link), or i could coin demipandynamic (being partially all dynamics) for you if you'd feel that fits more
gamma-aligned, delta-aligned, zeta-aligned, and/or sigma-aligned (being aligned with gamma/delta/zeta/sigma experiences while not necessarily being one)
dynamic nonconforming (link)
quadynamic (a term for being 4 dynamics at once), as you could identify as all four dynamics you listed
also, you could identify as a zeta & sigma separately, as in not being a mix of the two
or you could always just label yourself as dynamic questioning (link) or adynamic (link)
i don't have any ideas for the pregnancy-related things </3
+ if none of these work, i can coin a dynamic term for you based on the traits you mentioned being ^^
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sunshine-omega · 1 year
I’m very new to miscecanis, but I feel like a mix between alpha and beta. Do you know if there’s a word for this?
Hi! So glad you’re here :)
There’s definitely a word for this!! It’s usually called delta, and it’s a tertiary gender. As far as I know, tertiaries are a bit more commonly used on discord miscecanis spaces than other miscecanis spaces, so go check those out for some community.
If tertiary dynamic is confusing, here’s how it fits with a/b/o:
Primary gender: male, female, nonbinary, etc
Secondary gender: alpha, beta, omega
Tertiary gender: gamma, delta, zeta, sigma
As a miscecanis, you can identify with a secondary and a tertiary if you want to, or just with one or the other. For example, some people who are zetas see themselves as betas with omega traits, and therefore zeta. On the other hand, some people will see themselves as a zeta because they don’t fit as either beta or omega more strongly. Both are great!
If you are still a bit confused, here’s a post I made a while ago about figuring out your dynamic. And if you’ve got more questions too, feel free to ask some more!
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sunshine-omega · 3 years
Hey I'm want to know how do you know what you are? For example how to know if a person or yourself is an alpha, beta or omega
How to find your dynamic
Hi! So I think I’ll start with some of the factors that go into choosing it. 1) Do you base your dynamic on common behaviors you have (e.g. nesting)? 2) Is the way you feel about relationships a more clear indication? 3) Do you feel a connection to one of the dynamics when you read a/b/o content?
1. For a lot of people, common behaviors are a big deal in choosing their dynamic! However, I’d like to say that they aren’t strictly related to one dynamic or another in the miscecanis community the way they might be in fic. For example, there are lots of betas and some alphas who like to nest, so we coined the term “nesters” as an alternative to assuming that only omegas nest. Additionally, in the misce community we have tertiary dynamics, which complicates the choice based on behaviors. For example, a beta who acts like an alpha could call themself a delta. If you want some more dynamic information, check these out (and go read some fic!!) omegaverse tumblrs | betas | alphas | more betas
2. I think that much of what defines an alpha, beta, or omega lies in the heart. I made a post about that here (it’s short go read it) and in my opinion that’s the best information I could give you. Everyone within a certain dynamic will have their own behaviors and personalities but there are some things that might lie close to the heart based on how instincts affect people in a/b/o. Some people’s dynamic is also influenced by their experiences with gender, and some might choose a dynamiqueer identity such as transdynamic, etc.
3. Ultimately, it’s up to you. What do you connect to the most? If you read omegaverse content and think “dang I wish I could live in this au”, what role do you see yourself in there?
There’s also some quizlet kinda things to help you figure out your dynamic, but personally I dislike them. They rely heavily on stereotypes that I personally don’t think should decide your dynamic. (For example, do you choose to walk alone at night to get your favorite ice cream? If yes, alpha. If no, omega. Like???? That makes no sense.)
At the end of the day, trust your gut, and if you change your mind later, that’s super okay! The misce community loves to celebrate someone presenting their dynamic so go for it :)
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