#mine's blaiddyd by the way
blaiddydbrokeit · 1 year
Just saw this so. Crest themed tarot game?
From your birth cards (calculate here if you don't know), pick one of the two you feel describes you better to find out which crest from FE3H you would have, and its weapon. Put your results in the tags!
(Based on the analysis from the Japanese side of the 3H community, we'll run Cichol as Justice and Blaiddyd as Strength for consistency.)
The Fool - Crest of Ernest (Unarmed)
The Magician - Crest of Macuil (Windcaller's Genesis)
The High Priestess - Crest of Seiros (Seiros Sword and Shield)
The Empress - Crest of Dominic (Crusher)
The Emperor - Crest of Fraldarius (Aegis Shield)
The Hierophant - Crest of Noa (Scroll of Talos)
The Lovers - Crest of Cethleann (Caduceus Staff)
The Chariot - Crest of Daphnel (Lúin)
Strength - Crest of Blaiddyd (Areadbhar)
The Hermit - Crest of Gloucester (Thyrsus)
Wheel of Fortune - Crest of Goneril (Freikugel)
Justice - Crest of Cichol (Spear of Assal)
The Hanged Man - Crest of Aubin (Fetters of Dromi)
Death - Crest of Gautier (Lance of Ruin)
Temperance - Crest of Indech (The Inexhaustible)
The Devil - Crest of the Beast (Blutgang)
The Tower - Crest of Charon (Thunderbrand)
The Star - Crest of Timotheos (Hrotti)
The Moon - Crest of Riegan (Failnaught)
The Sun - Crest of Chevalier (Vajra-Mushti)
Judgement - Crest of Lamine (Rafail Gem)
The World - Crest of Flames (Sword of the Creator)
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tinnictheguardian · 1 year
Dimitri’s sins during his savage boar phase
What “evil” acts did Dimitri commit during his savage boar phase? This is a topic that keeps coming up because Dimitri is extremely hard on himself regarding his actions during his 5 years as a vagabond. So what does the game say?
In his notes it says:
1181 - Escapes the coup of Fhirdiad and becomes a vagrant. 1182 - Begins murdering Imperial generals/soldiers controlling former Kingdom territories. 1185 - Pursues Imperial troops and ends up at Garreg Mach.
During the start of the Azure Moon War Phase, Yuri tells you, “ You've been snoozing awhile, so allow me to fill you in. There's a madman roaming Faerghus. Imperial troops entering Kingdom settlements are destroyed seemingly overnight. Townspeople on the front lines are terrified, and yet they simultaneously treat this as though he's some sort of hero blazing through the land. Can't imagine their surprise when they realized it was their own prince. ”
Gilbert fills you in more with the following, “ As for myself, I only began to hope three years ago, when I chanced upon some compelling rumours. An Imperial platoon attacked without warning. Incident after incident of Imperial generals being slaughtered in Kingdom territory. It is said that each died in such a brutal, gruesome way that...it is hard to imagine they were killed by human hands. ”
What Dimitri says himself is, “These hands of mine have taken so many lives... Nobles and commoners. Adults and children.” 
I would like to note that Sothis refers to all the students, who range from age 16 to 21, as “children” and also, Fleche is both an Imperial soldier and a child because she is below the age of majority. But even by modern standards, killing Fleche is NOT a war crime because she’s an active combatant.
By modern standards, if you take Fleche alive you have to treat her as an innocent victim and do what you can to demobilise her. But if she’s pointing a weapon at you, you can shoot her. Obviously soldiers who are not total psychopaths would and do find the act of killing children, even in an active combat situation where said children are trying to kill you, soul-shattering. But the point is that you are allowed to kill opposition child soldier during active combat.
By medieval standards, which is what Fodlan follows, Dimitri is in the clear as long as the nobles, commoners, adults and children he killed were soldiers. Based on the information we have, it seems clear that Dimitri ONLY killed soldiers.
So the problem wasn’t WHO he killed, he only killed Imperial soldiers who were invading Faerghus, but HOW he killed. He was brutal and gruesome. This does seem to go against the codes of chivalry that Faerghus seems to hold and also I don’t think the Serios faith would preach it being okay to be needlessly cruel to your enemies.
Another thing to note is that Dimitri doesn’t do the dehumanisation thing when it comes to opposition soldiers. In his B-support with Byleth he recalls the time he came across a dead soldier’s body during the Western Rebellion when a minor, non-crest bearing line of the Blaiddyd family challenged his claim to the throne and Rufus’s regency. He says of the soldier, “ He was clutching a locket. Inside was a lock of golden hair.  I don't know to whom it belonged. His wife, his daughter...mother, lover... I'll never know.  He was a soldier. An enemy. Someone we had cut down without hesitation. But in that moment, I realized he was also a real person, just like the rest of us. “
So Dimitri was brutal to people he never dehumanised to make it easy for him to kill them. So he instead dehumanised himself. He was a monster, a beast, barely human and that’s why he wasn’t just killing but brutalising them. It was most likely a horrible negative loop. 
I am killing these humans out of rage and hate. They are invaders but they are still human. I cannot be human if I am committing these acts. I am a monster. Monsters have no mercy when people invade their territory. 
I can totally see this loop playing in Dimitri’s head and without his friends to check him, like they do in Hopes, we get the Dimitri we see in Azure Moon who is finally checked by Byleth. When he’s unchecked, as he is in Verdant Wind, he of course leads his friends and the last of his loyal followers to doom.
So, basically, Dimitri, didn’t kill anyone he wasn’t supposed to but was more brutal then he should have been. I think it will depend on individuals how grave they rate his sin of being brutal on the battlefield. 
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yxstxrdrxxm · 2 months
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POLL RESULT—! > To express admiration to him as an artist.
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"... To express my admiration to you, since I heard that opening a studio takes a lot of time and money, especially for an artist."
ALBEDO seems surprised. It looked like he was expecting something else, but all he can do was let out an amused chuckle and simply shrug. Though, he did seem rather amused than offended.
"I see... I suppose it's normal for you to feel that way, then. I thought that it was because of something else."
[ AFFECTION ↑ 3+ ! ]
"Speaking of which, how is your studio coming along?" YESTERDAY asked, raising an eyebrow. "You didn't elaborate on it too much last time, so I've been thinking about asking you. I've never went to one before, if you can believe it."
The man hummed, pondering over what to say. Adjusting his sleeves, ALBEDO faces YESTERDAY more properly, his body leaning a bit forward to relax as he faced them head on.
"It's taking a while, for starters," he began, squinting a bit at the flowers before his eyes softened. "Although, perhaps it's due to a... Project of mine. You may think of it as a small task, if you will."
This perked up YESTERDAY's attention. A small task? From the looks of things, he did seem a bit reluctant to elaborate on it.
"Do tell," they said, nodding— as though to encourage him, which made him smile in a bit of amusement.
"I've been drafting up a painting for the studio. Have you ever tried to paint on walls, miss?"
... Wait, that's a thing?
"No, I'm afraid not," they replied, shaking their head. "I've never thought that people would ever paint their walls on a whim. Have you been thinking about doing it, hm?"
"For a few months, more or less. However, I have yet to decide on what reference I should start with," he explained, crossing his arms. "If I were to start painting on the wall, I usually begin with one from a canvas. I find it easier for me to frame how it should look with a finished product."
ALBEDO's eyes shifted to the plants, his smile drooping to a frown. It was clear that he was trying to think of a way to put his thoughts into words, especially with a serious matter like art block.
"Is it why you decided to come to my shop?" YESTERDAY asked, a tad bit blunt in their words, but they were trying to be honest. "To... Seek inspiration?"
He nodded.
"Hm... I see. If I may, I have a suggestion on how you can deal with this predicament," they suggested. "I doubt that it could resolve everything right away, but I believe it could be a start."
"Oh?" he looked over, raising an eyebrow out of curiosity. "Let's hear it. I'm open for suggestion."
"That's good. If that's the case..."
This poll will receive answers until 11 PM (GMT+8). Keep in mind that the majority will win, so vote what you think is right.
Additionally, any poll after this with additional votes WILL be null when the results are out. Choose wisely, focus on the recent poll, and ignore the past.
FLAWED TAGLIST: (send an ask to be added for Flawed!) @beloved-blaiddyd ; @mixed-kester ; @mochinon-yah ; @fffiii ; @leftdestiny-posts ; @ambrosia-divine
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pirdmystery · 5 months
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
hey would you look at that!! not sure i’ve heard of this guy before…
first impression - oh what a precious babygirl. oh what’s this? he has problems???
impression now - (years of inner turmoil later, blood dripping out of my ears and nose while typing this) what a precious babygirl! He has problems!
favorite moment - god almighty how could I possibly choose… ok here’s what i think i’m going with. you know when after remire when he cracks for real in front of everyone for the first time. and then if you talk to him at the monastery he’s like “wow I’m so terribly sorry you had to see that side of me it’s just that I can’t stop thinking about tearing the flesh from the bones of our enemies. anyway what did you want to talk to me about? something about a dance contest? oh please for the love of god do not ask me to dance.” just. like. that’s my boy in a nutshell right there :)
idea for a story — i am going to lovingly redirect you all to ao3 user reflektion, where at the time of writing there are no works that do not feature him! ok that was a bit of a cop out. a dream that i doubt i’ll ever realize is a collection of ficlets about all the different ways he could have lost his eye.
unpopular opinion — this is so hard bc like. there’s 3h fandom at large and then there’s the little corner of fandom I’m part of that is in general pretty dimitri centric and what would qualify as unpopular varies greatly depending on where you are. here’s what i’ll go with that feels like it might run slightly against the current of how people on here treat him in general: dimitri is not the main character or “hero” of fe3h. azure moon tells his story and it does a fantastic job at that but it isn’t telling the most comprehensive story of what could or should become of fodlan as a whole. I don’t know that him becoming king is the best outcome. It’s just the one I focus on the most personally, because I am obsessed with him.
favorite relationship - i think uhhhh. i think everyone here knows. that I’m a little not normal for dimilix. maybe more than a little. unquestionably that is my favorite dimitri pairing. the depth to mine there is endless i mean literally endless, every single day i have a new thought about them that knocks me out. what don’t they give me. what can’t they do. childhood friends to childhood enemies to teenage divorcees to pining lovers to depending on the route even worse enemies the cause of each others literal deaths OR lovers or king and advisor lance and shield closest friends two halves of a whole fbdvsxfjgbdjdj….
that being said ofc i have appreciation for plenty of his other relationships as well. dimidue is godlike and not comparable to any other relationship I’ve ever seen in anything. his… vassal. i love his relationship with all the lions. i would also like it if hilda braided his hair.
favorite headcanon — MODERN PUNK DIMITRI… yeah. that’s all!
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❛ no curse of mine shall befall you from my dying breath. ❜
Ship: Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd/Byleth Eisner (female)
Prompt list
Warning: Main Character Death :'(
There was a time when the Tempest King had been human. A time when he was only Dimitri. Dimitri, a bright-eyed young man, who had asked her to help him instruct the monastery orphans. Dimitri, the aloof but surprisingly warm house leader for the Blue Lions. 
On the celebrations for the Battle of the Eagle and Lion, he had been in his cups and had been surprisingly flirty. She must have had too much to drink too, because both of them ended up doing things that were best not repeated nor mentioned. 
But now, five years had passed. And Dimitri was gone, now replaced with the Tempest King. It was said that he was a force of destruction on the battlefield, leaving little behind after feeding his bloodthirsty lance the blood of his enemies. They said that he could lift a horse with a single hand. It was also said that he was going to marry Rhea, or Ingrid, though some were quite sure that he’d marry a girl from house Ifan or maybe even a Duval or Pryderi noblewoman. 
Though it made her feel weird, Byleth found herself asking around for whatever scrap of information she could get on the Tempest King.
For some reason, Byleth was happy that the Empire’s path of conquest began at the Leicester Alliance and not with the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. 
But no matter what, it was inevitable that they would clash upon this field. Though they were so close to achieve their goals and allow humanity to regain its independence from the stifling presence of the Church… Byleth couldn’t help but feel despair building up inside her. 
On that day, the sky clouded over and rain poured down. Such a dour mood completely fit with what she felt. In a way, Byleth felt that it was like her own unshed tears were finally being let out as she made her way to the battlefield.
Much like how they had found each other on the night of the celebrations for the Battle of the Eagle and Lion, they found each other upon the battlefield. Just like then, they danced. Back then they had music, but now they made their own with their weapons. The space between them sparked and crackled, as if there was thunder in the air around them. 
Eventually, it ended with her victory, as she pinned him down after dealing a deathly blow. 
“It’s okay,” Byleth said, looking down at the Tempest King. “You can hate me.”
The Tempest King— Dimitri looked at her and gave her a chuckle. As if he were amused.
“No curse of mine… shall befall you from my dying breath.” He said, as the light quickly faded from his eyes. “I… I love you.”
Although Dimitri was now dead, Byleth still felt as if she had been stabbed right on the chest with those words.
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unxpctedlygreat · 1 year
Haven't managed to finish my attempt at Day 3 of @dimilixweek (twtter), so here's the beginning of it, which sounds nice as it is anyway asfgbf Written for the prompt Ribbon, and set in the same role reversal AU as this fic!
In five years of desperate search across Faerghus, all Dimitri finds is a torn ribbon.
He almost misses it, that day when he scours the borders of Blaiddyd in hopes of finding a trace of his lost prince. It was stuck in a dead bush, only visible because of its bright color. Anyone else would have gone on their way even if they had noticed it, but Dimitri could not.
He knew this ribbon well. He had gifted it to Felix for the Kingdom's founding day. Felix had scoffed back then, and never worn it— or so Dimitri had thought until his birthday, a month later. He'd discovered that Felix wears it, always, around his wrist. "Just in case mine breaks," Felix had said, and both had known it was a lie.
The ribbon is the only proof of Felix’s passage anywhere in Faerghus that he has. The only proof he has that his prince is alive. That Cornelia, that wretched witch, has not succeeded in her plan to kill the prince.
Dimitri ties his hair with it. He's careful when he does it, not wanting to tear the ribbon apart more than it is. It's still long enough to keep his hair held properly, but its ends don't reach down as much as they used to.
When he finds Felix, he will have to give him a new one.
Perhaps, he hopes, the one he decorated himself.
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indigowallbreaker · 2 years
Can I have Blaiddyd talking to Dimitri through Aeradbhar?
(This idea has been plaguing me since you submitted it, anon. It opened up a world of possibilities in my head and I worried forever about what direction to take it in. After much deliberation, here.)
It took time for things to settle down after Dimitri and the Professor left Edelgard's corpse behind in Enbarr's throne room. Eventually the wounded and the dead of both sides were accounted for, Dimitri was able to personally check on all his friends, and the palace was swept for any additional threats.
When Dimitri found the Professor again, they were holding a frail Lady Rhea in their arms, Flayn and Seteth standing close by with such relief in their expressions that Dimitri felt as if he were intruding on a private moment. It was good to see Lady Rhea unharmed, and that was enough for Dimitri.
Just as he turned to leave, Rhea looked up and caught his eye. A tearful smile lit her pale face and she nodded gratefully. Dimitri nodded in return. There would be time for words later.
A heartbeat echoed through his ears. Something pulsed down Dimitri's arm, and his reflexively clutched the shoulder, wondering if Edelgard's dagger had done more damage than they thought. He tried to let go of Areadbhar-- but found he could not. With horror, Dimitri watched his arm raise the lance and level it at Rhea.
Time seemed to slow. Her eyes widened in alarm. Dimitri tried to wrest back control, tried to back out of the room.
"Seiros," someone growled. It was different from the voices of the dead that had cluttered Dimitri's mind all these years. This voice seemed to course through his very blood. Through his arm.
Through Areadbhar.
“This is our chance,” the voice said. “Cut her down. Reveal her for the monster that she is.”
“T-This is Lady Rhea,” Dimitri found himself whispering. “We came all this way to find her.” His right foot stepped forward of its own accord. “Stop this! What are you doing?!”
The voice sounded at once hoarse with over use and hushed with age, yet it held a power behind it Dimitri could not place. “Fódlan is saturated in her lies. I have witnessed her use my bearers for centuries, offering falsehoods as wisdom to shape their goals to her own. She hunted my friends and I like dogs.” Dimitri’s left leg took another step forward. Rhea tightened her grip on the Professor, her whole body tensing. “My revenge is long overdue.”
“No... No, you cannot--”
“I have waited lifetimes for an opportunity like this.” The voice had pitched lower. A foreign satisfaction filled Dimitri, churning in his chest alongside his own terror. 
“Stop this, please--”
“You had the chance to carry out your own revenge. What is so different about mine?” 
“No!” Dimitri wrenched his arm back, clutching the lance with both hands, stance firm so as to not allow another step. “We have lost too much to this war. I’ll not have you cause more grief!”
“The dead must have their tribute.”
Something cold trailed down Dimitri’s spine and he straightened. With every ounce of authority he could muster, Dimitri said, “The dead have enough.”
All at once-- the spirit of Blaiddyd retreated. He did not disappear entirely, merely shifted back into the lance like a spider crawling back onto its web. Dimitri couldn’t quite explain how he knew that. All he knew was that no one in the room seemed to have noticed this interaction. Seteth, Flayn, and even the Professor were focused on Rhea.
Rhea, who stared at Dimitri with a hard expression he couldn’t place. Clearing his throat, Dimitri muttered some excuse about getting looked over by a healer, and made a hasty exit. 
As soon as he was far enough, Dimitri dropped Areadbhar and leaned back against a wall. His stomach was in knots and his hands shook as he tried to take calming breaths. All the while, Blaiddyd’s ancient voice still echoed in his mind.
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teneguine · 1 year
ultimate shadow mirage!
A number of you are sent straight to Fhirdiad to warn King Rufus, only to arrive too late. The guards say that he is with two young princesses, a “Celica” and a “Corrin”, and are naturally aghast when they find out the truth. That said, this must be dealt with carefully: the king’s, nay, all of House Blaiddyd’s reputation is on the line, and an embarrassment of this magnitude would shame the family for generations to come. There is only one option: to don a variety of disguises as you follow after the king’s date night through the market district and separate him from the ‘princesses’. [Grants Heavy Armor +1]
Odin can hardly believe that the king actually bought a Corrin wearing shoes.
But deep down, he knows not everyone can be a master of disguise. Managing to wangle the costume back into his hands, he’s donning the garb of his lord Leo for the second time now: a task he always wanted to perform again, but was never given the chance. And, to his credit, it’s actually a convincing outfit. His facial structure and locks of snipped blonde are easy to pass off as the prince’s, and though there is a slight height difference to the two men, it’s negligible to the untrained eye. No, where his charade often... Falls apart, is in his ability to act with the same cynicism and pragmatic curtness as his liege. Odin is, simply put, a much different breed. 
It’s worked in Nohr, though. So here’s hoping it’ll fool Faerghus. 
“At last we arrive!” he announces, like himself and not at all like Leo, and with a flaring pose to boot, “Hark, for this is the stuff of legends! Two brave heroes, going undercover in the guise of night to liberate a mighty monach from the chilling woes of an imposter! Aren’t you excited, Laslow?” His old friend’s face is sought out for the same kind of excitement that shines on his, but quickly realizing his mistake, Odin fumbles his words to correct himself, “Er, I mean, Definitely-Not-Laslow, for I am the umbral Prince Leo, here to reclaim mine beloved maiden of yore... And I love tomatoes!” 
Is he selling it too much? He’s definitely selling it too much.
‘Bad’ is a generous way of putting things. But if Rufus is so easy to trick with that shoddy Corrin and lackluster Celica, there is hope yet for our Avenger of Righteous Justice. The three are just in view now, striding across the bustling market scene to peruse some of the Kingdom’s vendors. In spite of the time of day the streets are packed, likely due to the excitement of bearing witness to the very trio that Odin and Laslow are tailing now. Craning his neck around the people in front of him reveals to Odin that they are taking their time with some pelted furs--likely an early winter preparation. He’d laugh were he not trying to pass off as cool and mysterious, for even in the frigid ice tribes of his second home, Odin’s raging blood was all he needed to keep warm. 
Regardless, the stage is set for the duo to make their entrance. As the merchant puts on his most suave face and smooths his hand over a sheepskin like puffy clouds, the King’s finger comes to rest at his chin. It is evident that he’s thinking about something, and likely to seek the second and third opinion’s of his celebrity entourage. It’s perfect. All Odin needs is the confirmation from Laslow that he is ready, and he’d make his way over posthaste.
//starter for @laslow
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agent-cupcake · 2 years
Have you considered: "Born of the Lion" from the Witcher could also be Dimitri's theme song
Here is the song~
Wowee, this is basically perfect for him, thank you! I refuse to watch the Witcher TV show so I'm not sure what the context is, I'll just make up my own because some of these lines are just... completely on the mark and now I am going to overexplain it like I'm in first year English because I love talking about Dimitri.
Many monsters did fall by my hand Of the beasts I had killed, the most wicked Was one all too familiar, called man // The flames of which beckon you, fall to the pull And answer the call of the wolf
Beasts, wicked, men, flames... Basic Dimitri things. More importantly, I'll never be over Blaiddyd meaning "wolf lord" essentially making Dimitri Wolf Lord Lion King Boar Prince Man.
You were born of the lion And you were destined for more Than to hide who you are, don't deny it With the Hunt in your blood My child, it's time to learn to roar
This could be applied to Dimitri in two ways, I think. His best and worst selves can (and are) represented by the Lion, and he also uses a mask to disguise and repress both aspects of his true self.
And I know I've mentioned it before, but if there were any more detailing about what Dimitri did during the five year timeskip, I think it would be so badass to call him and his men the Wild Hunt. The idea was definitely popularized by the Witcher but iirc it does originate from Irish/Celtic mythos and it'd be so perfect.
I'm one footprint behind Now thy fate has been sealed Soon your head will be mine Either by silver or steel I've read of my destiny
And... yeah.
Anyway, good song, thank you for sharing. I love talking about my sweet boy.
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fandompeepsgoburrrr · 2 years
Due to 3 hopes i changes quite a lot of songs and even added quite a few. I also changed the order somewhat.
Please enjoy this Character Theme Song playlist. I worked hard and am very proud, let me know what you think!
Full track list under the cut
Edge of Dawn
Black Eagles: Trouble - Valerie Broussord
Edlegard: Monster - Crashing Atlas
Hubert: Reaper - Glaceo
Ferdinand: Glass Piano - Kathleen
Dorothea: Shangri-La - Caitlyn Scarlett
Bernadetta: Courage - Clay Finnesand
Petra: Finish Line - He is We
Caspar: Call me Fighter - Matt Beilies
Linhardt: Fly Away - Lola Blanc
Jeritza: Cover My Traces - Reach
Crimson Flower: Jericho - Celdweller
Blue Lions: Panic Room - Au/Ra
Dimitri: It Knows Me - Avi
Dedue: Walk Through Fire - Chuxx Morris
Felix: Playing God - Paramore
Ashe: Lions! - Lights
Sylvain: Sky Full Of Song - Florence & the Machine
Ingrid: Handmaid - Xenen
Mercedes: Stand In The Light -  Brody Ray
Annette: Climb Higher - PinkZebra
Miklan: Come And Get It From Me - Sun Heat
Glenn: Blue Skies (Remix) - Workday Release
Azure Moon: Soldiers - Fjoka, Neoni
Golden Deer: New Tradition - Saysh
Claude: Wander. Wonder. - The Arcadian Wilds
Hilda: Time To Go - Jilian Linklater
Lorenz: Prodigal Son - Rationale
Lysthiea: Future Me - Echosmith
Ignatz: Dear Doubt - Michael Schulte
Ralpheal: Fighters - Kris Allen
Marianne: Stray Italian Greyhound - Vienne Vega
Leonie: Keep Fighting - FireFlight
Holst: Never Surrender - Liv Ash
Verdent Wind: Into The Wild - Connell Cruise
Abyss: Can't Go to Hell - Sin Shake Sin
Ashen Wolves: Alarm - Score
Yuri: Monet Issues - Chase Petra
Hapi: Like That - Bea Miller
Constance: Talk Too Much - Coin
Balthus: Botton Is A Rock - Mother Mother
Alfreic: Cruel - Everlove
Cindered Shadows: Breath Of Life - Florence & the Machine
Garreg Mach: Feels Like Home - Atoms to Ashes
Catherine: Lion's Tale - The Miscreants
Shamir: Things - Matilda Smedius, William Beneckert, HiP CouLouR
Cyril: Old Scars/Future Hearts - All Time Low
Alois: On Your Side - CiN3MA
Gilbert: Dreamer - Brave The Royals
Hannamen: Conspiracy of Silence - The Swoons
Manuela: The Grey - Annelle Staal
Jeralt: Guardian - Aether Realm
Sitri: Solitude - Valahlore
Byleth F: Valley of The Dolls - Marina
Byleth M: All Eyes on You - Smash into Pieces
Anna: Adding To The Noise - Switchfoot
Silver Snow: Heavy Hands - Ryan Lake, Joshua Duchene, Mary Clair Le Plante
Saints and the Apostles: The Call - Regina Spektor
Rhea/Serios: Plenty - Aeseaes
Seteth/Cichol: Stories - Lilli Furforo
Flayn/Cethleann: The Glow - Shannon Saunders
Indech: Chasing Twister - Delta Rea
Macuil: Feel Good - Weathers
Aubin: Make Them Hear You - nine
Chevalier: Legacy - Lost Star
Noa: One Foot In Front Of The Other - Emilie Autumn
Timotheos: Broken Bird - Jared & The Mill
Sothis: Legends Never Die - Ty Brown
Agarthians: Hush - One True God
Solon: Violence Fetish - Disturbed
Thales: Long Forgotton Sons - Rise Against
Kronya: Warpath - Tim Halpern
Cornelia: Alpha - Little Destroyer
Myson: Me and Mine - The Brothers Bright
Nemisis: Woke Up A Rebel - Ruebens and the Dark
Blaiddyd: Run Wild - Laney Jones
Fraldarious: Dare Ye Cry Mercy - Sirena
Dominic: We Are The Brave - VERIDIA
Daphnel: Indestructible - Daniel Baron
Charon: Savage Daughter - Sarah Hester Ross
Lamaine: Dragons Accoustic - Annelle Staal
Gautier: Soldier - Fleurie
Gloucester: Crooked Ways - Motion City Soundtrack
Goneril: Helios (Burn Me To The Sky) - Alpine Universe
Riegen: The Darker The Weather/The Better The Man - Missio
Maurice: Monster - Gabbie Hanna
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blaiddydbrokeit · 1 year
for the weird asks, I have picked out a few: 1, 9, 18, 26, 27, 28 and 58! You don't have to answer all of them :)
I'm going to put it all under a readmore, since it's quite long.
1: Coffee mug, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles or soda cans? I like teacups, but I mostly use water bottles - I keep them at my bedside since I struggle with chronic dehydration. I actually don't drink soda, nor do I consume wine or coffee. I do use a metal mug from time to time though, since I have an awful tendency to break glass or ceramic ones.
9: Favorite smell in the summer? Freshly sun-dried laundry. It somehow always smells better that way, especially if it's of linen washed with detergent that smells faintly of florals.
18: Ideal weather? I like it sunny, I think, but not so much so that I can't see a thing. Due to my chronic dehydration, I also prefer more windy/cooler actual temperatures since overly warm weather worsens my condition. I also have a habit of wearing a cardigan or windbreaker out regardless of the weather. (It's a... psychological comfort for me, especially when I'm wearing my Dimitri war-phase cardigan.)
26: Favorite activity to do in warm weather? Training! I sometimes bring my padded training spear and sword downstairs to do some personal drills. It helps relax me. The warm weather just makes it possible for me to dress lightly and move unhindered.
27: Favorite activity to do in cold weather? We don't really get cold weather much where I live, but when I am overseas, I'm particularly fond of places that are situated some ways up a mountain where it's cold. I like eating ice cream there. It's a habit of mine. But that probably sounds quite insane, especially when I'm wearing less layers than I probably should.
28: Five songs to describe me Hmm... off the top of my head,
RAD DOGS by HachiojiP ft. Vivid BAD SQUAD GHOST RULE by Deco*27 ft. Hatsune Miku Go The Distance from Disney's Hercules Again by CrusherP ft. ARAKI How Does a Moment Last Forever? from Disney's Beauty and the Beast (2017) ft. Celine Dion Honorable Mentions: The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Disney's The Lion King rendition) Show Yourself from Disney's Frozen II That King Was Born Of Mud (King of Lucifenia) by mothy ft. Kagamine Len
58: Four talents I am proud of having I hardly consider myself talented per se, but I suppose one would be my strength. It is... slightly better than the average, and seems to hold relatively well even through poor health. I recall when I was about 14, at the depths of my disordered eating (that is, I near-completely stopped eating), I was still able to hold my own against my father without help.
I was briefly singled out as having immense potential in my strength when I was attached to a strength athletics and weightlifting group for a time, being able to go from completely new to the sport to deadlifting nearly my full bodyweight with good form in less than a month. In a way, my strength is quite integral to my self-identity, and many of my friends will joke that I secretly harbor a Crest of Blaiddyd.
I am quite lacking in other talents, I'd think, but I am proud of my progress when it comes to cosplay crafting, my skill in literary analysis and writing, and also my apparent leadership abilities. (I also think my sense of humor is improving, just ask Felix.)
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umbralstars · 2 years
I'm pretty sure 3 Hopes is supposed to be an AU in the same way Age of Calamity is for BOTW..so maybe this is an AU version of Rufus?
I'm going to go with that Nonnie yes. I'm treating this game exactly how I do AoC which is
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My main problem is that there isn't a version of Rufus that existed in 3 Houses proper, so this one is gonna be considered the 'de facto' canon one. Same for any character that was only a name. I know what happened after Holst was revealed. Some people decided to keep theirs the majority switched to the one we see in Hopes. Regardless I'm going to tag mine as 'Rufus Cassius Blaiddyd' as opposed to the new full name to keep them separate and try to reduce confusion.
I'm gonna try to keep an open mind for the full story, but if I end up not liking him all I ask is that I can keep doing what I'm doing and others can have their fun if they like this Rufus. I do thank you for trying to cheer me up, I'm just going through it a little. I liked his design when we just saw the trailer but the actually story has me feeling such intense whiplash.
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bouwrites · 1 year
Those Warm and Halcyon Days: Chapter 29
Dividing the World
First, Previous, Next.
Story under read-more.
“Your Crest gives you enhanced strength, Veery, does it not?”
Veery gives Professor Hanneman a flat look but doesn’t allow his gaze to linger. Watching Marianne is much more interesting. “I don’t know anything about Crests,” Veery says. “That’s your thing.”
Professor Hanneman chuckles good-naturedly. “True enough. Still, though you do not exhibit the kind of strength that one would see from someone with the Crest of Blaiddyd, nor do your attacks bear the force that might be granted by the Crest of Fraldarius, you are quite strong for someone of your size.”
Veery shrugs. “I mean… I guess? I’m stronger when I’m shifted, but I doubt a normal human could beat a regular lion my size in a match of strength, either. And like this I’m not that much stronger than anyone else.”
“Hm.” Professor Hanneman strokes his beard thoughtfully. “Then perhaps Maruice’s Crest achieves that strength through a similar means as your shifting.”
“Directly altering the muscles?” Veery asks. “Sort of a… partial shifting to give her more muscle? Maybe strengthening the bone, too?”
“I don’t see why it wouldn’t be possible,” Professor Hanneman says. “We will, of course, need data. As we are this is purely speculation.”
Veery frowns. “I wouldn’t be sure it has anything to do with my Crest. All the other Crests seem to have effects for you humans that I’ve never seen in any agell. I don’t see why Marianne’s would work like mine does, even partially.”
Professor Hanneman nods. “Ordinarily, I would agree with you. But Marianne told me about the taguel, and your theory that she may be a descendant of one.”
“Technically, she’d be taguel herself,” Veery says, crossing his arms. “Though I guess it’s probably so far that if she wanted to call herself human then she can get away with it. It depends on if she can shift, really. No denying it after that, one way or another.”
“If she is indeed capable of shifting as you do, she would need Maurice’s Relic, Blutgang. The Crest Stone matching her Crest is likely a requirement. That said, given the rumors of Maruice’s Crest turning its bearers into beasts even without the Relic, it’s possible that the Crest Stone is less a requirement than a stabilizer, making the transformation safe and at will as yours is.” Professor Hanneman hums. “Either way, if the transformation is possible at all, it would imply that her Crest functions in a similar way as yours – by physically transforming the body.”
Veery purses his lips, watching as Marianne slashes once again at a training dummy with her sword. “I can’t argue with that. I don’t have the faintest idea what would happen if I tried shifting without my heart.” He sighs. “…I mean, I’d be dead without my heart, so that’s a moot point, but you get what I mean.”
As Veery and Professor Hanneman fall quiet, simply observing, Professor Byleth corrects Marianne’s form. Marianne blushes, and furrows her brow, but quickly makes the adjustments and tries again.
Veery naturally knows next to nothing about swordplay, but even so Leonie’s words to him way back when he first arrives in Garreg Mach still hold water. There are principles that carry over no matter how one fights, and though Veery can’t comment on Marianne’s grip or use of the blade, he can watch her balance, posture, and stance, among other things. (Not for the first time, he wonders how humans keep their balance without tails – though to those who grow up without them in the first place, perhaps adding a tail would throw them more off-balance.)
It shouldn’t be surprising that Marianne isn’t really that bad with a sword. Though primarily a healer, it’s not as if she doesn’t see combat fairly regularly, and she is still trained by Professor Byleth, so that her fundamentals are all solid is expected.
Of course, with her ability to heal from a distance, something Veery definitely lacks, and her affinity with animals, Professor Byleth is considering putting her on a horse, so though Veery doesn’t usually observe even the Golden Deer’s practice when he’s not participating himself (and thus doesn’t often see the shyer students like Marianne working on weapon skills) he imagines she has at least some experience with lances. Maybe even swords as well.
Actually, Veery has no idea how far Professor Byleth and Marianne are with that horse plan. That might already be in motion. Though, at this point in the year, Marianne likely won’t be on the level of the likes of Leonie or Lorenz before graduation.
“My, is that Hilda?” Professor Hanneman says suddenly, drawing Veery’s attention to the girl approaching Professor Byleth and Marianne. “Coming willingly to the training grounds? If we’ve not already had a divine intervention, I’d suspect a miracle.”
Veery snorts. “Isn’t that kind of rude to say about a student?”
“Oh perhaps,” Professor Hanneman chuckles. “But I do sincerely doubt Hilda herself would disagree.”
“…Yeah, probably.”
Veery’s ear twitches as he focuses on the conversation. Something about Fódlan’s Throat and the Almyrans beyond it. That already catches Veery’s attention. Are they going to Fódlan’s Throat? Can they see Almyra from there? Ordinarily, Veery will happily sit out of these little excursion missions – like when the class went out to Gloucester territory to do the duke’s job for him (though, that was when Veery was injured, so no one actually asked him to come anyway), but the opportunity to get a glimpse of Almyra is certainly tempting.
Then Cyril, who is cleaning some training weapons nearby, actually puts his work down to insert himself into the conversation. Veery still doesn’t know Cyril that well, but that’s more of a miracle than Hilda coming to the training ground in the first place in his mind.
“…I got captured in a battle at the Locket, and that's how I ended up here. So, I’m kind of worried that other kids who lose their folks might not be so lucky.”
Veery hears this and immediately starts making his way closer to the conversation. Eavesdropping is fine and all, but Cyril wants to go to the Throat to look out for orphaned children? Because House Goneril apparently takes them as servants and don’t treat them well?
This is the first Veery hears about such practices. Cyril uses the word servant, but Veery has a hard time believing that the children of the Goneril’s defeated enemies are anything but slaves. He doesn’t suspect it, because Hilda is overall a nice – if manipulative and occasionally frightening – girl who, for all her faults, definitely values everyone equally (there is a reason Claude likes her so much, and it’s not just for the banter), but even so…
There’s not much that Veery won’t accept humans to be capable of. Frankly, he thinks some agell are capable of forcing humans into slavery; it’s even easier to imagine the opposite.
“Can I come, too?” Veery asks, looking to Hilda.
Hilda actually raises her brow, looking at him with the same incredulity of someone looking at her offering to work. “You actually want to?” Hilda asks. “You always complain about being dragged into our missions.”
Veery shrugs. It’s the orphaned children being forced into slavery that really gives him the incentive, but Veery thinks it’s probably wise to keep that to himself directly in front of Hilda – at least until he actually sees the situation for himself. “Honestly, I’ve pretty much accepted that I’m a Deer at this point. And I want to see the Throat. Can you see Almyra from there?”
“It’s a mountain range,” Cyril says bluntly. “If you get on the other side of the mountain, then sure you can.”
“Neat.” Veery grins. “I want to see Almyra.” Despite his primary motivation, he isn’t lying. Going willingly into a battle isn’t his style, but this is a rare opportunity to see the Almyrans. Aside from Cyril and the occasional straggler in Abyss, Veery doesn’t know any Almyrans, and he knows next to nothing about them, so he’s naturally curious.
“Well that’s a relief!” Hilda coos. “The more strong allies that come with us, the safer we’ll all be.”
Fódlan’s Throat is… beautiful. Veery can’t contain his grin as he takes in the mountains.
It’s rocky – rockier than Garreg Mach, which is almost entirely lush except around Zanado – in that kind of craggy, precipitous drop kind of way, but there is still a lot of greenery growing on the spires and plateaus of rock. The terrain itself, rocky and precipitous, is like home to Veery, though he admittedly does tend to spend most of his time in Albinea on the shallower base of the mountains where the forest and food is, but the environment beyond that is like something out of a storybook.
It’s warmer this far east, though in the middle of winter it isn’t hot even for Veery, and the gnarled trees growing straight out of vertical rock are strange and alien to Veery. It’s magical how things seem to defy gravity here.
Fódlan’s Locket is almost as awesome as Garreg Mach, a proud, towering wall stretching across the mountains, and when Veery is led up to the top of the Locket, he can look out over the parapets directly into Almyra.
Which is… well, mostly brown. But no less impressive for it! Veery feels like he can see forever with how far the land stretches out before him. Mottled brown, tan, and patches of dull green make up the flatland on the other side of the mountains, the colors all blending together from the distance into a story that tells just a fraction of how vast Almyra is.
“Enjoying the view?”
Veery grins back at Claude, who approaches him on the wall. “Yes!” he exclaims eagerly. “Oh, how fun it would be to run out there…” He turns his gaze back to Almyra, enjoying the wind at his back and imagining simply sprinting through those Almyran plains.
No reason, no destination, just running off into the plains. Veery closes his eyes and feels a faint, hazy memory of flying, soaring endlessly simply because he can. It’s hard to remember, but he knows it’s the dream, the memory, that Sothis gives him after the Sealed Forest. Veery can’t fly and can’t pretend he particularly wants to (he’s used to unsteady terrain, being mountain-born, but he still likes the feeling of solid ground beneath his feet), but the feeling of freedom, of his own power bringing him wherever he pleases, is a hard one to forget, even if he knows it only from a dream.
It’s not so different, Veery suspects, with such a vast expanse of flat, welcoming land in front of him, to run those plains as it is to soar through the sky.
Claude chuckles. “Almyra is certainly different, isn’t it? And this is just a fraction of it. I wish you could see the cities.”
Veery shakes his head. “I’ll take the plains, thanks. You just really want to drag me into civilization, don’t you?”
“What can I say?” Claude says, smiling but doing his best to pout. “I’ll miss you if you’re all alone in the middle of nowhere.”
Veery giggles and nudges Claude affectionately. “I’ll miss you, too. That doesn’t mean I can put up with somewhere like Garreg Mach forever. Maybe you should just join me out in the wilds.”
Claude snorts. “Part of me wishes I could.” He sighs, shaking his head. “But I’ve got responsibilities, and a dream to fulfil.”
“Responsibilities.” Veery rolls his eyes. “All the more reason to live alone. I don’t have any of those.”
“Ha! You’re just a hermit version of Hilda, then?”
“At least we’re honest about being lazy.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Claude gasps in mock offense. “I’ll have you know that I am utterly irresponsible.”
“Then run away with me into Almyra,” Veery teases.
Claude smiles, but it quickly turns strained. Veery frowns, wondering what’s wrong, but Claude just fixes his expression into a more relaxed smile – even now, if Veery doesn’t witness his expression change like that, he might mistake it for an honest smile. “Hey, I haven’t told you, yet, but…” Claude starts.
Veery’s ear twitches, picking up on another sound that quickly distracts him from whatever Claude is concerned about. “Sorry, wait,” Veery says quickly silencing Claude, who immediately falls into duty-mode to handle whatever this is as seriously as his position demands. Veery listens. There it is again. “Wyverns,” Veery says.
Claude curses. “The attack is expected to come today,” he mutters. “Let’s go find Hilda and Holst.”
Holst is sick, apparently. Veery doesn’t get the chance to see him, but if he’s bedridden, then no matter what ails him, curing it now won’t have him up and in fighting shape for the battle. Which is now. That means that Hilda, being the only Goneril remaining in any state to fight, is the de facto general.
She is, admittedly, good at telling people what to do, but Veery wouldn’t necessarily peg her as the general type all the same. That being said, she quickly convenes with Claude and Professor Byleth and comes up with a plan which makes Veery feel a little better about Hilda being in charge here.
Of course, Fódlan’s Locket is an impressive fortress, so their side has an advantage anyway. Still, Cyril, Veery, Claude, and Marianne take a hidden path through the mountains to flank the Almyrans as they approach the Locket just to be sure.
Part of Veery is very much not happy that he’s in the thick of the fighting again – though he has to admit that this time, he quite literally asks for it – but another part is actually relieved that he gets to just be a brawler.
Fighting as a healer, or a hybrid, as he typically does, is technically safer – at least now that he can cast while shifted, anyway – but it’ll never be his comfort zone. He’s a cat. Ripping and tearing with his claws is just the way he’s supposed to fight. Magic helps but standing around on a battlefield healing just makes him feel like a sitting duck.
Besides, Veery doesn’t think it’ll be this satisfying to take down a wyvern with just his claws and teeth. There are no wyverns in Albinea, and until now Veery doesn’t face them in battle. Which is a good thing, because wyverns are undoubtedly terrifying predators. All the same, that just means that when it comes down to it and Veery leaps up, digs his claws into a wyvern’s belly, catches its throat in his jaws and manages to get a kick off that shreds part of its wing, and then somehow manages to land with just a tumble and some scratches as he brings the beast down to the earth really scratches at Veery’s pride.
Who’s the top predator now, you overgrown chicken?
As stupid as it is to engage something so large and deadly, Veery is lying massively if he pretends that he doesn’t always get a kick out of surpassing the challenge. Like when he takes down a moose.
In hindsight, Veery is quite sure that he would not be able to take down a war wyvern on his own before Professor Byleth and Leonie and the others start dragging him into training all those months ago. He wouldn’t even consider pulling a stunt like he does here, because he would know that there is no world in which he succeeds, but he supposes that even he improves his martial skills in his time at Garreg Mach.
Marianne chides him for being reckless, which is frankly hilarious, and would baffle the Veery from six months ago, but he really does have the situation under control. Marianne knows him well enough by now to know that while he’s a lot of things, reckless is most certainly not one of those.
Although, with how efficiently Claude and Cyril ground wyverns, Veery does admit that he’s probably better off focusing on the enemies they find on solid ground. In his defense, that wyvern swoops at him, so it kind of deserves it.
Regardless, most of their fight is Claude and Cyril working scarily efficiently to fend off the vast majority of the Almyrans they come across, Veery sniffing out enemies and eliminating anyone who gets too close, and Marianne either healing or shooting fur-raising Thoron spells with the levin sword that Professor Byleth gives her.
It’s nothing any of them aren’t familiar with, frankly. Still, it’s only after the battle is over, when he rejoins everyone else at the Locket, and the chaos of the fight starts to settle that Veery realizes that this isn’t a very impressive invasion force.
Sure, there are quite a few wyverns and the Almyrans are definitely fierce fighters, but this is more of a skirmish than a border war. Veery doesn’t think there’s many more people than Miklan had in Conand Tower, and that was a single bandit gang. He’s not an expert on war or anything, but he’s pretty sure that taking a fortress like the Locket calls for a much more significant showing.
“They aren’t really trying to cross Fódlan’s Throat. I'm not saying they’re not serious, but fights like this one aren’t really invasions.” Cyril says to Professor Byleth.
That explains this battle, then. Cyril explains more, about how it’s just to show off how tough they are and have an excuse to feast, and Veery can’t help but agree that it’s a stupid reason to fight and get people killed.
Veery has his pride. He even has pride as a warrior. Or… hunter, at least. Even just in this battle, the satisfaction of taking down a wyvern with his own strength is something that’ll stick with him and stroke his ego for a while. Even so, pride is no reason to lead people to their deaths, nor to seek out one’s own.
That said, Albineans aren’t much better in that regard. They’re always fighting. They don’t necessarily kill each other, but Veery highly suspects that that’s mostly just because Albinea itself does enough killing. He does hear that Albineans further to the west don’t get along with the ones in the east, though, so maybe there’s even fighting there, but Veery himself usually is too far north to hear about human squabbles, so that’s just rumor.
The brawls he does see, though… It almost makes him want to laugh. Back then, he can only think about how violent these humans are but looking back now… he thinks it’s mostly just posturing and fun. Just like how Leonie and Felix love sparring so much, those Albineans love a good brawl.
So, he tries not to judge the Almyrans for liking to fight. He disapproves of throwing themselves at Fódlan’s Locket, killing Almyrans and Fódlanders alike just for the sake of their fighting culture, but he doesn’t judge them for liking to fight.
He hopes that wyvern will be okay. Veery tries his best not to kill, even though he isn’t under orders not to, and for the most part in the battle the Almyrans seem content to admit loss when they are clearly bested, so he doesn’t like the idea of that wyvern actually dying from this skirmish.
Wyverns are cool. It’d be a shame to die here for such a stupid reason.
“I’m going to drop by my family’s estate and complain to my brother a bit,” Hilda says. “It’s up to you if we spend the night here at the fortress or not, Professor, but I, for one, vote to have comfortable beds.”
Professor Byleth frowns. “Lady Rhea isn’t happy that Veery and I left the monastery at all. We should probably get back as soon as we can.”
“Or we can have baths and beds tonight,” Claude says, smiling teasingly.
Professor Byleth closes her eyes, nodding seriously. “Good point. We’ll stay the night. You’ve all earned the rest, and we’ll be back in time for the revelation either way.”
“That’s the spirit, Teach!”
Veery scoots a little closer to Hilda, who is already preparing to leave the Locket behind her. There are a couple things on his mind, and both lie at the Goneril estate, so it won’t do for him to sit here at the Locket while Hilda goes off alone. “Uh… hey.”
“Hm? Oh, Veery! How can I help you?” Hilda coos sweetly.
“Your brother isn’t here because he’s sick, right?” Veery asks, sticking to the safer of the two things he’s concerned about. “Should… I go see him?”
“Aw.” Hilda grins. “That’s a great idea! Thank you so much for thinking of him. I’d really appreciate it if you could take a look at him. I’m sure it’s nothing serious, but I really can’t risk losing my brother. Without him, guarding this fortress would be my job!”
“And that would be a travesty,” Veery chuckles, only half-joking. Hilda will step up to the plate if she has to, Veery knows, but… serious border general is no more Hilda’s cup of tea than it is Sylvain’s. Then again, if Hilda pulls a Sylvian and tries to negotiate peace with Almyra, then maybe this should be her job. “Well, just take me to him and I’ll do what I can. If he’s willing to let me, anyway.”
Hilda screws up her face. “Don’t worry about that. Holst isn’t… well, you won’t have any problems with him. Except, maybe you might have to fend off his offers to fight you…”
“I’ll just aim him at Professor Byleth,” Veery says. “She’ll fight him.”
“Hah! Oh, I’d love to see that. We might have to be careful that Holst doesn’t fall in love, though. A beautiful woman who can kick his ass? Geez, maybe I shouldn’t have offered to let you guys stay the night so close.”
Veery snickers. “Don’t worry. If he’s bedridden right now, then even if I can do something to help him, he’s not going to be fighting by tomorrow morning. Doctor’s orders.”
“I wish that would work.” Hilda sighs. “My brother is brilliant, but…”
“Yeah, I really don’t understand that thing you humans do where you don’t listen to the people trying to keep you alive.” Veery giggles. “But apparently it’s so common that Professor Manuela has to lead several seminars specifically on that alone.”
“I wish I could say otherwise, but… Holst is enough of an idiot that you might have to worry about that. I’m sorry in advance for any trouble he causes.”
Veery just shrugs. “Hey, it’s not my health.”
Hilda giggles. “Anyway, come on! I’ll take you to him right away.” She eagerly grabs Veery’s arm and starts dragging him along, calling back to the professor in the meanwhile, “I’m taking Veery with me! We’ll be back soon, maybe! Definitely in the morning!”
“By dinner!” Professor Byleth calls.
“Hey!” Claude exclaims, hurrying to catch up to them as Hilda drags Veeery out of the room. “Veery’s mine! You can’t just kidnap him!”
“Veery’s going to take a look at Holst, dummy.” Hilda rolls her eyes. “I’m not taking your boyfriend.”
Even hurrying through the halls as they are, Claude does his absolute best to look like he’s pouting. “But I wanted to talk to him.”
“You can talk after dinner,” Hilda says, sticking her tongue out. “But you’re more than welcome to come along, if you want to deal with my sick brother…”
Claude makes a face, deliberates, and then stops following them. “Alright, you win. I’ll see you both at dinner!”
“Bye-bye, Claude!”
Veery just chuckles at the two and waves to Claude himself. The next thing he knows, Hilda and he are on their way to the nearby Goneril estate.
Veery doesn’t know exactly what he expects from the estate. Frankly, he’s never been in anything that can be called an “estate” in his life, so he doesn’t have any frame of reference for it, much less one in the far east edge of Fódlan.
It’s… basically a miniature Garreg Mach, really. There’s no obvious chapel, but beyond that, there are stables, a training ground, several buildings with one in the end being obviously grander, all walled off. Put it on top of a mountain – which it is – and the only major difference is the Goneril Crest and Leicester Flag emblazoned everywhere rather than Seiros’.
Actually, Veery thinks he likes the atmosphere here more than Garreg Mach. It’s smaller, but less crowded – most of the troops, he figures, are at the Locket rather than the estate. It’s humbler, but that just means he doesn’t need a month of living there to figure out where anything is. Plus, despite it being warmer, it’s so pretty here!
The warmer clime means that plants flourish. Though the forests around Garreg Mach are evergreen (which admittedly still astounds Veery – the trees in Albinea are “evergreen” too, but they’re usually so covered in snow at this time of year that there isn’t much green to see) and Goneril is notably more rocky and objectively less green overall, it plays to the land’s benefit. What grows here, in this rocky, dry mountain, stands out much more than what grows in Garreg Mach, and even now it’s warm enough that there are outdoor gardens full of colorful flowers.
Veery isn’t sure he’s ever seen some of those colors before.
Gods, it’s like his first day at Garreg Mach all over again, just gawking and marveling at every little thing, except he’s with a friend and not quite so scared. Hilda giggles good-naturedly and encourages him, though, telling him patiently about everything that catches his eye, so it’s not entirely his own fault.
And the people… he gets some questioning looks but being led by the arm by Hilda silences any concern. He overhears chatter, people talking about who that is with Lady Hilda. The words “cat saint” are thrown around a few times, which Veery tries very hard not to cringe at, but overall people just kind of accept that Hilda’s in charge of him and don’t pay him much mind.
Well, one person prays that Veery isn’t some suitor Hilda picks up in her time away, and frankly that’s a fair enough lament that Veery can’t find it in himself to feel insulted. He likes Hilda well enough, but even if the idea of marriage didn’t still confuse Veery massively… him and Hilda? Nothing would ever be done. Both of them are far too lazy, and he’ll openly admit that he would definitely enable her.
Veery is more than willing to do things if he’s asked (politely), but he’s sort of like Linhardt in that if it’s not something that interests him, he’s not going to just get up and do it. He just… doesn’t have that kind of sense of duty.
Not to mention that he is vastly underqualified to have any sort of power over anyone. That, and he doesn’t want power, because power means people relying on him and people relying on him means people, and he really just wants to live alone in the mountains without people constantly nagging him.
Anyway, he’s being led through the hallways of the main house – Hilda’s home, apparently – listening to her chatter and keeping an eye on any servants he can see when he realizes that he has absolutely no idea how to identify an Almyran.
So, the plan of looking into the Almyran slave thing subtly goes out the window if he doesn’t even know what an Almyran looks like. He knows what Cyril looks like, and he sees a few faces during the battle earlier, but… well, to Veery, they just look human. Cyril doesn’t look that much different from Claude, and aside from colors and tones, Claude doesn’t look that much different from Hilda.
Obviously each one looks unique, with their own features, like them, but Veery honestly has no idea what to look for that will set apart an Almyran from a Fódlander. How is he supposed to tell what an Almyran looks like when Fódlanders look like everything from Hilda to Raphael? He can’t even begin to guess at features that mark Fódlanders, and he’s been living here surrounded by them for months.
Well, that’s a lack of foresight. He’s at Holst’s door, though, so he figures it’s a concern to get back to when he no longer has a patient on his hands.
“Holst! I’m back!” Hilda cheers loudly, prompting a groan from within the room. “And I brought a friend!”
The responding voice is clearly weak, which makes Veery frown, but Holst still does everything he can to greet his sister enthusiastically.
Veery follows Hilda into the room, slipping in and closing the door behind him, carefully eyeing his prospective patient. Honestly, Flayn and Marianne are better healers than him, so yes, he offers, but he really thinks one of them should be here considering this is a noble, but he can only sigh and take the situation as it is.
Holst, though large and muscular (much like Raphael, or any Albinean), is pale and haggard. There’s a sheen over his brow, and some of his pink hair is damp and plastered to his skin. Clearly ailing, and in pain, Holst tries to sit up, eagerly grinning through whatever he’s feeling to welcome his beloved sister.
“Oh, lay down, Holst. You’re sick!” Hilda chides him. “My friend here is a healer, who generously offered to come take a look at you.”
Holst laughs good-naturedly, forcing himself into a sitting position regardless of Hilda’s words, and glancing over to Veery. “My Hilda writes about you all the time. It’s a pleasure to finally meet the famous cat saint.”
Veery doesn’t bother to stop himself from cringing this time. With only Hilda and Holst, and him not eavesdropping to hear the words, he doesn’t see the need to. “I’m a cat,” he sighs, “but I’m not a saint.”
Holst laughs, quickly wincing and clutching his stomach when he does so. “Well, it’s an honor all the same,” he says. With a stroke of his beard, he adds, “If the rumors are true, the goddess herself gave you her power.”
“Loaned,” Veery says. “Or, rather, allowed me to use. I’m no more powerful now than I was before she intervened.” He shakes his head. “Anyway, as great as it is to meet Hilda’s famous brother, you’re sick. Do you mind if I look you over? See what I can do for you?”
“Not at all! That’d be appreciated.” Holst chuckles, still smiling the day away despite clearly being in a lot of pain. “Though, we do have our own healers. But rumor is you can heal anything.”
Veery makes a face. “Far from it. Honestly, I’m the most inexperienced of the three in the Deer.” Hilda makes a squealing sound, prompting Veery to correct himself. “If you count me as a Deer, which I’m technically not.”
“You admitted it!” Hilda cheers.
“I admitted it before we left.”
“Yeah, grudgingly,” Hilda huffs. “It’s about time you just called yourself one of us.”
“Has my sister been giving you a hard time?” Holst asks, eyes dancing with humor.
Veery shrugs, moving to examine Holst with his magic. “Not any harder than she gives everyone. Do you know how you got sick? Something you ate? Or just a random illness?”
“Ah.” Holst blushes, rubbing his neck awkwardly. “I… might have eaten a weird mushroom. I think that’s what caused it.”
“You what?” Hilda shrieks. Veery just closes his eyes. “You just found a weird mushroom and decided to eat it? Right before a battle?”
Holst visibly deflates, finally letting the illness make him look anything but chipper. “Hilda! I didn’t think it would-”
“Don’t eat weird plants you can’t identify is, like, the first thing Teach taught us in class!”
“Sounds like a smart lady.”
“Holst, you complete idiot!” Hilda groans.
Veery awkwardly clears his throat. “Um… what did the mushroom look like?”
Holst brightens again without Hilda criticizing him. “Oh, well, it was about… this big, and had a really pretty pink top. Pink! That’s why I picked it up.”
“Pink…” Veery mutters. “Sweating, stomach pain… muscle pain?” Holst nods. “Right.” Veery is pretty sure Claude poisons himself with that last month. “I should be able to get the toxin out of your system, but you’re still going to have to rest for a while as your body realizes there’s no more threat. Hold still.”
Veery purses his lips, tail swaying as he concentrates on using his Restore spell. Restore is… complicated. Veery only learns it because of the incident at Remire, and the resulting lessons on poisons and dark magic ailments, and then Veery’s subsequent discovery of how Claude likes to test his experimental poisons.
Honestly, thanks to Claude, this might be the one aspect of healing that Veery is actually better at than Marianne. Still, it requires focus and patience to fully clear someone of toxins. A quick-fix to ward off symptoms in the middle of combat, applied right after (or before) the poisoning, is easy enough, but that’s very different from meticulously purging toxins from someone’s whole body.
Holst whistles. “Woah, you really can just cure me, huh? I guess I shouldn’t have doubted. Seems like the rumors are more right about you than you give yourself credit for.”
“No,” Veery says patiently. “They’re really not.”
“They are, though!” Hilda says, traitorously. “You should have seen him on the battlefield, Holst. He took down a whole wyvern! Just jumped on it as it was diving at him and brought it to the ground.”
“Ha! That’s gutsy. I like it! You transform into a big cat to fight, right? We should spar sometime!”
Veery glares at Hilda. She makes no attempt to pretend she doesn’t do that on purpose. “I don’t like fighting,” Veery says. “And we’ll be gone by the time you’re in any shape to fight, anyway.”
“Aw.” Holst pouts. “Then you’ll just have to come back to visit sometime! And bring your professor next time, too. From Hilda’s letters, I can’t wait to spar with her.”
Veery glances to Hilda. “It sounds like she writes a lot about us.”
“Oh, yeah! She really likes you guys. I really wish I could have come out and fought along with you and thank you all personally for taking care of my sister.”
“I wouldn’t worry about that,” Veery says, narrowing his eyes at Hilda, who quickly realizes what’s happening and subtly gestures for him to shut up. “You won’t be able to fight, but if you rest today and sleep it off, you should be able to come out to the Locket in the morning to see everyone off if you want. Professor Byleth especially is so proud of Hilda, I’m sure she’d love to talk to you about her progress this year.”
Hilda audibly gasps. “You didn’t…”
“That’s a great idea!” Holst exclaims. “I can’t wait to finally meet this fabled professor! But Hilda never mentions much about her own progress at the academy. Still, it’s no surprise that her professor sees just how wonderful and talented my brilliant little sister is.”
“Veery,” Hilda growls into his ear. “You’ll pay for this.”
Veery raises his brow at her. “Oh, definitely,” he says, pointedly, to Holst. “In fact, she told me just earlier how proud she was of Hilda for taking charge at the Locket today. She led your troops to victory in today’s attack, you know. Our professor’s role there was as just another soldier.”
“Should I blame Sylvain, Claude, or myself?” Hilda sighs. “Who taught you to do this?”
Holst practically jumps out of his seat, forcing Veery to chastise him and hold him still even as he rambles praises that has Veery grinning and Hilda blushing under her brother’s unrestrained affection. “It’s all three of you that taught me.” Veery mutters just for her. “But I’m glad to see you’re taking responsibility, at least.”
“You’re the worst.”
“You’re blushing.”
“Shut up!”
Veery has to admit, he’s kind of smug when he sits down to dinner with Hilda and Claude and the others. Every time Hilda gives him the stink-eye, Veery can’t help but grin back.
Claude watches this exchange through the evening, staying quiet but obviously amused, though Hilda quickly gives up on pouting in favor of enjoying the meal with her classmates. It’s only when Claude grabs Veery’s arm after dinner and drags him and Hilda into a quiet, isolated place that Veery remembers there is something Claude wants to tell him. Something he almost says up on the top of the Locket, just before the Almyrans arrived.
“What happened between you two?” Claude asks, breaking the quiet that falls between them.
“Cruel and unusual punishment,” Hilda says.
“Payback,” Veery answers.
Claude raises his brow.
“I blame you, Claude. Veery’s too good at manipulating people now.”
Veery snorts loudly. “No, your brother is just easy.”
Hilda groaned, sounding almost pained. “I wish I could argue with that…”
Claude shakes his head. “What happened, exactly?”
“I might’ve praised Veery in front of my brother,” Hilda says. “But only because he was being so darn modest! And then he decides to get back at me by praising me, knowing full well that my brother won’t shut up with the praises when I’m involved. Holst is even going to meet us tomorrow before we leave to…” She gags dramatically on her words. “Talk to Teach about my progress. He’s going to be insufferable for years after this!”
“You made him want to fight me!” Veery complains. “You knew what you were doing, too!”
“Graduation is so soon! You might not ever even come back to Goneril, but I’m going to have to live with him!”
“He’s your brother!”
Claude bursts out laughing, swiftly bringing Veery and Hilda’s complaining to an end. “Well, it’s good to see you two getting along. For a while there I was worried you weren’t friends.”
Hilda protests. “What? Of course, Veery is my friend!”
Veery, however, just makes a strained groaning sound. “It’s not that I don’t like her…” he says. “She’s just hard to keep up with most of the time.”
“Excuse me?”
“Claude slows down for me. You just go and go and I have trouble following, sometimes. Today wasn’t bad, but… sometimes I have no idea what you’re talking about. You talk fast and don’t leave time for me to think and process and I get left behind a bit.”
Hilda’s eyes go wide. “Oh! Oh, I should have realized. That was so stupid of me. I’m so sorry. I never meant to overwhelm you like that.”
Veery chuckles. “I know. I know you just get excited. But Claude thinking we weren’t friends might’ve come from me avoiding you from time to time. I’m still not great with people, and you’re… a little more to deal with than most people.”
Hilda makes a show of pouting, but still sighs. “I understand. Don’t be afraid of just telling me I’m being too much, alright? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“Hah. Right. I’ll remember that. I might do that now, but before…” He shrugs. “I guess it doesn’t matter anymore. Point being, we’re definitely friends now, right?”
“Of course!” Hilda coos. “Does this mean I get to pet you?”
“Not a chance.”
“Aw, boo.”
Claude chuckles. “I could watch you two all day, but I did want to talk to you about something.”
Oh. Right. It’s too easy to get carried away with Hilda, honestly, now that Veery is a little more capable of keeping up with her. On good days, anyway, when he’s feeling more sociable. Hilda and he both turn their attention obediently back to Claude. “What is it that we need to sneak off to talk about?” Hilda asks.
Claude bites his lip, a rare show of uncertainty. “Hilda… first, I wanted to ask you about what Cyril says about Almyran children being mistreated by the Gonerils.”
Oh. It looks like Veery doesn’t have to ask about that after all. Good. That makes things easier.
Hilda’s expression immediately darkens. “It’s true that we take in orphaned kids if we find them.” Hilda sighs heavily. “I know for a fact that my brother has never mistreated anyone, but… I can’t say for certain that it’s entirely stopped. To be honest, Claude, I’ve been writing to my brother about that for a while now. He’s doing what he can for them, but… prejudices are hard to overcome, and my brother is just one person. He doesn’t always know when cousins or heads of staff or anyone else like that decides to take out their frustrations on the Almyrans in the estate. And my father is… more traditional than my brother, too. Not beyond reasoning with, but… progress comes slower with him.”
Claude blinks. “You’ve… already been writing to your family about that?”
“Of course!” Hilda frowns. “Before I came to the academy, I admit I had some pretty terrible opinions of the Almyrans myself. I didn’t think twice about the mistreatment, or even the servitude in the first place, because that’s just how I was raised.” She looks over to Veery. “But then I met you, and Veery, and Cyril, Dedue, Petra, and I… well, it took a while, but I started thinking, and looking back at life here, and realized there are some things that need to be changed. I don’t like to work, but my brother listens to me, and I can at least talk with him about it through letters for a while.”
Hilda sighs again, looking affectionately at the both of them. “You two both want a world where there aren’t any walls like that between people, right? Where people are free to be different and still respected. Me, I just want to live freely, with nothing tying me down. I want to do things my way, and no one else’s, so… I really respect your dream, you know? I think I can live my way in the world you two create, so that’s enough reason for me to support you.”
Claude, openly dumbstruck, smiles. “Hilda…”
Hilda flashes a cheeky grin. “And my way of life doesn’t involve stupid prejudices. So, I’ll be relying on you to help me keep fixing my own, okay? And in return, I’ll do my part to help you make your dream a reality. Starting right here in Goneril with the Almyrans. I’ve even been talking to Sylvain recently about how he’s planning on making peace with Sreng. I’m hoping my brother can pull off something similar here, too, and I won’t have to worry about inheriting a guard post anymore.”
“Ha.” Claude shakes his head. “Wow. You really knew exactly what I was going to say, didn’t you?”
“That’s my job, silly!” Hilda giggles. “I’m your second-in-command, aren’t I? What kind of deputy would I be if I couldn’t even figure out my leader’s intentions?”
“You really are amazing, Hilda,” Claude says. “Thank you. Your support means a lot to me.”
“Don’t look so surprised, dummy. You’re my friend and house leader. Besides that, your dream is worth following.”
Claude grabs her and pulls her, yelping, into a tight hug. Veery smiles watching them. “No, seriously,” Claude mutters. “Thank you.” He releases her, the surprise finally wearing off to allow the insecurity return to his features. “I’m… not used to having support, honestly. I didn’t really trust that I’d get any allies from my time at Garreg Mach, but somehow I got you two.”
He looks down, away, and then sighs. “I want to trust you both. Hilda… I think you might have already figured it out, but I know Veery hasn’t. I… It’s hard to trust anyone like this…”
“I know,” Veery says gently. “Trust is… hard.” Whatever it is that Claude is hiding, Veery definitely knows the feeling he’s describing. Wanting to trust someone, hoping that your faith isn’t misplaced, stepping forward into doubt, even certain failure and betrayal, on the mere chance that his fears will prove unfounded and everything will be okay. It’s the story of Veery’s entire time in Fódlan.
Claude smiles. “I know you do. You… really, really do. Gods…” He shakes his head. “Anyway, my big secret… I’m Almyran. Half, obviously. The Crest comes from my mom.”
Claude is Almyran? Veery blinks. “…Okay?” He tilts his head, wondering just what exactly the big deal is.
Hilda sighs. “Yeah, I guessed as much. I’m sorry, Claude, I said some really stupid things around you. I’m surprised you trust me at all, considering that.”
“I didn’t, for a while,” Claude admits. “But I noticed your attitude change. You stopped talking about other groups of people thoughtlessly. I did what I could to encourage that change – honestly seeing it for myself is probably why I trust you as much as I do.”
Veery bites his lip. “I think something got lost here,” he says. “What’s the big deal about being Almyran?”
Claude raises his brow. “Oh, right. You wouldn’t care. It’s just the same old story. In Almyra, everyone hates me because I’m half Fódlander. In Fódlan, everyone hates me because I’m half Almyran. I’m surprised you didn’t notice. I call it my secret, but the truth is it’s kind of an open one. I mean, look at me.”
“That’s how I figured it out.” Hilda nods.
“Right,” Claude says. “I honestly thought you’d see me with Cyril and put the pieces together.”
Veery just fixes them both with a flat look. “Really? The agell from Albinea is definitely going to accurately guess that a human is lying about their ethnicity because the single Almyran he knows looks sort of vaguely like him?”
“Ha! Good point. Sorry, Veery. I really should have told you sooner.”
“Why?” Veery asks. “Does it matter at all?”
Claude snickers. “Well, not to you, probably. But Hilda… me being Almyran isn’t all there is to it.”
“Oh?” Hilda leans in, sensing gossip. “What else is there?”
Claude clears his throat, insecurity revealing itself once more, but he quickly pushes it back and says, “I’m Prince Khalid.”
“That… also means nothing to me,” Veery admits. So, Claude is a prince, too? Okay. All Veery takes from that is that Claude is important in both Fódlan and Almyra, which should help him, right? Oh, except people hate him because he’s not a true anything, so that is a difficult situation.
Hilda opens her mouth, shuts it, then repeats that process a few more times before finally settling on. “Oh. Well, that is complicated. You’re still my friend and leader, though, so don’t ever forget that.”
That’s Claude’s cue to let out the breath he’s holding and dive back into a hug, this time with both of them.
Veery can’t begin to guess at Claude’s experiences. The memories that make him who he is, the sneaky, scheming, poison-crafting, silver-tongued, future duke, are out of Veery’s reach. Veery doubts he’ll ever understand fully where Claude comes from, but it’s apparent enough that he’s hurt by prejudice, by the thing that their dream brings an end to, and that he’s trusting even though he doesn’t trust, doing even though he doesn’t believe, and Veery understands that more than anything.
Trust is hard, very hard, for Veery. Still, Claude doesn’t let him down yet. Veery has no intention of letting Claude down, either.
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bellamyroselia · 1 year
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#maybe if they'd given them first names it would be easier. like maybe they'd all be named after people nemesis & helen had connections to?
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I got the little prince ☺️
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+ Now they can be all prince-ly together!
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18 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
In which I talk of the possibility and headcanon of Pit being a demigod because damn it, I have a mouth and I will scream into the void because I can
Yeah, this a personal crack headcanon of mine and I thought why not speak more of it, as I think there's lot of potential in the idea… That and I currently don’t really feel like or even want to write about Hera or Artemis for that huge essay of mine in the making. And because this idea was one of the reasons I even started said essay, I thought why not scream about it for a short while since I want to actually gush about it. Long post ahead, it’s headcanon time.
So who's the god I think would make most sense as Pit’s parent? Ares, of course. I haven’t been exactly subtle about this, otherwise I wouldn’t be making jokes about how Pit could be Orpheus’ uncle. Is there really any other options that could work? Pit’s primarily based on Ares’ son, Eros so it’s already like this headcanon was asking to be made. And when compared to some other Eros-expies in media, Pit seems to share lot of similarities with Ares - they’re both one-man-armies, always ready to fight when the need arrives and have faced some rather terrifying foes. Ares is also the god of both rebellion and civil order, so it would fit rather nicely with Pit’s duty as a humanity's protector and therefore as a retainer of civil order, and to highlight the duality of Pit and Pittoo. He’s probably the best dad Olympus has to offer with Apollo being his only serious competition, so what we could get out of this deal would be both a really unique take on Ares at least when it comes to modern media that is and a parental figure for Pit who loves him unconditionally, no strings attached. Call me a massive a sap, but I think it would be neat for there to be a character who acknowledges that Pit’s still young and everyone around him has failed him by making him fix their messes, himself included by not being there. However, Pit would likely immediately just accept their apologies because that’s just the kind of person he is. In comparison, Aphrodite wouldn’t work nearly as well in this regard; in fact that she’s the main villain of that one specific myth that features Eros as a main character!
So yeah, I like the idea of Ares being Pit’s dad and a good one of that since he’s one in mythology proper. This would push off the option of him being a villain off the table, as him being antagonistic towards his own child would be massively OOC - if it’s on his own free will, that is. Only way I could see him being antagonist towards Pit is if mind control is involved and it could very well be possible, since the topic of breaking Ares' psyche to turn him into a slave has been brought up in works such as Dionysiaca. But before we get into that, how could’ve he even got into the point of having Pit and why would he be MIA during original Kid Icarus and Uprising? When it came to my headcanons, I just decided to take the lazy way out and used this as a base: 
"On the right of the so-called Dyke lies the Manthuric plain. The plain is on the borders of Tegea, stretching just about fifty stades to that city. On the right of the road is a small mountain called Mount Kresios, on which stands the sanctuary of Aphneios. For Ares, the Tegeans say, mated with Aerope, daughter of Kepheus, the son of Aleus. She died in giving birth to a child, who clung to his mother even when she was dead, and sucked great abundance of milk from her breasts. Now this took place by the will of Ares, and because of it they name the god Aphneios; but the name given to the hill was, it is said, Aeropos."
Pausanias, Description of Greece, trans. Jones
Like, look at me into the eyes and say this doesn’t sound like some anime character’s backstory! Now as for what Aphneois (or Aphneus as it’s more commonly called) stands for, it means abundant and under that title Ares was worshiped as a giver of food and abundance. It’s a really cute if a bit sad story, making it really easy to use as a base for headcanons. Now if this was the case, I could see the timeline going something like this - Ares meets KI’s equivalent of Aerope and the two fall for each other, some time later they’re expecting a kid but then something goes horribly wrong and Aerope dies. Instead of letting Aerope’s family to take care of the kid, he chooses to take the baby with him and is a single parent for a while before realizing that single parenting is hard, so he asks help from Palutena since a winged kid wouldn’t look too out of place among her angels. This deal ends up going swimmingly for a while until the events of a certain other myth take place, which makes Palutena the sole caretaker of Pit; some unspecified time later que the events of the original Kid Icarus and onward. 
To that certain other myth, it would be about Ares and some giants. For minimal backstory, know that Poseidon cuckolded his own son and had giant twins named Ephialtes and Otus - they wished to have divine wives, so they planned to storm into Olympus to get they wanted, Otus wanting Artemis and Ephialtes wanting Hera. Some time later Olympians were surprised to find these two piling up mountains on top one another and as expected, a fight broke out between them because no one comes to the Olympian home turf without facing the consequences. Once the giants finally left, the Olympians noticed that someone is missing, that being Ares. Ephialtes and Otus probably realized way too late that kidnapping the god of war wasn’t the brightest idea and because letting him go wasn’t an option, they chained him and then locked him inside a bronze jar. It took around a lunar year for the giants stepmother to finally rat this out to Hermes, who then went to save Ares with Artemis. While she distracted the giants and made them throw their spears at each other, Hermes lockpicked Ares out of the jar and so the three returned back to Olympus. And if you think this reminds you of something, know that Hermes is the god of guard dogs and dogs are sacred animals of both Ares and Artemis. Funny how that works.
I think something similar to this could’ve easily happened to him in Kid Icarus, so that could explain why he has been MIA. And if we wanted an antagonistic Ares for a while, I’d say this would be the easiest way to excuse it because unlike Pit in the Ring of Chaos, Ares was fully conscious the whole time, growing faint and breaking down before Hermes freed him. That all happened during a span of a lunar year, one can think how badly someone’s psyche would break if they had to endure it for longer. Mix this with the idea of mind control and you’d get a divine kidnapping in the purpose of mind controlling him into a indestructible living weapon, reasons can vary - maybe the giants wanted to get something out of their accidental prisoner or someone commissioned them into getting him and breaking his mind, because who wouldn’t want an indestructible, powerful living weapon who’s loyal to you and only you. And one other element could be tied to this, which is helmet symbolism as Ares is often portrayed to have something I like to call Meta Knight syndrome. He’s most of the time shown as wearing a helmet in art even when rest of his armor isn’t present, removing it is treated as a big deal. One could easily craft some ideas out of this, first one that comes to my mind is to tie mind control into the helmet and then break it during a dramatic moment, which sets him free from it. Now wouldn't that make a pretty awesome scenario, with Pit first freeing his father from imprisonment and later from mind control.
As for what would happen next? That's a bit hard to say. I’m certain he and Aphrodite would’ve definitely still had their thing in this universe, but broke up some point before Pit was born. It would likely cause some drama because I think Phobos, Deimos and Harmonia would exist and they’re his kids too, so it could turn this into a family soap opera with stakes higher than it has any rights to have - but then again, one could easily describe Greco-Roman mythology as a whole as a family soap opera with stakes higher than it has any rights to have... So would this really be out of the ordinary?
Now there’s one scenario I think would be interesting to see… In the mythos, Ares killed Poseidon’s son Halirrhothius for assaulting his daughter Alcippe and Poseidon predictably lost his marbles over it. The deities gathered on Areopagus to have the trial and the most common telling goes that gods sided with Poseidon, but goddesses sided with Ares. Since there was more goddesses present than gods, Poseidon ended up losing the trial and Ares got away without consequences. Something like this could be rather easy to make up, like maybe Pit's fighting Poseidon’s sea monster and almost loses, but Ares comes just in time to save him and Poseidon gets all pissy over it. Alternatively it could be one of Poseidon’s kids instead of a sea monster - I mean, he had twins with Medusa and Chrysaor is a humanoid unlike Pegasus, so why not use him? I could also see something like this working without Ares with Pit taking his place, and maybe Pittoo coming to his defense. 
I swear this wasn’t meant to be so bashy towards Poseidon, but it’s not my fault his hellspawns and Ares don’t get along with each other.
29 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
Excuse me while I'm trying my best to not laugh at these pics
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42 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
I just love how Submas fans saw the whole Cain instinct thing and then chose to run with it. At this point any mention of Cain instinct makes me think of Ingo and Emmet. Just them and no one else. To even think of Cain instinct outside the context of Submas feels illegal
51 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Damn, parents in Pokemon really peaked in Gen 3, didn't they?
70 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
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lookitslucifer · 5 years
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please do not eat the weeds.
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askthelovenest · 2 years
Here is the list of ships! If you are interested in one that isn’t currently open for questions, please DM me. I maybe open to having them be available. 
Ø  Jackcen: Jack Skellington x S/I
Ø  Steel Hearts: Ultron x S/I
Ø  The Light of My Afterlife: Grim x S/I
Ø  Hi Baby~: Thrax x S/I
Ø  Skeleton Keys: Skully Pettibone x S/I
Ø  The Thunderstorm and the Sun: TFA Megatron x S/I
Ø  ALi: SkekLi x S/I
Ø  The Hunter and the Illustrator: SkekMal x S/I
Ø  Let’s Be Lazy Together: US Papyrus/Stretch x S/I
Ø  Flesh and Bone: UF Papyrus/Boss x S/I
Ø  Marshmallow Hearts: Marshal Mallow x S/I
Ø  You’re My Sky: Chance Furlong x S/I
Ø  Live Hard: Throttle x S/I
Ø  Beauty and the Biker: Modo x S/I
Ø  The Apple of My Evil Eye: Evil Eye Weevil x S/I
Ø  Sleepy Heads: SF Papyrus/Rus x S/I
Ø  Ash Roses: HT Sans/Ash x S/I
Ø  You’re Not So Gruff: Gruffi Gummi x S/I
Ø  You Gave Me Something to Fight For: Dinobot x S/I
Ø  Your Heart is My Home: Beorn x S/I
Ø  The Knight and the Maiden: Bayverse Optimus x S/I
Ø  My Inspiration: Mr. Grasshopper x S/I
Ø  All In Good Time: Regis x S/I
Ø  You’re the Ultimate Specimen: Riot x S/I
Ø  Soft Souls: Abe Sapien x S/I
Ø  You Make Me Feel Safe: Colossus x S/I
Ø  Cryptid in Love: Lurch x S/I
Ø  Wolf Pack: Claw x S/I
Ø  Dark Fairytale: Baron Dark x S/I
Ø  Techno Savvy: Dr. Cyborn x S/I
Ø  Magnetism: Karl Heisenberg x S/I
Ø  Swimming with the Sharks: Prince Sidon x S/I
Ø  You Make Me Stronger: Piccolo x S/I
Ø  Our Love Is a Science: Pr. Utonium x S/I
Ø  Allby: Grillby x S/I
Ø  A Hand to Hold: Gaster x S/I
Ø  Running With the Wolves: Zen Aku x S/I
Ø  You’ve Arrested My Heart: Koichi Zenigata x S/I
Ø  I Would Vaporize the Galaxy for You: Dr. Nefarious x S/I
Ø  My Guardian: Nemesis x S/I
Ø  Hot Pursuit: Mr. X x S/I
Ø  The Sweetest of Wine: Dettlaff x S/I
Ø  I Tolerate You: Dedan x S/I
Ø  Bad Company: Mr. Piranha x S/I
Ø  Vulnerability: All Might x S/I
Ø  Transparency: Spy x S/I
Ø  I Have You In My Sights: Sniper x S/I
Ø  Love Machine: Engineer x S/I
Ø  I’ll Light the Way: Tram x S/I
Ø  Soft Rock: GR Freddy x S/I
Ø  You Send Me into a Frenzy: GR Monty x S/I
Ø  Hey There Sweetcakes!: Preyas x S/I
Ø  Moonstruck: Tso Lan x S/I
Ø  LizardGoat: Toffee x S/I
Ø  You’re A Part of My Future: Dmitri Blaiddyd x S/I
Ø  You Make My Heart Tick: Tin Man x S/I
Ø  Sunshine Medicine: Doctor David Livesey x S/I
Ø  Moonlight Medicine: Dark Doctor Livesey x S/I
Ø  I Think I Like You More Than I Should: TFP Dreading x S/I
Ø  Starry Eyed: Azizi x S/I
Ø  Alco: Rosco x S/I
Ø  I Want to Build My Home with You: Nestor x S/I
Ø  I Always Have Time for You: Lindar x S/I
Ø  My Sword and Shield: Conan x S/I
Ø  I’ll Lift You Up: Marco x S/I
Ø  I Got Your Back: Trondo x S/I
Ø  Our Love is in the Cards: Zantor x S/I
Ø  Love is a Learning Experience: Cedric x S/I
Ø  You Perk Me Up: Gavin x S/I
Ø  You’re My Kind of Magic: Zikomo x S/I
Ø  Following the Map that Leads to You: Lucas x S/I
Ø  Art Nerds: Nevin x S/I
Ø  You’re My Treasure: Titan x S/I
Ø  I Aim to Please: Gunnar x S/I
Ø  My Soul to Keep: Mordekaiser x S/I
Ø  And Love for All: Sylas x S/I
Ø  Crows and Roses: Jericho Swain x S/I
Ø  My Center: Yone x S/I
Ø  Wolverine Kisses: Sett x S/I
Ø  My Lotus: Nasus x S/I
Ø  Vow to Me and Release Thy Rage!: Arsène x S/I
Ø  Of Queens and Generals: Le Teigneux x S/I
Ø  Hearts Strong As Oak: Lan Pirot x S/I
Ø  Deadly Love: Uncle Deadly x S/I
Ø  Chill Vibes Only: Clifford x S/I
Ø  Comfort in the Shadows: Shadow Man x S/I
Ø  Sweet Tunes: Sweets x S/I
Ø  Keeping It Fresh and Funky: Cap’n x S/I
Ø  Piece of Cake: K_K x S/I
Ø  Spamcen: Spamton G. Spamton x S/I
Ø  Ycengrin (Ysengrin x S/I)
Ø  You Don’t Need a Heart, You Already Have Mine: Tin Man (1986) x S/I
Ø  The Lumberjack and the Pigeon:  Iron Lumberjack x S/I
Ø  Christmas Coffee: Steve Claus x S/I
Ø  As Deep as the Ocean: Jacob Holland x S/I
Ø  Cardiac Arrest: Deckered x S/I
Ø  Peacemaker: McCrane x S/I
Ø  A Stickler for Your Love: Dumpson x S/I
Ø  Revenge and Bird Blood: Adrian Toomes x S/I
Ø  We Flock Together: Oswald Cobblepot x S/I
Ø  Cats and Tea is All We Need: Sandy x S/I
Ø  Darker Side of Heaven: Macaque x S/I
Ø  Living in the Wild West: Jesse McCree x S/I
Ø  Hanzen: Hanzo Shimada x S/I
Ø  Death and the Maiden: Gabriel Reyes x S/I
Ø  Meine Prinzessin: Reinhardt Wilhelm x S/I
Ø  Bound to You: Man!Le Teigneux
Ø  The Bounty Hunter and the Thief: Roronoa Zoro x S/I
Ø  Sealhawk: Hawkeye Mihawk x S/I
Ø  All Hands On Deck: Captain Alexander Smollett x S/I
Ø  Freedom on the Run: Hadyn Stabbington x S/I
Ø  Mrs. Fox and Mr. Wolf: Killian Osmond x S/I
Ø  Tiger’s Lily: Great Tiger x S/I
Ø  Mon Chou: Glass Joe x S/I
Ø  Acushla: Aran Ryan x S/I
Ø  My Timeless Symphony: Siebren de Kuiper x S/I
Ø  You’re Not Alone: J’onn J’onzz
Ø  Folksy: Clark Kent
Ø  White Clover: Clover Cookie x S/I
Ø  Tea Leaves and Coffee Beans: Tea Knight Cookie x S/I
Ø  Milk Chocolate: Dark Choco x S/I
Ø  Red Velvet Coffee: Red Velvet Cookie x S/I
Ø  Crunchy White Chocolate Chip: Crunchy Chip x S/I
Ø  White Chocolate Berry: Wildberry Cookie x S/I
Ø  Two Cups of Coffee Please: Expresso Cookie x S/I
Ø  White Chocolate Affogato: Affogato Cookie x S/I
Ø  Mint Choco Coffee: Mint Choco Cookie x S/I
Ø  Figs and Chocolate: Fig Cookie x S/I
Ø  Flowers and Coffee: Lilac Cookie x S/I
Ø  Two Smart Cookies: Éclair Cookie x S/I
Ø  You’re my Favorite Drink: Sparkling Cookie x S/I
Ø  The Cream in My Coffee: Cream Unicorn Cookie x S/I
Ø  You’re My Favorite Flower: Herb Cookie x S/I
Ø  A Hot Cup of Justice: Clotted Cream Cookie x S/I
Ø  Coffee Tree: Millennial Tree Cookie x S/I
Ø  White Chocolate Eggnog: Eggnog Cookie x S/I
Ø  You’re My Kind of Fun: Wendell x S/I
Ø  My Little Snow Flurry: Snow Miser x S/I
Ø  My Personal Genie: Jafar x S/I
Ø  Here’s My Chance: Ebeneezer Scrooge x S/I
Ø  Sweet Meat: Goth x S/I
Ø  The Animal in You: Jenner x S/I
Ø  My Wing Man: Mercury x S/I
Ø  X’s and O’s: 00X x S/I
Ø  The Dame and her Wolf: Death the Wolf x S/I
Ø  Our Beat Goes On: Big Band/Ben Birdland x S/I
Ø  My Dog Guard: Albus x S/I
Ø  Someone to Come Home to: Irvin x S/I
Ø  Your Time is Precious to Me: Isaac x S/I
Ø  Escaping the Narrative: Narrator x S/I
Ø  My Favorite Video Game: Game x S/I
Ø  You’re Someone to Me!: Xigbar x S/I
Ø  You Aren’t Getting Rid of Me: Scorpion x S/I
Ø  Fire and Ice: Sub-Zero x S/I
Ø  Heart Song: Francoeur x S/I
Ø  My Love is Free: Ivan Stick x S/I
Ø  My Starlight: Stardust Cookie x S/I
Ø  AliLock: Herlock Sholmes x S/I
Ø  Shanen: Shannon Rogard x S/I
Ø  Alimus: Hieronymus Bump x S/I
Ø  Coeurs Violets: Darius Deamonne x S/I
Ø  You Leave Me in a Daze: Alador Blight x S/I
Ø  Tainted Love: Doviculus x S/I
Ø  Love at First Slice: Pizzahead x S/I
Ø  Kaboom ❤️‍🔥: Anton x S/I
Ø  My Drummer Boy: Dizzy x S/I
Ø  The Demon Warden and the Lost Human: Warden Wrath x S/I
Ø  My Warmth in the Cold: Pierro x S/I
Ø  My Little Minx: Il Capitano x S/I
Ø  Meet Me in the Golden Fields: Ganondorf x S/I
Ø  Alidock: Captain Haddock x S/I
Ø  Spicy Mocha: Capsaicin Cookie x S/I
Ø  My Favorite Kind of Trouble: Wild Knuckles x S/I
Ø  Kickstart My Heart: Dennis Campbell x S/I
Ø  My Little Lamb Chop 🖤🔪🖤: The Butcher x S/I
Ø  White Margarine: Royal Margarine Cookie x S/I
Ø  Lucen: Lucifer x S/I
Ø  Alivolo: Diavolo x S/I
Ø  Alion: Simeon x S/I
Ø  Avvoltoio and Topolina: Medieval Vulture x S/I
Ø  I’ll Follow You Through the Flames: Fyrakk x S/I
Ø  My Bedrock: Iridikron x S/I
Ø  Forest Shadows: Wrathion x S/I
Ø  Jungle Moon: Vol’jin x S/I
Ø  It’s Complicated: Nicholas Lucifer III x S/I
Ø  Coffin for Two: Count Alarich von Horrificus x S/I
Ø  Your Eyes are Like Stars: Gantu x S/I
Ø  Between Light and Shadows: Pitch Black x S/I
Ø  Sweet Like Spring 🌹🐇🌹: E. Aster Bunnymun x S/I
Ø  Your Love is the Best Medicine: David Livesey (1978) x S/I
Ø  Rickcen: Rick Dicker x S/I
Ø  Amaryllis: Ruber x S/I
Ø  You’re Not A Bad Guy🥊: Zangief x S/I
Ø  You’re In My Programming🦾: Cyborg x S/I
Ø  My Sweetest Devil🫀: Satine x S/I
Ø   Deliciously Devious🪑: Chairface Chippendale x S/I
Ø  Don’t Stop Us Now: Killer Queen x S/I
Ø  Strike Fast and True to My Heart: Silver Chariot x S/I
Ø  You Weren’t a Part of My Plans, But I’m Glad You Are Now: Teisel Boone x S/I
Ø  Together Then: Gosetsu Daito x S/I
Ø  Love You for You 🪶: Scarecrow/Feathertop x S/I
Ø  Coffee and Guitars ☕🎸: Mat Sella x S/I
Ø  Cheesed to Meet You 🧀: Hugo Vega x S/I
Ø  Gothic Love 🪦: Damien Bloomarch x S/I
Ø  Sweet and Salty 🍩🧂: Robert Small x S/I
Ø  Ma Beignet: Nicodeme Savoy x S/I
Ø  Malá Myš: Viktor Vasko x S/I
Ø  🦆Ducks and Dogs🐕: Captain Charlie x S/I
Ø  Eyes Only for You: Snake Eyes x S/I
Ø  Mo Nighean Donn: James McCullen x S/I
Ø  Wanna Go Digging with Me?: Nicky Lee x S/I
Ø  Alam: Adam DeCobray x S/I
Ø  My New Purpose: Rikuo x S/I
Ø  I’ll Follow You Through the Dark: Donavan Baine x S/I
Ø  Let’s Wake Up the Dead Baby~: Zabel Zarock x S/I
Ø  No Matter What You Are, I’ll Love You: Jon Talbain x S/I
Ø  I Sleep Well with You Around: Hypnos x S/I
Ø  My Pure Warrior: Namu x S/I
Ø  My Silly Wolf🐺: Yamcha x S/I
Ø  I’ll Fight to Be the Man You Deserve: Tien x S/I
Ø  My Angry Hedgehog🦔: Raditz x S/I
Ø  My Precious Jewel💎: Jules Pidieu x S/I
Ø  I’ll Fight for Our Future: Ballif Argus x S/I
Ø  Bunnies and Bots: Svarog x S/I
Ø  Love on the Brain🧠: Rhesus 2 x S/I
Ø  Banana Smoothie🍌🥤: Funky Kong x S/I
Ø  Meet Me in the Streets🦈🏒: Clint Bolton x S/I
Ø  We’re Perfect Together: Cell x S/I
Ø  Alone Together: Mummsy x S/I
Ø  Wild Love🐾: Nero x S/I
Ø  My Objective🧡: Android 16 x S/I
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