xcvlil · 26 days
Not yet. Choso x reader Angst
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i hope all my little choso lovers love this!!!
TW: Angst, a little bit of gore, death implied, just sadness…i apologize (not really)
You stood in the empty train station of Shibuya, holding your side tightly. You ability wasn’t working in time to help patch up the little bit of skin that was holding your insides. You kept thinking, Was this what death felt like?
Infront of you stood a tall pale man, he had a neutral look on his face as he stared at you with no remorse. You couldn’t hold in your need to fall any longer so you collapsed to the ground. Thats when you heard a voice.
“You sorcerers just dont give up do you…”.
You connected the voice to the man who was standing infront of you. As he slowly inched forward you smiled a bit at his comment. “I guess not huh..” You said, ending the sentence in a chuckle. You kept having these flashes of memories. Like your life was flashing before your eyes. You didn’t want to die yet.
“Tell me. Whats your name?” The man asked, crouching down in front of you. His presence felt like he himself was hurt, but he had no opened wounds as far as you could tell.
“F/n L/n…” You said weakly. You didn’t even have the strength to look up at the man infront of you. You didn’t even know all the features of his face. All you knew was, You didn’t want to die yet.
The man lifted your chin, staring at your hurt features. He then pushed your head aside and sighed. ”You aren’t the woman im looking for..” He said, sounding awfully disappointed.
You couldn’t pull out the strength to ask him who he was looking for, but he was leaving. Fear began to build up inside you and your breathing became quick. You didn’t want him to leave. You didn’t want to die yet.
Before you knew it you spatted out, “Wait…Please don’t go…”. The man turned around and raised an eyebrow. He was confused.
“Why shouldn’t i.”
“Because…I dont want to die alone…” You said with a trembling voice. You felt embarrassed and unsure of yourself. Why were you asking a curse to stay by your side. Was it because you were that in need of comfort and company?
Either way, when you looked over the man was sitting next to you. You were in shock, either from the blood loss or from the fact that a curse listened to you.
You felt a painful sensation. A sensation of loss and hurt. You couldn’t tell where it was coming from. You narrowed it down to the man beside you. “You lost someone special to you didn’t you.” You asked the boy, gently looking up.
The man was taken aback by your comment, but yet he still replied “Yes. I lost my brothers.” He said softly. If you judged based off his expressions, you would probably think he didn’t care. But you could feel his emotions. The anger. The sorrow. The need for revenge.
You gave him a gentle pat on the back, “Im sorry for your loss.” You said, you felt remorse for the man.
“Why are you being nice to me, im a curse, what makes you think i need your pity?” He blurted out. The question caught you so off guard that you stumbled from your knees onto your bottom. Why were you treating him nicely? Was it the fact that he could end your life at any moment? No it wasn’t that… It was…
“You don’t seem like a curse… Curses don’t feel sorrow and sadness and empathy.” You said softly. The man slowly looked over at you with a mixture of joy and confusion. He seemed happy to not be called a curse but why was he believing you.
“Oh…” He said quietly. You began to lean backwards a little, your body was slowly giving up on you. He leaned over and helped you slowly lay down.
“I’m not ready to die yet…” you said softly, catching the mans attention.
“Then don’t.” He said sternly.
“I am human, i have bo control on whether its my time or not..”
He seemed bewildered by this new realization. All the other sorcerers could heal themselves…or thats what he thought.
“L/n…Why did you want to become a sorcerer if you didn’t want to die…”
“To help those who couldn’t help themselves..” You said with a slow breath. Your chest was rising and falling heavily. You reached out for the mans hand and he allowed you to take it.
“Thank you…For being here… Stranger..” Your body was fading away. A tear fell from your eye as you felt yourself slipping into the darkness.
“Choso…My name is Choso..”
“Well then choso…I’ll tell your brothers you love them…” you managed to spit out that last sentence before completely going lino and slipping away.
You didn’t want to die yet, but you needed to.
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