#milkman eren au
darlingkirstein · 3 months
Hi, Mar! I saw you're taking prompts. What about bored 1950s housewife Mikasa and Milkman Eren? 🫢
Housewife Mikasa/Milkman Eren (1950s AU)
wc: 4.8k / nsfw / cheating thank you for the request! hope you enjoy :) i’ll probably be posting this to ao3 as well!
Her husband kisses her cheek — a kiss lacking any desired affection, more a routine obligation than anything else — as she hovers over the countertop, flattening the pie crust over the pan. She’s been requested (instructed, more precisely) to make one of her “famous” blueberry pies for a little gathering between the neighbors. They’re her husband’s favorite — and he jokes that he’ll be a real wet rag if he doesn’t get a taste.
“Off to work,” He grumbles, his glance lazily lingering on her fingers as she works the crust around the delicate edges. “Smells good.”
There’s no smell. I haven’t even started baking.
Still, Mikasa forces a pleasant smile — flashing her prettiest doe eyes up at him.
“Just for you, dear. It’ll be ready for the party.”
“You’re a doll.” He pats her waist, simpering. For a moment, there’s a return to the man Mikasa married years ago — the loving, fun, sweet man who courted her with trips to the cinema.
Mikasa allows foolish hope get the best of her.
“If it makes you happy—”
He squashes her hankering before it can properly take root. “You know what would make me happy? If you wore that gorgeous red dress. You know, that one that I can’t get enough of?”
It takes great strain to prevent her smile from floundering. She doesn’t want to displease him — even if he hardly sees her as anything more valuable than a manifestation of his most casually-depraved fantasies. A piece of meat, worth nothing more than to gawk at instead of compliment, fondle instead of pleasure.
Mikasa nods. “I’ll do that. Run along now.”
He’s out the door quick. Across the street, the neighbor’s yappy little mutt barks up a storm; children laugh as they play games. The summer heat provides such a wonderful atmosphere for frivolity, good restful fun, but none of that luxury is afforded to Mikasa. She knows she’ll spend her day tending to the chores. Baking, so much baking — and dusting every last crevice in their home. It’ll need to be spotless for the party. All the other wives judge her handiwork, Mikasa knows this, even if they’re too gentle to tell. They’ll judge her cooking, too. Comparing recipes and weighing the benefit of certain seasonings is far more competitive than she’d like it to be.
She gets to work. Toiling and toiling. The minutes drain quickly, never enough time in the day to accomplish everything she wishes. With one task completed, Mikasa remembers three more to take its place — an endless, most tedious cycle.
The days bleed together. Chores, making meals, and dull conversations with her husband — nothing to set them apart, nothing to deem it a life worth living for the decades to come. As she cleans, she wonders if things will ever go back to the way they were before — or if some miracle can swoop in to offer a fresh new existence.
A knock on the door interrupts her dusting.
She’s happy for any moment of respite. Opening the door, Mikasa is greeted by a handsome man — a very handsome man, indeed — who holds a basket filled with jars of fresh milk. He’s new; their precious milkman was a crotchety middle-aged gentleman who— well, wasn’t much of a gentleman, lacking any way with pleasantries.
This one’s much easier on the eyes.
He took off his hat and tipped it her direction. “Morning, miss. I’ve got a delivery for you.”
Mikasa notices his smile first, his pretty teeth — but it’s impossible to ignore the rest of him, hair so reminiscent of James Dean, an actor she harbors private affections for, hidden from her husband. Under the sunlight, the green in his eyes truly shimmers. He looks like something right out of a Vogue cover — and Mikasa’s smitten. Somehow, this man manages to make the milkman uniform look dignified, alluring even.
She flattens her dress, embarrassed by the flour stains coating the front and all the wrinkles ruining the elegance of the fabric.
“Good morning.” The beam on her lips is uncontrollable; she can’t remember the last time her husband made her smile like this. “I very much appreciate you, sir. You’re kind to knock.”
“This hot sun could spoil the milk.” His eyes find the stains on her dress, as she fears. “You look like a busy lady. I sure am sorry if I’m intruding.”
She steps outside, not thinking clearly. “No, no! You haven’t done a thing. It’s quite nice to have a visitor. It gets lonely around here sometimes.”
He grins. Mikasa tucks her hands behind her back, trying to conceal her wedding ring.
“Lonely? Don’t you have a husband, ma’am?”
She blushes. Caught. Mikasa’s heart beats faster than she’d like — full of shame. What would the other wives think if they saw her? The last thing she needs is to be called filthy names, accused of terrible, terrible crimes. That doesn’t stop her from swooning as the milkman smiles.
“Ah— I do. He just works so long. I have the house all to myself. The record player’s dull company.”
“No children?”
Mikasa shakes her head — another point of shame. All the other women already started their families; some had another child on the way. Her husband showed little interest in love-making. Whenever he returned home from work, he complained about being too tired — only seeking a warm meal in his belly and a funny show on the television to fall asleep to. When the fancy did strike him, it was a quick affair, far more beneficial for his pleasure than hers — almost animalistic. He whispers no tender phrases nor any amorous praises into her ear when he’s inside her — only hardened grunts, none too appealing for Mikasa.
“No, sir. Just the two of us here.”
Just as he opens his mouth to answer, the oven inside alerts her to the pie finishing its baking. Her head swings in the sound’s direction — dreading the result the noise might have on the pleasant conversation being shared.
“That’s my pie. I better check on it.”
He unsheathes a jar from the basket and presents it to her. “Well, you’ll see me again tomorrow, ma’am. Could you save me a slice of that pie?”
Mikasa’s fingers wrap around the jar, though her eyes don’t stray from his. She smiles her prettiest smile — this one authentic, nothing forced about it in the slightest — and nods. If her mornings consisted of this man at her doorstep, that’s a routine she favors getting acclimated to.
“Are you sure you don’t want something fresh?”
“No, ma’am. Wouldn’t want to impose.”
Hugging the jar to her chest, Mikasa flushes. She wonders how obvious the scarlet appears across her cheeks. “You’re a rather thoughtful man.”
“Well, ma’am — forgive me for saying this, but you’re a rather pretty lady. My momma taught me that pretty ladies deserve good manners.”
Mikasa has to drag her gaze away, turning her face to conceal the enjoyment in her features. Her stomach twists into little tangles; this is what she’s been missing ever since getting married. How long has it been since her husband made her feel like a woman worthy of love, worthy of some grandiose affection? Far too long, those fleeting moments all but forgotten. Mikasa toys with the chance, whatever minuscule chance exists, that the gorgeous milkman can grant her the attention she yearns to so richly acquire.
“You’re a handsome man yourself.” She cannot — doesn’t want to — control her words, forbidden and sinful as they are. A quick glance informs her he’s a bachelor, no ring wrapped around his finger, no woman waiting for him back home.
For a moment, Mikasa thinks something might happen, but the man only accepts her compliment with a fond twitch of a grin.
“I best be off to the next house. You take care, ma’am. Don’t work yourself too hard, now.”
Too flustered to conjure a proper response, all Mikasa manages is a little wave of her fingers before he’s heading down the driveway.
One thing comes to her, however.
She calls after him. “Mister! What’s your name?”
He turns, adjusting his hat back atop his hair. “Eren. Do I get the treat of knowing yours?”
“Mikasa.” She gives it up fervently, not-so-secretly yearning to hear her name from his lips.
“You’ve got a gorgeous name, miss. Seems everything about you is something special.”
He’s back on his merry way in a flash, off to deliver milk to the Thompsons. Eren, she repeats to herself over and over. Already, Mikasa counts down to the following day — when she’ll get the satisfaction of watching him sample her pie.
As routine demands, Eren returns to Mikasa’s house right on schedule the day after.
He raps on her door and waits patiently — that patience swiftly rewarded with the sight of Mikasa, even more beautiful than yesterday. Her hair, curled above her shoulders, frames her lovely face charmingly. The red lipstick coating her mouth draws Eren in without hesitation. Today, no flour coats her clothes — her chosen dress, spotless and practically wrinkle-free, gives her such a delightful appearance. Eren grins.
“You look like you’re in good spirits today.”
“Much better,” she admits. “My husband phoned me just now. He’ll be staying late at the office.”
One eyebrow cocks. “That’s why you’re happy?”
“Oh, no — I wouldn’t be a very good wife if I didn’t like having my husband around, would I?”
Eren stifles a grin — clever, clever girl. He takes a step closer to the door, closer to Mikasa.
“I think any man could count himself lucky to have someone like you for a wife, Mikasa.”
Watching her attempt to hide the thrill his words provided her gives Eren an equal thrill of his own — he chides himself for not taking this job sooner, for missing out on the gem of Mikasa’s flirtatious gazes for months and months.
“I saved you some pie, like you asked.” She pauses, looking back. Eren’s heart quickens, his expectations growing. “Would you like to come inside for a sample? I’d cherish your opinion.”
“It wouldn’t be very polite of me to refuse a girl’s invitation, don’t you think? I’ll happily get a taste.”
Already, Eren’s favorite part of Mikasa is how easily she flusters, her pale skin revealing all too simply her internal feelings so poorly hidden. His words, so intentionally veering toward something less-then-chaste, strike her deep — Eren watches Mikasa fidget with her fingers before guiding him inside their home — another man’s home.
“Here.” She gestures to the kitchen island, to a slice of pie and a fork to accompany it. “I made a plate just for you — hid it from my husband.”
The milk deliveries for the day are abandoned beside just inside the home’s entrance — he hopes nobody complains of his tardiness, but more pressing matters require his attention. Offered a seat at the island, Eren takes it gladly.
“This is very generous of you, Mikasa. Are you such an angel to every stranger at your door?”
“No,” she tells him, fetching a new milk jar from his basket and unstoppering it to fill a glass for him. “Just the ones I like. The handsome ones that say all the sweetest things to me.”
Grinning, Eren severs a tiny piece from the pie and pops it in his mouth — instantly hit with the blueberry flavor and the savory crust. Mikasa, half distracted as she wipes away some crumbs from the countertops, glances back.
“Well? Do you like it? I tried something different with the filling this time. Do you think it’s okay?”
He swallows, instantly returning for another bite.
“It’s perfect, Mikasa. You’re inhuman.”
“Inhuman? Is that a compliment?”
“I mean you’re too good to explain. It’s not everyday you meet a knockout girl who knows her way around a man’s appetites.”
She set aside her cleaning cloth. Returning to Eren’s proximity, her smile gives hints into a more playful side — blossoming from the adorable shyness permeating her actions during their monumental introduction.
“Do I know your appetites, sir?”
Her innocence entices him, his heart fluttering. Does she realize how beautiful she looks when her eyes are all beady and curious, watching their subject with a gaze imbedded with coquetry.
Suddenly, he’s the one who’s flustered.
“I certainly think you might.”
Mikasa comes closer — taking a seat at the island, resting against the counter. Eren suspects she doesn’t get much time for leisure like this — his mother, back in his youth, spent so much time in the kitchen her fingers were rubbed raw, not a life befitting a beautiful woman like Mikasa.
She smiles; her voice softens.
“Maybe tomorrow I can give you a whole pie.”
Sticking his fork into the filling, Eren bites his bottom lip, suppressing a smirk.
“That’s too much to ask for.”
“Oh, it’s not too bad.” Mikasa has mastered the art of looking coy, yet poised. “Besides, who else will make you a pie? You’re not married.”
The way she says it sounds like a challenge.
“I suppose you’re right. I’ve been missing out.”
She laughs, and it’s not the same rehearsed laughter he hears from all his friend’s wives, the one out on for show — it’s a real laugh, free of discipline and regulation, all free-flowing.
“So — why aren’t you married?”
Eren sighs and scoops more pie into his mouth, indulging in its sublime sweetness.
“All the pretty girls have husbands already. That, or they don’t fancy marrying the milkman.”
Mikasa looks back to the counter, her fingers coming to her teeth, nails bitten. For a moment, Eren worries he’s upset her — but he sees her stifling more laughter, too amused for her own good. Sideways glances come his way; she reminds him of the gals back in high school, waiting to be asked for the prom.
“Tell me about your husband,” he continues.
She looks at him, confused. “Why?”
“Well, you don’t seem too happy with him.” The image of her hiding her ring hasn’t left Eren — he’s not nearly as ashamed as he probably should be when he hopes to win her over, his gorgeous client in the gorgeous dress, with the lovely laugh.
“He’s not much of a romantic anymore. He likes my cooking and my outfits, but that feels like all I’m good for these days. That, and—”
She cuts herself off, blushing hard.
“Nothing I should say out loud.”
Mikasa’s little more than a stranger, but Eren’s so drawn to her, drawn to everything about her. She’s the best-looking woman this side of the Equator, with a honeyed smile just as saccharine as her personality. Her husband, he attests, is the biggest fool on either side of the Equator.
“He really oughta treat you better.”
Something shifts in her gaze, Eren sees it. Mikasa leans closer, grabbing his wrist. There’s a desperation present in her eyes — one he surmises has been festering for quite some time. Is he the first man to pay her a compliment?
When she speaks again, it’s hushed, like she’s afraid of any eavesdroppers — spies for her husband, maybe. “How would you treat me?”
Eren flushes, swallowing hard. He looks into those eyes, those pleading pupils — and cups her cheek, thumbs rubbing over her skin.
He can’t properly comprehend what he’s doing. Her wedding ring tickles his wrist, the metal so cold against his skin, but her skin feels so warm, warm enough to tempt him further. Grinning, Eren’s face inches closer to hers, close enough to smell the perfume clinging to her neck.
“Right, Mikasa. I’d treat you right.”
Mikasa swallows. Butterflies dance around in her stomach, fighting for a way out. It’s wrong, she tries to convince herself, but the words feel like such a blatant lie — how could something wrong feel so painfully good, so inexplicably wanted?
His touch feels damn near electric. “You would?”
“Yes, ma’am. Would you like me to show you?”
Mikasa’s chest clenches, but it’s a nice clench — mostly. She knows there’s no turning back after this, but by God’s glory, she needs it, needs Eren. Her lips ache in anticipation, watching his hover before her face, patiently stalling to latch on.
She nods, holding his free hand tight. “Yes, sir— I mean— I’d like that very much, Eren.”
Eren smiles. With his fingers, he draws her face closer until their mouths meet. His kiss isn’t aggressive — it’s slow and measured, so patient. Mikasa fights the urge to weep; she can’t remember the last time her husband kissed her like this, kissed her like he truly loved her. Within her chest, her heart runs at an uncontrollable pace, threatening to leap right out.
Mikasa tries to control her kiss — the last thing she wants is to scare him off by being overzealous, too opportunistic with his affections. It’s difficult — each second with his mouth on hers pumps such good feelings through her body, leaving her damn near drunk on the impact.
She tastes the pie on his lips — her pie. Somehow, that makes Mikasa even giddier. She vows to make him a hundred pies if he’ll reward each slice with kisses like this one.
Mikasa feels the wetness building between her thighs — ending the total drought she’s endured under her husband’s dominion. It’s a girlish feeling, being so besotted with a handsome, handsome man again. It should cause her shame, Mikasa knows, but it doesn’t, not in the slightest. The only shame surrounding her is the shame that she hasn’t sought this out sooner.
None of the neighbors had husbands nearly as gorgeous as Eren. Her husband, even in his best days, couldn’t hold a candle to him.
“My husband— He’ll be gone for a while,” Mikasa whines between kisses. “Will you stay with me?”
Eren’s grip on her face tightens. He feels his warm exhales against her mouth, eyes fixated on the way he smirks like he’s won a lottery ticket.
“As long as you’d like, miss.”
Mikasa wants his body closer, wants more of his warmth, too spoiled to accept it only against her tongue. She takes his mouth again, claiming it in another enthusiastic kiss — but her tempted hands wander south, playing with the hem of her dress’ skirt, tugging it up her thighs.
“Touch me,” Mikasa pleads. “Please, mister.”
He smiles against her kiss. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. I’ll beg you if I must. Oh, touch me.”
His palm finds a place on her thigh, fingers locked around, pressing into her soft flesh. “Sweetheart,” Eren calls her, and oh, how she swoons. “You don’t have to beg me for nothing. Let me help.”
Eren’s fingers hide underneath her dress and ever swiftly find the source of her ache, slipping inside. Mikasa’s body recoils — overwhelmed by little more than one tender touch — and her fingers wrap around his wrist to keep him lodged there.
His mouth finds her neck. It’s been so long since Mikasa’s received any attention on her neck.
“There, oh, right there,” she moans, eyes squeezing shut. Eren rubs her slowly — and she’s left guessing whether he does it to tease her or because he’s such a gentleman.
He falls silent, so focused on pleasuring her. Deft fingers make a bigger mess of her wetness, drenching his fingertips in her sweet liquid, while his lips threaten tender bruises against her skin.
“Be careful,” Mikasa whispers, smiling. “My husband might see— he’ll get suspicious.”
Eren grins; attentive sucks become light kiss against her throat. “Maybe he should, Mikasa — maybe he’ll learn his lesson and treat you right.”
She shakes her head. “He’s never been this good to me. Never. Oh, don’t stop — please, don’t.”
Never straying from his task, Eren teases her sex for as long as he can. His mouth switches between her sensitive, markable flesh and her soft, welcoming lips, but his fingers never leave her cunt — far too absorbed in their mission to even think about quitting. Mikasa tries to remember a past memory where she felt this good, this tended to, but no memory comes.
Dizzy, intoxicated by his touch, she gets greedy.
“The bedroom— let’s go there, Eren. Please?”
“Your room?” Eren stills his fingers. “Are you asking me what I think you’re asking, miss?”
Any prior embarrassment she may have felt making this request vanished long ago — unbridled by shame, too bloated with unquenchable lust, Mikasa is breathless.
“Make love to me. I miss it, I miss it so much. Make love to me, sir. Remind me what it’s like.”
His hand falls away from her cunt; whatever momentary emptiness that triggers is forgotten when Eren lifts her from her chair and asks for guidance in finding the master bedroom.
Inside, Eren rests her atop her sheets. Her legs spread naturally for him, dress skirt falling without struggle, inviting him in for a taste. She looks to her left — on the bedside table, their wedding photograph greets her. Mikasa gets an unwomanly glee out of her husband having premium seating to see another man do his job.
She watches Eren smile like a kid in a candy shop — not the leer he husband throws her way when he’s finally in the mood to get relief, but a grin of determination, determination to make her happy.
He pushes her dress further up her body, far enough for him to lower his mouth to her stomach, kissing her belly. The knots haven’t left, only growing stronger — Eren’s lips tend to the least cultivated parts of her body with great care. Mikasa writhes against the ticklish sensation, smiling graciously. Heaven’s finally answered all her silent prayers, her hidden desires, a gift for her years of devotion to faulty matrimony.
Above all else, Eren’s eyes make her feel best — in the midst of his tender kisses, his gaze finds her happily. That attention, that focus — Mikasa doesn’t need to tilt her gaze to recognize how stained her panties have become.
His fingers hook around them, but he tugs them away slowly, tediously slow, leaving a trail of sweet kisses down her midsection as the air finally hits her cunt with a shiver. Mouth teasing the skin around her sex, Eren smiles, letting all the little hairs tickle between his nose and chin.
“Mikasa, darling,” he starts, softly. “Does your husband ever do this for you? Ever?”
“Never.” Darling — much better than doll.
Nearly too dazed to properly focus, Mikasa swears that Eren’s eyes narrow, brows furrowing. He says nothing more before his tongue presses against her sweet flesh, drinking up her wetness like lemonade on a day hot as this one.
Her legs tighten around him, tight enough to knock the milkman’s hat right off his head. Fingers meddling in his pretty hair, Mikasa guides his mouth to the parts of her aching the loudest, but Eren needs little instruction.
Mikasa wonders how she tastes; her husband’s mouth never sampled her cunt, only his fingers, if she could consider herself lucky enough on those evenings to be given even that much.
Eren’s hands press her thighs into the mattress; Mikasa’s back arches, driving her cunt further into his mouth, utterly inescapable. Whimpers fall off her tongue just as easily as his tongue edges her closer and closer to fruition — the knots in her stomach tighten, so tight it’s damn near painful. Every slow lick he gifts her feels like salvation, too joyfully sinful to dare divulging at the confessional. It’s a treat to her ears as much as it is to her eyes and her sex; Eren’s mouth enjoys her without restraint, loud enough for Mikasa to hear every lick, every suck, every gasp for air.
The longer he licks, the more impatient she grows to have the rest of Eren, too.
“Eren,” she yelps, hips wild in their movements. “Mister— Please, make love to me. Take me.”
He softens, determination melting to a mellow simpler. After his tongue laps up one last sample of her wetness, Eren rises — off comes his uniform top, revealing a simple, far more comfortable undershirt. He tries taking off his pants, but the inconvenience seems to burden him, and the garments only make it around his thighs before he’s climbing on top of her.
Mikasa welcomes him into her arms — her legs wrap around him, keeping him close. The summer weather makes the room so humid; sweat clings to his skin, passing onto her pretty dress. Another chore adds to the pile, but she’ll do whatever extra laundry is required to enjoy this.
Eren kisses her hungrily, with desire, though a different desire from her husband’s. The man she married claims her as his property, his little maid — Eren strives to please, to pamper, to redeem. Her lipstick smudges around the corners, the residue swapping to his lips. Mikasa blushes; between her cunt’s wetness and the ruby-red lipstick, she’s left a real impression on his face.
Eren breaks their kiss, panting. Rustling around. Mikasa knows he’s fumbling around to get his cock out. “How long’s it been, sweetheart?”
“Since what?” She blinks, staring woozily.
“Since your husband made love to you.”
It’s not a number Mikasa struggles to recall. “Two months— Two months, nearly three.”
He scoffs, clicking his tongue. “I’ll fix that, okay?”
Before she’s able to convey her appreciation in any meaningful manner, Eren carefully sheathes himself inside her cunt, submerging inch by inch until his hips are properly introduced to hers.
Her husband prefers to take her from behind. Mikasa’s much more partial to Eren’s approach.
His thrusts are slow, gentle. Mikasa’s fingernails grip his back, pressing him even closer. He smells of sweat— and of her, and Mikasa revels in the aroma. Eren’s cock quenches a thirst she’s been suffering from for too long; the fullness in her cunt has been a source of fantastical daydreams, private, unladylike yearnings — all realized, in her husband’s bed, under his utter obliviousness.
Mikasa whimpers and moans for Eren so easily. Each thrust brings a wave of pleasure that she couldn’t dream of containing in her throat.
Eren grins with every sound she makes. “He’s a goddamn fool, darling,” he mutters. “A fool.”
“I know,” Mikasa whines back. “I know.”
His pace grows — never too much, but enough to push Mikasa close to the brink swiftly. His mouth grants affections at every opportunity; Mikasa’s lips, her collarbone, her neck, the top of her cleavage (the part that teases him most), even the lobes of her ears receive his benevolence.
Euphoria. His cock travels deep inside. The moment Eren reaches down and presses his palm against her belly, Mikasa loses control — her stomach and all its tangles start to unravel, the tension building, building — and culminating in a cascade of relief that washes over her as she drenches his cock in still more of her wetness.
Eren groans; his release takes longer. Mikasa cries out as he takes her, truly takes her, his thrusts taking care of her sopping wet cunt. The sounds alone are nearly enough to grant her another round of pleasure — but Mikasa clings to him, her dress crinkling and rustling as his thrusts grow stronger, so strong until the fullness abandons her entirely, the loss accompanied by Eren’s baritone, beautiful moans, drawn out as he paints her belly with strings of sheet white.
Though Mikasa doesn’t dare voice it, she almost longs for some of Eren’s release to linger inside her cunt, long enough to sprout. Better your child than his, she thinks, blushing at the shame.
Their breathing falls in tandem.
“Do you feel better now, Mikasa?” His voice is hushed now, too, thumb stroking her chin.
Rendered speechless, she nods.
Grinning, Eren kisses her — and again, and for a third time, the longest. To her disappointment, he’s up too soon after, redressing, fixing his hair. Mikasa frowns, forcing herself up to her elbows.
“I wish you wouldn’t have to go.”
“I know — but if I don’t deliver the milk on time, I’ll be fired. And if I’m fired,” he pauses, looking down at the ground as he smiles. “Well, then I won’t have any excuse to pay you more visits.”
Mikasa blushes. She knows he’s right.
“Remember,” she coos, biting her lip. “I’ll make you a whole pie tomorrow. My thanks.”
Eren finishes dressing — but he can’t wipe the grin off his face as he returns for one final kiss.
“My favorite’s cherry. But I still don’t know if it’ll taste nearly as good as you do, darling.”
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darlingkirstein · 1 month
upcoming writing plans
— new fics/updates coming to ao3 soon!
• i wanted to share my plans so that you might know what to expect in the coming months! i work slowly but i have a lot of ideas brewing!
Home Beckons the Wanderer:
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— medieval au
Mikasa, without a family, wanders the kingdom of Eldevane alone in search of a livelihood. Trained in sword and shield, she's capable of protecting herself. Eren, a baker's apprentice working in the capital, is desperate to see his family again after being sent away years prior. Their journeys come together in a most interesting way. Mikasa reluctantly agrees to guide him back home, as long as he's able to grant her the sizable reward he's promised her for the dangerous task.
Touching Fame:
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— actors au
Mikasa, a struggling actress working on a studio lot, is chosen for the opportunity of her "budding" career — putting her in direct contact with her celebrity crush, heartthrob actor Eren Jaeger.
Sweeter Than Cherry Pie:
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— milkman eren/housewife mikasa au
Mikasa, a housewife sick of her monotonous existence with a husband who hardly sees her as a person, falls into the open arms of Eren — the handsome new milkman stopping by with the latest delivery.
Mommie Dearest:
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— older mikasa/mommy issues eren au
Eren's life is far from unblemished. His tattered relationship with his parents has left his psyche less than stable, leading him to chase the very thing that he believes abandoned him — his mother. As his new therapist, Mikasa knows she shouldn't be ogling him like she does, but she's been so lonely since the divorce, and he practically falls right into her lap. They're both getting what they want; he worships her like she's infallible, and she dotes on him 'til he blushes.
Other Fics:
i promise i haven't forgotten these either!!
• Thespian's Coquetry
• Salvation's On Your Lips
• Divine Feminine
• JEANPIKU!! (im so sorry)
— I have some jeanpiku ideas!!! They just need more development and inspiration!!! :)))
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darlingkirstein · 1 month
happy to say that more milkman eren and bored housewife mikasa is coming <333 gonna be hard at work to provide it!!! in the meantime, enjoy some aesthetics that'll serve as an inspiration!!
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darlingkirstein · 1 month
Very excited to see more of Milkman x Housewife!! 🥰🥰
AND I'M VERY EXCITED TO WRITE IT!!!! i have a lot of ideas brewing in my brain rn!!!! i might be able to post snippets or moodboards or something like that if you're interested??
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darlingkirstein · 5 months
fic masterlist — ao3:
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abgtdtm/mpwd (gang au series):
• a beginner's guide to destroying the moon — after a chance encounter at the casino eren is employed at, he and mikasa instantly hit it off. the problem lies in the mystery that surrounds him — and his temporary unwillingness to answer certain questions. mature, multi-chapter, complete. 156k words. contains smut scenes.
• man proposes, woman disposes — motivated by the murder of her love, eren, mikasa teams up with all his greatest allies to take down the person truly responsible — grisha jaeger. mature, multi-chapter, ongoing.
other multi-chapter fics:
• thespian's coquetry (broadway au) — eren jaeger, a well-loved broadway actor rising in popularity, gets the chance to work with the talented, up-and-coming costume designer mikasa ackerman. mature, on-going.
• salvation's on your lips (midsommar au) — after a devastating accident leaves him without a family, eren jaeger is in search of inspiration abroad. mikasa ackerman, an inhabitant of a remote settlement in finland's lapland, offers him and his artistically-inclined friends the opportunity of a lifetime — until the group slowly realizes that the secluded paradise is not what they imagined. explicit, dead dove, ongoing.
smut one-shots/short fics:
• breed (breeding kink eren) — whenever he's inside mikasa, all eren can think about is putting a baby inside her belly. explicit, 3.1k words.
• heat lightning (phone sex) — stuck in a long-distance relationship, eren and mikasa have to be creative when it comes to satisfying their sexual frustration. explicit, 2.4k.
• nepotism baby (office romance) — mikasa starts working as grisha jaeger’s assistant at his company and is quickly introduced to his son, eren — the chief operating officer and the talk of the office ladies. mature, three chapters, complete, 16.8k words.
• divine feminine (stripper mikasa) — eren jaeger becomes infatuated with a stripper going by the name rose after she selects him for a random private dance. explicit, ongoing.
• dinnertime debauchery (medieval smut) — the lord and lady of shiganshina struggle to make it through a duke's party without excusing themselves to relieve their lecherous appetites. explicit, 12.2k words.
• nothing pairs better than pie with a glass of milk (1950s au) — mikasa, a housewife sick of her monotonous existence with a husband who hardly sees her as a person, falls into the open arms of eren — the handsome new milkman stopping by with the latest delivery. explicit, ongoing, 4.7k.
one-shots/short stories:
• punch-drunk love — pieck tends to jean after an irresponsible night of drinking with his friends. teen and up, two chapters, 5.2k words.
• something like healing — jean takes care of pieck during a bad depressive episode. teen and up, one-shot, 4.7k words.
• kirsten's anatomy — a collection of all the times that medical mishaps befall jean — and all the ways that pieck is right there to support him. teen and up, on-going/anthology.
• dreams of dissonance — jean wakes up with a distressing nightmare, and pieck is right there to comfort him. teen and up, one-shot, 1.6k.
• sit pretty (let your wife do the work) — contrary to what his friends might assume, jean definitely isn't the dominant one in his marriage. pieck is. explicit, 3.7k.
Tumblr media
• letters to hizuru (medieval) — prequel to dinnertime debauchery. details the arranged marriage of eren and mikasa following the death of eren's father, the lord of shiganshina. mature, multi-chapter.
• sequel to dinnertime debauchery (medieval) — detailing mikasa's pregnancy and the birth of the lord and lady's first child.
• canon-verse ambassadors boat smut — explicit, one-shot. tbd.
• jean kirstein trichotillomania character study — teen and up, one-shot. sensitive content.
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