#milgram trial
meloncat030 · 1 year
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I WANT TO DISCUSS MAHIRU’S SONG AND AUDIO DRAMA!!!! I wasn’t able to vote last time because I missed it however I don’t think she deserved the guilty treatment. And I still believe she is innocent. Both her and her boyfriend were in a toxic relationship however Mahiru doesn’t know how to love any other way because she was thought it. In the 2nd trial video we see her boyfriend feeding cake but later on we see that the cake was a rat. Or like a dead animal of some sort. So it shows the boyfriend poisoned her first and when she thought it was love and did it to him he couldn’t take it anymore and offer himself. In my opinion the boyfriend fucked her up so much she didn’t know what was good or bad anymore. Also her carousel thing staying in both the imagine world and reality that Mahiru has is interesting too. Now talking about the audio drama. GIVE HER THERAPY! She has been beat up to almost death yet doesn’t blame Kotoko for almost killing her saying. “Kotoko has a reason for doing it” something along those lines. She doesn’t blame anyone not even Es who said she was guilty all she said to him was that she is proud that he was hard working. She even said that if my love is wrong I rather die than not have it. Also Es saying how amazing she is was baffling too. Es never really compliments prisoners so it’s shows that Es is growing too. Maybe just a little bit. That’s all I have too say about it FOR NOW I CANT WAIT FOR KAZUI’S trial his song is catchy af!
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kvsagi · 7 months
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hey now, i saved you, right?
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skeledough · 9 months
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here and now, it's my turn to tear you apart!
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cyberpchela · 9 months
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Innocent cat lovers parade.
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blueepink07 · 8 months
I'm sure that it is a well-known thing, but I want to talk a little about it anyway!
Trial 1 voice trailers -> future (after murder)
Haruka: "Then what should I have done instead?! Tell me! Tell me so even I can understand!"
Yuno: "Hah... I can't be bothered."
Fuuta: "Everyone else was having fun, weren't they? What about them? Was it just me?"
Muu: "Fufufu... It's your fault... for doing horrible things to me."
Shidou: "(laugh) Not dead... Yeah, she's definitely not dead... I finally understand the value of what I've been robbing people of..."
Mahiru: "Is this... love? This is love...!"
Kazui: "I'm so dumb... Why did I have to dream?"
Amane: "Ahh! I'm so sorry...! I'm sorry...! I'm sorry for breaking the rules!"
Mikoto: "My life... It wasn't supposed to be this way..."
Kotoko: "...Fufu... This feels so good."
Trial 2 voice trailers -> past (before muder)
Haruka: "I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!!! Making you waste your life on someone like me...!! "
Yuno: "Nice to meet you, my name is Kashiwagi Yuuko! Well then, where shall we go?"
Fuuta: "Hahaha you think just because you’re a brat I’ll forgive you? You’ll pay for this"
Muu: "Hey..why don't you listen to me...? I'm telling you... Hey...HEY, I'M TALKING TO YOU"
Shidou: "You're in my way...hurry up and die"
Mahiru: "Ehehe...I love, love, LOVE YOU!! Don't ever let me go, ok!"
Kazui: "Hinako, I love you more than anything."
Amane: "Father is a very praiseworthy person. Once his virtue increases, he'll come back home, right? It's a little lonely, but I'm fine!"
Kotoko: "From the begin I've never asked for your understanding! My actions, one by one, are bringing earth closer to peace. Useless Weaklings should just shut up and let me protect them!"
Meaning that it is very possible to be like this:
Trial 3 voice trailers -> present (during murder)
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mureinar · 3 months
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Rabbit hole Yuno!!
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Took abt 8 hours ;3 it was fun to shade all the details
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iris-drawing-stuff · 5 months
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I started watching a playthrough of Danganronpa (it's pretty fun). Since I made sprites for Mikoto in Ace Attorney, I wanted to try my hand at doing the same for Danganronpa. A bunch of people waking up in a mysterious prison with no memory of how they got there actually seems like a good setup for a killing game. Milgram even has a talking animal.
I was trying to emulate that weird, awkward stance they have. Seriously, why are their feet so far apart?
Anyway, what would his Ultimate talent be? Ultimate Clothing Designer, maybe? Him being the Ultimate ??? could be fun, but that would suit Es more. Jackalope would obviously be Monokuma.
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0507-worms · 10 months
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triage/cat gifset
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laniemae · 2 months
Assigning Miku figures to Milgram characters!
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Haruka - Good Smile Company Deep Sea Girl ver. 1/8
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Yuno - Good Smile Company 15th Anniversary Ver. 1/7
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Fuuta - Design Coco Magical Mirai 2023 ver. 1/7
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Muu - Naruyo Tame Yon "Class de Ichiban Ninki no Ano Ko wa Kousha no Ura de Hito o Koroshita" Garage Kit ver. 1/7
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Shidou - PitPePe de Gongfang Wei Lai Zhi Lei ver. 24 cm.
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Mahiru - FuRyu Autumn Date noodle stopper ver.
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Kazui - FuRyu "MIKU WITH YOU 2019" Ver. 1/7
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Amane - Miyaya's garage kit ver.
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Mikoto - Taito Latidos 2022 ver. 18cm
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Kotoko - Tokyo Otaku Mode LAM Rock Singer Ver. 1/7
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Es - FuRyu GALAXY LIVE 2020 Ver. 1/7
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John - Hobby Stock 1/7 Digital Stars 2022 ver.
Thanks to @/mikufigureoftheday for cataloging these figures!
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moonysadventureteam · 8 months
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special shoutout to es. not for any reason. just because. (for putting up with jackalope)
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fuutas-boyfriend · 9 months
“we have to vote amane guilty or else she’ll kill [insert prisoner here]!!” okay but have you considered how fucking funny it would be for any of those grown adults to lose to a 12 year old that’s not even 5 ft tall. at that point that’s on them
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mukuberry · 1 day
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maristelina · 7 months
Mikoto T2 Neoplasm Voice Drama Translation
Take my translation with a grain of salt. I did try my best.
Es: Mikoto Mikoto: Oh…Hey Warden, Es: You… are Mikoto right? Mikoto: Eh? What are you talking about? It feels like it's been a while, doesn't it? Have you been well? Huh? What is this? Chains? I hate these, Take them off Es: Request denied. You are too dangerous. Physical restraint is essential. Mikoto: Uh.. Um… What are you saying, capturing such a harmless person like me? Es: As I thought, you have no self-awareness. Mikoto: Well, I get it. I must have caused a ruckus while I was asleep, right? Everyone told me that I really went all out with the chaos. Es: It seems so. Mikoto: I guess it's something like sleepwalking disorder. Lately I've been feeling drowsy more frequently too. Oh man, that's troublesome, isn't it? Es: Mikoto… Mikoto: I can tell from everyone's attitude that they're scared of me. I can read the room/atmosphere… I… Es: Hmm… Mikoto: It's frustrating, isn't it? I've been confused ever since I got here. Es: You really laugh when you're in pain/troubled, don't you? Mikoto: Eh? Es: You don't get angry or yell. You laugh like you're in a bind/at a loss. Mikoto: That sounds about right. I might have that kind of trait. Usually, if I laugh and gloss it over, things go well. I'm good at that kind of thing, so I manage somehow. But, it doesn't end, does it? My head is filled with things I have no memory of doing. Orekoto: I constantly feel irritated Es: There it is. Orekoto: Seems like you haven't been beaten up enough, huh, you brat of a guard. Es: Ah… Gr….. Orekoto: Hah? Cat got your tongue? Es: Even though you got done in by Kotoko. Orekoto: That was just because I was caught off guard. We fought while you were asleep, it's not like I lost or anything. Es: Multiple personality disorder. Is it correct to understand that you, who are speaking now, are a separate personality from the Mikoto earlier? Mikoto: You're accepting this quite normally, aren't you. Multiple personalities is ridiculous, right? Es: Yes. I didn't think something like that could really exist either. Mikoto: Yeah, exactly. If it wasn't me, I wouldn't believe it either. I'd just think it's a lie to escape the guilt of killing someone. Es: However, Milgram recognizes you as such. I'm just accepting it as fact and moving my thoughts forward. So, what should I call you? Orekoto: I don't know man. Call me whatever you want. Es: For convenience, I will call you John. Orekoto: That's a dog-like name. Es: It's used to refer to a person of unknown identity. It comes from "John Doe". Do you like it? Orekoto: Is it okay to show off knowledge like that? Es: But you seem quite calm today. I thought you were a monster. I didn't expect we could communicate this well. Orekoto/John: Don't get cocky. If it wasn't for these chains your face would be smashed in by now brat. Es: Oh? How scary. I'm scared. /s Mikoto: Hmph. Es: Then you are not Milgram's prisoner. The best proof is that Milgram's restraints are not effective on you. Milgram has judged Mikoto to be the prisoner, while you, a separate personality, are an exception. Orekoto/John: Ah I see. So for you, multiple personalities has been anything but confirmed. Es: That's why today, chair creaks I thought I'd hear you out as an important witness. I'm very glad we are able to have a proper conversation. Orekoto/John: But you know, this isn't a good thing. Probably. Es: What are you trying to say? Orekoto/John: I(Boku) might be disappearing (?!) Es: gasps Orekoto/John: Clearly, the time I'm(ore) out in front is getting longer. Thanks to that, my existence is becoming more stable. Isn't that the reason we can talk properly now? Es: makes a concerned sound Orekoto/John: Maybe it would have been better if I (ore) stayed a monster. … Oh? What's with that look? Es: I'm surprised to hear you speak so rationally, contrary to what I expected. Orekoto: I have a college degree after all. How does one develop Multiple Personality Disorder?
Es: To be precise, it is called Dissociative Identity Disorder. Generally, it is thought to occur when another personality is created and separated in order to protect oneself from suffering, stress, trauma, etc. Orekoto/John: Hm. 多分俺は僕の受けたストレスを解消するために出てきてる。俺が長く出てるってことは、それだけ僕が強いストレスを受け続けているわけだ。 I'm (ore) probably emerging to relieve the stress he's (Boku) under. The fact that I'm (ore) out for longer means he's (boku) under more severe constant stress.
Es: Stress huh? It's probably because of Milgram, I see. Orekoto/John: Especially the verdict of "GUILTY/Not Forgiven" He (Boku) feels tremendous stress. So he leaves his heart/mind to me. Es: I see. Orekoto/John: It's no wonder. To him, he's being blamed for a crime he has no memory of. / It's not unreasonable. From his (Boku) point of view, he is being blamed for a crime they have no memory of. Es: "If that's true, are you the one who actually committed the murder?" Orekoto/John: Yes. It was me. (Ore-da)
Orekoto/John: I'm (ore) the one who killed them. Es: ん… Orekoto/John: So, I (Boku) really didn't do it. Es: Why did you kill them? Let's hear your explanation. Orekoto/John: (むしゃくしゃして。) I was frustrated. Es: Who did you kill? Orekoto/John: (そこら辺歩いてた奴。) Some guy who was walking around.
Es: How many did you kill? Orekoto/John: I don't remember. That was the first time I emerged. It's hazy. Es: You have the audacity to say that without any shame. Orekoto/John: Legally speaking, what would happen to me? Es: You might get a reduced sentence based on a psychological evaluation, but depending on the number of people you killed, you might not be able to avoid the death penalty. Orekoto/John: (いや、やったのは俺だ。僕は寝ていただけだ。) No, I (ore) was the one who did it. He (Boku) was just sleeping. Es: As if things could be that convenient.
Orekoto/John (Boku): 僕の身にもなってやれよ。僕はただストレスに耐えていただけなんだぜ。一人でじっと耐えていたんだ。爆発するまで誰かを傷つけようなんて考えてなかったんだよ。 Put yourself in my shoes. I (boku) was just enduring the stress, that's all. I (boku) was enduring it alone. I (boku) never thought about hurting anyone until it reached a breaking point.
そういうことができない奴なんだ。気を使って空気を見て、周りの顔色を窺ってばっかで、そういうことができないから、爆発しそうだったから俺が生まれたんだ。あんまりだろう。何も捨てねえんだぞ。 I'm (boku) not the kind of guy who can do that. I'm (boku) always worried about the atmosphere/the room, watching people's expressions, so I (boku) can't do things like that. That's why I (boku) was about to explode, so I (ore) was born. It's too much. I (boku) haven't done anything wrong!
Es: Even if that's how it was, even if it wasn't Mikoto's intention, human lives have been lost. Orekoto/John: Urgh… Es: Even if the one inside was you, John, there's no way to prove it. At the very least, it won't fully hold up in court. It could even be deemed as a lie.
Orekoto/John: YOU!! Es: ! Orekoto/John: (お前はどう思うんだ?) What do YOU actually think?! Es: Mine? Orekoto/John: I (ore) did it. He (boku) didn't do it. You're just going by what Milgram says. Why the hell does it matter what the justice/criminal system thinks, what about YOUR judgement?! What do you think about me? Es: ... Orekoto/John: Forgive me (Boku) already. I'm (ore) the one who did it...
Es: I can't judge right away. It's not something I can decide to forgive so easily. In fact, Mikoto's mindset/emotional landscape was far too cruel. I judged not to forgive. / I've decided not to forgive. Orekoto/John: (You're saying that because you think) That's probably because multiple personalities could be fake. I (boku) truly did nothing wrong. I (ore) was the one who killed.
Es: …
Orekoto/John: Can you be satisfied with that? Imagine waking up in the morning and finding out you've become a murderer.
Es: The act of creating you could be called a sin. / It might be said that the sin is in having given birth to you.
Orekoto/John: !!!!!!!!!!!! … You are probably right…
Orekoto/John: I (ore) am his (boku) ideal self. I'm (ore) the one who doesn't just lie down and resign ourselves to unfairness and stress. If I (Ore) hadn't been born, he (Boku) would have surely reached his limit and broken down. Es: Then… you… Orekoto/John: It's true that I (boku) wished for an existence that could break everything. Maybe it's because of my (Boku's) weakness that I couldn't face it alone. But that's all. Is that a sin/crime?
Es: That's for us to consider moving forward. Orekoto/John: Talking with you, I (ore) understand that what I (ore) did cannot be forgiven. I (ore) accept that.
Es: Yeah, that's right. Orekoto/John: Milgram's subject of judgment is him (Boku), Mikoto. Not me (ore)… John that is. Es: That is correct. Orekoto/John: Please forgive him (boku). Otherwise he (boku) won't be able to endure anymore. Es: I see, you want me to decide that since it was another other personality that committed the crime, it doesn't count as his (Boku's) sin.
Orekoto/John: Yes. If you forgive him (Boku), then I'll disappear.
Es: !!
Orekoto/John: That's right, in the end I (ore) have to vanish. I'll take on everything and vanish. I will.
…Because I (ore) was born to protect him (boku). Es: For that purpose. You were born. Orekoto/John: If it's to protect him (Boku), then I'll do anything.
Bell Chimes
Es: John… Mikoto: Hm? What is it? A dog's name? Es: Mikoto… Mikoto: Warden, you have a pet dog? What kind of breed is it? Wait, let me think, not a Toy Poodle, but I might surprisingly like the ones that are ugly-cute. Not a French Bulldog or anything like that. Es: That's not it. (irritated) Mikoto: Then a pug? Es: It's not a dog's name! Mikoto: Ehh? Then, what is it? Es: It's the name of your friend. Mikoto: laughs No way! I don't know anyone with that name!
Es: Deep Inhale I suppose so. Mikoto: Huh? Es: Prisoner #9, Mikoto. Sing your sins…
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snakes-and-fluff · 7 months
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Gif'd my favourite shots from the Trial 1 music videos! Also grabbed my fav stills (under the cut):
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jeunji · 1 year
She can do whatever she wants! (She is guilty)
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stelmao · 1 month
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i wanna see him in a milgram situation
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