#mike is never beating the gay allegations because of this scene specifically
mlchaelwheeler · 2 years
there is still absolutely no heterosexual explanation for mike's refusal to hug will at the airport... he was just fine hugging dustin like 12 hours before that + he's oblivious to will's feelings
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mayabruhbruh · 2 years
Don’t know if anyone has pointed this out yet but ermmmm
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It looks a lot like Will is standing in front of the table, giving the gay yearning gaze back at m!leven yet again
I find it so strange how any time we point out quite obvious signs of Will’s jealousy, there’s the idea that “he’s just jealous because he wants his own relationship like that” in which people can fall back on when they don’t believe us. LIKE BRO. ITS ONLY EVER M!LEVEN. not even Lumax made him uncomfortable like this relationship seems to. When the rain scene came out, everyone kept saying “oh Will just isn’t ready to grow up and he doesn’t care about relationships yet” WHEN WE LITERALLY GOT DIRECT-ISH/INDIRECT CONFIRMATION BY MIKE SAYING HE DOESNT LIKE GIRLS. It baffles me. Do you guys think the Duffers make this agonising dynamic, where both could be possible, on purpose? Like, they keep it hidden by allowing people to believe the idea of Will missing the old days and not being able to move on and/or wanting a relationship of his own like all his friends (where he feels like he’s missing out). I do believe the D&D stuff was about that childhood thing, but over time it definitely changed into something deeper (specifically between him and Mike). Evidently.
Tell me what y’all think, because it’s truly been killing me since S3 came out.
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