#mike (hellraiser) x ofc x melot (Tristan& Isolde AU)
geralts-yenn · 17 days
Found Family
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Modern AU Melot (Tristan & Isolde) x OFC Nina x Mike (Hellraiser)
summary: Mikey needs some love after meeting his parents
warnings: 18+, minors DNI! Polyamory, non-monogamous bisexual relationship, a little angst, problematic family relationship, talk about dick piercings, double blowjob, Anal (m/m), p-i-v sex, all the fluff Mikey deserves
word count: 5,4k
A/N: This has been in my wip folder for an embarrassingly long time. This was meant to happen before A merry happy birthday (yes, it took me THIS long)
Now it's finally done and I hope you like it ❤
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I heard the music before I even entered the building. And as I recognized the sound of Mike's favorite punk rock band, I knew it was coming from our apartment. Frowning, I opened the door. I found him in the bedroom, sitting cross legged on the floor with his head bent over his sketchbook. His hand ran in angry strokes over the paper, and he didn't even notice me until I brushed my hand over his back. Mike jerked away from my touch and looked at me startled. His eyes were wide, but also puffy and red rimmed.
“Hey, my love, are you okay?” The question was ridiculous, I could see that Mike was farther away from okay than I had ever seen him before. But the music was so loud that he wouldn't have heard anyway. And it didn't matter at all because he turned away from me, pulling his hoodie deep into his eyes. 
My heart clenched at the sight of him like this. I got up from my crouched position to turn off the damn music. But as soon as there was the possibility to talk to my boyfriend without shouting, he sprang up and stormed out of the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind him.
“Mike!” I shouted after him. Yet when I got to the door, he had already left the apartment. I froze in my movements, totally baffled by Mikey’s unusual behavior. When I heard the sound of his motorbike, I ran to the window and saw him, pacing off far too fast. By now, tears were running down my face. 
When I got back to the bedroom, my eyes fell onto Mike's sketchbook. Where there were usually funny doodles and portraits that Mike loved to draw, I found creepy monsters, dark figures and angry grimaces. What the hell had happened to the guy that always was so upbeat and unworried? He had always been the one who didn’t seem to be troubled by anything in the world. And it hurt that he didn’t want to share with me whatever got him to feel so bad.
I took my phone and called Mel. He had planned to spend the weekend with his family, but I really needed him now. 
“Hey, sunshine!” Mel greeted me and in the background I could hear the laughter of Isa and Tristan, which only made me sob more. Mel immediately sensed that something was off when I didn’t speak. 
“What’s wrong, Nina?” He sounded alarmed. I took a deep breath, trying to find some words.
“Mike! I think something happened to him. He was crying in the bedroom and when I tried to talk to him, he ran off. He’s on his bike and he’s not okay. And now I really don’t know what to do. I’m so scared.” I almost didn’t recognize my own shaky voice. 
Mel cursed. “Fuck! I should have known! Please wait for me, baby, I’m coming home and then we’ll go search for him. Don’t be scared, we’ll find him, okay? Mikey is going to be okay.”
Mel knowing immediately what was up with Mike had me surprised. I had been away only for two nights. But apparently it was long enough that our whole relationship was in chaos and none of my two boyfriends had talked to me about it. It hurt.
“What is it, you should have known? I don’t understand, Mel!” I asked him, perplexed. 
Mel sighed. I heard some rustling, and then I heard him talking to Tristan. “I need to get home, Mikey and Nina need me!” Then his voice was louder again, speaking to me: “Mikey wanted to meet his parents. He had decided that he finally wanted to tell them about us. I should have talked him out of it. Or at least go with him. He said it would be okay, but I… I should have known. Sorry!”
Adding to my concern, I felt anger rising in my chest. “You two should have told me. This is something that we should have done together. Mel, how could you leave him alone with this?”
I heard the engine of Mel’s car coming to life and the changed acoustic as Mel had put me on speakers. “I know, Nina. I’m sorry. Mike was insisting that I should go. I didn’t want to come off as patronizing him. He seemed so sure.” As I listened to him, I realized Mel was just as worried and upset as myself. His voice was breaking more than once. I decided now wasn’t the time for accusations. All three of us needed each other. 
“It’s okay, Mel. It’s not anybody’s fault. Just drive home safely. I will try to get Mikey to answer his damn phone in the meantime.”
The hour that it took Mel to get back home, I tried my best to find Mikey. His phone was still sending me straight to his mailbox. I left him messages, but I didn’t expect him to listen to them. Calling his friends didn’t help either. No one had seen him.
I was at the edge of a total breakdown when the door opened and Mel was finally home. As soon as he saw me, he rushed forward and took me in his arms. Sobbing uncontrollably, I buried my face in his chest. Being wrapped in his arms took a little of the pressure from my shoulders. Holding him always felt so damn good. Even when I was scared, or maybe even more so because I was scared.
“It’s okay, baby. It’s going to be fine!” Despite trying to calm me, Mel didn’t appear to be exactly in a better state than myself. His eyes were glossy, and his fingers brushed nervously over my back while he was chewing on his lip.
After catching a breath and holding each other tight for a very needed moment, we started discussing possibilities of what to do next. 
That was until the ringing of the doorbell interrupted us. My head shot up hopefully, but the realization that Mikey would have used his key hit me only a second later. Mel got up, pressing a kiss on my hair, and opened the door. 
“I need to talk to Michael.” The icy voice immediately gave me goosebumps. Mikey’s mom pushed Mel to the side and stepped into the hallway. When she realized I was blocking her way by standing in the door frame to the living room and not giving in when she tried to move around me, she rolled her eyes. “I know this might be unknown to people like you, but it’s rude to block someone from meeting their son.” The ‘like you’ was dripping with disdain. I opened my mouth, but I just didn’t know what to say. I had never been treated rude like that in my life. 
To my relief, Mel stepped to my side and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I admired him for keeping his voice calm and steady. “Mrs. Girardi, Mike isn’t at home. We don’t know where he is right now. The only thing we know is that he was very upset after meeting you and your husband.“ 
Mike’s mom seemed to be irritated for a brief moment, a hint of concern flashing over her face, before her expression turned back to the stony indifference. “Well, that’s all your fault. Why did you trick Michael into that relationship? Of course, he’s confused. This isn’t healthy. Or normal.“ Her eyes traveled over Mel and me from head to toe. “I really don’t know how you did this. How could he be lured into something like this? Why would he want to be with someone like you? Michael is such an attractive young man. Well, at least he was, until he ruined his skin with that ink. And he is smart. He could be a lawyer, like his father and brother. Have a good wife and kids. Working on the family heritage. But he is such a disappointment. And with you two in his life, we lost our hope to bring him back to reason. How could we explain this situation to friends and business partners? It’s just so humiliating.“ 
Hearing her talk about Mike in that way broke my heart. Finally, I knew what I had to say to that mean bitch that called herself a mother. “Mikey is a better person than you could ever imagine. He has the biggest heart, and he deserves to be loved exactly the way he is. It’s an utter shame that you don’t realize what a wonderful person your son is. Instead of being ashamed of him, you should be so proud. I am proud to be part of his life. And so is Mel. We love him, and we’ll stay at his side as long as he wants us to be with him. If that is something you can’t accept, it is you who is missing out.“ 
I was shaking, but I wouldn’t turn my eyes away from Mrs. Girardi. Mel’s grip around my arm tightened as a sign of affirmation, and I was so grateful to be able to lean onto his firm chest. 
Mike's mom took in a sharp breath when I had finished my rant. She opened her mouth, and I was already waiting for more hate to come out of it. But instead she snapped it shut, pressing her lips into a thin line, and turned. Her heels clicking on the floor, she stormed off. When she reached the apartment door, she turned her head another time and mustered Mel and me with a cold expression. “You two will be his ruin.” With this, Mrs. Girardi slammed the door shut.
Immediately, Mel pulled me closer into his arms. First I thought he wanted to soothe me, but as my head rested on his chest, and I heard his thundering heart, I realized he needed me to soothe him just as much.  
After a minute of silently comforting each other, sharing a few gentle kisses and touches, I pulled away and looked up at Mel. “We need to find him.” Mel nodded and grabbed my helmet and jacket and held them out for me. 
“Then let’s go!”
It could have been a nice ride if it weren’t for the circumstances. It was a warm, sunny day. I had my arms wrapped around Mel's waist while he was driving down the ocean road. It reminded me of the first time I had been riding with him, the day I fell in love. But today, the reason for the fluttery feeling in my stomach was entirely different, and not in a pleasant way. I couldn’t think of anything else but Mike. The concern felt like a tight band around my heart.
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My tears had stopped falling a while back, but that didn’t mean I was feeling better now. It just meant I was too tired to keep crying. Part of me wanted to get up, get back home and apologize to my girl. I’d been acting like an asshole, leaving her standing in our bedroom without an explanation. But I just couldn’t talk to her at that moment. I needed to be alone. Now I only hoped she would understand. She probably would, she was just the sweetest girl in the world. But that only made me feel worse about hurting her. 
My thoughts drifted back to the conversation with my parents. I could still see them, my father looking at me, so blatantly disgusted, my mother shaking her head as if she could argue about how I felt. If it wasn’t that sad, I could almost laugh about it. 
This wasn’t anything debatable. I loved them, and no words from my parents could change that. Not that I wanted it to change, ever. Even if it meant losing the last strings attached to my pretentious family. 
Maybe it wasn’t that bad at all. They’d been awful to me for years. Ever since I stopped being the perfect son they expected me to be. That person that I never was in the first place. I just hid it well until I turned nineteen. But after I realized I couldn’t be the successful lawyer they wanted me to be, a man who cared more about money and family heritage than about people, everything had changed. 
I had to endure so many hours of lectures — Stop being awkward, go back to college, dress properly, get back into circles that fit your social status, yada yada yada. The day I showed up with the first tattoo that couldn’t be hidden underneath my clothes was a highlight. Mother cried for hours about how she couldn't take me to the country club anymore. What a loss. 
And yet, even though I didn’t hear anything but criticism whenever I met them, I never managed to cut ties with them. Now it was time to let go. If they couldn’t see me happy, why should I care about them?
Honestly, why was I even sad? Losing them didn't mean much. None of them was anywhere near as important to me as Nina and Mel. These two were the ones that I wanted around me. The ones in my heart. They were all the family I needed in my life.
After a last deep breath, while I was watching the waves crashing onto the shore, I got up. It was time to get back home and take care of the people I love. But as I bent down to grab my helmet, a smile crept over my face. I would always recognize the sound of that engine. 
I turned to see Mel parking his bike at the side of the road. Nina practically jumped from her seat and ran towards me. Mel followed close behind. I blinked the new tears away that were forming in the corner of my eyes. Then I finally moved into their direction to close the distance between us. 
Two pairs of arms wrapped around me while I couldn’t do anything else but to repeat the same words over and over: “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!”
The kiss was messy and sloppy, three mouths devouring each other. I tasted the salt of my tears and the sweetness of my two lovers. A hand was tangled in my hair, another pressed against my chest. While I gave in to the demanding pressure of lips and tongues on me, relief rushed through my veins. This kiss was all I needed to see that they weren’t mad at me.
My own hands worked their way into their shirts, desperately searching for the warmth and softness of their skin. 
Nina was the first to retreat from our clumsy kiss. With wide eyes, she watched Mel and me as we pressed our lips onto each other one last time. Then I locked my eyes with her, my heart skipping a beat as I took in her vulnerable expression.
“Don't you ever scare me like that again, idiot!” she said, her voice shaky. In contrast to her harsh words, her hand ruffling through my hair felt so sweet and affectionate, I could kiss her all over again.
Instead, I started begging for their forgiveness once more, my words stumbling out of my mouth, but Mel grabbed my chin and turned me to look at him.
“Stop it, Mikey. There's nothing you need to apologize for. If anything, I need to say sorry. I shouldn't have let you go alone. I should have been there for you.”
Mel and I exchanged more apologies and affirmations that the other one didn't need to say sorry, until Nina stepped between us, her hands cupping our jaws.
“Can you both please stop it? I’d rather see your cute asses move to your bikes, so we can finally go home and go back to the kissing part.”
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Riding home, I felt strangely lost, and it took me a while until I realized I missed Mikey and Nina, even though we had kissed only minutes ago. The need to feel them weighed heavily on my heart. But I was glad that Nina had decided to ride with Mike. He needed her more than I did right now. I wouldn’t have wanted him to feel alone. 
When we entered our apartment, I sent them to the bedroom with a slap on their asses before I made my way to the kitchen. Going through the cabinets, I grabbed snacks for us and put them on a tray. I added three mugs with tea bags, and while I was waiting for the kettle, I took out my phone and typed a message. 
The immediate answer put a smile on my face. I put the phone away, filled our mugs and went to join them in the bedroom.
“Hey, I’m surprised the two of you are not yet naked and fucking,” I said with a wide smile on my face. Mike and Nina lay on the huge bed, their limbs tangled. I put the tray onto the nightstand and Mike immediately jumped up to grab some pistachios. 
Still chewing, he apologized: “Sorry, I’m bad company today, I think I need more cuddles before we can move on to the X-rated stuff.” The puppy eyes he gave me melted my heart.
I dropped on the bed next to them and brushed a few locks from Mikey’s forehead.
“Don’t start apologizing again. Nina and I don’t care. You can take from us whatever you need. Cuddles, talking, fucking… Whatever you ask for, we’re in.”
Nina looked up from her place on Mikey’s chest with a smile, nodding softly.
Mike let out a small laugh. “Yeah, I’ll take that. Exactly in this order!”
All three of us moved to sit against the headrest, but somehow it just didn’t feel right. We were not close enough. I shook my head. “No, that’s not good.” I exclaimed. “Take off your clothes.”
Mike gave me a raised eyebrow and Nina laughed. “Stop being a horndog, Mel!” she shouted with fake disgust in her voice. 
All three of us snickered, but then I explained to them that skin-on-skin contact releases oxytocin and endorphins. That was reason enough for them to spread their clothes all over the floor. 
I got rid of my clothes, too and settled against the headrest again. This time, I guided Mike to sit between my thighs and pulled him back to lean on my chest. Nina clung to one of Mike’s thighs like a koala, her head resting on his lap. This was so much better. 
My heart clenched when Mike told us about his visit with his parents. He had let them know he was happily in love and they reacted with disgust and hate. I wished I could take the hurt he felt from him. He didn’t deserve any of this. And they undeniably didn’t deserve him. 
Mike had stopped talking but his face couldn't hide his pain. I pressed soft kisses on his neck. “You know, family has nothing to do with genes and biology,” I told him. My mind went back to my own experiences. I had never known my biological parents, yet, I was lucky to say I had a wonderful family. And Mike needed to understand that he was part of it, too.
“If they can’t accept who you are, they are not worthy of your love. There are other people who will gladly have you as a part of their life. You are family to Nina and me. And you are family to my mom and my brother. They love you, Mikey!” 
Nina wrapped her arms around Mikey’s waist and nodded. “You are also family to my parents, Mike. You know they adore you.”
Mike didn’t answer, but I felt the tension dissolving from his shoulders. Slowly he relaxed against my chest, taking deep breaths. 
We sat in comfortable silence for a few more minutes. One of my hands was playing with Mike’s curls, the other resting on his chest. Nina was brushing slow circles over Mike’s legs. Mike sighed deeply. “Thank you.” he whispered. “I love you two so much.” 
With time, our hands and mouths started to explore our bodies, lazy touches and kisses. I had my face buried in the crook of Mike’s neck when I heard the sweet giggles of Nina.
“You're definitely moving on from the cuddling and talking part to the fucking part, down there, Mikey!” she laughed and Mike and I both joined in.
“Hey, that's not my fault,” he answered. “How is he supposed to stay soft when you're playing with my piercing constantly?”
More of our laughter filled the room.
Nina shrugged, her head still on Mike’s hip. “I'm sorry, I just love your pierced dick.”
I let out an amused huff. “She really does. My cock is jealous of all the attention yours always gets. Maybe I should get myself a piercing too.” It wasn’t really a joke. I had thought about it a few times already, but I had never mentioned it to Nina or Mike before. 
In answer to my words, Mike and Nina both let out some really sexy noises. Mike looked up at me with a wide grin plastered over his face.
“Oh, I wouldn't be opposed to that. I always wanted to know how it feels on the receiving end.”
A picture flashed through my head: My dick, a metal bar in it, and Mikey’s and Nina’s beautiful faces and mouths in front of it. Damn!
“Hey, Mel, did your cock just twitch in fear or anticipation?” Mikey asked, mischief in his eyes as he watched me.
“Probably both!” I answered honestly, and we all fell back into laughter.
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Nina’s fingers running up and down my length and Mel’s hardening dick pressing against my lower back did wonders to help me forget. Mel’s hand sneaked up to my neck and, with just enough authority to make me all horny, he turned my face to meet his. His mouth pressed hard against me, his tongue sliding over the seam of my lips, asking for entry. I opened my mouth for him, and Mel instantly devoured me. I let him swallow my surprised gasp when Nina’s tongue brushed over the tip of my throbbing cock.
“Damn, peanuts, you really know how to cheer me up!”
It was a fault to let go of Mel’s mouth, I thought for a second, because my sweet boy took this chance and wriggled free from under me. But then he moved to sit on his heels next to Nina, bending down, his tongue darting out to tease me. Yeah, I judged too quickly, I wasn’t mad anymore about him moving. 
Goddamn, I was a mess, swearing and moaning, watching Mel and Nina make out, my dick right in the middle. That was the best kiss I ever got, and my mouth wasn’t even taking part. But who was I to complain? I closed my eyes, let my head fall back, and focused on the incredible feeling of the two wet, warm mouths on me.
“I really can’t blame you,” I heard Mel’s deep voice saying. “This dick is seriously so damn pretty.” They were giggling. Giggling! With my dick right in front of their faces. 
“It really is. It’s unfair. How can he have such a terribly handsome face and a cock so beautiful it’s almost a shame to sit on it and hide it?”
I barked out a laugh at Nina’s remark. At the same time this weird praise sent a warm feeling through my chest. Their lips and tongues went back to nip and suck on me. I was getting close, my breath coming in hitches, but it was just never enough to get me over the edge. I needed more. More of their warm bodies pressed against me. More of their own pleasure. More of them.
“I need to feel you both! Please!” I sounded desperate, but I didn’t care. I didn’t have to hide my needs from them. The realization hit me like a truck. This is where I belonged, where I could be myself and wouldn’t be judged. Whenever I was in their arms, I was home. 
“Come here!” Mel was kneeling at the edge of the bed, his thighs spread wide. Before I could even move an inch, his hands wrapped around my legs, and he pulled me down to him. Teasingly slow, his hands brushed along my thighs until they were resting on my knees. Mel pressed them down, opening me wide to him. Nina came back into my view, handing over a bottle of lube to Mel. 
“Thank you, babe!” Mel and Nina shared a fierce kiss, Mel’s teeth pulling on her bottom lip when she pulled back again. My heart was racing in my chest in anticipation as I watched them spreading lube over their fingers and Mel’s dick. Another squeeze of the cool liquid ran down my ass crack, and Nina’s fingers guided it into the tight ring of muscle. Then I felt the pad of her finger slowly working me open.
It didn’t take long for her to find the spot that made me lose control. I was moaning, desperately squirming as I tried to fuck myself on her hand. I looked down and saw Mel fisting his cock as he watched us. How could I not totally lose my mind when they played me like this? Nina took pity on me and added a second digit, but it still wasn’t enough. 
“Please, I’m ready to take you, Mel. And I need you to take me!” I cupped Nina’s cheek with my hand, looking pleadingly into her eyes. Nina’s fingers slipped out of me, and I winced at the loss. 
But it was only seconds until I felt the tip of Mel’s cock pressing against my ass, and I sighed in relief. In the torturous way that Mel enjoyed so much, he leisurely eased into me. He stilled completely when he was buried to the hilt. I was just a second from crying out my frustration when Nina threw a leg over my torso and sat right down onto my dick.
She was so soft and tight and warm around my cock. And damn, Nina wasn’t holding back. She fucked me fast and hard. 
“Here I was thinking we’re going to make tender love!” Mel snort-laughed, and I swear I felt his dick twitch inside me. He looked at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“You just wanted to make me go insane,” I told him, mirroring the teasing expression. “But I need you to go rogue with me. Fuck me into next week! Or better next month!”
That didn’t need an answer. At least not a verbal one. Mel’s grip on my thighs became more rigid. His hips slammed into me forcefully, and I moaned with every of his brutal thrusts.
Nina bent forward, and her gorgeous tits bounced straight into my face. This must be heaven. I felt I was getting close. But I didn’t want to go there just yet. I needed more of this. I tried to count backwards from 100, but Mel rutting into me with every number I came up with wasn’t helping. Fuck it, I was lost. I planted my feet on the bed and started to pound up into Nina, crashing into Mel with every back stroke. If I go down, I go down with flying colors.
Nina was getting close, too, I felt it. My hand moved to where we were joined, my fingers rubbing over her swollen nub. Yeah that will do the trick. Her mouth fell open, and she was making all those sweet noises that make me so horny. She started to pulse around my dick. Here we go! A few more strokes and then Nina came all over my cock, and she pulled me right with her. I think I cried out some words while I exploded in her, but don’t ask me what it was. My brain is not working right now. There's just this fluffy, warm feeling rushing through my body.
Nina crashed into my chest and her mouth found mine. Nothing better than some post coital kissing.
Mel was bending down, too, to take part in this mid-fuck cuddling. The new angle felt heavenly. I just came, but damn if I didn’t want to keep going with whatever Mel was doing to me here. But it didn’t take him long and he was a goner, too. He pulled out of me and came all over my stomach and Nina’s ass. Panting, he lay down onto my other side and made me the happiest man on earth, thoroughly fucked, one perfect human being in each arm.
A long make-out session later, Nina locked her eyes with me.
“Are you okay?”
I smiled like the idiot I am. “The perfect amount of sticky, sweaty and happy!” 
Mel pressed a kiss on my cheek. “That’s what we were going for!” I shut my eyes, took a deep breath, and embraced the content sleepiness that took me over. 
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The sound of the doorbell woke me from a very nice dream, one of the kind where you’re naked and not freaking out. 
Mel tapped me on my shoulder. “This is for you,” he said. I frowned, trying to make it make sense. I searched my brain for possible appointments I could have forgotten and came up blank. What doesn’t mean that there isn’t one, I’m really great at forgetting shit. I leaned up on my elbows and shouted as loud as I could: “One moment! Be right there!”
But with one glance at me, Mel shook his head. “Nah, you go take a shower first. I’m not letting her see you like this.” Yeah, now I was even more confused, but he wasn’t wrong. I was in no state to welcome any guest.
Mel pressed a kiss on my cheek, another one on Nina, who was mumbling unintelligible words into the covers next to me. The semi I was sporting grew a little firmer as I watched Mel grabbing some boxers and a shirt. Yeah, time for a shower! A cold one!
I felt a lot more awake when I emerged from the bathroom ten minutes later. The smell of coffee was wafting through the air, luring me into the kitchen. I was still clueless who was at the door for me that early in the morning. Well, at least I guess it’s early, I hadn’t checked, to be honest. 
I let out a surprised huff when I saw Catherine sitting at the table. A warm smile formed on my face and I rushed forwards to give her the big hug she deserved. I love Mel’s mom, She’s a queen!
As I pulled back, I changed my face to the apologizing frown everyone around me knew too well. “What did I miss? Sorry, I forgot!” 
But Catherine’s smile only widened as she shook her head. “No, darling. You didn’t forget anything. This is a little surprise visit. I thought about taking you out for breakfast.”
I turned my head to Mel and Nina, who were busy with eggs and pans. “Yay, peanuts, put that stuff back into the fridge, we’re going out.”
I took the last sip from my milkshake that had just the perfect disgusting amount of sugar I needed to get through this morning. I had talked about my dysfunctional family for twenty minutes straight, but Catherine didn’t look like she minded. Her eyes never left mine, and she gifted me with more of her warm smiles. 
All three of them answered with a laugh. Catherine put her perfectly manicured hand on my shoulder. “No, sweetheart. I want to spend some time just with you.”
“Oh honey! I can’t believe how ignorant they all are.” There was so much empathy in her eyes as she talked to me. “I need you to understand that all this has absolutely nothing to do with you and everything with them. It is not your fault. You are the most precious, compassionate soul. I am so glad that Mel found you. It’s a gift that I get to have you as part of my family. There’s enough love in me for another son, and I’m happy to share it with you.”
I wasn’t embarrassed about the tears that rolled down my cheeks, here in the middle of a coffee shop.  It’s not like I could have held them back anyway. 
“Thank you, Catherine!” My voice was breaking. “This means a lot to me.”
“You can call me mom, you know. If you want to, of course.” 
Another sob escaped me.
“I’d love to. Thank you, mom!”
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geralts-yenn · 5 months
A very merry birthday
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Modern AU Melot (Tristan & Isolde) x OFC Nina x Mike (Hellraiser)
summary: The boys are celebrating Christmas and, more importantly, Nina's birthday
warnings: 18+, minors DNI! Polyamory, non-monogamous bisexual relationship, vaginal fingering, oral (f & m receiving), sex toys, tiny hint of food play, facial, DVP, tooth rotting fluff
word count: 4,4k
A/N: @raccoon-eyed-rebel the happiest of birthdays to you, my wonderful rodent bestie!
I will send you more messages telling you how incredibly happy I am to have you in my life, but right now, I will stop talking because I know you can't wait to read this.
I hope you enjoy your presents - Love you 😘
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“Morning, sunshine!” Mel was slowly kissing down your throat as soon as he saw you blinking. On the other side of the bed, Mike’s curly head appeared, and he was clutching to you like a koala the next moment. 
“Happy birthday, babe” he told you, his head already buried in your cleavage. 
You laughed, not exactly surprised by the attack of your two boyfriends. They were always touchy, so you expected no less from them on your birthday. 
In no time, they had you not only naked, but also quivering in anticipation as they both moved their mouths way too slowly down your body. Mike was still paying attention to your chest, nothing to complain about to be honest, while Mel was already nipping and biting on the tender skin over your hip bone. Under wet kisses he resumed his trail that finally brought his mouth to your pussy. As his tongue lapped through your wet folds, he let out a content growl. 
“Come here, Mikey, she’s already dripping!” he purred before he pressed his flattened tongue on your clit again. Mike didn’t need to be told twice. He bit down one last time on your nipple, making you scream, and then pushed Mel to the side so he could taste you, too. 
Mike’s tongue swirled around your swollen pearl eagerly, while you felt Mel’s fingers carefully circling your entrance. The coarse stubble on Mel’s jaw scratched over the delicate skin of your thigh as he started to suck little love bites on it. 
They had learned to play you like a fiddle, taking turns with their mouths on your clit, on your inner thighs and their fingers pumping into you. You were a total mess, breathing heavily as you expected your climax to rush through your body any moment, when suddenly there was no mouth left between your legs, and you only felt fingers plunging into you lazily.
As you raised your head, you couldn’t help but laugh, seeing Mel and Mike both totally lost in the deep kiss they shared. You grabbed a pillow and smacked them with it.
“Hey, idiots, it’s my birthday, don’t you forget to make me cum, please?” They chuckled as they stopped kissing, both showing you a cocky grin. 
“Babe, I’m pretty sure you’ll be content with the amount of orgasms at the end of this day,” Mel told you, mischief in his voice. Mike’s laugh that accompanied Mel’s words told you that they had made plans for you today. 
They were both starting to kiss along your thighs again, but you were impatient by now.
“You know, there’s two dicks in this bed and none of them is in my pussy. Can we please change this situation?” you all but whined. 
“Nope!” Mike exclaimed, flicking his tongue over your clit as to make a point. He sucked it between his lips while Mel continued his sentence: “No dick for you. Not yet. But we’ll make up for it.” 
And they did! They were determined to fuck you to the moon and back on their fingers and tongues, making you cum not only once but three times before you had to stop them. 
“Okay, okay, guys, you won. I can’t take any more,” you shouted, pulling on their hair to bring their faces up to yours. You shared deep kisses with both of them before you sank back onto the bed, one of your boys in each arm.
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When you got out of the shower, the whole apartment was filled with the scent of pancakes and coffee. Mike was standing at the stove in nothing but his boxers and an apron. Mel sat at the table, smiling at you with so much love, your heart was just about to burst. You sat down, and the next moment Mike was behind you, placing a ridiculously big pile of pancakes onto your plate. He took the syrup and flooded your pancake tower with it. But, as was to be expected, it was Mike after all, he didn’t stop there, but poured it also over your chest, just above the towel you had wrapped around you.
“Mike! I just came out of the shower, you can’t make a mess of me again!” you laughed and Mel added: “And don’t you remember your own words? Don’t overdo things for food play!” Mike just shrugged with a silly smile on his face and lapped the syrup from your skin. 
After you had finished your breakfast with definitely way too much pancakes, Mike got up and took two presents from under the Christmas tree. He put them down in front of you with a big smile. “Happy birthday, sweetcheeks.” Mel pressed a kiss onto your cheek. “From both of us,” he added. 
You eyed the presents that were unmistakably wrapped by the boys, so much you could tell. One was only a small box, the other one a huge, formless mass that covered most of the dining table. “Which one is from whom?” you asked, just out of curiosity, but the boys shook their heads. 
“We bought them both together. For whenever we can't be with you and you feel lonely.” Mel and Mike shared a mischievous glance that you didn't miss. Now you were even more curious.
You started with the giant present, carefully undoing the tape, trying to save the cute wrapping paper with tiny cats printed on it. 
When you lifted the paper and saw what was underneath it, you squeaked. You grabbed the giant platypus plushie and hugged both your arms around it. “Ah, I love him,” you said. Mel and Mike both chuckled as they watched you. It took you a minute of jumping in joy with the plushie in your arm, planting kisses on Mel's and Mike's cheeks until you were back at the table, your eyes and hands on the second present. 
“You better not spent money on expensive jewelry,” you blurted out, only to see Mel blushing a little. But then you unwrapped the present and sniggered. You couldn't have been more wrong. The box you held in your hands showed a bright pink bullet vibrator. 
“It's app controlled,” Mikey said with a smug smile on his face. “The only one we found that can be controlled by multiple users at the same time.” 
You laughed as you opened the box. “Of course it is.” 
Mel's smile was just as broad as Mikey’s. “And we’ve already charged it.”
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The boys and you had decided to unwrap your Christmas presents in the evening, when your family was joining you for dinner. Also, Mel and Mikey insisted that you weren't allowed to help them prepare the food, so you spent your day snuggled up to your new friend Pablo with a book in your hand. It was a calm and uneventful day that was only interrupted from time to time when the bullet vibrator in your pussy started to buzz, accompanied by laughter coming from the kitchen. 
At one point, you couldn't stand it any more. You got up from your comfy spot, your birthday present still pulsating in you, and pushed the half closed door to the kitchen open.
Maybe you should have been prepared for more teasing, though this time you really couldn’t blame them as they were not even noticing your presence. With your mouth hanging open, you watched Mike pressing Mel against the wall. He pinned his boyfriend’s arms above their heads. Mel answered with a growl and then they both shared a hot kiss.
A hitched breath later you were able to speak: “Really, guys, you’re riling me up to a point where I will snap. You have to give me a little something.”  Mikey’s lips never left Mel, but his hand guided you to join them. You moved forward and when you were standing next to them, Mike finally pulled away from Mel’s mouth and pressed his soft lips against yours instead. 
Mel cocked his head while he watched you. Then his eyes fell on the clock of the oven. “We’ve got fifteen minutes,” he told you. Within no time, the three of you had made it into the bedroom, hands and mouths exploring whatever bit of skin they could find. But when your hand tried to sneak into Mel’s pants, he tsk-tsked you and pulled your hand up to his chest again.
“Really? Still no dicks allowed? Come on, guys! That’s no fun. Let me at least give you some head.” You don’t think you had ever begged for a blow job, but there you were, kneeling between your boyfriends, pouting, trying to imitate their puppy eyes. And it seemed to work!
Mel and Mike shared looks that couldn’t hide how much they liked the idea of your mouth around their cocks. 
They both dropped their sweatpants within seconds, a broad smile on their faces. That smiles faded when your tongue darted out to lick over the tip of their cocks. When you looked up at them, you saw Mike biting his lower lip, while Mel’s face changed into an almost pained expression. Your hands and mouth started to work on their cocks, making it all sloppy, like they loved it. You watched them kiss while you tried your best to fit your lips around both their swollen heads. The toy continued to vibrate inside you relentlessly, making you moan desperately around their cocks.
Soon you felt, you heard, that they were close. Mel pulled out of your mouth so you were free to take Mike’s dick all down your throat. Instead, Mel fisted himself, his eyes full of lust as he watched you swallowing Mike’s cock. “Damn, baby, you’re beautiful!” he breathed and, almost coming out as a whimper, he warned you to close your eyes.
You had only a second to react before Mel’s cum hit your face, dripping over your cheeks and the lips stretched around Mike. And the sight of you must have taken Mike over the edge, too, because he exploded down your throat the very next moment. When he pulled out of your mouth, his thumb brushed over your cum-soiled face. “Fuck, babe, look at you!”
After they had cleaned your face and another orgasm on their tongues later, they finally stopped teasing you. They got back to cooking while you started to prepare the dining table. Placing plates and glasses for eight people wasn’t easy on the small table and with eight chairs, the room was more than crowded. This whole apartment wasn’t exactly made to host that many guests, but you’d live. It might be cozy, you thought as you lit the candles. 
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Perfectly timed, all of you had changed into more festive clothing (which meant ‘beautiful dress’ for you and apparently ‘ridiculous x-mas sweater’ for the boys) when the bell rang for the first time. It was your parents, holding out presents and a bottle of wine for you to take. Mel and Mike were both acting like the perfect gentlemen, taking their coats while your parents were sharing hugs and congratulations with you.
The bell rang another time and with Isa, Tristan and Mel’s mom Catherine, your round was complete now. Isa pulled you in her arms as if she wanted to crush you, showering you with birthday wishes. In the corner of your eyes, you watched as Catherine pulled Mel close to her, handing him a small present and them sharing a loving look with each other. You were glad that Mel had Catherine, she was wonderful, he couldn’t have found a better foster family. The thought brought you back to Mike, and you searched for him, a little concerned. With relief, you saw how Tristan was talking to him, and whatever he had said, it made Mike laugh. He’d be okay.
The boys had outdone themselves with dinner, you knew they weren’t exactly helpless in the kitchen, but they honestly impressed you with the meal they had prepared.
Even your dad didn’t complain about the lack of meat, you noticed, as he served himself a third round of garlic mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy.
After dinner, you moved to the living room and everyone started exchanging presents. You were occupied for quite some time with birthday and Christmas presents to be opened. When you finally made it to the last one, you smiled at the pile of presents in front of you. They really knew you well, you thought, as you admired all the wonderful things you got. There was hand-dyed yarn for your crochet and knitting projects, a book you had been eying for a while already, and annual tickets to the zoo for all three of you.
You let your eyes wander through the room, it was pure bliss to see how everyone seemed to be just so happy. Mel and your Dad were standing in the corner at Mel’s record player, scanning through his collection that got some new additions today.  Mike was already working with his new artist pencils.
Your mom sat down beside him, curiously peering over his shoulder. “You’re talented, Mike. This is beautiful.” Mike thanked her, giving her a small smile, before his eyes met yours for a second and you saw them lighting up. Then he went back to drawing. Your mom continued chatting with him and you watched them, happy that your parents were comfortable with both your boyfriends. But then your mom changed to the topic that you had dreaded the whole evening. You should have given her a head start not to mention it. 
“So, where are your parents today, Michael, aren’t they going to see you?” Mike’s smile froze to a grimace. You saw him swallow before he answered.
“They are staying with my brother.” You already saw your mom open her mouth for a follow-up question when Catherine sat down beside her. She was quick to engage your mom in a conversation, saving Mike. You gave her a thankful look and crouched down next to Mike, wrapping your arms around his waist and pressing a gentle kiss on his neck.
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Isa and Tristan were the last ones to leave. And while Tristan was still in the kitchen with the boys who had already started to take care of the dishes, Isa was with you in the hallway. 
“It was a wonderful evening, Nina! It’s so good to see you three so happy. I mean, just look at you, you are glowing! I’m pretty sure they took good care of you already today, huh?” She laughed at your reddening face. “I knew it! Guess they are not done with you yet.” She raised her voice: “Tristan, come on, let’s leave those three alone now. They still have some plans for today!” You smacked Isa on her arm, making her laugh only more. Tristan, Mel and Mikey all appeared next to you, and the mischievous smirks on their faces told you they were talking about the same thing.
You sent Tristan and Isa home with hugs and thank you’s. And as soon as they had left, Mel and Mike dragged you to the bedroom. “So you DO have some more plans today, don’t you?” you laughed. 
“We absolutely do!” Mike grinned at Mel, who already had his hand on the zipper of your dress. “If you’re not too tired, that is,” he added. How could they be so incredibly sweet? You had no idea how you deserved them. 
“How could I be tired after you didn’t let me help you all day? Wait, so this was your plan all along.” All three of you chuckled. Would you be mad at them that they let you rest only to be able to fuck you to oblivion? Surely not. That was a double win, wasn’t it?
Mel had already thrown your dress into a corner of the room. You were happy that you were finally able to take off those ugly sweaters from both of them and send them the same way. The naked chests now hovering over your sides were so much better to look at. Very unusual for Mike, he didn’t immediately get rid of your bra. Instead, he moved back a little to be able to fully take you in. So the unholy amount of money you had spent on that lingerie was actually worth it this time. 
“Damn, babe, your tits look fabulous in this.” Mike brushed his fingers slowly over the delicate fabric. Something that you absolutely weren’t used from him. “I mean, your tits are always fabulous. But I have to honor the packaging today.” Mel leaned down and hummed in your ear. “He’s right! You are gorgeous.” He nipped at your earlobe, making you squirm. “Nevertheless, it has to go now.” Mike unclasped your bra with one swift motion, while Mel moved down on you to pull your panties down your thighs. They stayed in their favorite positions, Mikey sucking on one of your nipples while grabbing your other boob, Mel spreading kisses along your thigh until he was hovering over your throbbing pussy. 
When Mel’s tongue flicked over your clit, you moaned and Mel hummed appreciatively in response. His mouth pressed against you, he continued his task to make you cum on his face. There were fingers circling around your entrance. You had no idea whose hand it was, and you really didn’t care. All you could care for was how those fingers slipped inside of you and teased you at all the right spots. You looked down on two pairs of eyes, watching through thick eyelashes how you slowly lost your mind. Another hand on your pussy, more fingers pumping into you, made you a quivering mess. Not able to form a straight thought anymore, you were just moaning, cursing and screaming, your whole body tense, ready to snap. A perfect timed flick of a tongue over your pearl brought you over the edge. With trembling legs, you lay there and smiled at your boyfriends.
“I think she should be ready now,” Mike said with a cocky grin on his face. Mel shook his head, sporting a smirk just as smug. “I don’t know. I think we’ll drag out another one from her, just to be sure.” With his tongue darting out to your oversensitive clit again, he was showing you what he’d meant. 
“What are you jerks talking about?” You could hardly breathe as the boys showed no mercy with you. They refused to answer you until their fingers had brought you to another climax. After that, Mike pressed little kisses all over your body until he stopped at your ear, whispering: “You will finally get some dick. Two dicks, to be precise.”
Mel and Mike both stepped out of their pants and underwear. Mike leaned against the headboard, stroking his cock. “Come here, baby!” he told you. You wanted to straddle him, but Mike guided you to turn around, resting your back against his chest. Slowly, you sank down on his cock. Your pussy was so sensitive by now that this alone already was enough to roll your eyes in pleasure. He felt so good, spreading you open. When Mike was buried to the hilt in you, Mel crawled between your widespread legs, his leaking cock in his fist. He bent down, pressing a fierce kiss on your lips, then repeating the same hot kiss with Mike. He aligned himself at your already filled hole and slowly pressed himself into you, inch by inch.
“Fuck!” both men exclaimed in unison. You weren’t able to form any word, so you were just whimpering desperately. Mike moved his hands from your thighs to your breasts. You felt his chest heaving rapidly. Mel finally bottomed out and for a second there was no movement or sound. Then Mel gave you a crooked grin, said, “Happy Birthday, princess!” and started to fuck you. 
Mike cursed and then started pushing his hips up to you, too. There were two cocks thrusting into you, making you feel sensations that you hadn’t known before. The boys were seemingly just as overwhelmed as you. As Mel moved, Mike was holding back and the other way around. “Fuck, this feels pretty amazing!” Mel shouted and Mike agreed. “So fucking hot!” 
All three of you were reduced to panting, moaning, screaming and sharing sloppy kisses with each other. After some time that both of them kept a slow rhythm, Mel cursed and then started to rut into you mercilessly.
But Mike was the first who couldn’t hold back anymore. He increased his own pace, and with a barrage of curses, he spilled his load into you. His grip on your boobs became so tight that he’d probably leave bruises. 
You were following him soon after, tears rolling down your cheeks as your orgasm washed over you. While you collapsed on Mikey’s chest, Mel kept thrusting into your fluttering walls. He was clutching your shoulders, his gasps brushing along your neck until he finally found his own climax. Mike held him as his legs and arms didn’t support him any longer. None of you were able or willing to speak or move. You just lay on top of each other and gasped for air. 
It was minutes later when Mel rolled to the side. You protested as soon as the comforting weight of him had left you. But he immediately pulled you back into his arms so that you were trapped between his and Mikey’s body, just the way you loved it. Mel brushed a streak of hair from your face and kissed you softly. “Are you okay?” he asked. You nodded, your mouth forming to a smile. “You really ruined me today, but damn was it good.” Mel and Mike both chuckled.
“And you, felt good?” Mel checked on Mike, too. You had to turn your head because you just knew the smile spread over Mikey’s face must be worth seeing, and you were right. He looked just like the most adorable little happy puppy ever.
“This must have been the best fucking thing I ever felt.”
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You spent a long time cuddling with the boys, interrupted only by the inevitable bathroom break. With a sigh, you slipped back under the covers to them. Your head resting on Mikey’s chest, Mel spooning you from behind, your eyes fell onto the gift box that lay on the floor next to Mel’s pants. 
“Hey Mel, you haven't opened the gift from your mom yet.” You had totally forgotten to ask him about it earlier.
Mel’s head shot up. “Oh, right, that one!” He seemed to be flustered, making you even more curious. “No, that's actually for the both of you. My mom just kept it for me.”
 Mike seemed to pick up on Mel’s agitation, too, tilting his head as he watched his boyfriend. Mel got up and seized the small box from the floor. “Well, that's not how I’ve planned this, we all lying around naked.” He shook his head laughing.  “But I guess that's just how we do such things.” Mel knelt between Mike and you and held the box out for you to take.
Mike and you looked at each other, both puzzled. You were definitely not expecting another present, and neither was Mikey. 
You had opened so many gifts already today, so you asked Mikey to open this one. Mike took it and shredded the beautiful teal wrapping paper with the little silver stars to tiny pieces. When your look fell onto the navy velvet box, both Mike and you stared at Mel in surprise. Mel’s ears reddened, but he gave you a shy smile and nodded for you to open it. Mike and you both placed a hand each on the lid and opened it at the same time. While you squeaked, Mike let out a stunned huff.
“Mel!” Mikey and you shouted his name in unison. But while you couldn’t say anything else, Mike kept talking. “You can’t be serious? This is gorgeous.” 
Mel inhaled deeply and then took out the first ring. The one with the sun. He took your hand in his and slipped the ring on your finger. Then he bent forward and kissed you.
The one with tiny blue stars he took out next. With his free hand, he cupped Mikey’s cheek. You noticed Mikey clearly fighting with tears as Mel kissed him. When Mel pulled back, he took Mikey’s hand and fitted the ring on his digit. 
You held the box still in your hands with one last ring in it, showing a moon. With an incredible feeling of love filling your chest, you watched Mel for a long moment. Then Mike laced his fingers with yours. Together, you took the last ring and put it on Mel's finger.
Now both Mikey and you couldn’t hold back the tears any longer. They were streaming down your faces as you took Mel into your arms, sharing kisses and loving words. 
It took you a while to find your voice again to speak. “Oh, Mel. They are so beautiful. Thank you.” You looked down lovingly at the three hands holding onto each other, one ring on each of them. 
Suddenly, Mikey’s hand shot up to his mouth. “Wait, is this a proposal or something like that? - I mean, it’s not possible… but..” There were so many emotions flashing over his face.
Mel’s eyes got wide. “ No, …uhm, …or.. maybe? I mean… I know I really want to spend my life with you guys.” Your heart was almost bursting in your chest as you heard him speaking. He was right. You wanted nothing more than this.
“That's what I want too.” you whispered, taking one of their hands in each of yours. 
Now Mel’s and your eyes were on Mikey. He was shaking his head, making you panic for a tiny moment, until you saw the love in his eyes. “ I can't imagine a life without you two, either.” 
Mel pulled Mikey and you into his arms and pressed kisses onto your cheeks. “Then let’s say these rings are a promise.”
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45 notes · View notes
geralts-yenn · 11 months
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Hearts Too Big
Modern AU Melot (Tristan&Isolde) x OFC x Mike (Hellraiser)
summary: Nina goes on a camping trip with her boyfriend Mel and his cute neighbor Mike. Plenty of feelings - that’s the whole plot 
warnings: alcohol and drug use, vaginal fingering, anal fingering (F/M receiving) oral (F/M, M/F, M/M ), vaginal sex, anal sex (F receiving), double penetration
word count: 10,4k (sorry!)
Inspo boards
A/N: I told @raccoon-eyed-rebel (in a tumblr post that I can’t find anymore) that I had plans on making Mikey her partner in Ray Of Sunshine. This exploded into a whole universe of its own in our heads (we share our brains from time to time) and you will get a lot of biker boys in the future because I know Nina won’t stop asking for more. This one got quite big, quite queer and quite Nina-indulgent. It’s Melot and Mikey, it’s bi and it’s polyamorous, so if that’s not for you, feel free to NOT read it. And if that doesn’t draw you off, enjoy!  This one was really hard for me to write, took me a month, I went through highest highs and lowest lows. And I feel both excited and anxious posting it. So please, more than ever, tell me what you think about it! I need feedback for this one, every word from you will mean the world to me!
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Not a good idea! Not a good idea at all. Nervously, you gazed at the hands of your boyfriend, drumming on the steering wheel to the beat of the song that was playing. His eyes lit up as he met yours through the rearview mirror, and your heart stopped for a beat. You were still so madly in love with Mel.
But then you turned your head to the passenger seat, where Mikey sat. His feet were folded under his cute butt as he tried to make sense of the map that lay in his lap. 
You had really tried not to crush on him. But soon after he moved into the apartment next to Mel, you knew you had no chance. It was absolutely impossible not to fall for him. Which meant you were screwed. Well, until yesterday you had at least thought you were safe, just ogling Mike from afar and maybe sometimes including him in your little daydreams. Until Mel told you about that ugly break up between Mike and his boyfriend that had left him crying in the hallway. Mel wanted to cheer him up. They had become friends and Mel wanted to be there for him. And this meant Mel asked you to take Mike with you on your trip along the coast. 
You had been planning it for weeks. Mel had bought the old camper van, you both spent your free time working on it to make it more comfy. You had planned every segment of the trip. And most of all, you had planned where you wanted to fuck. Because, to be honest, the main purpose of this whole trip was to fuck Mel the whole day and night everywhere you were going to stop. That wouldn’t be happening now.
You said no at first. Not only because you would rather not cancel the main activity that you had planned, even more so because you were panicking at the thought of having to spend days in a small car together with those two. You wouldn’t be able to hide how much you were attracted to Mike. And you couldn’t hurt Mel. 
In the end, your brain decided to stop working when Mel gave you this look of a sad puppy that you could never resist and you agreed. Mel had asked Mike to join you and the boys were soon making the last preparations for your tour. You sat next to them and just watched them talking and laughing. Yes, you were definitely screwed. All you could think of was kissing them. Both! 
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You stared at the map in front of you. Not that you really tried to find the right direction. You just needed to keep your eyes from Mel and Nina. Maybe it wasn’t your best idea to agree to join them. But to be fair, you hadn’t had your best day yesterday. Why did you just always manage to destroy every relationship you had? You really liked Will. You tried to make it work. But Will soon got jealous. And rightfully so. Why couldn’t you just stop thinking about others? About Mel. About Nina. Your heart was just too big for one person. 
However, going on a trip with the exact two people who were, unbeknownst to them, responsible for your break-up, was probably one of the worst decisions you had ever made. Now it was too late. Somehow you were going to make it work. Hopefully, without making a fool of yourself and without ruining another relationship. 
A hand brushing over your thigh got you out of your thoughts. You sucked in some air in surprise and raised your gaze to Mel. 
“Could you please hand me a bottle of water, Mike?” Mel looked at you, and it took you a second to comprehend that you were supposed to do something. Right! Getting some water for Mel. You turned to the back of the van, where Nina’s head was sunken onto the side of the car. She looked too cute, her mouth slightly open as she was sleeping. Now that explained why Mel had asked you for water and not Nina who was sitting next to the cooler. You needed to crawl back to reach it. And as you did so you couldn’t hold yourself back, you brushed some strands of hair from Nina’s face, your fingers lingering probably a little too long on her soft skin.
As you handed the water to Mel, your hands touched for a moment. Your heart dropped a beat and there was this fluttery feeling in your stomach that you knew far too well. Oh no, it was getting worse. You were going to fuck this up badly.
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You couldn’t be happier. You exchanged looks with Nina, sitting in the back seat, humming along with the music. Then you moved your head to watch Mike as he ruffled his nose, scanning the map. You had no idea why Mike was so focused on the map at all, you knew the directions you had to take. But you didn’t complain because you really liked how your friend looked so much happier than he had yesterday. Something about seeing Mike next to you made you feel excited, you just couldn’t put your finger on what it was exactly.
You stopped around midday at a small parking lot in the middle of nowhere. Nina had told you that there had to be a beautiful lake with a waterfall nearby, and you decided that this should be the spot to take your lunch break. The three of you packed some food and water in your backpacks and went on your way to find the lake. It took you only a few minutes of walking. Nina spread a blanket on the grass, and you all sat down cross-legged, munching on your sandwiches. Mikey jabbered without a pause, making Nina laugh. You leaned back onto your arms and closed your eyes, taking in the warmth of the sunlight, the smell of moss and wood, the gurgling sounds of the waterfall, Mike’s deep voice and your girlfriend’s bright laughter. It was just perfect. 
After you had finished your lunch, Nina took off her shoes and strode along the way through the shallow waters on the shore. You took the opportunity alone with Mike to check on him. The whole day you had been wondering if he was doing okay. Well, as okay as someone could be the day after they got their heart broken. He was a lot calmer than usual, and you really hoped that he didn’t regret coming with you. You put your hand on Mike’s shoulder. “How are you? Can you cope with me and Nina?” You nodded over to your girlfriend who was trying to make pebbles jump over the water. 
Mike looked at you through his lashes and smiled. Or attempted to smile because somehow it looked odd. Not his usual cute beam.
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Fuck! What were you supposed to say? ‘I’m falling hard for you AND your girlfriend?’ That wouldn’t be smart. So you just nodded. 
“Yeah, it’s fine. I really appreciate that you try to distract me. And it’s working.” Working a little too well, to be fair. You turned to watch Nina. She was so cute, attempting to skip stones over the surface of the lake. And she was giving you a nice view every time she bent down to grab another pebble. You’d better get back to Mel. He was watching his girlfriend, too and the look on his face was just so adorable, you could kiss him right here and now. Damn it, Mikey, what made you think spending a whole weekend with the two of them would be anything but a disaster? You were desperately trying to think of something else when a gush of cold water startled you, making you and Mel both jump up in surprise. Nina was snickering, proud of herself for making both men scream like school girls. But as you started to run into the lake, she screamed herself and tried to get away from you. Mel followed foot and you both chased her down, ending up in a tangle of limbs and giggles when both of you finally lunged for her. 
When you stood up again, all three of you were laughing and spluttering. And your heart was about to burst. Having them both in your arms was just the best feeling ever. 
If you didn’t want to wreck another relationship, you had to retreat. You stepped back, waddling towards the shore and sat down on the grass. A heavy lump formed in your stomach as you watched Mel and Nina. They were laughing and kissing and running their hands all over each other’s bodies. It was the most beautiful thing ever and yet, it crushed you to look at it. 
You pulled your wet shirt over your head and dropped it next to you. Mel and Nina’s kisses were getting more intense and your body reacted to it. Carefully you tried to adjust your pants, which wasn’t really successful as they were dripping wet, too. So you got up and walked into the woods, trying to bring yourself to reason.
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You had noticed that Mike was leaving you alone, and you wondered what he was thinking. It wasn’t very empathetic of Mel and you to give Mike such a show while he was trying to get over his heartache. It was just so hard not to get handsy with Mel when he was standing so close to you, completely wet.
You pushed Mel away from diving his head into your cleavage. He pouted at you but as he saw the concerned look on your face, he understood. 
“We better get going,” he just said and turned to walk back to the shore. He was still hard, and you just hated to see him leave like this, but you knew it was the right thing to do. When you had packed everything, Mike was back too, and you headed back to the van.
You changed into dry clothes, but the guys decided to just switch to new shorts, neither of them bothering to put on a shirt.
Great! So now you were not only stuck with your boyfriend and your crush, no, now you had to endure them half naked for the rest of your ride. Which luckily didn’t take too long, and somewhere along the way you even managed to think of something other than being sandwiched between the two of them. 
You had picked out a small secluded cove for the stop of the night. Mel and Mike went to gather some wood for a campfire. Meanwhile, you rearranged the van to build comfortable beds for Mel and you and Mike. The pop top roof was meant to be your bedroom and Mike got the back of the van to himself. You even arranged some fairy lights on the ceiling, making it look more romantic and comfy. 
As the boys got back, you all worked together to make yourself some pasta for dinner. And after that, you spent the evening at the fire, talking and laughing. 
At some point, Mel took his guitar and started to play. You leaned your head on his shoulder and stretched your legs over Mikey’s thighs. You didn’t even think about what you were doing. It just felt natural and somehow domestic. 
After two beers and a shared joint, Mike got all talkative again, telling you the most ridiculous stories about his love life. You hung on every word he spoke, and Mel did the same. You cuddled together around the fire and everything just felt perfect.
“And then I rubbed a whole glass of honey all over my body, from my neck down to my toes. I was completely covered with that sticky mess. Don’t ask me what I was thinking because I wasn’t! And then she sent me a text that she wouldn’t come over. So, I had ruined my phone, and it took me the entire night to get myself and the bedroom rid of that sticky shit. Advice from me: Don’t overdo things for food play!” You giggled. “Who the hell bails out of the opportunity to lick you clean?” The words were out of your mouth before you could think. You bit your lip in regret, but the guys just laughed at your comment.
Mike cocked his head. “I think I am talking way too much. What about your most stupid sex accidents? I want to hear, please!” Mike was just as successful as Mel at making the most adorable puppy eyes as he looked at you two.
Mel snorted: “Not nearly as entertaining as yours, Mike, but I once tried my best to show my dominance and threw that girl onto the bed only to break my toe on the bed frame the next second. So I was curled on the floor, crying like a baby, instead of manhandling her. Ruined the mood pretty quickly!” All three of you chuckled at that before the eyes of both boys turned to you expectantly.
You turned away shyly, not wanting to appear boring. “I don’t really have anything to tell,” you admitted. “I am not that experienced in this area.” You felt the heat crawling up your neck and ears.
Mel sensed your discomfort and pulled you closer in his arms. “We’re working on it, babe!” he told you with a wink
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You knew it wasn't going to be easy. But in no way had you expected how much this whole trip would mess with your heart. There was only so much longing a man could handle. And this was too much. 
You had to focus on every word, on every movement tonight, not to let the affection you felt for Mel and Nina show. Maybe you weren't trying hard enough. The way your heart started racing when Nina put her feet in your lap. And the way Mel looked into your eyes as you tried to hide your feelings by telling all these stupid stories. Surely, they must have seen how much you felt for them?
As you lay in your bed and stared into the darkness, you debated with yourself whether you should open up about your feelings. But did you really want to risk your friendship? Their relationship? No, you had to suffer in silence.
You chuckled sadly as you recognized the sounds coming from the roof. They were trying to be quiet. But of course, they couldn't be so careful that they were completely silent while fucking in an old camper van. There were the creaks of the old vehicle, the stifled moans, the small giggles. You imagined what it would be like to join them. It wasn't difficult, you had pictured them in your head before. And after this day, where you were able to watch them and feel them… It was easy. 
Your hand slipped into your boxers. It wrapped around your hard cock, and you started to stroke yourself slowly, with a tight grip. It was hardly enough to still your desire, but you could at least ease a little of the tension that had been building up the whole day. Nina’s small whimpers shot straight into your guts. 
Then there was this grunt that must have escaped Melot's lips. You tried to hold back your own sounds of pleasure as you rubbed your thumb over your leaking tip, spreading the beads of pre-cum all over your dick. You thought of how their bodies slammed into each other. How Nina's wonderful tits bounced as Mel rutted into her. You pictured yourself being part of it. How you would lap at her core, how you would kiss him and let him taste his girlfriend on your tongue. How you would tremble when his hands finally touched you. 
Shit, you had lost all control, panting heavily as you looked down at the mess you had made all over your chest. Surely, you had been too loud. 
But you could still hear them. Maybe they hadn't noticed, in their own euphoria.
You feared you wouldn't find sleep at all, but this storm of feelings had brought exhaustion with it, and you fell asleep shortly after your shameful rapture.
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You almost fell asleep at the fire, snuggled against Mel and Mike. You felt so happy, so cared for. Your heart was full, it felt…complete.
Mel had taken you back to bed at some time. And as you climbed up to the mattress on the roof you were immediately awake again, hungry for Mel's touch. You needed him now.
As you pressed your palm against the semi hard cock in his boxers, he hissed. 
“We need to be quiet!” he told you, only to groan once more, when your fingers circled over the sensitive spot on his frenulum. Happy to draw this reaction out of him, you giggled.
You freed his cock, which was far from semi by now. His boxers were already ruined from the pre-cum that leaked from his slit.
With soft, open-mouthed kisses you descended from Mel's lips, moving over his whole chest until you reached your destination. Your tongue darted out to lick at what was left of the salty evidence of his arousal.
Closing your lips around his swollen tip, you started to move your head up and down, your cheeks hollowed. You would never get used to how good he felt in your mouth. Your hand came to aid, wrapping around his shaft, close to his root and mirroring your movements.
His muscles tensed with every little bit of sensation you gave him. 
The air in the tent was damp, and sweat was running down your spine. You stopped for a moment, thought you heard something, but you didn't notice anything now.
Melot guided you to look at him. He gave you a pleading look and hooked his finger, silently telling you to get up to him.
When your faces were pressed against each other again, he whispered in your ear:
“I need to fuck you so badly, baby!”
You happily obliged and straddled his thighs. It wasn't easy to move in the cramped space of the van. When the car creaked under your actions, you suppressed a giggle. 
After finally finding a comfortable position, you raised your hip and sank down again, this time with Mel’s cock stretching you open.
Both of you needed to move slowly, but after the constant buildup of sexual tension throughout the day, it took little to bring you pleasure. You felt every twitch, every bit of friction inside of you. And when Melot's fingers pinched your sensitive nipples you couldn't hold back some whimpers. 
You looked into Mel's eyes, his face glowing from sweat in the shine of the fairy lights. His self-control was just as close to being shattered as yours. 
Leaning back, you found a new angle that hit you exactly where you needed him. The rhythm to which you moved your hips got faster. You were almost there. Your hand ran up Mel's inner thigh until they reached his balls. They were drenched in your arousal.
He clenched his jaw as you ran your fingers up and down to spread your juices even further. Leaning forwards, you found access to move your fingers briefly between his cheeks.
The sound he made as you slowly brushed over his tight entrance was almost enough to make you cum.
Your eyes met and you shared a small smile. 
Slowing down your rhythm as you tried to catch a breath, you heard him: Stifled moans, coming from below. Your pussy clenched around Mel's cock as you thought about what Mike was doing to himself. 
You had stopped moving but Melot rutted into you, jerking his hips up as hard as he could. 
Mike must have been close now, by now he had completely forgotten to stay calm. Your gaze fell upon Mel and what you saw just turned your whole world upside down. This pained expression in his eyes, full of longing and desire, it wasn't meant for you. It was all for Mike.
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As you sat by the fire, you thought about your day, and you came to the conclusion that it was just perfect. Better than it could have been without Mike, like you had originally planned.
No, it felt so good to have him with you. You all had so much fun. 
When you had seen him the day before, curled up on the floor and crying, your heart broke for him. And seeing him now, laughing again. It did something to you: A warm feeling spread in your chest.
But now it was getting late. Mike had already gone to bed and Nina's head lay heavy on your chest now, too. You pulled her in your arms and carried her to the camper. As you stood at the ladder you still wondered how you could get your sleeping girlfriend up to your bed when she stirred in your arms.
“Put me down, Mel, I can walk!” Her voice was husky. You did as she told you, but when she tried to climb the ladder, you had to steady her, putting both your hands on her magnificent ass. Nothing to complain about.
The bed on top of the van was just beautiful. Nina lit up the fairy lights and dragged you down to her. 
She was very much awake again, you noticed, as she pressed her soft body against yours. 
As her hand found its way to your growing erection, you tried your best to keep quiet, not quite successful. It got even harder when she wrapped her beautiful soft lips around your cock. Pressing your heels into the mattress, you focused to keep at least a little composure not to wake Mike.
There was some rumbling down in the van and Nina stopped for a second. 
It was a perfect opportunity to guide her up to you again. You were so desperate to feel her warm, wet pussy around your cock. Luckily, she needed you as much as you needed her. 
She rode you way too slowly. Your dick craved every little bit of movement she gave you. You fought hard not to take over control and fuck her hard. Feeling for her heavy breasts and rolling her hardened buds in your fingers, also wasn't helpful to calm you down. You drank in the picture before you. She was so fucking gorgeous as she rocked her hips.
When she repositioned herself and let her hands run over your thighs, you lost it. Her fingers worked eagerly over all these sensitive spots. Spots where you hadn't been touched before. A loud moan escaped your mouth at the unfamiliar feeling. All this made you feel so needy.
Your eyes shot open as you realized what the sounds you heard, coming from below you, meant. Suddenly, there was this image of Mike in your head. You pictured him pumping his cock. You pictured his face, frowning in effort. You pictured touching him, helping him with his endeavors. Whatever it was that made you feel this way, you couldn't change it. And so, you just accepted it, as you fucked your girlfriend, thinking how desperately you wanted to kiss the man that lay in the bed below you two. 
You stared into the night and listened to the noises that Nina and Mike made in their sleep. You weren’t able to stop thinking. What were you supposed to do?
As you realized that sleep wasn't an option anyway, you decided to get up. Maybe it was easier to form some clear thoughts if you got some fresh air, away from the soft and warm body of the woman you loved.
You carefully climbed down from the roof of your van and sat down by the smoldering fire. 
By now you had accepted that there was more than just friendship you felt for Mike. But you still felt the same deep love for Nina as before. How was this supposed to work? 
There was some rustling and, before you could turn, a pair of hands ran down from your shoulders to your chest. Nina wrapped you in her arms as she sat down behind you.
"We should talk!" she whispered softly in your ear. 
"About what?" Your heart was pounding in your chest. Yet, you still hoped that she wasn’t aware of your feelings.
"About Mike!" Panic started to build in your center. So it was that obvious? After a deep inhale, you turned so you could look at Nina. You took her hands in yours and sighed. How should you even start a conversation like this? 
But you didn't have to search for words as Nina began to speak: "Melot, I saw it. What you feel for him. Your face is like an open book. And it's okay. We can't fight what we feel. Just be honest with me, okay?" She looked at you with a shy smile and big eyes. You swallowed down a sob that tried to escape you. It was never your intention to hurt anyone. But that was probably what was about to happen as soon as you started to speak.
"I didn't know, not until I heard him. And it doesn't change anything I feel for you, babe. I love you!" It sounded ridiculous and yet, it was the truth. 
To your shock, Nina started to laugh. Not the sad, sarcastic chuckle you deserved but her bright, joyful laughter that made you call her your ray of sunshine. 
"Just look at us. So happily in love, and yet we both fall for someone else. For the same guy even." Your eyes widened when you perceived the meaning of Nina's words.
“Wait! What?” you stuttered. “You feel the same? What… What’s wrong with us, Nina?” This whole situation was becoming more and more like a dream. Your whole body was shaking and your eyes searched for Nina’s in hopes that she could somehow help you out of this nightmare.
And she could: “Nothing is wrong with us, Melot. It looks as if our hearts are too big for loving just one person.” She chuckled softly. “There’s enough room for Mike to join.”
Tears gathered in the corner of your eyes as you realized that Nina wasn’t mad at you. That you wouldn’t lose her. Relief rushed through you, it felt like a heavy stone was lifted off your chest. Nina pulled you closer into her embrace and kissed away the tears that had found a way down your cheeks. 
Your voice was still trembling as you dared to speak again: “Nina, I was so scared you’d hate me! I don’t ever want to lose you!” She pressed a firm kiss onto your lips. 
“Melot, you fool, you won’t lose me. I’ve never felt so much for a person as I feel for you.” With more kisses, you tried to calm your overflowing emotions. It took you a while until you finally could get back to talking.
“But what about Mike?” You couldn’t just ignore the affection that you both had for him. 
Nina sighed and with a look on her face that told you she wasn’t nearly as sure about this as it sounded, she said: ”We need to talk to him. We should ask him if he wants to join us”
You shook your head in disbelieve. “Like what? Hey, you wanna fuck my girlfriend - and me?” Your voice cracked as you spoke the last words and panic rose in your chest once more. “Damn, that feels strange! I never…” You couldn’t end the sentence, but Nina knew what you wanted to say anyway. She pulled you closer once more and soothed you with her fingers running through your hair and the warmth of her body pressed against you. When she was convinced that you were as relaxed as one could be, who just found out that they were not as straight as they had always thought they were, she spoke again:
“Let’s take our time and see what happens. Maybe carefully test the waters. See how Mike reacts to us.” A reassuring smile spread over her pretty face. “If we’re lucky, we can share our love. And if we aren’t, we can share our heartache."
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You spent way too much time hiding in the van after you woke up, not wanting to see either of them. You feared they had heard you last night and alone by thinking of it, you felt the blood rush through your ears. But that wasn’t the only cause for your retreat. You were sure you couldn’t face another day in their presence. How could you ignore your feelings? You were someone who carried their heart on their sleeve. You were someone who was expressive with their emotions. Keeping them shut away was completely against your nature. 
But, you could brood as long as you wanted, at some point, you couldn’t ignore any longer that you really, really had to pee. 
To your surprise, you found them sleeping, cuddled into blankets at the dying campfire. After you had relieved yourself, you got back to the camp. Melot and Nina were both stirring in their makeshift bed on the grass. You silently turned and decided to get more wood for the fire so you could make some much needed coffee.
When you returned with an armful of branches, Mel and Nina were both awake. They greeted you smiling, and you were grateful that, if they had noticed you tonight, they were kind enough to just ignore it.
Mel helped you to start a new fire and Nina prepared the coffee and cut some fruit.
There was an awkward silence as you all went about your work. But when you sat down on a trunk, Nina squatted down between your thighs and gazed softly at you with her beautiful brown eyes. 
"How are you doing, love?" The pet name made your heart flutter, and you didn't know how to take it. Melot stood behind you and joined the conversation: "Are you still thinking of Will?" 
You carefully chose the words for your response: "To be honest, it wasn't ever much about Will. Hell, this sounds mean, but it's the truth. We split up because I fell in love. And it obviously wasn’t Will I fell for." You closed your eyes for a second, thinking back to the awful last conversation you had had with your ex-boyfriend.
"He noticed how I looked at them, how I yearned for them." As you stared off into the distance, you didn't notice the looks that Mel and Nina exchanged with each other. 
Nina put both of her hands on your knees and slowly brushed them up and down your thighs. Her touch shot straight to your heart, and you could barely hold back the moan that threatened to escape your mouth. 
To make it even harder, Mel sank his palms onto your shoulders and massaged your tense muscles. Electric shocks ran through your body as they touched you like this. 
"Is there anything we can do for you?" Melot asked, his voice dropping. 
You bit down a sarcastic chuckle. "You are already doing too much."
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You had the window rolled down and enjoyed the wind in your hair. On the outside you might have appeared calm, but there were a thousand thoughts racing through your mind. Within the last twenty-four hours, the whole idea of your relationship had changed into something new. Something that had you getting excited but also scared.
The realization of Melot’s feelings for Mike had felt like a hit in your guts for a few seconds, until you admitted to yourself that it was only fair to allow him to feel the same way you did. And not long after, you came to the conclusion that it was probably the best thing that could ever happen to you, that your man shared your crush on Mike with you. The night by the fire with Melot in your arms, you felt closer to him than ever before and though you thought it wasn’t possible, it felt like your love for this man grew even bigger. Your thoughts drifted to another scene earlier that day that made your heart jump. Mike confessed he was falling in love. He didn’t tell you with whom. But maybe your senses didn’t trick you and there was something between him and the both of you. Maybe his heart was racing just as much as yours when he touched you. And maybe the way he looked at Mel when he thought no one was watching was really the yearning you thought you recognized.
You could have just asked him, but you didn’t dare. And so Mel and you chose to just tease the hell out of Mike and wait for his reaction. Mel turned to you for a second, as you were in the passenger’s seat today, and smiled mischievously. His hand dropped to your thigh and his fingers dug into your flesh. Yeah, you should take another turn teasing Mikey, so you got up and crawled between the seats, trying to give Mike a perfect view of your cleavage as you pretended to search for something in one of the bags in the back seat. You moved as slowly as possible, brushing your fingers along Mike’s calves, making it look like it was just an accidental touch. And with satisfaction, you saw how Mike tensed at the contact. He clenched his jaw and his eyes widened just for the part of a second. Yes, he wasn’t unaffected by you. 
Mel stopped when he found another beautiful deserted beach. It was a hot day, and you decided that swimming was a better option than going for a hike. 
You changed into your bikini in the camper and as you stepped out into the sun you smiled. Mel was standing with his back to you and Mike was close to him, rubbing sunscreen onto the tattoos on your boyfriend’s skin. You joined them, taking the sunscreen tub, and you started to work on Mike’s back. He felt so good under your hands. When every bit of skin on all three of you was cared for, you made your way into the waves. Mike and Mel had fun chasing you once more. The three of you were screaming and laughing and soon enough you had found yourself in an entanglement of arms and bodies again. It was just perfect, this was how you wanted it to be, from now on, until forever.
There were hands on your waist, and you couldn’t even tell to whom they might belong. Another arm wrapped around you and tugged you down into the water. You felt lips on your neck. When you turned, you looked into the eyes of your boyfriend, and they were sparkling with joy. He pressed a firm kiss onto you and grabbed your hand. As you followed him back to the shore, you realized that in his other hand he held Mike and pulled him with you, too.
Mel dropped down onto your blanket and Mike and you both followed him. Mel moved you to straddle him and shared a deep kiss with you. You answered him, opening up, letting his tongue enter and explore you. Mel's hands cupped your breasts through the thin, wet fabric of your bikini, sending shivers down to your core. But then you heard a frustrated grunt and pulled back. Mike sat next to you with an expression that you didn’t know from him. There was a deep frown on his face and if you were to guess, you would say he looked hurt. 
When Mike saw that he got the attention of both Mel and you, he started to ramble:
“Sorry guys, I can’t take it anymore! You are both playing with my feelings! This might be fun for you, but it’s not for me. In fact, it hurts like hell. All your looks, all your touches, do you realize what they do to me? You are not helping me, all you’re doing is make me fall even harder for you two!”
That’s when Mel rushed forward. His mouth was on Mike’s before you could even blink. It looked awkward, there were noses brushing against each other, teeth clicking, as they were trying to find the right position, but in the end it was the sweetest kiss you had ever witnessed. And it was your boys who were kissing. They were yours.
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You were so fucking nervous as you watched Mikey through the rearview mirror. He looked tired and tense. And yet, he was just so beautiful. Nina found ways to taunt him from time to time, and it was too cute to see him blush. When you saw the beach, you knew you had to stop. Just thinking about fooling around with them in swimwear made you lose your mind. And you were just about right. You weren’t even in the water before you were a total mess. Did you really have the stupid idea to ask Mike if he could help you with the sunscreen on your back? Well, you didn’t want to ruin your tattoos, right? But there you were, trying your best to hide all the emotions that you felt as Mike let his hands roam over your skin. They were soft and warm and yet, they gave you goosebumps wherever he touched you. He was so close. You just needed to turn and kiss him. But you couldn’t. Not yet. Nina joined you, applying some sunscreen on Mikey, and you did the same for her. As you went to extra lengths to take care of the sensitive skin of her breasts, you saw Mikey’s Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed hard. It was really time to get into the cool water or else your heart would overrule your mind, and you would do things you just shouldn’t do. Nina was the first to run into the waves and Mike and you followed her. All of you were screaming and laughing, trying to get one another to dive into the water. Your heart jumped as you felt Mike tickling your side. Then you had Nina in a tight grip. You pressed your lips on her neck and sucked at her soft skin. First you looked into Nina’s eyes and realized that she was just as happy as you were. And then you turned to study the deep blue eyes of Mike. You saw that bittersweet expression that you knew from yourself. He was longing for you. For both of you most likely. You decided that you had to go all in now. There was no way to drag this out any longer without hurting someone. You grabbed both the hands of your girlfriend and of Mike and guided them back to the beach. 
There was no plan you could follow, and your brain wasn’t working properly at the moment, so you just improvised. You dropped to the ground, taking them both with you. Not daring to touch Mike, you started to kiss Nina, pulling her into your lap. Her nipples, hard from the cold water, were peeking through the fine material of her bikini, and you couldn’t just ignore it. You cupped her breasts, deepening your kiss. Now you needed to find a way to let Mike know that you wanted to share this with him. But there was no need to because Mike was done with the teasing. He was so angry and it was so adorable. And as he confessed that he was really falling for both of you, you couldn’t hold back any longer. You pulled his face to yours and, your heart dropping a beat, you pressed your lips on his. It felt so different, so new. Your nose was in your way, and you were moving way too fast. But it was such a great feeling. Mike’s tongue was exploring you, and you sank your hand into his wet curls to pull him as close to you as you could. Nina, who was still sitting in your lap, wriggled between the two of you, and you finally pulled back to look at her. Your heart was racing. What if she changed her mind? What if she couldn’t see you kissing someone else? But then you saw her face and she looked happy and - proud. Her hand cupped Mike’s cheek, and she started kissing him just as passionately as you had a second earlier. 
As you watched them, you felt your cock twitch in your pants. You wanted them, you wanted them both so badly. But just as you reached out for Mike’s chest, he pulled out of your embrace. He sat back, his eyes rushing from you to Nina and back to you. “Sorry, I need to know. Is this what you are doing here with me a casual hookup? Because I can’t do that. I can’t have my heart broken again.” Nina took his hand and answered him, a soft smile on her face: “No, Mike, we’re both so totally into you. We want to ask you if you would like to be part of what we have.” His eyes went big as saucers and his head turned to you, looking at you quizzically. You nodded. “You have to be patient with me. I’ve never been with a guy before. But I really, really can’t stop thinking of you.” 
Mike ran with his hand through his hair, still a look of disbelief on his face. But then he grew a smug smirk from ear to ear. “I think I just won the jackpot!”
You started kissing again, taking turns. Your hands were exploring each other's bodies. The sensations were overwhelming. Mike felt and tasted so different but just so good. The bulge in your pants grew with every touch. And then a hand pressed against your erection. Your gaze dropped: The hand belonged to Mike. For a moment, you froze in your movements. 
Mike must have sensed your hesitation because he removed his hand from between your legs and cupped your cheek instead. 
"Relax, we're just having fun. If you're not comfortable with something, let me know. But please let me try to make you feel good." His words soothed you. You covered his hand with yours and let your forehead sink against his.
"Okay!" Your words were barely a whisper. Mike rubbed his nose against yours, the cutest smile on his face. The kiss that followed was sweet and gentle. 
When he pulled back, Nina replaced Mike's spot on your mouth. You decided to close your eyes and just let whatever was about to happen, happen. 
There were lips and hands all over your body. A gasp escaped you as a hand slipped into your pants. They were sticky and wet, and you were eager to get them down. When you managed and your cock sprang free, you heard a deep moan. You opened your eyes and saw how Mike and Nina exchanged looks, Mikey biting his lip in anticipation.
Turning your attention to Nina, you pulled on the strings to undo her bikini top and both Mike and you grabbed a handful of her tits. It didn't take long until Mike replaced it with his mouth. And then you felt Mike's hand, skin on skin. Damn, why did this feel so good? He stroked you in slow motions. When his mouth left Nina's nipple he grinned at you.
"This is heaven! Boobies and dick, all for me!" You were totally in love with this stupid dork.
Somehow you found yourself lying on your back on the blanket. Nina was kneeling next to you, apparently just as excited as you, as Mike slowly descended your body. He pressed wet kisses on every bit of skin that he passed, until he stopped just inches away from where the tip of your cock lay heavy on your ab.
"Come here, baby!" you told your girlfriend and dragged her leg over you. You pushed her bikini to the side and guided her to sit on your face.
Nina was soaking wet and you devoured both her delicious pussy and the sweet sounds that she made in response. 
And then you felt Mike's wet, warm mouth. "Fuck!" To silence any other profanities that dared to escapeyou, you kept your tongue busy drawing circles around Nina's pearl. 
Mike knew exactly what he was doing, he found every spot that needed attention. It was sloppy and eager and you really had a hard time not forgetting that there was a pussy in your face that should be cared for. 
When Mikey started to hum with your dick deep down his throat, you lost it. You threw your head back. "Damn, Mike, you're really making it hard for me not to cum." 
Nina giggled as Mike hummed once more. They were fucking teases. She had moved and you couldn't reach her with your mouth anymore. Instead, she gifted you the best sight of your life: This curly head between your legs, your cock disappearing between those beautiful full lips and a pair of blue eyes gazing at you. And her own pair of eyes, switching between adoring that gorgeous guy giving you head and watching you, so much affection written onto her pretty face. 
With her hands and mouth gently caressing you, Nina moved further down your body. Mike straddled your leg, making room for Nina to join him. And she did. They took turns, licking along your shaft, sucking you and kissing each other. You were so close now, it was hard not to shut your eyes and let go, but you needed to enjoy this for a little longer. You needed to see their beautiful faces hovering over your cock. 
Nina stopped working on your dick and instead she moaned and whined, her eyes rolling back. You clearly recognized her O-face. Mike kept going, shoving you deep down his throat. Whatever Mike had done to Nina, he had brought her to collapse onto your side. She was trying to catch her breath, starfishing over your thigh. You took her hand and laced your fingers with her.
Mike repositioned himself and, pulling your leg up, he opened you wide. His fingers were wet, covered in Nina’s juices as they brushed over the sensitive area between your sac and your ass. “You want me to go lower?” His gaze was so lustful as he awaited your answer. Your voice broke as you mouthed a desperate “Please!”
Mikey’s finger carefully pushed into your puckered hole and at the same time he resumed his work with his mouth on your cock. You could hardly breathe at the sensation, your whole body felt like it was about to burst. And as Mike added a second finger, you were gone, seeing stars and shuddering uncontrollably as you exploded into his mouth.
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It wasn’t by far the first time you rode your boyfriend’s beautiful face. But watching him getting a blowjob from this silly handsome boy while he licked and sucked at your clit? That was something else! You couldn’t even be mad when he stopped eating your pussy. You imagined what it must feel for him. And to be honest, you wanted nothing more in the world right now than to join Mike. You crawled down and settled on Mel’s thigh and Mike generously shared your boyfriend’s dick with you. Wait? Did you have two boyfriends now? Didn’t matter. You felt Mike’s finger running through your folds, and soon he had them deep inside of you. He found your most sensitive spot with ease and curled his fingers to hit you there over and over. You were a whimpering mess by now. Mike built so much pressure in your core, and when he used his palm to rub over your swollen bud, you snapped. You came undone, your juices gushing over his skillful fingers and your limbs finally gave out. You dropped onto Mel and couldn’t do anything other than breathe and watch Mike. 
You could hardly keep your eyes open but you had to. And it didn’t take long until you felt Mel trembling under your body, and you saw Mike swallowing the seed that Mel shot down his throat. 
A sound escaped you from deep in your throat and as Mike pulled away from Mel, your lips crashed into his. Your tongue tasted Mel as it brushed over his lips and when he opened them for you, the salty taste of Mel’s cum got even stronger. 
All of this made you so happy, you could cry. In fact, you noticed there were tears streaming down your face. Mel reached out for you and pulled you into his arms. Mike joined you on the other side of Mel’s chest and both men stroked your hair and back tenderly. Mike cooed soft words into your ear and Mel pressed kisses on your and Mike’s hair.
“Are you okay, sweetcheeks?” Mike’s eyesshowed concern. You nodded with a sniffle. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just love this so much. I’m happy. I really am!” Mel and Mike both kissed your forehead. You relaxed and sunk onto Mel’s chest, unable to tell if it were seconds or hours that passed until you could form a straight thought again. And that first thought was guilt. You felt bad for Mike who was still in his soaked swimming shorts while Mel and you were totally spent thanks to him. And yet, he was soothing you and didn’t push for you taking care of him eventually. 
You started to nestle on his shorts but Mike took your hands and pulled them up to his chest. “I know what you’re up to, sweetcheeks. But there’s no need to rush this. Mel and you both need a break. What about we’ll enjoy these cuddles a little more, then pack our stuff and get comfortable in the camper?” 
At first you wanted to protest, but Mel stopped you. “He’s right, Nina. Come here!” His lips felt warm and soft and his taste soothed you as his tongue found its way into your mouth. A sigh escaped you when he retreated and his lips left your mouth. 
But it was only a second that you lacked his warmth and smoothness, as Mike’s lips closed the gap that Mel had left.
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The three of you fell asleep in each other’s arms. When you woke up you thought it was just a dream for a second, until you realized you were still resting your head on Mel’s chest and Nina’s hand was tangled in your hair. 
The rest of the day was just a happy bliss, feeling so comfortable around them now that no one had to hide their feelings anymore.The time was filled with more swimming, some shared sandwiches and those teasing little caresses that the three of you shared. Those caresses that made you want to take it further. But you wanted to do this right, you really felt so much for them already, and you'd hate to mess things up by rushing them into a situation they were not ready for. A little part of your heart still feared that they would regret their decision. 
That was until you took the last bags to the van. Nina and Mel were in the back of the camper and you overheard them talking:
“Mel, I still can’t believe this is happening.”
“I know, it’s so fucking perfect, isn’t it?”
“When I saw you with him… Damn, Mel, my heart melted!” “Stop it, I’m getting a boner just by thinking about how you two looked with my cock in your mouths.”
You cleared your throat before you opened the tailgate further to climb onto your mattress with them. There was no need to talk, they must have seen what you were craving as you kissed them hungrily. Mel didn’t hesitate to pull down your shorts. But then it was Nina who first took your hardening cock in her hand. 
"Wow, did that hurt? That’s cool! When did you get that? Does it do anything for you during sex? Can I touch it?" she blurted out, making you laugh. 
“Yes, it did fucking hurt, I got it when I was 18, it was a bet with a friend. Yes, it does something to me during sex. Best lost bet ever. And I’d love for you to touch it.” Nina bent down to examine your reverse prince albert piercing. Carefully, she let her fingers brush over the titanium ring and the pre-cum that leaked from the pierced flesh.
"It's gorgeous!" she remarked and you groaned as you watched her licking her fingers. Mel and you shared the same thought as you both pawed at Nina to get her rid of her clothes. 
Your piercing still had her very interested, as she sank her head into your lap and drew lazy circles around it with her tongue. Mel watched you, his fingers working on Nina and stroking himself. Oh, this was going to be fun!
She got you moaning and panting in no time, though the other two weren't exactly more subtle with the lewd sounds that left their lips. 
"Doing so good for us, baby!" Mel cooed, massaging the soft flesh of her ass. Oh, she liked that, you noticed, as she squirmed. 
"Such a good girl for us, just look at her, Mel! So eagerly sucking my dick!" Nina whined needily at the praises.   
You expected Mel to start fucking her, her rear pushed up high, inviting him. But he had other plans.
"Babe, where's the lube?" Nina couldn't answer him with her mouth stretched around your cock, so she just waved a hand into the direction of some bags. You were about to pull back to let her speak when Mel was successful in his search and started to coat his fingers.
When Mel entered her tight hole, Nina sucked on your dick like her life depended on it. You felt it shooting deep through your body. Cradling her head in both your hands you thrust into her mouth, drops of saliva running down Nina's chin and your thighs. She was so fucking gorgeous, whining around your cock. 
Mel added another finger, you felt it as Nina responded to it with more desperate moans and her technique getting to a point where it was just a hair's breadth from being uncomfortable.
Mel laid back, his head resting against the back seat. “Come here, baby!” Nina followed his orders and let him guide her to lean her shoulders on his chest, his hands on her hips as she slowly descended, his cock stretching open her puckered hole. When he was buried in her to his hilt, Mel covered her neck in kisses and little bites and more words of praise, whispered into her ear. 
You devoured the sight in front of you. Mel spread Nina's legs open wide over his thighs so you could see her dripping pussy, squeezing out more of her arousal as it clenched around nothing.
There was no way you wouldn’t dive between her legs. You lowered yourself, wrapping your arms around Mel’s thighs to keep you steady and put your mouth against her. She tasted like heaven, you thought, as you lapped through her open petals. When the tip of your tongue rolled over her swollen clit, Nina let out a moan. Was this your doing or Mel’s? You tried again, pressing your tongue down on her. This time there was no doubt you were responsible for her reaction. She repeated that sweet sound and her hand pressed your head to her core. She wanted to make sure you stayed exactly where you were. You took the invitation and kept doing what she longed for, dragging more moans and profanities from her lips as you kept working on her. Mel’s thrusts got faster, and you had to adapt your rhythm to follow him. You increased speed and pressure, and right when you thought your mouth was going to get numb, you heard Nina screaming your name, followed by a deep grunt from Mel. You looked up at them with a smile. Mel locked his eyes with yours and guided you to get up. Kneeling in front of them, Mel pulled you close and locked his lips with yours. His tongue darted out, desperate to taste Nina on you. When you pulled back, Mel brushed his thumb along your jaw and rubbed it over your lower lip. “Please fuck her, Mike. I want to feel you move inside of her cunt.” You gasped at the thought of it.
Yes, you really wanted nothing more than this. You asked if you needed a condom, but as you were all clean and Nina was on birth control, there was no need to. So you finally aligned yourself at her entrance and sank your cock between her soft, warm walls. 
Your heart raced as you were finally united with them. It took you a whileto find a position in which you were both comfortable, and able to bottom out because damn, you needed to feel as much of this as possible. When you had found the right position, you started to move. Feeling Mel thrust into Nina made it hard for you not to cum on the spot. Taking deep breaths, you focused on your motions. Your hips moved in a slow rhythm and your mouth searched for Nina and Mel and soon your bodies were moving in sync. As Mel pulled out you pushed in. Nina was alternating between whimpering and screaming whenever you left her lips. 
When Mel bit down hard on your lip, you knew he was fighting, too, to hold back his release. You kissed down his neck, sucked at the soft skin behind his ear and, between your own moans, you told him: “Cum for me, Mel. Cum for me and Nina!”
“Fuck!” Mel grunted, and he started to rut into Nina’s ass relentlessly, not holding back any longer. You stopped moving, just feeling how Mel’s dick pressed against yours as he moved. And you felt Nina clenching around your cock, close to her own climax. Mel threw his head back, another “Fuck!” pressed through his teeth. You held him, keeping him and Nina in place and resumed thrusting into Nina’s pussy. You didn’t hold back any longer either, and it took you only a few more strokes until you released yourself into her. It was hard not to collapse onto the mattress, but you needed to check on Nina. Mel was already pressing kisses on her cheek, but you held her close and started to kiss her other side. “Was I too fast for you?” you asked her, but Nina chuckled in return. 
“You were fucking me senseless and didn’t even notice?” she asked, making all of you laugh. And then the three of you settled down onto the mattress, a chaos of arms and legs and heaving chests.
It took you another two hours of cuddling, talking and kissing until you were ready to head back home. All bags were stowed away, Nina crawled into the backseat and Mel was sitting behind the steering wheel, waiting for you to get in. 
Your eyes drifted back to the beach where you kissed them for the first time.  The memory of the butterflies fluttering in your stomach at that moment made you smile. You’d had the perfect day here today!
You reached out for the passenger door handle of the van, but then you stopped. With a smirk on your face, you opened the rear door instead. „Would it be too mean if I spend the drive home in the back seat with Nina?“ you asked, giving Mel your best puppy eyes. He just shook his head in return and chuckled, which you took as his okay. 
Dragging Nina‘s legs over your thighs, you started kissing her before Mel was even out of the parking spot. 
You had one hand in Nina‘s shorts, the other one under her shirt and your tongue down her throat when you heard Mel‘s growl. „Just so you know, we‘re taking turns driving and making out in the back seat, okay?“
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3 months later
When you put the comforters on the bed, your gaze wandered through the room. There were still a lot of boxes littered all over, but it already felt comfy. It felt like home. 
You smiled as you saw Mike's arm wrapped around Mels broad shoulder when they entered the room. Could they be any cuter? Your heart swelled with love and pride at the sight of your boyfriends.
"Is this your pillow in the middle?" Mel asked with a raised eyebrow as he looked at the oversized bed. You grinned mischievously at him.
"No way you'll get the middle spot. It's mine." Mel jumped onto the bed and grabbed your pillow. Before you were able to react in any way it landed in your face. 
And so, the next moment, three grown adults found themselves in a pillow fight. 
Mel had you pinned to the bed, ready to tickle you until you gave up, when Mike dropped next to you with a huge grin on his face. "Hey peanuts, stop it! I’ve got the solution." 
Mel stopped his attack but didn't let go of you just yet. You both looked expectantly at Mike. 
"I will give up my chance to get the middle spot. And I know how to decide which one of you two earns it." He paused for a more dramatic effect. "You compete with each other -" another pause and Mike's smile growing even wider… "in a blow job contest!" 
That smug bastard was so proud of his idea. You just laughed. But Mel took your pillow and threw it to the side of the bed, winking at you. "Make yourself comfortable over there, then, baby!" 
Then he slid down to kneel between Mike's thighs and started to unbutton the jeans of his boyfriend. 
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geralts-yenn · 10 months
Modern AU Melot (Tristan&Isolde) x OFC x Mike (Hellraiser)
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summary: Just some morning bliss and Melot and Mike being stupid. Yeah, and smut, of course. 
warnings: vaginal fingering, anal fingering (M receiving) oral (F/M, M/F ), vaginal sex, cream pie
word count: 842
A/N: I promised some more glimpses into the life of Nina, Mel and Mike and this is the first one.
And as the wonderful @ellethespaceunicorn celebrates their birthday today,... This is for you, Elle ❤ You're such a great supporter for me, and you're a wonderful person, and I am so, so glad that I have you in my life 😘
I know you love my little throuple, so I hope I can make you happy with this. Because you deserve all the happiness ❤
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Your head was resting on Mikey's stomach, and even if you were still half asleep, you couldn't keep your hands to you, slowly brushing your fingers along his cock. 
As they made their way up to his tip, you played with the metal ring that pierced his flesh.
A hiss came from Mike and your head shot up to check on him. “Did I hurt you?” you asked, but the look on your boyfriend's face told you, you had nothing to be sorry for. A smirk was plastered on his beautiful face.
“Quite the contrary, Mel! Go on!” Your head went back to its place on Mike's tummy, and you resumed your explorations.  
When you circled the sensitive skin at the root of his head, you noticed the bead forming at his pierced slit. And another one on the other side of the canal that held the titanium ring. 
You were about to dart out your tongue and lick them from his soft skin when you noticed something that made you hesitate.
“Uhm, Mike, is your pre-cum supposed to make bubbles?” Yeah, this was one of those sentences you would have never guessed you'd use. 
Mike let out a loud laugh, making his dick bounce between your fingers.
“It sometimes happens,” he reassured you. Heat crawled up your neck, and you felt your ears reddening, feeling stupid to ask something like that. 
But Mike sensed your discomfort and combed his fingers through your hair to soothe you.
“I didn't know either. First time I noticed it, I panicked, totally freaked out, to be honest. And Google wasn't really helpful at all. You don't want to know what I saw. So I had to call the piercing studio and embarrass myself another time. I should get used to getting into situations like this by now.” 
Now both of you were chuckling. Which apparently made your girlfriend curious. Nina's head appeared in the door frame, her eyebrows shooting up as she saw Melot hovering over Mike's cock. “What are you two up to?” she asked with a mischievous smirk. And without waiting for an answer, she crawled onto the bed, kissing Mike first before she moved down to you. When she pulled away from your lips, your smirk reappeared on your face.
“Look at this, Nina!” you told her and moved Mike's dick over to her face. “Pre-cum bubbles!” You sounded as if it were the cutest thing you had ever seen. And somehow it was. 
Nina just giggled and shook her head. “Can't you just suck dick like normal people?” she asked the two of you, and then her tongue lapped over Mikey's tip, licking up all the bubbles. 
Mike let out a moan and retorted: “I was about to complain that you two should stop staring and start sucking. Thank you, Nina!” 
Encouraged by Mike, Nina's mouth closed around his cock, making yours twitch while watching her moving up and down on him. You rose on your knees and pulled Nina's leg over Mike. Her pussy hovering over his face, you grabbed the elastics of her panties and just ripped them from her hips, making both Mike and Nina moan. Mike bit on his lip as he watched you working Nina open with your fingers. 
“Fuck!” You were somewhere between shouting and growling when Mike finally took pity on you and his hand wrapped around your throbbing cock. 
The three of you moved in a steady rhythm, both chasing your own high and trying your best to make the others feel just as good. 
Mike guided you to kneel behind Nina and rubbed the tip of your cock along her wet folds.
“Oh yes, please, I need a cock inside of me!” Nina pleaded, and so you pushed forwards, stretching her open. 
To add to the sensation, Mike leaned his head up, his mouth alternating between lapping on Nina's clit, enticing the sweetest sounds out of her, and sucking your balls. Right when you thought you couldn't handle any more of this without cuming, you heard the familiar sound of lube getting pressed out of the plastic bottle. And the next moment there was this cold, sloppy wetness between your cheeks that you both anticipated and feared.
“Breathe!” Mike told you, and so you did, trying to relax. You felt his finger enter you. Damn, this was just so much. You desperately sank your teeth into Nina's shoulder, trying to distract you from the tension that was building inside of you. But as Mike added a second finger and pumped them into your sensitive canal, you couldn't hold back anymore. 
You threw your head back, grunting through gritted teeth as you filled Nina's pussy with your seed. After another few slow pumps where Nina milked the last drops of cum from you, you withdrew yourself, trying to catch a breath and process the overstimulation. 
Sitting back on your heels, you watched as Mike grabbed Nina's hips, pulled her down onto his mouth and licked your cum out of her sweet little pussy.
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geralts-yenn · 6 months
It's Hearts Too Big ❤️❤️❤️
I love those sweet boys so much. 🥺🥺🥺🥺
That's your favorite fic of mine? Who would have thought that? 😁😁😁
I know you love them but it never gets old to hear it, so thank you for letting me know 🥰
I love them too! So, so much! And without you they wouldn't exist. Thank you for inspiring me ❤️
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geralts-yenn · 11 months
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
Hey, nonnie. I know this was waiting a long time in my inbox, but I had to wait until I actually finished what I want to share here 😁
This was quite a ride. Starting as a little plot bunny, I knew early on this was going to be the most difficult thing I would have ever written. Getting all those feelings, thoughts and actions from three people together into one story... Trying to make everything fit and be authentic was hard and yet so much fun.
I know there won't be a lot of people reading. The fanbase for Mike is small, for Melot even smaller (what's wrong with people, isn't he the most adorable slutty braided boy ever?). And making them bisexual will shy away even more people.
But I wouldn't want it any other way. I love this story and it's characters so, so fucking much, and I am really proud of it.
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