#might upload the audio i have of her tho
godnattakatta · 1 month
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sevencatcalls week 1: Grizabella
[Betty Buckley, Laurie Beechman, Elaine Paige]
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the-unforgotten · 4 months
what im reading
book number 7 of the year is Womb City by Tlotlo Tsamaase
at the time of writing im about 30% through the book.
how I found it
good reads giveaway specifically the scifi tag. I entered back in December didn't win but the book seemed interesting enough that I put it on my notify list in libby. it just came out at the end of january
i did read the summary blurb so I did know where the story was generally headed even if I didnt fully remember that when I started reading it this week.
im doing combination ebook read and audio book listen via libby
that narrator adds so much character to the story as well as getting rid of a pronunciation barrier id have with the names and settings.
what I remembered from the blurb was that theres gonna be a murder.
story so far
so in a futuristic africa the story follows the main character nelah and her life as she navigates that pitfalls of the society she lives in. some things about this futuristic setting
ones consciousness can be swapped between physical bodies
you can have multiple lifetimes. you live out your life then at the end of it decided to do another life in another body
crime is heavily decreased by some minority report esque government and religious endeavor
bodies that have been used by criminals are reused but micro chipped which records videos the bodies surroundings as well as paralyzing the body if its in the process of committing crime.
nelah inhabits one of these microchipped bodies and has since about 18.
she is now married and has a architectural firm and a police husband. they want kids but come to find out this body is also infertile.
if it wasnt obvious by the title parenting childrearing and related things are very important to this story.
oh and to top it off the body has a bionic arm.
nelah and her husband are not have a good time theres fucked up power dynamics out the wazoo
he is not chipped and as nelah notes most men are not. she at one point made more money than him. and them not having a kid yet is hurting his chances for a promotion. and a big one is he gets to watch the footage of her microchip as it uploads so no privacy
theres a lot of interesting world building like you can choose to integrate into the family of the body you are in or abandon them. in some cases you might remember past lives tho this seems to be a privilege awarded to the rich and connected most people forget. and a god is said to be resting under the city which is why the crime predicting stuff can happen.
my current issue is that the characters keep railing against the world they live in.
for example nelah pulled a knife on her body brother during an argument and wasnt zapped to stop
nelah lighty and more so the people she is in conversation with dont really believe in the folklore or religion of the area.
also in the story theres still wealth disparity corrupt and good old fashioned sexism.
so a we are following along with nelah we learn she has had an affair. has already gone through multiple miscarriages. multiple rounds of ivf. her business is failing. her body family is keeping an inheritance from her.
her an hubby decided that the next step should be an external artificial womb which costs them hella money they dont really have.
the next obstacle is nelahs government evaluation where they minority report test her to see if her body is eligible to be unchipped or I'd she needs counseling that could ultimately result in her being needed back to the consciousness waiting room as her body has to be scrapped.
it unfortunately does not go well. they ping the altercation with her brother and a possible future incident with her losing a child thats not hers. they pretend to let her go but actully keep her in a simulation that is a set up for her to steal a unattened child. and sure enough she does and is gonna be hauled off to mind jail but her husband intercepts and gets her set free.
this is where it starts getting bonkers. with all the stakes at hand she starts acting reckless for some reason??
she gets back with her affair partner and even escalates what they do together from just talk to drug feuled sex. which is wild bc even if her husband wasnt looking at her memories he still found out about the affair from coworkers. she turns down a major business deal for her firm even tho her employees are receiving half pay at the moment.
the affair might not be a crime but it would tank her and her husbands already bad public image and put their jobs in jeopardy which means she wouldnt be able to pay for her daughters womb so the gov would take growing baby for their body hopping supply.
and the drugs def a crime?? but also not zapping her??
so then her affair partner is like her babe I got this thing to hack your microchip so we can do even more crazy stuff and she is like idk seems risky.
she gives in and then he is all like ditch ur husband and get with me ill treat u right
and she is like idk i could be jumping from one bad situation to another and he is powerful its best not to slight him.
her affair partner is like no me and my family we are more powerful I can illegally get you a new body if you want. I can get your hubby demoted or promoted. I can stop the gov from takin ur baby.
side note the business deal she turned down was made by her affair partners dad. she turned it down bc he had rape allegations against him and used his influence to make them go away.
so the stakes are high af and the characters are messy af and I havent even gotten to the murder part of the plot ?!?!?
curious to see how tf its gonna get there and what mess the characters will make.
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kitkat-the-muffin · 1 year
Kingdom Hearts Social Experiment update!
We had to switch to remote gameplay due to Subject 1 moving out of state 😔 it was out of our hands
The plan is to continue Chain of Memories on my console with me operating the controls, and then Subject 1 will progress the other games from his own console
He even bought the original 358/2 Days, so we might actually play that instead of the cutscene movie (which was my original plan). We also intend to have a few in-person sessions when our schedules open up for traveling convenience
Today was our first session in a month and we did it over Discord. Unfortunately, we still did not record any visuals. I mean, it is a podcast after all, one that won’t see the light of day for several more years (my future self is gonna have such a pain editing all these audio recordings omg today alone was 3 freakin hours)
Anyway, to update on the experiment itself:
Subject 1 found out two names today! Larxene and Naminé, my how interesting. He didn’t recognize Vexen as Even tho which is hilarious to me as someone with a vendetta against Vexen
The “discussion questions” of today’s session:
Who could this Naminé girl be?
If she is an old friend of Sora’s, why did she disappear long ago?
What is her connection to the castle, and why is she being held captive by an organization of MoM-Cloak-Wearing fiends?!
Why did Elrena and Lea change their names?!
Why is Riku being a bigger angsty jerk than last time?
Does anyone even know about Ven sleeping in the basement?!
And who was the first cloak-wearing fiend at the beginning of the game?
All will be answered in due time
And for those who have no idea what I’m talking about: Subject 1 so far has only played KH1, KHX & KHUX, and KHBBS in that order. Therefore, he’s met every character in this game already apart from Naminé
This is what the experiment has been building up to all along: the discoveries affected by foreknowledge
Anyway, I hope those who’ve been keeping up with these updates enjoy these posts. The podcast recordings won’t be edited for a long time as I’m very busy with life right now and don’t have time to put subtitles on hours upon hours of audio footage
But someday they’ll be uploaded to the internet for all to enjoy, so thank you to the three people who actually read these posts for patiently waiting for that future day
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linxkly · 2 years
Grians upload!!
my little liveblog for myself I’ve never done this before but it looks fun
- rip the audio quality but it’s not too terrible, I have a feeling I know what happened to the pesky webcam tho,,,
- Maui!! we love cat cameos
-omg the compasses grumbot is spitting out — for the other hermits??
- I am totally normal about this
- you might travel to another universe AND HES WORRIED ABOUT HIS FLOOR???
- that is,,, so many pumpkins my goodness
- look at my buildy boi, whizzing about in his spiffy timelapse
I’ve seen the kings vault challenge alr, so I’ll only really cover over bits concerning grian, also heads up his room is optional
- the silence in response to rens initial announcement is DEAFENING, and the cheering after he says he’s going to step down is amazing
- him missing the slime block and punching pearl off is peak sibling energy
- sorry ik he was dare to but jevin starting red light green light before the game even started is so funny
- grian not even doing the game in the first bit, opting to watch everyone else fail is me
- bdubs just gives up on his elaborate speech
- grian popping off on scars parkour?? we stan a king
- scar looks like a glorious porcupine
- BETRAYAL MOMENT will they choose to do grians room??
-they don’t wanna do it
-grian trying to explain his whole resistance assistance semantics to the group and they’re all like “mhmm sure traitor, but no”
- they’ve resorted to doing his room, which results in a very grian “YAY!”
- grians room!
- jevin doc and etho answering wrong on what is grians name for the example question rip
- vaflaphobia,,, what a word
- we love when false etho and gem are the big brain team they stay winning
- ethos’ “what’s third life” SIR-
- grian straight up making sure his side is stacked woweee
-the sheer chaos of the final fights cannot be described in words to fully exemplify their mayhem, you’d have to watch it to fully take it in
- you and me both g idk who is who they’re all in blue
- THE KING IS DEAD (rip rentheking)
- everyone’s just flicking the levers screw complicated red stone
- uh oh the diamonds are gone, where did they go?
- (im secretly hoping mumbo stole them)
- grian insisting ren will pay all them back
-ren just being so pathetically sad (in a lovable way) that they’re all like “noooo come back”
- ooh it’s nearly 8pm bst
- the hermits are trickling in slowly but surely
- ah yes. my favorite flavor of jam. Nifty.
anyways this was my little live-blogging experience, idk if anyone will read this but I had fun making it :)
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 2 years
Hakuoki Drama CD Shinsengumi Oni-tan Track 3 English translation
This is my first post of the month, so I’ll start by asking you to please support me if you can through my ko-fi, and paypal or patreon which provides access to my hakuoki blog translations and early access to my postings. Also, please let me know if you have any hakuoki drama cds that you’d be willing to share that are on my Lookout List since i either do not have audio for those cds or do not have audio that I can share...
finally got around to translating this (yeah im awful like that lol. sorry~?)... the subtitled videos for the rest of this drama will be uploaded exclusively to my other blog so i won’t get problems on my youtube account... however i’m not sure how long that will take i haven’t figured out what cgs to use yet (whenever i use a graphic, i prefer to use similar graphics for the entirety of the drama... meaning for Shinsengumi Oni-tan, I’ll be using cgs tho i’m wanting for them to be semi-relevant and for them to be from the right ‘time.’ aka the graphics for this drama can’t have anyone in their western outfits). 
anyway, Shinesngumi Oni-tan is officially the longest drama ive translated... the last track’s translation is scheduled for the end of march (other notes on my potential schedule are in the endnotes)!
Hakuoki Drama CD Shinsengumi Oni-tan Track 3 - Disturbance at Headquarters
Translation by KumoriYami
T/N, one part of this translation might get a bit confusing due to a few pronouns so i’m going to write this at the top as opposed to leaving it in the endnotes. 
So... in Chinese, “她” (she/her) and “他” (he/him) are pronounced exactly the same way, and unless there’s context for a sentence that includes them, it can be difficult to tell what word is actually be used if you’re listening to them being spoken with absolutely no context. For example, if someone said “I’m talking to her,” in Chinese, someone else might interpret that as “I’m talking to him,” as there are no other words that suggest who the other might be individual. 
In a similar way, though this is based on my extremely awful and limited understanding of Japanese, and from what I’ve learned from other translators who have taken the time to explain their usage of certain words when there have been misunderstandings about gender, there are also times when the the gender of a person being talked about is assumed by both the speaker and listener as its not directly referred to... which can create misunderstandings since the parties speaking may not even be talking about the same person... and that happens in this drama. 
anyway, i’m also writing this out to say that i didn’t make a mistake when using ‘she’ and ‘he’ at a certain point in my translation for this drama, and it’s just that the people talking are misunderstanding things as there’s no gender connotation for the subjects of their sentences, and because they’re both making incorrect assumptions. 
^ i hope that makes sense? lol. im unfortunately not the best at trying to explain the nuances of languages that can’t ever be conveyed exactly as they are into english due to how the language is. maybe i’ll try again later? 
Hijikata: Sasanami Kurō. 20 years old, born in Buzen [Buzen is a city located in Fukuoka Prefecture]....... According to the Watch’s investigation, there aren't any problems with your background right now. Style is Mugai-ryū, rank is mokuroku [ 『目录』 - from wikipedia: is a term in Japanese martial arts, used by koryu, for a "catalog", referring to a catalog of the level of ability of the instructor of the martial arts that has received a catalog as a sign of level or initiation].  Based on the observations of how the roshi was captured, swordsmanship isn't bad/is okay. Okay, the first assessment has been passed!
Sasanami: Th-Thank you!
Hijikata: Isn't it too early to say thanks? You're just a temporary member now, and your background has yet to be investigated. If there is no problem during this time, we will carry out the final assessment later, which is used to for official members.
Sasanami: Understood! I will work hard to get into the team!
Sasanami: Can I ask…… what's wrong, Vice-Commander HIjikata?[check audio/video. Alt: is something wrong]
Hijikata: It's nothing. Our members, especially among the captains, there are a lot of rude guys, so hearing you answer so honest and sincerely surprised me. [check video]
Sasanami: Is there something... wrong? [check video]
Hijikata: Yeah. Since you're going to be a part of the Shinsengumi, pay attention. Saito is pretty good, but Souji's terrible, and Nagakura, Heisuke and Harada, those three are a real headache [reword later].
Sasanami: Is that... bad? [check video]
Heisuke: Wait a sec, Hijikata-san! Are you saying that we're like problematic kids?
Harada: Right right, I can't listen to this anymore. Heisuke and Shinpachi aside, I rarely get into any trouble!
Heisuke: Isn't that just because Sano-san is good at escaping? Last time, Shinpat-san and I...
Hijikata: Shut up! I'm telling the truth! Stop arguing about this, what are you two here? Did something happen?
Harada: Ah... I need to make a report on last night's patrol. It just so happens that the new recruit is also here so I'll talk about it now [check video].
Hijikata: Last night's patrol? Did something happen when this guy, a temporary team member, when he went to catch those people with you?
Heisuke: That's right. What was this guy's name.... it's Sasanami, right? He seems to have run into Kazama.
Hijikata: What? Oi, is that true?
Sasanami: Ah... yes, he identified himself as Kazama. I don't know if it's the same person the captain is talking about, however he seemed very arrogant and likely had excellent swordsmanship....
Heisuke: And he has an awful temperament... [check video]
Harada: (he has) A vicious face... [check video]
Sasanami: Indeed, I came across a man like that.
Hijikata: Awful temperament and a vicious face? That's most likely Kazama...
(sound of a few floor boards creaking)
Harada: Huh? What was that sound just now? It feels like it came from the ceiling.
Heisuke: Was it a large mouse/rat?
Hijikata: However, Kazama has shown up near headquarters, probably to see taht guy again.
Sasanami: "That guy" refers to? [Who does "that guy" refer to? Check audio]
Hijikata: No, it's nothing, you don't need to worry about it. Heisuke, Harada, strengthen the security around headquarters just in case! I'll tell the others about this as I take this guy around headquarters to show him around.
Heisuke: Got it! I'll take care of it!
Harada:Really! That guy Kazama never learns his lessons [learns anything]!
Hijikata: I'll leave it to the two of you! Come on, Sasanami, I'll show you around headquarters, stay close.
Sasanami: Ah, understood [check audio]!
(misc sounds of wooden swords hitting each other)
Saito: That's wrong! That attack wasn't strong enough! Don't hesitate when you decide to attack [tl is "make a move". check video]! Even a moment's carelessness can kill you!
Souji: Ah... over there! This is supposed to be sparring, so there wouldn't be anything behind you... What? Do you want to get beheaded by your enemy [check video for 'kill']?
Sasanami: This is headquarters' courtyard [training grounds maybe? check vid] ?
Hijikata: Yes, it's used for sword practise/training. As you can see, the other members often practice/train here like this.
Sasanami: But... it's worthy/as expected of the legendary Shinsengumi. A lot of passion has been poured into normal training.
Souji: Ah... that's why I said that you'll get beheaded... it's fine if you die if you're not strong enough, but you can't drag down your companions!
Saito: In this situation/time [under such circumstances], you have to lean your back against a wall or a building! Lure your enemies to a place where you can focus on facing the enemy in front of you! Keep this mind and don't forget it!"
Hijikata: The cost of being lazy with your training is your life. Although this might seem harsh, don't slack off if you don't want to die.
Sasanami: I understand, I will keep that in mind.
Hijikata: Well, the First and Third Division are training, and even within the Shinsengumi, they're known for their strict training [check audio].
Saito: Hm? Ah, Vice-Commander! When did you get here?
Souji: What, it turned out to be Hijikata-san. Is it possible that you're to nitpick on my training like a mother-in-law [check vid. 'mother-in-law' is the correct tl of what i have though]?
Hijikata: You're actually saying that I'm like a mother-in-law?! You could have said something else!
Saito: Souji, I have always felt that the way you speak to the Vice-Commander is a bit too much.
Hijikata: Forget it, Saito. As things stand, Souji can't get rid of his terrible mouth [check video]. Rather than that, I'm sorry to be interrupting your training for this.
Saito: No, it just finished. Right/By the way [check audio], Vice-Commander, are you showing this new member around headquarters?
Hijikata: Right/Yeah, but I'm not sure if he'll be joining as a member. He's just a candidate right now.
Saito: I see. In any event, the troop is understaffed right now, so it would be good to have a few potential new members/newcomers.
Souji: Eh.... newcomer, huh... looks like he's somewhat skilled. Do you want to play with me [check vid]?
Sasanami: Eh?!
Souji: Well, I'll judge if you can be put to good use. Come on, get ready.
Hijikata: Wait wait wait! You don't know how to show any mercy, so of course you can't do that!
Souji: I do know how to be merciful.
Saito: Souji: you(r interpretation?) of mercy is not considered as showing any form of mercy for the average team member [reword later].
Hijikata: Didn't you you beat up all the people who applied a while ago, and sent them home?
Souji: That's not my fault. It's simply that these people aren't strong enough.
Saito: That's true. Even if people of that level joined the team, I'm afraid that our combat strength would not improve, and there are more strong enemies like Kazama [check vid/audio].
Hijikata: Ah, now that you mentioned him, I need to tell you something. That bastard has been sneaking around headquarters lately, so be careful.
Saito: Understand. I will increase the number of guards.
Sasanami: Apologies... I heard that name a while ago, but who is the man named Kazama...?
Souji: Well, you just need to remember that he's our enemy, after joining up with the Shinsengumi, you'll end up getting involved with him whether you want to or not.
Saito: Even if we fought one-on-one against him, we might not be able to defeat him, as he's a formidable enemy... Well, how do I put this, he's difficult to describe in a few words.
Souji: Poor tastes, insidious, an annoyance a stubbornly annoying person, he's always talking about "my wife".... heh, in a way, he's someone you wouldn't want to get more involved in, like HIjikata-san.
Hijikata: hey, wait a sec! Don't go comparing me to that guy at this time!
Sasanami: Excuse me, may I ask/Excuse me... what do you mean by "my wife"?
Hijikata: You don't need worry about that... But he really isn't an opponent you can handle, so you need to be careful the next time you encounter him.
Sasanami: Okay, I understand that he's basically a dangerous man/person [check audio].
(leaves rustle)
Saito: Hm? There seemed to be some noise from the brush over there... was I imagining it?
Souji: It was probably a cat or something. Rather than that, let's end our break and continue and continue training.
Saito: Nn, indeed. Then, let's continue our training.
Souji; Alright, then I'll be accompanying Hajime-kun this time.
Saito: That's fine. But I won't be holding back, so it's possible that you might get injured.
Souji: Eh.... to actually say such a thing to me.... it appears that even the serious Hajime-kun has learned how to tell a joke.
Hijikata: You guys... it's fine to train as hard as you can, but you have to make sure that you don't get hurt. I still have places to show him so I'll be going now.
Souji: Yes yes... new guy, if you get assigned to the First Division, I'll be sure to teach you properly/take care of you. Be mentally prepared/Be prepared.
Sasanami: Please be merciful when the time comes!
(after a while... footsteps)
Hijikata: So, we're back at the entrance of headquarters. We've roughly gone around in a circle [reword later. i don't like how it reads]. Since you're not an official member, there are still a number of things I can't talk to you about... what do you think? Do you have anything you want to ask?
Sasanami: Then I'll ask a question. If I join the Shinsengumi, which Divisions/Division would I be assigned to?
Hijikata: It depends on which Division you'd be suitable for... But depending on your skill level, if nothing happens, you should be assigned to a Division that patrols the city.
Sasanami: I see. I understand. Regardless of which Division I get assigned to, it will not change how I'll be doing my best to wield my sword as a member of the Shinsengumi.
Kazama: To actually say "as a member of the Shinsengumi"?
Hijikata: Hm? That voice...
Kazama: Really, not only did you believe the baseless slander against me while I was concealed myself in the shadows and not say anything, but to also have decided to wield your sword the Shinsengumi, our enemy? You bastard, did you really inherit our noble blood/is our noble blood really flowing through your body?
Sasanami: Ah! You're the one from that time...!
Hijikata: Kazama! You bastard always running away without learning a lesson!    
Kazama: Hm... it seems like the Shogunate's dogs really love to use despicable means. To actually deceive my kin to have him join you...
Hijikata: Deceive? What are you talking about? It's true that she was initially placed under house arrest, but now she's staying here because of her own choice!
Kazama: His own will is it? Who knows if that's the case. You've explained everything to him in a way that is beneficial to you and make him think that all the ronin in Kyoto are all anti-bakufu* villains.
[*based on the audio (i actually checked this to make sure), I'm fairly sure that this is referring to "倒幕運動" or "討幕運動,' which was the political movement to overthrow the shogunate. unfortunately, i couldn't find any information on this in English that directly used that Japanese... so I took the liberty of using anti-bakufu since I saw "anti-bakufu" movement on wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edo_period) when trying to find information on what a better term to use for this translation would be. i may change this to "villains who want to overthrow the Shogunate" or just “anti-shogunate villains” later.]
Hijikata: Heh, that might not be wrong. Looking at the tragic situation in Kyoto today, she understands what's right and what's wrong.
Kazama: As expected, regardless of what I say, it's not possible to talk to a beast. Hey, you. Your name is Sasanami? I'm leaving, come with me.
Hijikata: Hey, what's are you talking about, you bastard?!
Sasanami: You seem to have misunderstood something, the Shinsengumi's enemies are my enemies!
Kazama: What? As my kin, what are you saying?
Hijikata: Get back, Sasanami. And Kazama, isn't that a bit weird? When you're referring to your kin, didn't you mean Chizuru? From the start, I feel like there was something wrong with those words...
Kazama: What are you saying? My “kin" is right in front of you... Eh? Wait, does the person himself not know anything about what I am saying/if he doesn't know it himself, then this really won't make any sense...
Hijikata: Hey! What are you muttering about? If you want to fight or not, make it clear!
(more footsteps)
Souji: Areh? Hijikata-san's yelling again? What are you doing, Hijikata-san?
Saito: Wait, Souji! Something doesn't seem right...
Kazama: Hmph, it seems like more riffraff have come... Forget it, anyway, it seems like it will be difficult to take him away today. I'll come back some other day/find a different time and place. 
(Kazama leaves)
Hijikata: You bastard, don't run away!
Sasanami: He's gone... what the hell is going on?
Hijikata: Damn it! Disappearing after talking nonsense... but what the hell was that bastard talking about?
---to be continued---
to follow up with the note at the start, Hijikata thinks Kazama was talking about Chizuru... while Kazama thought Hijikata was talking about Sasanami. i suppose i could just change the pronoun used to ‘they’ though? i think i might have done that before though im not sure about doing that now in this drama...  
Anyway, once Shinsegumi Oni-tan is done, I scheduled biyoris for the next two months, and after that, i am aiming to translate single track dramas for june... though im not sure what i’ll be translating yet. 
Aside from 十五夜花 (done!), i am considering:
the shinkai fanbook drama (would really like to get this done)
maybe an ssl drama (i have at least 30% of the one with saito, heisuke and sanan done... but there's one phrase i don’t really think i can translate properly so maybe not, tho since this drama got uploaded recently with cn subtitles, if the words in that video make more sense for the part im unsure of, i’ll probably translate this). if i don’t do that, i might consider an otopa drama.
a shinkai drama (will likely go with  「喧嘩するほど仲がいい?」since i already have maybe... 1/5 of it translated? or i’ll go with the Saito/Harada/Sakamoto drama cuz its funny)
????? dunno yet?
havent figured out what else i might consider translating yet for the last week, but i normally try to prioritize dramas that i can share... lest it’s for something i really like or find amusing, though i also prefer to work on dramas that require less work (im lazy alright? or at least, i perceive myself as someone who prefers to take the shortest available route when it comes to doing stuff for free hahaha. despite that though, i do make sure i put out decent quality stuff and refuse to do a crap job lol), which honestly can vary since ive translated chunks of text from a number of dramas before just leaving them to work on some other things (most of those translated ‘chunks’ were done over the course of 2 years. i literally have more than 100 ‘chapter’ tabs in nimble with tl content so i it’s really easy to find something else to work on when i get tired of anything im working on).
as for july... if i can bring myself to translate 3 +10 min tracks... i may get to the Shimabara Disturbance drama... otherwise i’ll go back to game translations. maybe? 
well if ontario gets dumped on with a ton of snow... that’s more likely to happen? hahaha yeah i love winter. can’t stand summer tho.
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survivor-guyana · 5 years
Immunity Results #3
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Meet Your Judges!
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Hi sisters, it’s Dan, king of half faced selfies, here to roast your lip syncs
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Hi sisters, it's Nehemiah, king of not winning a game he deserves to win, here to judge you guys like you never been judged before, p.s Tim stop stealing my role as the one straight black guy in the org community
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hi sisters, i’m back from the dead and ready to roast some bitches. i honestly don’t remember if i’ve played more than one main season but i was in kuang si and really that’s the only one that matters. not sorry!
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hey sisters, hope you missed me because im still not coming back.
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Hi sisters, I was forced to write this start. But entertain me
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About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him-and I didn't know how potent that part might be-that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.
Dan: 31/50
Theme: 5 - No real theme tbh, I guess the editing incorporated some nice colors and stuff. I wish y'all could have been more in sync with a theme tho. Maybe I'm just being critical.
Creativity: 5 - The editing was creative, I liked the effects and the added little bits that went along with the lyrics. I think the difference between this video and the others tho was that the others tried something new and exciting to spice up their videos. Was it more creative? Maybe? There's nothing wrong with picking a bop and lip syncing, but it's 2019 ladies, spice it up.
Effort: 7 - She may have bought that hair, but y’all yanked it right off. I think some of you really tried harder than others, but I stan when people just do their best and record where and when they can. It shows dedication and I like that shit. I think that the effort into learning the lyrics without reading them off the screen and dedication to filming in the car kind of showed y'all want this.
Composition: 7 - BITCHHHHH I’M GAGGGGGT. It’s 240p, but honestly Ariana Grande who? Whoever edited this made it seemless, but honestly the low quality needs to get clocked a few points.
Entertainment Value: 7 - The dancing, the outfits, the lip sync skills? A bitch was entertained. While the other videos tried to make things new and exciting, y'all delivered what I think of as more of a successful project.
Jess: 34/50
Theme 8/10. If I had to say the theme, I'd guess that it's "bad bitches" which you all are.
Creativity 5/10. If a 0 is 1 person playing basketball instead of lip syncing at all, and a 10 is a full out choreographed dance number done by your entire tribe, I think this falls solidly in the middle. I don't think there is a lot about this that sets it apart from past music videos I've seen, but I don't think it is bad.
Effort 8/10. It seems like most of your tribe members were at least majorly involved and tried to make this good! And you all put effort into the dancing/attitude you had, it felt like everyone tried to match their actions to the song.
Composition 6/10. I think the editing is good and it matches the timing of the music which is nice, the cuts are usually on the beats! But it did get a little repetitive after a while, like I felt as though the same thing was happening throughout the whole video and there wasn't a variety in the images/cutting style/etc. I also think it was hard to tell if the video was in sync because for some reason y'all are in 2007 and only uploaded this at 240p???? Are you guys all over the age of 45 why did you do that. Finally, the flickering glitter filter was cool at the start, but I wish you'd spiced it up and not just used that throughout the entire video, also at points it was a little distracting due to the bright colours that would pop up.
Entertainment Value 7/10. Six of these points are for the girl who was in the car because she was killing it and I loved her. I took points off for a similar reason I had above -- it felt like the video was one note and I wish you guys had a little more variety throughout.
Dennis: 38/50
Theme: 6/10 Creativity: 8/10 Effort: 8/10 Composition: 8/10 Entertainment: 8/10
I know I will get alot of hate comments for this, but this in general is not really a song to lipsync too. EITHER WAY I think you did a good pretty good job with it. All of you seemed to enjoy yourself and the editing was enough to keep my attention throughout the whole video. I didn't really get the theme, but overall it was a very entertaining Lipsync!
Connor: 35/50
Ok this is good. You clearly all worked together artistically so that your individual shots were coherent. Im not crazy about the pink strobe kinda thing going on through the entire video but you were all performing and this is well done. Theme: 7 Creativity: 6 Effort: 8 Composition: 7 Entertainment Value: 7
Charlotte: 42/50
Creativity:  I feel like you could have done a little bit more with some of the lyrics but all in all I loved this video and now I'm just being picky. 7/10
Effort:  See above. I think you could have done a little but more but keeping the pink aesthetic through your editing and ALL THAT DANCING werk werk werk.   8/10
Nehe: 44/50
7 8 9 10 10
Now this is a fucking music video work bitches work
TOTAL: 224
Dan: 29/50
Theme: 7 - Annoying advertisements? Trying to show the effects of product placement on our every day life? I loved it haha I was shook.
Creativity: 6 - V creative, but was it really a music video? I guess parts were but I also was like so lost after a while. I think song choice is always important and I was so bored during the song parts. I wish you had made the song part as creative as the ad parts.
Effort: 4 - Honestly the effort was misfocused on the ads and less on the music video, was I mad about it? only like 50%. the song was boring and just kinda blah so it was interesting
Composition: 5 - Choppy, but I can’t edit so rip
Entertainment Value: 7 - Honestly this how to video taught me so much and I’m shook. THE POPCORN I LITERALLY SCREAMED. While I nodded off during the music video portion, I stanned the ads
Jess: 32/50
Theme 6/10. I think your theme was ads? I didn't really understand it but it was fun and unique.
Creativity 8/10. I have never seen anything like this that's for sure.
Effort 4/10. It seemed like everyone in your tribe was in the video I think? But most of the stuff you guys submitted was 1 take/shot and wouldn't have required a lot of editing, which is the most time consuming/effort requiring portion of the challenge so...
Composition 5/10 The editing of the commercials was pretty good, but it didn't flow as well as it should have because the audio levels were a bit all over the place. Also at one point it was in colour and out of focus but I wasn't sure why? Also a+ for doing your video in 1080p (@ other tribes take note). Since the actual music video portion was just one shot, I feel like I can't really give you a higher rating than the other tribes in this category.
Entertainment Value 9/10 First frame: a guy in a Stitch onesie with a bottle of tequila and a mug that says "ray of fucking sunshine"?? I laughed immediately. Then I was shook when later I realized it was actually a shot glass and was close to the camera and it got even better. This whole video was wild and I had no idea what was going to happen so I was pretty entertained.
Dennis: 45/50
Theme: 8/10 Creativity: 10/10 Effort: 8/10 Composition: 9/10 Entertainment: 10/10
This is probably the last kind of video which I expected in a challenge like this. I think it was really creative and connected entertainment with comedy and a nice little theme. I am very impressed good job!
Connor: 20/50
“””””Acting””””””” “””””””Edgy”””””””” Eggs?? Im vegan. What was the point of this? Was there a point? Pop corn girl gets you an extra point but this is not a music video. To quote bandersnatch, you chose the wrong path.
Theme: 3 Creativity: 6 Effort: 4 Composition: 4 Entertainment Value: 3
Charlotte: 34/50
Theme:  I've been out of the ORG world for awhile but is this what music videos are now??? I feel like the music video of your video was sorely lacking. YouTube loves ads but not that many!!!!! I did think the ads were pretty creative though so I marked up points for that below. 6/10
Creativity: See above. 9/10
Effort:  It wasn't just straight up lip syncing so I gotta reward you guys for that. 8/10
Composition: That black and white switching to color towards the end got me fucked up. 6/10
Entertainment Value:  To quote the person sitting beside me: "OMG another ad?"Cute concept, not sure it works as a music video but you tried.  5/10
Nehe: 35/50
Honestly this was something i never seen before and i enjoyed it hahaha
TOTAL: 195
Dan: 26/50
Theme: 6 - Cats? Bikes? Awkward White People Dancing? Are these the themes you went for? If so, y’all killed it haha, but it wasn't cohesive and I don't get what y'all were going for really.
Creativity: 5 - honestly, I stan an original song choice bc I haven’t seen this before, but also, a song like this needs to be sold and I don't know if y'all pulled out all the stops. I would have liked to see more passion from some of you in the props and theatrics department.
Effort: 5 - Some of you seemed to try a little harder than others, but overall y’all were feelin it
Composition: 5 - A little choppy, but I can’t edit for shit so like good job?
Entertainment Value: 5 - Okay Miss Tim with that bike balance, idk your name sis (maybe Jones) but striped sweater, pm me on skype – dan.disbrow so I can buy it ty. Other than that I don't really remember much besides a lot of cringey dancing.
Jess: 29/50
Theme 1/10. Tbh I don't really know what the theme was here, did you guys forget this category??
Creativity 4/10. Pretty much the same reason that I gave Hororo's tribe a 5, I'm giving you a 4. I am taking one point off because they at least did some stuff to make their video more unique/specific to their song whereas I think you guys could have used this editing style/dancing/etc to any song and it would have also worked, so it wasn't super unique.
Effort 9/10. Everyone who was in the video seemed really into it and did a good job having fun! But this is a 6 person tribe... one person wasn't in it and they weren't the editor?? You should vote them out if you lose.
Composition 9/10. The editing flowed well, you showed everyone on the tribe a pretty decent amount, and everyone's individual videos were pretty on point for lip sync? Usually when people film on their webcams it's not in sync, but these were all really good! You lose one point because the video quality was low and wasn't 1080p which it really should be.
Entertainment Value 6/10. I liked everyone's attitude and dancing and I loved the cats. I originally had 5 but then I remembered the cats and went back and added another point. But I wish you guys had done something unique for each mini song, like maybe divided them up amongst your tribe, or had people change outfits or something? If you had done that, I'd have given you way more points for theme and entertainment value. But because it was kind of repetitive/one note, it's hard to say I was REALLY entertained the whole time.
Dennis: 37/50
Theme: 9/10 Creativity: 7/10 Effort: 8/10 Composition: 7/10 Entertainment: 6/10
Comment: What stood out for me in your video was the theme. I assume that you wanted to mimic the fans v faves theme with a riff off and I thought that was actually quite smart. Everything else seemed to be for me what I would expect from a lipsync, but besides the theme nothing that stood out to me especially.
Connor: 27/50
The lip sinking is a little off at times (im coming back to this part, in the middle / two ish minute point-on it is not good) and I think the transitions from song to songs could have been smoother, but I think this is creative in terms of it being a mashup. I think there could have been more “music video” aspects to it. In addition to y’all singing. EXTRA POINT FOR THE CATS ( stripped sweater??? who is this??? Queen????)
Theme: 5 Creativity: 6 Effort: 6 Composition: 4 Entertainment Value: 6
Charlotte: 28/50
Theme: Was your theme Pitch Perfect? Like, I'm not sure whether or not there was anything you guys planned out but it really just seemed kind of randomly thrown together.  5/10
Creativity: I liked the cats? 6/10
Effort: See above. I feel like y'all just kind of threw this together? It was missing something for me. The person in the stripes pulled it together for you though so 7/10
Composition: Y'all really out here in 2019 not filming in the same orientation? I'm deducting 50% for that. It's a travesty. Also, if one person does a filter and no one else does, does it really make sense? IDK.  3/10
Entertainment Value: ... again, I liked the cats. Plus the stuff with the bicycle was weirdly entertaining.  7/10
Nehe: 31/50
TOTAL: 178
Thank you judges!
That means, Takama, I will be seeing you that tribal council on January 28 at 10 pm est.
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inkofamethyst · 3 years
December 20, 2020
I’ve got a thing for hair that flops.  Not exclusively (I’m also incredibly attracted to black men with dreadlocks), but if your hair flops while you nod vigorously then you should consider filling out one of my boyfriend applications (jk jk... unless).  And Wilbur has finally uploaded his view of the Death of Schlatt/Destruction of Manburg event, and despite it being a month late and despite having already watched Techno’s point of view (I also really enjoy Techno’s character lol), I went and watched his because, you know, it’s Wilbur.  Video was great, by the way.  I know how he became Ghostbur now.
Unfortunately, it pulled me into the reality of how big the DreamSMP is.  Like, I could spend days watching all of the content from the different creators involved (at least, all of the ones I like).  It’s really just... a lot to take in.  Too much for me, if I may be honest.  I simply don’t have the time to watch Wilbur and Techno and Dream (does he even livestream?) and George and... Fundy?  Tubbo?  Not the Innit kid though.
Man.  I haven’t had a crush in so long, and suddenly I fall for a Youtuber????  Who doesn’t even live in my country??????????  Not only that, I’m pretty sure he’s five years older than me anyway but DANG if he ain’t cute tho.  And his eyes are so nice.  I was so sure I was above celebrity crushes, but alas.  And now Pinterest has started showing me DreamSMP fanart and I can’t help but pin them skgsbdjkbkj they’re so good.  hhhhhhhhhhhhh
HOWEVER I SURE DO HAVE THE TIME TO CATCH UP ON CRITICAL ROLE AND HOLY HECKEROOS I’VE MISSED IT SO MUCH.  I’ve been listening to an audio drama (Vast Horizons S1+2, 4.5/5), and I wanted to complete it before I went back to CR but I took too long and the Fjord/Jester kiss was spoiled for me on Pinterest.  One fanart is a headcanon.  Four is a spoiler.  AGH I CAN’T WAIT FOR THAT EPISODE I just love how Laura’s character has a crush on her husband’s character like,,, give me more couples doing DnD please :D.  Now, I honestly think that of all the pairings between the CRC2 characters who are single and ready to mingle, Fjord/Jester feels the most likely to not last.  Not only has Travis said that he’s not into DnD for the romance roleplay (totally valid!), but I just... compatibility?  Now, granted, I’ve never dated anyone so my idea of compatibility could be completely skewed by an idealistic, never-tested form of romance that exists in my head, but... idk idk idk I know that there’s always the chance that crushes can develop into real, long-lasting relationships but like,,, idk.  ANYWAY that doesn’t matter bc my girl Jester gonna get KISSED WOO!
Oh and speaking of romance, I might have the dismissive/avoidant attachment style :)))))))))) and I ~don’t know how to go about fixing that~.  I don’t think I’ve got it bad, necessarily (after looking up exactly what it means to be dismissive/avoidant following a suggestion from a tik tok), but I think my cynicism toward the idea of romance as the ultimate relationship might have had an effect of this?  Or maybe it’s a symptom, not a cause.  Now, I’ve neither pursued not have I been pursued by a person for romantic purposes (not to my knowledge, anyway), but I’d like to think that... you know what?  This is useless for me to do, especially on my own.  Maybe I’m just not feeling the intense psychoanalysis today or maybe it’s just pointless to try to think about this without having any experience in the first place.  Besides, it won’t make me happy.  I need to put less stock into what tik tok thinks I might have.  At this point I think they see me as a bisexual black Christian woman who has anxiety and adhd/add, is currently single, did theatre, likes Star Wars (I literally only liked one video about Star Trek and now I’m on Star Wars tik tok and I don’t know how to leave) and is a burnt-out gifted kid.  It’s not all wrong, but it’s certainly not all right either.  I think they’re trying to figure out what my attachment to music education is: music major, music education major, choir kid, or band kid.  Seems like they’re leaning toward band kid and music education major, but we’ll see where it goes lol.
On a bit of a more bittersweet note, I’ve completed Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, the first television show I ever followed.  I started watching it in middle school with my parents, and I watched the series finale last night with my dad as a college student.  It’s actually insane to look back and think about how much all of the characters have changed.  Coulson has died many times, Daisy got powers, May became an empath (could still kick butt tho), Jemma and Leopold have finally had their happily ever after.  Frankly, I really really really enjoyed the final season.  The only thing is that I wish they would have tied in at least the epilogue to the greater Marvel Cinematic Universe.  Like, I have no idea whether the series ends pre-snap, how far pre-snap, how involved SHIELD is in the world... nothing except clues.  Ah well.  It’s been a long road and I’m glad I got on it.  I’m also glad we got a proper ending, that the show wasn’t cancelled before their final mission.  I’m just... overall I’m just happy with how it ended.
Today I’m thankful that my mom agreed to twist my hair because I certainly was not feeling up to doing so.  I need to wait for it to dry, but I think they’ll turn out really nice!  These are a ton smaller than anything I’d do, and they took her 2.25 hours to complete, so.
Oh!!  I’ve started patterning out the pieces for the Jester cosplay!!!!!  I’m using a corset pattern I own, and I’ve just drafted the capelet!  All’s looking well, I just need to stop overthinking.  It’s just that I don’t know whether I want to use the muslin fabric to make the skirt and chemise or whether I’d prefer to use actual eyelet lace fabric... idk.  I’ll have to wait and seeeee.
0 notes
sillyfudgemonkeys · 6 years
Ok so like, I made a video and finished it on P5′s English birthday (wasn’t really celebrating it, just kinda happened on that day) but I didn’t have the time to upload it till.....after the date. XP Ironically it was a remake of a video I had previously made but never released, because I was saving it for when the english ver came out (cause it had lots of spoilers cause I used Goro in the video cause Sae didn’t have many clips that would match the audio)....of course my hard drive went bye bye by the time my 4 month wait ended (yeah I made it like 4 months before the game came out here cause.....I really wanted to do it). 
Anyway, so I remade it, tho since we got the first 6 min of the P5 ep it had lots of clips I could finally use for Sae, so Sae ended up getting the role I originally wanted for her (so yeah sorry no Goro). Annnnnnnnnd yeah I’ll....upload it at some point. If my hard drive ever gets fixed, I’ll upload the Goro ver, keep in mind that the quality won’t be as good since I made that ver with WMM and the remake with Vegas (tho I will add the one effect I was missing to the Goro one before I upload it....again if I can get it). 
I’ll upload the video tomorrow since.....haha it’s already past the deadline so might as well wait till everyone is awake. 8U
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adorkablephil · 7 years
Fic: Listen (Chapter 2)
Title: Listen Rating: PG Word Count: 2.8K for this chapter Summary: Phil is a successful YouTuber, and Dan is a fan desperate for attention. Sounds like 2009, right? Except Phil is Deaf. Tags: AU, Deaf!Phil, Strangers to Friends to Lovers Author’s Note: All dates are obviously completely fictionalized, including Dan’s little subscriber count milestone. This is an AU, in case you hadn’t noticed. :) Extreme thanks to the Treehouse Mailing List for all their support and encouragement! Fic also available on AO3 here
[Masterlist of all “Listen” chapters on Tumblr]
Chapter 2: Talk to Me
danisnotonfire You said to DM you, so here I am. DMing you. This feels weird. Is it weird? I think maybe Im making it weird. 8 September 2009
AmazingPhil It’s not weird. Or if it is, that’s cool. I like weird. ;) 8 September 2009
danisnotonfire lol 8 September 2009
AmazingPhil I was interested in what you were saying about the FFVII soundtrack. Tell me more about why you like the music so much. 8 September 2009
danisnotonfire Have you lestined to it? 8 September 2009
AmazingPhil No 8 September 2009
danisnotonfire But you play the game, right? It ws in your video 8 September 2009
AmazingPhil It’s hard to explain, but I play it with the sound off. 8 September 2009
danisnotonfire ??? 8 September 2009
AmazingPhil But seriously, I’m interested. Tell me about the music. 8 September 2009
Dan’s passion for music inspired Phil to download the song “Interrupted by Fireworks” and play it loud enough that he could feel the tempo by laying his palms flat on the speakers.
After his roommates complained about the noise, he only did it again at times when they weren’t home.
AmazingPhil This is going to seem really weird, but I’ve felt awkward about bringing it up. 27 September 2009
danisnotonfire I am the king of awkward lol 27 September 2009
danisnotonfire Bring what up? 27 September 2009
AmazingPhil It’s just, we’ve been talking for weeks, and I haven’t said anything about it. 27 September 2009
danisnotonfire ??? 27 September 2009
AmazingPhil Okay, well, I’m Deaf. 27 September 2009
[a few minutes pass]
danisnotonfire You cant hear? 27 September 2009
AmazingPhil Yes, Dan, that’s what Deaf means. 27 September 2009
danisnotonfire Hey no need to be a jerk about it. I’m just surprised. 27 September 2009
danisnotonfire Why didn’t you ever say anything? 27 September 2009
AmazingPhil Well, I thought you would have figured it out from some of my videos and stuff I’ve tweeted, but then when you started talking about music, I just … 27 September 2009
[a few minutes pass]
danisnotonfire I am such an idiot. 27 September 2009
AmazingPhil No you’re not! That’s why I didn’t want to say anything! 27 September 2009
danisnotonfire why? 27 September 2009
AmazingPhil Because I liked talking to you, and I didn’t want you to be embarrassed or something. Or to maybe think I was a freak or something. 27 September 2009
[a few minutes pass]
danisnotonfire I dont think your a freak 27 September 2009
[a few minutes pass]
danisnotonfire the whole reason i started liking your videos was because you dont talk in them 27 September 2009
danisnotonfire is that weird? 27 September 2009
AmazingPhil Maybe we’re both a little weird. But I don’t mind if you don’t. :) 27 September 2009
danisnotonfire xD 27 September 2009
One of Phil’s old friends from school had gone all the way to America to attend Gallaudet University, since it was the most highly respected university for the Deaf in the world. She’d had to study ASL in advance, of course, since it was a completely different language than BSL, but she seemed to be really enjoying her studies there. Apparently the sense of Deaf community there was more than she’d even imagined in Manchester. She practically glowed when she talked about her feeling of belonging.
Phil was jealous.
He’d chosen York because of his interest in their graduate program in video postproduction, since he’d loved experimenting with film since childhood, but his isolation as an undergraduate made him wonder how well a Deaf student would be received in the graduate program. Would they even make any accommodation for him in studying what they might perceive as a definitively audio and visual medium?
He and Sharon occasionally Skyped when the time difference allowed, but she now sometimes slipped into ASL without noticing, and Phil found himself feeling like even his Deaf friends were slipping away.
AmazingPhil Maybe we could Skype sometime? I mean, I can’t talk, obviously, or hear you, but we could at least see each other in real life and not just Dailybooth pics. :] 2 October 2009
danisnotonfire How would we talk tho? 2 October 2009
AmazingPhil I don’t know. We could write on paper and hold it up or something? 2 October 2009
[a few minutes pass]
danisnotonfire ok 2 October 2009
AmazingPhil Now? 2 October 2009
danisnotonfire ok 2 October 2009
AmazingPhil YAY! 2 October 2009
AmazingPhil See you soon! 2 October 2009
Dan seemed cripplingly shy in their first Skype call. He avoided eye contact much of the time, which made communicating rather difficult, but he loosened up a bit by the end and even seemed to flirt a bit.
Phil tried really hard not to develop a crush.
He was not particularly successful.
They exchanged phone numbers and began texting constantly, not to mention the lengthy Skype calls. Dan talked about his own interest in making videos, but gloomily doubted his ability to create anything interesting or worthwhile. Phil urged him to give it a try.
15 October 2009
Phil: I think you should upload it. It’s really good. Really!
Dan: I don’t now. I’m afraid people will think its kind of weird.
Phil: Weird is kind of our thing, though, isn’t it? :p
Dan: I just dont want to look stupid or soemething. i mean it kind of sucks
Phil: Dan, it’s brilliant. I promise.
Phil: I have to ask, though. The subtitle thing. Did you do that because of me?
Dan: No. I dont know. Not really. i just liked it. I thought it looked cool.
Phil: It DOES look cool. I just didn’t want …
Dan: what?
Phil: I don’t know. I didn’t want you to be making videos for me like that just because I’m Deaf. I know that sounds stupid. Never mind.
Dan: No i now what you mean. That wasn’t why i did it. I told you i first liked your videos becuz you didnt talk in them. So I guess I liked that style, but mine is different. right?
Phil: Of course! Your style is completely different from mine! I love the old-time silent movie thing, with the title cards and everything. It’s really unique! That’s why I think it’s so brilliant!
Phil: That’s why you should definitely upload it.
Dan: really?
Phil: Absolutely!
[a few minutes pass]
Dan: ok
Dan: maybe tmorrow
When Dan uploaded his first video, Phil tweeted about it enthusiastically to encourage his own online friends and fans to check it out, and unsurprisingly people loved it.
Dan’s unique, silent film era style, complete with occasional sepia tones and use of fancy-font title cards to communicate all dialogue and narration, approached modern-day storytelling and vlogging from a completely fresh perspective. He told stories about his own life, but in a style no one had used before.
People were intrigued. Other YouTubers Phil had come to know over the years quickly began interacting with Dan on Twitter, and Dan gathered an enthusiastic audience almost right from the start.
And Dan’s looks certainly didn’t hurt. Phil tried to ignore any jealousy he felt about the amount of flirting he saw going on publicly over social media. He and Dan were friends. Maybe they flirted, but apparently Dan flirted with everyone. It didn’t mean anything.
23 October 2009
Phil: Are you going to the Halloween gathering in London next week?
Dan: no
Phil: Why not? You’re officially a YouTuber now! You should come!
Dan: I can’t
Phil: We could finally meet. That would be so cool!
Dan: I said I cant
Dan: Just drop it ok?
[a few minutes pass]
Phil: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to push or anything.
Phil: I mean, of course if you don’t want to come, that’s fine.
Phil: I just thought it would be cool to meet you in person.
Phil: I mean, you’re one of my closest friends now and we’ve never even met!
[no response]
[after an hour, Phil logs off]
Phil took the train to London and attended the Halloween Gathering on his own, but felt Dan’s absence keenly the entire time. He brought a white board and a few different colored pens so he could communicate with people more easily, and found that YouTubers were less shy about such things than the average uni student seemed to be. They seemed to find the white board an intriguing novelty and eagerly interacted with him through it.
They didn’t treat him like a freak.
Or, at least, they treated him like their own kind of freak.
He’d discovered a different community. One that wasn’t perhaps as easily familiar and comfortable as the Deaf community he’d grown up in, but a community nonetheless.
He just wished Dan had gotten to experience it, too.
He kept in touch with another YouTuber he’d met at the London gathering, a guy named PJ who had been particularly unselfconscious about using pantomime, facial expression, and the occasional impromptu prop to communicate with Phil instead of relying exclusively on words written on the white board.
Their brains seemed to work in similarly creative ways, and they collaborated on a sort of abstract short film they’d sketched out together on a series of paper napkins during dinner at the gathering. Phil was pretty proud of the way the project turned out, and PJ seemed happy with it, too. They put it up on PJ’s channel, and it got quite a bit of enthusiastic viewer response.
Dan’s blatantly passive-aggressive jealousy about the whole thing was Phil’s first hint that his own more-than-platonic interest might be reciprocated, but he tried not to get his hopes up.
13 December 2009
Dan: I can’t believe I hit 10,000 subscribers!
Phil: Yeah, well, everybody loves danisnotonfire.
Dan: really? so that includes you? ;)
Phil: Nah. Not me.
Phil: I don’t love danisnotonfire.
Phil: I love Dan Howell.
[a minute passes]
Dan: I love Phil Lester, too.
Phil finished his graduate degree in York and returned to Manchester to find himself a flat on his own. He liked the independence but also enjoyed being closer to his family again, and some of his friends from school and college had returned to the area after uni as well.
Returning to some involvement with Deaf culture encouraged Phil to gradually shift the content of his videos, as he became more comfortable openly signing anecdotes about his life, influenced no doubt by Dan’s focus on his everyday life experiences in his own videos.
Viewer response was mixed. Some of Phil’s loyal audience rolled with the changes and seemed to enjoy the more personal glimpses into his life and personality, but others left ignorant, offensive comments about deafness and sign language. He lost some subscribers. Making his content more personal had made the cruel comments feel more personal, too. But when something online hurt his feelings, he just texted a real-life person he knew accepted him just as he was, and it helped.
Being able to sign with people again made his life richer and more fulfilling … and yet he found himself looking forward to his evening Skype calls more than any real-life interactions with his old friends. His family expressed concern that this obsession with a “stranger” on the Internet wasn’t healthy, but they just didn’t understand.
Phil had fallen harder than he ever had before, and with someone he’d never even met in person.
In a strange way, Phil felt simultaneously happier and lonelier than he’d ever been.
11 June 2011
Phil: Are you going to Summer in the City this year?
Dan: no
Phil: You have a lot of fans now. I’m sure they’d like to meet you!
Phil: And there are other people who would like to meet you, too! :p
[a few minutes pass]
Phil: Dan?
[several minutes pass]
Dan: I said no. Jesus phil just leave it the fuck alone!
Phil: Hey, I’m sorry! I’m not trying to pressure you!
Phil: I’m just starting to feel like this is kind of weird. Like I have a boyfriend I’ve never even met.
Dan: weird is what we do, right?
[a few minutes pass]
Phil: Yeah. Right.
Phil: I know.
Phil: I’d just really like to meet you.
[no response]
[after a really long time, Phil logs off]
Phil attended Summer in the City on his own again, painfully aware of how much closer he was to Dan when he visited London than when he was back home in Manchester. Painfully aware that Dan not only hadn’t wanted to attend the convention, but hadn’t even responded to Phil’s desire to meet.
He talked with other YouTubers, made plans for possible future collaborations, and hugged dozens of enthusiastic fans, took hundreds of smiling selfies. But the entire time, he couldn’t help but think that Dan was only 40 miles away, instead of the usual 200. Less than an hour by train.
So near, and yet not within reach. He felt it like a physical pain.
15 June 2011
Dan: remember when you first told me you were deaf?
Phil: Yeah?
Dan: and you were afraid i woud think you were a freak
Phil: Right, but you didn’t. Right?
Dan: of course not you idiot <3
Phil: So what’s going on?
Dan: theres soemthing i havent told you
Phil: You can tell me anything. I love you. You know that.
Dan: but its really weird
Phil: Weird is what we do. <3<3<3
[several minutes pass]
Dan: i dont talk
Phil: Like you’re shy? I wondered if that might be why you wouldn’t go to the gatherings and stuff.
Dan: no i dont talk
Phil: But you talk to me all the time. I’m confused.
Dan: i mean to people. out loud. irl i don’t talk. ever
Phil: Okay.
Dan: ok?
Phil: Yeah. Okay. I mean, I don’t talk either. Are you Deaf too? Is that why you don’t talk? Why didn’t you ever say anything?
[several minutes pass]
Dan: no i’m not deaf i just dont talk
Phil: It’s okay, Dan. I just want to understand. Why don’t you talk?
[no response]
[after a very, very long time, Phil logs off]
Phil didn’t know what to do with what Dan had told him, especially since Dan had sort of dropped a bomb and then just run off without explaining anything.
One thing was clear, though. Dan didn’t like being pushed. When he wanted to talk about this—no pun intended—he would.
Because if one other thing was clear, it was that Phil was willing to wait.
6 July 2011
Dan: You havent brought it up.
Phil: What?
Dan: You havent ever asked about the talking thing.
Phil: I did. You didn’t answer.
Dan: yeah but you havent asked again since
Phil: Did you want me to?
[several minutes pass]
Dan: I dont know. maybe
Phil: Okay. Why don’t you talk?
[several minutes pass]
Dan: I havent talked since I was 8.
Phil: Wow. That’s a long time.
[a few minutes pass]
Dan: yeah
[a few minutes pass]
Phil: Is that why you never wanted to meet?
Dan: yeah i didn’t want you to think I was a freak
Phil: Dan, weird is what we do. And I’m Deaf!
Dan: Well yeah but you dont do that on purpose.
Phil: You do it on purpose?
Dan: sort of i guess
Phil: So you could talk if you wanted to, but you don’t want to?
[several minutes pass]
Phil: Dan?
[several minutes pass]
Phil: Dan, I don’t think you’re a freak. Just talk to me.
Phil: Crap. You know what I mean.
[no response]
[hours later, Phil finally logs off]
Phil did some research into muteness that someone might call “on purpose,” just wanting to understand, and found himself wondering if what Dan experienced was maybe something called “selective mutism” or maybe a “conversion disorder.” As far as he could tell, neither one was truly something anyone did purposely, but, really, if Dan didn’t want to talk about it, Phil wouldn’t be able to understand much at all. He just wanted to educate himself a bit so that if Dan ever did want to talk about it, he’d be less likely to say something stupid and make Dan shut down even more.
12 February 2012
Dan: I have a question to ask you.
Phil: Okay.
Dan: but its making me really nervous
Phil: I love you, Dan. Whatever it is, it’ll be okay. I promise. <3
[several minutes pass]
Dan: do you think maybe i could come visit you in manchester?
Phil: Skype me right now this very minute because you have to see how big my smile is! <3<3<3<3<3
[Continue to Chapter 3]
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 4 years
Hakuoki Drama Shinsengumi Oni-tan Track 2 Translation
well... finally got around to finishing ssl’s harada’s cross short stories... been super sleepy this week... which doesn't help with me being swamped with stuff to study since i finally booked the exam for the aws course im taking... it’ll be a month and half before I can resume my normal pace for all things... that is assuming I’m still stuck at home doing nothing aside from looking for a job. oh well. lol. im in the health>everything category... stay safe people!
anyway, this is my translation of Shinsengumi Oni-tan track 2! according to the drama info page, I believe this is the very first audio drama that either Amagiri’s or Shinaranui’s VA participated in tho i can’t remember who it was... however, this cd is definitely both VAs’ first appearance in a Hakuoki drama.  
due to content of this, out of all the dramas i have TL for, i’ve wanted this translated the most... unfortunately since all i got for resources are images and a video of the translation, it’s a serious pain in my ass to translate it since my CH word recognition ability is very bad...
well, no pain no gain as they say... though i think i suffer way more than what i get back in return lol. finals edits will be done later when i get to making my subtitle video (delayed due to me being busy).
anyway, enjoy~!!!! 
do not repost elsewhere or else! 
Hakuoki Drama CD: Shinsengumi Oni-tan Track 2: A Letter from the Yase
Translation by KumoriYami
Shiranui: Ah~ahah~ really, this is turning out to be a real hassle. hey, Amagiri, have you read this letter?
Amagiri: Yes, I've already checked it. Having received a letter from the Yase princess, I was contemplating on what should be done next.
Shiranui: Then, what's to be done [what do you plan on doing?]. Do you intend to/Should we tell Kazama about this? If it's anything related to that guy, it'll be even more troublesome.
Amagiri: I don't blame your way of thinking, but because he is the leader of the western clans, there's no choice but to inform him of this.
Shiranui: Mah~ na.
Kazama: Amagiri, you've come.
Shiranui: oh, you're finally here.
Kazama: Shiranui. Why are you here?
Amagiri: His presence today is owed to oni relations.
Kazama: What business do you have. If there's nothing, hurry up and go.
Shiranui: mah, mah, quit being so inflexible. Compared to that, what's the matter with you. I just had nothing important to do so I went out. Were you checking on that girl's condition/situation [check for Kazama in audio here]?
Kazama: Of course. My wife has constantly been mistreated by those wild dogs. To check on her situation is my/the duty/obligation as a/of the husband.
Shiranui: I was only joking. However you actually did that./You actually went [check audio for if sounds like a question]?
Amagiri: I'll be asking this just in case, [but] you didn't forcefully touch her/come into contact with her right?
Kazama: Hmph, how could that possibly happen. As long as my wife sees me, she will graciously cheer aloud [roughly says: thankfully cheer for (me). reword later?]. So today I only watched her from a distance.
Shiranui: You should really learn how to distinguish/what the difference between screaming and cheering is.
Amagiri: Observing from a distance, this type of activity is still not appropriate as a leader.
Kazama: The next time I'd like to prepare glasses to watch her from a distance [or maybe: something to watch her from a distance. the version i used for this translation says glasses.... check other tl later since im assuming this to be binoculars/telescope], but I won't be talking about that now. Instead of that, there's something you should know.  
Shiranui: Ah? It's not going to be something boring again right?
Kazama: It can be considered boring/simple/ can't be considered complicated, in a sense.  This was something that just happened after I encountered the Shinsengumi recently on my way back. I don't know why, [but] among that pack of dogs, [there seems] to be someone who's inherited the blood of the oni.
Shiranui: Eh... Amagiri: Hmm
Kazama: What's with that response? That reaction, are the two of you thinking that I'm an idiot?
Amagiri: No. We didn't mean to imply that, but how could that be?
Shiranuui: To confirm then, you saw an oni that wasn't Kodo's daughter?
Kazama: They're unrelated to my wife, I saw a young man, it's impossible for me to mistaken the characteristic [not sure if this is more of the 'mistaken in what i saw' sense or unable to be mistaken in this' kind of sense. check other tl after], he must have inherited the blood of the oni.
Shiranui: It turns out it was like that. Indeed, this can be considered simple/not complicated. Actually, this was sent/delivered recently.
Kazama: What is it, that letter.
Amagiri: Nn. This was from the oni living in Kyoto, Princess Yase's envoy delievered it.
Kazama: Huh. Is that woman finally going to bow down before me?
Shiranui: Why do you immediately imagine that.
Kazama: Then, don't be surprised otherwise [roughly says something to the effect of 'don't leave a man's appetite in suspense' so i put down what i thought made more sense. double check both tls later], hurry up and read the letter.
Shiranui:......."To Amagiri, Shiranui, also Kazama" Ah, by the way I added that in because it doesn't make sense [to not do so], [though] this letter was mainly directed towards me and Amagiri [check other tl later].
Kazama:......By the way [check audio and other tl], Shiranui. Are you deliberately adding in details while reading this to make this more interesting [literally: to add oil and vinegar, which figuratively means: 'adding details while telling a story (to make it more interesting)']?
Shiranui: Don't use such unpleasant words, that's basically how it reads.
Kazama: Che, it seems that Kyoto's oni do not know much about manners/etiquette. It seems that oni princess has inherited that lunacy of her ancestor [the translation of "血肿," used here means hematoma/swelling of soft tissue due internal hemorrhage... so I put in what I kinda thought was appropriate given the time period]. How laughable [check other tl. i’d guess ‘amusing’ though].
Amagiri: Can I continue reading this? [continue with this]
Kazama: Ah... Hurry up continue reading. What's wrong with that guy [check tl]?
Amagiri: "then before I get to the main point, I will first say, if you're still coveting Kodo's daughter, you should give up," she said.
Kazama: That's ridiculous.
Amagiri: It seems that the Yase Princess is speculating that, she [that girl] is fond of someone in the Shinsengumi. Perhaps it's he harsh/strict and strong Hijikata... or perhaps it’s Okita or Saito, who are excellent swordsmen/have superior swordsmanship. Of course, it's possible that it's Todou or Harada, since it's hard to guess/determine who it might be [reword later].
Kazama: That's utter nonsense/what a load of nonsense [check audio. the tl is the same where it says 'that's ridiculous']! Get to the point.
Shiranui: Really, you're impulsive as ever. Anyway, it says that a different clan [while i use the word 'clan' here, and most of the other times i see the word '族', it can also mean race/nationality/ethnicity/social group (ex - office workers). may use "group" since it's more ambiguous when I get to making the video] of oni entered Kyoto not so long ago.
Kazama: Oh? there are [other] oni in Kyoto? Where are these oni from?
Amagiri: Based on their whereabouts, they should have come from the west [says 'western part' so i might change this to 'from western lands']. So if we know something, That's why she's saying that if we know something, to please tell her. 
Kazama: So it's like that/that is to say, the person I saw recently in the Shinsengumi, is the someone who probably comes from an oni clan fro a different part of the country, as mentioned in this letter.
Amagiri: That is very likely. Although Kyoto has long history, the bloodlines of many oni clans are around here/in the area. [may just omit bloodlines entirely here]
Shiranui: Joining the Shinsengumi, that sounds impossible/Then joining the Shinsengumi is even more impossible [check other tl and audio]. Then as the leader of the Western clans, do you have any idea/know anything about this oni clan?
Kazama: No/I don't know, at least I have never been in contact with them.
Amagiri: Then I'll contact the village to investigate [check tl again since the tl i wrote says 'fight'. probably wrote something down incorrectly]. How do you intend to handle this unidentified oni clan?
Shiranui: The Shinsengumi being involved in this, already makes this a real hassle. If that guy becomes a member of the Shinsengumi, we'll be fighting sooner or later.  
Amagiri: Did he know that the Shinsengumi is hostile towards us, or did he know that there's a female oni within the Shinsengumi?
Shiranui: Either way it's a problem.
Kazama: hrn...
Shiranui: I'll first say, that even if it's me, I don't want to fight against another oni. There are a barely any of us to begin with/ There aren't a lot of us to begin with.
Amagiri: Then, what should be done, Kazama.
Kazama: That remains to be seen. let's go. Amagiri. Shiranui. Based on my observations, I'm afraid that the strength of his bloodline is so weak that he doesn't even know that he is an oni. Those who have inherited the noble blood of the oni, even if they don't know it, answering to the call of humans [check other tl], is something that must never be allowed.
ah i wish i could have someone reading a letter from sen about why saito is better than kazama lol....hahaha i can only wish.
unfortunately im still really busy so i don’t when i’ll be able to translate the next track of this... still would like to have it done before end of the year though.
also, the reason why the sanan tsukikage chapter TLs were taken down from that blog i found was apparently because the site itself had problems with the images that were uploaded along with the author’s translations... i think? 
Well, regardless of the reason, i was able to save the tl of sanan’s 1st tsukikage chapter since it got re-posted, and guess that means it’s only a matter of time before the tl of chapter 6 gets re-uploaded so i can go save it later....
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