#mick will get over it
sncwonthebeach · 2 years
Also, while I'm thinking about it, Lourdes leaving solidified her leaving her friendship with Michaela.. which in turn means that Mick's now lost a second best friend (at her own hands again, she thinks).
Jared couldn't give less of a damn though, Michaela is clearly in distress over Lourdes and understandably wants to keep her distance. Jared never ONCE respects that. He's uncaring to the fact that this is the second best friend she's lost in such a short time (for her at least, that's something that again he doesn't really seem to care about). Instead, he barely even checks in with her.. he borderline blames and gaslights her.
Especially in the aftermath of Evie, this wasn't the time for Michaela to lose Lourdes- the three Amiga's have successfully been parted and part of me feels as though Jared did this to get Mick mostly alone so she'd be more open to going to him.
Speaking of Evie, it's obvious that Michaela is still reeling from the accident. It's clear that she's still carrying all this guilt. Jared's response? "𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘤𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘥."
Like, sure buddy, legally she was cleared but personally? Internally? Morally? No way.
Michaela's guilt isn't about the legalities, it isn't about the black and white- the pen and paper. It's about the fact that she was driving the car that killed her best friend, it's that she knew she shouldn't have been driving but she was. It's the fact that two girls went out that night and only one came home alive.
That's what Mick can't shake. She can't shake that she got behind the wheel, knowingly, and it resulted in the death of the woman that was practically her sister. She can't justify that she's alive and Evie isn't. That's what the guilt is. Not whatever the fuck Jared was on about.
Contrast this with Zeke who, similarly to Mick, was in some way responsible for someone's death. In his case, it's Chloe. Chloe and Evie have next to nothing in common, except that their respective companions harbor relentless guilt for their deaths. Zeke understands her pain, not only because it so closely mirrors his own but also because he's understood Michaela from the moment he met her.
Jared may have loved her once.. but it feels more like now, she's just something he covets. What she wants, and what she feels, no longer matters. Her happiness also no longer matters to him "he was supposed to be gone, Mick."
He said that despite and regardless of the fact that Zeke clearly makes Michaela happy, he'd rather her be in agony than let her go. That isn't love.
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arthursfuckinghat · 1 month
Thinking about how it feels like the world of RDR2 ended when Arthur died, how things would never be the same again, how bittersweet it is meeting the people you once were in a gang with, how much it hurts to play as a shadow of someone you lost. That's when most people stop playing.
But the world didn't end, the world carried on. The people you knew moved on, new people you meet spoke fondly of your brother. The world kept turning and showing you that Arthur may be gone, but his memory is all around you.
His name is etched on a memorial hall donation plaque, the beasts he hunted were hung proud on a veteran's wall, the widow he taught to hunt is now thriving, the strangers he helped on the side of the road talk about the man that saved them, and so much more, but most of all - his hat sits proudly on your head and his journal lays heavy in your satchel.
This part of the game has taught me a lot, but it has taught me to move on most of all.
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biracy · 8 months
I can't remember if I've posted abt this before but regardless: I'm sorry but I really and truly cannot get behind the idea that there is any wide-scale societal "pressure for trans men to be feminine" or "to be twinks" or whatever. You are either conflating a very small online community's beauty standard (usually some kind of transmasc pseudo-appropriation of "femboy" aesthetics, which yes, are often Bad and regressive and fetishized and etc.) with Mainstream Society, or confusing society not wanting trans men to transition with "wanting trans men to be feminine", which are certainly not the same thing. Ultimately if a cis person believes there is any validity to the concept of being trans (i.e. not a Posie Parker-esque "there's no such thing as a trans person" type), they are more likely to think that trans men should be like as masc and buff and hairy as possible or whatever bc that's what cis people think men look like and it's easier for a lot of people to recognize someone who Looks Masc as a man. It is difficult sometimes to see derision of trans guys who are Too Feminine and Not Hairy Enough or whatever (which is not always something someone has control over btw) as anything but "this is Skye who I think is a confused little girl because Skye does not pass" slightly restyled for 2023 "filthcore fagdykes" or whatever lol
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Mick really said 👉🥺👈
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waugh-bao · 6 months
Q: It could be said that you've spent decades sitting in a place where you've got a view of Mick Jagger's ass.
Charlie: Yeah, I have. He's fantastic live, isn't he? He's incredible with an audience. For me there's only ever been three people who were that good live. James Brown, Michael Jackson, and Mick. They're mesmerizing. I mean, Mick—people look at him. They always have done, even when we were kids. They always looked at him. Especially on stage. I would hate it.
Q: You would hate it?
Charlie: Oh, yeah. I don't mind doing something up there. But standing there like that, no, I hate it. That's why he loves to get me to—you know when I walk to the front to say something? Oh, Mick loves that, because he knows I hate it.
Journalist: He's torturing you.
Charlie: Yeah. And he knows that. It's awful.
(Details Magazine Interview, 2010)
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necer0s · 11 months
…At some point, we’re going to have to talk about the fact that Heat Wave was both a) Kon’s friend and coworker during their time at Cadmus, who he trusted, and b) one of the Rogues who helped kill Bart while Kon was dead.
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princemick · 1 year
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Mick visits prema -- Bahrain GP 2023
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schumaclerc · 2 years
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sncwonthebeach · 1 year
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arthursfuckinghat · 2 months
There needs to be a scientific study done on how Rockstar Games' Arthur Morgan is able to provoke the most earth shattering emotions I didn't even know I had in me
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horsemage · 1 month
I think we should bring back basic etiquette lessons such as shutting the fuck up when you’re watching a movie in a group that is not exclusively your friend group 🙂
#welcome to another Mick Airs Out Their Grievances and by god is it a VERY long one#prob best if u don't expand the tags#am I being maybe a bit meaner about this than I would be for any other movie? maybe but pac rim is one of my favorite movies of all time#so I think I get a pass on this one.#one of the groups on campus is hosting movie nights & I went to this one bc I've only ever watched pac rim on my laptop and wanted to watch#it on a larger screen. yay yippee I love this movie!#there r maybe 10-ish of us in this room and a three person friend group is sitting on the couch one of whom has seen the movie and two who#have not. okay so far so normal.#and then the movie starts and they won't! stop! fucking! commentating! the whole fucking movie!!! I don't have a problem with doing that#when I'm in just my friend group because I know that I can tell my friend to stop talking or pause the movie or whatnot but not when I'm in#a large group w people I'm not good friends with ffs#and the comments aren't even funny or anything they're all oh this is JUST like in iron widow!! oh they're SO gay and autistic!!! and#they're talking so loud about this that it completely drowns out the movie audio which has already been turned up a few times#like. be considerate!! some of us want to yknow actually listen to what's going on and not whatever bullshit you're saying#I nearly walked out three or four times before I actually wound up doing so#I may have been a bit of a bitch at the end but I don't care. I got up to leave because this was not an enjoyable environment and one of#them offered to turn the movie down if it was too loud. this caught me a bit off guard since I expected them to still be so wrapped up in#their convo and. well. I may have said 'it's not the movie that's too loud' before closing the door#this also reminds me a lot about my issues with online shipping culture and it bleeding through into how we interact with media irl#this is probably heavily influenced by my aromanticism but I'm so sick of people constantly reading romantic relationships into everything#AND placing more importance on those relationships than any other form. I don't mind romance in media. I think if done right it has great#emotional impact on a story but when a movie is running and when other people who may not want to hear it are in the room watching it too#is not the time to be loudly saying 'he's autistic!' 'they're in love!' 'she has a crush on him!'#I have my own interpretations of the movie some of which agree with what they said and some of which don't but that's beside the point of#knowing how to coexist politely in public#anyway. I think they were awful and annoying and they ruined my night out.#I think I'm just so incredibly mad about this because I love the movie and I was looking forward to watching it in a group of people who#found it cool as well while still having some modicum of politeness#I almost wish I had been meaner but that's the extreme annoyance talking I think#hater hour over love u guys bye
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Season four of Legends of Tomorrow is so incredibly different from season one, in both content and tone, that a large part of me wants to pluck Snart from season one and drop him into season four, just to see what happens
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biracy · 2 months
Woke up in the middle of the night before and ended up in a dysphoria spiral so bad it literally kept me from sleeping. In case anyone was wondering how it's been going for me
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sunsetsixx · 2 years
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mötley crüe, the stadium tour 💥
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waugh-bao · 2 months
I know you don’t really like Mick’s solo output, but what do you think about Keith’s?
I have mixed feelings about it. If I were to rank all of the Stones solo musical ventures, it would definitely be Charlie > Keith > Ronnie > Mick. Which, naturally, was also Keith’s opinion on the matter:
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I’ve never been a fan of the Stones covers he did with the Winos, the tempos are always a mess and they drag.
As for the stuff that’s solely his, I think it’s a mixed bag. He’s genuinely very talented as a lyricist and I like the subject matter he tends to focus on, because it’s a lot about complicated and long term/older relationships, which isn’t necessarily a mainstay of mainstream rock. And I also enjoy his voice, he’s not Pavarotti or anything but he knows how to write for his own range and vocal quality.
That said, I feel like the music/band itself tends to be very hit or miss, and I actually tend to prefer the songs where it’s Charley Drayton playing drums instead of Steve, he’s got a lighter touch that suits Keith’s style better. I was at performance the Winos did at the Beacon Theater 2 years ago as part of Love Rocks NYC and for unexplained reasons (what I heard on the grapevine is that Steve and Charley had some kind of falling out related to Charley’s late wife) Charley wasn’t there. The choice of songs for the set kind of sucked and the replacement bass player was no good, but I don’t think that performance is probably representative of what they were like in their heyday in the late ‘80s/mid ‘90s. Still not thrilled with how much money I spent on a ticket for such a mediocre performance. Hozier and Mavis Staples were great, though.
His collaborations with Levon Helm and Tom Waits are both gorgeous and there’s some beautiful covers by him of Mingus and other artists floating around out there. It’s not *really* solo Keith, but for my money his best stuff in that realm will always be the songs he sings solo on the Stones records, particularly “Little T&A” from Tattoo You, “How Can I Stop” from Bridges to Babylon, “Thru and Thru” + “The Worst” from Voodoo Lounge, and “Slipping Away” from Steel Wheels. Also “Alteration Boogie”, even though nobody was ever kind enough to give us an official release.
Ironically, I listen to him most often when I’m exercising, especially running or doing boxing drills with a heavy bag. I will say that I have a special place in my heart for “Hate It When You Leave.” The lyrics are so him, of course, but it used to be a song that was perpetually on my playlist for nighttime runs in London, and I have many fond memories of listening to it while flying through the shittier parts of Shoreditch and Camden Town.
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killa-trav · 1 year
if i had a nickel for every time lewis hamilton befriended a 5’9 blonde german who thinks michael schumacher is the best thing since sliced bread i’d have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice
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