#michelle tolo
michelletolo · 9 months
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I was inspired to paint a heroine for my 10-year old self, so here's a fierce Elven warrior lady. Armor is always so much fun to paint!
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Elven Warrior by Michelle Tolo
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thecollectibles · 3 months
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Dragon Postal Service - Character Design Challenge by selected artists: Michelle Tolo, Rouju Ra, Kimberley King, Fer Ayala, Daniel Vaquier
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Art by Michelle Helen Tolo
January’s Theme: #DragonPostalService
Presented by CDQ Magazine
Discover the artists of the Character Design Challenge community and the current Theme of the Month in our Facebook Group! And when you repost your design on our Patreon page, you can also win awesome prizes every month and choose the future themes!
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cultofthewyrm · 9 months
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Elven Warrior Lady by Michelle Tolo
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manfrommars2049 · 1 year
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DnD - Red Dragon Battle by Michelle Tolo via ImaginaryDragons
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dailycharacteroption · 10 months
Corrupting Influences: Vampirism part 3
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(art by Michelle Tolo on Artstation)
 Though Horror Adventures was released 7 years before the time of writing this, it’s quite auspicious that I’m taking a look at this corruption in the wake of a resurgence in the popularity of vampires, ranging from ironic (Morbius) to genuine (Dracula Daily and the upcoming Last Voyage of the Demeter movie). Heck, a few years ago they put out new revised editions of Vampire the Masquerade. One might say we’re in a vampire renaissance.
But none of that matters right now, because we’re talking about the implications of a slow transformation into a vampire in your game.
 As written, this corruption occurs alongside the faster method of transforming prey into a vampire, similar to how the lycanthropy corruption works. In this case, the corruption really becomes a reflection of either the risks of fighting vampires long term, or the depredations of a single vampire. In the former case it lead to stories of who you can trust to help you when you start to turn into the very thing you fight, and who will try to preemptively slay a vampire-to-be. Not to mention the struggle of whether you will join with the vampires once you turn, or continue to fight against them.
In the latter case, however, it can lead to stories either mirroring the events of Dracula the novel, or it might be part of a complex relationship with the vampire that inflicted it upon them. Perhaps they desperately want companionship but fucked up, or maybe they want the victim to suffer before becoming their thrall, and so on.
On the other hand, if your setting replaces the normal transformation with this corruption entirely, then vampires might not be as common in your setting, being limited to singular powerful vampire lords and their spawn. Alternatively, if they are common, they might outnumber the living in lands forsaken by light and benevolent gods, where mortals live in fear of vampire masters, who are always on the lookout for fresh blood in every sense of the phrase.
The existence of this corruption does bring up interesting questions about the nature of the vampiric curse, particularly since there are several other varieties of undead that are classified as vampires or vampire-adjacent beyond the classic vampire, which Pathfinder calls the Moroi. The fact that a corruption exists where a living victim becomes a vampire before dying makes vampirism seem much more insidious than the typical “get killed by a certain undead, rise as the same type, usually under their control” sort of deal that many other undead have.
There is a heavy horror element in the lead up to gaining this corruption, since the victim regularly gets weaker but may not know what is happening to them, forcing the party to work quickly to figure out what is happening to their friend. Perhaps worse though is the prospect of the character knowing what is happening, either from the start or because they figure it out and may or may not be able to stop it, dreading each night. And it doesn’t end once they get the corruption either, as the vampire probably won’t stop feeding on them or at least visiting them to encourage them to fully transform.
Further compounding the nightmare is what happens to you, the person as you begin turning. Constantly there is this thirst for blood. While not truly nourishing, the hunger for it does not cease, and as the corruption progresses, it becomes easier to justify feeding from innocents, citing desperation, the value of one’s own life, and eventually, viewing other lives as cattle.
It’s also worth noting that in the book, when the heroes finally found Lucy after she fully turned, she appeared before them as a creature that had Lucy’s appearance and memories, but none of her soul, her identity replaced by a thing born out of unholy bloodlust. The prospect of becoming something like that, even if the GM allows for the possibility of redemption, could be truly horrifying.
 That will do for now, but tomorrow, we’ll take a look at how we can vary up this corruption!
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renatarenatah · 2 years
Eu li todos livros que Rory leu!
Por acaso, eu leio muito rápido e terminei esses livros por dias e semanas. Amei esses livros! Rory é estudiosa, tem boas escolhas para ler.
Listona com os 339 livros que Rory leu em ‘Gilmore Girls’:
1. 1 984 – George Orwell
2. As Aventuras de Huckleberry Finn – Mark Twain
3. Alice no País das Maravilhas – Lewis Carroll
4. As Incríveis Aventuras de Kavalier & Clay – Michael Chabon
5. Uma Tragédia Americana – Theodore Dreiser
6. As Cinzas de Ângela – Frank McCourt
7. Anna Karenina – Leon Tolstoy
8. O Diário de Anne Frank – Anne Frank
9. The Archidamian War – Donald Kagan
10. A Arte da Ficção – Henry James
11. A Arte da Guerra – Sun Tzu
12. Enquanto Agonizo – William Faulkner
13. Reparação – Ian McEwan
14. Autobiography of a Face – Lucy Grealy
15. The Awakening – Kate Chopin
16. Babe – Dick King-Smith
17. Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women – Susan Faludi
18. Balzac e a Costureirinha Chinesa – Dai Sijie
19. Bel Canto – Ann Patchett
20. A Redoma de Vidro – Sylvia Plath
21. Amada – Toni Morrison
22. Beowulf: A New Verse Translation – Seamus Heaney
23. Bagavadguitá
24. Os Irmãos Bielski – Peter Duffy
25. Bitch in Praise of Difficult Women – Elizabeth Wurtzel
26. A Bolt from the Blue and Other Essays – Mary McCarthy
27. Admirável Mundo Novo – Aldous Huxley
28. Um Lugar Chamado Brick Lane – Monica Ali
29. Brigadoon – Alan Jay Lerner
30. Cândido – Voltaire
31. Os Cantos de Cantuária – Chaucer
32. Carrie, A Estranha – Stephen King
33. Ardil 22 – Joseph Heller
34. O Apanhador no Campo de Centeio – J. D. Salinger
35. A Teia de Charlotte – E. B. White
36. The Children’s Hour – Lillian Hellman
37. Christine – Stephen King
38. Um Conto de Natal – Charles Dickens
39. Laranja Mecânica – Anthony Burgess
40. The Code of the Woosters – P.G. Wodehouse
41. The Collected Stories – Eudora Welty
42. A Comédia dos Erros – William Shakespeare
43. Complete Novels – Dawn Powell
44. The Complete Poems – Anne Sexton
45. Complete Stories – Dorothy Parker
46. Uma Confraria de Tolos – John Kennedy Toole
47. O Conde de Monte Cristo – Alexandre Dumas
48. A Vingança de Bette – Honoré de Balzac
49. Crime e Castigo – Fiodor Dostoievski
50. Pétala Escarlate, Flor Branca – Michel Faber
51. As Bruxas de Salém – Arthur Miller
52. Cão Raivoso – Stephen King
53. O Estranho Caso do Cão Morto – Mark Haddon
54. Filha da Fortuna – Isabel Allende
55. David e Lisa – Dr Theodore Issac Rubin M.D
56. David Copperfield – Charles Dickens
57. O Código da Vinci – Dan Brown
58. Almas Mortas – Nikolai Gogol
59. Os Demônios – Fiodor Dostoievski
60. A Morte de Um Caixeiro-Viajante – Arthur Miller
61. Deenie – Judy Blume
62. The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America – Erik Larson
63. The Dirt: Confessions of the World’s Most Notorious Rock Band – Tommy Lee, Vince Neil, Mick Mars e Nikki Sixx
64. A Divina Comédia – Dante Alighieri
65. Divinos Segredos – Rebecca Wells
66. Dom Quixote de La Mancha – Miguel Cervantes
67. Conduzindo Miss Daisy – Alfred Uhry
68. O Médico e o Monstro – Robert Louis Stevenson
69. Edgar Allan Poe: Complete Tales & Poems – Edgar Allan Poe
70. Eleanor Roosevelt – Blanche Wiesen Cook
71. O Teste do Ácido do Refresco Elétrico – Tom Wolfe
72. Ella Minnow Pea: A Novel in Letters – Mark Dunn
73. Eloise – Kay Thompson
74. Emily, the Strange: Os Dias Perdidos – Roger Reger
75. Emma – Jane Austen
76. Empire Falls – Richard Russo
77. Encyclopedia Brown: Boy Detective – Donald J. Sobol
78. Ethan Frome – Edith Wharton
79. Ética – Spinoza
80. Europe through the Back Door, 2003 – Rick Steves
81. Eva Luna – Isabel Allende
82. Tudo se Ilumina – Jonathan Safran Foer
83. Extravagance – Gary Krist
84. Fahrenheit 451 – Ray Bradbury
85. Fahrenheit 9/11 – Michael Moore
86. The Fall of the Athenian Empire – Donald Kagan
87. Fat Land: How Americans Became the Fattest People in the World – Greg Critser
88. Medo e Delírio em Las Vegas – Hunter S. Thompson
89. A Sociedade do Anel – J. R. R. Tolkien
90. Um Violinista no Telhado – Joseph Stein
91. As Cinco Pessoas que Você Encontra no Céu – Mitch Albom
92. Finnegan’s Wake – James Joyce
93. Fletch Venceu – Gregory McDonald
94. Flowers for Algernon – Daniel Keyes
95. The Fortress of Solitude – Jonathan Lethem
96. A Nascente – Ayn Rand
97. Frankenstein – Mary Shelley
98. Franny e Zooey – J. D. Salinger
99. Sexta-Feira Muito Louca – Mary Rodgers
100. Galápagos – Kurt Vonnegut
101. Gender Trouble – Judith Butler
102. George W. Bushism: The Slate Book of the Accidental Wit and Wisdom of our 43rd President – Jacob Weisberg
103. Gidget – Frederick Kohner
104. Garota, Interrompida – Susanna Kaysen
105. Os Evangelhos Gnósticos – Elaine Pagels
106. O Poderoso Chefão: Livro 1 – Mario Puzo
107. O Deus das Pequenas Coisas – Arundhati Roy
108. Cachinhos Dourados e os Três Ursos – Alvin Granowsky
109. E o Vento Levou – Margaret Mitchell
110. O Bom Soldado – Ford Maddox Ford
111. The Gospel According to Judy Bloom – Judy Bloom
112. A Primeira Noite de um Homem – Charles Webb
113. As Vinhas da Ira – John Steinbeck
114. O Grande Gatsby – F. Scott Fitzgerald
115. Grandes Esperanças – Charles Dickens
116. O Grupo – Mary McCarthy
117. Hamlet – William Shakespeare
118. Harry Potter e o Cálice de Fogo – J. K. Rowling
119. Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal – J. K. Rowling
120. A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius – Dave Eggers
121. O Coração das Trevas – Joseph Conrad
122. Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders – Vincent Bugliosi e Curt Gentry
123. Henry IV, parte I – William Shakespeare
124. Henry IV, parte II – William Shakespeare
125. Henry V – William Shakespeare
126. Alta Fidelidade – Nick Hornby
127. A História do Declínio e Queda do Império Romano – Edward Gibbon
128. Holidays on Ice: Stories – David Sedaris
129. The Holy Barbarians – Lawrence Lipton
130. Casa de Areia e Névoa – Andre Dubus III
131. A Casa dos Espíritos – Isabel Allende
132. Como Respirar Debaixo D’Água – Julie Orringer
133. Como o Grinch Roubou o Natal – Dr. Seuss
134. How the Light Gets In – M. J. Hyland
135. Uivo – Allen Ginsberg
136. O Corcunda de Notre Dame – Victor Hugo
137. A Ilíada – Homero
138. Confissões de uma Groupie: I’m With the Band – Pamela des Barres
139. A Sangue Frio – Truman Capote
140. Inferno – Dante Alighieri
141. O Vento Será tua Herança – Jerome Lawrence e Robert E. Lee
142. Ironweed – William J. Kennedy
143. It Takes a Village – Hillary Rodham Clinton
144. Jane Eyre – Charlotte Bronte
145. O Clube da Sorte da Alegria – Amy Tan
146. Júlio César – William Shakespeare
147. A Célebre Rã Saltadora do Condado de Cavaleras – Mark Twain
148. A Selva – Upton Sinclair
149. Just a Couple of Days – Tony Vigorito
150. Os Últimos Dias dos Romanov – Robert Alexander
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lina-vas-dom · 2 years
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Художник Michelle Tolo
Мой колпак в бубенцах Он звенит на любое движение Кто-то бросил в сердцах Мы потеряны как поколение...
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Elven Warrior Lady by Michelle Tolo
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misterdust · 23 days
La France d'Herve
Le 6 juillet 44 aux alentours d'un village de moyenne montagne des Pyrénées, deux miliciens gradés se retrouvent en panne d'essence. Sur ordre de l'armée allemande, ils doivent attaquer le lendemain matin un maquis de la résistance. Suite à un violent désaccord à ce sujet, ils finissent par s'affronter... Ce film est librement inspiré d'un fait réel. Il propose un point de vue inédit en nous plongeant dans l'univers mental de deux miliciens en pleines dérives dans l'été 44.
C'est un court métrage à considérer avant tout comme un acte de cinéma objectif destiné à explorer au delà de tout manichéisme ce que pouvait être la collaboration vécue de l'intérieur. réalisation Alban Tolos avec Ismaël Ruggero, Alban Tolos, Michel Escaillas, Erik Fourcade, Pierre Nicolas Chesnot 
production Michel Escaillas
la playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsdr-AzORi60U8ZLSPWGzbf4wDmc_5ExW
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michelletolo · 2 years
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I've been reading the first few books in Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles series, and ended up being very inspired to paint a vampire transitioning from starving to revitalised by blood. They're not far from zombies when starving, which I find very intriguing (I just love zombies!), whereas they tend to possess a haunting beauty after having fed enough. Then there's all the frenzied hunger stages in between, which I thought was very fun to depict! My main inspiration for this vampire was Lestat, naturally. I can definitely recommend the books to anyone interested in dark fantasy/horror themes written in a beautiful way!
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Red Dragon Battle by Michelle Tolo
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thecollectibles · 2 years
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Angels of Light & Darkness - Character Design Challenge by selected artists: RAY P, Diane ÖZDAMAR, Michelle Tolo, Tomasz Ryger, Adrien Jeannerod
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Art by Michelle Helen Tolo
June’s Theme: #ModernWitches
Presented by CDQ Magazine
Discover the artists of the Character Design Challenge community and the current Theme of the Month in our Facebook Group! And when you repost your design on our Patreon page, you can also win awesome prizes every month and choose the future themes!
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cultofthewyrm · 2 years
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Mad Hilda by Michelle Tolo
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