#michael cliffors smut
He Finds Out You Can Sing/Play An Instrument (Preference #3)
You’ve been so busy with school recently, not having a second to pause and look around, it’s finish one task then move onto the next. You haven’t had enough time to see anyone, let alone enough time to eat and take care of yourself. You haven’t slept properly in 2 weeks – much to your boyfriend Luke’s dismay. His favourite part of the day is the mornings in bed with you, where you’re both sleepy, small pecks are given and received, giggles thrown around, and arms wrapped loosely around each other, but because you need to get up early, he’s missed out on that. Fortunately now that the stressful time is up, and you can actually live properly, you’ve had time to catch up on sleep as of last night, although Luke yet again missed his morning cuddles, he let it slip because you looked so peaceful and calm in the first time in weeks, so he just kissed your forehead and got out of bed. As Luke was so caught up in the song he was playing hours later, he didn’t notice you come down the stairs. It was when you sat down next to him he noticed, and gave you a small smile, slightly pausing, but you nod at him to keep going as you run your hand down his back and you sing the words to Hear You Me by Jimmy Eat World. Once he gets used to your voice, he joins in with your singing, loving the sound of your voices weaving together perfectly. When the song comes to a close, Luke does one extra strum and puts his guitar down. “Um, since when could you sing?” He asks a little puzzled. “Since never, because I can’t.” You answer. “Uh, wrong answer.” He tells you. “It is?” You raise an eyebrow, tucking your legs under yourself, because your bare legs are beginning to get cold, as you’re only wearing one of Luke’s sweatshirts. “Yeah, we’ve been together 4 years, I’ve known you 2 years before we started dating, but it takes me 6 years to find out that you can sing?” He questions. “Is this a dream or something?” He adds. “Haven’t you heard me in the shower?” You ask. “No.” He shakes his head. “Should I of told you?” You joke. “But I know everything about you! Everything. How did I not know this?” He exclaims, and you laugh, shaking your head. Kneeling up and swinging one leg over Luke’s lap, so you’re straddling his lap. “Babe, it’s not that big of a deal, I’m sure there’s many things I don’t know about you.” You chuckle, resting your arms on his shoulder and playing with his hair, and his hands go to your hips. “B-” you silence him with a kiss, your lips moving together in sync, and he gets lost in the kiss, you following shortly after.
“That was such a dick move to leave him.” You laugh. “He was so boring, his name was Matt and he worked in IT, didn’t have a dog, which was a warning sign already, and he took me to a restaurant that served bland food, he was the definition of beige.” Your friend continues. “You couldn’t of waited until the date was finished?” You question, plucking open strings on her guitar. “I would of fallen asleep.” She replies, scrolling through her phone. “You could’ve gotten some coffee or something.” You laugh. “I didn’t know what to do, so I left him at the restaurant, don’t judge me.” She responds. “Whatever.” You shake your head with an amused smile, your fingers travelling the fretboard randomly. “When does Michael come?” She questions, sinking further into the couch. “I don’t know, any minute now.” You shrug, putting the pick in your mouth as you move your hair out the way. “Is he bringing anyone with him?” She asks looking down at you from where you’re sitting on the floor, leaning back against the sofa because you’re smart. “He might bring the boy’s back, or just one of them, he didn’t say.” You tell her as she picks up a guitar herself and plugs herself in. “Are we really doing this?” You ask as she plays Stairway To Heaven by Led Zepplin. “Yeah, we are, it’s a fucking amazing song, with a sick guitar solo.” She says over the music you shrug and join in, ready for your fingers to do some serious shit. “Holy shit.” You laugh and voices behind you repeat your words, looking behind you, you see Michael, Calum, Luke, and Ashton. “I think I just fell in love again.” Michael says as he walks in. “I did hear correctly, you did master the guitar solo of Stairway To Heaven?” Luke asks. “Uh yeah.” You nod. “Since when could you play guitar anyway?” Michael questions. “You’ve seen me play it before.” You furrow your eyebrows. “Only acoustic, and I thought you could only do limited amounts.” He replies. “Oh yeah, I guess I never really played electric in front of you.” You realize. “Do you own one?” He asks. “This was mine, but I gave it to (Y/F/N) because I didn’t really like it anymore, I don’t have one right now.” You shrug. “Why don’t you use mine?” He raises an eyebrow. “ I don’t know, your’s just doesn’t sit right with me, I don’t like it, I used to have a perfect one but my friends and I got drunk and ruined it.” You laugh at the memory. “You did amazing too.” Ashton tells (Y/F/N). “Thanks.” She smiles. “Back off, Irwin.” You warn and he put his hands up in surrender. “That was kinda hot to be honest.” Calum comments. “Back off, Hood.” Michael says. “I’ll agree, it was really hot.” Michael laughs with a smirk.
“Okay babe, I’ve gotta go, see you later.” Calum says to you as he walks into the bedroom. “Alright, you coming home in the evening or are you gonna pop back home at lunch?” You ask, looking up from folding the laundry. “Uh, you’re working today right?” He questions. “Yeah, at home” You nod. “I might come back, I’ll text you later.” He states, walking over to you, where you’re kneeling on top of the bed. “Have a good day.” You wish. “It’d be better with you there.” He tells you, looking at your form, his t shirt on you, a little part of your black halter neck bra exposed, your tensed thighs, and your hair all curly from the shower you took last night. “Yeah?” You raise an eyebrow. “Mhm.” He nods, rolling his bottom lip into his mouth, as he places his hands on your hips. “We haven’t got enough time, Cal.” You inform him, catching his drift. “All I need is like 15 or 20 minutes.” He says, his hands travelling down your exposed thighs. “No, you need to get to the studio, and I have an important Skype call soon.” You decline. “Can’t they both wait?” He murmurs as his lips ghost over your collarbones. “No.” You shake your head, biting your lip when his hand travels over your chest and he sucks on your skin. “‘Cause you and I both know that that’s not enough time, and I can’t miss this call.” You sigh, placing your hands on his sides. “Fine.” He huffs, pulling away from you. “I guess we’ll have to wait until tonight.” He rolls his eyes. “You know I want to, there’s just not enough time, babe.” You sympathize, placing your forearms on his shoulders. “Will you make it up to me?” He raises his eyebrow with a small smirk. “Sure.” You nod with a chuckle. “As I’ve gotta go, because I’m gonna be late apparently, I’ll say goodbye.” Cal sighs and his hand lightly touches over your heat, making you lower your hips to meet his fingers. “Maybe we can both be just a little late.” You shrug, connecting you lips to his. “Alright, bye then, thanks.” You smile politely at a fellow CEO. “Bye, Mrs Hood.” He smiles back and you end the call. “Thank fuck that’s over.” You mutter to yourself, and pull your hair out of the pony tail, shaking your head to sort your hair out. This house is awfully quiet, so you decide to put a random playlist on shuffle, the sound of Waterparks coming on. It’s been ages since Calum left and you still haven’t gotten dressed, you sorted your hair out and put on a little make up, but you’re still in his shirt. Deciding you should make some lunch, you head towards the kitchen. Suddenly Only You by Sarah Close comes on and you can’t help but smile to yourself and begin to sing the words, the high notes effortlessly coming up. “I need a little more too.” A voice behind you says, making you turn around instantly, being met with Calum. “Oh, hey.” You smile. “We’ve been together 7 years, how did I not know you can sing?” He question. “I can’t.” You furrow your eyebrows. “Uh, yeah you can, what you just did was amazing and you did it so effortlessly.” He states, coming up to you. “You think? I wasn’t really paying attention.” You raise an eyebrow, making him laugh. “You’re perfect.” He smiles, pulling you into a hug. “Thank you?” You laugh. “I love you so much.” He presses a kiss to my hair. “Love you too, Cal.” You reply.
“Come on Wyatt, let’s go see daddy.” You say to your little boy, taking him out of his car seat, and into your arms. “Daddy?” He questions. “Yeah.” You nod, locking the car and making your way into the studio. “Hey guys.” Michael greets, walking towards you. “Hey.” You smile. “Micky.” Wyatt giggles. “Hi lil’ guy.” Michael laughs, squeezing his hand. “Where’s Ash?” You ask. “In there.” He points towards a door where you can hear talking and laughing. “Thanks.” You nod and make your way towards them, opening the door with your free hand. “Baby!” Ashton grins, walking up to you, giving your lips a peck and wrapping an arm around your waist. “Daddy, I made a drawing for you.” Wyatt tells Ashton, passing him the piece of paper. “You did? Aw, thanks little man.” Ash enthusiastically says taking the paper from him. “There’s mummy, then you, me, uncle Lu, uncle Mickey, and then uncle Cal.” He explains. “Looks great.” Ashton tells him. “Why don’t you go show, Luke and Cal?” He suggest, taking him from your arms and walking over to Luke. “Wyatt drew a picture of us and he wants to show you.” He informs and passes him over to Luke, and Luke sets him on his lap, beginning to talk to Wyatt. “So how’s my special lady?” Ashton asks as he walks back to you, setting his hands on your waist. “Fine, you?” You ask back. “Great now that you’re here.” He smiles, kissing your forehead. “You’re old but you’re still cute as fuck.” Michael comments as he walks in. “Get bent, Clifford.” You glare. “Hormones.” Michael mumbles. “I haven’t got any of those going on right now.” You sigh. “Always a pleasure to be around you.” He jokes making you flip him off. “Love you too.” He sweetly says and walks off, making you laugh. “Mummy!” Wyatt cries, making you look over to where he is and see tears rolling down his cheeks. “What’s up, baby?” You ask, lifting him up. “I h-hurt myself.” He sobs. “Where?” You ask and he lifts up his finger, a small paper cut on there. “Hey Ash, could you go get a plaster from my car?” You ask. “Sure.” He nods leaving the room. “It’s okay.” You try to calm him down by wiping his tears and rocking him, but he just clutches onto your chest and cries. “Ow, my ears.” Calum chuckles. You decide to take another approach and head towards the piano that’s in the room, sitting down the bench, putting Wyatt on your lap. Opening up the lid you begin to play some simple chords. This always calms him down, when he was a new born and he’d cry in the middle of the night, you take him down stairs and put him in a bassinet and he’d slowly fall asleep again. It’d always work without a doubt. Soon enough Wyatt calms down and just watches your fingers move around the black and white keys. “You okay now?” You ask him and he nods, beginning to get sleepy. “Since when could you play piano?” The voice of Ashton asks. “Oh you’re back, thanks, uh, I’ve been playing for years, how’d you not know, I play it for him when he won’t stop crying.” You explain whilst you put the plaster on his finger. “I thought that was just your phone.” He furrows his eyebrows. “Then I’d have to of had great speakers for it to sound like that.” You reply, passing Wyatt to Ashton. “Why couldn’t you of taught me?” Luke questions. “So none of you knew I could play?” You question and they shake their heads. “How?” You laugh. “Let’s play some songs!” Michael suggests and that takes up your plans for the rest of the evening, Wyatt falling asleep on the couch soon enough.
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
Testing Limits-- (m.c)
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Photo credit to @michaelcliffordgallery​ (hope it’s okay!)
Word Count: 1,463
Warnings: blowjob, slight voyerism, unprotected sex
Enjoy! :)
• • • •
You’d already finished cleaning the whole house, took a shower, called your friends and ate dinner. You were sitting in the living room bored out of your mind and Michael couldn’t entertain you because he was upstairs talking with the guys. Lockdown has been set for another month and you knew how badly they missed each other.
Moose and Southy were cuddled comfortably alongside you as you scrolled endlessly through Netflix, Hulu and Disney+ and still couldn’t find anything to watch. You were in a chat with the other girlfriends who shared the same sentiments as you, wanting to spend some alone time with your boyfriends. 
Suddenly, you were sparked with an idea. Tucking your phone into the side pocket of your leggings, you shifted the dogs off  your lap and you crept upstairs where you heard Michael’s infectious giggles. Ashton probably said something entirely too comical so they wouldn’t hear you come in.
You open the door quietly, slipping alongside the wall so you’re right behind Michael’s gaming desk. You’re thankful it’s not up against the wall because then you wouldn’t be able to play out your plan. 
Michael glances up at you while he’s taking a drink from his Hydro Flask, a small smile flashes at you in greeting. You wiggle your fingers innocently to say a silent ‘hi’ back. Michael puts his focus back on the screen where his three best friends are talking over each other, Ashton’s voice is the loudest amongst them complaining about how he doesn’t have fish sticks anymore.
Michael closes his eyes in laughter and you use that as your chance to duck below the desk. You had to be careful with all the wires (something you hadn’t really thought through) and situated yourself in front of your boyfriend’s knees. His shorts were already hung pretty lowly on his hips and with a bout of confidence, you hook your fingers under the band, fingers brushing his covered dick. 
“Shit!” Michael yelps when you yank his shorts down, your hand grasping him firmly as you start to stroke him slowly. It didn’t take long for him to start to become hard and heavy in your palm.
“What’s up?” Calum asks above you from the monitor. 
“Moose uh scared me,” he clears his throat and glances down at you quickly. 
You grin mischievously and lean up on his knees which he spreads open to accommodate you between them. You stroke on him a little faster then give a soft lick to his tip, you feel him clench.
“Moose! Where’s Moose, put her on!” Luke exclaims.
“I scared her and she. . . she ran away,” Michael responds a little breathlessly. There’s a ghost of a small moan in his voice but you know the others wouldn’t pick up on it like you did. 
“Shh,” you hush quietly then turn your head so you can press wet kisses up along his shaft. When you reach his tip you circle your tongue around him slowly before wrapping your lips around him. 
You’re faintly paying attention to their conversation, their voices carry in and out of your ears but the words don't register because your focus is on pleasuring Michael. You feel his thigh clench and shake as you take him further in your mouth, expelling spit as you did so. 
You sneak a glance at him and you’re pleased to see his mouth hanging open slightly, his eyes unblinking as he stares at his screen. You smile and pull your mouth off him only to take him all in to the back of your throat, swirling your tongue up and around his shaft when you pull back up again.
You do the same action a few more times, the more you work him over the more spit comes out and dribbles down to his balls that you fondle with your thumb. Michael lets out a low moan and you suck on him harder. 
“Michael, what are you so concentrated on?” Ashton asks with a laugh.
“He’s definitely playing a game right now,” Luke jokes and the others laugh along. 
“No, sorry I was uh. . .” he inhales sharply as you deep throat him once more and you know he closed his eyes for a fraction of a second. “Reading an email. Sorry, sorry.”
Your goal was to get him to end the skype call early, but now you took this challenge to make him cum while his friends had no idea what was even happening. You sped up your actions, bobbing up and down effortlessly because he was slick with your spit. 
“Okay, yeah sounds good guys. See you,” Michael suddenly says and you hear the ending sound of the Skype call. 
Michael’s fingers tangle in your hair as he glides away slowly but hurriedly from the desk, your mouth still on him. 
“What’s gotten into you, kitty?” he finally moans and it makes you leak into your panties. His moans are your favorite sound. “Fuck, just like that . . .” he sighs and rests his head against the chair. 
You smile around him. Now that you have more breathing room, you add your hand to accompany your mouth. You squeeze him between your thumb and forefinger as you move your mouth up and down his shaft, slurping noises fill the room. Michael’s moaning and twisting his fingers in your hair, his hips jerking now and then to meet your mouth. 
“So good, kitty. . .so, so good,” he moans and you preen at the praise. It makes you moan as well, Michael curses from the vibration. 
Suddenly, your mouth is pulled of his wet and hardened dick with a loud pop and Michael forces you up on your feet. He tugs your shorts down and pulls you onto his lap in the same amount of time. 
“Wanna come inside you, kitty,” he groans, teasing his tip against your hole. 
Your knees get situated through the arm rests and you slide down on Michael easily. You both moan salaciously as he fills you up, this angle makes him hit your sweet spot perfectly. Michael places his hands on your waist bouncing you on top of him as he thrusts rapidly into you. 
The chair rattles beneath your motions, you and Michael moaning and chasing your highs together. You suck on his neck and his fingers tighten on your waist, his nails dig into your skin and then you feel the familiar bubble begin to burst inside your lower tummy. 
“Mm-Michael,” you moan his name and he fucks into you even faster. His breath hot on your own neck and you scream out in pleasure. Your toes curl and you’re gasping for air but also not finding the need for it now.
“Fuck, I’m--” he groans and then you feel his hot load spurt into you but he still rocks you on top of him until you’re both spent. 
Both of you panting heavily, you remain seated on top of him, you feel sweat trickle down your back and your ears are pounding from holding your breath for so long. Michael’s soft, hot lips kiss the skin of your neck and then you pull away from him slowly.
His eyes are heavy and a brighter green than before, his blond hair sticks to his forehead. Then you take in your surroundings and notice the chair has been pushed against the couch, the decorations on the coffee table next to it have fallen to the floor. When did that happen?
You glance behind you and see how far away from the desk you are now.
“Wow, we fucked our way across the room,” you giggle, turning back at him. 
His fingers slip up to your back pushing you forward so he can give you three soft kisses. The motion reminds you that he’s still inside you and you clench around him, it makes him moan.
“You were being naughty, kitty,” he mumbles, voice scratchy. 
“I’d say I’m sorry but I’m not,” you giggle again tugging on his hair. 
Michael suddenly stands up, you latch onto him quickly as he carries you out of the room. You’re still fully on his dick and you’re wondering what the hell he could be doing. Then he sets you down on your bed, slowly pulling out of you, his face grimacing slightly. 
You watch him move to his side of the bed and opens up the bottom drawer of his nightstand. You bite your lip as he pulls out the small pink vibrator. 
“Take off your shirt, kitty,” he tells you and you do so quickly. He kneels in front of you, spreading your legs wide open for him and he presses the button whirring the vibrator to life. His eyes slide to yours, “now it’s my turn to tease you.”
• • • •
Taglist: @galcalirwin​ @cashtonasff5sos​ @wokeupinjapanisabop​ @myloverboyash​  @rotten-kandy​ @tea4sykes​ @jannimoeller3​ @loveroflrh​ @iovehemmings​ @cxddlyash​ @princesslrh​ @here-for-the-uproars​ @katiaw2​ @g-l-pierce​ @fairyintheglass​ @gosh-im-short​ @banditocth​ @dezzym17 @loverofmineabi​ @lukeisbaby​ @spicycal​ @mysticalhood​ @thesubtweeter​ @wastedheartcth​ @atlcalm​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @calumance​ @babylon-corgis​ @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​ @lanternlover2​ @istaywithmyjonas​ @calteahood​ @sarcastically-defensive17​ @allier59​ @calumhoodaf​ @frontmanash​ @philthepegacorn​
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babylon-bitch · 6 years
Just Friends ~ You Looks So Good, Baby (part 69)
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Harper White is best friends with Luke Hemmings, they always have been. Not only is she  friends with the rockstar, but with the rest of 5 Seconds Of Summer, as well as a really nice girl named Erika.
Harper has a few secrets, she can play all the instruments the boys play and many more. It’s a talent she has kept hidden, only very few people know.
What will happen to the six teens, wondering around the world together?
Rubbing my eye as I walk out of my room, in a daze because I just woke up. I have a lecture soon so I couldn’t sleep in.
Making sweater paws and trudging through the lounge, seeing Michael and Ashton curled up on different parts of the sofa, as I walk into the kitchen. The boys are all asleep, it is 7:45 so I don’t blame them.
They’re due to leave in a few days, but I’m not as sad as I thought I would be because I’ve had so much fun with them over these past days, and I’m seeing them again in a couple weeks.
All the boys get on with the others, Izzy and Michael bonded over hair as they both have coloured hair, Cody and Calum bonded over sports, Juliet and Ashton both found an interest in art, Tori kinda joined in on that sometimes, Luke and Blake bonded over music and guitar, they could’ve talked for hours.
Everyone had something in common with everyone, sometimes mixing, and it was a sight to see. I already know Erika would get on so well with Tori, and Maddie would get on with everyone, not someone in particular, but everyone would like her and she’d get on well with them.
We could of talked all night if we didn’t have something to do the next morning.
I open up a cupboard, peering in to see if there’s anything I fancy, deciding there’s nothing that tickles my fancy, so I move onto the next cupboard. I see some muffins and I take them out, as well as picking up a chopping board. Slicing the muffin in half then placing the halves under the grill, I take the butter the butter out so it’s ready for later.
Leaning on the counter, I pull my phone out to scroll through Twitter as I wait.
I’ve gotten over my ‘phobia’ of social media. After the break up between Luke and I, I was terrified to go on any social media, because I was already fragile to have thousands of people ask questions or even just bring up the break up was hard. I’d just post and not read the comments, then I came to my senses, and I began getting into social media more, little by little.
“Oh hey.” A familiar voice speaks.
“Hey.” I smile at Luke, suddenly very aware of the clothing or shall I say little clothing I’m wearing. It’s not like I’m showing him anything, just I’m wearing a shirt that ends mid thigh, and a lot of leg is on show, at least I’m wearing a bralette.
“You’re up early.” He comments, pulling out a glass.
“Lecture.” I fill him in, as I favourite Erika’s tweet.
“That’s gotta suck.” He mumbles, filling the glass up with water.
“Big time.” I nod, looking up, seeing him look at my outfit of choice.
“Is that my shirt?”
“Uh, yeah, by the looks of it.” I confirm as I look down at it.
“Looks cute.” He winks, making me roll my eyes. “Don’t remember giving it to you though.” Luke raises his eyebrow at me with a small smile.
“Me either.” I agree.
“I never did to be honest, you just took them.” He chuckles. “Same with my hoodies.”
“They’re just comfy.” I shrug.
“You have a bijillion of your own, why did you have to wear mine?”
“Your clothes are more comfortable.” I tell him, putting my phone down, and turning around to get the peanut butter from the cupboard.
“You’re so short.” Luke teases.
“No, I’m normal, you’re just abnormally large.” I fire back.
“Is that so?” He raises an eyebrow as I struggle to reach the jar.
“Yeah.” I breathe, and tug my shirt down so I don’t show him the whole package.
“Do you want some help?” He offers, walking towards me.
“No, I can do this myself.” I decline, I need to make a point.
“Sure you can.” He mutters and leans forward, pressing himself against me for a moment as he takes the jar off the shelf, then places it on the counter, as I hold my breath.
“Thanks.” I mumble, letting the breath I was holding in out, and busy myself by pulling out a knife.
Taking my breakfast out the oven, and placing it on a plate, I begin to butter the muffin. Placing the knife in the sink, I put my finger in my mouth slightly as I lick the peanut butter that managed to get on there.
Heading for the fridge, I pull out a smoothie I got yesterday, turning around I’m met with Luke being much closer than I thought he was.
I look up at him, seeing him staring at me, he gingerly and cautiously places his hands on my waist, causing me to put my hand on his side.
Luke subtly edges me into the counter, and hesitantly leans in, and I don’t know what comes over me because all this time that we’ve become friends again, I’ve been pushing him away in this sense, but I edge closer to encourage him.
“What are we doing?” He whispers.
“I don’t know.” I whisper back.
Just as our lips touch ever so slightly, my phone rings, causing us to spring apart, a little breathless. I ignore the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, and look who’s calling me.
“Izzy.” I inform Luke and he nods, biting his lip.
“I’m gonna um, go back to bed.” He points over his shoulder, and I nod as I pull my phone to my ear.
“Hi.” I breathe.
“Hey, do we still have the lecture this morning?” She questions.
“Um, yeah.” I answer, my mind somewhere else.
“Okay, it’s just last week we didn’t have it so I didn’t know if we had it this week.” She explains.
“So are you ready to go soon?” She asks.
“What?” I ask her to repeat the question.
“Are you ready to go soon?” She asks again.
“Uh yeah, I just need to get dressed and eat.” I tell her.
“Are you okay? You seem a little distant.” She notices.
“No I’m fine, just in a rush I guess.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I’ll speak to later?”
“Yep, see you in a minute, bye.” Izzy says.
“Bye.” I repeat and hang up, gingerly placing my phone on the counter. Leaning over it, I try to come to terms with what just happened and thinking about it all.
I nearly kissed Luke, Luke my ex boyfriend and best friend.
Our lips just about touched, and if Izzy didn’t call me we would probably still be kissing, or if Izzy just called a second later than she did, we still would of kissed. The huge sinking feeling of disappointment in my stomach when my phone went off is rather alarming.
Luke’s made some ‘moves’ on me recently, I don’t think they were intentional, I think he just forgets what happened sometimes and he goes back to his old habits. I’ve done it sometimes, it might be late at night, and then I’d go to hug him or even kiss him goodnight but then I remember and get a burst of sadness then don’t give him any affection and just say night.
That’s the closest time we’ve kissed since we were in Australia.
I don’t know if I’m mad at Izzy for calling or grateful.
It would of gotten Luke and I into mess, and I’m not sure if it’s the mess I’ve been looking for.
Then again, I could of just slipped past something that could of fucked me up for a while.
The disappointment that came after we sprung part from each other made my stomach drop so far, and I don’t know if that was a sign.
Sign of what, I don’t know.
Singing a random song that popped into my head that I wrote a while ago when I was feeling some kind of way.
“I can taste it on your mouth And I can’t leave it You’re a freak like me Can’t you see? We can work this something out And I’m believin’ You get off on me It’s like cheating
I, I, I, I just want to watch you when you take it off Take off all your makeup baby take it off I just want to watch you when you take it off Take off all your clothes and watch you take them off
Take it off, take it off, baby just take it off Take it off, take it off, baby just take it off
Push me up against the wall Don’t take it easy You like it hard like me It’s what you need Let’s get naked and explore Our inner secrets For what it is It’s what it is
I, I, I, I just want to watch you when you take it off Take off all your makeup baby take it off I just want to watch you when you take it off Take off all your clothes and watch you take them off
Take it off, take it off, baby just take it off Take it off, take it off, baby just Take it off, take it off, baby just take it off Take it off, take it off, baby just take it off
I just can’t wait to see it all I’m so turned on And it’s all mine I just can’t wait to see it all I’m so turned on
I, I, I, I just want to watch you when you take it off Take off all your makeup baby take it off I just want to watch you when you take it off Take off all your clothes and watch you take them off I just want to watch you when you take it off Take off all your makeup baby take it off I just want to watch you when you take it off Take off all your clothes and watch you take them off.”
It’s not something I usually write, but some things happen and you just go along with it.
It’s around 8pm maybe half 8, I’ve finished all my lectures for the day and we’re all getting ready for Cody and Juliet’s christmas party.
I’ve got a dark red dress on that’s almost like a second skin, then some thigh highs to stick with the Christmas look. I’ve got a matching red lip, subtle eyeshadow, and eyeliner sharp enough to kill someone. To finish it off I’ve got a little choker that matches the colour of my boots.
Opening the bathroom door, adjusting the strap of my dress as I walk out.
“Oh, hey.” I get stopped short when I see Luke leaning against the back of the sofa on his phone, making him freeze.
I’ve kinda been avoiding him since this morning, not full on just not staying in the room too long if he’s in there, or not looking him in the eye when we speak little words. It’s not suffocating though, and I don’t think you can sense it, it’s only Luke and I that can feel it.
“Hi.” He says kinda closed off, eyeing me up.
“So um, where are the others?” I question.
“Michael is getting ready, Ashton is talking to Izzy or something outside, and Calum is in the kitchen eating.” He answers.
“Right.” I nod, taking in his outfit – he looks like a snack.
A simple t shirt that has a logo or some graphic on the pocket, a red flannel, some ripped jeans, and a pair of all black converse. Pretty standard and similar to his every day outfit, but he still looks amazing.
He’s also got a leather jacket resting beside him, which I guess he’ll wear, which reminds me, I need to get my jacket.
I trail my eyes back up to meet his, and I find his eyes scanning my body whilst he bites his lip.
“I’m gonna go get my jacket.” I mutter and walk towards my bedroom, feeling the weight of his gaze on me.
Searching my wardrobe, I finally find my leather jacket I was looking for and pull it out, leaving the hanger swinging.
“You look nice.” I compliment Calum as I walk into the kitchen.
“Thanks, you look nice as well.” He smiles, taking a bite of a cracker. “I know someone that thinks that as well.”
“What?” I raise an eyebrow, not catching his mumble.
“Nothing.” He shakes his head.
“Litttle word of advice, don’t make a move on any of my friends because I will make you infertile.” I threat.
“Woah take it easy, it depends of how good Izzy is looking tonight.” He smirks with a teasing glint in his eye.
“You have the hots for her?” I raise an eyebrow.
“Yeah, kinda.” He nods confused at my smirk.
“You do know she’s gay, right?” I ask, watching his eyes widen.
“Yeah.” I confirm.
“Well that’s my evening plans fucked.” He sighs and I hit him.
“And don’t go anywhere near Tori.” I warn.
“Because she’s pure.” I tell him. “Well.” I trail off.
“Why can’t I touch any of your friends?” He questions.
“Because I don’t want them getting involved with you.” I claim.
“Can I get involved with you?” He wiggles his eyebrow.
“I hate you.” I laugh and walk out, seeing Michael and Luke chatting.
“Hey.” Michael greets as I walk up to them.
“Hi.” I give him a small smile and kneel down on the ground, in front of a little chest of draws.
I hear Luke let out a tiny groan by I’m too busy looking for my Christmas hat to put my attention to it. “Michael you should wear this.” I say, handing him some elf ears.
“Gee thanks.” He sarcastically replies and puts them on.
“And Luke,” I drag out, searching for an elf hat “You can where this.” I look up at him through my lashes.
“Lord help me.”
Refilling my cup with some decent vodka and diet coke, taking a sip, enjoying the slight burn down my throat.
Taking my cup back to where everyone else is in the lounge, and sitting down next to Luke.
It’s quite late into the night, and we’ve been here for a few hours now, time spent drinking, chatting, and laughing. We’re all drunk, not flat out drunk but more than tipsy, and I think a couple of us are high.
Throughout this evening/night, there’s kinda been a shift in Luke and I’s relationship somehow. There’s lingering touches and glances, affection we hadn’t shown in a while, and a little bit of jokey-flirting going on.
“You’re back.” Luke notes, placing a light hand on my thigh.
“Yeah.” I nod.
“So you have to press that down as you do it?” Tori questions Ashton but I don’t pay attention to them, I put my attention to the cute boy sitting next to me.
“You’re really annoying.” I tell him.
“Uh I do believe it’s hot not annoying, you’re really hot.” He corrects me.
“Meh.” I shrug, then laugh as he sends a glare my way. I lean my head on his shoulder, and take his hand in mine, drawing circles on his hand.
“You’re really cute.” He mumbles into my hair.
“I do believe it’s hot not cute.” I mock him.
“Well that too.” He smirks, making me shake my head.
“Guys smile for my photo album.” Juliet says, standing up, holding a Polaroid camera.
I take my focus away from Luke and smile at the camera, the same camera we were fooling around with earlier on. The flash goes off, blinding me for a second and the Polaroid begins to come out.
Looking forward to seeing all the photos at a later date.
I turn back to Luke, a little stunned to find him already looking at me.
“We’re gonna go outside and look at the stars.” Blake announces and everyone besides Luke and I stand up, trailing behind Izzy as we let out a small mumble of an okay.
“You look really pretty in this light.” Luke comments, pushing stray hairs behind my ear, leaving his hand there.
“Thank you.” I blush ever so slightly.
I look into his eyes, and it’s like time stops, I can’t hear the music, the chatter of everyone else, or anything, it feels like it’s just me and Luke.
“Well you look pretty in every light, but right now there’s just something that draws me to you.” He confesses.
“I’ve missed you.” I tell him.
“I’ve missed you too.” He replies, leaning into me.
“We were good together, it’s a shame we stopped.” I pout.
“Yeah, but we could always start a new us, I know you never stopped loving me and I for sure never stopped loving you.”
“I don’t think I could ever stop loving you.” I state, my voice full of honesty.
“Let me love you again.”
Instead of thinking of a reply, I lean in so our foreheads touch, our lips so close to each other that if we talk they’ll touch.
“I don’t know.” I tell him, taking a glance at his lips, how they’re practically calling my name.
“I think you do know.” He retorts, placing his hand on my jaw.
Before either of us can speak anymore, I connect our lips together, and Luke acts like he expected it and gingerly kisses me back. We pull apart slightly, letting out a breath, and then looking into each others eyes.
Luke connects our lips again, and it’s more than one kiss this time, our lips move against each other’s, perfectly in sync. I relish the feeling of his lips on mine, and don’t take it for granted. The taste I’ve missed this past year coming back to me, and it’s even better than I imagined.
I feel him smile into the kiss as I tangle my fingers into his hair, and I can’t help but smile back, feeling giddy. Luke swipes his tongue over my lip, and I give him access, our tongues meeting, making me melt.
From the outside, we probably look like a normal couple making out at a party, but from the inside, we are two broken hearted teens, clinging onto each other for dear life, in case one slips away, and doing something we haven’t in a long time.
Luke’s hand quits holding and affectionately stroking my jaw, and moves to my hip. I inch myself closer to him if that’s even possible and place my hand on his thigh.
My skin feels like it’s on fire when he slowly trail his hand from my hip to my thigh, subtly tracing random shapes on the inside, making me go crazy.
I run my hand down Luke’s chest, then resting it on his stomach, making him tense up slightly, then beginning to relax.
I let out a tiny moan as we kiss, enjoying the feeling of his lips on mine and his hands all over my body, his hands inching closer and closer subtly, driving me nuts.
The heat between us is overwhelming and it’s a shock that I haven’t burst into flames yet. It’s ironic because his hands are cold but it’s making me grow hot.
“You taste good.” He mumbles against my lips, and I usually imagine him saying that somewhere and about something else.
“So do you.” I smile.
“Where do you wanna go after this?” He raises an eyebrow, his lips curling into small smirk.
“Wherever you take me, pretty boy.” I reply, pecking his lips.
We stumble into my apartment, giggling slightly together, I throw my keys onto the table next to the door.
Luke pushes me against the front door, pressing himself flush against me, not a slither of space left between us, then he connects our lips together, sliding together perfectly. I rest my elbows on his shoulders, intertwining my fingers, as Luke rubs my sides.
“Mmm, babe.” Luke mumbles as he brushes his crotch against me.
I push his leather jacket off his shoulders, the material sliding down his arms and dropping onto the floor.
I take his hand and drag him towards my bedroom, feeling his eyes rake over my body.
Before I open the door, Luke presses me into it, making me laugh and briefly brush my lips against his. He disconnects with my lips, and dives for my collarbones, leaving his mark on them, making me lean to the side slightly, and biting my lip to suppress any noises.
Luke trails some gentle, some not so much kisses up my neck and my jaw, then meeting my lips again, smiling giddily into my kiss.
I open my door, Luke right behind me, and I shrug my jacket off me, chucking it on my chair, watching Luke’s eyes light up when I face him.
“Been wanting to rip this dress off you all night.” He mumbles against my skin, running his hand down my back, over my ass, then round to my front. Letting out a shaky breath at his words and actions.
I watch as Luke takes his flannel off, walking over to throw it on the chair with my jacket, sauntering over to him, and attach my fingers to the hem line of his shirt, tugging it over his torso and laying it over the end of the bed. I press a kiss to his chest making him smile at me,
Luke’s cool fingers attach themselves to the zipper of my dress, slowly pulling it towards the end, my dress falling to the floor, both of our eyes following it to the drop.
“You look so fucking good.” Luke mutters, edging me towards the bed. Taking the hint I hop onto the bed, Luke slowly climbs on top of me, blocking out the overhead light. His mouth attacks my exposed cleavage, as his hand wonders around my lower half.
Luke’s hand connects with my panty covered heat, making my breath hitch, he starts with making wide circles, being the little tease that he is.
“Luke.” I moan when he runs a strip down my heat with his finger, making me open my legs wider. He goes back to rubbing, causing me to arch my back slightly, letting out little breaths of pleasure.
Soon enough, Luke’s hands dives into my panties, making my breath hitch and I grip the sheets loosely. He collects my arousal, bringing it to the place that drives me nuts.
He gingerly slides my underwear down my freshly shaved legs, throwing them on the floor, then trails his hand all the way my leg, leaving goosebumps behind him and connects our lips again, his hand meeting my heat.
He takes his lips off mine, and places them on my neck, over my chest, and now my stomach, making me suck in a breath.
“You look so good baby.” Luke mumbles, looking up at me, giving me a smirk that could kill.
With one last kiss to my stomach, he moves down, pressing a light kiss to my pubic bone, sending a shiver up my spine. I tangle my hand in his hair as he licks a strip all the way up, collecting my arousal on his tongue, and licks through my folds, making me tighten my grip on the sheets.
The sight of his head between my thighs, with my hand in his hair, one of his hands on my stomach, the other pumping in and out is enough to send me over the edge, but I hold onto the pleasure for longer.
He has a perfect rythmn and is consistent in everything, paving a perfectly smooth road for me.
“You taste so good, babe.” He mumbles against me, and the vibrations sending me another level of pleasure. “You close, babygirl?”
“Mmhmm.” I distractedly answer, arching my back.
He does one final flick with his tongue and thrust with his fingers, and I’m a goner.
My whole my body shaking with the strongest orgasm I’ve had in a long time. I let out a series of moans, my toes curling, and I grip the sheets tightly, not being able to breathe.
Luke rides me out, and once I finish he lays down next to me, watching my chest rise and fall with erratic breaths.
“Fucking hell.” I mutter, starting to recover.
“You look so hot when you cum.” Luke comments.
“Well lets see what you look like when you cum.” I muse, staring at his hard on, and he takes his remaining clothes off, leaving them on the floor.
Sitting up, I connect my lips with his for a couple seconds before moving away from him and paying attention to his lower half. Wrapping my hand around the base of his cock and Luke lets out a groan when I start to get a steady pace.
Running my thumb over the tip, making his breath hitch and let out a tiny hiss. Keeping up the rythmn that works for him, using my other hand to pleasure him in other places, and I take joy in hearing his moans.
“If you don’t stop I’m gonna cum.” Luke mumbles after a while.
“Good.” I smirk, letting go of him, and his eyes open, obviously too caught up in the moment to think about anything else but his orgasm.
“Fuck sake.” He curses.
I straddle his abdomen, and press my lips with his again, his hand going to my hip and the other to play with my hair.
“You drive me insane.” He tells me and flips us over, hovering over me like a dream.
“It’s only fair because you do the same.” I reply and wrap my arms around his neck, pecking his lips.
“Have you got a condom?” Luke questions, not drunk enough to forget that.
I untangle myself from him and reach into my bedside table, pulling one out from under a notebook. Passing it to him, I watch as he rips it open, gingerly rolling it over his length, then he hovers over me again.
Luke rubs my clit a little to get me fired up again, and I bite my lip to suppress a moan.
“You ready?” He asks.
“Yeah.” I nod and Luke lines himself up with me, and nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck as he pushes himself further in, both of us letting out sounds of pleasure.
“Fuck, you’re so tight.” He groans, giving me time to adjust.
Luke begins to move his hips against mine, and I dig my nails into his back at the feeling as he sucks on my neck. I edge my hips closer to him, giving him the hint that I want him to faster. Obliging to my request, Luke picks up his pace as our tongues battle for dominance. Wrapping my legs around his hips so he can hit a particular spot, and he angles himself differently, hitting my g-spot, making me a moaning mess underneath him.
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