certainwill · 2 years
Over a hundred years, Satoko has long since grown accustomed to the feeling of waking up in a new world.
That’s why it’s so obvious that something’s wrong this time. After having killed Rika, Satoko should have awakened in a new fragment... but the sensation of the place she’s in now is all wrong. It’s... closer to the feeling she experiences when she wakes up in the world with Eua there, though it’s not quite the same as that. Does Eua have something to say to her before Satoko starts the game?
But when Satoko sees the person who was waiting for her to wake up, she quickly realizes that that’s completely wrong. Because the woman in front of her... dressed in an elaborate, absurd outfit, surrounded by an aura Satoko can’t quite decipher - Satoko has no idea who that is.
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“...This is quite unfortunate.” Satoko sits up, and tests the waters by speaking, cautious. But in spite of that caution, the overwhelming feeling that drives her to speak is irritation. “I believe I should have been waking up with Rika by my side, but instead... who are you? Are you an acquaintance of Eua-san?”
@metaview​ ( starter for lambda! )
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sangdelune-archive1 · 2 years
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✧ * º • –– @metaview​ asked: ❝ come to think of it, we don’t even know each other’s names. ❞ -beatrice
                                            ⮩      【     squid game (2021) starters.   】
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╰  ☾  ☆ * : ・   ⁞    —     ˗ˏˋ         THERE WAS A STRANGE AURA about this woman that he just couldn't quite place. She didn't come across to him as a VAMPIRE; that he was…  fairly certain about. But there was SOMETHING off about her. Nevertheless, he smiles. 
            ' My name is Mikhail ! But call me MISHA ! '
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            ' What about you, Mademoiselle ? What's YOUR name ? '
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petitexmagician · 2 years
metaview // i may have an answer but could you be a bit more specific with what you’re confused about 👀
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No worries! The thing that’s confusing to me is the red truth that Erika shot herself in the foot with regarding the red truth with who was in the next room over during Dawn involving Shannon and Kanon.
It’s pretty much set for the people who know Sayo’s identity also know that she had Shannon, Kanon and Beato as personalities, so when the red truth “All people can only use their own names!!” I blanked when I was going back to End trying to go about how without the magic involved but with the red truths of the scenarios given, and then to Dawn. I was trying to figure out the whole the five in the next room and Kanon being the rescuer even though the game ended when Erika opens the closet.
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ofhope-a · 2 years
At first glimpse — might her stoic nature be attributed to a tragedy, shock rattling her senses, rendering her statuesque, silent? Perhaps her predicament is similar to his own, wherein to expose emotion is to tip the scales, imbalance a perfect act. Such assumptions can be dangerous, Chongyun knew; how frightful, to discard his own teachings in order to presume an unfounded “truth” about someone. Unvoiced shame guided his movements, singular hand motioning to and fro, awaiting her eyes to trail it, show some form of recognition. 
“Are you hurt?” he blurted, opting to keep his other thought beneath a veil; and besides, potential injury was more pressing than a likewise mindset. “I, I disposed of the Abyss Mage ahead, did its presence frighten you? I apologize, I was meant to scout this area earlier, but... amidst my duties, I got... sidetracked. I hope that it did not harm you - would you like someplace to sit? Or, um, maybe you would prefer to be out of the area. Either way, I can help.”
@metaview (for Bernkastel!) // starter!
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tanyaluca · 4 years
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Meta Squares...
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igniferous · 2 years
█▐   @metaview​​​    |✖|   sc.
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                    〝   INTRUDHH’R — !  〞      A  slurred  holler  serving  as  the  cherry  on  top  of  an  already  less-than-respectable  state  for  a  Lord  to  be  caught  in  unawares.   Golden  locks  a  disheveled  mess  and  clad  only  in  a  night  tunic,  Wolfram  was  sent  jolting  from  his  bed  at  a  familiar,  uncanny  prickle  in  his  skin;   the  unmistakable  presence  of  someone —    something  unidentifiable  having  breached  the  room.  
Detangling  from  warm  covers  and  diving  blindly  for  his  sword  with  a  disoriented  swiftness  that  had  him  stumbling  in  the  dark,  narrowed,  drowsy  eyes  flit  from  the  windows,  the  flutter  of  the  curtains,  to  the  doorway,  to  the  high  ceiling  above.   Heartbeat  quickened  and  every  nerve  on  high  alert,  but  even  then  he  couldn’t  seem  to  locate  that  DISTURBANCE  looming  somewhere  in  the  chambers  with  him,  lit  up  only  by  the  faintest  moonlight  and  the  flash  of  steel  pointed  defensively  every  which  way.      〝  If chu value your life,  reveal yourrsel’h !! 〞 
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merkavahpartyvan · 3 years
How to Develop Higher Sense Perception:
Practicing the Art of Metavision
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"You settle yourself now in your chair reserved for psi-training, relax, and breathe deeply several times. To induce a contemplative mood, you remember the two previous trips-in-consciousness you had in this same chair.
During these trips, the DOOR OF LIFE opened onto you and gave you a glimpse of the oneness of things. You recapture the oneness you felt as your eyes followed the solitary cloud that blended with the vastness of the sky. You feel that your mind, like the cloud, is blending with the vastness of Universal Mind. You feel that you are one with something bigger than yourself. Your vision expands! Your awareness increases! You are attuned to like minds!
You sustain this expanded feeling of oneness and attunement as you fix your gaze upon the deep, velvety square of your meta viewer. In your mind's eye, you see the face of your friend. You trace every detail of his features clearly, visualizing the hair style, the contour of the forehead and cheek, the color of eyes, shape of the nose, roundness of the lip, and tilt of the chin. You mentally picture each highlight and shadow.
You keep your mind blank and free from all directed thoughts. You interiorize your level of attention. Your gaze is steady and you concentrate upon the picture before your mind's eye. If your concentration strays, bring it back, silently repeating over and over, "Oneness... Oneness... Oneness."
You now wipe out the time and space boundaries of the physical level and establish greater rapport with your friend by affirming, "No space, no time, separates us; we are one in Mind."
With your eyes still on the black square, or with eyes closed, feel that the blackness grows in depth until it becomes a window opening out into the infinite. You are a meta-seer, a beholder, an expectant spectator, gazing through that window. You wait patiently. You are not trying for anything; you are letting. You are letting a higher vision penetrate a level of expanded awareness.
Now, images in your mind's eye may appear in the window of your metaviewer. They may be fleeting scenes or symbolic presentations. To you, they are meaningful. They are significant. They increase your wisdom and understanding.
Now, relax your gaze and your concentration. You let the vision of your friend's face fade in a feeling of warmth and high regard for him. You affirm that a metavisional pathway of rapport exists between you that will serve as a means of constructive communication when needed--a pathway of mutual blessing, guidance, and understanding.
Hold this thought in silence for a moment and then end your training session by decreeing:
And so it is!"
-- from The Science of Higher Sense Perception by R. Eugene Nichols
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lazyyogi · 3 years
What’s the difference/line between “magical thinking” like when it comes to delusions & being spiritually minded?
The kind of magical thinking that I deliberately engage is that which is within my Tantric practice. Buddhist Tantra utilizes what I’ve begun calling Metaview.
Metaview has two views, the radical and the conventional. Neither view is ever accepted as being the only truth or the whole truth. It is understood that they are both descriptions of something that cannot be described. As such, one is trained to relax the typical cognitive dissonance that can arise when dealing with views that can appear to contradict at times.
The Radical view reveals that the ground of Awareness, as the natural state, is the only thing to ever exist. It is One without a second, as no thing as separation has ever been real. Any sense of individuality is an illusion.
The Conventional view regards all of creation as an interdependent system of phenomena that emerge, change, and dissipate. It is the cycle of appearances and disappearances. The notion of inherent individuality is a misperception of temporary phenomena.
The magical thinking of delusion will be stuck in one particular view. Either it gets stuck in the “all is one” Radical view that characterizes spiritual bypassing or it gets stuck in mythic versions of the Conventional view, which becomes highly superstitious and supernatural.
Magical thinking that is stuck in either view just becomes another part of delusion and perpetuates the suffering of samsara. Buddhist tantra utilizes metaview so that practitioners don’t get stuck in any one perspective. Furthermore, it offers a productive way to use magical thinking to expedite the enlightenment process.
A simple example is the use of deities. Buddhism is a non-theistic paradigm. It neither believes nor disbelieves in god(s). But there are countless tantric buddhist practices in which deities are evoked, invoked, and worked with in a manner of ways. It is discovered and understood that these deities are pure emanations of the mind. The point isn’t to believe or disbelieve in those deities but rather how working with them can expand our compassion, purify our feelings of shame/trauma/regret, reveal our fiery freshness or blissful peace, and so on.
Just my two cents :)
May all beings be free.
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rollinggirlrunahika · 2 years
How do you Need to be Loved
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like a child loves the rain
you need to be loved in happiness and foolishness. a puppy love, a love so purely good, so full of happiness it makes your stomach ache. you need to be loved in a way that reminds you of the childhood you didn’t get to have. you need to be loved as if you’re feeling the rain fall upon your cheeks for the first time. refreshing, and clean.
Tagged by: @dcvotion​ (jbakhgbakegh thank yooou) Tagging: @shibuyacrossed​ @groovepawn​ @certainwill​ @metaview​ (Beato???) and @hazukami​
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certainwill · 2 years
Even though she’s a witch now-
Even though it’s been a hundred years-
Satoko still cries out when she sees her brother stumble. She can’t help it. Her stomach flips with a fear she can’t put into words, and she steps towards him, as if afraid that at any moment, he’ll disappear.
Even after he recovers somewhat, Satoko can feel her heart pounding in her chest. It’s racing, and it doesn’t settle down no matter how hard she tries to keep herself calm.
This is... this is unfair. It isn’t right. It has to be a trick. Why would Satoshi wake up after a hundred years, and return to Satoko when she’d already resolved to say goodbye? Why now, why at all? Satoko can’t figure out what she’s feeling - whether she’s shocked, happy, or even angry- it all just feels numb.
She barely remembers his face, or his voice. It’s been literal lifetimes since she saw him last awake, so that shouldn’t be a surprise, but... somehow, as he speaks, it feels as if no time has passed at all.
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“Why... are you awake?” Satoko ignores his question as she gives her own, too stunned to even consider how she might come across. “How... how are you here?”
@metaview​ ( continued from here! )
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lisinfluencers · 3 years
Data mining
I decided to take a look at a real-life study utilizing data mining this week.
As Dr. Sun mentions in her lecture, before beginning the data mining process you should understand the user data, understand the data mining tools before using them, and take the time of day into account. I found a study conducted by Evelien D’heer and Pieter Verdegem in 2015 analyzing use of Twitter during a “Belgian current affairs television (TV) programme”. They took these steps into account before proceeding with their study.
D’heer and Verdegem (2015) discuss the use of hashtags and keywords used on Twitter during television events. They note that in this study “we add a layer of understanding via the combination of digital traces and user insights. In doing so, we define the challenges of using data gathered via Twitter for audience research.” They also chose these particular times on purpose so they can collect users’ reactions pertaining to this television show, so they were collecting data during different airings of the same program. This team also understood the data mining practices they were using during this process. They used the interface within Twitter’s app to collect tweets using a hashtag or keyword using yourTwapperKeeper. They note that “following this procedure, we collected a corpus of 3961 tweets containing the dedicated hashtag (#7dag). This corpus reflects one month of data, that is, September 2012, and comprises five episodes.”
During the conclusion of this study I thought they acknowledged something really important about collecting data through a hashtag or @ sign. The mention the @ sign “is essentially a means to collect and store data; it does not indicate a collective entity of users per se. Otherwise stated, analysis and conceptualization cannot precede data collection. In extension, there is a potential mismatch between ‘objectective structures’ (i.e. metaviews of these communication structures which are not perceivable as such by the users) and ‘subjective experiences’ (i.e. the way users perceive communication and interaction). In general, we cannot mistake the amount of data for the variety of RQs we can answer.”
This note is so important. On social media, the types of posts can vary so much in substance and intent.
I just took a look at Twitter to look at some of the trending hashtags. One of them was Joe Buck since he is going to be hosting Jeopardy as a guest this summer (basically a tryout for the real job).
Many of the tweets were (negative) opinions. Here’s one from barstool sports linking to an opinion based blog post on the subject:
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But here’s more of an announcement-based tweet from the New York Post linking to an informative article:
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I also found this tweet in the sea of negativity:
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These tweets all need to be analyzed for what they are, so yes, the analyzation process cannot come before collection. I thought the study at hand did a great job of understanding the analyzation tools and practices before conducting their research. By choosing a particular time and subject to collect data on, they were able to analyze in an efficient way.
-Jackie Johnson
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petitexmagician · 2 years
metaview // yeah see that’s the issue with the manga— it contradicts a lot. some of the murder solutions they offer don’t make any sense in regards to the actual events shown to us. — but in terms of people only being able to use their own names you can interpret that as kanon, shannon, sayo, and beatrice all falling under sayo’s names, since those are the names she gives herself/goes by. if you’re solution hunting i reccomend disregarding the manga and focusing on only red truths from the VN. 
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oh no worries there, I only go to the manga to do a small comparison of the VN. Beato’s moments in Banquet are my favorite and the panel where she’s calling out Battler for the battle between her and Virgilia don’t do justice when the manga shows them. Yet at the same time the “Your incompetent” scene in the Manga on top of playing the audio with that moment is so much fun for me.
and the thing w/ the rooms in ep6: battler gave that red truth BEFORE erika sealed the doors and was not able to repeat it after. that means that kanon/shannon would’ve been able to sneak out of the window before erika went around the building to seal those up as well. everyone in the room was an accomplice. kanon was never in that room bc it was only stated “everyone else” was in there. and the seal on the other room was faulty according to dlanor and gang.
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Thank god you brought that up because I was reading through the red truths on the wiki and I was wondering who said which Red before Erika’s moment with the sealed doors.
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klinger-io · 4 years
Quick tips for hiring remotely
You are most likely already experienced with hiring so think of this more as a quick FYI focusing on hiring remotely...
What issues do you face when you hire remotely?
You have more people applying
Your team is multiple locations
You interview people with different cultural background
Let's go…
How to handle inbound:
If you do your job well you will have a lot more inbound for remote roles. This is good because you have more people to choose from, this can also be bad because it might overwhelm you.
Have dedicated people for sourcing and screening
Explain the role really well so that people know when to apply and not to apply
Have a questionaire as part of your onboarding
Zapier is doing this imho best - Example
Cultural differences
Be aware of cultural differences.
People from different regions are used to present themselves differently.
The engineer from California might be chirpy and super excited while talking tech like a pro.
The engineer from Eastern Europe might be reserved, almost annoyed and not giving advice unless you ask for it.
Some of this might be personal style, some cultural differences.
Under-index on interviews. In many cases they are just a "how good can this person talk shop" and you will just prefer native speakers from tech hubs if you do this.
Get them to do real work asap.
How to evaluate
I focus here on engineering, because it's my background, but you can adapt this to other parts of the company.
Do normal screening calls and a hiring manager call for general fit and process
Have a take-home challenge
Do a pair-programming session
Your Take-Home Challenge
No brainteasers
Do a simple version of your application (or the feature this team works on)
Ideally the application features real world problems that are not part of the challenge to see how they treat those
(eg technical debt, broken tests, spelling mistakes, etc)
Ask for a small simple change that shows basic understanding of tech and product
If your take-home is more complex and timeconsuming consider paying a fixed fee for this.
Your pair-programming session
With the hiring manager
One hour via video screen-sharing
Give the candidate now a bit more challenging task
And work together on it
They can ask questions
Keep in mind that they are nervous os help them
But avoid helping too much as you might accidently confuse them
A good pair programming task could be solved in a way that's too long for the session or in a shorter approach
Picking a "good enough for now" solution is part of the evaluation
The same is true for testing - are they adding high impact tests or get lost in details already?
Consider having and ATS solution – eg Lever – to streamline your process.
If you want to have your interviewers become better over time and want to make sure you are aware of internal biases/problems/etc in your hiring funnel consider getting a tool like Metaview.
Whenever possible i recommend contract-to-hire for remote teams.
Get them on for 1-2 weeks on a specific project. This will tell you more about them than any whiteboarding tests you will ever do.
I know teams that rely mainly on team-fit interviews, one take-home and then a contract-to-hire period.
How much should the freelance rate be?
The contract rate should not be their normal freelance rate.
Their freelance rate is considering no-work time. The goal of this is a fulltime job.
Agree on a yearly salary - divide down to the weeks - add a little multiplier to keep things fair if you disagree to continue (eg 1.3)
Hope this helps
Let me know if you have improvement ideas for this
-- @andreasklinger
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themonkeyflip · 7 years
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I received a whole wheat sour dough from someone who is learning to bake bread. I would say these early attempts are already successful. In return for getting some free bread, everyone is being asked to share the bread via social media. It's an interesting experiment.
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katal0gue · 3 years
Ppl have accused me of not stanning that when I get annoyed by people making huge 180s and that's not bc their specific view changed (which is fine and in fact good) it's that their overall metaview is that views ought to be rigid and mock all new information rather than even trying to have a neutral response to it
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jennbarrigar · 4 years
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