#messages part four research activity 4 ph402
Messages, Part Four, Research Activity # 4, PH402
The first health communication piece is called Healthy Kitchens, Healthy Lives. It advocates being healthy through adjusting ones diet. The public health department of nutrition at Harvard University runs it. I think that this campaign uses McGuire’s psychology-based model effectively. It provides facts, encourages involvement of its audience, and advises them to act. It uses almost all facets very well with the exception of the announcement objective. It does its objectives and provides factual statements, but it does not grab your attention as much as it could. It definitely combines almost all of McGuire’s Objectives. I think that it outlines Kotler’s 4 P’s as well. It promotes the campaign through its website and social media as well as printed word in newspapers.  Its price is a healthy life though a healthy diet. Its place is online and its culinary school is just north of San Francisco. Its product is an education that can teach a person how to cook and to promote a healthy nutritional lifestyle.
The second health communication piece is called Healthy Mothers, Healthy Families. This public health campaign is geared toward helping mothers with children that have disabilities. McGuire’s psychology-based model is not used in this campaign at all with the exception of activate. It does not even provide any information but it encourages its audience to attend (activate) workshops that will provide member with useful information (where is will announce information about helping children with disabilities and the campaign itself).  However, it does not provide the information upfront on its Facebook. According to Kotler’s 4 Ps, the price is the benefits received by attending one of the workshops. The product is not clearly defined through its main channel (social media), however, may be forced upon you during the workshops. Its promotion is essentially non-existent. The place is on social media where you can email the administrator of the program to sign up for a workshop in your area.
Healthy Kitchen, Healthy Lives is a more effective campaign regardless of which model is used. I had to side with them on almost every step in the communication process.
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ph402soul-blog · 8 years
Messages, Part four, Research Activity #4, PH402
Example 1: I believe the measles vaccine poster could have been branded differently. The measles shows a measles free child. I believe the poster would have had a greater impact and effectiveness if it would have used McGuire’s psychology based model by giving advise of factual information. It could have possibly been more activating by showing a image with a child infected with measles in order to show the severity to its audience. I don’t believe it relates to Kotler’s business model. The only aspect of Kotler’s model it could probably be linked to would be “price.” Although, it's not showing a new behavior it its showing the price of being vaccinating your child is a healthy measle free life for your child.  
Example 2: As a branding expert, I would recommend our government, president and secretary of state to all use the same term when referring to the Islamic state group. I believe by using different terms it causes confusion among citizens. By using one term when speaking of ISIS, ISIL or DASH it could possibly strengthen the minds of people worldwide against this one single group versus having confusion.
Example 3: I believe Joe Truss’s rap music video was a very successful way of promoting school in his inner city of San Francisco. I believe there's only upsides to conveying his message in his rap music video manner. Especially, since he and his student live in a community and attend a school based on arts and sciences this was the best way to catch their attention and influence them!
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Messages, Part Four, Research Activity #4, PH 402
I looked at two different articles in regards of quitting smoking. The first one was from the american lung association (http://www.lung.org/stop-smoking/i-want-to-quit/how-to-quit-smoking.html?referrer=https://www.google.com/) the second was from the american cancer society (http://www.cancer.org/healthy/stayawayfromtobacco/quitting-smoking-help-for-cravings-and-tough-situations).
The first article contains some of Kotler’s “P’s.” It has a link one can click on to see the benefits of quitting smoking, which is referred to as “price.” It has other links that one can click if they need to help quitting smoking and links where they can reach a doctor. The second article also does not state the benefits of quitting smoking (price) but it has a lot of tips on how to stay tobacco free over the holidays, how to get through the rough patches of quitting smoking. They both have the same “place” because they are both online articles.
Both of the articles address Mcguire’s “announce” because they both provide links where they can get help on quitting smoking, but the second article has more resources on quitting smoking. The first article addresses “advise” because it states reasons why to quit smoking, the second article does not. The second articles covers “activate” by providing people that are trying to quit smoking different things they can do than smoke, for example exercising. Neither of the articles really cover “advocate.”
Overall the second article provides a clearer and more useful explanatory model because it gives more tips on how to quit smoking and how to stay tobacco free and more importantly lists resources they can use in order to quit smoking and actually stay tobacco free.
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Messages, Part Four, Research Activity #4, PH402
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Health Communication Piece #1:  This health communication piece can be an example of “advise” and “activate from McGuire’s psychology-based model. This piece conveys the message of what happens to your baby in result of the actions you decide to commit. This image also motivates and persuades it’s audience not to participate in smoking for the sake of their own children. From the Kotler’s “5 Ps” perspective, this would be considered a display print that could and would be places in subway stations, side of buses, and even billboards.
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Health Communication Piece #2: This health communication piece I believe can also be an sample of “advise” and “activate” from McGuire’s psychology-based model. The reasoning behind why I think this piece conveys these message is the same aspect explanation I provided in the first example. I ale believe that from Kolter’s “5 Ps” perspective, this would also be considered a display print that can be displayed in places such as subway stations, side of buses, and even billboards. 
In regards to aligning both McGuire’s psychology-based model and Kolter’s “5 Ps” perspective I can see the similarities with “place” and “announce.” The reason why I believe this is because because these steps are where the audience and or target audience first encounters the health communication piece. When someone first encounters the piece they are able to be provided with more information through their phone numbers and website displays. I also feel that “promotion” can be related to “advocate” in the sense that both of these steps try to get people to promote, advocate, support, and to fulfill a healthy behavior throughout life.
While learning about both McGuire’s psychology-based model and Kolter’s “5 P’s” I feel that both serve it’s purpose. These two models are able to work with each other to result in a helpful and successful example of health communication, to spread the word to multiple individuals. This may be bias, but I personally feel that McGuire’s psychology-based model is more straightforward and more user friendly. For someone who gets confused easily like myself, having this model is a great advantage for understanding the material. This isn’t to say that Kolter’s perspective isn’t a great way to promote health communication. All in all as I mentioned before both of these examples demonstrate a collaborative way on how one should display examples health communication pieces.
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