#merlin app
thatsleepymermaid · 4 months
Hey listen!
You really really want to participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count this year. I promise it's fun and like a live action pokemon.
All you have to do is download the Merlin app here
Or log onto eBird here
And start counting birds! The Merlin app has this cool feature where it can identify bird songs!!
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The Great Backyard Bird Count 2024 is February 16-19! This data will help scientists directly by keeping a log on migrations and biodiversity!
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lake-lady · 3 months
I've started to use the Merlin app to ID birds by recording their calls...more of a forager than a birder but it's so so cute to ID exactly who is living in the tree outside my window 🥹🐦
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o-the-mts · 2 months
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When there’s a bird party in your yard!
House sparrow
Carolina wren
Red-bellied woodpecker
Northern mockingbird
Common grackle
Red-wing blackbird
Northern cardinal
American robin
European starling
American goldfinch
Tufted titmouse
Song sparrow
Blue jay
White-throated sparrow
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ostdrossel · 2 years
I have been
on a much needed little break from the everyday and my computer and spent the weekend with family in the beautiful north of Michigan. There is an abundance of wildlife there, and lots of birds. I brought my cameras along but the birds there are not used to them and declined to check them out. So I decided to relax and listen. The Merlin app is a great little tool to explore your surroundings in regards to bird song. Here is my list from six minutes yesterday morning, my attempt to take a photo of the Chestnut-sided Warbler, one of the many Cedar Waxwings, and some of the unfeathered creatures. Here’s to a great Monday and week!
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nerdierholler · 23 days
Y’all I’m enjoying Merlin too much. Yes tell me which birds are screaming their little cheep cheep heads off in the morning while I drink my coffee. It seems to do fairly well with the morning cacophony around here.
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must-be-mythtaken · 3 months
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shaonicwhite · 11 months
it’s because you’re always on that damn merlin app
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thiswildcuriosity · 1 year
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Antelope Canyon, the Merlin bird app, and the illustrators for the board game Wingspan. It's three things I'm curious about this week.
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jurijurijurious · 1 year
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Just wanna say this app is amazing, I only just discovered it, go download it and discover what bird you're hearing or seeing. 🤯 It's called Merlin.
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isthisamew · 1 year
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I flipping love the Merlin app. It has a feature to identify birds in real-time based on sound. You hear a bird? Whip out your phone, open this app, and bam, you now know what you're hearing is a blue jay!
Now I know that there are Tufted Titmouses near where I live, and you bet that now it's my goal to see one.
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It also lists birds in your area, how common they are, and what time of year you can find them! (And you can listen to their songs/calls whenever you want.)
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This is probably my favorite app ever. It's got clean design, it's so full of good info, just, a beautiful work of science and love of birds. 🐦‍⬛💗
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gaaaaaay · 2 months
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Took me 3 days but I finally sound IDed the bird that's been screeching outside my window every morning 🥴
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litdigitalart · 2 months
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wingsabovethebridge · 9 months
Other non corvid songbird visitors from Tuesday (had some time to spend in the morning at last). There was a new--and very quick and camerashy--bird that was identified as a female Redstart!
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must-be-mythtaken · 3 months
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atwistedtalehq · 1 year
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**CHARACTER NAME:** merlin - with roughly a thousand other names, the most important of which is emrys. 
**CHARACTER FACECLAIM:** colin morgan 
**CHARACTER AGE/DOB (if from enchanted forest, general age okay):** april 18th || he… is so old you guys, so so old. a little over 1000 years old. it’s easy to lose a year or ten when you’ve had this much time. 
 **CHARACTER PRONOUNS/GENDER IDENTITY/SEXUALITY ETC:** he/him | cis man in the “i’ve had a lot of time to think about it and *have* done a lot of thinking about it, but somehow i’m just a guy” way | gay 
**CHARACTER FANDOM:** merlin bbc 
**OC OR CANON:** canon 
**WHICH LAND ARE THEY FROM (examples: earth, enchanted forest, wonderland, monsterland [frankenstein, dracula, vamps etc], neverland):** enchanted forest by way of earth first. 
**CHARACTER BIOGRAPHY:** Merlin never wanted this. Continuing to live while everyone he had ever known passed into dust and then only remembrance, and finally winking out of history completely, with only himself keeping a memorial of any of them.
Their deaths weren’t even the worst of it, because he has seen so much of it that there’s a dull place inside of him where the event has ceased to shock him. It was more their absence, continual and somehow never relenting in the sharp pain of realization that his mother was gone forever. Leon, Gaius, Lancelot, Gwen, Elyan, Gwaine, even Morgana…
The worst of the strife was only half-stemmed by the knowledge that it wasn’t destined to be *forever*. That eventually, Arthur would return in the way he was meant to. Which might have carried him along and did carry him for far longer than he would admit, but when one hundred years became two, and five hundred years grew closer to a millennium—even as a being that was functionally immortal, waiting was a game that ultimately amused no one, least of all Merlin himself.
Biding his time left him with plenty of pursuits to chase, and false lives to inhabit like trying a stranger’s clothing; even as years upon years rocketed past and the wild and strange magic that Merlin lived and breathed and sloughed off like dead skin became more difficult to find. The druids were dying out as well, or traveling to *beyond*. A ‘beyond’ that Merlin didn’t precisely know the location of, even if he was presented with a handful of invitations to come along with them.
It wasn’t as if the idea didn’t entice him, truthfully it might have been nice to be somewhere new, with others that shared at least some of his gifts and abilities. Beings who remembered some of the trials and work he had undergone. However there was a creeping fear in Merlin that worried should he go, he might miss whatever call that went out to him at Arthur’s reawakening. And so waiting became the game.
Waiting, and occupying himself with as much *life* as he could stomach during the waiting. Periods of helping and being of service and periods of sequestered silence as well as periods of indulgence to the more base and selfish facets of his own wants and desires. Waiting and retracing his steps and waiting and checking for signs and waiting and hoping for a breath of *something* on the wind.
It took more waiting than Merlin was comfortable copping to before he decided he’d had about enough. There wasn’t anyone else to ask for a second opinion any longer or any dragons to call down from the sky, but Merlin didn’t think it was supposed to be this long. This extended painful loitering couldn’t be his due. Something had to be wrong. Merlin went back to the remaining druids, and he finally accepted the offer to some other destination.
This other place felt more akin to the Albion of his youth, even if there were sharp differences in both the shape of the land and the shape of its inhabitants. It might have been easy to let himself fade into the theoretical background here and forge a new path, but his arrival made something inside of him light up with recognition; some old magic he was born with that existed long before him. Somehow, *here*, the sense that Arthur was somehow closer than ever felt like a beacon in his chest. It was blinding, like coming out of a cave into the sun.
Merlin could feel that Arthur was in Storybrooke, and now that there was a way in, he was determined to find him. 
MUN AGE: 30 
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partykeet · 1 year
Any Western Oregon birders on here? I need song identification help. I got a sound recording on the Merlin app and it recognized a Chipping Sparrow (which is rare for Western Oregon) and a Dark-eyed Junco, the Slate-colored one specifically, which I don't think we have here (Google's not much help). Their songs I'm hearing sound practically the exact same and it's driving me nuts and I think it confused the app too.
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