greatbigfour · 4 years
08. We Hat a Problem
“Onceler! Onceler!” Hiccup burst into the store, shouting at the top of his lungs. “Onceler!” 
“What? What?” The Onceler came out from the back, a confused look on his face. He blinked at seeing Hiccup with the hat in his hands. “Uh, why are you holding the hat? What happened?” 
“Mordu attacked Town Hall and MK used the hat to open a portal to send him back.” Hiccup took a few deep breaths, fighting to hold in his tears. “He, he dragged in MK and Merida with him.” 
Onceler’s eyes widened. “No.” 
“Yes . . . please tell me there’s some way we can get them back! Or, or that there’s another way of contacting the Lorax!” 
Onceler leaned against the wall, looking frail and worn. “I’m, I’m afraid not, Hiccup. That, that was the only way I knew.” 
Hiccup sank down to the floor. “Oh no.” 
Jamie sniffled. “Mom.” JJ placed a hand on his son’s shoulder, but he was so stunned he couldn’t think of anything to say. 
“Listen, those two are a couple of strong willed ladies,” spoke up Jack. “If there’s any way of getting back, they’ll find it. Besides, they’re together, Mordu doesn’t stand a chance.” 
Hiccup smirked softly. “Yeah, yeah, they are.” 
“Besides, Merida knows the lay of the land, it’s not like MK is all by herself.” 
Hiccup nodded as he stood. “This is true too. It’s just that, that . . .”
“You wanted everyone to go back together,” said Rapunzel with a soft smile. 
Hiccup nodded. “Yeah, I did, I do, but also, we don’t know what it’s like back home. How has it changed? Has anything changed? Who’s in charge now? All of that.” He pursed his lips. “They could be walking into a pit of villains for all we know.” 
“Well that’s not true,” came the Lorax’s voice. Everyone yelped. 
“How, how are you doing that?” exclaimed Jack. “MK’s not holding it!” 
“Oh, she just needed to activate our communication, she’s still the only one who can open the portal using the hat.” 
Jack rolled his eyes. “Go figure.”
Rapunzel placed her hands on her hips. “And why didn’t you tell us this earlier?” 
“Because I didn’t think that MK would come through the portal so soon after talking to me!” 
“Well it wasn’t her fault, Mordu dragged her and Merida in!” 
“Is there any way we can get them back?” asked JJ softly, slowly coming out of his trance. 
“To Earth? Yeah, the same portal they sent MK through all those years ago,” said the Lorax. “But I don’t know how that would work for Merida. And that’s if they can even find it on this side. Apparently it vanished when the curse was placed.” 
Hiccup sighed. “And since the curse technically hasn’t been completely broken, you don’t know if it’s back yet.” 
“But how can you not see a door?” asked Rapunzel. 
Jack ran his fingers through his hair. “Oh, right, because this door is hidden in a grove of trees, magic trees. And the Lorax and Manny can’t see everything, right?” 
“Manny sees more than I do, but, yeah, basically.” 
Jack sighed. “You see?” 
“Is there really no other way?” asked JJ. 
“The only other way I can see it, kid, they’d have to wait for the return of Joey Harker and Moana. Otherwise, I’ve got nothing.” 
“You mean you can’t ask Manny to bring them back?” asked Jack. 
“Listen, kid, we all were affected by the curse, Ok? If Manny can’t take you all back now, there’s no way he could bring them to you. We’re powerful beings, kid, but not that powerful.” 
Jack sighed. “Well, it was worth a shot.” 
“It was a good try, but no cigar. No, no, their best bet would be Joey Harker and Moana, it’s just, unfortunately, a matter of waiting.” 
“Do you know how long they had planned to be gone?” asked Hiccup. 
The Lorax sighed. “No, sorry, kid. As soon as they found out about the curse, they took their kid and Shrek and Fiona’s kid and took off to place both of them in safe places.” 
Jamie began jumping up and down. “That’s two more! We just need to know who the seventh kid is!” 
“Huh?” said everyone. 
“Clara’s Aunt Elizabeth took her daughter, mom, and the daughter of Odette and Daniel through the magic door, so there’s three. Pitch brought dad here, there’s four, and Joey Harker and Moana took their kid and Shrek and Fiona’s to a safe place, that’s six! We just need one more!” He glanced around at everyone. “Did anyone else have any kids? Anyone that got sent over?” 
“See, that’s the thing, I don’t know,” said the Lorax. “Those six are the only ones I know of.” 
“Then the seventh is still a mystery,” said Jack. 
“Is there no one you know of who had a kid around the same time as Mom or Dad?” asked Jamie at the same time. 
“Nope,” said Lorax.
“”That does seem odd though,” said Jack, rubbing his chin. “The prophecy said seven . . .” 
“The prophecy will take care of itself, Jack, you just worry about the issues at hand,” mumbled the Lorax. “Prophecies are always known to do that.” 
Jack chuckled nervously. “Fair enough.” 
“But the issue at hand is getting Merida and MK back,” said Hiccup. 
“We do still have Dagur, Drago, and Hans at large,” said Jack. “Why don’t we focus on them and we’ll let Joey take care of Merida and MK.” 
“Can you let Mom and Grandma know that?” asked Jamie. 
“You know what? Why don’t I go down there and give them my hat and let you guys communicate with each other.” 
“Really?” exclaimed HIccup, JJ, and Jamie at once. 
“That would be great!” shouted Jamie. 
“That would be great! Thanks Lorax!” said JJ. 
“How can I ever repay you?” said Hiccup. 
“I’ll think about it. But maybe while your wife and daughter are here, they can look into the spell left by Mavis at the Wizard’s Tower.” 
“And if we can communicate with them, I can tell them where to find it!” exclaimed Mavis. 
“Oh, right, I forgot you were there,” said the Lorax. “But yes, you can talk to each other rather than having me keep relaying messages. I’ve got other things to take care of.” 
“No, you’re just lazy,” quipped Jack. There was a moment of silence. 
“Consider yourself lucky that you’re there and I’m here or else I would give you quite the whooping.” 
“Guess so, because now I can say whatever I want,” said Jack, a cheeky grin spreading on his face. “So, you know, like . . .” 
“Not another word,” warned the Lorax, “or I will find a way over there and give that whooping.” 
“Oh, but Lorax, you do tend to forget quite a few things,” said Rapunzel. “For instance, I’m married to him and can give him the whooping for you.” 
“What?” exclaimed Jack. Hiccup and Onceler burst out laughing. 
Lorax chuckled. “Oh I didn’t forget that, I just can’t let you do all the whooping for me.” 
“Fair enough,” said Rapunzel, shooting her husband a cheeky grin. 
“ALright, I’d better get this hat down there to Merida and MK. Keep your hat close, you might be hearing from them soon.” 
“Thanks Lorax!” they chorused. 
Jack tapped his staff. “Well, let’s go catch some villains.” 
Hiccup nodded. “And I think we should tell Elsa and Anna. They need to know.” The others nodded. They told Onceler goodbye and walked back out of the store. 
“I do hope Mom and Grandma will get back soon, though,” said Jamie. “I wonder what they’re doing now?”
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drax-is-inthefandom · 4 years
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
Oh this will be long!
Ducktales: Fentonald and Delpad
Trollhunters: Jlaire and BlAaaaargh!!
Final Space: Garycato
Mao Mao: MaoKeys and BadgerMao
Sonic: Shadamy
Karmaland: Rubegetta
Boku no Hero Academia: Kacchako
Hazbin Hotel: Charlastor
ATLA: Zutara
SVTFOE: Tomstar
Kung Fu Panda: TiPo
Crossover: Merccup, Jackelsa
I think that is all?
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kon-elkent · 10 years
6 a.m. Shop (Mericcup Fic Part 2/?)
Here is the second chapter and I thought I should get a bit of the O'Dunbroch family up in her'! So yes, hope you enjoy my sweet princess Merida and her great fucking fam in this semi-filler-like chaper~
Chapter 2: Early Morning
A large cloud of red curls peeked out from under her daughter’s duvet that made Elinor smile, its good to have the lass back but honestly her old habits have gotten worse with her time away from home. Wandering to the far side of her daughter’s room she throws open the curtains to let in the soft light of the morning “Wake up, Merida!” she sing-songs in her soft lilt of a Scottish accent.
A soft groan sounds from under the hill that is her daughter “Merida, now. You have to help your brothers open up the shop. Your father and I have been up for hours.” she tsks, shaking her head and pulling the covers to her daughter’s feet that curl up with her whole body into a fetal position “Och, mum!” she complains, her pillow slamming over the impossible rat’s nest of red hair.
Elinor sighs “If I dont see you downstairs in 15 minutes young lady, trust me, you will not want to know what I plan to do.”
She exits the room and smirks to herself behind the closed door to her daughter’s room, proud for that quick motion she got out of Merida as she left, probably her daughter popping her head up to glare at the closed door. It took nothing more than five minutes for their to be clattering above her head, now in the bakery’s kitchen with her husband.
“Tis good tae have me wee bear back.” her husband mentions as his large, strong hands kneads another batch of bread dough. Her husband, Fergus, an immigrant from the highlands of Scotland had the thickest accent of them all while she, a first generation american had a more hidden accent. Their three boys never spoke much, not that they needed to, they spoke amongst themselves in looks while their eldest, Merida, took after her father with her thick accent no matter how many times Elinor tried (and she tried) to teach her the proper pronunciation. Phonics was lost on that spit fire of a daughter of hers.
Elinor smiles softly at her burly husband and gives him a sweet pat on the arm “Aye, ‘tis wonderful. No one missed her like you did.” she says softly before going to the stove to start on the filings for their sweets.
Fergus lets out a soft laugh just as the angry clattering comes closer, down the stairs and there stands Merida, rowdy red curls wrestles into a long braid down her back and in an acceptable tee-shirt and jeans, “Ah’m ‘ere!” she greets chipperly and runs to hug her father from the side “Hey, Da! Missed ye!” she announces happily and kisses his cheek with a soft hop just to reach his height before grabbing for her cloth apron that read ‘Red Hot For You’ (her grandmother’s idea).
Fergus laughs “Och, Eli! Look who decided to wake up, sleepin’ beauteh!”
Merida tosses a smirk over her shoulder “Da, I ‘ad a long trip! ‘Tis no’ mah fault.”
Elinor simply rolls her eyes at the two before pointing at Merida “Oh no, dear, not this morning. You only have to open the shop, my love. Your brothers are out in the front now setting up the displays.” she directs and Merida grins toothily “Aye, mum.”
Elinor is left laughing softly as her daughter skips out of the back and into the store “Merida is too obedient, is she sick?” Fergus asks his wife but she simply shoots him a cheeky grin “No, love, she just knows I let her sleep in. She’s happy to have very little work but she will be gettin’ it once Granny comes back from across the street.” she laughs and Fergus joins her this time “Aye, that old biddy is a slave driver."
“Who is an old biddy, son-in-law?”
A grown man the size of fergus has never jumped so high. Elinor giggles, as if she hadn't been married to this bear of a man for years and had, once again, just met him “Hello, mummy.” she greets, turning back to the compote in the large industrial pot in front of her “How was Berk’s?”
“Oh, they were doing fine. Will be doing better soon with that artisan of a son back from school.”
“Stoik’s boy? Oh that's nice, he’s been out of state as well, hasn’t he?”
Fergus frowns “Oh no, ye arenae gon’ buy more bear carvings are ye?”
Granny turns to Fergus with a frown “And if I am? The boy has a gift.”
“Whats his name again? Hiccup? What a sad thing to name a child.” Fergus tsks, shaking his head as he rolls out the dough for cutting.
“He’s grown out of his name certainly, he’s a fine young man. Tall, strong, dashing-”
“Too young for an old hag like you…” Fergus adds and she turns on him with a scowl “Come again!?”
“Oh please! Would you two stop this foolishness? Merida’s back after months at school and you’re still bickering?”
Granny smirks her craggly grin as she shrugs “Once a meat head, always walkin’ with a head full of meat.” she taunts, leaving the back of the shop. Fergus shoots her an annoyed glare though its wiped off his face quickly when he sees the fierce look on his wife’s face and he sighs, setting up a tray for the oven.
Elinor gives a triumphant grin before going back to her own work.
Merida hums to herself as she buffs the last table. She looks over her shoulder at Hubert, Hamish, and Harris; just to make sure they don’t cause any trouble so early in the morning. They are diligently filling their respective displays before Harris shoots Hubert a mischievous smirk “Aye! You two, dorn’t. even. think of et.” she warns and they deflate, Hamish looking a bit lost but quickly catching and and pouting at his brothers. She grins, “Hamish, you too. Nae revenge till break time.” her brothers nod diligently, always listening to her like a second mother.
Merida spares a glance at her wrist watch. She shifts to whistling the tune she had stuck in her head before, moving to the door of the shop and turning on their neon sign but it starts to glitch and she has to smack it a few times. Tough love is always what she resorts to with everything honestly, and like this blasted machine, its gotten used to her rough nature and knows to do what she says once she starts smacking it. Smiling triumphantly, she puffs out her chest proudly before her eyes catch something across the street.
She raises a brow, smiling and throwing Hiccup a wave. It doesn’t surprise her at all he’s grown tall and muscley, she expected it to happen honestly with all the hard work it takes to be a wood carver “Huh, so he’s back.” she mutters, fighting the urge to give him a once over. The boy has certainly grown.
She doesn't even get a chance to fight much longer though because she’s struck with the giggles when he almost falls from leaning on his broom.
“Oh, wee lamb!” she laughs into her hand, glancing up as he waves back and she remembers days when he would make the same crooked little grin. Its so nice to know such a fine boy is still such a...Hiccup.
She turns away from the window to help in the back, ignoring the way the boys sneak over to the door, probably taunting the poor lad across the way. As she makes her way to the back of the bakery she jumps slightly as her grandmother comes up behind her “My, my, look who's woken up!”
Merida gives an unlady like yell “Granny! Ye need tae stop that! Scared me out of me givvies, ye did.” she sighs, turning to the older woman and giving her a hug “Good mornin’.” she greets and her grandmother smiles, patting her back.
“Och, lassie. Welcome back.” she says warmly before pulling away from her granddaughter’s embrace “Now you listen here, there will be no more sleeping in for the rest of your stay. You live here, you work here, understood?”
Merida straightens up “Aye, aye, ma'am!” she laughs, moving to the back to pick up any slack her parents have left with their constant flirting.
Granny smiles and shakes her head with fondness as she cackles softly to herself in her witch like way at her granddaughter’s barely contained fire. “What will the summer bring for two late blooms?” she wonders idely before going to wrangle up her grandsons.
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modern-merida · 11 years
How to train your brave dragons
How Merida meets Hiccup and their fates are woven together- like a cloth. Its not a love story, but it is their story.
‘Mum!’ Hiccup Haddock the III whispered as he nudged the sleeping figure awake slightly; ‘Mum I had another nightmare again.’ The little boy whimpered as his mother rolled over, her mess of dark brown hair tumbling around her beautiful face. With a tired smile she sat up and drew her five year old son onto her lap. Her husband slept snoring peacefully beside her.
‘What was it about my little one?’ she asked, for a female Viking, she had a large soft side, the biggest part was for her husband and her scrawny son.
‘The dragons came and ate you all up!’ Hiccup said with a pout, hiding his face in his mother’s chest, she sighed; the dragon toy she had made him a few months ago was giving him nightmares again. Adding to that, sleeping in a new place most likely wasn’t helping him. All she could do was hold him close until his slight sobbing stopped and she tilted his chin towards her, making his green eyes meet hers.
‘Listen to me, Hiccup.’ She had his attention now. ‘I will always be here for you, no matter what. I will never leave you.’ She started to tickle him on the stomach, making him giggle and try and bat her larger arms away; ‘And no dragons could ever gobble me up!’ she threw him up into the air and he laughed in joy, kicking his legs out.
Their noise woke up Stoick up, the huge Viking chief rolled over, rubbing his eyes as his snoring stopped. Right away his wife looked over at him as he took her hand and kissed it softly. ‘Your son has had another nightmare.’
Stoick sat up and stretched before taking Hiccup in his arms, ‘Aye, you have to get over that fear if you want to be a big and brave Viking!’ he rumbled and touched foreheads with his son who laughs and touches his father’s cheeks. He was a small boy for his age, not like the other children on Berk. That’s why they were somewhere different. A small group of Vikings had decided to go on a trip, somewhere new and different. Away from the fighting of the dragons and the wars with the others. Somewhere of peace.
‘I’ll be big and strong like you one day dad!’ Hiccup grinned and crossed his arms, acting tough.
‘Aye, or your mother! She’s the best warrior I know!’ Stoick added in as he sat Hiccup on his lap and kissed  his wife lovingly, making Hiccup squirm in-between them and yawn a little. It was rather late.
‘Can I sleep with you two tonight?’ he mumbled as his eyes closed.
Stoick looked at his wife, for Hiccup to become a strong and healthy Viking, he should say no right then and there. He needed to get over this fear, but his wife would have none of it and was already laying down with their boy. The chief knew there was no arguing with his strong and beautiful wife and simply curled up with them.
‘So where are we?’ the little Hiccup whispered.
‘In a land far away from Berk, and tomorrow we’ll explore it.’ Hiccup’s mother whispered back, kissing her son on the forehead and wrapping her arms around her family. Stoick looked worried, gazing at his wife with love, with something that he could not tell her.
‘I.. I think it’s best if you stay near the ships at camp tomorrow.’ The Viking Chief muttered, knowing he would do anything to keep his family safe. But it was to late- the pair had already drifted off into dream land.
~ ~ ~
Hiccup rose before everyone else that next morning, quickly slipping out of his parent’s embrace who still slept soundly. He got dressed and was out the door in a flash, sneaking past the other Vikings who had come with them and out into the forest.
He had no idea where he was, but he didn’t mind it at all. He had a small blank book with him and a charcoal pencil. Hiccup was a horrid drawer, but he hoped in years to come that he would get better- he wanted to impress his parents in every way possible!
Wondering around the beautiful forest he found himself following animal trails, rabbits and foxes, in the distance he saw a bear but kept well away. He didn’t know what a bear really was, but it was big like a dragon and lumbered around. And he was small and quite weak; he was smart enough to know to keep away from it.
The forest was beautiful as the sun rose up and blazed through the trees. It sparked on the streams and woke up the flowers; the dew reached out to his clothes and damped his boots. The birds sung beautiful melodies and the trees whispered in the wind high above him. Hiccup could only gaze around in wonder, his eyes darting everywhere. From the sky dappled above him from the leave to the grass, bugs and flowers. The moss on the logs and the rabbits nibbling. It was so much like Berk yet at the same time completely different.
‘Merida! Where are you my wee lass!’ a faraway voice came, drifting on the wind. Yet enough to make Hiccup pause and turn. So there was someone out there as well? His family and tribe was not the only ones? ‘Merida my lass! Come quickly back now!’
There was a rustle of a bush beside him and Hiccup stumbled back, perhaps these other people were Scottish! The people his father had told him about, big and evil and will kill you before you can blink! The Vikings and the Scottish men and woman had been at war for as long as the Viking and Dragon war had been going on.
The rustling in the trees grew louder and Hiccup wished greatly he had stolen a dagger from his father as a figure flew out of the brush and kept running, only stopping as a small foot caught on a root and face planted into the soft dirt.
Hiccup’s green eyes went wide as he watched the mass of red hair moved from the dirt and rolled over, giggling slightly at the mess up they had made. It was then that Hiccup saw it was a small girl, at least a head smaller than him. Perhaps a little younger as well.
As the new comer sat up, her eyes locked with Hiccup’s and a small gasp escaped her lips as she stumbled up and Hiccup got ready for a fight. If she WAS Scottish, then she would try and kill him for sure.
‘Who are you!’ she demanded, her accent was so strange to him, but pretty at the same time. As if it was something the land had dug up and gifted to the child. ‘You’re not from here!’ she added quickly, grabbing a stick and banishing it in front of her like a sword.
‘I am Hiccup Haddock the III!’ The small lad announced proudly, ‘And I am a Viking!’ he curled his hands up into fists, ready for the fight that was about to come. He had now openly admitted he was a Viking. And Enemy.  He was sure his father would be proud.
The girl tilted her head to the side. ‘I’m the best archer in the world!’ she frowned, ‘Though I keep losing my arrows…’ was this girl trying to hint of how she was going to kill him?! Though of course he would not let her defeat him! He was at least a year older than her! ‘What’s a Viking anyway lad?’ she added and Hiccup frowned.
‘A Viking is-‘ he was cut off as a scream filled the air, shattering the peaceful forest morning around them. The two looked up in fascination as the sound of fighting could be heard, shouting and screams of pain.
‘MERIDA MY LASS! Come to me!’ the young girls head shot up in confusion and fear.
‘That’s me mum! She must be in trouble!’ the red head cried and glanced over at Hiccup. ‘Twas nice meeting you lad!’ she gave a small smile, something about him was different, but in a good way. Quickly she bounded off into the woods right as Hiccup heard his name being called by his own mother.
Running as fast as he could, he tore through the trees back the way he came, yet when he reached the shore where his camp once was, he found it ablaze, people he knew were laying on the ground and not moving, blood coming from their bodies.
‘MUM!’ he cried as people ran past him, arrows flew over his head and the sound of swords clashing came to his ears. When he couldn’t take it anymore, when the smell overwhelmed him, and the smoke clogged his lungs- he ran to the edge of the shore and hid behind and in-between some rocks at the end of the cove and curled up in a ball.
When the fighting subsided- or at least the sound went away, the smoke wasn’t as thick and the crying and shouting had gone, Gobber found him. Gobber didn’t have one hand, it was just a stump, but he was nice and a friend of his fathers.
Slowly the blonde Viking picked him up and held Hiccup close so he couldn’t see what was around him.
‘Gobber, where is mum and dad?’ little Hiccup asked, scared and shaking, his tears were dry but his fear was still there. What had just happened, he couldn’t see a thing but he didn’t want to. IT was like after a dragon attack but worse, it smelled different, the normal smell of fire wasn’t like that it was now. It was bad, a bad smell. A bad feeling.
‘Your..y-your dad…’ Gobber’s voice cracked and he held Hiccup to his chest as he clambered back onto one of the ships, ‘Your father won’t be coming home for a while, he has business to tend to… and your… mother.. won’t be..’ he didn’t know how to respond to the five year old looking up at him with so many questions in his eyes. He quickly cleared his throat and hit his chest lightly.
‘The main thing is, Hiccup, that you are okay.’ He gave a small smile. ‘Where did you go anyway?’
‘I followed a rabbit…’
‘your mother was worried… she went looking for you….’ Was all Gobber said in return. Hiccup bugged him as the ship sailed on  back to Berk, about what he meant by that, but the older Viking wouldn’t say a word. In fact, no one would.
It was a week later when his father returned to Berk with the rest of the men that had gone with them, Hiccup’s first question had been if they were to ever go back to the strange shores, then the second question was asking where his mother was.
Neither of his questions got a reply, and something in his father had changed. His mother never came home.
  Hiccup sat bolt upright in his bed, breathing heavily and his eyes adjusting to the dark. Toothless’ head popped up from his sleeping stone to check that his friend was okay. When Hiccup waved him away and dragon soon fell back into a slumber.
Yet Hiccup could not sleep, that nightmare…. No not a nightmare, a memory of when he was younger plagued him. His mother died because he had wondered off and she had run into trouble. So much had happened and he hated to think about that day- he had been so young, so silly to think that his actions would not cause something.
After a while, his breathing became under control and Hiccup lay back down, it was the middle of the night after all. Yet his thoughts still remained on that one memory. Of that terrible day that he lost the person who was closest to him, where his father changed and he became cold and he the un-perfect son, and the day that a strange girl in the forest made him more curious of the world. 
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kon-elkent · 10 years
6 a.m. Shop (Mericcup Fic Part 1/?)
I honestly have no idea where this fic will go i just kind of had an idea of what I wanted to do and started writing so...mmhm, hope you enjoy! (Hiccup and Merida should be around 18-19 here)
Chapter 1: Back Home
Hiccup hums into his pillow as he turns over onto his stomach, the shadow of his father ominously looming over him after the third call for a wake up. Honestly, the shadow stops being scary. He’s grown immune especially when its five in the morning and he just took a six hour flight home and got back at midnight yesterday...or well...this morning? It’s been months since he’s been home from college and his dad wants him to work all break.
Their family owns a small carpentry shop that makes knick knacks and sturdy furniture but you can tell which pieces are his and which are his fathers. His dad’s are way too eccentric and...painfully flamboyant. “Berk’s Woodwork and Finery” is definitely a man’s place to shop and its been hurting the business while he was away ‘cause men don’t like furniture shopping and his pieces were more flexible and appealing to the feminine eye while still having that touch of masculinity that comes with it just being out of wood.
Hiccup sighs again at the fierce shove he gets to his shoulder and a cheeky smirk comes to his lips when he hears his dad’s frustrated huff of air. He hides the twitch in his lips in his pillow as he continues to snooze, hoping he’ll be able to get back into that precious world of sleep...but then he hears the call and he has no idea what part of his drowsy mind didn't turn on the alarms when he heard “Toothless!”
Moments later his large black mutt of a dog was on top of him and knocking the air out of him as if he were one of the bellows the keep in the workshop and that is a feat, he’s no longer the scrawny fish bone he was when he was fifteen. He was left gasping as toothless excitedly scrambles around his bed, taking a hold of the comforter by a corner and jumps off, playing tug of war with his master.
Hiccup groans as he yanks back weakly but quickly Toothless has the comforter curled under him and Hiccup curling into himself. Stoik chuckles and pats his son’s head “Get up, son. Quick breakfast then work.” he mumbles in that gruff voice Hiccup is so used to.
Hiccup sighed, feeling the little rebellion of the morning leave him as he sits up “Yeah, dad, i get it.” he replied as his foot dangle off the side of his bed and his father leaves, leaving Hiccup to glare playfully at his dog “You, blankets, now.” he demands, fighting a chuckle at the happy thump-thump-thump of Toothless’ massive tail wagging on the hardwood floor of his room.
Toothless jumps to his feet and props his front two legs on Hiccup’s chest, licking his face and causing the young man to sputter and turn away “Okay, okay, yeah! I missed you too, bud.” he laughs, roughly scratching behind Toothless’s ear before pushing the bear of a dog away playfully, “Grab my leg, bud.” he commands and Toothless goes clambering underneath the bed, pulling out the prosthetic.
After Hiccup has himself all set up he starts getting ready for the busy morning ahead, “Sometimes I feel like I need a shower after you show affection, you know that?” he banters with the surprisingly responsive dog who seems to smile as he pants, tongue lolling out of his mouth happily.
Hiccup chuckles, whipping the comforter back on his bed and letting it flutter back down neatly before heading out of his room to wash his face. Urg dog breath, not something you want to be smelling like for the rest of the day.
The two boys of the house jog down to the workshop after Hiccup’s breakfast and he grabs his apron off the wrack, fastening it with ease and grabbing and plank of wood but his father stops him “Oooooh no, you have a customer out in the shop.” he scolds, pointing a sausage finger to the store front. Hiccup groans, sighing as he places the plank back in the stock and unfastening the apron.
He heads out with the smile he plasters on his face when working at the store, Toothless unlatching from his side once he passes the thresh hold. Hiccup is happy to find who the customer is “Granny, hey. Long time no see.”
With a cackle, the scraggly old woman settles a baker box on the counter and smiles “Haddock, my boy, its been so long.” she greets in her familiar old Norse accent, his own grandmother spoke like that the few times she did speak, they were old friend his grandmother Gothi and Granny. She offers him a hug which he accepts and smiles despite the puff of white hair in his face and he fights urge to sneeze until he’s standing straight up “I brought you some sweets, you still need meat on your bones.”
Hiccup laughs “You've been saying that all my life.” he says as he wanders around the shop “So Granny, did you have a piece you had your eye on?”
“Not since you left, my boy. That Stoik doesn't understand my tastes.”
“That's because your taste is anything with a bear on it.” he chuckles, setting a clock display in the corner of the shop “Thank you for the sweets, though. Gobber and I will enjoy them, promise.”
She gives another witch-like laugh before leaning on the counter “You know...my granddaughter is back for break too, though she hasn't gotten out of bed yet. Lazy youth.”
Hiccup smiles, a soft blush to his cheeks “College is a lot of work, she’s just tired.”
Granny just rolls her eyes “You give excuses for her but still, after all these years, you haven’t spoken a word with her beyond ‘Hello’.” she accuses and Hiccup groans rolling his eyes, “Not this again.”
With a soft cackle and shakes her head “I wont bore you, Jäger. Just came to say hello, make me a nice trinket while you’re here, would you? Your father has no taste.”
Hiccup laughs “Will do granny, take care.” he calls, grabbing the box of sweets and heading to the back of the shop and up to the house “I’ll put these in the kitchen.” he informs, words muffled by the pastry he already has in his mouth as Toothless pants after him, whining for one too. By the time Hiccup comes back down his father still won’t allow him to work in the back, “Till Gobber gets here, you man the shop. We open in five minutes.”
With another groan of teenage struggle he goes out front again, sweeping up the store before he flips the sign to open. Just like all the other times since he was fifteen. Every morning, when “Berk’s Woodwork and Finer” opens so will “Dunbroch’s Sweets Shop” and he’ll be faced with that task of not staring at the breathtaking Merida O’Dunbroch.
He sighs wistfully, leaning on the broom and smiling stupidly. Her curls are so bright and wild, fiery like herself and her face is like porcelain which completely deceives the average onlooker into thinking she’ll be dainty. Wait till they hear her speak in her sailor Scott like diction and sounding so very full of life. He’s stuck musing, about to write a novel about her eyes, clear and blue and what he’s imagine the Loch Ness to look like when said eyes glance up at him, framed by thick, light eyelashes and crinkling at the corners with a smile as she waves animatedly.
The complete surprise of being noticed has him fumbling, practically falling of his less-than-sturdy perch on the broom, blushing in embarrassment and just, oh god, he thought he grew out of that!
He gives a crooked smile and an awkward laugh she can’t hear, waving back at her giggling form. What he wouldn't give to hear her giggle but she only nods her head in acknowledgment and turns away, shaking her head.
With a sigh of disappointment he’s about to do the same when...he catches three blurs of read and looks up to see the triplets making pathetic faces at him and pantomiming his obvious unrequited love. Groaning he smacks his hand to his forehead and shakes his fist at them before turning back to the shop, “Way to go, Hic. Reeeeal smooth like, she hasn't seen you for months and the first thing you do is end up looking like you were trying to go a day without lefty. Such a Casanova.” he mutters to himself sarcastically and he can feel Toothless giving him pity from the doorway to the store.
‘Great, even my dog understands I don't got a chance.’ he thinks sarcastically, huffing out a sigh. “Just get back to work and maybe this will just go into the bank with the rest of the times you made a fool of yourself.” he mutters, going about prepping the shop.
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kon-elkent · 11 years
Looking for a 1x1 partner!
I'm looking for a person willing to play older Hiccup from the sequel to HTTYD. I want to rp Merccup really bad and I've had this plot in my head since forever and I would really love someone to do it with me! If you're up for it could send me an ask and maybe a sample of your writing style? (preferably a paragraph or two? kthx)
Merida and Hiccup have been introduced as young fifteen-year-old's and did anything but hit it off but by the time Merida had to leave, back to her kingdom of Dunbroch, she and Hiccup became friends (Merida becoming a quick favorite with Toothless'). They have kept in touch over the years and now, this summer they are to be reunited but not as a fish-bone of a boy and sliver of a girl but as a strong, handsome young viking and a regal, fiery, bonny young princess. Now when they meet again they feel something other than friendship for each other but how to go about it...how indeed.
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