#melodys writing
melody-writer777 · 8 months
Will you write headcannons for a Bill kaulitz x singer!reader? Something where Bill and the reader are both in separate bands but meet through like mutual connections. Then later on Bill and the reader start to have feelings for each other?
Bill kaulitz x singer!reader
Summary: How you and Bill met and how it was like when you both had feelings for eachother.
Ship: Bill Kaulitz x singer!reader
Warnings: No serious warnings but I kinda struggled to find a way to make a mutual connection so the connection ended up being the fans of Tokie Hotel and readers band.
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Almost all of your fans are also major fans of Tokio Hotel and vice versa, so it was only a matter of time before [your band] and Tokio Hotel met to make music or at least footage of how you guys interact.
Before you guy got to making music you all agreed you all would at least spend time getting to know one another so that the music comes together easier.
But after a day or two of getting to know each other Bill started to realize how great of a person you in every way and a little while after you also realize he was actually a really nice, and funny guy. Not to mention he was crazy good looking.
When the first picture of you all hanging out was posted, the fans went crazy and were so exited to see what was being planned.
To keep themselves busy they were trying to find all the picture they could and soon all the fans agreed that you and Bill would make a cute couple.
Someone in your band would be the first to find an edit, tag, or maybe even a fanfic on social media, of you and Bill.
Bill definitely was the first to deny it, he did red but blamed it on embarrassment and how you two were only friends.
You did the same, not that you wanted to, but only to not make things awkward.
As time went on he would have trouble looking you in the eyes, and when he did he zoned out
He wouldn’t completely ignore you, he really couldn’t deprive himself of you, but he would respond to you in a quick way.
Once the Tag and all the rest of the ship content continued to blow up both the rest of Tokio Hotel and [your band] could see the way you guys look at each other.
Soon they decided to just go out and pick up food about an hour away, but ofc someone needed to stay and protect the house (toms word) that person ended up being you.
But as Bill was getting ready they left without him
Both of you were really confused but you offered to watch a movie together since the rest of them would be gone for a while.
Bull wanted to decline, in fear of it being awkward, but he knew he would hate himself later is he didn’t watch the movie with you.
Thirty minutes into the movie it actually wasn’t that bad, you guys had smooth conversations between events but you both knew you needed to talk about it.
Bill brought up the tag and all of it in a joke, and you kinda laughed but soon you actually brought up the subject with just a blunt “Do you like me”
Bill was shocked but after a little pause he said yes but immediately asked if you liked him after.
When you said yes he was relieved and honestly didn’t know what to do.
After talking about it all, you could tell to tension was gone and you decided to lay on his shoulder in the last 20 minutes of the movie.
And by the time the group came back you were asleep and Bill was just shushing them so he could wake you up in a gentler way.
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Pls let me know if this is what you wanted anon, and if there’s something you don’t really like them plss tell me. I’m wasn’t sure if you wanted more of the story or if you wanted to know what it would be like for Bill to like you. But all in all I like the way it turned out.
-Melody <33
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bethsvrse · 2 months
They’re gay, your honour 
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cuckooclocktopus · 3 months
lottieshauna is so funny to me its like: AITA? I (F17) am pregnant and giving birth to my child. For context, I had sex with my best friend's boyfriend and it killed her in the process. I now have to perform a live birth in the middle of nowhere due to my plane crashing with several of my teammates. So, my teammate (F17, let's call her L) has been weirdly obsessed with my baby. She keeps whispering to it while I'm asleep, and insisting that it's "our" baby. It almost sounds like she wants to father my child??? The other night, L was going on one of her tangents and I yelled at her to stop obsessing over my baby. Everyone, including my friend is mad at me for snapping at her. I don't see how I did anything wrong. Does anyone else find her behaviour weird?
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mauvecherie-writes · 14 days
endless melodies: l.hamilton
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part: v [series masterlist]
pairing: lewis hamilton x oc!jamilah riley
summary: shared time leading to perfect moments …
tags: 18+, MDNI, fluff, shameless corniness, dual povs, making out, cunnilingus, cliffhanger ending.
w.c: 4.8K
notes: the social media posts for this chapter will be coming later. Don’t forget to comment, reblog and like!
reading list: @queenshikongo3 @dhlfastestlap @saintslewis @serpenttines-library @saturnville @hopefulromantic1 @cocobutterqwueen @bluesole16 @chaneajoyyy @emjayewrites @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @sapphireheaven @olyvoyl @lewisroscoelove @lh44adore @hellomadamebutterfly @scorpiobleue @qveenmelanink @tremendousstarlighttragedy @bekindbecoolbeyou @greedyjudge2 @itsapurrfectstorm @createdbylivingclocks @samiwzx @omgsuperstarg @peyiswriting @miyuhpapayuh @blowmymbackout @purplelewlew @henneseyhoe @xoscar03
“Mmmm.” Jamilah moaned softly. “This is some of the best sorbet I’ve ever tasted.” Her eyes were closed as she savoured the taste but his eyes were on her face watching her. Since they had started dating, her and Lewis would explore all the vegan food spots that the city had to offer, including Neat Burger - a vegan fast food restaurant Lewis a controlling stake in. Lewis never cared about what Jamilah ate but he had picked up on the fact whenever they did decide impromptu food dates, she would suggest a restaurant that was vegan or had a lot of vegan options. He appreciated that effort from her and it made his feelings for Jamilah deepen further.
After her comment, Jamilah must have realised how quiet he had been. So she opened her eyes and turned to face him, he didn’t shift his attention from her face and it caused her to sheepishly smile as she licked her lips of the remnants of the sorbet.
“What?” Jamilah enquired with the softest giggle to her tone.
“Nothing.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I just like seeing you enjoy your food. Every time you eat., your first bite is your slowest, like you’re really savouring it and this expression of joy spreads across your face. That’s the moment I wait for to savour myself.”
His words caused her to take a sharp gasp and then exhale as she inched closer to his body on the bench. Lewis placed his head on the back of the bench behind her head as she crossed her leg so that her calf softly hung over his parted legs.
“That was the sweetest whole load of nothing Mr. Poet.” She said as she leaned closer to his face. Lewis smiled as he closed the gap in between them and brushed her nose with the tip of his.
“You like it when I become wax poetic for you.” He mumbled against her lips.
“Unfortunately, I do.” Jamilah whispered before sliding his bottom lip over hers and then capturing them completely. They both taste of the of the summer berries sorbet they had been eating but from her tongue, the flavour was so much sweeter.
A low moan left his mouth as she seeked out his tongue before beginning to suck on it. Lewis had to quickly stop this kiss before he took it too far. His free hand came to the back of her neck and softy gripped it, forcing himself to pull his lips away.
“You can’t be kissing me like that in public. You’re playing a dangerous game pulling that move.” He lightly teased her bottom lip, licking it and then slightly biting it. Jamilah’s free hand came to his chin and gripped it inbetween her pointer finger and thumb.
“I like taking you out of your element. I think about you losing your cool a little too often for my liking.” She stated as she caressed his lip with her thumb. Lewis suddenly nipped at the digit which caused her to yelp and then giggle.
“Let’s finish these cones before I do something that’ll get us in trouble.” He mumbled as he stood up and stretched out his hand for her to take. Once their fingers were interlinked, they took a walk down the block as they continued enjoying each other’s company.
A few days after the sorbet date, Lewis wanted to take Jamilah on one more date before he left for another race. With all of the time that they had been spending together, she was past the point of attachment, Jamilah knew that was falling and she was falling fast.
However, she knew that Lewis had to be feeling the way that she was. From the words he shared, his touch and his intended action with her. People in both of their camps were cautioning them about the speed of how their relationship was progressing but neither of them cared.
“So miss thang, we both know that you’re not coming home tonight so we changed your clutch bag to a larger shoulder bag and put in your essentials case.” Amal said as she dropped onto her older sister’s bed with a slight bounce. “Oh! And we swapped the condoms that were in there, lord knows that they needed a change.”
“AMAL!” Jamilah exclaimed as she whipped around to face her little sister as Jodie lightly chuckled as she snacked on a bowl of grapes.
“What? I’m nineteen, I know about condoms.”
“I know. You’re still my sister and I would like to not think about you touching such in relation to me.”
“Oh I didn’t do that, Jodie did. She changed the size too.”
“This is NOT the conversation I need to be having right now before I leave.” Jamilah scrunched her eyes shut as she tried not to focus on the words out of her sister’s mouth.
“Listen, we’ve all seen the shots and videos of Lewis adjusting his racing suit, we are not blind. We’re just making sure that you’ve got the right shit. I’m sure he has his own but you can never be too careful.” Jodie stated as Amal nodded her head along in agreement. Jamilah sighed as she stood up straight after finishing the application of her mascara.
“One, I don’t need to hear my two closest people talking about they were looking at videos of my man adjusting his junk. And two, while I appreciate your efforts, I highly doubt we’ll have sex tonight. In some cliche way, I’m waiting until he asks me to be his girlfriend.” Jamilah responded.
“And if he did ask you tonight? Would you?”
Jamilah pondered on the question. Things had been going very well between them but something just didn’t feel quite yet. The moment hadn’t arrived for the official question to be asked.
“No. But I will enjoy everything else.” She answered with a smile. “Now, stilettos or boots?”
She had chosen the boots to go with her black bodycon mini dress and the leather trench coat to shield her from the chilly winds of a London night. Lewis wasn’t able to come pick her up but he had arranged for a car to pick her up to drive her to the restaurant.
When she arrived outside of the restaurant, Jamilah was grateful to see that there were no paparazzi lurking by - at least from what she could see. She was quickly greeted by the front of house before being led through the space and led her right to Lewis.
He stood up as she approached the booth. There was a smile on his face as he moved around the table and outstretched his arm to take her hand and pull her into a soft kiss. Jamilah pressed a hand on his chest as she smiled against his lips.
“You look beautiful as ever Princess.” He mumbled into her ear as he embraced her.
“Thank you, handsome.” He was dressed simply in all black with a sleeveless buttoned cardigan with a couple of chains hanging from his neck. Jamilah placed one more kiss on his cheek. He took her hand and led her to sit down first before sliding into the booth and placing himself beside her.
The front of house placed the menus in front of them. “Andy will be your server for the night, they’ll be with you shortly.”
“Thank you.” Lewis replied to the staff before turning his full attention back to Jamilah. He leaned forward and took a sniff of her neck before placing a kiss onto her skin. The action caused her giggle. “You smell like vanilla and caramel today.”
“I changed my lotion a couple of days ago.” She replied as she opened the menu. “Are we drinking today?”
“I’m flying out tomorrow night so I can have a couple.”
“Yay!” Jamilah cheered as she reached for the drinks menu and browsed through the wine list. “Are you getting some sushi with me?”
“Yeah. I checked out the menu before I booked our table, they know my dietary requirements already.” Lewis said as he pulled the menu towards him.
“Will my fishy breath bother you?”
“Princess, I’ve kissed you after you demolished six birria tacos in like ten minutes. I think we are very much past the point of me caring about fishy breath after sushi.”
“Okay. I was just checking.” She giggled.
Andy came to their table and took their food and drink orders. Once they had left, Jamilah turned to Lewis and began playing with the chains around his neck.
“Are you coming back right after Monaco?” She asked him.
“I have some contractual things that I have to sort out whilst I’m still out there but then I have to fly out stateside to get some work done before Canada.”
“So I won’t physically see you until you come for Spain?!” She pouted, the cute expression causing him to laugh.
“We don’t need to be apart that long. I know your album roll out doesn’t start until Silverstone weekend. It’s in final production so you have some time on your hands.”
“And you’re saying all of this because?”
“I’m saying all of this because I want you to join me.” Lewis state confidently as he looked into her eyes. Jamilah was partially surprised at the statement but from what he had previously said that this was where it was leading to and honestly? It made her feel extremely giddy.
Then it dawned onto her.
“Why are you just asking me now?! I barely have time to prepare.” She said as she playfully nudges his arm.
“You can fly out on Saturday night and be there for race day.”
“No. I’ll fly out Friday night and then during the layover going stateside, I’ll grab the rest of my stuff.”
“God, my team is gonna think I’m crazy for doing this.”
“They had a meltdown at those pictures of us after our ice-cream date. I cannot imagine how Rosa is going to handle it me being there for the entire weekend without warning.”
“I’ll message her in the morning so that she has a heads up.” Lewis chuckled.
“Excuse me guys, here are your drinks. A white wine and an old fashioned with an extra half shot.” Andy placed their drinks down then announced that their food would be arriving shortly.
“Who is going to be at the race?” She asked as she took a sip of her wine.
“Roscoe. He’s going to be travelling with us for a little bit. I missed him.”
“Aww, I miss my little guy too.” She smiled. “Anyone else I’ll know?”
“I’m not really sure yet but some of the guy’s partners will be there.”
“Want me to join their little WAG’s club?” She joked.
“You can do that.” He laughed. “Making new friends is always good.” He added causing her to roll her eyes and smile before drinking more of her wine.
During their dinner, their conversation never stopped - mostly focused on their plans for their coming weeks together. They fed each other pieces of their food but it was mostly Lewis sharing his enoki mushrooms in chilli oil because Jamilah had not liked the seaweed salad she had ordered.
Once her glass of wine was finished, Jamilah was more than ready to leave and spend time with Lewis in a more intimate setting. She wrapped her hands around his arm and she dropped her chin onto his shoulder.
He glanced down at her with a soft smile on his lips.
“How are you feeling baby?” He asked as he moved his free hand to her face and brushed a braid that had fallen out of place and tucked it behind her ear.
“I’m good. Thank you for dinner.” She said, sighing softly as Lewis drew mindless patterns with the back of his fingers.
“You’re welcome baby.” He cupped her cheek and then pecked her lips. “You ready to go?” He questioned which Jamilah responded by nodding her head.
Lewis called for the bill and after it was settled he stood up first and grabbed her trench coat, holding it out for her to wear.
Their car was already waiting for them as they walked outside hand in hand. He let her enter into the car first and then he got in after. On the drive over to his home, Jamilah texted her groupchat updating them on her whereabouts and bidding her goodnights. It did not take long for them to respond. She just smiled to herself and locked her phone.
The driver drove into the underground parking of his building and parked close to the entrance doors.
“Thank you, Justin.” The two of them said to his driver, who threw an appreciative nod back.
They entered into the elevator and she smiled when she saw the mirror. “Take a picture with me.”
“Are you going to post it?”
“Only to my close friends.” She chewed onto her bottom lip.
“Okay.” He stopped leaning against the mirror as she positioned herself in front of him. His hands came to her hips as she grabbed onto his neck and took the picture.
“There we go.” She giggled as she stared at the way his head naturally leaned towards hers. Lewis glanced at the picture as well.
“Send me that.” He said as she posted the picture onto her private Instagram story. She hummed as an answer as the elevator finally reached the main floor of his building.
The entrance of the ground floor of his home was a well decorated foyer with a central table with a beautiful cherry blossom bonsai tree sitting on top a marbled floor. Dotted across the white walls of the foyer were decorative art pieces complimenting the colour palette of the area.
“Not only did you renovate this building to have an underground parking space and with an elevator, you have a foyer with a bonsai tree to greet you!”
“Wait until you see the indoor spa.” His comment caused Jamilah to gasp with glee.
“We are so ending the house tour with that.”
Lewis then proceeded to show her around his home, leaving the master bedroom and his closet. Somewhere along the way, they had both taken off their shoes - Jamilah, happy to be flat footed with her boho braids in a bun.
Seeing the blue of the water was like a siren calling which shot an idea into her mind. She stopped walking in her tracks and turned to face Lewis from where he stood.
“I want to jump into this pool.” She exclaimed which made Lewis chuckle.
“Are you sure that you want to do that?.” He asked.
“Is the water heated?”
“Let me check.” He walked towards the control panel closest to him. He pressed a few buttons and then nodded his head. “Yeah it’s warm.”
“So what’s stopping me from taking a dip in this gorgeous pool of yours?”
“Um, you don’t have a swimsuit?” Instead of answering, Jamilah took a good look around. The spa pool was dimly lit with loft music playing in the background, the sounds of the jets echoing into the space.
“You know you can always come back and do this at a later date. Are you sure that you want to do this now?” Lewis asked her as he stood by the entrance to the indoor pool as his eyes followed Jamilah who was dancing around close to the edge of the pool. She then turned on her heel to look at him with her eyes brimming with mischief once her mind was finally made up.
“I mean my underwear provides the same function right? Covering up all my good bits.” Her answer caused Lewis to laugh before he licked his lips and shifted his weight with his hands behind his back as he leaned on the wall with his shoulder for support.
“I guess so.” Lewis later mumbled.
Her next move could not be blamed on alcohol. She only had one glass of wine at dinner - Jamilah could only blame it on being high off the attention that Lewis had been constantly feeding her all night.
So whilst holding eye contact with him, she began pulling the bottom of her dress upwards her thighs. She could hear his breath hitching when her black thongs got exposed to his eyes. It brought a smile to her face. Jamilah grabbed the bottom of the bunched up fabric and completely pulled the dress of her body before dropping it onto the floor.
“Fuuck.” Lewis lowly uttered which sent a shiver down her spine. She bit onto her lip as he drank in her body. The softly padded bra did nothing to hide her body’s reaction to his gaze.
He stood up straight as she began slowly inching backwards towards the heated pool. “Are you going to join me or are you going to stand there and watch me?”
Due to the silence, Jamilah could only focus on the frantic beating of her heart after she had asked the question. But she didn’t need a verbal answer - her abdomen muscles involuntarily clenched as she watched Lewis push off the wall and begin to approach her.
With a smirk playing on his lips, he begun to work to unfasten the buttons of his sleeveless cardigan before pushing it off his body. Once the fabric fell away from his shoulders, he turned to his jeans to unbutton them and push them past his thighs leaving him just his boxers.
Jamilah chewed on her bottom lip as she let her eyes marvel in the beauty of the specimen standing in front of her. Not wanting to let nerves show any further than they had been to this point. She walked to the ladder leading into the pool and began to inch her body below the surface of the water. She shivered at the contact with the warm water but she let it wash over the longer she immersed herself in the pool.
She swam away from the ladder, careful not to get her hair wet as she got closer to the edge closet to where Lewis was standing.
“Don’t be scared to jump in.” She teased him. He rolled his eyes before he dove into the water. Jamilah squealed as she turned her face away from the splashes of the water. Before she could clear the water away from her face, she felt his arms reach across her waist and he pulled her into the warmth of his body.
“You’re so fucking lucky I have braids right now because had it been a silk press, it would been real bad for you.”
“I would have just given you the money to get it sorted.” He shrugged as he wrapped her limbs around his body.
“Not all of us have hair stylists on retainer. I have to book mine.”
“So I would have given you mine.” His sentence caused her to laugh as they continued to bob along in the water.
“No offence babe, because for whatever reason that works for you but I’ll never let your stylist touch my hair.”
“Not this again.” He groaned.
“Yes this again! Baby you need to change the person who does your hair. I’m tired of your fans crying in my comments every time I post.”
“Princess, I don’t want to talk about how much you and my fans don’t like my braider when you’re this close to my dick.” Lewis said he squeezed her ass cheeks causing a squeal to leave her mouth before giggling. She was just not realising how much she did when she was with him.
“Fine.” She tried to pull away from him but Lewis held onto her. “Baby.” A soft laugh left her as she placed her hands on his shoulders. “If you don’t let go of me, I can’t enjoy this marvellous pool the way I want to.”
“Give me a kiss first.” He mumbled. That she could do. She slid her lips against his. Lewis moved his hand along her back before settling on the back of her neck to deepen the kiss. On instinct, Jamilah pushed her breasts against his chest as she moaned into his mouth. Without realising, she had been rubbing herself against the fabric of Lewis’s boxers. He brought his hands to her waist to steady her before he pulled his mouth away from the kiss.
“If you want to swim then I suggest unwrapping yourself from me before I take you out of here.” She blushed as she detached her legs from his body. She splashed his back as she swam away trying to calm the rush that had began to spread through her body.
Before she had let go of him, Jamilah had looked into his eyes. They held promise. They had been playing so close on the edge and if she wasn’t careful, she was going to break the promise she had made to herself.
After spending no more than thirty minutes swimming and playing in the pool, Lewis led her to the master bedroom and showed her the en suite, giving her something to change in as he utilised a guest bathroom to shower. Once he was done, he went to collect their belongings and headed back to the bedroom.
Jamilah hadn’t left the bathroom but he could hear that the shower was off. As he folded her dress and placed it by her handbag. She opened the door and his eyes took her in. She stood there wearing one of his baggy t-shirt. He had also given her a new pair of brief boxers but they weren’t showing as they were swallowed by the fabric.
“Don’t you look gorgeous.” He smiled at her as she walked towards him and reached for her bag.
“You never stop do you?” Jamilah said as she dug through the bad and pulled out a smaller bag.
“Like any man, I like seeing my woman in my clothes.” She rolled her eyes at his answer as she pulled out a silk scarf.
“Give it to me.” He held out his hand and she placed the scarf into his palm. Lewis focused on carefully wrapping her braids, making sure that it wasn’t too tight on her edges.
“Thank you honey.” She lightly stood on her tip-toes and pecked his lips. “Where’s your durag? I need to wrap up your fuck ass braids.”
“You need to stop talking shit about my hair.”
“Not until you change your braider.” She replied in a sing-song voice. Lewis didn’t respond to her but he sat in between her legs as she sat on the edge of the bed. Jamilah soothed out his plaits once she had taken off his hair tie. She secured the durag and placed a kiss on top of his head. “All done.”
Lewis turned his head and kissed her thigh. He continued to place kisses on her skin as he turned his body.
“Stop!” She squealed, feeling ticklish and pushed his head away from her legs but Lewis picked her up by her knees and dropped her further up the bed. Jamilah rushed to pull the t-shirt down her body. The underwear that he had given her were tightly pressed against the dampness of her cunt.
Since they shared their first kiss in the studio, they had been playing it safe. But the kissing and touching was becoming too much for her. Her body was craving more but she knew that if they crossed that line, then she would be giving herself to on a platter. It was hard not to when he had been doing everything right.
“Hey.” His voice pulled her out of her thoughts. “Where did you go just there?”
She shook her head in response as she gave him a lazy smile. “I was just thinking.”
“What about us?”
“You don’t think we’re moving too fast? Like everything had been so perfect and at the back of my mind, I keep waiting for the ball to drop.” She confessed. “I want this with you so much but I’m also the first woman you’ve been with publicly. What if you don’t want this any more, the longer it goes on?” Jamilah was no longer looking up at him but as his chest, focusing on the compass tattoo, tracing the north tip point. She felt Lewis place his hand beside her head before tipping her face upwards so that she could meet his eyes.
“Did you ever think about the fact that it’s going really well because I want the exact same thing that you want? That I’m doing things out of my typical because I am so enamoured by you, I’m doing what my heart tells me instead of following the logistics of what our teams tell us to do.”
His words rained over and pooled into her heart. She cupped his face and stroked the swell of his cheeks.
“You’re not alone in this. I’m right here with you.” He turned his head and kissed her inner palm.
“Okay.” She whispered then leaned up to capture his lips. The gentle touch of their lips caused him to sigh into her mouth. Jamilah took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, sucking on his tongue. He groaned as he leaned down and pressed his chest against her stomach.
“Baby.” Jamilah whimpered as his hands moved beneath her shirt and settled on her back, just above the hem of the boxers.
“Let me take care of you.” Lewis mumbled before nibbling on her bottom lip. She parted her legs as he began moving down her body. He moved the fabric of the t-shit away from the stomach. He inhaled deeply as her hands rubbed on his head. Lewis grabbed at the boxers and pulled them away from her hips.
Jamilah sighed as he returned to lay kisses on her hip bones, the contact sent shivers up the length of her spine.
“Mmm.” She moaned as his thumb caressed her clit in slow, soft circles that made her pussy clench. Lewis dipped his head in between her thighs and glided his tongue across her clit. A tremor rushed through her body and made her legs wobble. He picked up her calf and placed his leg over his shoulder.
“Look at me, princess.” He commanded. When Jamilah looked at him and his stare was intense and full of desire. Full desire of her.
He winked at her and then lowered his mouth onto her clit. He wrapped his arms around her legs, pulling Jamilah closer to his mouth and locking her bottom half in place. Lewis kept his eyes locked in with hers as his tongue flicked against her clit.
“Oh shit! Lew!” One hand reached down and kept his head in place as she rode his face.
“You taste so fucking good baby.” He moaned and continued moaning against her pussy as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
Jamilah had received head before and she knew how good it would feel but it was never like this. All of her senses were alive but her mind was clouded with pleasure. Lost in it, she fell back onto the bed. A hard slap came to her inner thigh and the sting made her shiver with pleasure.
“Eyes on me princess. Don’t make me tell you again.” The sternness of his voice aroused her even more.
“Okay.” She whispered.
Right then, Lewis began to flick his tongue faster, forcing her words down her throat. She dug her nails into his hair, pulling on what she could through the durag as she began to tremble.
“Right there! Right fucking there!” She pleaded as she locked eyes with him, concentrating on rocking her hips faster, bumping her pussy against his nose. Jamilah was making his face wet and she didn’t care.
Evidently, he didn’t care either.
Then Lewis pulled her pussy lips apart and slid two fingers into her cunt and curled them upwards. Dragging his fingers forth as he thrusted them, with his tongue eagerly rolling on her clit and applying pressure on the nub. Jamilah’s mouth formed into a silent O with one last drag.
“Oh fuck! I’m coming! I’m c-.” Her body seized in place as her orgasm ruptured. Lewis hummed satisfied as his gaze darkened.
She fell backwards as she tried to catch her breath. He gently kissed her pelvis before shifting until he was hovering above her. He held onto her chin and pulled her in for a kiss. Jamilah moaned at the taste of herself left on his lips.
“You’re so pretty when you come.” He murmured, pecking her lips as he spoke.
“When will I get to see you come?” She threw back at him which caused him to smirk.
“Not tonight.” He replied, colliding their lips once more. “But I’m going to make you come on my face again.”
“Oh god!” Jamilah gasped as she arched off the bed as he laid his mouth on her pussy once more …
You’re really fucking with that nigga huh?
ru’s letter💌: it’s nearly 5am. I hope I wake up to all of your love 💋
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jamesdotmp3 · 2 months
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not star trek but um. watched the new ghostbusters today. ghost lesbians ,
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send-me-a-puffalope · 2 months
just watched the new ghostbusters movie with my friend and truly, awkward teenage lesbians will both end and save the world.
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melobin · 10 months
✧ zb1 + breeding kink ✧
✧ zb1 boys, jiwoong, hao, hanbin, matthew and taerae with breeding kinks ✧
✧ Warnings - breeding, unprotected sex, cursing, mentions of pregnancy, praise, degradation, eye contact, dacryphilia, choking, mentions of idol and reader as a dom, sub and switch.
ricky and gyuvin ver
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✧ jiwoong
he’s obsessed. there’s something about pressing himself deep inside of you and letting his cum fill you up that excites jiwoong, not to mention the sight of it dripping out of you afterwards. the nights he spends fucking you and cumming inside of you are often endless, his self restraint flies away the moment he hears you whimper for him to cum inside of you, the way you squeeze around him and cry out when you feel him fill you up makes him want to do it over and over again. so he does. simply the sight of your cunt soaked with his cum and your body flushed from his previous actions have him aching for more, he doesn’t just feel the need to fill you with his cum but he feels the need to breed you, claim you in anyway that he can and doing something as intimate and filthy as filling you up to the brink is his favourite way of doing so. by the time you’re finished, everything’s a mess, he’s fixated on the way his cum drips out of you onto your bedsheets and the way you’re shaking from being overstimulated so much. there is a slight chance he’d lose complete control and lean in to lick at your clit, curiosity getting the better of him and a groan leaving him at the taste of your cum mixed together. jiwoong isn’t afraid to be messy, especially when he gets to fill you with him cum.
✧ hao
breeding with hao is something that comes unexpectedly, it’s never planned but it does happen, usually during the nights that he decides to be harsher with you. hao can easily be the sweetest guy you’ve ever been with, but he can also be the meanest. he get a thrill from having control over you, especially when that’s leaving you as teared covered mess, he never fails to take care of you afterwards though. some nights he just wants to see how far he can push you and that often comes with him watching you fuck yourself on his cock. he likes seeing you desperate and you never look as desperate as you do when you’re sinking down on his cock, whining out for him to touch you and begging for him to cum inside of you. he makes a simple deal with you, you make him cum once and then he’ll fuck you however you want him to. so you do just that and he never lets you down after, already having a load of his cum inside of you makes it so easy for him to slip back inside of you after laying you down. his dark eyes watching your teary ones as he thrusts his cock back into you, eyes flickering down to where he can see the glistening of your mixed cum on himself. it’s a sight, along with the past view of you riding him, that spurs him on to fuck you until you’re crying for more of his cum inside of you. moments like that have his self restraint faltering and words that he should never repeat to anyone falling from his lips.
✧ hanbin
hanbin is loving, he’s sweet even when he’s manhandling you and fucking you into his mattress. breeding is a weakness of his, not just because he gets to fill you with his cum and watch you fall apart because of it, even though the pet name his pretty little cum slut is always on the top of his tongue when it happens, it’s also because of his desire to have a family with you. he’s needy, likes to hold your thighs apart and fuck you like he hasn’t been able to touch you in weeks. his thrusts sharp, causing his cock to reach depths inside of you that have your thighs quivering under his grip, back arching as he watches you in awe. he think your the prettiest, but somehow even prettier when stuffed full of his cum. his true weakness for it comes out when he lets go of your thighs and leans over you, one of his forearms pressed against the pillow next to your head and his other hand softly stroking loose strands of hair out of your face.
“gonna make you the prettiest mother” his voice isn’t loud, barely a whisper, a breathless one at that. it’s almost hard to hear him over the wet sounds of him entering and leaving you but you always catch it, just like you catch the way he kisses you after and groans against your lips. hips bucking harsher against yours as he promises to fill you up until he cannot fit anymore inside of you.
✧ matthew
breeding isn’t rare with matthew, in fact it happens with him the most out of the boys. it’s simple, he just can’t help himself and he knows a few whispers in your ear whilst his fingers press against your underwear has you at his mercy in minutes. you’ll do anything that he asks of you and all he really wants is to have your head pressed into the mattress as he fucks you from behind with the promise to fill you up with his cum until it’s seeping out of you. it’s a promise he always keeps too. he finds so much enjoyment from fucking you face down ass up, he gets to press himself inside of you when he cums and he gets the perfect view of his cum leaking out of you when he pulls out. it doesn’t last long though, moments later he’s pushing back inside of you, pressing your body against the mattress and bringing his hand around to your neck, using it as leverage to pull your head up a little so he can whisper in your ear. matthew is the walking definition of a man who gets pussy drunk and just wants to fill you up and he’s not shy of hiding it.
✧ taerae
breeding is almost a guilty pleasure for taerae, he likes doting on you, taking care of you and leaving you in the most satisfied state that he can and he never fails to do so. but the need to do that increases on the nights that you’re extra needy, when you’re clingier to him, more sensitive to his touch and on the edge of tears the moment he pushes himself into you. he just wants to make you feel good and if you want him to fuck you until your brain feels mushy then he’ll do just that. never forgetting to whisper sweet words to you as he buries his cock inside of you, loving the way your nails dig into his back and fingers pull at his hair, name falling from your lips. the true weakness comes when you wrap your legs around his waist to keep him inside of you after he finishes, the feeling of his cum inside of you along with his cock unmoving momentarily drives you even more insane. it has you begging with tears in your eyes for him to fuck you and fill you up again and he can’t say no, he gets quite sensitive himself after cumming one or two times so it’s not long before both of you are whining, covered in sweat as he fucks you again and again, his cum dripping down your thighs onto the mattress beneath you. he’d be more than happy to fuck you as many times as you wanted if it was what you wished for.
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wonuumelody · 10 months
Where svt likes to hold you
🎀( hand / thigh / waist /arm around your neck)
pairing: seventeen x gn!reader
genre: fluff. warning(s): none
Hand : Dokyeom, minghao, seungkwan
They like simplicity. Sometimes they hold you as if you were the most precious object in the world. They like to feel your fingers, and intertwined your fingers as you walk. They also like to play with your fingers when you're both sitting on the couch. It's cute for them
Thigh : scoups, mingyu, Woozi
It's so hot. They like to show that you are theirs. They put their hands on your thigh all the time, in the car, when you're sitting next to it. It is a gesture that allows them to be reassured and at the same time to show others that you are a person already taken.
Waist : wonwoo, Jeonghan, dino
They find it romantic. The fact that you stand by the waist and have the opportunity to get closer to them very quickly. It allows them to be close to you. Plus, they know you like it a lot when they hold you by the waist.
Neck : Vernon, Joshua, Jun, Hoshi.
They find this position more comfortable for their arm. They can hold you really close to them like that and their hands are still free (Hoshi can horanghae in peace.) This way, it's also easier to make others understand that you're already with someone.
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melody-writer777 · 8 months
Can you do some fluffly “x reader” headcannons with Hobie from ATSV?
Fluffy Hobie Brown Head cannons
Summary: Fluffy head cannons of Hobie as your boyfriend
Warning: Theft but that’s it
Ship: Hobie Brown x gn reader
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One big thing I can imagine for him and a relationship is nicknames. I feel like even before you date he’ll call you some nicknames. Like “dear”, “babe”, or even “rat” in a nice way ofc
After a while of you dating you would realize on his guitar there’s some really jagged lines that read “y/n”
When you asked him about it he just brushed it of and said he was drunk and though to do it “for the kicks”
One of his love languages is giving you song recommendations
It really different, but that’s part of the reasons he does it. But if he gives you a song recommendation the songs meaning applies to you guys.
He’s very observant when it is comes to what you like. For example, if you say you like a certain shade of a certain color, every thing he sees in that color he’ll get (notice how I didn’t say buy)
If your in the store with him and you say you like something but don’t want to get it, on your way home you’ll look in your bag or hell just hand it to you and it’s the little thing you wanted.
A lot of people make him out to be this very scary, protective, and jealous guy, but I feel like he wouldn’t be that serious about it.
Like he would make his presence known and making it known he’s your boyfriend, like I little sprinkle of calling you “babe”
Or just to be sure, he would give you one of his guitar picks as a necklace or make it into a charm/pin.
One thing Hobie will always stick to, it’s the fact he will never take you one the same date twice.
One day it’ll be a classic movie at home, and then two days later it’s a rage room date, then you’ll go spray painting the week after. Soon he’ll pick up what you like and stick to the theme of it. But still never the same date twice.
Another one of his love languages is just quality time. Like you can be doing your own thing, like folding clothes, and he could be writing a new song. And he couldn’t be more content with the world.
With pda he’s happy to do it but he wouldn’t be making out with you for no reason. He’d love to do the little pinky holding or a simple are around your wait or shoulders.
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I really hope this is good and is what you asked for. I am still totally new to writing so I hope it’s fluffy enough to start with.
- Melody <33
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larabar · 8 months
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"so, that was fun"
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turtledotjpeg · 2 years
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when ur squad is size small-medium-large
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mauvecherie-writes · 1 month
endless melodies: l.hamilton
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part: [i] [ii] [iii] iv
pairing: lewis hamilton x fem!oc;jamilah riley
genre: smau romance x full chapters
summary: an impromptu studio session leads to tensions rising
tags: 18+, mentions of past cheating, corny flirting, making out.
w.c: 2.4K
reading list: @queenshikongo3 @dhlfastestlap @saintslewis @serpenttines-library @hopefulromantic1 @cocobutterqwueen @bluesole16 @chaneajoyyy @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @sapphireheaven @olyvoyl @lewisroscoelove @lh44adore @hellomadamebutterfly @scorpiobleue @qveenmelanink @tremendousstarlighttragedy @angelinaevans @bekindbecoolbeyou @greedyjudge2 @itsapurrfectstorm @createdbylivingclocks @samiwzx @omgsuperstarg @peyiswriting @miyuhpapayuh @blowmymbackout @purplelewlew
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liked by renee_downer, victoriamonet and others
jamilah.riley Quit vapes - start Smoking on my Ex Pack instead. #OUTNOW
view 20,405 comments
userriley Oh you came in HOT guuurrrll !! This is tew good!
rileygirlie I’d be scared if I was that guy right now. My sister is not playing around!
user17 PUUURRRR !!!! This is the Jamilah we needed! You handled that shit!
jwellerfan You’re such a loser.
⤷rileyryder44 I’d rather be a LOSER than be a CHEATER liked by jamilah.riley
raye They could never make me hate you!
⤷jamilah.riley raye my sister for life
lewishamilton 🔥🔥🔥 liked by jamilah.riley
stormzy Cmonnnn!! Fire in the booth!
⤷user379 stormzy isn’t Jackson Weller your friend?
⤷user82 user379 Being friends with someone doesn’t stop you from approaching good music!
amalriley been on repeat all day!
⤷jamilah.riley amalriley so real
thatgirljodie you didn’t whack him enough for me idk
⤷jamilah.riley thatgirljodie I’ll try my best next time!
It was early afternoon and Jamilah was having a rare day off and she was loving the initial reactions to her surprise drop. Smokin on my Ex Pack was written and recorded the day Jackson posted on Instagram the picture of him and his new girlfriend.
She knew, she’d always known that he was cheating on her. Her intuition had never done her wrong and when he started to change, she knew something was up. He wouldn’t touch her anymore, he wouldn’t kiss anymore, he wouldn’t communicate anymore, he barely wanted to spend time with her and the times that he was around her, Jackson always had his face in his phone.
The last straw for Jamilah was when Jackson started wearing a friendship bracelet with ‘ I love you from V’ on it. She asked him where it was from and he told her that a fan had given it to him as a gift. At the time, she didn’t question it - she also has a box full of friendship bracelets from fans but that all changed when she was visiting him on set and Vanessa had the identical bracelet.
She broke up with him the same day.
Jackson tried to fight against it but Jamilah stood her ground. It fucking hurt and it sucked to go through that and is still trying to heal with the loss of that relationship. However she was far happier now that it was over, she was moving on and her music was better than ever.
Then Jamilah thought back to the previous week to her chance encounter with Lewis. And it brought a smile to her face. He was far more devastatingly handsome in person and it rattled her quite a bit. She knew that she had a crush but the way she reacts to Lewis was a little out of bounds for her.
She wasn’t going to try and understand her feelings with him now. All she knew was that she liked him and he makes her feel good. The rest can be analysed later.
As she settled down on her couch, her phone began to ring. As if fate was reading her thoughts, it was Lewis calling. They had finally switched numbers at the end of the party last week and the conversations continued. They were a little less now because he was preparing for the beginning of the new Formula One season.
A bright smile was on her face as she answered his call.
“Princess.” He glanced at the camera with a smile before he leaned back into the seat of the car. Jamilah giggled as she rested her head on her hand as she looked into the camera as he was fixing his cap.
“Hi, Lewis.” She smiled.
“How are you? How’s your day been?”
“It’s been pretty eventful.”
“I bet. That surprise drop really shook some tables huh.”
“Something like that.”
“It had me thinking.”
“Tell me.”
“Let me start by asking, are you free today?”
“Yeeesss why?” She dragged out her answer.
“Good. I’m booking us a recording session. I’ll pay for everything but your song really inspired me to just get back into the studio and work on some music.”
“Music that’s not going to be released?” Jamilah raised her eyebrow as she watched Lewis laugh and roll his eyes.
“Let’s not focus on that right now. We talked about us working on some things together and I want to start now.”
“You’re very persistent. Has anyone ever told you that.”
“I’ve been told.” He smirked as he licked his lips. “But don’t act like you don’t want this too.”
Jamilah rolled her eyes. “Whatever, just tell me which studios we’re going and I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“None of that Princess, I’ll come and pick you up. We can get something to eat and drink on the way there.”
“Oouu, I’m feeling spoiled. Free session and food? You know how to really charm a lady don’t you.”
“Just you.” He winked at the screen. “Send me your address, I’ll be there to pick you up in no time.”
“Fine.” She chewed on her lip as she tried to stop herself from smiling. She shared her address with him before they said their goodbyes.
Jamilah jumped up from the couch and ran to her bedroom to freshen up. She had about 30 minutes to spare before Lewis arrived at her doorstep. Jamilah jumped to her feet and rushed to her bedroom to freshen up. She changed from her current loungewear and into. matching black tracksuit and spritzed some of her perfume. She brushed her eyebrows and applied her lip balm before popping a piece of chewing gum into her mouth before preparing her bag.
Laptop, songbook, headphones, chargers and anything else that she needed. The rest that couldn’t come to mind, Jamilah was sure that Lewis would have.
By the time she was completely ready, a knock came to her door. She had nervous flatters in her stomach as she anticipated seeing Lewis again.
Jamilah opened the door and there he was. Standing at the same level, she could see his eyes and the smile on his face when she opened the door even wider, even though most of his face fact was hidden by his signature cap.
“Hey, you.” He softly said. There was just something about the tone of his voice that had her smiling.
“Hi.” Jamilah replied as she stepped out of her townhouse. Once the door was locked, she turned her back around and gave him a hug. All of her belongings were in the way but they managed to figure it out. Lewis chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her waist as hers went around his neck.
She couldn’t help but sniff him - it was almost a reflex at this point. Jamilah couldn’t help herself, he always smelt so good and she was quickly becoming addicted to it.
“Did you just sniff me?” Lewis asked with a tone of laughter in his enquiry.
Jamilah blushed in embarrassment as she pulled away from his embrace. “You smell good.” She sheepishly admitted as she fixed her hoodie back into place.
Lewis chuckled as he took her bags away from her and carried them.
“Now I gotta keep smelling good.”
“For lil old’ me?”
“If it keeps you sniffing me? I’ll make sure that my sweat smells like the freshest river and lakes.”
“Oh my god!” Jamilah groaned as she rolled her eyes and pushed him towards the gates out of her townhouse.
Lewis walked in front of her, leading her to the parked car. He seemed to scout the area before he stepped to the side and let Jamilah enter into the truck first. It was a move that she was used to. Kensington was a hotspot for paparazzi but with the time of day that it was, it was pretty chill but Jamilah still wasn’t sure.
On the way to the studio, they stopped by Tesco for some snacks but it was Lewis’s bodyguard that walked into the store with their list.
“Which studio did you book?” Jamilah asked.
“Abbey Road.” Lewis replied as she scrolled through his phone. His nonchalance shocked her back into the seat.
“Did you just say Abbey Road?!” She exclaimed.
“Yes.” Lewis laughed, “why?”
“We’re only going to be there for a few hours at least.”
“I go there all of the time when I’m in touch and I don’t want people at my place.”
“Oh you’re rich, rich.” Jamilah giggled which caused him to smirk. “Might just keep you around as I work on this album.”
“What am I to you? A bank?!”
“You might as well be. I’m seeing that you have a pension for spending money on your people.”
“You classify yourself as my people now?”
“I’m bulldozing into your life as you are mine, so yes.” She smiled at him.
“You’re not wrong.” Lewis replied hitting her with that smouldering gaze of his as he licked his lips. Now Jamilah’s feelings were going array. She loved the way that he made her feel - not even Jackson had ever made her feel like this.
jamilah.riley posted 10 minutes ago
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When they arrived at the studio, they quickly set up their working stations and thankfully they got to working. Their energies were in sync so their ideas naturally bounced off each other and in the process, they started working on a song together. Lewis worked on synthesising the beat whilst Jamilah worked on the lyrics.
“Hey, come listen to this. I build it up from a beat I worked on. I fixed it to have to have a style similar to yours.” Lewis called her over and she got up from the couch and walked closer to him. He got up from the seat to let her sit down. Lewis stood next to her as she put the headphones and pressed play.
He watched as her head swayed side to side with her eyes closed. Her face scrunched up when the beat dropped which caused him to smile.
“Oh this is good! I love it!” Jamilah grinned as she turned to face him.
“Yeah?” Lewis smiled as he watched her take the beat in.
“Yeah! We can absolutely work with this. I already have some lyrics in mind for this.” Jamilah got back to her bag and took out her lyrics book. She flipped through the pages until she arrived at a page that had unfinished lyrics. Lewis had come closer to her and she could feel his warmth around her. She tried to not let his presence affect her but when his breathing was what she could feel on her neck as he looked over her shoulder into her book.
“My waterfall, I’ll make it overflow. Make you forget about all them hoes.” Lewis read out loud her written words and then chuckled. “Do those lyrics hold the truth?”
Jamilah gasped at his question as she rushed to her close her book and turned to face him.
“You can’t ask me that.”
“I’ll find out soon enough.” He smirked. Jamilah pushed him away as she tried not to blush.
“You’re a trip.” She rolled her eyes as she tried not to pay too much attention on the fact that he was holding onto her hand and pulling her towards him.
“You like it though.” He replied as he dropped their hands from his chest to their side.
“I don’t know why I do. Any other person would have been cussed out.”
“I’m not like other people.” Lewis boasted about himself. His statement causes a small smile to draw on her face.
“No you’re not.” She whispered. Jamilah then felt his thumb caressing the hand he was still holding. The feel of his touch sent shivers down the length of the spine and caused her breath to softly shudder.
Then his finger hooked onto her chin and turn her head back towards his. And the way that he was looking down at her was leaving her flustered, squirming as she stood.
“You look like you want to kiss me.” She whispered as she licked her lips.
“I do want to kiss you.” He answered. As she looked up at him, she felt his fingers dig into her jawline and the slight sting had Jamilah biting into her bottom lip.
“Then kiss me.”
Lewis didn’t waste any time before he leaned down and claimed her mouth. Jamilah let out a soft whimper as their lips moved in a slow, sensual rhythm. His hand moved from her chin and down her body until they settled on the small part of her back and pulled her closer.
When his other hand came to her waist, he changed the pace of the kiss. It lost the tenderness from the beginning as the kiss became more passionate and more smouldering as his hands began to explore as much of her body as he could.
Lewis bent forward slightly as he cupped her ass in his hands and then picked her up so that her legs wrapped around his waist. He walked towards the couch and sat down with her in his lap. Their lips didn’t part as she settled her thighs on either side of him.
Jamilah cupped her cheeks as the kiss deepened, sucking his bottom lip into her mouth. Lewis groaned into their kiss as his hands squeezed on her hips and stilling the slight movement of them on his lap. She giggled yet again when she felt his hardness slightly pushing against her inner thigh.
“Is that what I think it is?” She mumbled as she played with his short beard.
“I don’t want to think about right now.” Lewis mumbled. “Let’s focus on the fact your lips are so soft and I could kiss you until my last breath.”
“Do you ever stop being corny?”
“When it’s you involved, never.” Jamilah hated the way her cheeks warmed up to his words. He leaned forward and bumped his nose against hers.
“You know long I’ve been wanting to kiss you for?”
“Since the party?”
“No. I was scrolling on your Instagram and you had posted this picture of you looking cute as hell and I just kept staring at your lips. I’ve wanted to know what they felt like since.”
“Oh you’ve been plotting for time huh.” Jamilah smirked as she licked her lips, bringing the taste of him back into her mouth.
“This was just phase one.” He mumbled as he pulled her closer, wanting to feel more her heat on him.
“What’s phase two?” She grinned as she wrapped she arms around his neck.
“Stick with me and you’ll find out.” Lewis said as he leaned in for another kiss.
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ru’s letters 💌: I had most of this sitting in my drafts but I got so busy and sidetracked. I’m trying to get back to it. Starting with the posting of this. Please comment, reblog and like. Love you all 🩷
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ckret2 · 5 months
Chapter 33 of human Bill is still the Mystery Shack's prisoner:
Stan takes Bill to get fillings from a creepy dentist in the back of a white van. And also they're handcuffed together the whole time.
Hijinks ensue.
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Stan was startled from reading the paper by a shrill up-and-down whistle. Bill trotted into the kitchen, his voice a singsong lilt: "Incoming!"
Stan lowered the paper to glare at Bill. "Still doing that, are you?"
"Of course! I'd hate to scare you." Bill took the chair across the kitchen table from Stan. "Gooood morni—"
"Go away." Stan determinedly returned his attention to an article about the deathball arena construction.
Bill laughed. "You're funny. Anyway!" He noted Stan's plate of eggs and salsa was hidden behind his newspaper, and quietly slid the plate across the table as he spoke. "I need you to do me the teensy, tiniest little favor—"
"Take me to your dentist."
"No." Stan didn't even lower his newspaper. "The last time I took you anywhere, you almost made my niece cry, my brother left a Shopliftaholics Anonymous flier on my bed, and all I got out of it was a crummy ring. You wanna go somewhere, talk to Soos."
But, Bill noted, Stan was wearing said crummy ring. "Spend a day with that loser?" He rolled his eyes. "Please. I'd rather pry out my fingernails."
"You'd probably enjoy that, you freak."
"Not the point." Bill stuffed half an egg in his mouth. "Anyway, it has to be you. I need fillings, and Dr. Illing does them for free."
Stan squinted over the top of his newspaper. "How do you know about Dr. Illing?"
"What part of 'all-seeing eye' don't you get?"
Dr. Illing was a wandering dentist who spent the warm summer months in Gravity Falls. He squeezed his van and trailer into alleys between businesses in town, where he both lived and provided dental services until the police caught wind and chased him and his van out into the woods for a few days. On days with good weather, he'd pop open the back hatch of his nondescript trailer and set up a sign that read "COME INSIDE! FREE CANDY (for new patients)". He didn't attract many customers.
What really made him stand out was his unusual pay structure. He charged typical rates for regular teeth cleaning and dental maintenance; but if a patient had a cavity, he gave them a gold filling for free, and he paid them if he needed to pull their teeth.
Stan thought he was terrific. He hadn't had to pay for dental care in thirty years! Granted, he also wore dentures now; but hey, Dr. Illing had helped pay off Ford's mortgage, and at least the dentures were on the house.
Bill said, "You're the only one in the shack who knows all the places Illing might set up shop. Besides, he might be less jumpy in front of a stranger if an existing patient can vouch for it."
"I can see where you're coming from," Stan said. "But my answer is no, because I don't wanna."
Bill scowled in irritation. He sat back and ate another of Stan's eggs as he reconsidered his approach.
"Stanley—I'm a simple shape," he said. "A simple shape who's used to being coated peak to base in pure, lustrous, 24-karat gold. Having skin makes my skin crawl. I don't need any dental work done, these teeth are fine—but I'd really, really like just a bit of gold, somewhere on my body, so I feel a little more like myself in my final days."
Stan muttered, "You're trying to appeal to sympathy I don't have, Cipher."
"And then, once I'm dead," Bill went on, "I suppose I'll be leaving behind a corpse with a mouthful of free gold that whoever's disposing of my remains can do whatever they want with, do you catch my meaning Stanley?"
Stan lowered his newspaper just enough to grimace at Bill. "That's absolutely disgusting," he said. "But okay, I'm bribed!" He tried to fold the newspaper. "If you want your mouth to fund me and Ford's next year of globe-trotting, fine by me. Least you can do for messing up our summer."
"Mhm." Bill shoveled the last egg into his mouth while Stan was distracted by the paper and slid the plate over to Stan's side.
Stan slapped the paper down. "But we're not telling Ford about this. Agreed?" He offered a hand to shake.
"Agreed." Bill took Stan's hand, with the wrong hand—but before Stan could figure out what to do with that, Bill jerked his hand back like he'd been burned. "We'll take this to our graves."
"Or to your grave, anyway!" Stan laughed loudly, slapping the table.
Bill watched him with a forced smile. "Great. Deal made. Let's go get the magic friendship bracelets and—"
"Ohhh no," Stan said. "I'm not trusting a little bit of colored lace and some mystical hocus-pocus to keep you contained. If we're going anywhere, I'm making sure you can't escape."
"Okay," Bill said, a touch warily. "Fine. How?"
Soos took the handcuffs out of his toolbox, removed the key and stuck it in his pocket, and asked, "What side do you want it on?"
"Left," Stan said. "Gotta keep my punching arm free." Bill rolled his eyes. 
Soos closed the cuffs on Stan's left wrist and Bill's right, then tightened Bill's half until it actually held his tiny wrist. "There."
"Ha!" Stan grinned at Bill. "Try escaping that!"
"I wasn't planning to escape."
"Sure, pull the other one." Stan pointed toward the door. "Now... to the car!"
They stared in dismay at Stan's car.
The El Diablo was a classic of the 1960s American automotive industry—and it was in terrific condition. (Notwithstanding the recent dents, scrapes, and keyed scratches in the paint reading "TRICK-OR-CHEATER!!") It came with the features standard to American cars of the time, like a steering wheel on the left, and a wide front bench that provided space for multiple passengers to sit to the driver's right side.
Bill was handcuffed to Stan's left side.
"Wow. You're stupid," Bill said.
"I'll break your smart mouth."
"What do I care, we're headed to the dentist anyway." He sighed. "Okay! Let's go inside and tell Questiony how stupid you are."
Stan did not want to tell Soos how stupid he was. "No! How do you know I didn't do this on purpose? Maybe having my right arm free is more important than—er... driving."
Bill considered that with pursed lips. After a pause, he ventured, "Do you want me to drive—?"
"No, no, nope, I am not letting you drive my car, under any circumstances, ever! Not a chance!"
"Then how are we doing this?"
Stan gripped the steering wheel with both hands, knuckles white and jaw clenched.
Bill was uneasily cuddled up against Stan's right side. The handcuff forced him to stretch his right arm across Stan's chest. 
They were both wearing tank tops. Their bare upper arms were plastered together with sweat.
They were getting cricks in their necks from how far they were tilting their heads away from each other.
On the radio, a hit 50's soul song crooned romantically, "Oh, my sweet love... you're my lovely sweetie... and I never love you more, than when you're pressed to my side... as we go for a sweet loving car ride..." Neither of them could reach the radio dial without touching each other even more. They'd silently decided to pretend as hard as possible that they couldn't hear the radio.
"Welp," Stan said. "Out of all the times I've been handcuffed in a car, this is one of the worst."
They spotted Dr. Illing's "FREE CANDY" sign posted surreptitiously near the barrel and crate factory, and circled the block to park the car in front of a business that looked responsible enough to file a missing persons report if the car was still abandoned there by nightfall.
They tumbled out of the driver's side door with a maneuver that looked like a cross between a waltz and a mugging. Stan kicked the door shut. As they untangled themselves, in a surprisingly decent impression of Stan's voice, Bill said, "Gotta keep my punching arm free. How's that working out for you?"
"Bold words from a guy in punching range, you little—" As Stan finally separated himself from Bill and straightened out, he caught sight of Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland halfway up the block. "Oh, great. Cops. Exactly what you want around when you're doing something weird." Stan shook his head. "Well, as long as we go the other way and don't make eye contact—"
"Hi Darryl! Hi Edwin!" Bill stood on his toes and waved wildly. "Hey! Working hard or hardly working? Haha!"
"Oh, hey Goldie!" Durland waved back, and he and Blubs headed their direction. "How've you been, did you have a nice Summerween?"
"Ahh, I was stuck in the house—"
"Bill," Stan hissed. "Whaddaya think you're doing? Do you want them asking questions?"
"Hey," Durland said, "Why're you handcuffed to Stan?"
Bill turned toward Stan. He smiled at him. It was a smile that said I did not think this through.
"You need some help there?" Blubs asked. "I bet we've got a key that matches that handcuff model."
Stan bet Bill would love to accept that offer and go traipsing off with the cops. "Nope! That's fine! Thank you officers, but we're keeping the handcuffs on," Stan said. "Because." He paused. "They're necessary. For... uh... for me."
The cops and Bill watched him expectantly. Bill had that awful gleam in his eyes that he got when he saw an opportunity to make up a story.
"Because I'm old," Stan said. "It's to keep me from wandering into traffic."
Bill laughed, "Yep, that's true!" He jabbed Stan's shoulder with a finger (harder than necessary, he thought). "This guy's cataracts are so bad, sometimes he asks us if he's dying because all he a see is a white light in a dark tunnel! And the way his mind's going, woof—"
Stan growled, "All right you don't have to lay it on so thick—"
"—he's so addled it's like he's completely forgotten the last century of technology, he'll just walk right off the curb and expect the horse-drawn carriages to stop for him—"
"Hahaaa, but we won't bore you with my medical history!" Stan jerked on the handcuffs. "C'mon, Goldie, you're gonna make me late to my heart doctor appointment. You don't want my life on your hands, do you?"
Bill murmured, "Don't threaten me with a good time."
"Hold on," Blubs said. "You can't see? Didn't we just see you get out of the driver's seat of your car?"
Stan and Bill exchanged a look. Stan said, "Goldie's giving me directions."
"Oh! That makes sense," Durland said.
"All right," Blubs said, "We'll let you get to your doctor's appointment. You folks have a nice day."
As the cops left, Bill called after them, "You too! Hey, I'll see you guys at Rainbow Club!"
"See you there!" Durland turned to Blubs. "Y'know, I think Goldie's a step up from that seeing-eye bear."
Bill and Stan eyed each other. "All right, you're not bad at improv," Bill said. "I can respect a decent actor."
"You too," Stan said grudgingly. Bill looked at Stan like he expected a little more than that; but Stan kept his mouth shut. Bill didn't need the encouragement.
Dr. Illing's "FREE CANDY" sign leaned hopefully near a gap in the fence around an overgrown lot by the barrel factory. The gap was large enough that a reasonably limber human could duck through with little difficulty; however, Stan was old and Bill was still controlling his alien body like a rookie puppeteer learning the marionette, so they circled halfway around the lot until they found a gate in the fence to push open. They trod across scraggly grass, a row of dying mushrooms, and years-old litter to reach an unmarked white van hooked up to a camper trailer.
The back hatch of the trailer was flipped up to serve as a makeshift metal awning, and inside, a tall, spindly man was snoring atop a military cot in his underwear, using a white lab coat like a blanket. Stan cleared his throat loudly, and when that didn't disrupt the snoring, knocked on the side of the trailer. "Hey! Doc!"
Dr. Illing jolted upright with a yelp, seized an enormous wireless power drill off the floor to point at them like a gun, lowered it slightly as he registered he wasn't under attack, then realized he was nearly naked and yelped again. He tumbled off the cot, flailed his way to his feet, and turned his back to them as he jerked on his coat and buttoned it. "Just—just a second!" He got on one sock, couldn't find the other, and gave up, pulling on his sneakers with one bare foot. "Sorry, so sorry, I must've—just—nodded off for a second, there—"
"Maybe we should have made an appointment," Bill said wryly. "He looks busy." Stan snorted.
Dr. Illing turned around, smoothing out his rumpled lab coat. He was a jumpy, twitchy man with heavy circles under his eyes, short badly-cut hair, and a 5 o'clock shadow that had evolved into a 25 o'clock shadow. His gaze darted nervously between their faces. "Sorry. Hi, hello, can I help you? Are you maybe here for a tooth extraction, or—or perhaps wisdom teeth removal...?" His gaze caught on Stan's face, and he started. "Stan Pines! I haven't seen you since I pulled your last tooth ten years ago! What are you doing here?" His brows creased in worry. "You're—you're not mad about that, are you—?"
"What? No! The dentures are—fine. They're actually lower maintenance than teeth. Sort of. In a way," Stan said. "No, I'm here to refer a new customer." He pointed at Bill.
Bill made a gesture like he was tipping an invisible hat. "Hi there!"
"A customer?" Dr. Illing said blankly. "Oh—yes! Of course, hold on—" He pulled a hospital curtain over the front half of the trailer to hide a dinette covered in laundry and old magazines, lifted one end of the military cot and slid a step stool under the legs to keep it raised, and tugged the arm of a dental light down from the ceiling to aim it at the chair.
Stan said, "So, do I get some kind of referral bonus, or..."
"Oh—sure, sure. Have a, uhh..." Dr. Illing opened a heavy yellow and black tool bag, pulled out a battered cookie tin, withdrew a gold coin, and offered it to Stan. "One of these or something, here."
"Huh." Stan inspected it. No idea what currency it was, but a gold coin was arguably cooler than actual cash.
The dentist batted aside the hospital curtain to grab a tiny stool from the dinette, shook a damp towel off the seat, placed the stool beside the cot, and sat. "Okay!" He clapped his hands. "New customer! What can I do you for?"
Bill had been gazing in naked longing at the bag hiding the gold coins; but at the question, he looked up with a grin. "I'm here for fillings!"
"Ah! Wonderful. No charge for fillings, of course." He started rummaging through his tool bag for supplies. "Do you know which teeth need them?"
"Whichever you think would look best with some," Bill said. "Driller's choice!"
Dr. Illing stopped rummaging to give Bill a perplexed look. "I—sorry, come again?"
"I said I'm leaving it in your hands." Bill climbed into the trailer and put his free hand on Dr. Illing' s shoulder. "I'll be straight with you, Frankie: all that matters is that my teeth do not currently have any gold in them, and I want that to change by the time I leave. I'm not too picky about the details beyond that."
The dentist stared at Bill, then glanced at Stan for confirmation. Stan shrugged and nodded. "Oh-kay!" Dr. Illing wasn't quite smiling, but there was a strange, eager gleam in his eye. "Super! This'll be fun!" He gestured for Bill to sit on the cot. "Let's see what I have to work with."
He ushered Stan in, and pulled the trailer's hatch shut.
"Your teeth are amazing," Dr. Illing said, voice hushed with awe. "Perfectly white. Who's your usual dental hygienist? Did you just get these cleaned?"
"Nope," Bill said, forgetting for the third time that humans keep their teeth and their voice in the same hole and he shouldn't talk with the dentist's fingers in his mouth. Dr. Illing quickly pulled his hand back. "Just basic toothpaste, floss, and dish soap."
Dr. Illing shook his head in disbelief. "Well, they look amazing. And no wear at all, remarkable... Have you ever considered having any of these pulled? Do you mind if I take a few pictures?"
Stan shuddered as the dentist pulled out an old film camera and started snapping photos. "Yeesh. I forgot how creepy you are. Kinda glad I ran out of teeth."
Dr. Illing straightened up, snapped off the dental light, and sighed. "Well, I'm sorry to say that all your teeth are pristine. Not a hint of cavities—not even plaque. It'd be a shame to drill such pretty specimens. You're sure you don't want one pulled...?"
Stan grimaced, but Bill pursed his lips thoughtfully, as if he were considering a perfectly normal question. "As fun as that sounds, I said I want to leave with gold today, and the whole extraction-and-implantation process for gold teeth takes ages. Unless you happen to have a little secret magic trick to speed up the process?" Bill laughed, fixing Dr. Illing with a piercing stare.
Dr. Illing looked nervous. "Er—no."
"Then just the fillings. But who knows, maybe I'll feel naughty and be back in a couple of weeks." Bill laughed again. "Just pick a couple of your least favorite teeth to drill into!"
"Okay, suit yourself." Dr. Illing shrugged and fished around in an overstuffed cardboard box under the dinette table. "Let's gas you up and get drilling."
"You can skip the sedative," Bill said. "I don't mind a little pain. I prefer it, actually! It adds some zest to the experience..." He trailed off as he caught sight of the label on the gas canister Dr. Illing had pulled out. He pointed at a word, "I thought that additive was illegal."
Dr. Illing flinched guiltily. "Not in the state where I got it."
"Oh, buddy. I didn't realize I'd climbed into the party van!" Bill settled back on the cot, laced his hands behind his head, and got comfortable. "You know this stuff has something like sixty percent odds of causing hallucinations? Most people get either haloes around lights, or spiders. Go ahead, gas me—I wanna find out which I am."
In five minutes, Bill was overjoyed to report that the dental light had a spider halo. He did not explain what this meant.
Since Stan had typically been under anesthesia himself whenever Dr. Illing operated on him, this was the first time he'd had an opportunity to watch the dentist at work. Stan discovered that when Dr. Illing drilled into a tooth, he didn't suck the resultant dust up with one of those little dental vacuums with a plastic tube Stan was more familiar with. Instead, when a bit of dust had accumulated, he reached in with what looked like a cotton swab, wiped up the tooth dust, and scraped it off into a Petri dish; and only then did he use the vacuum to suck out any saliva and continue. Was he saving the leftover tooth dust? He was an even bigger creep than Stan had thought.
By all appearances, Bill didn't handle the gas well. It wasn't that it made him sick, or that he wasn't having the time of his life. It just made him completely forget how to operate a human body. When Dr. Illing told him to hold his mouth open, he also held his eyes open until they watered; and whenever he lost the battle to keep them open, he automatically shut his mouth too, often to his own peril as Dr. Illing shouted about the drill jostling. Within ten minutes, Dr. Illing had given up on convincing Bill to keep his mouth open and instead started giving him blink breaks when he could shut his mouth.
It helped some, but they couldn't do anything about the fact that Bill had fully forgotten he couldn't talk while getting dental work done, and kept up a regular chatter—during which he cheerfully mentioned he'd died recently, attempted to explain that the entire universe was actually an elaborate hologram projecting from the "true" third dimension, and asked Dr. Illing all about the cruise to Panama he'd recently stowed away on (which the dentist hadn't mentioned). During one blink break, as Bill closed each eye separately, Dr. Illing leaned toward Stan and muttered, "So... what's her story?"
Stan tilted his head toward the Petri dish. "What's with the tooth shavings?"
Dr. Illing considered that, slowly nodded, and got back to work.
After several hours, Dr. Illing wiped his brow and sighed in relief. "All right, that should do it. You've got fillings on five teeth now." Under his breath, he muttered, "It would have been two, if you hadn't kept talking while I was drilling."
Stan shook his head in amazement. "Doesn't that hurt?" 
"Yes," Bill said. "I've never felt pain like that before. What a rush."
"If you do come back for a tooth extraction, I'm getting a dental gag to keep your jaws open." Dr. Illing finished pulling out the array of clamps and barriers around the filling sites and wearily dropped down onto his stool. "There. The rest of the sedative should wear off gradually over the next few hours. Usually I tell patients to wait three or four hours before eating to let the swelling go down, but..." He waved wearily. "You can do whatever you want."
"Admit it, you like having an enthusiastic patient!" Bill heaved himself off the military cot, forgot he couldn't float, and immediately collapsed to the floor.
"Whoa there—" Stan helped Bill back to his feet. The handcuffs prevented him from getting an arm around Bill's back, so instead he helped keep him upright by firmly squeezing his upper arm. "I don't know about you, but I'm eating as soon as we get home. You made me miss lunch—and for some reason, I feel like I barely had any breakfast." Bill inexplicably found this declaration hilarious. Probably the sedative, Stan reasoned.
Bill waved at the dentist as Stan tugged him out the trailer's hatch, chattering the whole way: "Thanks for the gold, the sock you were looking for is a bookmark in the March issue of Floss Girls, Atlantis is rising as we speak, you have less than seven years to prepare for the plague, tell the little lady I said hi! Byyye!"
Stan squeezed Bill's arm tighter and muttered, "Would you cut that out?
Bill stumbled across the uneven lot. "I made up the part about Atlantis."
"Okay just shut up and stop saying weird things."
Bill attempted to walk sideways all the way back to the car.
Stan gripped the steering wheel so tightly, his arms were trembling.
Bill was sprawled all over the front bench, the dashboard, the seatback, and Stan's shoulders.
On the radio, a hit 80's R&B song with a sexy saxophone was playing, "Babe, the sad things you've been through... I swear I'll make it up to you... If it takes a thousand years..."
Bill was singing at the top of his lungs directly in Stan's ear, "I'LL WIPE AWAY ALL YOUR TEARS, WOO!—sax solo!—BA DA-DA DA, BA DA-DAAA—"
Stan turned off his right hearing aid.
Every once in a while Bill attempted to grab the steering wheel and turn it in time to the song, like a kid playing in a toy car; Stan had given up telling him to stop and instead started just smacking his hand away every time he tried. After another smack, Bill draped his arm awkwardly over Stan again, and announced, "I can't feel my tongue at all! I bet I can chew it off!"
"Don't do that."
"The last time my mouth was this numb, my girlfriend had just gotten done with me, haha." Bill stuck his finger in his mouth to experimentally poke at his tongue. "I couldn' thee for the nex' hour from all the thporeth—"
"I swear if you don't shut up—"
Bill flopped his arm across Stan again. "I just realized I haven't gotten any action since I died. Wow. What's normal for humans, couple times a week until you start the slow lingering decline toward death?" He looked straight at Stan. Stan could feel that side of his face start to sweat. "This isn't a weird time to bring that up, is it?"
"Bill, if you say one more weird thing, you're riding home on the roof of the car."
Bill was quiet for three seconds. And then he started poking Stan's bicep. "Your arm's a lot meatier than Sixer's! What's your favorite flavor of cancer?"
Mabel asked, "Why are you on top of the car?"
Bill—eyes wide, hair disheveled, one arm hanging through the driver's door, sprawled out clinging to the roof like his life depended on it—replied, "I don't know, it's all a blur."
Stan opened the car door and jerked on the handcuffs. "All right, get off my car."
Bill shakily climbed off, lay in the dirt, and tried to catch his breath. "That was fun. We should do that more often."
"Not on your life."
Eyeing the handcuffs, Dipper said, "What were you doing, anyway?"
"Nothing!" Stan snapped. "Why? Who's asking? I wasn't sneaking the demon out to get a shady back-alley dental procedure!"
Mabel and Dipper stared up at him.
Stan pointed at them. "What are you doing?"
"Going camping," Dipper said, turning so Stan could see his stuffed backpack.
"Something's been stealing Pacifica's alpacas at night, so we're going on a stake-out," Mabel said. "They took Giorgio. It's personal now."
"We think aliens might be abducting them," Dipper said.
From the ground, Bill said, "It's not aliens."
"Ah, taking the law into your own hands. It builds character," Stan said approvingly. "You need firearms?"
They exchanged a glance. "We're good," Mabel said. "Grunkle Ford loaned us his freeze ray. It seems less lethal."
As the kids headed toward the road, Bill finally heaved himself up. "Well, that was fun!"
"No it wasn't," Stan said.
"Your opinion doesn't matter. Anyway—" He shook his cuffed wrist. "We're home, get me out of this thing. It makes you look like my ugly accessory and I want my hoodie."
"I elevate your whole look!" Stan protested. "And I don't have the key, it's with Soos."
Mabel turned back to shout at them, "Soos is out! He's got a dinner date with Melody!"
Stan grimaced. "Uh-oh."
Bill shrugged and said, with a confidence Stan didn't share, "He left the key behind."
"Oh man, sorry dudes," Soos said over the phone. "I totally forgot I still had it. Yeah, it's on my key ring. Is that, like, gonna be a problem, or...?"
"It's fine," Bill said, sitting atop Soos's office desk and leaning all the way across it to reach the phone. "Just pass it through the phone, we'll catch it."
"Ignore him." Stan shoved Bill's face away. Bill gave him a dirty look as he straightened out his eyepatch, which he'd finally gotten to put on once they were home. Stan spun the desk chair away from Bill so he couldn't try to join the conversation again. "He's hopped up on psychedelic laughing gas. When are you gonna be back?"
"Uh..." Soos thought for several seconds. "Nooot for a while. Abuelita and I were talking about maybe kind of staying the night?"
"Well—pfff—can't you duck out and bring the key?"
"Uhhh. I would but, this is the first time Abuelita and I are having dinner with Melody's parents, and I'm really worried about impressing them parents, and the casserole's about to come out, and I think they might judge me if I leave, it would probably ruin dinner..."
"Okay, fine. What if we drive over to get the key?"
Far louder than necessary, Bill asked, "Stanley can I drive this time—!"
"Absolutely not!"
"Oh sure, that'd be fine," Soos said. "I'll give you directions, Melody's parents' place is in Portland. You got a pen?"
Stan frowned. "Portland."
"As in, outside the magic bubble trapping Bill in town."
Soos paused. "Oh, right."
Well, Stan wasn't about to make Soos look bad in front of his future in-laws. He'd never had in-laws, but he'd seen enough sitcoms to know how messy that could get. "Never mind. We'll figure something out. You kids enjoy dinner." Stan hung up the phone, sighed, and turned to face Bill. (Bill had plucked a figurine of a bulky robot in a cute girly pose off of Soos's desk, and was staring at it in wonder, like he'd never seen overpriced anime convention merch before.) "You got any other bright ideas?"
"We could still call Darryl and Edwin..."
"No way," Stan snapped. "I am not calling the cops for help! Never gonna happen. I'd rather wait for Soos to get back in the morning if I have to!"
"Oh would you." Bill laughed scornfully. "And what do you plan to do until then?"
They got TV dinners and grumpily watched Cash Wheel together.
(This entire chapter was just an extended excuse to annoy Stan and Bill as much as possible. But mostly Stan. Thanks for reading, and if you enjoyed I'd appreciate a comment or reblog!!)
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idiopath-fic-smile · 8 months
me, earlier this week: the characters in this one are 1920s showbiz folks, i should write a little cole porter-style song for it, that'd be fun
me today, up to my fucking eyebrows in rhymezone.com: oh right, cole porter's famous because what he did was hard
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wonuumelody · 11 months
“ Boyfriend serie ” ; Seungcheol as your bf
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pairing: seventeen scoups x fem!reader genre: fluff, bf thoughts warning(s): use of pet name (mostly at the end).
Seungcheol is so husband material, like he is THE standard.
Would be so clingy and pouty when he get tired after a long day at work :((
He love touching you (he always ask you if he can before because he really don't want you to be uncomfortable with it). When you're both on the couch watching some TV, he always have a hand on you, on your thigh mostly.
He absolutely LOVE spoiling you. You often joke about all the gifts he give you by calling him your "sugar daddy" but he just love giving you gifts, handmade or not. When he's out and see something that makes him think of you he always want to buy it :( even if you tell him that it's okay
When you have your periods, he always ask you how you feel, if your craving something, if you want something.
He's so so so caring and attentive with you all the time. Sometimes when you go back to your place and don't speak a lot he knows that something is not okay. To help you quickly go to rest, he helps you make food and waits until you are both sitting on the couch to take you in his arms and ask you what is wrong.
He love walking with you and having your hand in his. Often he likes to say that you look like a retired couple, and secretly he dreams of seeing you both still in your old age.
He secretly like it so much when you put your fingers in his cheek dimples, he thinks that you're really really cute.
Want to marry you so so much and end up his life with you by his side.
When one of you is feeling down, both of you always take care of each other. Hugs on the couch, good and comfort food, serie on the TV with a cover on your legs.
His kisses are always so soft, he gently cup your face in his hand before put his lips on yours. But sometimes kisses are more deeper, his hand on your waist and yours on his neck, leaving you breathless. Always kiss the corner of your lips and your cheek after.
When he is with his friend, he can't help but text you when he is doing something. You always tell him "stop texting me and enjoy with your friends love" and his answer is always "but I wanted to text you my love" and then he got pouty and you need to kiss him after
He is possessive. You're his and his yours. That's all.
He was so stressed before you met kkuma, he was even more stressed for the meeting with his dog than the meeting with his parents. Was so happy when he find out that kkuma love you a lot
He loves using pet name like "my love" "sweetheart" "honey" "darling"
Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed reading this. This is the first thought of my bf serie with svt!
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melody-writer777 · 6 months
Hello I hope your requests are open! Could I please request something for natural sunshine golden retriever bf!Tamaki x grumpy black cat!gf? Thank youuu <33
Going public
Summary: an little image about a golden retriever tamaki with a black cat girlfriend
Ship: Tamaki x fem reader
Warnings: not any serious warnings but I did kind of take a story route and worked in the black cat and golder retriever dynamic.
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When you and tamaki started dating he wanted to keep it more of a secret, not that he was ashamed about dating you, (he was honestly whipped for you) but because he was worried about how you would be treated and kyoya talked about how it may effect the income for the club.
But soon he realized he couldn’t stand the thought of just interacting with you as a “customer” when you came to see him. Outside of the club wasn’t much better. He tried to treat you like a friend, almost less so people wouldn’t treat you how he feared. Which made him more worried about to whole thing because he didn’t want to treat you like a friend out of fear that people wouldn’t like you, only for them to end up not liking you because your his friend. (I hope that makes sense)
So the longest he could treat you like that is a week.
After the worst week of his life, he cried in the corner out of “lack of affection and attention” from you, he went to kyoya and tried to convince him it wouldn’t be all that bad to go public with you. After roughly 45 minutes he got the ok from kyoya to go public with you and he couldn’t have been happier. Ofc kyoya being kyoya he had a few conditions, 1. He couldn’t ignore others during club hours just because you were there, 2. There can’t be massive amounts of PDA, 3. He has to put the same effort in flirting as he always has, and 4.If he notices a dramatic drop in profit from tamaki, kyoya made an agreement that you and tamaki would have to fabricate a break up and have even less contact than you did from the start. (When I typed “from the start” the song by laufey started playing and its worse because I’m also listening to her as I write this.)
So when tamaki ran to tell you that you guys could be public ofc you were happy but you also knew how this would change your days.
For example, you had 4/7 classes with him and he would walk you to every single one and carry all your things without a single sign of struggle or accepting any protests from you. And obviously there were the occasional whisper about it but it didn’t effect you. During free periods tamaki wouldn’t rather spend that time with anyone except you, and since he normally had planning for the host club during that time he dragged you along.
One day tamaki was being particularly clingy and attentive. So at lunch when you asked why he was silent for a moment,
“Um, well darling, kyoya told me about something-”
You could tell he wanted to tell you the problem but then in a couple seconds he talked himself out of it.
“Actually never mind, it’s not a problem. Do you want to go get dessert, they have your favorite I think.”
As he was about to stand up you held his wrist in that table and directed him to sit back down.
“What did kyoya tell you. Did we break one of the rules? Is it a rumor?”
You asked because you knew tamaki enough to the point that if you correctly guessed what it was he would have a reaction.
“Did someone say something?”
And as soon as you said that his eyes went a little wider. If you didn’t know tamaki well enough it would have been missed. But after knowing that someone said something, and that it had an effect on tamaki, you were almost scared to know but at the same time almost wanted to brush it off.
You knew that it would be something someone said because when you at tamaki first went public, people were very confused. Tamaki was ofc the schools star, perfect in every way. Good looking, friendly to everyone, and smart. (not a genius but for the amount of effort he put in, he’s a smart student) So seeing him date someone like you, quite, few friends, kinda snappy, smartish, and a strange aura about you, was a very surprising thing. Also considering that when you two were seen together it looked like he was initiating physical contact, people didn’t have to try very hard to find something to talk about.
After a little rapid fire questioning to tamaki, to make him slip up on a lie, you found out there was a girl who was telling people that you two dating was a trick to get more girl to talk to tamaki. And to try and get him to like them, to see what he’s actually like in a relationship.
And this effected tamaki because he truly did love you and was actually dating you. So to hear people doubt that made him feel like maybe you felt that he wasn’t doing enough to look like a boyfriend. And when he told you this you immediately told him that you couldn’t be happier about how he treats you as your boyfriend.
By this time lunch was almost over and you’d be t class wasn’t together. So you both agree that you would continue this conversation after school.
When the end of the school day comes, you and tamaki meet outside and go over to his house. When you arrive there isn’t any tension but the knowing that this needs to be talked about. And after talking about it, telling him that people will always think what they want and that how he shows his affection and how you show your affection not matching is ok. He realized that as long as you are happy with how he is as a boyfriend he couldn’t be happier about your relationship.
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Ik i didnt post this for a while and that the excuse “I don’t have motivation” isn’t good but that’s really what it is. Tho when I started typing, by the second paragraph my fingers were flyinggg. I’m actually really happy about how this turned out and the story line. I do have a few worries about this tho, like idk if you can get the black cat x Golden retriever vibe and I really hope they wanted an image or are at least ok with it being in imagine form. Anyway I hope you have a good morning/day/evening/night and that you liked reading this.
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