#megahood: 50 years later
sixamese-simblr · 2 years
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Pleasantview, 50 years later Dina Caliente-Bachelor-Goth-Pleasant-Curious
Dina's on her fourth husband, no-one less than her boy toy Tycho Curious. I'm not entirely sure who is gold digging who at this point. He's succeeding Michael, Mortimer and Daniel Pleasant, each of who presented a significant update in Dina's living conditions.
Living with them is a memento from her second husband, Mortimer, who through a wish from a genie resurrected none other than his aunt Agnes Crumplebottom.
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sixamese-simblr · 2 years
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Strangetown, 50 years later Pascal and Nervous Curious
Nervous and Pascal got their happy ending, living together in the Curious house at their old age. I'm happy for them. Now if only Tycho would come around to visit them sometimes.
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sixamese-simblr · 2 years
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Pleasantview, 50 years later The Goths
Bella has finally returned to Pleasantview! How to explain the other people living with them besides Alexander and her daughter Agatha though...
So, the reason Bella returned was that Don found her, married her, and moved in together into the Goth house. Because she caught Don cheating with Miranda (what's new), she filed for divorce, but she was also pregnant at that moment with Romeo's baby. Romeo moved in when he divorced his vampire wife (long story), and instead of getting married to Bella, he got married to Marisa Bendett, the mother of his children, knowing that none of the Goths could stop him since doing so would involve confirming that Agatha was his child instead of Don's, meaning that would entitle Don to a portion of the Goth fortune which he didn't have access to since he was presumably the one who cheated. Romeo cheated again because why not, meaning he was sent back to Veronaville in shame. Now Marisa and her children Benvolio, Lauren and Valentine are somewhere between uninvited guests who never left and honorary Goths.
This is what you get when a family functions by soap opera rules, but several seasons pass.
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sixamese-simblr · 2 years
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Strangetown, 50 years later Katherina and Mustardseed Monty
To wrap up Strangetown, we have our resident Strangetown Monties. Katherina is busy on her Strangetown Monty book series, but Mustardseed is feeling left behind, and is fooling around behind Katherina's back.
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sixamese-simblr · 2 years
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Pleasantview, 50 years later Jill & Ariel's family
To wrap up Pleasantview, we finally have a functional family. Jill moved to Pleasantview after college, married Ariel and had Juno with her. Not much to say here. No divorces, no weird roommates, no huge numbers of kids... are we sure these people belong in Pleasantview?
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sixamese-simblr · 2 years
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Pleasantview, 50 years later Michael Pleasant
Meet Pleasantview's new playboy, Michael! He can and will steal your husband, guess he takes after his grandpa Daniel and his mom Chloe. He's best known for the wild parties he holds in his bachelor pad, leaving that part of Pleasantview up all night.
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sixamese-simblr · 2 years
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Pleasantview, 50 years later Don Lothario
Let's start our reintroduction of our 50 year later Sims with some people who have decided to stay in Pleasantview. First up: Don Lothario!
What can be said about Don, pictured here with Fake Bella, that hasn't been said already? His run hasn't exactly been surprising. He's given birth to Nina and Dina's kids, has been through two divorces with Nina and Bella who milked him in the divorce settlements for all he's worth, and he's had more lovers than I've bothered to keep track of. Just recently, he scraped together enough money to move into the Woodland Drive trailer park. Even though he's in his 70s now, it doesn't look like he's thinking of retiring from being a menace to society anytime soon.
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sixamese-simblr · 2 years
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Strangetown: 50 years later Lolita and Gabrielle Goth
The newest arrival in Strangetown are a branch of the Goth family: Darren and Cassandra's heiress Lolita Goth and her wife Gabrielle. The Goths fit right in at Olive's Garden, I can't really think of better caretakers for the yard.
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sixamese-simblr · 2 years
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Strangetown, 50 years later The Smiths
Not all is well in the Smith house. Jane and Chardonnay's marriage has been on edge since Jane caught Chardonnay cheating, but Jane was determined to see the marriage through. Their teenage daughter Jenever, meanwhile, has closed herself off from the world to focus on her music. How will little Jack Daniel do in this house?
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sixamese-simblr · 2 years
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Strangetown, 50 years later Cobweb & Thor Summerdream
Thor is living his dad Tank's dream, being married to his husband, Titania's mortal son Cobweb. Together, they've raised a wonderful adoptive townie daughter in Brittany. I'm proud of Thor for breaking the cycle of military men in his family.
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sixamese-simblr · 2 years
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Strangetown, 50 years later The Beakers
Burgundy and Atom Beaker's son Hamlodi may be the biggest genetics victim in the megahood, being the grandchild of Loki, the Pollination Technician, Goneril and Albany. Living with them is their new test subject roommate, late Circe's boy toy Goodfellow Summerdream. At least he doesn't have to live in the basement since it got renovated into a bowling alley.
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sixamese-simblr · 2 years
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Strangetown, 50 years later Miranda Capp & Buck Grunt
Ah, the compound families that wants-based gameplay produces. Buck wanted children, and his girlfriend Miranda agreed to move into his home/flower shop with him, together with her twins she had from a fling with Ripp when she was still living at her parents'. In addition to two children who have since moved out on their own, living here are Miranda and Ripp's daughter Iris, Miranda and Buck's teenage daughter Bona who is currently dating Morgan Summerdream, and their youngest daughter Iras.
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sixamese-simblr · 2 years
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Strangetown, 50 years later The Grunts
The Grunts have stayed in Strangetown! In 50 years, Ripp hasn't moved from his spot. Well, he's fathered two kids with Miranda and one with Bottom, but that's not the point. Tank and Erin are enjoying their old age after raising a wonderful son together, trying to ignore Tank's brother glued to the couch.
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sixamese-simblr · 2 years
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Pleasantview, 50 years later Lazlo Curious
Finally, we get to some people who moved to Pleasantview! Lazlo recently lost his wife Brandi, and is still working through getting over her. In an attempt to do so, he got with Pleasantview's most notorious fashion victim Tosha Go. However, his actions may have consequences...
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sixamese-simblr · 2 years
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Pleasantview, 50 years later Maria & Giulio Burb
Maria and Giulio are two of Lucy and Benedick's children. Both have just recently turned adult, and are still finding their way. Maria really wants to get married to someone and have children, and Giulio has already found a fiancé in Laertes Nigmos, who wants to finish his studies before marrying.
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sixamese-simblr · 2 years
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Pleasantview, 50 years later Pinot and Fake Bella's family
Ah, Pinot and Bella Burb, the megahood's biggest victims of risky woohoo. Together, they had twin girls Alex and Sandra, and later their boy Morten. However, Pinot has been fooling around outside the home with part-alien Carmen Lothario, who got him pregnant with Juan. I'm not quite sure whether Pinot has figured out the connection between that and his sudden alien pregnancy, because he continues to woohoo around with Carmen to this day, which has resulted in their green-skinned girl Jezebel. Let's hope he doesn't make the same mistake thrice.
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