alexanderrogge · 3 years
Scotty Kilmer - Car Companies are Scamming You and Why You Should Be Mad About It (How Cars are Given #Sound):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNNrIaN5O5E #CarSounds #ArtisticSound #MechanicalSymphony #Rumble #GutturalRumble #ExhaustPipes #ExhaustNote #Skeuomorphism #SkeuomorphicAudio #SavageScotty
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jane-friend · 8 years
@mechanicalsymphonies-GODDDD I DON'T KNOW, BUT I COULD CARE LESS. Anon hate is almost comical to me. Like good lord, I know I'm the king of pettiness and passive-aggressiveness, but just square up and talk to me if you have a problem. This is just silly.
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necromancatrix · 8 years
The Patron Saint of the Oroburos
This makes me laugh for reasons but I like it.
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askaceattorney · 8 years
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Dear Admirer,
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Thanks, pal!  You can count on me!
-Dick Gumshoe
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misuzuhikari · 8 years
Hi, new follower!
mechanicalsymphonies :3
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taffybuns · 8 years
I'm 150cm if I don't slouch???
im slouching 99% of the time its not helpful
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"I'm not much of a fan of the show but I respect what it's trying to do. That being said, I feel the lack of any androgynous/masculine presenting gems conflicts with the nonbinary thing they were claiming to go with. Not to mention it's noninclusive." @mechanicalsymphonies
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doctordachshund · 8 years
I took like 7 different dere quizzes today and three of them gave me kuudere
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jane-friend · 8 years
@mechanicalsymphonies-I WILL NOT ENGAGE IN SUCH SLANDEROUS ACTS WITH YOU AND PATRICK. Once I get home I have to hunker down and do externship/school related shenanigans, so I can't really hang out today, but we'll definitely get together at some point this week!
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monoclr · 8 years
23, 35, 40!
23: Talk about a time someone turned you down.
maybe not exactly what this question means but FUCK IT, i remember the first time i ever auditioned for a play, i was turned down. it really sucked because i was seriously looking forward to it and really really wanted a part, but when i tried out the next time i got it so its all good.
35: Talk about things you wish you could stop doing.
so i do this thing in relationships (friendly and romantic) where once weve been friends/whatever for a while i start to question whether they really still like me, and this happens every time w/o fail. and i know i shouldnt be worried but even when i tell myself that its still this whole thing where i almost want to avoid them bc im afraid theyll tell me they arent interested anymore hahah
40: Talk about the end of something in your life.
aahhh lets go w the end of high school. it was terrifying to me. the whole countdown to the end of it all, especially when it was getting really close. i had no clue what i was going to be doing, how any of this work, i didnt know what to do for the rest of my life bc up until then everything was just school and it was freaking me the fuck out im not gonna lie. then it was over and it felt great until grad night was over, then i kinda just felt empty for a while.
the end of college is really gonna mess me up lmao
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necromancatrix · 8 years
If you have too many opinions on cartoons and engage in discussions with your friends for essay-length, academic level responses, clap your hands. *clap clap* ♡♡
Do you want essay-length cartoon related rambling because I can give you essay-length cartoon related rambling.
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caveofwanderers · 8 years
BLUSH = Seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better.
{...I’mgladI brighten yer day,friend!}
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jane-friend · 8 years
@mechanicalsymphonies-I KNOW. HE'S SUCH A LITTLE FRIEND AND I REALLY REALLY WANT HIM TO BE SAFE. Everyone in the house kinda treats him as if he were a nuisance just because he's senile and spacey, but he's sooooo sweet and he doesn't deserve to be out in the cold. ALSO GO TO BED JACK IT'S A SCHOOL NIGHT
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necromancatrix · 8 years
the character i least understand - Do all the Circles count? I don’t understand spreading that kind of inequality.
interactions i enjoyed the most - A. Square and the king of Line Land. He’s just so confused.
the character who scares me the most - CIRCLES.
the character who is mostly like me - Chromatistes. I too would try to spread the concept of colour!
hottest looks character - Ummmmmm… the Sphere? He’s so perfectly… spherical.
one thing i dislike about my fave character - Hmmm… the Sphere would be my favorite, if not for all the ‘no, there’s nothing past THREE dimensions! How dare you!’
one thing i like about my hated character - A. Square is pretty insufferable, but he genuinely wants to change the world. Poor guy.
a quote or scene that haunts me - Awestruck at the sight of the mysteries of the earth, thus unveiledbefore my unworthy eye, I said to my Companion, “Behold, I am becomeas a God.  For the wise men in our country say that to see all things,or as they express it, omnividence, is the attribute of God alone.” 
a death that left me indifferent - Most of them mentioned, honestly. They made me hate the SOCIETY more, but most individual characters weren’t given enough personality for me to care.
a character i wish died but didn’t - Again… all the circles? All of them. I see why someone set this place on fire.
my ship that never sailed - A. SQUARE AND THE SPHERE. Just kidding I really have no flatland ships.
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