#mechanical training program course in New Jersey
pttedu · 3 months
Shocking Humor: 5 Electrician Memes That Will Have You Rolling
Get ready to spark some laughter with our collection of hilarious electrician memes! From shocking situations to witty quips, these memes are guaranteed to brighten your day. Whether you're an electrician yourself or just appreciate a good laugh, join us for a jolt of humor that will leave you buzzing!
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autosguide · 4 months
The Job Market Transformation: Gearing Up for the EV Workforce of Tomorrow
The electric vehicle (EV) revolution is reshaping not only our roads but the very fabric of the automotive industry. While the promise of a cleaner future is compelling, the transformation also brings a critical challenge: preparing the workforce for the jobs of tomorrow.
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Image @ Tijara Autos used cars Dealership in New Jersey
Shifting Gears: The Impact of EVs on Jobs
As the automotive industry accelerates toward electric mobility, the nature of automotive jobs is undergoing a seismic shift. Traditional roles like engine mechanics and transmission specialists are likely to decline, making way for new positions in areas such as battery technology, electric motor repair, and charging infrastructure development.
Upskilling or Reskilling: The Need for Adaptation
Many existing automotive industry workers must embark on a journey of retraining or upskilling to stay relevant. This necessitates collaborative efforts from governments, educational institutions, and industry players to provide accessible and effective training programs focusing on:
EV-specific skills: Battery maintenance, electric motor repair, and charging infrastructure installation are among the specialized skill sets crucial in the evolving EV landscape.
Digital literacy: Automation and data-driven technologies are becoming increasingly prominent. Workers need to be comfortable with digital tools and analytics.
Soft skills: Adaptability, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills are vital for navigating the dynamic and evolving nature of the industry.
Workforce Trends in the EV Landscape
The new EV landscape is expected to witness several key trends in terms of the workforce:
Rise of new roles: Data scientists, software engineers, and specialists in areas like artificial intelligence and machine learning will be in high demand.
Increased automation: While automation will take over some routine tasks, it is expected to create new opportunities for human-machine collaboration.
Shifting demographics: The EV industry is projected to attract a more diverse workforce, offering increased opportunities for women and minorities.
Skilling Up for the Future
Several initiatives are already in motion to address the workforce transformation challenge:
Government programs: Many governments are offering financial incentives and training programs to assist workers in transitioning to new jobs in the EV industry.
Industry partnerships: Leading companies are collaborating with educational institutions to develop specialized training programs tailored to the needs of the industry.
Individual initiatives: Online courses, boot camps, and self-directed learning resources are becoming increasingly available, empowering individuals to take charge of their own upskilling journey.
The Road Ahead
The transition to an EV-driven future presents both challenges and opportunities for the workforce. Embracing the need for reskilling and upskilling ensures that everyone has the opportunity to thrive in the new automotive landscape. Governments, industries, and individuals all have a role to play in creating a future where the workforce is prepared to meet the demands of the EV revolution, building a cleaner and more sustainable transportation system for all.
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Can Our Power Systems Handle the EV Boom?
Powering Progress with Commercial EV Adoption
Building a Robust Charging Infrastructure for Widespread EV Adoption
Powering Progress with Commercial EV Adoption
Building a Robust Charging Infrastructure for Widespread EV Adoption
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dritaassociates · 2 years
Forklift in spanish
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Wurtz will continue to be engaged with Soundview as its chairman and as a significant investor. Soundview Paper Co., Elmwood Park, New Jersey, has announced that George Wurtz has retired as president and CEO. A serious violation occurs when there is substantial probability that death or serious physical harm could result from a hazard about which the employer knew or should have known, according to OSHA.Ī spokesperson for Matalco Inc., Matalaco US’s parent company in Ontario refused comment. These hazards resulted in the issuance of two serious violations. The agency also says it found that live electric equipment operating at high voltages was not guarded against human contact. OSHA issues repeat violations if an employer was previously cited for the same or a similar violation of any standard, regulation, rule or order at any facility in federal enforcement states within the last five years.ĭuring the inspection, workers were found standing on aluminum blocks elevated by a forklift to perform tasks on a furnace, which exposed workers to falls of at least 8 feet, OSHA says. The administration previously cited the Matalco facility for the same violation in 2012. A willful violation is one committed with intentional, knowing or voluntary disregard for the law’s requirement or with plain indifference to employee safety and health, according to OSHA.Īt the Canton facility, employees were exposed to a fall hazard of more than 23 feet because the company had not installed guardrails over an open pit, and employees that worked in the pit area were not provided fall protection, OSHA says. A second willful violation was cited for failing to remove a crane with broken safety mechanisms from service. OSHA says its inspection found one willful violation for insufficient machine guarding on a robot cell that exposed workers to amputation hazards. “By placing Matalco US in our Severe Violator Enforcement Program, OSHA is putting the company on notice that this is unacceptable.” “This company allowed workers to stand on blocks elevated by a forklift, and that’s just one visible example of the total disregard for worker safety and health at this plant,” says Howard Eberts, OSHA area director in Cleveland. on OSHA’s Severe Violator Enforcement Program. OSHA says it also has placed Matalco US Inc. The inspection was initiated following a complaint. Over time this may lessen the need to provide OSH Act training in other languages.The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has proposed penalties totaling $130,200 for the aluminum firm Matalco following an inspection at the company’s Canton, Ohio, plant on March 24, 2014. Of course, employers may also provide instruction in learning the English language to non-English speaking employees. Similarly, if the employee's vocabulary is limited, the training must account for that limitation.īy the same token, if employees are not literate, telling them to read training materials will not satisfy the employer's training obligation.Īs a general matter, employers are expected to realize that if they customarily need to communicate work instructions or other workplace information to employees at a certain vocabulary level or in a language other than English, they will also need to provide safety and health training to employees in the same manner. In practical terms, this means that an employer must instruct its employees using both a language and vocabulary that the employees can understand.įor example, if an employee does not speak or comprehend English, instruction must be provided in a language the employee can understand.
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pttedu · 3 months
How Does An Automotive Training Institute Help In Becoming A Telematics Technician?
Discover how an automotive training institute can accelerate your journey to becoming a skilled telematics technician. Learn more with PTTI.
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judefan828-blog · 4 years
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punmasterkentparson · 6 years
The Corner Caved In
i fell into the detroit: become human fandom and this came out. pure self-indulgent AU.
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The android revolution changes everything. Businesses shut down; the military undergoes total restructuring; local governments across the country scramble to integrate android civil rights into existing legal structures. Detroit, the epicenter, ends up almost entirely depleted of human citizens.
Yet somehow, the NHL season starts right on time. The only difference that Kent notices is the lack of android workers and the influx of humans manning the janitorial duties and concession stands. There’s no change to the teams themselves. Because while the NFL was falling over itself trying to integrate android super-players into its lineup, the NHL organizations prided themselves on being all-human.
They manage to stay that way for two years following the revolution. Even with androids slowly coming back to work service jobs and even buying a few tickets to hockey games, all 32 NHL teams remain purely human.
And then the Providence Falconers go and sign an android. From Russia.
Just the Aces’ luck, they get to play the Falcs for their second game of the regular season. At least it’s not on home ice.
The atmosphere in the locker room as the Aces get ready for the game is tense.
“Whatever happened to ‘made in America,’ huh?” gripes Carl, four seats down from Kent. It’s just far enough away that Kent can pretend not to hear while he pulls on his socks and skates. Carl doesn’t stop. “This is bullshit. Everybody knows the Russians don’t care about regulations. That plastic asshole’s probably got targeting programs that let it make perfect shots every time. How the fuck are we supposed to compete with a supercomputer that doesn’t make mistakes or get tired?”
Kent yanks his laces and doesn’t respond. Nobody else does, either. None of them know what to expect or how to prepare to play an android. Kent never personally owned an android, but he knows some teammates did. All of the androids either left on their own, were voluntarily freed, or were turned over to the police during the crackdown and never seen again. Probably disassembled or burned in a furnace somewhere.
It wasn’t the same in Russia. Androids always existed in a weird, undefined legal state in Russia. Not quite appliance, not quiet citizen. But the Falcs’ new guy has to know it wasn’t the same over here. He has to know about the protests, the riots, the camps. He has to know that in America, his personhood is tenuous at best.
Combine all that psychology with the mechanics of an android body, and Kent has no idea what to expect on the ice.
As it turns out, the android—Alexei Mashkov—is disappointingly normal. Sure, he’s fucking huge, and he skates with the precision of a sushi chef slicing poisonous fugu, but otherwise he blends right in with his human teammates.
Kent had nearly forgotten that the android’s teammates included Jack Zimmermann. Honestly, if he had to pick who was worse to meet in a faceoff circle, Jack or the android, he’d pick Jack every time. At least the android doesn’t refuse to meet his eyes or scrape by him instead of body check him. The android has never talked about Kent in pressers like he’s just a fucking footnote in his life.
The android is nobody, but Jack straight up turned Kent down at a house party and then kissed his twink boyfriend at center ice a year later, as if everything Kent had ever been to him meant fucking nothing.
So yeah. The android is an issue, but not nearly as much of one as Kent’s twisted-up feelings about Jack.
Of course, not everyone shares the sentiment.
Halfway through second period, the Falcs push the puck over the blue line and force the Aces into a corner guarding their net. There’s some passes and a missed shot, and then it Kent sees it happen: Carl checks Mashkov into the boards. The puck isn’t anywhere near.
Despite his size, Mashkov is lifted off his feet. His face smashes into the glass, and then Carl clips him with an elbow on his way down. Mashkov hits the ice on all fours and sneezes blue blood across his gloves. When he grabs his stick and gets up, there are rivulets of blue streaming from his nose and mouth.
Goddamnit, Carl. Just what we fucking need, another penalty to kill, Kent thinks, wincing as he anticipates the whistle.
But the game moves on and the whistle never comes. Kent sees the Falcs’ coach waving Mashkov to the bench while another player hikes a leg over the side, ready to step on the ice and replace him.
“Hey! Hey, ref!” Jack shoots past Kent and sends up a shower of snow as he skids to a stop by one of the refs. “Number eight got our guy, he needs to go to the box!”
The ref shakes his head. “Sorry, I didn’t catch it. But if he’s still walking, it’s a clean hit.”
Jack clenches his jaw. “A clean— He elbowed him in the face! Mashkov didn’t even have the puck!”
Now the ref is frowning, looking annoyed. “Clean hit, no penalty. That’s the call.”
White-faced with shock and anger, Jack starts, “This is blatant, racist discrimination against my teammate, and if you think I will stand for it on my own fucking ice—”
“Watch your tone, Zimmermann, or I’ll slap you and the plastic with ten for unsportsmanlike conduct.”
Jack looks ready to shake apart with fury but holds his tongue. Nearby, Kent notices Carl idly watching the exchange with a hint of a smirk.
Without thinking too much about what he’s doing or why, Kent skates up to Jack and the ref. “Hey, did I miss the whistle? Aren’t we on a penalty kill?”
“No, Parson. No penalty.”
Kent, pretending he doesn’t see Jack’s wide-eyed surprise, continues, “Really? ‘Cause from where I was standing, it looked like Carl got Mashkov in the face with his elbow, totally unprovoked. That’s at least two in the box isn’t it?”
“It was a clean hit, Parson,” the ref says, enunciating like he thinks Kent’s dumb enough to miss the subtext.
“Bullshit,” Kent snorts. “You saw him spit blood on the ice. If you’re gonna let that go, how do I know you’re not gonna turn around and ignore it when one of the Falcs goes after one of my guys?” And he sees, he fucking sees the unspoken reply that nearly falls off the ref’s tongue: That’s different; you’re human.
“So,” Kent says, as casually as he can while his heart is pounding like a freight train. “Carl’s got two in the box, yeah? Illegal hit?”
There’s a long, tense silence.
The ref nods sharply and skates away. After a brief conference with the other ref, and then the Falcs and Aces coaches, the ref turns on his mic and announces a two-minute penalty, to be served by the Aces’ number eight.
Jack is still standing next to Kent. “Thanks,” he says, and it’s embarrassing how surprised he sounds. “You—”
“Shut the fuck up, Jack,” Kent says, and skates away. He’s got a penalty to kill.
Which, thankfully, the Aces manage to do. The score is unchanged by the time Carl gets out of the box. He’s spitting mad, and he makes a beeline for Kent.
“What do you think you’re doing, Parson?” he hisses, getting up in Kent’s face. “You’re not supposed to send your own guys to the box!”
Kent’s emotions are stretched like steel wire. He can feel the whole arena watching. “It was an illegal hit. We’re lucky it was just two minutes. Don’t make us pull your weight again, man. Just play the game.”
Two hands seize Kent by the front of his jersey. “You picked a piece of fucking plastic over your own goddamn teammate, you cocksucking—”
Kent shoves him away so hard that Carl nearly topples backwards, his hands ripped free of their hold. “Just play the fucking game, Carl!” he shouts, and skates for the bench. There’s a roaring in his ears and heat all through his cheeks. He finds an empty spot and falls into it. He doesn’t look at Carl, doesn’t look left or right at anyone around him. He takes a drink from his water bottle and watches the game still playing on the ice.
The Aces win 4-2.
Kent’s post-game in the locker room is a nightmare. All the questions are about what happened with the hit on Mashkov, and where Kent stands on android rights. He keeps his answers and his expression as neutral as he can.
Hours later, after he has changed out of his gear and taken a shower and put his game suit back on and found a seat on the bus and ignored every person who has tried to start a conversation with him, he pulls out his phone.
There’s a new message from an unknown number.
I asked Jack for your number, sorry. Thank you for today. See you in three weeks in Vegas.
Kent doesn’t reply. But as he holds his phone in his hands, tips his head back and closes his eyes, he feels that tension he’s been holding in his chest come loose.
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Are you ready to reboot and reset your relationship with food and exercise? Most programs focus on the mechanics of weight loss, but fail to adequately address the psychology of change required. Most people know more than enough about nutrition and exercise to lose weight, but fail to take action. This book takes a new approach to getting leaner, fitter, and stronger. The program uses high impact change strategies that make the process of adopting a healthy lifestyle easier. The nutrition and workout program like the change techniques, have all been proven effective and are all backed by research and scientific studies.
This book is full of change strategies and provides a blueprint for how they can be applied to transforming your body. These strategies can also be used to transform your relationships, build your career, and improve your life. You will learn the importance of creating a sense of urgency around your goal, tweaking your environment to foster new habits, finding bright spots, and generating short term wins to help you sustain momentum. Motivation is fleeting, that is why you will learn techniques to keep you stoked. You will learn how to apply solution based therapy’s miracle question to subdue personal struggles. You will learn how Starbucks teaches willpower to their baristas to produce a first-class customer experience. You will learn about action triggers, and how they are the key to adopting instant habits. You will learn how to use your smart phone to lose body fat, improve your workouts, and create new habits.
You will learn how group norms help US soldiers returning from Vietnam, overcome heroin addiction. You will learn what is often perceived as a “people problem”, is often a “situation problem”. It is much easier to change one’s environment, than one’s attitude and behaviors. You will learn about internal struggles between your logical brain and your emotional brain, and how you can leverage their respective strengths to achieve your goals, instead of sabotaging them. You will learn to break the habit of procrastination by applying the 5 second rule. You will learn that measuring an activity, automatically modifies your behavior because of the increased attention it is receiving.
You will learn why you should prioritize strength training while on a weight loss program. Learn how to properly design strength training program, that can burn more calories than traditional cardio. Learn how to build strength and muscle based on science, not bro-science. Learn when and how to incorporate cardio sessions into your routine to get leaner, stronger, and fitter. Learn to prevent normal loss of muscle that occurs during most fat loss programs, which results in early plateau and gaining back the weight lost, and in some cases a few extra pounds. Learn three methods to keep the weight off and reset your body’s set point body weight. No foods or alcohol are off limits. This is not an extreme 12-week quick fix program. Those programs do not often work because they are not sustainable. This program is designed to fit in to your personal lifestyle.
There is a lot of inspiration in the pages of this book. In many cases, real life examples are used to illustrate the effectiveness of the strategies being taught. You will learn how an unwelcome American advisor, with meager resources, and a limited timeframe to achieve significant results, was able to solve the problem of childhood malnutrition for millions of Vietnamese children. You will be surprised to learn that solution to complex problems, are often simple if you observe the patterns surrounding them. For example, a US Military Army Officer, in Kufa, Iraq; noticed that preceding violent riots, protesters would gather at dusk and shortly thereafter food trucks would fill the plaza. After requesting the food trucks not enter the plaza at dusk, the number of riots dramatically dropped.
Most people would agree with the statement that we are the result of the thousands of decisions we have made during the course of our lives. If you are overweight, it is a result of the many decisions you make daily; particularly eating and drinking choices. Your daily habits are what make you who you are. Confucius said that “men’s natures are alike; it is their habits that carry them far apart”
What if I told you that most of our daily decisions are made automatically? The area of our brain responsible for cognitive thought fatigues quickly, and can become overwhelmed if it is force to make too many decisions. This condition is called “decision fatigue.” Many business leaders suggest that you tackle complex problems and make difficult decisions early in the day, when your energy is at its highest, and reserve less complex tasks for the afternoon. Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs were said to have simplified their lives by having their closets full of identical outfits, to avoid having to decide what to wear each day. President Obama said, “You will see I wear only gray or blue suits… I am trying to pare down decisions. I do not want to make decisions about what I am eating or wearing. Because I have too many other (important) decisions to make.”
The basal ganglia, sometimes called our primitive brain or reptilian brain, was once thought to only help control movement; but is now thought to play an important role in how we learn, process emotions, make decisions, and adopt habits. It is the part of our brain that takes over when you are performing repetitive daily activities. This primitive brain, frees our conscious mind from having to make countless decisions we face each day. Many of these decisions are inconsequential. Decisions like which pant leg to put on first, or putting Splenda in your coffee mug before creamer. It is a huge advantage to delegate these task to the basal ganglia, so the conscious brain can focus on more important decisions. Have you ever gotten into your car and drove towards your work instead of driving to your doctor’s office, even though your conscious mind knew you had a doctor’s appointment? That is because your conscious mind was not in the driver’s seat. It was your primitive brain directing action out of habit. What is habit? Habit is an automatic behavior.
Habits are not good or bad. We place those labels on them based on whether they are or are not in line with our goals, objectives, and in some cases, “perception of our own reality”. They are simply learned behaviors. “Bad” habits can be interrupted and replaced by “good” habits. You just need to muster up enough discipline to make the new routine stick. Fortunately, we can change our habits and do it quickly by creating action triggers. Action triggers create new habits almost instantaneously. You will learn more about that later.
Please stop believing the notion you are overweight or unfit because you lack the willpower, have a slow metabolism, your lazy, you do not have time, or any of the excuses we all make. Trust me, I was once an overweight kid. My father was never able to shed the extra pounds, try as hard as he did. He was always overweight, like his father before him, who died of a heart attack during my father’s freshman year in high school. In one of those life changing moments, I decided I was not going to be fat. No one would put that fat label on me. I committed to daily exercise, gave up all sweets, and no junk food. That was it, that was my plan. The only difference between me, my father, and his father before him, was that I decided to change. I was committed to that decision and doggedly stuck with it, day after day until I lost the weight, which led me into a life of fitness and self-awareness. Some might say, it led me to an appreciation of a healthier lifestyle without giving up on what most people were doing.
Exercising was the easiest part for me, I enjoyed exercising. My father introduced me to exercise. He let me use his Cement Weight set in our basement and let me read all his Joe Weider Muscle and Fitness magazines. I was at that age when you love spending time with your parents. He would take me with him when he would go running around the local reservoirs, or through the woods of Brookdale Park, in my hometown of Montclair, New Jersey. I enjoy the simple rhythmic nature of running, which always cleared my mind. I rode my bike everywhere and relished the feeling of exertion that came from climbing up Mount Hebron road, and the rush of going back down at high speeds. I can still remember our dark dank unfinished basement, my dungeon. It was the place where I first pushed and pulled weights, making my muscles get stronger.
Giving up desserts was the hardest part, made more difficult by my family’s love of it. We ate out often and everyone order desserts. It was hard, it was very hard to just not succumb to temptation. Holsten’s Brookdale Confectionery was the restaurant we patronized most often. It is still well known for their homemade ice-creams and chocolates. Also made famous as the diner in which the last scene of The Sopranos was filmed. It was tough not making an excuse. I had to ignore that voice that said, “Everyone else is having some, why should I not?” It was rough, but I was resolute. I was not going to be fat. I was going to strengthen my body like the heroes in my comic books. Silly, but I was only ten years old. I did not know what I was doing, but I was doing it. Moreover, I was doing it enthusiastically. Over time it became easier to say no to desserts, and eventually they stop asking me if I wanted any.
You are not doomed to be overweight. You simply need to commit. Without commitment, you will never start. The program will not work unless you work. This program is unique from any other program you may have tried in the past, because it provides practical tips and tricks that make the process of change as easy as possible. The high impact change techniques coupled the books nutrition program will transform your body. You will be surprised how quickly you will burn away fat, and achieve a leaner stronger body. GOOD LUCK!
I hope you enjoyed reading this book introduction. Best wishes and best health!
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Book Available on AMAZON [Paperback, Kindle & Audible Audiobook]
  The book contains:
·       7 Change Strategies for Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle
·       A Flexible Diet Program that Doesn’t Put Any Foods Off-limit,  including Alcohol
·       20-Week Workout Log with Progress Assessments (Downloadable PDF)
·       3 Strategies for Resetting your Body Weight Set point to Keep the Weight Off
·       A Nutrition and Training Program Based on Science, not Bro Science.
  Most people know more than enough about nutrition and exercise to lose weight, but fail to take action. This book adopts a new approach to getting leaner, fitter, and stronger. Follow us on Facebook Are you ready to reboot and reset your relationship with food and exercise?
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even as the path itself just quickly addresses the subject of coins, the objective of the workshop is to enable achievers to perform. launch the electricity inside allows evacuate man or woman detours with people who've set unique requirements along with myself.
I thought that it changed into fascinating in this workshop, Tony discussed quick approximately the ongoing ninety nine% as opposed to the 1% development (and he's plainly a bit of the 1%). Monetarily, how may we improve as a standard public except if a few folks are brilliant? through elevating your very personal principles, it enables different people increase their measures too. we're in large part splendid and may be terrific at something. In any occasion with person fund, we would all be capable of be super with coping with our cash, and all development closer to becoming victors.
The path is round 50 hours in period, however usually they run any more than the elegance hours recorded within the handout. it is ordinary to depart the main day at 2 AM, and start the subsequent morning at nine:30 AM. As I would love to assume, it's imperative to be set up for this event. make certain you get enough rest before going to due to the fact that you will be to a few diploma stressed. I believe that is likewise carried out to some degree deliberately. this is like procedures with navy training camps to help form the solider.
it's fundamental you consciousness on all parts of the workshop and definitely placed all of it on the road. in spite of the fact that some of it can sound imbecilic or senseless, I believe it's crucial to enter the course with a receptive outlook. For a few, you could do matters you have in no way completed given that it is beyond your normal variety of familiarity. the general motive of this system is to propel yourself beyond your in advance estimated tony constraints.
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expatimes · 3 years
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Adjusting to a Stressful COVID-19 World
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When COVID-19 first hit New Jersey, many of our fears were focused on staying safe from the virus and adjusting to challenges associated with family care, job loss and financial instability.
Now, we are more than seven months into the pandemic, and for most of us, those fears and isolation remain, compounded by the lack of normalcy in many aspects of our lives. Personal hobbies, gathering with friends, shopping, dining, going to the gym and other activities that help reduce stress are either unavailable or have to be done with extreme caution.
All of this creates a heightened level of anxiety, stress and depression, and an increased possibility of substance abuse or self-medicating. If you are experiencing any of this, you aren’t alone, and help is readily available.
“The behavioral health challenges associated with COVID-19 are a marathon, not a sprint,” says Ramon Solhkhah, M.D., co-chair of the Department of Psychiatry at Hackensack Meridian Health. “We each need to focus on our mental health, so that we can then focus on our physical health, work and families. Think of the airplane analogy: In the case of an emergency, put on your mask first before helping others.”
What History Tells Us
After natural disasters and mass-casualty events like Superstorm Sandy and 9/11, increased mental health and substance use issues followed. But many people were reluctant to seek behavioral health care following these events. Some may have ignored red flags, thinking the feelings would go away on their own, while others may have delayed seeking care because of other priorities or concerns about cost and access to care.
“We’re seeing similar trends with COVID-19, where people are struggling but may not be seeking care at the moment,” Dr. Solhkhah says. “Tragic events like Superstorm Sandy or 9/11 spanned a day or a few days—although, of course, we dealt with the consequences for a long time. With COVID-19, it has gone on for months with no sign of letting up. So this is a behavioral health crisis like no other in our lifetime.”
Barriers to Stress Relief
In this unique time, we often can’t rely on typical coping mechanisms like getting together with friends and family and having a clear separation of work and home.
“This health crisis has tremendous ramifications on every person’s overall well-being,” says Juliet Caldwell, M.D., director of Addiction Medicine at Hackensack Meridian Health. “We are being confronted daily with fear of getting sick, fear of close physical contact with those we care about and fear of losing loved ones to this devastating disease. Many are experiencing economic uncertainty, unemployment, and possibly the loss of a home or difficulty getting essential items like food—enormous stressors that cannot be overstated. At a time when we want and need to reach out to those we love to provide and obtain support, we are held back by very real fears. These uniquely challenging circumstances provide fertile ground for increasing self-medication with over-the-counter or illicit drugs, and it is the perfect environment for those already in recovery to suffer a full-blown relapse.”
Dr. Caldwell points out that people may struggle with substance use disorder and mental health challenges that are influenced by both genetics and the environment. The current circumstances with the pandemic create challenges for everyone. “When a person’s environment becomes stressful or unstable, those with genetic tendencies will be more susceptible to addiction, depression or anxiety,” she says. “However, this pandemic and prolonged isolation have a negative impact on almost everyone’s overall psychological health.”
Your First Line of Defense
If you have feelings of anxiety, stress, isolation, depression, changes in mood, appetite or sleep—or if you are struggling with alcohol or drug use—a first, trusted source of guidance can be your primary care doctor.
John Gumina, M.D., a primary care doctor at Hackensack Meridian Medical Group who has practiced for 44 years, has seen an increase in patients experiencing these behavioral health challenges over the past few months. “As a primary care doctor, I’m not just concerned about my patients’ physical health—their diabetes or hypertension, for example,” he says. “I also care about their emotional and mental well-being—their family dynamics or whether someone has lost their job.”
During appointments, he asks general questions to assess patients’ mental and emotional health, such as: How are you feeling with everything going on? Are you feeling extra anxious about anything specific? “I keep my questions open-ended, so patients can feel comfortable bringing up concerns or questions, and I can provide support,” Dr. Gumina says.
If you don’t have a primary care doctor, he suggests asking friends or family members for a recommendation. Or find a doctor near you.
When starting a conversation with your primary care doctor, Dr. Solhkhah recommends coming prepared with a list of mental health or addiction issues you’re having. “That way, you don’t forget your feelings or experiences when you speak with your doctor,” he says.
For substance use disorders specifically, Dr. Caldwell suggests it’s best to seek professional help to determine how much care you need and understand available care options.
“Making a commitment to change can seem overwhelming, and many people avoid the topic or would prefer to delay treatment until ‘a better time.’ So we suggest exploring types of treatment to get a better understanding of the process and what a personalized recovery plan would look like,” Dr. Caldwell says.
She adds that if you aren’t emotionally ready for that, and don’t have an imminent need for medical attention, peer-recovery groups are a good starting point. “You can get the recovery ball rolling simply by hearing from people who struggle from the same disease as you,” she says. “For many people, being understood and accepted is an important step on the road to treating the medical condition of substance use disorder.”
She points to peer-recovery groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous as good resources.
More Support Than Ever Before
Support for behavioral health challenges is often misunderstood or misperceived. It doesn’t have to include checking into an inpatient center. A full range of treatments and services is available to provide relief and manage these medical conditions, from telehealth video visits with physicians, to outpatient services and programs, to integrative health and medicine therapies and urgent care centers with behavioral health services.
“Many highly effective medications have been proven to dramatically decrease overall mortality and relapse if used appropriately, particularly for those who suffer from opioid use disorder,” Dr. Caldwell says. “Reaching out to an addiction-trained doctor who can discuss these options with you can be crucial to your chance of recovery.”
In addition, many behavioral health services are available by telehealth, so people can get treatment in their own home. Peer recovery groups like AA and NA are meeting virtually. “Fortunately, many of the barriers to care have been removed, and there is increased availability and accessibility like never before,” Dr. Solhkhah says.
Adds Dr. Caldwell: “You are not alone, though you likely feel alone. There is help available on so many levels, and supportive, nonjudgmental, exceptional care is available close to home. Making the decision to discuss your feelings may be the hardest part of getting better. You will feel better, day by day, if you do.”
advice of your physician. Always consult your physician for individual care.
Read full article: https://expatimes.com/?p=18412&feed_id=34902
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