#meatballs at the dacha
awkward-sultana · 2 years
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(Almost) Every Costume Per Episode + Catherine’s blue coat with brown fur trim in 1x08
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selquet · 1 year
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THE GREAT | 1.08 "Meatballs at the Dacha"
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julielilac · 3 years
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The first thing that came to my mind when I watched this scene was that this is a reference to Sacha’s role in Doctor Who. Ex-agent of MI6, O, turned out to be the SpyMaster, the Doctor's childhood friend and best enemy.
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kosemsultanim · 3 years
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gif request meme (hs yearbook awards edition) | @theodoraporphyrogenite asked:
The Great + Most Outspoken → Peter III of Russia
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stromuprisahat · 4 years
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bellamuertes · 3 years
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"You hit him in the mouth." "He said I had eyes like pools!" "Well, that seems complimentary, rather than a comment to elicit violence." "If you were a woman, you would understand."
THE GREAT | Meatballs at the Dacha (1x08)
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gwil-lee · 3 years
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Meatballs at the Dacha | The Great (2020)
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sheikah · 4 years
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THE GREAT 1.08 | “Meatballs at the Dacha”
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NICHOLAS HOULT as Peter in The Great
Episode 8: Meatballs at the Dacha
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thegreatdaily · 4 years
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The Chernobyl Choir | 1x08 Meatballs at the Dacha
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awkward-sultana · 2 years
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(Almost) Every Costume Per Episode + Catherine’s light green gown in 1x06,8
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stardust-pond · 4 years
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The Great | Meatballs at the Dacha
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notdavidfincher · 4 years
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You'll forgive her distractedness. She's a little busy trying to make life better for all of Russia.
Meatballs at the Dacha | The Great dir. Colin Bucksey
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kosemsultanim · 4 years
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Catherine’s Costumes in Season 1 of The Great [2/2] ~ requested by anonymous
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highgaarden · 4 years
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peter & catherine in matching colours   →  meatballs at the dacha
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stardustprompts · 4 years
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the great  episode eight -  meatballs at the dacha  sentence starters change tenses/pronouns as needed !!  some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying tw : nsfw , language , violence , death , sexism, pregnancy, illness
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‘is all this studying going to make you dull?’
‘it is pretty, do you not think?’
‘it’s what you should say now, although me having to tell you is annoying.’
‘shall I eat your pussy?’ 
‘the palace is huge, and it hems one in somehow.’ 
‘sometimes you can feel the walls reaching for you.’ 
‘that’s the greatest part, my love for him.’
‘you’re right. the trees are calming.’ 
‘he is the enemy and we have to throw him a fucking party?’
‘that’s how you fight?’
‘I can fucking win!’
‘it is as witty and eloquent a ‘fuck you’ as I have heard.’
‘to rile one’s enemy and mock their national dish... it seems---’
‘it is a fool - proof pregnancy test.’ 
‘I hope your not barren. that would not go over well.’ 
‘sounds ominous.’ 
‘do you believe in fate? destiny?’
‘when you’re young you have hope to call it destiny. when you’re old, it becomes fate.’ 
‘I’m struggling with a lot of feelings.’ 
‘that is mad.’ 
‘you should just ponder what it means.’ 
‘it is supposed to be a fun surprise!’ 
‘let us just regale each other with anecdotes of our day.’
‘do not overload me with such detail.’ 
‘it is too dull to speak of.’ 
‘have I ever fucked you?’ 
‘I may have to fuck your wife sometime.’
‘I may have to cut your fucking heart out.’ 
‘it’s fucking weird, but comes from the heart.’ 
‘shall we breakfast in the woods?’
‘it sounds serious and I try to stay away from such things.’
‘do not pretend.’ 
‘I wish to dazzle him with fate and destiny and my knowledge of our problems.’ 
‘I will not fuck my way to support.’ 
‘this will not happen without sacrifice.’ 
‘he will not know and will one day benefit.’
‘my impatience for it eats away at me.’ 
‘I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that.’ 
‘I’m just giving you the unvarnished political reality. it is called the long game.’ 
‘it is putting a wedge between us.’ 
‘you swore a blood oath, as did I.’
‘you made me cut myself, and it really hurt, and I fainted.’ 
‘that is a cost you must bear.’ 
‘shall I punch him? or you?’ 
‘the way your mouth moves, silky and pert. say more.’ 
‘oh shit, that’s actually quite good.’ 
‘your eyes ... pools ... so deep a man could drown in them. but happily so.’ 
‘I am not a pretty jasmine flower with swimming pools for eyes.’ 
‘I am terrifying.’ 
‘use your body to shield me.’ 
‘I could not bear to be away from you.’
‘if you ever get a woman, give her a diamond. that is all.’ 
‘be careful. it has unleashed both beauty and horror.’ 
‘you hit him in the mouth?’
‘he said I had eyes like pools.’ 
‘well, that seems complimentary, rather than a comment to elicit violence.’
‘if you were a woman, you would understand.’
‘you have beautiful lips. so plump. and pretty hands.’ 
‘well, now that we have depressed each other I shall depart.’ 
‘I am sorry I hit you in the mouth.’ 
‘you would be playing a dangerous game. possibly a futile one.’ 
‘my lust for you is not for you, in a way. it’s for your youth. your hope. your ... aliveness. I cannot find this in me anymore.’
 ‘you are a delusion optimist, we have that in common.’ 
‘you are not a leader, so drop this and stay alive.’ 
‘anyone in this court could turn on you. even me.’ 
‘why can’t you listen?’ 
‘it’s quite alright. banish it from your beautiful head.’ 
‘we’ve gotta get out of the shit.’
‘the first lie wins.’
‘I think you’ll end this and be a hero to our people.’ 
‘manage your people, for fuck’s sake.’ 
‘your husband is a fuckwit. if this is news, I apologize, although I doubt it is.’ 
‘I won’t read it. you have my word.’ 
‘you fucker. you’re leaving.’ 
‘she’s tiring of me and it is not something I wish to watch slip away.’
‘I have decided what we are doing.’ 
‘I do not wish to avoid bloodshed, what part of that plan do you not understand?’
‘you are going back with failure, then?’ 
‘you’re angry. do not let that drive you.’ 
‘I like to chat, that’s just me.’ 
‘you’re under a lot of pressure.’ 
‘I am happy to die for what I believe in. but I am also happy to not to.’ 
‘you seem in a mood.’ 
‘you’re dangerous. and ... treasonous.’ 
‘I will not get in your way. but I cannot join you.’ 
‘we can change everything. but most importantly, ourselves.’
‘I will fight for my destiny and you will do it with me.’ 
‘perhaps you are terrifying.’ 
‘I cannot do this and look in his eyes with a fucking lie in my heart.’ 
‘it seems like you are trying to start a discussion when that is not what is happening here.’ 
‘you are ... something today.’ 
‘I am leading.’
‘we may all die, but apparently, feeling good about ourselves is more important than mitigating risk.’
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