#me texting clients: thank you! *stares at screen* thank you!! sm better
luthienne · 1 year
a single exclamation mark looks so lonely at the end of a thought i have to give it a friend
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theres-no-paradise · 7 years
Sorry not Sorry
Chapter 5
Summary: A random number wakes you up early on a Saturday morning. But it doesn’t stop there. The stranger keeps on sending messages, and you have no idea what is happening, when you start to develop feelings for the unknown person.
Pairings: Tom Holland  x Reader [submit your name: How it works]
Y/N your Name
Y/F  your friends name
Word Count:  2159
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 Part 6 
Warnings: There will be swearing for sure, lots of sarcasm
A/N: Here we go with Part 5 of Sorry not Sorry. Its getting more personal between Reader and Tom and we are slowly working ourselves to the middle of the Story. So dont worry, there is still plenty to come haha  Thank you all, for liking, reblogging and sending me all these nice comments about this fic. It really motivates me to write more :) 
The last couple of days have been a huge pain in the ass for you. Not only did Tom barely Text you, but you also had a tough time at work. Earlier, it was Tom’s Birthday and you sent him a message, that you wished him a good time and that all his wishes may come true for him. You know, just the usual stuff you text when its someones birthday. He did thank you for that and asked for your day too, but his answers were bare and short. He seemed to be either busy or wasn’t interested anymore in texting you and since you trended to be a pessimist, you thought that he might have had enough of you in the first place.
That was until you had a breakdown once you arrived back home from an awful day at work, which made it even worse when you had a fight with Y/F and lost your Oyster Card. You chose to text Tom because there was no one else you wanted to rant about your problems right at this time.
You:  Do you sometimes have these days where you wanna throw everything away and leave the country?
You sent the message and dropped down onto your bed. It wasn’t late and the sun shone brightly through your windows this afternoon but it didn’t light up your mood. You’d be down for some dramatical rain right now, but the weather decided against it as if it tried to tell you not to worry about it. As you lay there, your mobile buzzed and you grabbed it immediately, still being on the bed.
Not Tom Hardy :(: You need a one way ticket to Cambodia?
You smiled softly at his response and typed as quickly as you could. You really needed to get out this negative energy that had been building up in yourself.
You: absolutely. I’ve been having the worst day ever and I don’t know who to talk to… except you. So, I’m sorry to bother you with my problems, but I really need to get it out
 Not Tom Hardy :(: don’t worry about it. I’m sorry you’re having a bad day. What happened?
 You: I just messed up everything today. The whole week has been terrible so far anyway but today was the cherry on top. I had an argument with a client, that kind of ended bad and I think we lost this person as a customer for future bookings. And afterwards I totally forgot to meet up with my best friend and I let her wait for me for an hour and she called me and I didn’t hear her calls because my phone was on silence and when I called her back later, she was furious and mad at me. I couldn’t even explain myself for having a bad day. And to top it off… I even lost my oyster card. Only realized that, when I left the train station today and couldn’t sign out. I hate everything
 Not Tom Hardy :(: Calm down Y/N everything will be alright.  Just because you had an argument with a customer, doesn’t mean you do a bad job at work. I bet your boss appreciates you and your hard work. Sometimes, people can be shitty and we all do mistakes, don’t forget about that. And about the fight with your friend: Apologize. Invite her over for a movie night and dinner. If she’s your friend, she’ll understand. 
And Oysters are replaceable. It’s annoying that it happened, but you can get a new one and even if you had an amount of money on it, it can still be transferred as far as I know.
Reading this immensely long reply from Tom made you feel so much better. It was like a relief, that he told you all these positive things. It didn’t solve your problems, but it made you see clearer through them. And he was right. People tend to make mistakes and it’s natural, you shouldn’t be so harsh on yourself. You re-read his message a few times, tears welling up in your eyes only because you were an emotional mess right now.
 You: Thank you, Tom. Thank you so much, you’re right. I shouldn’t have freaked out in the first place but you really helped me.
 Not Tom Hardy :(:  Don’t worry about it, as said. We all have bad days from time to time. And if you ever need to rant again, I’m here and I’ll listen. Or read. Either way is fine lol
 You: Thank you.
After the little talk with Tom the other day, you felt a lot easier. You kind of accepted the fact, that he was busier than before since he was up with something. There was a weird feeling in your gut about this guy but you shrugged it off whenever your brain decided to think about it. You got your Oyster replaced the other day and also apologized to Y/F. She was still mad when you showed up at her apartment, but couldn’t hold it for long as she saw you apologize. You explained your day to her and she understood and hugged you. “Next time just check your phone more frequently. You did that with the Tom guy too”, she scolded and you laughed it off, promising you wouldn’t miss any of her calls again. The stress at work settled down as well, especially after you had a long talk to you boss about the other day, where you just got off and stormed out the building. He wasn’t mad at you or the circumstances, he just wanted to make sure that you were alright and he’d be taking over the problem with the customer. You were so grateful for his understanding, that you nearly started crying. You kept a straight face but you could tell your eyes were watering up quickly. As you got off work early that day, you decided to stroll a little through the centre of London. You haven’t been at Leicester Square and Piccadilly Circus for a while and you kind of needed the busy and crowded place to clear your mind from the past few days. As you got off the tube, you walked up the stairs following the masses of people as they all exited the station. Once you came out of the building, you turned right and walked to the public place, where people from all over the world were hanging out. Leicester Square had many cinemas and you wondered, which of these had the most visitors. You’ve only been to the Vue once with some friends when the Maze Runner movie was out in Theaters. Other than that, you’ve only been at some premiers here, to glance at some of the actors who walked over the red carpets.
 You got yourself some Ice Cream from Haagen Dazs and kept on strolling over the Leicester Square as you finally realized all the film posters, spread out over the whole place with the same picture on it over and over. ‘Spiderman’, you read and smiled. You were happy to finally see the new movie soon, but it would only come out in a few days, so you had to be patient. Somebody didn’t seem to have that treat as your phone buzzed.
Not Tom Hardy :(: Have you seen the new Spiderman yet?
 You: No Tom. It’s not out here yet.
 Not Tom Hardy :(: Aw man you gotta tell me how you like it!
 You: Such a Fanboy
 Not Tom Hardy :(: Let me be
 You: Ill make sure I grab Tickets once its out
 Not Tom Hardy :(: Good girl!
You giggled and stuffed your phone back in your pocket, eating your Ice Cream and making your way over to Piccadilly Circus. Summer in London was amazing. But to be honest, every season was beautiful, as you could experience them all for a few weeks.
 It was dark outside as you exited the Cinema together with Y/F. The sky black with a few dots of stars shining as bright as possible over the city lights of London. “Even though he’s so young, he did an amazing job”, you heard Y/F say and smiled. While she kept on talking about the things she liked and disliked about the film, you took your phone out to send a certain person a message. He was probably waiting for it anyway.
 You: It was good
 These were the only words you typed into your device as you walked to the train station to drop off your best friend who lived in a different neighbourhood. “I still can’t believe, that Tom made you this present. It was such a nice surprise”, Y/F said, walking at a faster pace because she knew her train was about to arrive soon. “Yeah, I still can’t believe he got me two tickets for this movie. I don’t even know how to thank him”, you explained and checked your phone once again for an answer. You couldn’t believe your eyes first when you got a confirmation SMS from an Odeon Cinema, saying that the Screening for Spiderman Homecoming was successfully booked. You thought at first, that it could be a scam or some stupid advert, but then Tom messaged you, telling you to not forget to send him your opinion about the movie. Now, you just wanted to be a little mean again with the text you send him minutes ago and it seemed to work when you got the answer back after Y/N has said her goodbyes. Your friend walked through the Ticketmachine and left you, shouting a loud ‘bye’ as she took the stairs to the platform.
 Not Tom Hardy :(: Good????  Only Good??
 You: I liked it. But I’m not used to such a young actor playing Peter. I also miss Tobey though…
 Not Tom Hardy :(: He’s 21…
 You: Oh, your Age! Lol
Not Tom Hardy :(: You’re just old and bitter
 You: Excuse me? I’m not old
 Not Tom Hardy :(: I bet you have grey hair already
 You: Yeah, because you get on my nerves every day
Not Tom Hardy :(: omg
You: brb. Gotta count my grey strands of hair
Not Tom Hardy :(: I wanna see that lmao
You: Let me know when you’re in London and I’ll arrange something
Not Tom Hardy :(: That was easy. Just booked my flights
 You stopped in your movement and stared at your phone, as your mouth fell open. Was this a joke or did he really book a flight from wherever he was back to London? You didn’t believe him. He was probably joking, right? Right??
You: youre shitting me?
 Not Tom Hardy :(: Does this look like a joke?
 And then the next second suddenly a file was sent to your mobile. A Screenshot of an online booking for an upcoming flight to London. You could see his Name on it but he drew over the Last Name, so you couldn’t get his Identity. You didn’t care about that, though. You were shocked as you saw the ticket number and date and destination, as well as his name.
 You: Bloody Hell, I think I need that ticket to Cambodia now
Not Tom Hardy :(: See you next week!
 You: You ARE joking, right?
You were still hoping for this to be a gag but it seemed that Tom really meant it when he said he was coming home. A few days ago you thought, you wouldn’t mind if you’d meet him somewhere in town by accident but now as this thing seemed to become a reality, the thought of meeting him made you nervous.  
 Not Tom Hardy :(: No :)
 You: How long are you staying?
 Not Tom Hardy :(: Couple of days. Have some appointments to attend and need to spend some family time as well. Will definitely be some busy days and I might not be able to answer much
 You didn’t know if you were relieved that he was so busy or if you were lowkey jealous that he couldn’t talk to you on a regular basis. Especially now since you both shared the same piece of earth underneath you. You tried to play it cool but your heart jumped a little, once Tom answered your next text.
 You: That’s okay. I don’t want to force you to keep me entertained every day
 Not Tom Hardy :(: Oh you’re not forcing me. I’m actually enjoying it quite much
 You: You shouldn’t. You’d miss my sarcastic shit probably
 Not Tom Hardy :(: That’s true. Anyway I have to go. Ill talk to you later
 You: bye.
 With that, he was gone for the day and you arrived at your door, with a pounding heart and red ears. You felt so warm, and your chest was moving heavily in excitement. Tom was coming to London and you had to admit, even though it made you nervous and terrified, there was also a little spark of excitement.
Taglist:  @hollandorks  @beardedsteveslut @ilivefortomholland @casualprincess77 @agirlwithpointlessideas @isabellamozarella03 @MENDES-HOLLAND @thiswildfire @wastedheartnat @hollandbaby @moonofmy-life @smileylaurens @random-fandom-lady
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