#me reading mtmte: oh 😨
one of the funniest and most surreal parts of being a TF fan is hearing they put a character from a piece of tf media meant for adults/older audiences into a new show or smth with a WAY younger audience. like. what the FUCK do you mean Tarn "Part of the Literal Torture Club and Sings People To Death" McTarn is in Cyberverse
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kairukitsuneo · 10 months
Me guessing (wrongly) MTMTE characters name [Part 1?]
I have never read any of the MTMTE issues and only seeing bits and part of the comic panel from various YT channels while I watching the memes.
I'm technically a four-weeks old transformers fan! XD
With that said, have fun watching me being clueless!
Note: Spoiler Alert Ahead(?) ⚠️⚠️ & Gore Warning for severed head⚠️⚠️ (thank you the person who reblog this remind me of the proper tagging)
First of all, I'm gonna start with someone I know:
I know him, This is Ratchet! :D
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I recognise his headpiece, he's Drift, right? I simp for him without knowing who he was lmao ((becuz of his thicccccc (-stop
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...... THis.... This is Megatron, right??? He become WHAT now????
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Shockwave, the infamous one-eye Decepticon! .....hrm, what's he doing with the chopped head 😨
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Oh! the blue OP - Ultra Magmus!
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Ok things gonna get worse from here....
Why does he has a big ass clipper on him? Is he going jumpstarting a car?? Im gonna call him Chipper.
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He looks menacingly in this pose. he will be Cyclone.
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His ear looks like a bat. Battoforce
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I think he's a Bolt.
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The winged crest and blue... Cyrowing
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Another one-eye guy.. maybe Shockdrone?
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Why does he has an X on his face lmao Mr. X
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Is he evil?? Looks like Shedder too.... hmmm Shredking?
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Why is his hand glowing? Rocky... what did you do?
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He so bony lol. Crisbone
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Good doggo don't hurt me. Wofiestark?
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She's cute, Go girl dance, Polyshine
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Feel like RoboCop...hrmmm Recon?
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Oh oh! I remember they called him Romidus!
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R: Yay, you finally guessed corre…. R: R: ……wait what??
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Ok, that's all for the time being.
Thank you for watching me through.
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