#mc dragon raja
yes-i-ship-people · 2 years
If you think about it, you are just a plot device to get the story moving. You barely get any real screentime, your backstory isn't really looked backed on unless another character has something to do with it, and the "real" main characters don't really care about you. Because, you? You are just some guy/gal following around their adventures, and an errandboy.
They even misgender you if you pick the female character.
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chuuzihangg · 10 months
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(I named her Tiffany)
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rurifangirl · 1 year
Look at my son living THE dream . And also have internal italian gay panic go figure like cristo dio indeed son
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@a-chaotic-dumbass @spoopy-fish-writes @spoops-screams @edensrose @nsk96 @dopesaladlady @audre-falrose @flowergarden1
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rottenheartedchild · 1 year
Bayonetta OC Weapon: Ame-no-Murakumo
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“A weapon created by Izanami herself that resembles a chain blade which she used a piece of her dress to connect it to a bell, containing a fragment of her powers.
Lethal and snake-like, it’s said that those who were hit by the blade would be slowly eroded their body and mind with its venom and cursed screams before succumbing to their grisly end.
It also worked as a grappling hook as the rope could extend to an unimaginable length, allowing the user to reach hard-to-reach places.
When the weapon is used in tandem with Demon Masquerade, the user channels Izanami’s power and assume physical aspects of the Goddess of the Underworld herself, gaining abilities such as flight and traversing underneath the surface”
(Huge thanks to @nsk96​ and @yorunokatana​ for the suggestions and ideas for this piece)
Masquerade: Ame-no-Murakumo grants Isidore to assume the form of a blue-skinned demon, with a humanoid upper body and a snake lower body. Wrapped around his waist are two ropes with a sickle each attached to it, as well as another blade connected to it via cores. Four more are hidden in each sleeves. A two toned veil with oleander flowers and a pair of horns partially obscuring part of his face, half of it rotting. On his back are a pair of large draconian wings that shares the same color as the scales on his lower half.
Traversal: Ame-no-Murakumo‘s form includes faster movements which allows him to swim in both underwater (akin to that of an eel) and underground (via a pool of crimson liquid). Like Monsieur Phenex, the combined form allows him for long distance flight and gliding over gaps and across ground. Though it lacks the precision and timing to change directions midair as well as landing.
Masquerade Rage - Death’s Embrace: Summoning a large pool of blood, Isidore will dive into the pool as his chain blades then gushes out, wrapping his enemies in a deadly embrace and squeezed them. The blades then plunge straight into their bodies, letting the venom corrode them completely.
                Isidore: Let my caress be the last thing you feel, die! (hysterical laughter)
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kotalefanzu · 2 years
sibling duos in dragon raja: trusting mc with their lives
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koisheep · 2 years
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Happy halloween  little ghost Chime
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oatsmealdotcom · 2 years
Luminous: Show them what I taught you!
MC: ...
MC: Number one Victory Royale-
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istanbulite · 2 years
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ok this one s better
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milkcrown-sonnetica · 2 years
what do you guys think was the mc's death message in the suemru throne incident? i dont think we knew if renata was alive at this time, so what do you think they talked about in the recording?
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fickleminder · 2 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thank you for the tag @chocmarss 💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
100 woohoo
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
325,362 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly Obey Me at the moment, but I've also written for Rise of the Guardians, How to Train Your Dragon, Miraculous Ladybug, Spiderman, Power Rangers, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Voltron, Final Fantasy, Transformers, Sherlock, and Dragon Raja!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
That's (Not) My Name
Just A Taste
don't you (forget about me)
The Other Half of Us
Second Chances
5. Do you respond to comments?
All the time! I do my best to say thank you to everyone who left a comment :)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
We Can Be Heroes (Just For One Day)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I'm fortunate to not have encountered that so far!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I can do suggestive content at best; I have no talent for smut.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Hell yeah, I wrote a lot of Hijack back in the day!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Again, I'm fortunate to not have experienced this (or maybe I'm just unaware of any theft).
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
A few, if I remember correctly, though I've probably lost the links to them by now...
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah, and what a fantastic experience that was!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
C'mon you know I can't pick just one :(
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
...I'm working on them.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Keeping things concise, I guess? My stories are mostly plot-driven, so I tend to move things from point A to point B in a straightforward manner. I try not to repeat words too often as well, and I'd like to say I'm good at writing angst!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Rushing the plot haha! I feel like being overly succinct makes my writing feel too abrupt; the transitions aren't as smooth as I like, and I can always afford to spend more time expanding and developing a scene before moving on.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's awesome; kudos to those who pull it off, goodness knows I can't!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
You can't make me choose, my fics are all my babies :(
No pressure tags: @arvandus @misc-obeyme @another-lost-mc @qrowsofafeather @sparkbeast20 @twiceasfrustrating @theevilpretty1 @obeythebutler @elsecrytt @atticsandwich and anyone else who wants to join!
(Questions below)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
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yes-i-ship-people · 1 year
I just played life makeover and I have an idea to make a crossover fanfic about Life Makeover's MC and Dragon Raja's Male MC in Ao3. 20 notes to make it real.
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chuuzihangg · 10 months
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The female MC for the new dragon raja card game is SUCH a baddie we will be choosing her 💆💆
Oh Mingfei you are OVER 🫢
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rurifangirl · 2 years
A lil Kayn thingy as a treat <33
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@a-chaotic-dumbass @spoopy-fish-writes @spooping-around-liyue @spoops-screams @edensrose @nsk96 @dopesaladlady @audre-falrose @flowergarden1 @infraaa @anonymousgeekhere
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rottenheartedchild · 1 year
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Was in a huge art rut for a bit until I've read @nsk96 's latest chapter of Spicy Water, in which her OC began sprouting out butterfly wings.
I got inspired and decided to design it for her, combining butterfly & draconic elements (I may have used Viola's faerie form as reference for the look). I also added long furs around the lower half of the legs and tail which resembles a fire to pay tribute to the OC's surname.
Pretty disappointing that the metallic patterns didn't pop out as it's supposed to but overall I'm happy with the end results. Since this is a gift for them, they're free to alter it any way they like.
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kotalefanzu · 2 years
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a gift from chisei gen. he likes it ^^
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watanabes-cum-dump · 2 years
Tower Of Fantasy: Genshin Killer/Copy?
Tower of Fantasy will get it’s official global release on August 10, and everyone’s pretty exited to see how it will hold up against Genshin Impact. It’s the main thing it’s been compared to and hopes to embody. It is definitely it’s own thing, but just like how Genshin pulled from Breath of the Wild, Tower of Fantasy draws a LOT from Genshin and BOTW. 
I beta tested this game during it’s first global beta, and not everything I say will hold up in the official game. 
So first, yes, Tower of Fantasy is an MMO. Guilds and all. There is pvp, there are rankings. I’m personally not a big fan of MMOs (my first exposure to them was Dragon Raja which was kind of bad so go figure) but since I really love open worlds and I beta tested for this, I may as well see what it’s all about officially.
Which, by the way, is about the same as Genshin. The pity is 80 instead of 90, but it’s still pretty brutal. You won’t accumulate premium currency very fast, and you can’t select which SSR to target. PVP isn’t a very relevant aspect of ToF, it seems like it’s more just for fun and rankings so the whole SSR thing isn’t that bad. But if you do plan to take PVP very seriously SSRs and Echo who is literally the only good SR is your best bet. 
The weapons themselves come with characters. You can swap in between weapons, but not in between characters. The character will be a sort of skin. It’s a cool concept really, if only the characters were actually interesting as character lmao but we’ll get to that later. 
Oh but I should mention that there is a system that allows you to get free SSR weapons via grinding. It wasn’t in the first beta but it’s in the CN official release and the second beta but I don’t know a lot about it. 
As for how the characters are, they’re really fun. The movement and combat is pretty good, you can string in mid air combos and plunges and depending on your movement you moves will be varied. Yes, you get double jumps and it is the best thing ever. You can infinitely climb with it so it’s a nice benefit. The characters themselves don’t exactly have the same depth as Genshin’s. But combat wise they’re all very diverse and offer different experiences. 
I think the one thing that will be a deal breaker for all the Genshin Players who want to play Tower of Fantasy is that the story isn’t exactly the best. It’s quite convoluted and there’s so real focus or development on most of the playable characters, who, yes, some have their own side quests but most of them aren’t relevant to the main story at all. Barring Zeke and Shirley whom you meet in the beginning, there are no reoccurring characters. There aren’t really events where the characters can shine either, since looking at the update the CN version had a while back, Shirley is the only one who follows MC to the new area where the next part of the story takes place. 
It is an MMO so the story is more from your perspective, but even that isn’t exactly done very well. MC is very dry and sort of becomes everyone’s handy man, they don’t really have a motivation aside from “stop the bad guys.” But the story tends to stray from MC a lot, the entire first section of the game surrounds Zeke and Shirley, leaving MC as a mere catalyst for their story. Zeke and Shirely themselves are... eh. The game wants you to care about them but you don’t spend a whole lot of time with them. Probably the only thing driving their story forward is their bond as siblings. 
Which speaking of I think MC has a sibling? Like they were with someone in the opening cutscene before everything went to shit but it’s never really brought up. So uh, Genshin’s story is better, it’s not a masterpiece and it isn’t perfect, but at least they establish their character so uh, yeah. 
The story is okay, it’s nothing special (as of now) and it doesn’t give you that sweet sweet character stuff that will incentivize you to pull for the characters. Like at most the incentive is “they’re hot/cute and meta plz pull for them” Seriously no one gets any characterization (in the current story idk abt the update CN got) which is a problem for a gacha game. It’s not abysmal like say Dragon Raja, it’s at least coherent and establishes the world quite well, but it does suffer from it’s lack of interesting characters which is sort of the biggest factor of a story, so....
The world is very interesting, it’s a sort of sci fi post apocalyptic meets Breath of the Wild with a very small population. The sort of power/magic system is a bit vague but hey, at least you get some kind of exposition. The lore has a lot of potential especially given the many different factions and it translates pretty well into gameplay. A lot of the game’s systems can be explained by the lore and there’s a little bit of shady cult like organization stuff going on with the enemies in the form of the Heirs of Aida. I think the story has gotten better with the new update but only when it comes to global can we truly tell. 
The progression is a little rough, I don’t know what the level cap is and it’s just your standard grinding. You can do some dungeons for extra EXP but it’s super repetitive and boring. 
I’m assuming this is like an MMO thing, but there are quite a few systems you need to manage. Off the top of my head you have your suppressor, leveling your weapons, equipment (like the convoluted substats equipment), your “artifacts” I forgot what they’re called but they’re only obtainable through gacha and are character/weapon specific. On the bright side you can buy them and there’s no RNG involved in the stats. but it’s just something to look out for. 
Cosmetics are by far this game’s biggest strength. The outfits are all really nice, character customization is top fuckin notch, and the obtainable characters are all very pretty and you can unlock alternate skins of them if you get enough dupes. (only for SSRs tho) 
Oh and quickly, there are mounts. I don’t think the speed is that different in between them, but you get a motorcycle at base and you can unlock some others including a really cool robot unicorn. As far as customization of these vehicles go, I think it’s just colors. 
The open world is much like Genshin’s, so there are puzzles and collectibles everywhere and you can obtain premium currency and some skins among other rewards via exploration. For the most part it’s seamless from place to place, but there is one Area, Hykros, that you have to teleport to. I don’t know about the new area in the CN update, I believe it’s an extension of the overworld save for the main city. 
It’s all very well designed, there are interesting land marks and you options of traversal are quite varied. You can climb, glide, I believe you can get grappling hooks later on, and you can cruise around on your mount. You can even surf and the double jump comes in clutch for exploration because as previously stated, it can be abused to infinitely climb. One of the most fun things to do is surf off massive waterfalls and cliffs into water, you can jump on the surfboard which is the coloest thing and it’s your alternative to swimming since you will need to navigate large bodies of water. 
Overall, it’s definitely something to check out especially if you like a good MMO. For people who want to check it out because of Genshin, it’s quite similar but Genshin pulls ahead when looking at ToF’s current content. I can’t speak for the endgame, but it’s definitely fun. It’s not an award winning masterpiece, but it’s good enough.   
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