#mayyybe soap but in an even MORE delusional way where he thinks tormenting you everyday is being merciful. same with engi tf2
bloodstainedhair · 5 months
Mx. sinister by I don’t know how but they found me. Which yandere fits this theme?
Hmm, for what first came to mind, I’d say Gaz and/or Rudy. These yanderes like to pride themselves on the fact they give you "space" to adjust to their presence, as if that's not the barest minimum. Your privacy is like a gift waiting to be shredded on Christmas day, or rather the day you accept their love. As hard as they try to keep a semblance of self-control in terms of their obsession with you, it's only so long before they grow restless with need. Maybe you were thankful for their shame in the beginning, but now that said phase has passed, it's made them all the more determined to make you theirs.
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