#mayday doesn't plan to go to college
starclast · 8 months
Mayzuketober, Day 21: Drunk 🥴🎵
...He still couldn't believe he was here.
He rarely went to parties and such, even during his not so long passed college days, he wasn't really the type to go to bars and party all night (even if it was along with friends). And yet, here he was: at a bar alongside a young girl, surrounded by a quite amount of drunk regulars watching TV and chatting nonsense about things he couldn't even catch sometimes.
-Are you really sure you're allowed here, Mayday? -he asked worriedly, lowering is tone as he partially covered his mouth with his hand.
-For the millionth time Zuke! I already told you: I'm 19, so I'm legally allowed to drink! Geez, relax man. You act like you will get arrested just by simply existing here-the younger complained.
The green guy clutched his lips into a thin line, letting out a weird mixed sound of nervousness and frustration. He didn't want to be a killjoy, seriously, he didn't! ...But he just couldn't help himself...
His life may has taken a complete turn after meeting his now bandmate...but part of himself was still stuck in his spinning and unresolved demons...Just like that, another memory of his still vivid past flashed through his head...but it disappeared as soon as he felt a hand bump with a loud *thump!* to his back (making him startled a little and almost spill his glass in the process).
-Come on Zuke! Our practices have been nothing but awesome in these last weeks and that's all thanks to you! -she exclaimed with an ever blinding bright smile- Todays my treat so come on, at least try it! I promise you these drinks are really good! Right Mr. Manu!? -and as she said so, she saluted to the old bartender in front of them.
-haha, I would be out of job if it were the other way around, lil May! -the old man laughed.
A smile formed unconsciously in the drummers face. It was amazing how she seemed to know and get along with almost every person they met, no matter the kind. Taking her words into consideration, the older one looked back at his glass for a minute and finally, tried it out and drank it all in one single shot. The liquor left a burnt sensation on his throat, but overall...it felt really good...incredibly relaxing even.
-haha, told ya! -the younger one cheered.
-Yeah-Yeah, whatever you say-he only replied, but although he tried to sound *serious*, the smile on his face and tone of his voice made it clear that it wasn't really like that.
After a couple more shots, Zuke could feel himself getting more and more relaxed thanks to the liquor. Although light, his cheeks also seemed to get hotter and a warm sensation was crawling slowly through his whole body.
-...There is somethin bothering you, right? -the sudden voice of his companion took him back to reality.
Surprised by her words, he couldn't help but turn his head and look back at her. She wasn't looking at him, only to her glass, with a knowing yet calmed expression...It was a face he had never seen in her before, and that made it all...a bit odder than what already was.
-Don't worry. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to-she reassured him and simply took a sip. The heat on her cheeks seemed to match his own as she continued-...But I still think you should let it out. In a way or another.
The older one stayed silent...Yeah...he may have graduated, and yeah, it may have all ended already...But yet...he still feels uneasy...and that seems to keep causing him trouble in his new life...
he doesn't know what to do anymore...he wishes he could talk about this with her but...he just cant. They are bandmates, yeah, but their bond is not that deep yet. Their friendship is true but...it could also simply be the kindness of a stranger...
While his thoughts circled around his head and a heavy silence dared to form between them, a new but bigger hand fell over his shoulder (and coincidentally over hers too) and shook him once again back to earth.
-hooo-waah! Long time not see lil May-May! -exclaimed a big old man with an outfit pretty much similar to a motor racer.
-oh hey, Mr. Banks!! You came back!! -the blonde girl said, recovering all her cheerfulness immediately.
-hahaha, OF COURSE I WOULD! I always have to come back here! Specially when I get hungry! -expressed the man within hearty loud laughs.
-A-Amm...Mayday...? -the green guy pointed out to the old man, with a tense and nervous expression stuck on his face.
-Oh Zuke! This is Mr. Banks. Leader of the Fire Circle-she simply explained, and then gestured back at him-And Mr. Banks, this is Zuke. My new bandmate!!
-Oh ho, just as I thought. Nice to meet you then Zuke! -he offered him his hand.
-N-Nice to meet you too...-he could just reply as he shook. The man didn't seem like a bad person...but his persona was scary looking enough to keep him tense for the meantime.
-Say boy...can you sing???
-h-huh!? -the sudden question took him by surprise-...Y-Yes sir???
-PERFECT THEN! -and just as he received his unsure toned answer, the old man took him by his shirt and practically placed him like a lamp into a little stage near a side of the bar.
-Woops, forgot to them him about that-Mayday mentioned as she saw Mr. Banks take Zuke there.
The old man really liked to see others sing and improve songs on the spot over rhythms that he come up with and now: Zuke just happened to be the next one to experience this.
The poor guy stood in place, looking like a deer in the headlights for being watched by so many people who now seemed to want nothing more than to hear him sing. Mayday was at a side of the stage and gave him a look of *Sorry for this, do you want me to stop them now?* …Maybe it was the insistent crowd. Maybe it was the simple support and possibility to retreat that his bandmate was willing to offer if he just asked. Or maybe it was just the alcohol already taking control over him and making him do stupid things as always but...he didn't feel like running away from this...
...And as the music that Mr. Banks and his band played intensified, and a certain silhouette appeared into his vision like a daring ghost...the words that were running down his veins came to him like the shot of a bullet.
I've done everything as you say I've followed your rules without question I thought it would help me see things clearly
Although it was like a mere illusion in his head, formed probably due to the alcohol and crushing thoughts on his brain, he felt like he was actually telling *her* all this.
But instead of helping me to see I look around and it's like I'm blinded
I'm spinning out of control, out of control I'm spinning out of control, out of control
Just as he sang, he remember it all: the fear, confusion and dizziness that he felt while trapped in that ever changing room the last time they fought...thinking he may never be able to get out of it...
where should I go? (Do) what should I do? I don't understand what you want from me (Know) 'cause I don't know (You) if I can trust you
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he was not yet completely lost in the song, so the cheering from Mayday and the crowd alongside his frustration and nervousness made his cheeks feel even hotter than before. For hells sake, what was he doing!!!?
I feel like I'm spinning out of control Try to focus but everything's twisted And all along, I thought you would be there (Thought you would be there)
Just as before, *her* figure came to him, now a clear copy of when they were once fine and in love together...
To let me know I'm not alone But in fact, that's exactly what I was
...just to abruptly return to her *actual* self, the one that had pushed him into a madness room and almost burnt him down without even noticing or caring.
I'm spinning out of control, out of control I'm spinning out of control, out of control
where should I go? (Do) what should I do? I don't understand what you want from me (Know) 'cause I don't know (You) if I can trust you Or all of the things you've said to me
And I may never know The answer to this endless mystery (Go) where should I go? (Do) what should I do? I don't understand what you want from me
his anger was still present in his voice, but as he kept singing, said anger seemed to fade away...he had finally acknowledged it...and said it all loud and clear, to himself...and to the world around him. Even if in said world, *she* wasn't a present part anymore.
Is it a mystery? Is it a mystery?
Now that there wasn't nothing else battling inside him, he could actually feel like...enjoying the song. hey! he may have used the tune to let out all these feelings in the lyrics, but that doesn't mean the music itself wasn't a banger!!
I'm spinning out of control, out of control I'm spinning out of control, out of control I'm spinning out of control, out of control I'm spinning out of control, out of control
Spinning out of control, out of control I'm spinning out of control, out of control I'm spinning out of control, out of control I'm spinning out of control
where should I go? (Do) what should I do? I don't understand what you want from me (Know) 'cause I don't know (You) if I can trust you Or all of the things you've said to me
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Before he even knew it, Mayday was already on the stage with him, singing and moving along the beat, with a bright smile that matched his own for how much fun this was. It wasn't planned and both of them probably didn't even know what was happening around them, but that was fine. They didn't care anyway as the music continued.
(Go) where should I go? (Do) what should I do? I don't understand what you want from me
I'm spinning out of control, out of control I'm spinning out of control, out of control
The frenetic song had now ended, but silence never came back to the room, because soon enough, everyone was cheering and clapping for one of the best *improve shows* that Mr. Banks had ever made so far for the regulars here to enjoy.
-hey you sing really well! how come you never told me!? -Mayday exclaimed excitedly over the cheers.
-I do??? Oh well...I haven't done it in front of so many people before. Actually...I don't even remember when it was the last time I did-Zuke could only say, still not quite believing what he just did and almost out of breath.
-haha, maybe you should do the vocals AND drum from now on eh!
-No way! I'm not drunk enough to agree to that! -he quickly intervened, scared by the mere thought of that.
-haha, but you ARE drunk enough to sing in front of a crowd right now!? -the blonde funnily pointed out.
-hey come on!! Don't tease me May!!! -the older one complained, but his smile lacked of any kind of true anger and only showed cheerfulness.
The crowed laughed and soon, they did too. The lights were too bright, he was all sweaty and his throat hurt a little for how much force he used when singing but...he felt lighter. The more lighter he has felt in YEARS. And finally, after what it seemed almost like an eternity to him: ...he forgot about Nadia.
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erigold13261 · 3 years
For some new inspiration in her artwork Eve decides to hang out with Mayday to understand the way a “pedestrian” perspective. It at first doesn’t go so well but over time they do develop into great friends, they even make several sculptures and artwork together, May’s bombastic personality with her creates some artwork that really pops.
Ooooh! May showing Eve graffiti pop art and like sidewalk chalk art would be cool! At first Eve doesn't see the point because these types of artworks never last and get "ruined" by other artists or the weather, plus these are artforms that literally anyone could do so Eve feels like there might be too many amateurs and not enough professionals in the field. She just doesn't understand what people are trying to say, even if the artists are direct with their message.
However! Mayday ends up showing how fleeting art and new eyes in art can be really nice and not everything needs a super deep meaning behind every stroke. Sometimes it's nice just to get an emotion out without planning or preparing.
She doesn't say this as eloquently as she would like, but Eve decides to try chalk art with May and just have fun, something she hasn't been able to do with her art since before joining NSR (maybe even before going to college).
Together they make a lovely mural on the sidewalk outside of Aunty's Restaurant (or whatever it's called) but it gets washed away from some oncoming rain, upsetting Eve quite a bit. Mayday tells her that it's okay and everything will be fine, this is how this kind of art is supposed to be and that wasn't it fun just playing around with chalk?
Eve isn't completely happy, but also not fully upset anymore. At least not until May shows Eve the photos she took of the mural and the process on her phone. She even shows Eve some closeups she took of Eve where she was smiling really big, allowing Eve to see how happy she is when she can just relax and make art without having to worry about a message or critics.
The two end up getting together every now and then so May can show Eve new art mediums and Eve can show May how to put more meaning into her art. Both end up learning a lot from each other! :3
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