#maybe the wish-granting magic is less a genie-from-aladdin type deal and more just that
journey-to-the-attic · 10 months
Dragon IK AU:
Im glad that you like the idea, it has been brewing in my head for a good while now. About Bailu, you dont need to know about her, what i meant is Bailu’s design is what i imagine Ik would look like with visible dragon traits. Just search up Bailu in google and see her design, it would somewhat fit Ik.
Now i originally imagine her to be a small bby dragon when she goes full dragon but i like the idea of Ik being able to be a BIG and little dragon because it would hilarious. Like the small human you’re trying to kill is suddenly a huge ass dragon, easily beat you up, then after beating you up, become a small little baby dragon. (Also do you know that small dragon zhongli merch plush? Yeah that’s small bby dragon Ik)
Now that you mention her powers that comes with being a chinese dragon, i feel like Levi would be the most helpful on trying to understand it. I dont think i mention this but Ik doesnt know she was half human and half dragon at all. All her life, she thought she was fully human, now she is actually a dragon with all these cool powers. But not everything comes easy the first time. Ik might have some crisis with the revelation she is a dragon (maybe??? I mean being an actual dragon that your home country worship isnt a small revelation). With Levi’s connection to the sea and such and also having Lotan, Levi can help Ik control her powers and Lotan can help with her getting used to her new form since hydra and chinese dragon are somewhat similar. (Also about the wish granting magic idea, maybe it’s best that Ik doesnt have that because Mammon would definitely use it to get more grimm or pay off his debts)
And about the god thing, wouldnt that make Ik a demigod? She’s half human from Zhao and half dragon from her mom, that’s essentially what a demigod is right? But tbh, i just see it like a half adeptus thing with Ganyu and Yanfei. Also the celestial realm… idk how they would feel with a demigod(?) being in devildom but what i do know it wouldnt be a pleasant one
What do you personally think the brothers feel about Ik being a dragon?
- 🐧 Anon
ah, gotcha! i'm always a sucker for this specific kind of dragon horn, so definitely a fan of this design (though not sure how to feel about the fact that bailu apparently isn't a child and just looks like that)
i think levi would definitely be ik's main guide for figuring out her new dragon abilities! they'd go out on a trip to the sea and just spend ages playing around with the water (though ik's control isn't great, so sometimes she'll accidentally start summoning a tsunami and levi has to jump in to get things under control)
i definitely wouldn't use the god aspect of chinese in a literal sense, but the celestial realm hearing of a 'functional demigod' appearing in the devildom would probably be cause for alarm. unlike the angel hybrid au though, they've got no claim to her custody despite the divine heritage, so i guess they'd just have to stew in it until they think of something...
as for the brothers, levi of course is super hyped!! mammon is similarly so ("hell yeah we can go flying together now!!!"), while satan is reassessing his animal tier list because ik's little dragon form might actually be even cuter than a cat. asmo's delighted by both big and little forms, because the former is magnificent and he loves getting to help shine her scales, and of course the latter is adorable
belphie probably tries to get ik to conjure up storms so that they'll cancel school. he basically uses her little dragon form as a hot water bottle, and meanwhile beel likes getting flown about when she's in Big form because he's normally the one doing the carrying, so this is a breath of fresh air!
lucifer's probably the only one who even considers the celestial realm's thoughts on this, but ultimately he's like "who gives a shit what they think" and starts a little diary to keep track of ik's growth (which he's very proud of)
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