#maybe i will provide screenshots for the examples later
ka-tet · 11 months
Roland Deschain is bisexual
Saddle up.
Let’s start with Susan Delgado. She is canonically Roland's first love and girlfriend. And you can argue that Roland is straight because he liked a woman…but then I present you: Cuthbert Allgood, Roland's best friend.
But hey! You say, Cuthbert is only a friend. There are no hints in canon of anything romantic between them, or an attraction from Roland's part.
And then I'd tell you: you're wrong.
So, let's talk about Roland's loves.
Is no coincidence Eddie and Susannah end up in Roland’s ka-tet, since we all know ka is a wheel. We even get a canon confirmation that Eddie is Cuthbert’s twinner. It’s also no coincidence that Susannah chose to have that name, so close to Roland’s first love, Susan.
What I’m trying to say is these characters are supposed to mean something to Roland, so they are the people he loved the most: Cuthbert and Susan. These two meant the world to him and both their deaths dramatically changed Roland, once as a child and then as a adult.
In The Drawing of the Three, this happens:
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When Roland thinks about loving, he names three people:
1. Allie. The woman Roland slept with in the first book, that got killed by the Man in Black.
2. "The girl in the window" that we later find out is Susan, Roland's very first love.
3. …and then Cuthbert. Roland's best friend since childhood.
So he names two love interests and then Cuthbert.
You could argue this was an idea of love in general…but if it was, shouldn't Roland name someone else like Alain or his mother? I think his mother should be more important than Allie, a woman he spent some time with before she died.
So that leads me to believe the people he listed here are all his romantic loves he had in his life.
And if you have any doubt that Susan and Cuthbert are equally important in Roland's mind, might I point out an interesting fact: Susan and Cuthbert get at least mentioned once (sometimes more) in every book, even in Wind though the Keyhole and The Little Sisters of Elyria.
I believe his friendship with Cuthbert ran a little deeper. Roland and Cuthbert were friends, but it is obvious his death affected him as much as Susan's. Sometimes their interactions feel romantic in nature. This is difficult to prove, since The Dark Tower is about platonic and family love, and the characters can be very expressive, devoted and even affectionate. Nevertheless, I wouldn't ignore:
- Roland reaching out for Cuthbert's hand.
- Cuthbert kissing Roland after they confronted each other.
- The whole Cuthbert being jealous and disapproving of Roland and Susan's relationship.
- The comics.
Aside from that, there are also some interesting moments about Roland and sexuality:
- When Callahan reveals he was in love with a man, Roland is the least surprised and scandalized of the entire Ka-tet. And he belongs in a Western/Arthurian mash-up universe.
- Also you can't forget to mention that the man Callahan falls in love with is named Lupe Delgado. Delgado. Like Susan Delgado, Roland's first love. If this isn't a hint to bisexual Roland, I don't know what is.
- When Roland meets King, for a reason that I don't remember, Roland asks Stepehn King if he likes men (yes, in a gay way).
In conclusion, not only Roland is not faced by same-sex attraction, there are possible hints and subtext about him being attracted to both men and women.
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transpersian · 6 months
Zena and Poppy: Abusive Hypocrites - Master Post
last updated on 3/29 (added deep cover post, restructured post w/ most recent documents first)
Hi there! I'm Milena, Poppy Diabolique's "psychotic ex" and the alleged head of what she dubbed her "League of Evil Exes." While we're more of a co-op, that doesn't have the same ring to it as "League," does it?
This is mostly to track my own I'll be updating this post with additional content as it's published, so please check back to my page for the most up-to-date version, which I'll leave pinned.
Please be sure to also check out @poppyandzena's page, as they've been diligently collecting and cataloguing evidence and other testimonies for months.
Please take your time reading through these. It's emotionally difficult content and there's a lot of it, so please prioritize taking care of yourself. It gets worse than you think and I've put plenty of headers in these so it's easy to find your place again.
Feel free to reach out with any asks. Barring confidentiality agreements, I'm an open book.
For legal purposes, all testimonies and commentary on this page or any of the documents linked from it are allegations. The screenshots, however, are evidence. Any edits will be very obvious and for the purpose of respecting confidentiality.
Also, I've got a searchable index of everything they've ever said on stream. Tell me what you're looking for; I'll let you know where it pops up (with timestamps!) and potentially maybe telling you where to find the video itself.
Major posts:
My goal with these posts and documents is to provide as much context and evidence as possible, so please remember to take care of yourself if you need to and take a break. It's a wild ride full of deeply upsetting behavior. All of the abuse-related CWs, short of flat-out physical violence.
This is only what I've put out, though, so please check out @poppyandzena for more testimonies. There are a lot.
LUXANDER STREAM - The debut of AH2 and Poppyamory 2+3 with excellent commentary. A great place to start, and if you have trouble reading lots of text, a great alternative to reading it yourself.
P&Z: Abusive Hypocrites (Part 2) - A TLDR overview of the public information available so far about PZ's conflicts with Noehflake, Dormiyu, and Spawn. A good place to start if you just want to skip to the current stuff.
Poppyamory 3: Poppy's (Para)Social Media Presence? - Poppy's online presence shows a pattern of questionable behavior.
Poppyamory 2: is poppy acephobic? - A collection of screenshots of several times where Hayleigh expressed not being interested in sex and that she was potentially/probably asexual, only to have Poppy fight against it however she could.
Poppyamory 1: what PZ are hiding about their visit to Noehflake - An exhaustive collection of DMs preceding and following the alleged "rape by deception" in December. It completely demolishes any notion that Hayleigh did not clearly communicate how she felt about the relationship before the trip.
Spawn 1: what PZ are hiding about their kid - (also, those paying attention may have noticed it was doc 3, like I'd said 😉)
Poppy and SFW Spaces (Part 1 and Part 2) - Poppy has some weird ideas about what SFW entails, including around minors. Part 1 has several examples, part 2 looks at how they handled a situation where someone said they were uncomfortable with it.
P&Z: Abusive Hypocrites (Part 1: Milena) - My account of the conflict that ended my relationship with Poppy (and Zena). Pales in comparison to what we learn in later docs, but still contains extensive evidence of how they handle themselves in private.
Other significant posts:
Deep Cover - How I navigated going undercover with Poppy for over two and a half months.
Doc 3 is about PZ's kid - My initial announcement that I was in touch with Spawn and that I was planning on releasing a doc for them.
Does Poppy normally share private information with her mods and close friends on the server? - TLDR: yes; also confirmed by two other former mods on here.
My thoughts on Poppy's controversial kinks - TLDR let's not kinkshame the general kink, let's make sure we're being very specific with evidence-based accusations.
Poppy calling me "psychotic" in her posts - Just a shining example of one of the many behaviors that a professional therapist should know better than to indulge in.
Zena's PMDD does not excuse their behavior
Posts from others about PZ's split with Courtney Orchard and Britt:
Poppy's sexual harassment of Britt
Why they got into a fight with Courtney
What they did when things deteriorated between them and Courtney
Courtney on Poppy, kink, and abuse
Why you shouldn't listen to Essence of Thought about any of this
None of us were knowingly protecting Poppy
Why are you doing this?
@zenaandpoppyonyoutube are an engaged pair of content creators who have positioned themselves and their community as a safe place for neurodivergent, traumatized, emotionally vulnerable, and queer people, including specifically being a safe place for Lily Orchard's victims and fans to escape to. Poppy is a professional licensed therapist. Zena is... there.
Unfortunately, while they say the right things, what they do is a completely different matter. If you're here, you want to know more.
If you're here because of the Courtney Orchard situation, hopefully this will provide enough additional context to make their behavior in the situation make more sense, or as much sense as it can make.
I'm making this post to catalogue the most important information about this subject, including linking to relevant documents and accounts. The goal is twofold:
to protect online communities from them
to provide a space for other survivors of their abuse to feel understood and heard
Why are you waging a hate campaign against a fellow trans woman?
Because this is not a hate campaign; it's a callout of PZ's patterns of harmful and dangerous behavior. It tends to start small and then turn into something genuinely horrifying. Nobody who treats people the way that they do in private should be in any position to tell anyone what's best for their mental health, much less be regarded as authorities, role models, and community leaders.
They're not big now, but Poppy is charismatic, quick on her feet with responses, and weirdly mean-spirited sometimes; somewhat of a perfect combination for the leftist political space. Even now, I know people with friends on their server who've said that those friends have been slowly getting more bitter, judgmental, and cruel.
They have the potential to gain some real momentum. They're a toxic influence that will spread their genuinely harmful ideas about how relationships and boundaries work, particularly to younger people. While their usual content ranges from uniquely insightful to petty drama squabbles, those segments aren’t the issue. These concerns come up when they’re discussing their personal lives, sometimes even making it into their main segments and published videos.
Why not just let this go? You know you look insane to most people, right?
Because what started as a Twitter thread responding to them taking our personal matters on stream has cascaded into me being a support contact and safe haven for fans and victims of theirs.
You might think this is petty content creator drama, but I promise you, it's so much worse. PZ are an exceptionally unwell couple who have left a trail of vulnerable people in their wake, even more broken than they were initially. This goes beyond messy break-ups; we're talking about brutal gaslighting and abuse that derails people's lives, cutting people with abandonment issues off from their friends and community, and driving partners to new depths of abuse trauma that they're left untangling for months (and years).
We're talking about familial abuse, prioritizing their own pride over the safety of abuse victims, and the relentless use of diagnoses as shields against criticisms of their behavior, including Poppy's questionable understanding of sexual boundaries and appropriateness due to her hypersexuality.
This is not just drama. I'm not being hyperbolic when I say that they've already almost killed someone, and with the kind of people that they attract, it's only a matter of time before that "almost" doesn't apply anymore.
These aren't just abusers; these are self-righteous monsters who refuse to recognize or acknowledge the damage that they continue to cause, and are skilled at twisting the narrative to match the version that makes them feel the most justified in their behaviors.
They're not going to get better. We've tried. They don't even see the problem with their behavior in the first place.
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starqueensthings · 13 days
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Hi pals!
I’ll still be travelling when you’re seeing this and haven’t watched the finale, so I don’t have any new content to share, but last week (maybe longer? I don’t know— rainforest brain lol) I posted a poll asking if anyone was interested in seeing a snippet of my editing process, so here it is feat. possibly one of my favourite Wrecker moments.
I use a myriad of different software depending on: my mood, what computer/tablet I’m using, what the image looks like, and how much energy I’m willing to put into it lol In this video, I’m using Lightroom on my iPad.
The three main factors I look mostly closely at when I’m editing shots are 1. lighting, 2. noise, and 3. resolution (read: clarity).
This image required pretty minimal work so it’s probably not the best example, but ah well. The process in the above video is as follows, and please note the video had been sped up to 2x for file size reasons lol
The first thing I’ll do is see what the auto edit function defaults to. Often times it overexposes the image, resulting in significant colour noise, but it gives me a decent idea of what I should expect in terms of colour corrections and exposure mapping. The auto edit function wasn’t terrible in this case, but did produce some colour noise, mainly on Wrecker’s chest plate, his sleeves, and the officers hat. Once I’m done the initial scope out, I’ll exposure the image as high as possible to crop it— usually with the subject being as centered as possible.
This software lets the user tweak the bones of the image individually in three ways, all of them very quickly demonstrated here. The first is the curve method which I despise and NEVER use— because it alters multiple aspects at once, I don’t feel like I have the same degree of control as the other methods. Next is HDR setting (the default upon import) using the sliders on the right. This is effective for images that are already pretty well lit, and does give me a little more control, but most of the time because the screenshots are so dark, I’m editing in SDR mode.
Once I’m satisfied with the exposure/lighting, I’ll move on to correcting colour distortion and saturating the image. This software also provides three methods for colour alternation and I’ll typically use all three in conjunction with each other. Colour mixing is extremely crucial when it comes to reducing odour noise and distortion. Because this software lets me isolate certain colours to adjust their hue, saturation, and luminance, I can typically reduce most of or all of the colour noise. However, it does have its limitations. In this particular post, desaturating the colour noise in Crosshair’s rifle coincided with blanching his skin tone, because this software does not let me isolate certain areas of an image. It was also important to me to emphasize the warm tones from the sunset in the background for the overall mood of the shot, so I opted to remove what colour noise I could and leave the rest. (You can’t win em all… especially when the starting image is near-black lol)
Correcting the colour distortion in this image was not particularly difficult, desaturating all purple tones removed the noise from his chest plate, and shifting green tones to something near a yellow instead removed the noise from his sleeve. I didn’t notice the colour noise on the officers hat until a little later, but that was pretty easily corrected too.
Once I’ve fixed the colour noise, I’ll shift to toning the overall image. Wrecker particularly looks good in cool tones, but It’s nice to contrast a cool tone background with the warmth of his skin.
Once the toning is done, I’ll move on the image clarity. I don’t have the means to alter the actual resolution of the image, but I’m particularly picky with balancing texture and clarity. Wrecker always looks the best with texture and clarity increased, because it brings out the scarring on his face and further humanizes him, but overdoing the texture can also emphasize pixelation. Once that’s done, I’ll reduce the overall noise only slightly (doing too much makes them look airbrushed and unnatural), and whatever is left of the colour noise (too much of this setting makes them look like ghouls LOL)
This software also offers a series of preset alterations/filters briefly shown in this video… but I’m not the biggest fan of any of them. I’m a bit of a control freak and would rather tweak each aspect individually to the degree that I like, instead blanketing the image with present modifications and then undoing certain aspects.
Before exporting the image I’ll do another once over and make sure I’m happy! In this case, I opted to go back in and add some darker tones back into the image. I don’t do this often, particularly when they start so damn dark, but I wanted to keep the focus centrally on Wrecker’s radiance lol
That’s about it. If I’m working on multiple edits in a set, this software lets me just copy and paste the settings, so the following images only require extremely light tweaks and take almost no time. And that, I’ll export, autograph, and upload!
Thank you for attending this unprofessional Ted Talk.
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retrobr · 7 months
I may be misunderstanding something, but what's the problem with security cameras in the NATM universe? While watching the entire franchise, I noticed several moments where providing security camera footage could've solved some of the plot problems, but none of the characters (including Larry, since he's the main character) used them.
For example, every time McPhee reprimanded Larry for the mess the exhibits made in the museum, Larry didn't counter his lectures and took the responsibility for it on himself, although he could've taken the security camera footage and shown it to McPhee. Of course, it's understandable that Larry didn't do that so as not to inadvertently put the exhibits and himself in sort of danger, yet in "Secret of the Tomb" he tried to convince McPhee of the magic of the tablet, even though it was a forced measure, but maybe that wasn't the point idk. After all, in such an important place as museum that contains very valuable historical artifacts (like the tablet of Ahkmenrah), security cameras should be installed literally on every corner, if I'm not mistaken.
Another example: Larry could've used the footage from the security cameras to convince Rebecca more quickly that the exhibits were actually coming to life at night and not make himself look like a crazy person.
After all, Larry could've used the camera on his phone, taken some photos or made a video, and later shown it all to the people he was trying to prove the life in the museum (although the situation with McPhee would've been more complicated, since he was trying to convince himself that the life in the museum wasn't real).
At first I had the somewhat dumb thought that there were no security cameras at all in the NATM universe or that they weren't used that much, but no; in "Battle of the Smithsonian," they were demonstrated in a scene where Larry showed the security guard an identity card through the camera:
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And heck, didn't any of the guards at the Smithsonian Institution, such an important government place, see through the cameras all the mess caused by the exhibits and Larry in particular?
There was a similar situation in "Secret of the Tomb", but this time with the British Museum and Tilly; she had surveillance monitors in her guard booth, and she was even able to see Laa's rampage through them (I don't have a screenshot of this moment sorry). But at the same time, she didn't see the moving exhibits and adventures of Larry's gang around the museum. And I know that she was asleep at the moment of their adventures, but let's leave that aside...
In general, the whole thing with security cameras and similar gadgets in the NATM franchise seems pretty strange to me, because due to some of the flaws with it, there were plenty of inconsistencies. And yes, I completely understand that this aspect was omitted in favor of the plot and the length of the movies, but that doesn't change the lack of logic in not using security cameras in many of the appropriate situations.
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haevnlii · 1 year
how i make scripts aesthetic on google docs (on pc) <33
Part One - Images
! Due to Tumblr's 30 image limit, I'll have to make this in parts. This one revolves around how I sort pictures to make them look aesthetic or just more organised in my script. + I'm not the best at organising tutorials sometimes but I'm trying to not make this confusing <//3
Ignore any typos and errors, thankyou. If you need me to re-explain anything, please feel free to ask. I feel like I haven't explained properly but, idk what else to do, lol :,)
Page isn't broken, to avoid messing up the way images are organised.
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— ◦◦◦
What do I use?
Other than Google Docs (obviously), — Fontspace | A background remover [my mains: 1, 2] | Pinterest/WeHeartIt/Google search, and other sources for pretty pictures, pngs, etc. 🤍🌙
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bundling images
Using the different text wrapping options, I found that it helped a lot more to "bundle" images together, so that things look prettier + more organised.
! example
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This is pretty simple, honestly; Fontspace provides font text as pictures, transparent bg and not, — so organising the text from it will fall under the tut for this bit.
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^ These are the text wrapping options. The first one is the default and limits text placement/movement, the other four allow you to move text where-ever on the document (especially if print view is off) but each do different things.
In order of settings, examples (press images to see properly):
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! tip : If you're bundling images that "overlap" too much, make sure to crop at least one (or however many needed) past its actual size so that it won't be a pain in the ass moving them later on.
- You may also use "behind text" for one of them, if it helps, so that it's easier to select the images, this also applies to using image over text (examples in each image).
what I mean:
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Using these features, I'll—as per the aesthetic of my script—sort things accordingly. Get creative with the way you're doing this, and keep experimenting 'till you're able to make stuff look the way you want, lol.
"BuT DaRLIng wHaT Do I dO wItH ThIS iNFo??!?!?" bitch idk find an aesthetic 💀💀
like those 2016 fashion sticker books or smthn, idk- whatever u like-
Going into the aesthetics more ;; I usually pick diff aesthetics for each script and refuse to script until I find a pretty one LMFOAOAO- But I especially go for inspiration from (Korean?) bullet journal aesthetics which include lots of image bundling and customised tables.
Why korean ones specifically? Idk the difference, but using "Korean" as a keyword gets the stuff I'm looking for. 💀 But I also search for little pngs I want to add to my script; and if it's a false transparent png or has any background, I use my background removers to make it an actual transparent png.
And, sometimes, I like to search for colours then use my snip tool to screenshot them really thin, like those brown-beige borders you see in all my posts, then use them in my script like highlighter lines, like-
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That's pretty much it, really.
! examples from two of my scripts
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Fontspace fonts apply as well. One thing about Fontspace is that, you can change the colour of the text ;; as well as the background.
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The brown colour is the text's colour, the blue one is the background's colour. You can of course choose to have no background, but it's there as an option.
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I don't know of any features where you can save a colour but that's maybe me being dumb ;; but what I do is set a certain colour (i.e. blue) then use the colour adjustment in google docs to change it to black, red, or whatever over colours r in the script.
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Anyways I'm p close to the image limit, so that's it for this post.
I hope this makes sense bc explaining this was harder than I thought. 💀💀 Once again I can clear anything up if needed
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! tips
Keywords you can use for tiny decorations, are "clipart", "[aethetic name] clipart transparent png", "[aesthetic name] sticker png transparent", etc.
You can have a look at the aesthetics wiki for ideas for your script
Fotor is what I use to crop images into different shapes, and it is how I got the circle/heart shaped pictures in my documents ^-^*
...I'll add more when I remember them.
next up ··· customising tables ✿
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silverjojo08 · 4 months
I'm Sorry Women (an Ace Attorney retrospective)
Don't worry, this is going to be much shorter than my FE Engage essay. Also this is more of a personal piece than anything else.
With the upcoming release of the Apollo Justice trilogy (AA456 collection) I've started going through my old tweets to reminiscence about me playing those games. This will be spoilery for some aspects all three of those games I think, so this is your warning to turn back if you haven't played through Spirit of Justice.
Eat Your Hamburgers, Apollo
Ok this part might be obvious, but because I am an American gamer who played the US localization I will be using those names, locations, etc in this discussion.
If you are at all generally curious about localization and Ace Attorney, Janet Hsu has been one of the main localizers on the franchise and has spoken about some of the process (this interview is about DGS/GAA but there's tidbits on their work in general) here: https://www.polygon.com/interviews/22519215/great-ace-attorney-chronicles-interview-translator-localization-japanese-western-audience
Update: AA456 specific interview with Hsu as well: https://kotaku.com/ace-attorney-apollo-justice-janet-hsu-interview-1851226695
Other Preliminary Info
So unlike my Engage essay which was set in a more fantasy world, I do feel the need to state that I'm not an expert on the subjects of: adoption, teen pregnancy, teen marriage, cross-cultural adoption, political strife?, etc.
I haven't done any reading in prep for writing this. I'm not trying to present myself as any type of authority. I'm not calling out anyone specific in the fandom besides myself. This is meant to be an analysis of me and my previous beliefs with maybe a little commentary on how the fandom at the time may have shaped those thoughts (but the only examples I will provide will be my posts and screenshots from the series).
And as like in my Engage essay, I'm not a professional story analyst or anything and this is not meant to be a literary criticism. I'm not even using fully proper grammar or anything. Sorry if it's unreadable lmao.
The Essay
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I was going through my old tweets to see my old thoughts as I was playing through Ace Attorney games 5 and 6 in particular. I don't believe I livetweeted AA4, but if I did I can't find my hashtag for it. I went back mainly to see the funny and dumb things I posted when I was younger and to relive some moments from the games to hype for the new release of the Apollo Justice Triology as I had not played them in a while. There's some funny stuff in there, especially the AA6 one where I predicted at least one thing accurately.
In my reminiscing, I came across this one in particular which immediately gave me pause:
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I understand why I said that. But still I couldn't get it out of my mind. "Why did I say that? What led to me holding this type of honestly heartless belief? Why was I like this?"
Thalassa married Jove when she was 18 and had Apollo when she was 18-19. Yes, at the time I typed that I believed she gave Apollo up willingly, which turned out to not be the case as later revealed in AA6.
But looking at it even from that lens now, even if she had given him up herself, so what? No decision she could have made at that time could have been wrong. It's insane that I thought otherwise. That was an impossible situation for her.
And yes, the specific scene is from Apollo's perspective. He doesn't know the context of him becoming an orphan. Even as of AA6 (which goes into his early childhood) he only knows the circumstances of how he lost Jove and why he ended up in the US, but not all that happened with his mother.
He is not wrong to feel as he does. And there are people irl who have been adopted and spoken on their experiences and all. I'm never going to tell anyone how they should or shouldn't feel about that because I've not been on either side of that situation.
But I completely misunderstood even just the basic context of the scene. This was a flashback scene where he was a young child (stated to be about middle school age) trying to give advice to help his friend.
I went back to the scene to get screenshots for this. And it wasn't even about him as much as it was about him helping Clay in the only way that he could, as one little kid to another:
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This is a cute scene about two kids in an orphanage working through their emotions and bonding while also dropping lore on where Apollo's catchphrase comes from.
There was no need for me to take this opportunity to speak on Thalassa at all. Especially when she literally did nothing wrong at all.
I do generally remember back in the early 2010s at least in AA fandom there was a bit of an angsty thing regarding how he may have felt towards her not raising him especially after she went on to get married again and have Trucy. I cannot remember all the details, but I assume some of that rubbed off on me. But even if that's the case, I still should have known better. A lot of stuff that happens in fandoms shouldn't be internalized.
In Conclusion
TL;DR I was a dumbass using a touching scene to slander a girl put in an unimaginable situation, and they should revoke my feminism card.
Less flippantly: It's always worth revisiting old opinions to challenge your past assumptions. Everyone grows and changes over time. And even people who believe themselves to be well-meaning have some rotten stuff to worth through. It takes work to become a better person.
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Psst. Hey. You. Yes, you, the person who plans on doing NaNoWriMo. Clean your place today if you still haven't. You won't regret it. Dew it. DEW IT.
Right, so for the next month, or however long it takes me to scribble 50k words — if I do manage — I'll try my best to avoid distractions and not post anything lengthy here. Maybe just some funny screenshots or something.
But before I start on the brutal exercise in self-poking that is NaNoWriMo, I wanted to say a few words about what you miGhT hAvE guESsed is my favorite TV-show. Not just because ‘I won't have time later’, but because the thing I've been writing for the last 11 months, the thing I beat the last NaNoWriMo with, and am intending to repeat the trick, is as Harmon-esque as I could manage, in ways so convolutedly — and sometimes idiotically — meta that I can't even begin to describe. But as long as it helps me process stuff, right? Anyway, I owe this to my favorite auteur, and I owe this to Community. ❤️
I am not a fan, I am not a groupie, I am an academic © 
I’ve seen people write fanfiction, theorize about the plot and the setting, ship characters, i.e. treat this show in a normal way, as a TV show. A regular story about a bunch of characters. These people are within their rights, of course, go ahead and perceive in any way you wish, not everyone’s brain is set into overthinking mode 100% of the time, duh-doy. 
But I can’t. I’m only capable of perceiving Community as a TV show about TV shows. In my eyes it’s not a story about characters, it’s a story about stories. About media of all types, about writing and storytelling and structure and tropes, about how fictional narratives shape our lives and our thinking; and for me personally writing fanfiction about the immediate archetypes involved in it, for instance, would be like writing fanfiction of a textbook about the place of postmodernism in the general literary theory. So to me, Community is a work of nonfiction. It’s entertaining and witty, yes, but it’s Not Real in any way; it’s a page-turner study that provides the viewer (me) with brilliant and memorable examples as the viewer learns.
In general Community is not the playful or heavy-handed sort of meta we’re used to these days, that type that rewards you for understanding references and then goes on to give you exactly what you expected; it deconstructs everything within its reach, it challenges and sometimes even punishes the viewer for their preconceived notions and for blindly submitting to them. 😈
I bought into (what I now think of as) the charade at first, just binging it in an idle manner — what am I saying, if it didn’t start out the way it does, tricking everyone into thinking that they’re watching another sitcom, this time about a bunch of goofs in a community college, I bet Harmon would have never gotten it greenlit; plus, in hindsight, it needed to build its own comprehensive mythology — but I squinted pretty soon, when the show itself started to call me out. For instance, when Shirley addressed the whole ‘two attractive white people are bound to get together, that’s how it always goes’ situation, and I found myself thinking: huh, I am expecting that to happen, I am absentmindedly ‘shipping’ those two, but why, what outside influence had led me to this? And just look at what the show did with my trained expectations, how brilliantly it called me out. I applauded and I wheezed. 
When the shift in perception happened, I couldn’t undo it. 
As I was watching for the first time, trying to pace myself (quiet fart on fourth), I re-read several works of non-fiction that had been my holy tomes in uni and beyond — literary semiotics, comparative mythology, creative writing; but I was also spending hours on the TV tropes website, absorbing and re-absorbing, and looking up articles and essays, and just generally, all jokes aside, watching this show as an academic would (look how Community predicted and lampshaded this, too, and even mocked me a little, with Professor Sheffield). I, too, was raised by TV, but not the American TV; and I guess the fact that I grew up watching something completely different, just added to my interest.
Sidenote: now I can quote Community in my sleep.
And I still think that the ending was perfect in every way. It called me out, it challenged my perception one last time for the road, it asked if I really wanted from my media what I’d been taught to want, and it offered me to engage in the ultimate introspection of this sort, learn to compromise, and remember that real life is real life and fiction is fiction, and neither owe me happy endings, and that comfort, closure, and acceptance are instead to be found within me — and then *I* hugged my teacher goodbye, twice, one for a gripping course, one for what the course had taught me, and my teacher left to teach someone else. But now there's a river that winds on forever: I'm gonna see where it leads.
That’s why I said I worship Abed. To me Abed is not a character per se, and not even (not just) a raisonneur; in the confines of this piece of media he’s a mechanism, he’s a book spine, he’s a table of contents, he’s the narrative that holds within itself every narrative that’s ever existed, guiding you through the learning process.  
Right, that’s it, I love kettle corn and Community, Community is a fun time show. 😁
Jokes aside, sidenote 2: if you want a true masterpiece of postmodernism, but can't be arsed to read stuff, especially if it's a tragic borefest like Campbell, and Kaufman's movies make your brain tie itself into knots: Community.
Imma go vacuum some more.
Good luck if you're doing Nano, too.
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villains4hire · 1 year
What are some things you are tired of seeing in the RPing community?
Something that you find unforgivable?
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//The constant ever flowing discourse people have and can't discern vaguing from an opinion on a topic. Ppl acting like someone in the rpc is the end of the world over an ooc problem in a private convo over just a disagreement. Perhaps even dragging it to the blogs in vaguing or otherwise.
//Then the second will be covering mature, sensitive topics, click the readmore at your own risk: you've been warned. As I will keep it to the online space and rpc mostly, as it won't be able to be able to be applied though with some exceptions to give good examples as some ppl are really stupid about the concept of 'innocent until proven guilty'. It's just a long list of what I could think of in about 30 minutes so there u go
//Alright so on minors interaction: anything smut wise rped with minors as I've been groomed myself into doing that as a minor, but I won't say how, as things go deeper than that and while that's not something that even bothers me anymore? It is something I can't forgive, but I won't go after people if they stop. I don't fault people for being lied to but I highly suggest to do your best to verify ppl's ages, as people do lie a lot online for smut or try to, as I know you want to trust ppl, but don't ruin ur life. I've seen too much drama, discourse and ppl getting screwed over for this tho no legal charges that I know have ever happened over it from my several decade experience in different rpcs. Like there are still ways to lie of course, but it becomes much harder for ppl that shouldn't be interacting with you that way if you take that step.
//I think interacting with minors as an adult in the rpc is a little odd at this point? I don't hold it against ppl who do, but so long as there's no sexual content involved then I have no problems with it, though I do question shipping etc. I'm glad most ppl are becoming only 18+ though, it gives me comfort that I'm harder to reach when surrounded by such a sphere. Violent rps are okay but maybe don't go too crazy? I know a few ppl who rp with anyone still, so I kinda know both sides of the fence as most people did around five years ago, I think everyone just got tired of them being in our spaces as I know I did.
As someone who's been abused and while I've never abused someone in a sexual way? I have used abusive language in a confronting way in the past as a minor and partially into being a young adult, granted, things usually end shortly afterward. Ppl can grow and change, don't be a purist moron about it.
And on that note: do not make allegations without screenshots or evidence, or jump on a hatemob. Like I get the 'Me Too' movement, it's important to talk about abuse, but there's a thing such as innocent until proven guilty. I say this, as ppl who have abused me have tried to ruin my life as well, the only reason why they didn't get away with it is because I had evidence and his ass got dropped in court. (I am keeping this vague as the nature of it is very personal) This in general I suggest as you can ruin someone's life if it's something super bad you're accusing someone of. I know someone who tried to ruin my reputation in the rpc until I threatened them with screenshots of our convos of them blatantly lying of our interactions, trying to frame me as a predator??? For reasons I don't know, but people like that usually have some deep seeded issues that are hard to get into. But imo, you're a piece of shit and I hope you eat glass if u do that, as I STILL have the convos screened all these years later stashed on a physical memory stick and on online drives. They at the time, had destroyed my friend circle as I didn't take the ppl they manipulated back after that. Don't be stupid, don't be gullible, always make ppl provide evidence for really damning accusations. Esp since things can be easily deep-faked for convos these days.
Transferring ooc feelings into an rp in a blatant way to be a dick is an easy way for me to part ways.
Vague-posting about me or someone else in a blatant way will ruin any chance of us interacting in the future or present. Make it apparent it's someone ooc or I'll take note and see if you change overtime, otherwise I will indeed just cut ties no questions asked. There's such a thing as talking about something that happened with someone you no longer talk to, or they did something horrible to you. But if it's over something like getting blocked? As I get it feels bad for some ppl, but pls vent privately or something. As at that point, I presume and my expectations will be set that you never want to talk again as ppl we know can and will get involved and u shouldn't expect otherwise if it's blatant enough.
Leave RL at the door when it comes to your blog unless you are literally having the worst day of your life imaginable, need help or otherwise. This I'm not as resentful of, but it is discomforting so at least tag it.
Abusing deniable plausibility to be subtly transphobic or otherwise, as recently I had someone get onto about my Vaggie faceclaim for her moth form. As they compared to removing her tits to whitewashing and called me a sexist which you could easily imply 'haha, ur sexist bc man', but could fall back onto like 'well women can be sexist too'. No I'll call you fucking stupid and to eat glass and screenshot the convo.
Influencing a friendship of someone else or someone vulnerable in an emotional state to worsen their opinion of someone else. Like you can talk about ppl, but if you're their fucking friend? Don't do that then to them, sometimes, ppl just don't get along, it doesn't mean they're a bad person. In fact, most things I've noticed years later or months even ppl end up regretting what's happened between them and that person and wonder 'could things have been different'? And I'll tell you, yes they could have and still could if you make the effort to reach out. Like there are exceptions as needing advice for friend to friend, but never try to make it a 'it's us against them' over something benign or if it's behavior that can be changed.
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a-god-in-ruins-rises · 9 months
You have a very unique view of the word. I've never heard someone describe debt as sacred. Can you elaborate on that?
i don't know how much more i can say. i'm obviously not saying all debt is equally sacred. some debt can be overbearing and oppressive. i am talking about debt established in good faith and within reasonable limits. i believe this reciprocal relationship forms an enduring bond between two people. i posted that screenshot about the indo-european guest-host relationship because that's sorta what i'm getting at.
say you're an ancient indo-european nobleman. you're travelling a long distance and get caught in a storm. you visit a nearby estate and the owner graciously welcomes you into his home. he, as host, feeds you and offers you dry clothes and he drinks with you and indulges in some conversation. then he gives you a gift for your travels and you leave and continue on your journey with the knowledge you are now indebted to him, grateful for what he's given you. maybe years later that same nobleman stumbles upon your doorstep. with your debt in mind you welcome him into your home and repay him with the same hospitality he showed you.
this was a deeply sacred relationship. and understandably so. it fostered trust in a time when trust could be the difference between life and death. that's why dishonoring this relationship was such an extreme taboo and it was overseen by zeus himself.
i believe that this bond, based on a promise and mutual trust, goes beyond the material transaction itself. it becomes a sacred act that symbolizes the interconnectedness of individuals and their willingness to support each other, especially when the debt is incurred with genuine intentions and maintained responsibly. when approached with sincerity and respect, it resonates with the spiritual values of building relationships and upholding promises. it transcends the mere material benefits and fosters a sense of trust, commitment, and acknowledgment of shared responsibilities while establishing deeper connections.
not to mention the act of repaying debt is itself a spiritual exercise that can be seen as building good moral character since it requires discipline, integrity, and a sense of responsibility in order to uphold your obligations and keep your promises.
even the indo-european concept of sacrifice is based on this idea of reciprocity and debt. you make an offering to the gods as part of the gift-exchange with the hope that at some point in the future they will repay the debt in kind. or maybe the gods will bless you in some way and you will be indebted to them and have to make an offering to them to pay that debt. indebtedness to me just seems to be a perpetual sacred bond that produces greater value in both material and immaterial ways.
in really practical terms, taking a loan can provide you with the capital to allow you to buy a home to raise a family in, to start a business that might make you and your community wealthy, to attain a higher education, etc. things you probably wouldn't be able to do otherwise. and even for governments, it helps provide infrastructure and pays for public services. debt is, ironically, absolutely critical for growth and prosperity. and i appreciate how it is inherently forward thinking. it's always looking to the future, expectantly.
another historical example that means a lot to me personally (and it should mean a lot to you if you're an american), is alexander hamilton's idea of public credit. i guess credit sounds better than debt but still. i would argue this idea was perhaps the sole reason for the union's survival. hamilton understood the deeper value of debt and he made it so the federal government assumed the debt of all the states from the war. this earned the gratitude of the states and made the states invested in future of the nation, and gave them a sense of collective duty thereby making the states more committed and united. it literally strengthened the bonds of the union. and america probably wouldn't be here if that indebtedness never happened. now everyone say "thank you mr. hamilton."
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lucidpiner · 2 years
Purebasic hide window
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The sql code is ready - server with 100 mbit direct connect is ready - now i must get firm with the engine.Code: Select all Procedure. The window is automatically activated (gets the focus), unless.
and use them to make a kind of virtuall city or an architactual marketplace.Īt the moment i experementing with the engine. Hide Hide Gadget Hide Skin Hiding Highlight Highlighting History Horizontal. It can be one of the following values: True : the window is hidden. People can upload models textures sounds etc. Its payload is highly destructive to vulnerable systems, overwriting critical information on infected system drives and, in some cases, destroying the system BIOS.Chen Ing-hau (, pinyin: Chén Yíngháo), a student at Tatung University in Taiwan, created the virus. A kind of Sandbox Editor with multiuser - later maybe a game. CIH, also known as Chernobyl or Spacefiller, is a Microsoft Windows 9x computer virus that first emerged in 1998. I have no plans yet for a game - more for an application leadwerks + pb + sql. Is it possible that you can give a pb example that loads a map that comes with the LE sdk - or makes an example wirh water - both don´t work at this time for me. Second - i check your SimpleFWExample - works fine. The Command LEEndRender() Could not be found - i check later why. Hiding the window works fine for me, both by the menu item and the F6 shortcut. I tried the actual headgen - there is a little problem with the Procedure LE_Engine_Stop(). Yes - there was a lot of sun - and i got some burnings on my skin Then click the icon to unhide the window. What I want to do is hide the window and put an icon in the icon tray to show the app is still running. What kind of game will it be ? do you already have an idea ? Ok, this may seem like a dumb question but how do you hide a window If I use CloseWindow, this closes the window and the app terminates. Now you'r back with plenty of energy to write the first Purebasic LE game ! Provide examples of performing some of the following: hide, show, close, minimize, maximize, move, and resize a window. I did nor remove the helper functions, some people may want them (especially curve, you'll need this believe me), anyway it's easy to comment them out after header generation if you don't want them.įor the LE api function that are not working, i think you must call Josh to help, but way until you got a working screenshot. Please rebuild the headers and compile & run this sample project + post a screenshot Here is a sample application showing the current use removed static result and added Result parameter to all vec procedures like Paul said removed Procedure Init_Enum() not required like Paul said model Hide Adopted Bears, Distinguished Professor and Director. changed the enumeration numbers for dll to a fixed value Community Room with a fireplace and large flat screen TV Julie, MA in Winter Park.
maybe with a zip file of your project and assets i could see something.Įdit : Updated the header generator, please re-download If you want to automate this registry fix/hack, you can use any of the SCCM methods mentioned in the above section of this post.
Disable Hide Upgrade to Windows 11 is Ready Notification on SCCM Managed Devices 5. The black screen is often a camera position problem, but in your case if you have polygons with setstats(2) then maybe it's a light problem ? i'm not sure. NetBeans began in 1996 as Xelfi (word play on Delphi), a Java IDE student project under the guidance of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University in Prague.In 1997, Roman Stank formed a company around the project and produced commercial versions of the NetBeans IDE until it was bought by Sun Microsystems in 1999. Create registry -> QWord key with the name SvOfferDeclined. Pb #2: how do you know water does not work in pb #1 if you see only a black screen ? you crash ? If they want to change that behavior then they can change it.
The taskbar belongs to the user, It's up to them to care about having it take 1/2 second to auto-hide when you app goes full screen.
It is either a new bug introduced in 2.40 (then see with Josh) or more probably a graphics driver issue (what are yours specs and driver version ?). uncheck the checkbox that says 'Keep the taskbar on top of other windows'. Pb #1: this is probably not a declaration header problem, the declaration for these commands are so simple there is no place left for an error. Also i have problems with the LELoadScene command - it loads the scene - i get stats about a lot of polygons - but i only see a black screen?!
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rassicas · 3 years
Haikara Walker Pages 179 - 193: The Inconvenient truths of Kamabo Co.
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More artbook translations! These ones I translated a couple years ago (except for some stuff on page 188, just did that now lol), but they needed to be spruced up a bit and moved to a more readable format other than shitty discord screenshots on a twitter thread, so here it is. For the most part I’m not gonna bother translating the handwritten text since it’s usually just design notes. (scans by @milkiemilkshake)
[178 + 179, which is the first image i posted] A huge, mysterious company that creeps in the underground world
 The inconvenient truths of Kamabo Co.
During our coverage of the Deepsea Metro, our reporters saw a huge underground experimental facility. According to the sea cucumber conductor, the company that operates the facility is called Kamabo Corporation. In order to find out more about Kamabo Co., our reporters infiltrated deep underground.
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[180 + 181]
Beyond light's reach, unusual sights spread in the deep.
[180] In recent years, the existence of the Deepsea Metro has become clear and has garnered attention. Surprisingly, each station is said to be an experimental facility of a company called Kamabo Corporation. Our reporters had a hunch that more secrets were hidden further in the Deepsea Metro. We received a CQ-80 and a CQ Card from the Telephone, who called itself "The Tour Guide to the Promised Land," and started the investigation. As we hopped on the subway, we were greeted by a squishy and blue sea cucumber conductor. "Overcome the challenges of each station, and gather the four thangs" are the words we went by. As we arrived at the first station, we couldn't believe our eyes at the extraordinary spectacle. There were Octarians whose bodies were so unthinkably blue, and objects from back in the day, floating in the air, defying gravity....  And when we listened closely, we could hear mellow sounds, unlike anything heard in the squid's world. What does this facility do? Why did it develop in this way underground? And what is the "promised land" told by the Telephone? We will continue our coverage further. 
[Page 181, bottom left] Inside the facilities of the Deepsea Metro, medical instruments and equipment can be seen everywhere. Although the hospital-esque atmosphere isn't completely there, there are traces of some clinical trials that have been conducted. As the mystery of the dim and lifeless facility deepens, one could shudder at the thought of it.... 
[Page 181, bottom right] The upper image shows Octarians who are dressed in protective body suits, who appear to be doing some sort of research. What is the huge object in the center? The lower image is of the NILS Statute, which is the center of Kamabo Co.'s facilities. Details will be described later, but it’s understood that it was created through advanced science.
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[182 + 183]
Aiming for the "Promised Land": to the core of Kamabo Co. and the NILS Statue
[182 bottom left] While surveying the facilities found along the Deepsea Metro, our reporters found a huge statue called the "NILS Statue."  Upon closer examination of it's interior, seven areas could be seen, with names based on the organs of the humans who once thrived, such as the "Coccyx Prison" and the "Villi Control Zone."* This is Kamabo Co.'s most important facility, as it has more blue-green Octarians and advanced equipment than the facilities in the Deepsea Metro. Through unforgiving Octarian assaults and near-death experiences with the traps strung about, we barely escaped through the top of the statue with our lives. The salty sea breeze comfortably caressed our cheeks, and the radiant rays of the sun shone as it set. In the distance, we could see the region of Inkopolis. Is the world we live in the "Promised Land" the Telephone spoke of? [* translators note: While in the English version it's all just "(name of organ) Phase", the JPN version gives the areas names that are more specific to what actually goes on there. I figured it would make more sense in this context to tell what goes on in those areas.]
[183 with the arrows and 5 little pictures]  The top of the head, which is the final area. There's several devices alongside each other that one can't even imagine what they’re for. There's a gaping hole where the mouth and the right eye are, and there seems to be something in them. Yet the more you look at it, the more beautiful and graceful it looks. ↑ An elevator is installed in the "Spinal central hole". This mechanism that runs through the center of NILS statue is like a spine of a human. From the elevator, you can get to a long and narrow ladder that lets you leave to the surface. It's really long, how many steps are there?.... ↑ An energy core is hidden around the "Diaphragm control tower" and "Peristalsis flow passage." When it is set in a certain place, the core supplies a tremendous amount of electricity to the inside the statue. At first glance, the core looks like a Zapfish, but its power is beyond comparison. ↑ The abdomen of NILS statue. This area is fully prepared to keep intruders away, as it is packed with things such as moving scaffolds and life-threatening lasers. Sometimes the Telephone's voice can be heard through the CQ-80, but one can't tell what it's saying, as the transmission gets cut off. ↑ An area located around the waist of NILS Statue. Since weapons can not be found anywhere, one must use stealth to advance. Move slowly, as any sudden movements will expose one's whereabouts to the Octarians. [183, small text by the cut open statue]  An image showing how the internal structure of the human body has been applied to that of the NILS statue. While looking at the statue, we can't help but wonder: are we just something that gets digested through its body? The rumor that the NILS logo represents a "stylish turd"* suddenly has some truth to it.
* [translators note: literally says "kakkoi unko". take that as you will.]
[183 handwritten captions] [pointing to the top of the statue's head] Mem Cake [bottom right] Digest everything and knead it well, and it'll turn into one thing→ 
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[184 + 185]
Revealing Kamabo Corporation's Eight Secrets
[184] As a result of searching all over the Deepsea Metro, these eight confidential documents related to Kamabo Co. have been found. These documents show devices that aren't seen in our world, but if their functions and purposes can be explained, then maybe we can reach the hidden truth and essence of the company called Kamabo.
File no. 1 Telephone  [184] A machine installed at the central station. Although it appears to be a piece of telecommunication equipment that was used ancient times, it seems that it was made by combining some of the latest technology. It has the function to detect an ID from an Octarian's body and discern individuals. Removing the back cover confirms it has an elaborate internal structure.
File no. 2 Ticket Examiner [185 top] Ticket gates and dressers are set up at the entrance of each station of the Deepsea Metro. After getting off the metro and choosing a weapon with the dresser, it appears that there's a system in the ticket gate that opens when the specified amount of CQ Points are paid. When one returns to the dresser after clearing a mission, they can receive a Mem cake. File no. 3 Goal Point [185 bottom] The goal point provided at the innermost part of each experimental facility starts up by painting the device with ink, and stops after a certain period of time elapses. It's a device that has been confirmed to be seen even in the Octarian residential areas, but the ones in the Deepsea Metro are shaped like a pen or a push button. [translators note:  The goal point likely looks like a pen because the words for "ballpoint" and "goal point" are extremely close in Japanese.]
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[186 + 187]
File no. 4  Target [186 top] The kind of targets that looks like a cube can be set up on the ground, or are often arranged in stacks. The durability depends on the size of the frame. The kind that looks like a round balloon floats in the air. They say that after a certain amount of time passes, it soars up into the sky. File no.5 8-ball [186 bottom] A huge sphere with a big "8" drawn on it. One can roll it around using the momentum of the ink fired from a weapon for example. It is a fine product that boasts of it's sturdiness; if it falls from a high place, it wont get a single crack. It seems that challenges can be solved by rolling it in accordance with the on-site neon signs, and by hitting the bumpers.
File no.6 Traps [187] Traps found within the body of the NILS statue. There are blueprints of a large device that ejects blue-green Octarians that have been packed in boxes, a wall-mounted ink laser, and an energy core. How dreadful would a secret have to be for one to guard it with traps? [handwritten text by the power core] -On a closer look, it's a nucleus-like part of a baby Zapfish. It actually is an egg. -The baby is blobby. -The energy is captured with the socket
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[188 + 189]   File no.7 NILS Cannon [188 top]The NILS statue seems to exemplify the dignity of Kamabo Co. Set in its oral cavity is the NILS Cannon, a device that radiates an enormous amount of energy, said to hold the surprising power to remake the world. When it's triggered, our world may be destined to fall....
[188 bottom, by bottom left image] The top of the NILS Statue's head. There are huge tanks and countless antennas and radars that catch radio waves of some kind, reminiscent of an advanced chemical plant or military facility. Just what was this place made for? [188 bottom, by image at the bottom of 189]  The mouth area of the statue operates like a ventriloquist's dummy, and the NILS cannon is deployed as if it's being spat out. The cannon is filled with bright green ink. Upon closer inspection, there seems to be something mixed in among the ink...?
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[190+191] File no. 8 Thangs  [190] It gets installed in the Central Station, and as told by the Telephone, it leads to the "promised land". In order to get there, one needs to collect "the four thangs". One can't even imagine what the individual parts do, but according to these top-secret blueprints, one can guess that it's something that kneads. Is that the Telephone in the part that looks like a lid? [advertisement on the right side of 191] Aim for the promised land Mass Recruitment of capable beings Overcome challenges at each facility in the Deepsea Metro, and do the simple job of finding just four "thangs". Even the inexperienced are warmly welcomed, all that matters is if you're motivated! If you can collect the four "thangs”, you will be invited to a bright utopia!! <Application Requirements> Working place: In the Deepsea Metro, all facilities Reward: depends on the challenge Working time: as much as you like Holiday: up to you Remuneration and benefits: depending on your skill Others: you will be supplied with a sample kit*, CQ Card, and a CQ-80 Contact: Deepsea Metro Central Station
[* translators note: The "sample kit" is the name of the bag attached to your ink tank that expands and explodes when you fail a test. JP splat twitter made a post about it, but the SRL never translated it for some reason.]
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dontneedadictionary · 3 years
FACEIT, TF2, and YOU: What it is, how to play, etc
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So you’ve heard of the hit new thing coming to TF2 but you don’t know what the heck its all about? Or maybe you’re trying to figure out how to use FACEIT to play Team Fortress 2? This is the guide for you.
For those of you interested in signing up, consider using this link. For those of you looking to learn more, please read under the cut. I’ll be giving a detailed explanation of what FACEIT is, what it means for TF2, and how to queue. 
Ok, so first thing’s first: what is FACEIT? 
FACEIT is an Esports company founded in 2012. It has been hosting leagues and community matchmaking for games like CS:GO and Dota 2 for a while. But this isn’t really too important in the grand scheme. What you need to know is that FACEIT has taken an interest in creating a skill-based, cheat free, matchmaking platform for casual Team Fortress 2. 
What this means is that after the closed beta for TF2 ends later this month (March), you will be able to queue into community maps hosted by FACEIT. These servers are heavily monitored with anti cheats so that they will not be infiltrated by hackers and bots which have currently been the plague of Casual Team Fortress 2. 
Currently, FACEIT boasts zero bots, zero hackers, skill-based matchmaking, free prizes (australium weapons and rare cosmetics), no autobalance, no random crits, no random bullet spread, and more. 
You can learn more about these things in plenty of youtube videos like these:
But what does FACEIT mean for TF2? FACEIT poses a chance for TF2 players to experience a more serious casual setting without the current issues plaguing the game. It also means that TF2′s community could grow. Potentially, if FACEIT goes well, Valve could be inclined to improve the future of the game. 
FACEIT currently is one of the best options for people who like playing TF2 seriously. It’s not technically competitive, but it is a more competitive way to play. Consider it like playing something like Competitive Overwatch casually. You should take the game seriously, not play as a friendly, and not abandon the game. 
If you’re someone who wants more from your TF2 experience and want a challenge, this could be for you! That being said, I caution that it isn’t for everyone. It’s a very different way to play TF2 than a standard causal game is. Maybe give it a try and see if you like it! 
So how all does it work from the technical side of things? How do you play?
Well, I’ve got the guide for you! (This will get long, I’m sorry).
Currently (3/14) the client only offers a closed beta. To get access you will need to be invited by FACEIT to the closed beta. However, you may be able to get access to this by inviting a friend (I’m not 100% sure). 
If you have full access, or this is written after the closed beta has ended and the client opens to the general public: start here. 
First thing’s first. When you download the client, it may require you to verify your email and phone number before you can queue. This is a component of the anti-cheat. Additionally, it may require that you download the anti-cheat software (this will require a PC restart). I suggest downloading it regardless of it is required. This is merely to help prevent the infiltration of hackers and bots. 
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The anti-cheat download can be found in the bottom left of your screen. Just download the software and make sure you log in afterwards via the same button once it has been successfully downloaded. NOTE: you cannot install the anti-cheat with TF2 or another game open. 
Once this is setup, you should be able to queue with no issues. 
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From the play menu, you can queue for Solo or Team games of matchmaking 12v12 TF2. It will let you know how many players are currently queuing for the game mode if you hover (hence 21 in this screenshot). 
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There are currently 8 available maps. You can select your preferences here. However, much like in competitive game lobbies, you will have the option to vote for the map chosen for the match. I’ll come back to this in a moment. For now, you need to know how to make sure you make it into a match.
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When a match is ready, there is a VERY short period of time to accept the match. Less than 30 seconds to hit accept. If you miss this window, you will have to requeue. If someone else misses this window, you will automatically requeue. The client will automatically play a loud trumpet flourish and you just hit the button to check in. This is to ensure no inactive players and afks.
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This is what the window looks like when you’re accepted into a game and the maps are still being chosen. Team leaders (priority towards people with premium passes) will choose and select a map for the game to be played on. If you’re not a team leader, you can request that certain maps be played or not played. 
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After the map has been chosen, you will be provided an IP address to paste into your developer console in TF2. If you don’t know how to enable your developer console, please follow this guide. 
You have less than 3 minutes to connect into the match. If you make it in during this time, you will be partaking in a few moments of warmup. It’s just like pre-game in Casual TF2 servers. From here, the game functions similar to competitive. One team attacks and sets a standard. The other only has to beat that standard time or amount of points capped etc. (I believe that KOTH maps are best out of 5).
If at any point your team is really getting beaten and you feel the need to forfeit. You can type “!gg” in the chat and a vote to forfeit will start. 
If you leave the match early, you will be penalized. So you should really only queue up if you have an interest in completing the game. Even if it goes poorly, you should stick it out or use !gg. 
Once the match ends, it will automatically close. Similar to an MvM lobby!
As you play, you’ll be able to work towards points to win prizes (they’re expensive but still possible to get!) as you play the game. Here’s an example of some of the prizes.
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There are also missions to help you unlock points. Here are some examples of those:
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You will also be able to rank up and unlock points that way. Newer players will have to work up through the ranks. The XP to earn these rank ups comes from playing the game. You can earn your way to the Face Melting rank just by playing the game. 
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An example of how the ranking system currently works is shown here from Big Joey’s youtube video.
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As you can see, the higher ranks will be based on your skill as a player. There are also other things in FACEIT such as ladders and tournaments. These are more complicated and explorable on the actual site or platform itself. So I’ll let you guys check that out on your own.
Overall, there are a lot of fun things about FACEIT! Hopefully this guide helped you understand what it is, how to play, and what there is about it. Please let me know if you have any targeted questions about it in my inbox and I’ll be sure to help provide any info I can.
Have fun y’all and give it a try! This is a cool alternative to casual play. 
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franniebanana · 3 years
CQL Rewatch - Episode 4
Okay, it’s been a hot minute since I was able to get to watching this episode, but here we go!
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Great intro. Remember last time how Lan Wangji got to pick Wei Wuxian’s punishment? Well, it seems that Wei Wuxian was up late into the night working on transcribing and, surprise! he’s not done. And unless I’m mistaken, he’s actually spent days doing this, because when they first arrived, the salute ceremony was ten days away, and here we see Wei Wuxian is almost late for it. So by this point, I’d expect Wei Wuxian to have some serious hand cramps from all that calligraphy.
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While I enjoy this comical moment and introduction to Nie Huaisang, I have to wonder why he thought bringing a bird into the salute ceremony was a good idea. Birds make noise—they tweet, flap their wings, try to escape cages! Anyway, it’s a goofy moment, but we got some cute expressions out of Xiao Zhan and some disdainful looks from Wang Yibo, so I can’t complain.
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Xiao Zhan does a really good job of looking very young here at the beginning: his mannerisms, his facial expressions, how he carries himself, all really creates this feeling of being young and carefree. On the other side, Wang Yibo (who is six years younger than Xiao Zhan) does an equally good job of portraying someone more severe, mature, elitist. Lan Wangji has a reputation for being above people—for creating an aura that implies other people aren’t worth his time. In fact, he doesn’t even have any friends, as we found out in the last episode.
Wangxian really suit each other, even before they know each other at all: Wei Wuxian has this light, carefree nature to his character, while Lan Wangji’s is darker, more austere.
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First of all, those fuckers. Gossiping about his lineage in full earshot of not only Jin Guangyao but also Jin Zixuan. This poor guy has practically clawed his way up to where he is, only to be an attendant to a clan that he has no blood relation to. His own father refuses to acknowledge him, his mother is gone, and these jerks gossiping—ugh! Hate it, regardless of who he grows to be later on in the series.
I really love Jin Guangyao and seeing how he changes from beginning to end is honestly a delight to watch. Like most of the characters, he seems so pure, so simple, such a kind person, and his relationship with Lan Xichen is something that you can’t devote enough time to. I think it gets shortchanged a little, but they only had 50 episodes, so I’ll take what I can get. Even in the book, I was left wanting to know more and see more about them (but I wouldn’t trade my wangxian content for that, so I guess I shouldn’t complain).
Last thing I want to say is, DIMPLES! Look at those adorable dimples!!
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This is so insane—he literally set this guy on fire! How can he get away with this?! Anyway, enter Draco Malfoy—I mean, Wen Chao. Ahem. This series wants to throw a lot of villains at you right away: we already have Wen Ruohan, Xue Yang, potentially Wen Qing (we don’t know at this point), and now we have Wen Chao. They’re really pushing the Wen Clan is bad agenda. And as if being generally rude and probably mentally unstable isn’t bad enough, Wen Chao literally sets fire to one of the Gusu Lan Clan disciples, while the other disciple basically does nothing about it (why is that guy so useless? Doesn’t he have some spiritual energy to throw at that magic fire?).
Wen Chao is one of those characters that I think most people love to hate. He’s so evil, so horrible, yet charming, in a way. He is a villain and he’s proud of it, y’know? There’s no ambiguity here about his actions, which is kind of refreshing in a series filled with grey characters (and I love grey characters, don’t get me wrong).
Oh! And I just noticed while I was saving that screenshot that Wen Ning can’t even look at what’s going on. Very accurate to his character—non-confrontational, just wants to float along and do as he’s told. Really shows he’s under the thumb of the Wen Clan. I also like how Wen Qing is the one to put out the flames. You get to see that healer side of her early on.
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Jiang Cheng and I had the same expression here—I really wanted to know what their gift to Lan Qiren was. If this is something in the book, well, then I’ve forgotten. Wei Wuxian and I have that trait in common: bad memory.
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LWJ: Bro, can I hit him?
LXH: Nah, bro.
I missed this on my first viewing—or just forgot, most likely. Lan Wangji is so poised and collected, but also so defensive. He’s the brother who will be the first to go on the offensive if he sees something wrong happening, which I love. But I also love Lan Xichen’s chill attitude—yes, this guy is clearly a troublemaker, and he’s dissing our clan, but let’s settle this in an adult manner. According to the wiki, Lan Xichen is only a few years older than Lan Wangji, but you can see that he is a lot more mature in just those few years. Like I said in the last episode, he kind of had to be a parent to his younger brother and set an example of how you should behave. Of course, he’s also the clan leader, so he can’t really act like a spitfire.
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Of course, if anyone is more defensive than Lan Wangji, it’s Wei Wuxian. Even though Lan Wangji has been a bit of a pain in the ass to him, Wei Wuxian still rushes to their defense. Even this early on, he’s started to form an attachment to the Gusu Lan Clan, whether he’s really aware of it or not. I’m wearing my wangxian goggles, but the “you offended the Jiang Clan because my brother was in the middle of his salute” kind of feels like an afterthought.
But of course it’s in Wei Wuxian’s character to be heroic like this—to rush to the defense of others, whether it’s asked for or not, and I don’t get the feeling that Lan Wangji disapproves of this. I think he takes note of this and future events, adding it to what he’s compiled of what makes Wei Wuxian tick. And by this time, I think he’s also decided to give Wei Wuxian another chance—Lan Xichen has planted the seed in his mind that he could be a good friend to Lan Wangji.
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I know he’s not supposed to be gay.
I know.
But…come on. The way he’s looking at Lan Xichen right now—it’s a look certainly of deep admiration and respect. And there’s not a hint of jealously either, even though Jin Guangyao has every reason to be jealous of Lan Xichen: the respect he commands is great—he can even subdue the Wen Clan. But instead of hating Lan Xichen, Jin Guangyao instead becomes close friends with him, very much a parallel to Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian. Fascinating! These characters are so rich—so many layers, so much to talk about!
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The first time I watched this, I was so annoyed with Nie Huaisang—any additional scenes that were added just drove me crazy. But now, having watched it all, I actually really appreciate these moments of comic relief, even the ones that are unique to CQL. As the series progresses, it gets darker and darker, and these lighter moments are honestly precious when you know what’s coming.
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Someone explain to me why Jiang Yanli is making soup when meals are being provided to them? Yes, we know she takes care of her brothers, but why is it always her making soup? This is the first of many soup scenes, and at a certain point, it’s like beating a dead horse. I actually would have appreciated a little scene of them eating Gusu Lan Clan food and getting to see Wei Wuxian complain about it. I wouldn’t mind a disapproving look from Lan Wangji at overhearing it either.
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Yeah, remember when I was saying Lan Wangji was taking note of the good things Wei Wuxian did? Well, he’s also very aware of how naughty he is. At the beginning, Wei Wuxian’s good traits are heavily outweighed by his transgressions, though, by comparison, they are minor ones. It’s ironic that later on Lan Wangji will overlook major transgressions without a second thought. Shows what a deep relationship they are able to cultivate.
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I feel like, in a way, this is Wei Wuxian’s way of apologizing for offending him earlier—like, I’m being cute, Lan Zhan! Obviously it only makes Lan Wangji more annoyed, but it’s the thought that counts, right? Wei Wuxian is really testing boundaries here. He has such a fixation on Lan Wangji, one that definitely annoys Jiang Cheng (and makes him jealous to boot, in my opinion), but it works to his advantage, since Lan Wangji can’t really keep his eyes off of Wei Wuxian either. And the circumstances that follow just keep drawing them together.
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After Wei Ying gets told to leave the lecture and go to the Library Pavilion, he doesn’t look at anyone except Lan Wangji. I wonder if he wants to know Lan Wangji’s reaction—is it disappointment, anger, something else? Whatever it is, he wants Lan Wangji’s attention—that’s what he seeks above anything else. You could argue that he doesn’t look at Jiang Cheng or Jiang Yanli because he knows they’re disappointed or upset with him, and I think that’s fair. And maybe he doesn’t seek their attention because he knows he has it—but he doesn’t feel like he’s gotten Lan Wangji’s attention here and that bothers him.
Other episodes: 1 | 2 | 3 |
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kateis-cakeis · 3 years
Did... did Phil use the wrong sword on Ghostbur?
Because when they originally talked about the resurrection on the 6th, and the sword and the enchantments, he opened his inventory and looked at his main sword.
But during the resurrection he got his spider spawner sword out??? And used that?
When the insinuation is that his main sword is the one!
One thing, IT TOOK TOO MANY HITS to kill him...
Alivebur’s sword was Sharpness IV, Fire Aspect II, and Unbreaking III, not Bane of Arthropods. 
Phil is lying. He doesn’t want to resurrect Wilbur, and... and maybe that’s one of the reasons why shit went so wrong yesterday.
Screenshots under the cut that provide some evidence:
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^ Here is the sword Wilbur chose on the 16th. And the sword that killed him.
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^ This is Phil’s main sword days later, obviously with a lot more enchantments. 
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^ Here he is looking at the same sword when Ghostbur and Eret are mentioning ‘the same sword’ and enchantments. So, it implies THIS sword is the one.
Now you may be wondering, how could it be the same? Looting is in second place, instead of Sharpness, and that’s not how adding enchantments work with books. They just add to the bottom.
But if he combined the original sword that killed Alivebur and a new sword to get Sharpness V for example, then....
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It works. It’s the same sword. Just repaired and more enchanted, plus it’s now Netherite.
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The sword that was in Phil’s ender chest on the 10th (the top pic) is the same sword he had made after a few days on the server (bottom pic). And that’s his spider sword!!!
So all in all, yeah, maybe this is why it went wrong. Like at least one of the reasons, because I don’t doubt they need the totems. The sword just didn’t help.
Maybe, possibly, we don’t know what this method actually does fkjgdfg.
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tartagilicious · 3 years
[CN] Lucien’s Birthday Event R&S
💌 see Lucien’s birthday date, which this rumour and secrets is connected to, here!
💌 also, a huge thanks to @elainabearie for providing me with screenshots of the event, because my gems really said no <3
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[event story:] It’s a warm and sunny afternoon. I looked at the heavy package in my hands and carefully opened it. Inside the three-layer packaging, there is a book that looks as if it’s been in use for several years. 
MC: Great, it seems that there was nothing wrong with the transportation.
Xu Mo’s birthday is coming soon. I thought about it, and decided that I would give him a meaningful out-of-print book this year. After visiting the major bookstores in Loveland, it was quite easy for me to find even this out-of-print book. Unfortunately, however, due to the age, the condition and storage of the books was not very proper. When the book arrived in my hands, it was already a bit damaged.
So, in addition to the book itself, I also bought glue for repairing the pages of the book and thread for binding the cover. After patching it up, I plan to give it to Xu Mo. Because I worried I couldn’t patch up the book correctly, though, I also practiced on spare paper for a long time.
I breathed a sigh of relief. Today is the day of the real endeavour, but I just hope that my hands can keep up with my brain. I need to prepare the gift perfectly for him.
I slowly opened the spine of the book attentively. Just as I was about to begin cleaning up the pages, a loud beating sounded abruptly.
MC: Who would come at this time…
Hastily, I pack up the repair utensils on the table that I had just opened. A gentle and familiar voice then entered the room; the one that I was most familiar with.
Xu Mo: When you hadn’t opened the door for a while, I was worried that I’d knocked at a bad time.
Those deep black eyes looked at me with a smile. It’s softer than the setting sun in the late afternoon.
MC: It’s nothing, I’m here.
I spoke and turned my head halfway, ready to invite Xu Mo into the house. Halfway through the conversation, though, it suddenly occurred to me that the birthday surprise for him was still lying on the table.
MC: Well… you came to me so suddenly, is there something wrong?
I changed the subject, trying to block the doorway discreetly.
Xu Mo’s eyes turned a little playfully to my face and back to the living room. Obviously, it was the look of someone who knew I was hiding something, but he still followed me up with a reply.
Xu Mo: By chance, my company got two tickets for the exhibition. I thought it may help you accumulate program material, so I just wanted to invite this producer.
Xu Mo: But it seems you aren’t free today? The time of this exhibition is very long, but you can come to me whenever you’re free.
Not giving me time to answer, Xu Mo put one of the tickets in my hand. After I took it, he walked back towards his own home. Before entering, Xu Mo turned his head and looked at me again, smiled and added something.
Xu Mo: And also, although I don’t know what you’re doing, I wish you success.
Sitting back at the desk again, I looked at the book that needed to be repaired, and the sound of Xu Mo’s last words seemed to linger in my ears. If the book is fixed and given to him, he’ll still be happy with the result, right?
Bringing a gift of human affection will definitely reap a smile from his heart, right?
Thinking of ths, I continued the restoration work more carefully.
“Hey, kid, tomorrow is a new day, let’s continue to compete!”
“I know, see you tomorrow brother Zihang.”
The boy waved his hand to the tall man politely, then turned around and sighed slightly. It’s not that he doesn’t want to compete with this foolish policeman who’s worried about chess, but this is after the 587th challenge statement he’s heard. Before he knew it, this time of waiting for his parents to return home after school gradually became his daily routine. Even if he had yet to find the vocabulary to define his mood, it makes school time unexpectedly brisk.
“Would you like to have potato roasted ribs tonight?”
“Sure.” The boy said as he put his changed shoes into the shoe cabinet properly. Carrying a small school bag, he turned around and walked towards the bookcase in the living room. Dad finally couldn’t help but stop him.
“Were you unhappy at school today?”
The boy turned around and shook his head suspiciously. He pursed his lips. For a while, he didn’t know why Dad wanted to do this, but soon, he found the answer. Maybe it was because he had heard the sigh just now.
“I’m happy. The teacher and classmates are very nice.” He paused. “Brother Zihang still can’t make any progress in chess. Obviously I’ve secretly given in.”
A warm touch covered the top of his head. Dad squatted down and gently rubbed the head of his little genius. The corners of his mouth had already lifted considerably, and he made no secret of it.
“Then it seems that you can only show him more openly next time!”
The boy blinked, and he couldn’t help but smile when he saw his father joking so seriously.
Half an hour later, a familiar concerto sounded from the kitchen.
“It seems a bit salty, can you try it?”
“It’s not salty, but it does need to be processed. You put it here, I’ll do it.”
“Obviously it’s salty… you lied to me. But, I really followed the steps written above. Could it be the quality unit of the excipients?”
“Yeah, I guess so.” The man’s tone seems undoubtedly like a rigorous experiment report can be produced in the next second to verify it.
“You go with your son.” He said, deliberately lowering his voice. “It’s rare that we are at home. Don’t crowd the kitchen.”
The boy who hid by the doorway with his ear keenly adjusted reacted immediately. He hastily slipped back to the seat beside the dining table before Mom came out, and rearranged to read his book seriously.
For the boy, ordinary daily life like this is extremely precious. So, at the happy dinner, he hesitated for a long while. He had a problem that had been bothering him lately.
“Dad, what is the law of conservation of energy?” He raised his head to look at his father and added crossly. “I have worked with a teacher, but she said this question will be answered when i grow up… I don’t quite understand. Is the answer related to my age?”
“The law of conservation of energy. The change in the total energy of a system can only be equal to the amount of energy transferred into our out of the system. Energy is rather a measure of the movement of matter.”
“This is one of the most basic rules of this world.”
Dad said this as he put a piece of ribs into the boy’s bowl. The tone naturally seemed to be answering an ordinary question, but the boy stared at the ribs, and his pretty little face twisted together unconsciously.
“I think the teacher said that because she hopes you can find the answer yourself when you grow up. But she may not know you well. My son might find the answer soon.”
“Of course. When has Dad ever fooled you? So, eat first.” Dad beckoned and scratched the boy’s nose. He then picked up another piece of meat and put it in his wife’s bowl and started eating.
The boy is always curious about the puzzles of the world. For example, why is the sky blue? What are the floating clouds? Why are people on the ground and why are fish in the water? He is interested in answering too many questions. The fields involved are quite different but have subtle similarities. These “secret questions” seem to be hard to get answers for all at once.
But, the boy never had a boring process in finding answers. He likes the moment very much. For example, now-- In the study, the boy was sitting on a small ladder, looking through a thick professional book. He tried to find out more about these “rules of the world” his father had spoken of.
But this question really is too difficult.
Looking at the complicated patterns and uncommon characters that keep jumping in his eyes, the boy lowered his head, somewhat discouraged. The sound of the minute hand ticking can be heard in the silent room. Moonlight sheds down the skylight, stars of light and shadow gathered around the boy’s feet.
Still, he should try to look for it again. He pouted while thinking like this, and exhaled as if to cheer himself up. He jumped off the ladder and then raised his head to look up at the giant bookshelf in front of him again. Slightly squinted eyes quickly lit up, and he pushed the little ladder under the shelf next to him.
Securing it carefully, he shook it cautiously to determine its stability. Then, he nodded contentedly, leaning on both sides of it to climb up blatantly level by level.
The study had always been his favourite place at home. Whether it was sitting on the ground and looking up at the densely packed bookshelves that were too tall for him, or like it was now, standing high and looking over the same silent room.
Here is his secret place where no one will bother him, and his treasure-trove for finding answers. It’s like his channel for getting to know the world. There seems to be an infinite amount of knowledge waiting for him here; waiting for him to walk in; waiting for his recognition.
“Found it!”
With excitement, the boy drew out a book of some ancient purpose from the depth of the shelf. Gently brushing the dust from the cover, he then blew carefully. It wafted up into his nose and he coughed a few times before he raised his little hand up to wave the dust in front of him away.
He climbed down the ladder holding the “treasure” he had finally found. He placed it carefully on the ground and bought a thick English-English dictionary from where he was just sitting. The boy took a deep breath, and when he was about to begin the big job, there was a slight creaking noise coming from the door before a gentle knock.
“Mom, can I read a bit longer? I finally found this book.” The boy glanced at the clock on the wall and looked at his mother aggrievedly. “One more hour will be fine.”
Mom didn’t speak,and beckoned to turn on the light in the study. Then, she took a few steps closer and bent down to spread a blanket out in his arms. The familiar temperature gently wraps him, and mom smiles and curls her long finger to hook with the boy’s little one.
“That’s a deal.”
In the middle of the night, the boy stared at the faintly fluorescent “Milky Way” on his ceiling, and did not sleep. He felt that his brain was traveling to outer space. After tossing for a long time, he fetched the secretly hidden book from under the pillow, and took a small flashlight from the deeper part before settling back under the quilt.
The beam of light instantly lit up the small space in the dark, and circled a quiet little world that belonged to no one but the little boy.
“Can Mom come in?”
The question sounded as if spanning time and space.
The boy embarrassedly emerged from the quilt, and sullenly responded. He put the closed book and flashlight on the bedside table obediently.
Should he take the initiative and admit his mistakes? After all, his parents have never allowed him to bring books into the bedroom, let alone peek at them and get caught doing so.
“Mom, I…”
“If you can’t fall asleep, Mom will continue to tell you the bedtime story that I didn’t finish last time.”
The boy finally summoned the courage and pursed his lips. He raised his head to meet his mother’s eyes somewhat inconceivably, doubt flashing in his black eyes.
“I’m almost 6 years old.”
“Aren’t you not there yet? Listen and see, maybe the story of your mother can let your disobedient brain cells find their way home.” Mom said, knocking his little head mysteriously.
Although psychologically repelling his parents to regard him himself as a child, he honestly approached his mother’s open arms. The faint woody scent wrapped him, and he took a heavy breath of his favourite smell.
“Then he said again: I thought I had a unique flower, but all I have is an ordinary flower. This flower, plus three volcanoes as high as my knees, and one of them has been extinguished forever. All of this won’t make me a great prince. So he laid in the grass and wept.” Mom’s voice lingered in his ears, sweet and soft, and seemed to be slightly different from her voice when she was preparing for a report, but still felt very good at any of those moments.
The boy did not speak, he was actually a little sleepy, and listening to the story, he had new questions that could not be answered. But he ended up not asking, because it seemed to have been a long time since he last heard his mother tell him a bedtime story like this.
He doesn’t care about the follow-up of the story, he just wants to make this moment last longer. Thinking about this, he moved closer into the embrace that held him.
Perhaps sensing the boy’s rare silence, his mother took the initiative to stop, smoothed the messy hair on top of his head, and suddenly asked, “Is there anything you want for your birthday the day after tomorrow?”
“Any gift is fine?” He blinked, looking at his mother expectantly as she nodded, and could barely wait to say, “Then I want an answer to the rules of this world.”
He regretted it as soon as he spoke. After all, he had promised his father only hours ago that he would find the answer to the question himself. So, he hurriedly changed the subject.
“Mom, in this story you’re telling me, will love help?”
“To be precise, love can be an answer.”
“Then ‘love’ will abide by the rules of this world?”
Mom smiled helplessly and stroked his head.
“You have to look for the answer to this problem yourself, okay? Your little head is being worked too hard, let it relax,” She paused, “Mom sometimes selfishly hopes that you can… be more naive.”
“It’s not like asking you to do age-appropriate things, I just hope that you don’t lock yourself up in a scientific manner and have the opportunity to see the world in different ways. You should know that the answers to many questions in this world are not through equations.”
As she raised her hand, she booped the boy’s mouth, nose, eyes, and ears, and then took his hand and put it over his left chest.
“Goodnight, my little prince.”
That night, the boy slept very deeply. The world in his dream was like a colourless planet, quietly waiting for him to fill it in. He walked in the endless universe until a dazzling spot of light appeared before his eyes.
The morning sunlight jumped over his eyelids, and the melodious trumpet slowly penetrated his ears. The boy rubbed his sleepy eyes and sat up in the bed. He remembered this melody, which seemed to be a fragment from the second movement of the Symphony from the New World.
He folded his quilt, opened the curtains, and opened a small slit in the window. There was already a noticeable coldness in the November air.
Through the balcony, flying gold osmanthus dotted the entire hillside. The autumn sun seems to have a special temperature and magic power, giving everything a warm golden edge.
Dad’s figure appeared on some distant mountain top observation deck, and the silver trumpet gleamed in the dawn. This is one of his many hobbies. Especially when something is worth celebrating, he will play a few songs. Even the flowers and plants in the flower beds that have just been watered will seem to be listening to this melody.
The boy’s mood couldn’t help but jump up.  After a brief wash, he ran straight to the top of the mountain. The approaching trumpet sound was like the background of his running, becoming a special mini recital in his head.
After the end of the song, the boy just arrived near the viewing platform, and his father turned around to bow.
“You got up so early. I guess yesterday’s question now has an answer?”
The boy shook his head honestly. Dad smiled and beckoned him over without any surprise, then put the trumpet into his hand and raised his chin. “Want to try?”
The city he overlooked seems to have just woken up, and the scent of fresh grass fills the air. The boy looked at the trumpet in his hand and tilted his head in thought. He recalled the appearance of his father playing the trumpet, trying to put the trumpet to his lips, and took a hard breath.
The surroundings were quiet as if nothing had happened. The boy looked at the trumpet in shock and tried it again, but it was still as silent as ever. Seeing his son’s red face, his father laughed.
“It seems even young geniuses have things they aren’t good at. Come, prove your learning ability!”
Dad patiently guided the boy, from how to blow into the trumpet to the frequencies of breathing. He didn’t deliberately avoid obscure  professional vocabulary, but when the noticed the boy had some doubts, he would explain two more sentences for that part.
Time seemed to slow down then, quietly hovering between father and son. Finally, the boy successfully sounded the trumpet. The sound was bright and crisp, as if it could directly penetrate the night before dawn.
“The trumpet is a musical instrument that can emit a loud sound or use the strength of the airflow to make a gentle sound.” Dad took the silver trumpet from the boy’s hand back. “Many people have some inherent ideas about things. People who don’t understand certain things will make one-sided judgements casually.”
“There are many casual people in the world. They think that the many rules are what people say, so they gradually become a part of the rules.
Dad put his mouth to the trumpet again. “They never know that even an ordinary trumpet can contain the secrets of the entire universe. Find the answer in your own way, even if you question it, it doesn’t matter.”
The high-pitched trumpet accompanied the distant sun slowly rising, illuminating the quiet land.
The sunrise on Friday seemed to arrive with blessings. After school, the boy sped up his normal pace going home, not looking forward to his birthday, but knowing that his parents rarely took time off to prepare dinner at home.
After the family of three happily feasted, Mom sang a birthday song and brought out a cake. He had never liked sweets, so according to the usual practice, only the step of making a wish was left. The boy sat upright, and when he was about to close his eyes, his father opened his mouth suddenly.
“How about dad teaches you a special way to make a wish this year?”
He looked up at his dad’s face softened by the candlelight, and nodded in cooperation. Maybe this is the habit of scientists, creating new ways to do things all the time. He thought so.
“Let’s make wishes with our eyes open in the future. Tell your wishes to your heart, but use your eyes to record everything that’s happening on this day. Because today is a particularly beautiful day, those who accompany you on this day are also beautiful.”
“Yes, now it’s me and your mother, but there will be others who love you in the future. You must keep that in mind.”
Dad fixed his glasses, his tone very serious. As if affected by such emotions, the boy also nodded vigorously. He looked at the candlelight swaying in front of him and silently drew a small wish from his heart.
I hope I can grow up soon, learn more knowledge, and become as knowledgeable as my parents. I hope that the research that mom and dad are doing goes well. It would be better if their work made them a little less busy. I hope that today next year, we can be together as a family.
The candlelight was against the boy’s shining eyes, and there was a sudden sticky touch to his cheeks. The moment the boy raised his head in astonishment, another source of light flashed, and his mother poked out her head from a camera triumphantly.
“A successful capture!”
His father beside him gave a thumbs-up of affirmation, the cream of the cake still on his fingertips.
Occasionally when these similar situations happen, the boy will wonder about the authenticity of his parents’ occupations.
The moon quietly climbed up in the night sky, and the boy observed that his father would look out of the window from time to time after night fell. Finally, he walked towards him with a smile, and with a mysterious expression, he pulled him out into the yard.
The wind blew the small blue and white flags with the leaves, bringing out a hint of autumn. Dad took off his white coat and put it on the little boy casually. A large astronomical telescope was placed in a part of the yard, and the boy suddenly had a guess in his heart.
“Even if the birthday gift a kid wants isn’t ‘cute’ at all, a good dad still has to work hard to satisfy his wish. So -- this is the birthday gift that mom and I will give you. Happy Birthday!”
The boy turned his head to look at his mother who was leaning against the door. She shoved her shawl together and blinked at him. He couldn’t help but sigh again, but his heart was warm.
Dad adjusted the telescope to a suitable height, and even praised the boy for growing taller again. Through the binoculars, he clearly saw the universe.
“There are so many huge and unknown secrets in the universe we live in. Your mother and I are honoured to be the ones who explore and study it.”
“Then, can I be the same as you?”
“Of course. So, what dad is trying to tell you is that the world is big, but also very, very small. Don’t stop and stay where you are because of something unknown, and move forward with questions. Go, and one day, you will find the answer.”
The boy looked away from the telescope, looked at his parents who were always watching over him, and then looked up at the vast expanse of the night sky.
The galaxy just within reach has now become a distant point.
He was lost in thought. After a moment, he raised his head, and there seemed to be a flash of light in his eyes.
“I think I know, what is the answer to the rules of this world? Mom and dad, you can listen to me, right?”
In the study, the fireplace flickered and made crackling noises.
In Einstein’s special theory of relativity, as a component of the four dimensional momentum, energy is conserved in any closed system, and when observed in any interior system, time changes. The length of the vector is the static mass of a single mass point, and will also be conserved.
The boy knelt on the ground holding a piece of chalk, surrounded by books, dictionaries, calculation papers and tools that he had been reading these days. His parents surrounded him, and by his side, they patiently watched the formula and reasonings he wrote down stroke by stroke.
“But the book says, for physical theories in flat space-time, since quantum mechanics allows for short-term non-conservation, energy conservation is not observed in quantum mechanics.” The boy frowned, but the chalk in his hand did not stop. It seemed that the entire universe was paved in front of him, and he tried his best to use those jerky and unfamiliar words to know and break down the door separating him from the answer he needed.
In fact, there are still many things he doesn’t understand. In such a short period of time, he really couldn’t cross those unknown letters and equations to get those answers. However, he did not intend to admit defeat. He has his own views on this world.
“To sum it up, the rule of the world is that it may only have a rule within a certain period of time, but it may appear as more cognition, and new rules will appear.
The rules of this world will always be broken.
After he finished speaking, he pushed the slightly large glasses up the bridge of his nose like his father. Dad frowned, thinking about the rationality of this reason. After a moment, he nodded thoughtfully:
“It’s a really interesting theory.”
The boy did not show a hint of a smile, and dad’s conversation turned.
“It’s just your idea, I'm afraid it’s challenging Einstein.”
The small head that was originally straight couldn’t help but deflate, like a ball that had leaked a bit of air.
“But then again…” The boy’s eyes lit up.
“It is worthy of recognition and encouragement. Keep going.” Dad patted him on the shoulder approvingly. “Unexpectedly, my son now has the potential to discover new things and world truths. It seems that becoming a great scientist is just around the corner! But for now, let’s be a happy birthday kid.” He said this and rubbed the top of the boy’s head vigorously.
“Six years old is no longer a child.” The boy whispered. “
“Then this big kid can’t tell his dad what the wish he made was?” “No, the birthday wish won’t come true.”
“Haha, you seem like quite an ordinary kid in this moment.”
“My wish is to know the same knowledge as my parents, so that I can learn about the world with you.”
The boy’s sudden opening stunned his parents for a moment.
Mom didn’t speak, but took the boy in her arms with satisfaction. Dad raised his chin pretending, looked at the boy carefully, and put on an expression saying ‘this is a bit difficult’.
“This wish is quite big. Hey, why did you say it? It’ll be even harder to realise now.”
It seems that he felt his wife’s speechless gaze, and the man finally took off his permorative mask and laughed.
“But I’m not wrong. It’s really not easy to realise that wish. Because I will move forward too. By this time next year, not only will you have grown one year, but I will have as well. I understand that you’ll have more knowledge than now, but your father is already a more educated old man.”
“But I can catch up faster than you can learn.”
“Then what we’re facing now is the dilemma of catching up.”
The mother who has not spoken picked up a scattered piece of chalk and wrote on the ground, saying, “Assuming that the amount of knowledge is composed of a fixed increase in the learning rate of the previous year, and an additional increase in the learning rate this year, dad’s knowledge amount is 290 times the amount of yours.”
"His learning rate also increases at a constant rate of 6 units per year. But dad will start declining in 10 years, and his learning speed will decrease by 2 units year to year on the basis of constant growth. Your initial learning speed is 1/30 of dad, but it will increase at a constant rate. So, there’s one question, how long do you need to catch up with dad in the future?”
The boy opened his mouth, but had no answer.
Dad looked at the formula on the ground and frowned slightly. After a brief silence, he seemed to have calculated the answer, and took a breath before rubbing his hands. “It turned out to be faster than I thought. It seems that I can’t be too slack! But before time can give an answer, let's make an appointment at this time of your birthday next year, and we’ll come back!”
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barrykoeghan · 4 years
time to rant about how i think the dance in emma (2020) is way more effective than in p&p (2005) 
let me explain (buckle up this is long)
“they feel like they’re the only ones in the room/they only see each other”
p&p (2005) tells it to you right away and then shows it to you
emma (2020) there’s a whole fucking journey to get to it 
in p&p, it starts with this: 
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there’s a boy, there’s a girl 
the camera follows them one at the time until they meet in the middle during the dance
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the conversation heats up, they stop stopped dancing. effective.
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then, they start dancing again
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it’s the last shot you see before it cuts to this:
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then they’re dancing alone in a room bla bla bla until it ends we all know how this goes
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and then it cuts to this
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the fucking cuts:  - it inexplicably cuts to other shots that are not continuous with the last shot you just saw. why. i have no clue. it doesn’t really add anything. you’d think it’s like a quick reminder that oh they’re not alone in the room, but having watched it again, i don’t get that vibe. i just get “they’re alone, now they’re not” and there’s no explanation for it other than you know they’re gonna hook up and this was meant to be a moment. there’s no loud noise that brings them back that could explain this kind of cut, there’s nothing.  - i would have wanted a smoother transition. maybe digitally remove people one by one, or use one of those secret cuts for one shots when people block the camera by walking in front of it to then, again, smoothly see that oh people were here but now they’re not but you’ve been here the whole time you didn’t have to fuck off somewhere in another room to be alone. it happened all organically. - really fucking irritated about it. i really like SEEING them alone in a room, but it feels a bit patronizing in a way, as if they weren’t able to convey it or were too lazy to show this feeling in other ways  
it’s kind of ordinary? - having seen emma, i can’t find anything spectacular about the way this was filmed. it’s just the camera playing ping pong from the same spot, then the camera circles them. i love the flow this has because you get the horizontal match of ping pong at the start (as it reflects their discussion -- very nice) and then, once they’re alone, it starts flowing and moving more freely. fucking wonderful. but you could also do that with any other scene and it would lose this meaning because there’s nothing else that makes it special. - and because of that, it doesn’t seem to be much visual storytelling happening, and by that i mean if you were to only look at the screenshots or watch it without audio, it doesn’t give you much to go on. two people dance and seem to talk, they stop, they look angry at each other, then they’re alone in a room dancing again. the dialogue and the music basically provides most of the storytelling in this scene, which, you know, it’s perfectly fine, but you’d think a scene that has this much impact would have a bit more?  - all you get are three images from the same pov: her alone, him alone, them together. do i want more? no, it’s perfect the way it is. HoweverTM:
they actually visually tell you they’re alone before they show you they feel like they’re alone in the room - the filming already preps you for the big moment. they only focus on them. that’s it. that’s the whole scene pre-alone scene. they focus so hard on the characters that you already know they feel like they’re alone; they’re having a heated conversation in public during the middle of a dance. they already feel like they’re alone. otherwise, what’s the purpose of it all? if i can assume this from the context and how it was shot, why do i need another reminder? why both? why not just one of them?
dumb complaint, but the opening shot... - it gives you zero context. a good thing about it is that they show mr darcy first as to say hey this doesn’t happen often, this is special, buckle up. but then again, it starts with a somewhat close up and they never go in or out until they’re in the room on their own. there’s no perspective to it. i’ll call myself out and say it’s a really stupid thing to be upset about because, for example, if i wanted to show someone feeling lonely, you could fill a frame with their face and show there’s nothing else but them, EXCEPT the most effective way to show this would be a wide shot where they are indeed alone or in a corner. both are GREAT it depends on the context of the scene, of course, but my point is, why not just take the opportunity you have. you can open with one wide shot and never come back to it. at least you’re acknowledging this isn’t just about them. (it IS just about them, but since we already KNOW this by looking at the scene before it cuts, them being alone doesn’t have as much of an impact as it could)
it’s stupid how much i used to LOVE this scene and now i can’t even find anything to ramble on. it’s the same two things. it’s not like i have much to talk about.
so now there’s emma who just fucking went for it and annihilated p&p’s dance
there’s a context shot. this is it. you’re not meant to spot them, you’re meant to know they’re going to dance with lots of people surrounded by lots of people. this is important for later on.
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now you get introduced to two important angles (hell yeah) 
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this voyeuristic candle pov that makes me want to fucking nut. this is my favourite pov. it’s meant to be her point of view, but as you’ll see in later shots from this angle, the meaning also doubles as OUR pov, like we’re intruding and watching from afar. i think this is very efficient because you get variety, personal interpretation, and depth. depth as in you’re behind the candles and they’re in front, you ask? no! the most important aspect is the horizon line!! they become the horizon line, and the people we barely make out in the back become just shadows in the background, and therefore, unimportant. you don’t need to make them leave the room to make it seem like they’re alone.
and then there’s this one, his point of view, but still not an over the shoulder look, so it’s still as if we’re looking from the side, but we’re not intruding as much, because this just sets the tone, they haven’t even begun dancing. there’s no need for two of these candle shots. the horizon line & background people thing still applies to this, but in a less dramatic and obvious way. 
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then we cut to this:
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the smartest thing about this is that 
1. you’re still intruding
2. the camera faces the side of the room with the most people (take note of the band)
3. in the second shot, it feels very intimate even though they’re surrounded by people so much so they block us from fully seeing them
then we get the first part which is only filmed this way once. (again, as an introduction to give you context.)
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there’s a few important things here 
the movement because they don’t insist on focusing on them at first to give you the vibe in the room, you get a lot of people moving in front and behind the two we’re kind of supposed to be focusing on. i think this is brilliant. it makes you want them to be alone, but they’re not there yet. you have to wait for them.
the lookTM even though the camera moves often and the shots change, we see him looking in her direction whenever he can. it’s so SIMPLE and it adds to two aspects: 1. the whole voyeurism thing; you’re catching him do this, it’s not meant to be a focus point 2. they’re slowly starting to show signs that they’ll feel like they’re alone in the room. the whole “staring at someone and being so enthralled by them it feels like it’s just the two of you” 
now we get a subtle change. the camera switches sides and faces the other way. there were five visible musicians and we don’t see them anymore. remember when i said i would have liked for p&p to slowly remove people from the room? THIS is how you can do it, and all that was done was filming from the other side of the room. not only that, but there are only two couples next to them from this angle, unlike the other where there were three or four i can’t remember.
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this is a nice way of controlling the crowd. are there more people in the background? we don’t know because we get a couple hiding them from us, keeping yet again a low people count, and then we get our two idiots literally blocking everyone from us and them
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this has the exact same intensity as when darcy and lizzie are dancing in that empty room and yet. you get the effect of an empty room without having to vacant the whole place down. 
this is also when it starts to get real romantic up in here. up until the twirling, there were a significant amount of people in the shots, but now, you’ll start seeing less and less (with one exception) of them. doing it gradually builds up great tension and makes you feel like you’re part of it.
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it takes up until now to have our first close ups. the neat thing about it is they’re doing the same moves that first introduced the concept of them blocking out people in the room. filming like this (from the outside in) also induces the feeling of blocking out people
then we get a surprise midsection shot:
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i thought about this a lot because it has the same vibe as the cut in p&p, but the thing is, 
all the previous shots were from head to waist and the face close ups. there were NO close ups NO focus on anything specific. it’s kind of the visualization of “what happens under the covers” and i don’t know about you but......
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bedroom eyes much??
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they still are in the room, people are STILL dancing, we still SEE them in the background, but the camera focuses on the two. they’re simple shots in theory, but along with the whole journey you’ve just been through, it means so much more. these close ups are more important than they should be. the more they dance the closer they get, the more isolated they feel. 
now there’s this part which i ADORE. she advances to him, but in a way, since it’s not a typical over the shoulder view, it feels like she’s coming toward us too. it’s done so slowly too, almost hesitantly, and the next shot of her back preps you for the next big moment.
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before it happens though, there’s a quick throwback to the fact that there’s still people. autumn de wilde really said i got you bitch they’re not alone. it’s a weird thing, i’ll tell you, but i kind of adore it. it’s like getting cold water thrown in your face because we forgot.
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i would have gifed this part but i’m lazy. their dancing come to a stop. just like how it did in p&p (before it CUT) and emma just yeets away from him in that last shot to continue dancing, like she too forgot herself like what just happened to us with that cold water shot. (the next shots prove he too has been splashed in the face and it’s not a one sided thing, or something WE looked too much into)
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having yeeted away to take their place to dance again, the camera pans over to them. it follows them. like they were trying to escape all this and what just happened was clearly private. 
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and then the shots become more like they were at the start. wider. there’s people in frame again. but then they twirl to stop in front of the camera, blocking them again. they know.
and then you see why they stopped. if you look closely in the background, they danced on their own. this isn’t part of it. nobody’s dancing, they’re still in position, waiting. these two just went off on their own. 
because they feel like they’re the only ones there.
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it cuts to her dress again, them holding hands again. we’ve been prepped for this, but this time, knowing they weren’t MEANT to do this, it feels much worse.
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and they retract, because that’s that. what more can you do.
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and then it ends here. it’s too late, and you don’t need another reminder they weren’t alone. 
it doesn’t matter anymore. 
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