#maybe i am a collectors item bitch LOL
lorephobic · 3 months
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my best friend got me the oppie fyc coffee table book and it’s literally one of the coolest things i own now
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rosestrashbin · 6 months
working on a story (it isnt close to done but I am cleaning up and making it competent)
throw up words on a page
clean up my weird talk and parenthesis
make it coherent and make sure everything is easy to read for criticism.
*write origin of her death maybe gfs fighting on two sides of a super old war
A archeologist searching for a legendary sword of a "supposed" old warrior, for months on end in a dangerous clifface with her team. This sword would pay off her dead fathers debt with a local gang of loansharks back at home (father did some not so nice things as a teen, and now that burden has been on her mother ever since she was a kid. lowkey she dispises him, even in death), who are keeping her mother a bargaining chip to get the money back. She on occasion gets to see her mother when she brings in a stipend, but it gets bigger each time, this cannot go on for long. She has got to make BIG money quick, enough to get her mother back. She has been going on excivations and ending up with nothing, she has a choice, try to find work quick outside of her perfession (which usually pays less) or call her ex, who worked in excavation in the planning and money part way back when, owns a large company, and well is an overall dick with alot of money, and collects artifacts for hobby and bragging reasons.
==== Trevin: His goal is to get into a secret group of people, (with a lot of power, magic, and money.) He wants something that can get their attention, and what he wants is a old warriors sword, something he has been researching and keeping to himself over the years, cause it supposidely contains a crazy amount of power. His stumble into this secret group of collectors confirmed his beliefs. He has been obsessed ever since.
==== She has been interested in archeology as young as 13 years old. (This is being fast forward, I dont know how to write kids hahaha psahhh.)
Her ex boyfriend (Trevin FUCK THAT BITCH) pitches her a impossible task, to find the sword of {Blank} it is a quite known in secret circles to have power, but her or her friends dont know that. ExBoy wants power and connections in that secret group, shes up for it, knowing the cunt is good for the money. This may be her one chance to get her mother out of this bind. Over the coming days (yes, days. she wants her mother back as soon as possible) getting a few of her friends in the mix, Trevin pays for their salary (how nice of him :)) They find it suspicious but the money is good and seems like the usual excavation job, some are more excited than others. One girl in particular is concerned why, this is out of character for her (none of her friends know about her mothers situation, she thinks its better if they didnt and would cause less out of character actions.)
*write a place in the middle of the US and African Waters.
Trevin gives them a small boat the 1912 Tanker, (50K probably.) One of her friends wonders where her ex gets the money for these types of vehicles. Again, she cannot speak about it.
==== Filler Chapter: (Yay!)
Stress your improv muscles Rose, at least 2 chapters please love. Just build characters and motivations and what not, make them seem like they are actually going to live for the rest of the story (lol)
==== After weeks in the water they reach this somewhat large island (rockfaces, strangle dead trees, rain, ESPECIALLY RAIN, use rain alot. I love rain :)), (make it so they lose equipment or some of it gets destroyed in storm that picks up) they lose some important items (enough to cause concern but make the MC seem more desperate with this, shes too far into this now to go back),
==== Filler Chapter: (Yay!) On the beach into the tombs.
Stress your improv muscles Rose, at least 2 chapters please love. Just build characters and motivations and what not, make them seem like they are actually going to live for the rest of the story (lol)
==== The storm was perfect, it lead them to the eroded tomb of the warrior. (this tomb is a ceremonial for a well known fighter dying in battle)*
They get through the tomb but the erosion slowly shows signs of collapsing, in which it does… it slowly closes them in, some of her friends get insta killed like crazzzzzy. (leave three) idk they freak out and just want out but she wants that damn sword, (infighting about their lives being important and her only caring about her moms safety). they eventually close the argument on bad terms. uhhh and like they die n shit and shes crying really bad after her adrinelleine is out, she tired flopping everywhere and finds the grave! (yay!) she opens it, her tears revive the dead warrior as she tries to reach for the sword. (TENSION YAAAAAY) also she is sad cause she left them dead on a sad note or whatevs.
she backs up cause the carcass is slowly having its glow back and shes like "what the???" then she awaits as the warrior towers above her 5'7 ass (warrior is literally 7 ft tall warrior woman)
you discrace my sleep? my resting place?
I only wanted your sword, and well -yes I was…. I am, I am sorry.
how has a hominos (common person/pesant) entered my chambers without having lost their head, hmm? we will have you flayed in the public eye for your actions Platy (small easy fish that many beginners to fishing catch.)
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loopy-froots · 3 years
Introduction Post! (TW: SA, PTSD, etc.)
Hello slasher fandom! I’m fairly new to this side of tumblr, so forgive me if I don’t understand how all this works yet! I just thought I’d introduce myself because I’ve already posted drawings and fanfiction writings so far, but maybe some of you want to know who’s behind it? If not that’s totally fine, just keep scrolling! But if you’re curious, keep reading! Btw! I’d love to get to know any of you as well, so feel free so say hi! :^]
Facts about me:
I go by the name Donn on this blog (for safety reasons I won’t be sharing my actual or preferred name anywhere on this blog, sorry!)
I chose the name Donn because of the name coming from the Celtic god of dead souls (I’m a Celtic witch by blood so I thought it’d be fitting)
My preferred pronouns when I write are she/they (leaning towards she atm because of some personal issues I deal with irl, but irl I prefer they/them more strictly… does that make any sense?)
Anyways, I’m 18+ and I very much prefer my viewers to be 18+ ONLY because of the NSFW content I post… and I also don’t want to influence anyone that impressionable cuz I have a kinda fucked up mindset atm…
But I hope that’s alright! I know kids will do what they want, and there’s not always much we can do to stop it, but please just be respectful of my wishes and DNI!
I have severe PTSD from many irl traumas that have happened to me throughout my life, and I currently live in an kind of abusive household, so my mental health has not been good…
That’s partially why I started drawing and writing fandom stuff cuz it’s currently what’s keeping me going!
I have diagnosed Adhd, but I take meds for it and am doing slightly better with my productivity! That’s why I’ve been able to crank out as much content as I have in the past few days!
I have undiagnosed autism, but it’s a work in progress cuz I’m like pretty sure I am autistic (for many reasons, the more you get the know me the more obvious it’ll get)
I am disabled in many ways: chronic physical and mental pain/illnesses, hard of hearing, etc.
I’m extremely liberal so DNI if you’re gonna be a bigot or anything cuz I will block you!
I have a partner (Who does not know about this blog yet cuz I’m v shy about sharing this kinda stuff with the people I love… partially cuz of my trauma from past relationships)
Ive suffered from THREE separate abusive romantic relationships… all of which kinda fucked with my head… so forgive my insecurities and everything! (I’m working on it tho!) but this partner I’m currently with is AMAZING AND LOVING so I’m v happy with them!
TW! I’m a S/A survivor, and it was by a friend I trusted, so I get very skittish by people irl because of the betrayal… but I find it easier to get to know people online cuz it’s not as traumatic imo
As you can see, I overshare EVERYTHING for literally no reason… like it just gushes out of me without me being able to stop it… Sorry if you’re unhappy with it! Feel free to block me if it bothers you!
I am currently seeing a therapist and a psychiatrist!! They both help me a lot with functioning as a normal person (even tho there’s no real such thing as a “normal” person imo, but it helps me survive in the society I live in)
I used to be goth, but now I’m forever torn between being goth again or being a cottagecore lesbian lol (I usually dress femme even tho my brain makes me feel like a boy a lot of the time…?)
I am extremely bisexual! Like holy shit! How come everyone is so hot?? Lol but seriously, I go all ways (I know some people say that’d make me pan but I prefer the term bisexual over being pan)
I used to be a little, but I’m not anymore because too many people took advantage of me when I was in my little mindset… I don’t let myself regress anymore unless I’m absolutely alone, but that’s rarely ever (my little age was around 10 btw)
I am extremely sensitive and am an empath! I feel my emotions EXTREMLY STRONG so I overreact to everything, am very passionate about the things I’m in love with, and cry at any given moment! I cannot and will not help it! I’ve been told too many times that I’m too sensitive and that I’m a crybaby and that my heart is too big for my body, but I don’t care anymore! Im refusing to see this as anything but a blessing for now on! Sensitive bitches are the baddest bitches lol
I used to get lots of hallucinations/psychosis, but I take meds for it and am now much better and less paranoid!
I still get paranoid about social situations tho for time to time, as im a very insecure person :(
Im a switch/power bottom! I like to be dominant on occasion, but I prefer to be a bratty sub most of the time!
I am a collector of taxidermy things!! I have several insects on my walls, as well as animal paw jewelry! If you don’t like it that’s alright! Just don’t tell me cuz I will block you! I make sure all my collection items are from humane sources and all the animals die naturally in the wild!
I am a HARDCORE clown/masked person fan… like clowns are sooo gay and sexy like why must you jingle jangle your lil clown bells when you dance like that??😩 and masked persons are just so mysterious and sexy omg
Cicero fro Skyrim was literally my clown sexual awakening… murder clown man… with a squeaky voice… yes… must have!
My first sexual awakening tho was probably Danny Phantom (Which is sooo funny cuz my partner actually named themself after him… coincidence? I think not! God does have a plan! Lol jk… unless?🥺👉🏻👈🏻)
Yes, I use the 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 emojis unironically… no, I’m not proud of it😔
HMU if you relate to any of this or just want to be friends! I’m literally so desperate for friends cuz my old roommate made me cut ties with them and then they spread rumors about me to all my other friends until no one would talk to me anymore… :( so I’m v lonely run…
But anyways, yeah that’s basically me… a huge mess but I’m on my way to getting better I guess…?
If you’re still reading all of this, THANK YOU KIND BEING! You are unlike any other…🥺❤️
Okay bye loves!
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rgr-pop · 5 years
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On New Year’s Day this year I was putting away all my makeup from the night before (big night for makeup) and I decided that I would put all the makeup I use in a bag until the bag fills up, to see what I actually use. Well, color cosmetics, by which I mean non-base products, which is not what “color cosmetics” means but I’m my own boss. And this isn’t really everything, just stuff I wore out or to see people--which, to be fair, I don’t like to wear makeup unless I’m gonna be seen, and I don’t photograph my face anymore, so. Not bad for a shut-in though! I am ready to put my things back in order and reflect! Ft. night photos. 
What’s shown above is just the stuff I reached back into the bag for over and over again (cheating? I am my own boss, remember), and stuff that featured in some of my best or most memorable looks this year. The rest will follow. 
As you can see I leaned into pantone candid coral, lol, but coral is, always, my primary color for everything on my face. I had really imagined to use coral with a lot of grey lavenders, and I’m pleased to say I returned to that over and over again and came into loving it. It’s the classic for me. I had also planned to do a lot of coral + gold and coral + periwinkle but I rarely did!
COMMENTARY AFTER THE CUT even though I think you should be forced to read it
The original UD Naked palette @laskyjedneplavovlasky​ handed me down to keep me from buying it when it got discontinued just because it is now Retro and she knew I’d regret it. I like it! I’m gladder I didn’t spend money on it! The thing about me is that I don’t know how to wear or use “neutrals,” so I am learning and growing more with this palette than anything else I have. I expect we’ll see some interesting developments over the next few weeks. As for shimmery neutrals, I still think UD has the best, and I’ve long been a Sin fan. I use this Sin--I have it in like three other palettes--wet. My favorite thing to do with it is to wet a brush--weirdly I love the one that came with this thing--and use it to lay sin vertically down the center of my lid going over the crease, so it looks like actual silk.
NYX Ultimate Mult-Finish palette in Sugar High. These palettes are underwhelming for the price (didn’t I gift you a different colorway of this @madmoths​? do you agree that it’s finnicky?) but the shades here are too ideal and I use some combination of them constantly. If I were some “one palette only” rich bitch I’d get whatever the Nars equivalent of this is and just be like that forever.
Some other coral bits: Nars Orgasm blush, Benefit ultra plush lip gloss in Coralista (I still love these to death! you can’t get them!), Stila watercolor blush in Water Lily (another great thing you can’t get anymore but if you covet it it’s just a knockoff of many Korean products). That blush is Model Co’s blush cheek powder in Peach Bellini, it only recently went back into circulation because I had to repress it after breaking it four the literal third time but I could not find my alcohol spray bottle for umm two months. This is one of the nicest blushes I own just in terms of beauty and application, I need to see how long it lasts to be able to determine whether it’s top five. Happy to see you can still buy it.
That cream palette is an ancient Stila lip and cheek palette that I am determined to use “up” this year. Still smells and works great. I’ve been using those corals, obviously, but I’m reminded now how gorgeous that plum is. I didn’t really lean heavily into my black cherry victorian winter look, like I normally do, so maybe for spring? I’m thinking the next wave is black cherry + dark green for spring. Maybe with... mustard? Will report back.
That Colourpop eyeshadow is Erotic, one of the first products I ever got from them, miraculously still functioning although I can tell it’s kind of on its last legs. I need to use it up, I mean, I’m going to use it up, because it’s one of my favorite eyeshadows ever. I am hunting a perfect dupe! That shade is precisely the coral that I mean when I talk about coral.
Colourpop’s Chasing Rainbows palette. I never would have picked this out for myself but Lucas got sucked into a display at Ulta at Christmas and thought this was very cool, and, he was right? It’s so nice and I really recommend it. But I’m sure you can tell what I’ve been using most... I think if those teals had been something else (a baby blue?) and there was one more slightly shifty shimmer in a translucent base, this would be a basically perfect palette. 
That Huda sapphire palette is....we’re trying to work it out. I am trying to like it at all. (I actually love the silver glitter that temptalia gave an F, lol. She rates on claims but if you use it with only your fingers and a tacky tacky base it looks very neat on the lid.) 
I’ve had a rocky relationship with that MUFE palette (for a minute I thought it was the only thing temptalia had ever steered me wrong on!) but I’ve really come around on it. I use that suite of purples all the time and they are very luxe and dreamy on me, even if I wanted them to be opaque “colors” when I got them. I also use that blush in the center as a “transition shade” to blend out the edges of anything else I do with this palette.
I forgot to open that little TheBalm single, it’s a promotional single (lol!) from their Nude Dude palette. I can’t imagine spending money on the fucking TheBalm schitck, oh my god. This thing is a beauty though, a really nice purpley nude that was almost made just for me. I just cannot, no matter what I do, work any kind of “nude” into my every day life. I can’t. I want to pan this but..  I will not.
The tiny tube is a Bare Minerals Marvelous Moxie lipstick in Get Ready. This was some kind of free birthday gift years ago? I never wore it because it is marginally “nude” so I did not learn until after they discontinued it that it is the best! I would buy a full size of this! (Well, I like the shade well enough--it’s really more of a medium pink than a nude--but I’d likely look for something bolder if I did.) It feels and smells almost exactly like the nicest Tom Ford lipsticks. I will have to try their new lipstick line--but their shit is all nude now! They have such nice formulas of dumb fucking nude everything!!
Colourpop Flexitarian highlighter is my favorite highlighter. The hurus are not lying! Below that is Anastasia’s Aurora palette--for ages I used the green all the time, but I’ve been using the peach-pinks and purples a lot more, as you could guess. I’m really aching for a straightforward pink highlighter. Then we have THE MAYBELLINE PUMA HIGHLIGHTER. What is it actually called? Chrome Highlight in Knockout. I cannot remember anything before this highlight. See, I know a lot of people like this line, but I had never been driven to try them, and I only got this because I got sucked into the whole thing, and I am strongly undisappointed. It’s not exactly unique but unique to my collection, and is the only kind of gold like that I have, and it has a slight rosy-purple base that is perfect for me and for the coral-lavender thing I’ve been doing. 
In the lower right corner is a little bit of a pink look--nothing new for me, I use that hot pink NYX Primal pigment all the time and have for years. It’s not the very best on the market but it’s buildable and the absolute perfect pink, so I’d say it’s probably the best for the price. The lip products are newer to me, a NYX “Slide On Glide On” lip pencil in Disco Rage (!) that Lucas got me for Christmas, which is great? Turns out the $10 lipliner is nicer than the $3 lipliner? Hate that! And a lipstick from a recent limited edition Revlon glitter collection in SE purple tubes--I had a very Collector moment about these and had to have one. This one 100 Watts Pink. I really kind of want more but I have restraint (a glittery pink is practical and everyday wearable!), that shit is getting expensive... HOWEVER! This reminds me that I fell back in love with some other Revlon Super Lustrous lipsticks, particularly FIRE AND ICE (!), thanks to temptalia revisiting them this year. Where did I put that?...
The colourpop super shock shadow on the bottom is Daddy. One of my best looks this month was, well, I had planned something entirely different but I put on youtube while I was getting dressed and Chloe Morello posted this so I had to reroute. She looks unbelievable, it’s a great look. This took a lot of building but it looked so fucking good, I wore it with the CP blue mascara (below), cobalt + bright lavender is a very good combination.
There are some more greige lavenders down there, Revlon’s Illuminance cream shadow palette in Wild Orchids--this maybe doesn’t wear that long but as an...item? concept? it’s one of my favorites ever. That glitter tube is a J.Cat holographic 3D eye topper thing, the shade is Unicorn Hype. I have two of these and would buy more. This was Tati’s influence! I love this brand and like this product, still wanna get the mousse ones but they were always sold out when she was hyping them last year. This one is, however, starting to get a slightly concerning chemical smell that will probably not keep me from putting it on my eyelids.
Aaaand... imho the product of the year is this CP mascaras. I got the red and the blue. IIRC the red is a little finnicky and the blue wears very nicely but they are by far the most vibrant and pigmented and beautiful colored mascaras I’ve ever used and I could not recommend them more highly. I especially adore the blue for all the time wear but I do think other brands have come out with great blue mascars. But what are you gonna do.... pick up some other red mascara? You’re not! (Well, I’m hoping the impact of these trickles down!!) You don’t need a white base under these at all, and they are definitely more of a volumizing and clumping formula vs. lengthening. 
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