#maybe bc shes actually really insecure and not proving herself makes her feel awful?
cringelordofchaos · 6 months
Rainbow dash actually has TERRIBLE issues with self esteem send tweet
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flying-elliska · 4 years
I always love reading your thoughts so... What do you think is going to happen now with the whole Arthur/Noee situation? I'm very confused after the last clip... Obviously she has feelings for him but do you think he has some for her too (even tho he loves alexia)? I think breaking Arthur/alexia now wouldn't make sense after all their conversations and I don't know if it'll be as easy as Noee forgiving him and moving on as her friend...
hey anon
And...yeah maybe he is somewhat attracted to her. He is obviously very in love with Alexia. However I don’t think it’s impossible to be in love with someone and still feel attraction for someone else ; I don’t think that falsifies any feelings, the important thing is how you act. 
The complicated and confusing thing is that - in terms of storytelling logic - both girls have elements in their favor that I think ‘oh yeah, i could root for her to be Arthur’s endgame in the series.’ I haven’t hidden the fact that my preference is for Alexia and I would really not appreciate it if she ended up being the ‘rejected party’ but if she hadn’t been in the picture I would have really liked the idea of Arthur and Noee. Let’s see here :
- Alexia and Arthur are shown to be a very cute and healthy couple in general. Sure they both make mistakes (her clumsy declaration about not having learned to  be attracted to handicapped people, her taking off his hat, him not communicating and assuming she won’t want him anymore, etc). But overall we can see how supportive Alexia is, constantly finding fun ways to make his life better, and he is clearly in awe of her and admires her a lot and generally treats her right (after the jackass she dated, it’s what she deserves). Breaking them up after that would be cruel, and aditionally it would prove Arthur’s father right about how he ‘would change gfs in 2 weeks anyway’. More broadly, her character, since the beginning, represents self-acceptance and the courage to be truly yourself, whether in s3 or this one. So seeing her and Arthur grow closer over that theme would be amazing, them growing over their residual insecurities together at the same time as she inspiring him bc she is further along. Also I read some people saying that them splitting up would be kind of bad in terms of implying deaf and hearing people can’t be together. In general I think the writers love Alexia, they wanted to do a season about her after all, and we know Coline has recorded a song, all of which doesn’t really point to her being rejected. 
- On the other hand Noee has been somewhat given love interest story beats : the meet cutes, the cinematographic language (aesthetic clips with low lights and slow mo and soft, tender music), the time given to her and Arthur’s relationship unfolding, the moments of complicity and her being Arthur’s guide into a new world, which is very often a romantic trope. Arthur falling for her could represent that deaf people are also desirable and cool and interesting and worthy of love ; through her character we have also been falling in love with Deaf culture. And it could represent Arthur coming to accept the changes in his life and that side of himself too, another path to self acceptance. Meanwhile having Noee be the rejected party would also not sit great with me because she clearly has had a lot of rejection in her life and she deserves to be happy and cherished. 
I know I was joking about a poly relationship earlier but the more I think about it the more I think it would be the best way to resolve this both for the characters and the themes. Because otherwise someone is going to end up hurt and there are going to be some unfortunate implications either way and then I honestly will be pissed at them for setting it up this way. It would show Arthur reconciling both parts of his life, it would give Noee that extra love and acceptance and give Alexia that badass gf we have been rooting for her to get since forever. (And also Alexia already said she wasn’t opposed to ‘threesomes’ if she did it for herself and honestly i can’t imagine her disliking Noee seriously - even though that’s not the same as an actually poly relationship...). I really am not sure they’re that galaxy brained though lol.
Otherwise I really don’t know but I really hope that whoever ends up being rejected also finds love big time before the end of the series otherwise...big bummer. But with who ? There aren’t a lot of single characters left in the series. Maybe Yann but I feel like they have hinted towards him and Emma getting back together. Or Alexia and Emma lmaoooo frankly I have no clue. The whole season is confusing my ability to make predictions, for real. 
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mysplaced-pen · 7 years
Good night! :) The request are still open? Maybe can I ask some HC, please? I've got this idea for a time and... How do you think the RFA boys + V & Saeran react to a Fem!S/O who's always been treated like a man for her family and friends? Like she talks, dress, act and treat other people like a man, but gets all shy and blush when her S/O treats her like a female because she thinks that she's not pretty enough to use dresses and stuff like that. Maybe a little bit of nsfw in this? Thank u!!
Good night/day to you, anon :) And of course, you can request things! My ask box is always open!! 
I hope I got your request right - it’s like a…”tomboy” mc, yeah? ahh I’ll try my best, please let me know if I read your request wrong ^^;; I hope you enjoy anyways! And for you, a little nsfw thrown in~ 
alSO I know anon said the rfa boys, but I can’t leave my wife out so she’s in a separate post! edit: which is now [here]!!!
nsfw-ish! (tbh it’s not that nsfw but i tr ied) 
it never really occurred to yoosung that mc wasn’t very ‘feminine’, but he did realize the only time he saw her in a dress was at the party
which was totally her choice, but it was also how she acted
she seemed to always try to be tough, taking on things she probably shouldn’t be doing but again, go her! 
but he felt bad that she wanted to carry all those heavy boxes and such
then when they went shopping one day, he saw her eyeing this dress 
he asks her about it and she says no, which made him pout
they left without that dress but he was determined to get it for her..so he did, surprise! 
mc grinned at first but then got all shy and asked him why he bought it
“Because you wanted it! I could tell..I just..thought you would like it..” what an angel
she tells him that yes! she does like it, but she doesn’t think she could pull it off *confused yoosung noises*
“honey, you’re beautiful!!” she gets even more blushy and shakes her head 
yoosung literally attacks her with kisses until she’s all giggly - kissing her face, neck, and to her shoulders, that they end up on the couch
 “come on, hun. how am I beautiful? I never wear dresses!” “you’re beautiful no matter what you wear-even wearing nothing, I want you to wear whatever you want”
this whole time, he’s like on top of her on the couch
“even wearing nothing?…” mc asks, smiling up at him. he blushes. 
“yes. and i’ll show you.” and boy oh boy he does
707 / Luciel / Saeyoung
saeyoung kinda knew what was going on, but really found out when he was trying to convince her to cosplay with him
“but mc, it would be so fun!!” “but saeyoung, you want to put me in a dress.” 
*pouts* “but you’ve seen me in a dress..” “that’s not the point”
“please please?? i won’t show anyone or take pictures and even put it on myself!” to really prove it, he throws on a dress himself
mc finally agrees 
he lets her pick the dress, but doesn’t let her lift a finger after that 
helps her undress and even put the other dress on 
mc is all blushy 1. from the undressing and 2. from wearing the dress
saeyoung grins at her when he’s done and ends up staring a bit
mc blushes more, “saeyoung, you’re staring..” “well…you’re hot”
“you’re ridiculous” “no seriously. I admit that I glanced a little while helping you” “sAEYOUNG”
“I mean, I can return the favor” and he literally takes his dress off right there
wow mc is red 
and now he starts pointing out his physical insecurities, all of which mc finds ridiculous he looks so good
she can’t help herself and starts kissing to what he points to 
and now her dress is off and he’s doing the same for her 
at the end of that, they look at each other until saeyoung pulls her into a deep kiss
guess we’ll have to cosplay another day
they were looking through his old costumes and some of them were a little, uh, revealing not anywhere bad geez i mean they were ripped
mc is kind of amazed. she asks how he wears them without being so self-conscious 
turns out he has a process, it’s not just his ego my boy here has his share of  insecurities 
she tries that process one day with a dress when he wasn’t home
but he got home early !! and saw her !!! 
obviously zen thinks she looks like The Most Beautiful Person Ever 
but mc blushes and runs to the closet to hide 
“babe! where are you going? that dress looks great on you!” 
“no it doesn’t, zen! stop it. I’m just gonna wear jeans forever, even to the party.”  what a dramatic couple 
he convinces her to come out of the closet, the dress still on
 but she has he arms crossed and is all pouty and not looking at him
luckily, he knows exactly what to do
he takes one of her hands and kisses from her hand to her shoulder, whispering little compliments until he gets to the other one 
and the next thing she knows, he’s doing that for everything?? 
her face, stomach, chest, even her legs hahahah i love the body worship hc 
and now she’s blushing for a whole other reason…which zen also takes care of ;))
oh boy
this man wants to spoil mc with dresses, but she never wears them 
he asks about that at dinner one night
and mc spills that she thinks she’s not pretty enough to wear dresses and it’s so much easier to just…be not feminine 
he understands, a little
and you know, he could just.. tell her that he thinks she’s beautiful and that she could try wearing dresses if she wanted to 
but noooo 
this man had to buy her a bunch to tell her
mc is shocked when she got home 
“i just..” jumin starts, “I think you’re beautiful, and I want you to feel comfortable in whatever you wear. So I thought we’d practice, just here”
she indulges him and they have a mini fashion show that’s just her 
jumin is there like “wow my wife is amazing”
she starts getting more confident at like, the 6th dress but she also starts getting tired
so they take a break, she sits next to him on their bed
he pulls her over and makes her look at him
“see, my love? you’re beautiful in anything..” mc smiles “which was your favorite?” she asks 
“this one.” he answers, “because I’m taking it off”
V / Jihyun
also pretty much doesn’t care and actually didn’t notice she never wore dresses (ps this baby got the surgery here he deserves this)
until he asked her to do a photoshoot with him! 
he get so excited about backgrounds and outfits its so cute
but mc starts getting shy and of course, he notices  
so he asks her about it 
and looking into his eyes, mc has to tell the truth i couldn’t lie to him either tbh
he listens and smiles at her softly when she finishes talking
“oh, angel..you can wear absolutely anything you want and if you don’t want to wear dresses, you don’t have to.” 
however, she decides to wear one. Just for him and the photoshoot
she surprises him when she comes out of the changing room and V is like, in awe 
he thinks she is amazing! wonderful! and he lets her know! 
*cue blushy mc* *and grinny jihyun*
he gives her a kiss for the surprise and wants to give her like, thousands more
but since he’s not that into pda, he takes her into the dressing room to shower her with kisses
and then mc says she’s “uncomfortable” in the dress again and that she needs his help “taking it off” bad mc
thank god he has his own studio 
my bean here gives no fucks 
mc is thankful bc she’s so comfortable around him and can do whatever 
until the rest of the rfa tells her she has to wear a dress for the party
so she tells him to complain a little, but she’s still gonna do it
“i think it’d be nice to see you in a dress. different, but nice”
aw damn, now she really has to 
they go shopping together, saeran picks a really pretty one and she loves it
but in the dressing room, she doesn’t think she looks that good
“hey, mc! do you need any help in there or?” he calls out
“uh, no thank you..I don’t think I’m gonna get it though, Saeran”
“why? let me see.” and so he comes in 
he tilts his head “you look great in it, why don’t you want it?”
she gives him the mini explanation given their whereabouts
he frowns and turns them to face the mirror again 
“look, I think you look beautiful in this dress. and I know the rest of the rfa will, too. if you really don’t want to wear it, I’ll tell them myself, but if you like it, get it.”
both of them are blushing now, but saeran means it
and she buys it. they walk out of the store holding hands
look i have a hc that saeran is ace so…. 
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