#im only rewatching season 1 i completely forgot her backstory
cringelordofchaos · 6 months
Rainbow dash actually has TERRIBLE issues with self esteem send tweet
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hey!! thoughts on the cobra kai female characters? sam, tory, aisha, amanda, carmen, you get it lmao
hi thank you so much for sending an ask i love your blog so much!!! ok this is a good one let’s go:
sam- i actually like sam. i think she’s super strong and an important character for young girls to see on screen. however, i do believe that her parents need to stop invalidating her feelings whenever she tells them she feels like something’s her fault because while she’s not entirely the cause, she usually did play a part in whatever bad thing happened. but that’s not to say she was the only one. she didn’t kiss the air. i also do wish she would have told robby about the kiss when he confessed about the metal but i can also forgive her inaction though because she’s supposed to be a 16 year old and 16 year olds make dumb decisions.
tory- ok so i also like tory. i loved how quickly she became friends with aisha in season 2 and how immediately badass she was in her initial fight with miguel at cobra kai. i truly believe that if she had a mentor/adult figure who actually cared about her and her wellbeing that she could go down a better path than the one she’s currently on. i liked seeing her home life and i think it definitely explains all of her actions/behaviour in the show, but i also believe that it doesn’t excuse it. she is also a teenager though and while her violent actions were completely uncalled for, the feelings behind them were so valid. she really just needs someone to show her that violence isn’t always the answer. i do hope we get to see more of her home life in season 4 and i’m interested to see how she changes now that her and robby are the only mains left at kreese’s cobra kai.
aisha- ugh i miss her so much. aisha was literally a queen throughout season 1 and 2. i think she was an incredibly important character so show on screen. i love how she was the first person to take initiative and join johnny’s cobra kai because she wanted a change and god she was so bad ass. i love how much she cares about all her friends, and i so wish she was in season 3, she 100% would have knocked some sense into every single person. i also kind of wish we got to see her reaction to the sam/tory part of the fight as well as the hawk/demetri and miguel/robby parts. fingers are crossed for her return before the end of the show 🤞🏼
amanda- ok what a queen. i loved her since season one, her deadpan delivery is hilarious and she has the best lines. i really love her relationship with daniel and her slapping kreese was one of the most satisfying things i’ve ever witnessed. that being said, i really hope she stops telling sam that nothing is her fault and that she actually listens to how her daughter feels. i’m excited to learn some more about amanda’s backstory in season 4!
carmen- another queen. literally the sweetest woman. i love how much she cares about miguel and johnny and how she always says exactly what he needs to hear. i do wish that she could be developed separate from her romantic storyline with johnny though.
moon- ahhhh i love her. i rewatched season 1 recently and completely forgot she was initially the ditzy stoner (“my mom got me this weed for my birthday”). i really love how she came around at the end of season 1 and apologized to aisha for bullying her. i do find it interesting though how she stayed friends with yasmine into season 3, although she probably believes that yasmine is capable of being nicer and apologizing as well. i also think her breaking up with hawk was her best moment and i literally cheered at screen. her friendship with demetri is one of the most underrated things on the show and i hope we get more of it. i also love her and piper and i think that was so cool to see and i would love for them to bring them back.
yasmine- i hated her in season 1 but in season 3, i do believe she is changing for the better. i mean i always thought that her bitchiness and bullying was a front for some deeper insecurities and it would be nice if she could share some of that/her home life with demetri if the writers do decide to move forward with their relationship. i should say that at the moment i don’t ship them, although i do love the scene where she signs his cast. i also think that regardless of if it’s in a romantic context or not, both yasmine and demetri could be really good for each other. i also don’t think that yasmine can be fully redeemed unless aisha comes back so lets see how they do with that.
rosa (yaya)- adding yaya because she’s iconic and i will never get over her showing up stoned to the all valley in season 1. icon behaviour. i would love some more scenes between her and miguel and her and carmen.
ali- i actually really loved how they brought her back and i think her scenes with johnny were super needed. i am so glad they didn’t have an unnecessary love triangle and that she was the missing piece in getting daniel and johnny on the same page. i also just think her and amanda would be the best duo if she ever came back. im obsessed with all those party scenes between the adults.
kumiko- she is such a sweetheart. they also did a great job bringing her back and i just love how much she helped daniel. i kind of think that what ali was for johnny in this season, kumiko was for daniel. i do think it’s tragic how she’s still in love with daniel because she really just deserves all the happiness. her reading mr. miyagi’s letters was one of the most emotional things in the whole show and i loved every second of it. i really hope they find a way to bring her back.
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agentdammers · 6 years
Grand Torchwood Rewatch 1x12 & 13
One season down...... It’s a Finale Double Whammy, just as it aired back in 2007! Crumbs of Jack Lore drop into our laps, some absolute plot bullshit takes place, an old man is there!!! fuck it let’s get this over with
content warn: pisstaking, fun having, oh! plot bullshit!, i absolutely lose my fucking mind, Owen Harper!!! I Won’t Hesitate Bitch
1x12 “captain jack harkness”
- a thought before we dive in, but man owen gets A LOT of story stuff over the course of the 2 seasons he’s in right??? like more story stuff than ianto and tosh combined. interesting
- so..... here’s a thing. “Ohhh people have heard music from a derelict building! better send torchwood in!” how... does that come about? Could it be squatters or something??? fuck it, let’s send in a Secret Government Agency! they’ll sort it out. i mean we don’t know what they do exactly but i imagine at least one of them is a ghostbuster or something lmao, whatever
- OH NO THIS CREEPY OLD BITCH!!! i forgot how scary he looked!! god, this dude must be a million, or a vampire, or likely both
- tosh’s eyes get SO BIG WHEN THAT GUY ASKS HER TO DANCE I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! she’s the best one!!!!!!
- wish i could wipe this episode entirely from my memory because that fucking reveal when the Real jack harkness introduces himself? F    U    C   K
- speaking of tosh, finding it extremely unconvincing that she, a tech nerd, would go out with a laptop with an almost completely flat battery... like, c’mon. she would be prepared
- Gwen cooper, a fully adult woman: haha me and my friends;;;; came here 4 a dare;;; cos its spooky lol....
- the dance they’re at is called “KISS THE BOYS GOODBYE DANCE”, which is what my finishing move would be called if i was a character in a fighting game
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- ianto and owen slapfighting over their shit girlfriend experiences fucking owns genuinely lmao
- tosh pops the top off a tin and then cuts her hand open on the obviously blunt fucking lid?????? jesus christ
- “I’m tired of living in awe of the rift!!!” .....................first i’ve heard of it. I love that owen is talking as though the rift has been a major fucking factor throughout the entire series up until this point, rather than a thing that’s just been vaguely fucking referenced as the reason why a bunch of weird shit just seems to happen in cardiff. no, im not standing for this. You can’t pull out the rift at the eleventh hour and then talk about it as though it’s a Hugely Important plot device when the biggest role it’s had over the stretch of the entire 11 Whole Ass episodes prefacing this was to allow the plane to come through in “out of time”. y’all have barely mentioned the rift this entire time and now you want to act like its the hellmouth??? eat my ass!!!!!!
- and continuing on that note: apparently they’ve had a machine that can manipulate the rift in the hub......... the entire goddamn time. but no one thought to MENTION it i guess!!!!!!!! pfft, why would THAT be important??? right???? right?????
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this plot bullshit almost makes me feel bad for how harsh i was about “cyberwoman” but, i will admit.... despite this Absolute Fucking Nonsense, i do find the jack and tosh storyline in this episode really fun and interesting. its just unfortunate that all the stuff arrrrround that is some kind of fic scrawled in the back of a kid’s math book.
- also the size of owen’s fucking NADS in this episode!!!!!!!! “Don’t compare yourself to me.” SAYS MAN CRYING OVER THE GIRL HE KNEW FOR ONE (1!) (SINGULAR) WEEK!!!! as opposed to ianto’s longterm girlfriend being turned into a monster and eventually murdered by his own team!!!! Like, i understand that’s owen’s problem actually goes beyond that, and its not so much about diane herself but about the fact that he let himself feel close to someone again after his fiancee died but for us, The Audience, watching this as it airs... we haven’t unlocked owen’s tragic backstory yet. and without knowing all that it just makes owen look really bad and like a huge fucking tool lmfao.
- NEVERMIND THE END IS GAY AND SAD AND Y’KNOW!!!!!! i am a man of simple pleasures, at heart, and so... i’ll let it slide. jack meeting his namesake knowing that he’s going to die and them having a moment is more of the kind of emotional content we would get in episodes of doctor who, and its Just Right
- in honesty, theres a bunch of stuff about this ep that i DO like. that tosh gets a prominant role for a change, while gwen gets to do fuck all. the whole Real Jack story. owen gets shot and pops a tit out at the end. its just unfortunate thats its all wrapped up in this rift thing thats been wheeled out last minute for a Big Season Finale with no real foreshadowing or build up to it at all lmao. but, moving on...............................................................................................
1x13 “end of days”
- lovely reading voice ianto’s got..... i also like owen acting up to make sure we know that they remember him being shot in the shoulder last episode lol.
- “owen, if you open the rift you’ll break it” (owen opens the rift anyway) “owen, you opening the rift broke it” (owen GASPS IN DISMAY, ME??? REALLY?) yes bitch open your ears
- “So are we going to sit around crying into our lattes or are we gonna do something about it?” OWEN..... IS THIS. SUPPOSED TO SOUND BADASS I.... GENUINELY CANT TELL? IT SOUNDS BAD, OWEN
- jack was so likeable last ep now he’s a DICK. gwen calls him out on how he talked to owen and he’s really fucking catty at HER for no reason at all????
- i haaaaaaaaate this scene in the hospital where a Mystery Illness has all the fucking symptoms of the bubonic plague but apparently every doctor in the entire hospital never did high school level history and are all incapable of recognising it. if fucking *i* know what symptoms of the bubonic plague are im sure they didn’t need Absolute Brain Genius Owen Harper who is seemingly the only person with any sense in cardiff to come in and diagnose it. i also hate how owen just like casually mentions to the doctor yep, this is caused by people falling through time dude yknow!!! like they do!! expect more of this to keep happening probably idk!!
- i love that owen has followed jack all this time but NOW in a crisis is the time to actually lose it and start questioning his authority bc they dont Actually know who jack is like???? you’ve been fine not knowing this entire time before??? thats not to say that jack isn’t an entire dumbass himself. he expects them all to follow him blindly and its so creepy. he’s like a cult leader, and as they all have Torchwood Stockholm Syndrome that ive mentioned in previous episode run downs they’ve all just gone along with it.
- owen having a little cry on the way out is such a Good scene bc he puts on such a brave and defiant front tho 💕💖💘💕
- i dont know why the really quick flashback to diane flying off in the plane made me lose my fucking mind, its just like “LMAO IN CASE U FORGOT: SHE WAS THE PLANE LADY. I KNOW SHE WAS ONLY IN FOR LIKE TWO MINUTES, BUT DONT WORRY ABOUT IT.”
- gwen for fucks sake!!!!!!!! not again!!!!! after all the cryptic shit and lies she’s told rhys up until this point, she now knocks him out and locks him in a cell and STILL offers no explanation. this poor fucking dude!!!!!!!!! and it’s about to get even worse for him...
- YES EVERYONE REBEL AGAINST JACK!!!!!!! FUCK THIS DUDE!!!! you’re doing what a creepy old dude who is Absolutely Definitely evil wants, but still
- why does gwen start doing shit on the computer when toshiko, the computer expert, is standing right there, like.............
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- i forget, does anyone know jack’s immortal apart from gwen? or was it just the shock of owen actually Shooting Their Boss? the only onscreen death i can recall of his after suzie shot him was in “cyberwoman”
- god, minutes ago they were all like FUCK JACK!!!! JACK DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO SAVE US AFTER ALL!!! and now theyre all crawling back asking jack to save them all from cgi pig Ganon and its just..... a lot to happen, over the space of about half an hour.
- the ending is so anticlimatic and also why does sucking all the Yummy Life Energy out of jack make abaddon die?????????? Though in its defence... after like 3 bowls of cereal, i too am like OUCH OOF MY BONES
- aaaaaaaaaand rhys is back! will he get treated any better from here on out? i dont remember!!! guess we’ll see.
- bit much of gwen who’s actually known jack the shortest time of them all to be like NO, let ME be with him uwuwuwuuw
- ahhh!!! ianto smelling jack’s coat ;_;
- aaaand jack’s back too. AND HE GETS TO HOLD A CRYING OWEN? FOR ME? oh you shouldn’t have! this Almost makes up for all that rift plot bullshit (almost. i still know what u did.)
- ANDDDDD OH SHIT. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE GOOD ENDING. HERE COMES THE TARDIS. FUCKING YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...............................and there it goes. one season down. sorry this one was so long!!! i love and appreciate anyone to takes the time to read these posts. thank u!!!!
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