#matt grzelcyk imagine
ilyasorokinn · 3 years
🥥 with matt grzelcyk ?
congrats again on a year!!
thank you c!!!
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Liked by matt.grzelcyk, jdebrusk and 10,294 others
yourusername happy birthday to my favorite guy. i could get all lovey-dovey and post embarrassing photos of you, but i’m not going to because you’re laying right next to me and i’ll just tell you when you wake up.
anyways, love you a lot matt, and i love you. happy birthday baby!!!
tagged: @/matt.grzelcyk
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matt.grzelcyk i’m right next to you 😭 but i love you too. thank you baby ❤️
bruinswags her caption 😭
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Liked by yourusername, hallsy09 and 8,294 others
matt.grzelcyk thank you for all your wonderful birthday wishes, and thank you to this wonderful girl for an amazing day. ❤️
tagged: @/yourusername
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yourusername your welcome. happy birthday lovey ❤️
bruinswags happy birthday matt!!
(photos not mine. found on pinterest.)
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pastrnaks-sainz · 3 years
My Whole Life
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Pairing: Matt Grzelcyk x female!reader
Type: Fluff
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.9k
Summary: You had always looked at Matt one way. You met him in high school and instantly became best friends. Over time, you’d developed feelings for him. But the thing is, you hadn’t known it until he went to play for the Boston Bruins and you saw him again for the first time in five months.
A/N: Repost of a Grizzy fic I got a while ago because the link decided it didn’t want to work okay here we go 
Freshman year of high school was the best year of your life. See, freshman year was when you met Matt Grzelcyk. He was a better, closer friend than the ones you’d had since you were a kid. You did everything together. Not a day went by where you weren’t joined at the hip. Your friends had joked about planning the wedding, both of them only being half kidding.
The friendship you had with Matt survived all four years of high school. You both decided to attend Boston University, Matt with a full ride hockey scholarship and you with one for law studies. Matt always joked that you’d one day leave him for Harvard. Little did either of you know that it was him who would be the one leaving for bigger and better things.
When Matt told you about his contract with the Bruins you could not have been happier for him. You were the first person he told. He told you before he told his family. However excited you were for your best friend, it paled in comparison to his excitement when you get accepted to the Harvard Law Program. ‘My best friend is gonna be a lawyer’, he’d said, the excitement in his voice made you light up like a Christmas tree.
Over time, you’d fallen head over heels in love with Matt and you had no idea until he left to play hockey. You’d been blind to the feelings growing in your heart and in your mind and you had no idea how in love you were.
You hadn’t spent more than two days apart from each other, and now, with you buried in your studies and Matt playing in the NHL, you were apart for six days a week. You managed to get together for coffee or dinner or a movie every Sunday. But all that changed pretty quickly. You passed your Bar Exam and Matt had made a place for himself on the Bruins roster. With everything going on in your lives, you hadn’t seen each other in person in months.
Working for the DA’s office had taken up all of your time as you worked your ass off trying to climb the rungs and leave the DA for a private firm. And Matt? Well, Matt was off becoming a star NHL player. Between both your career paths taking up your entire lives, you’d been relegated to texts and FaceTime calls. They mainly fell between your court cases and his practices and games.
Your boss at the firm had finally taken notice of everything you were doing and forced you to take a week off. You’d been lucky in the fact that it had coincided with the All-Star break. The first thing you did when you got back to your apartment was call Matt. You hadn’t heard his voice in so long, so when he picked up on the second ring and answered with that cheery tone you hadn’t heard in months, you nearly broke down crying.
“Y/N Y/L/N,” Matt said. You could nearly hear his smile on the other end of the line as you let yourself fall back to your bed. “Now there’s a name I haven’t seen cross my screen in many a month. How you been?”
“If I see one more dickwad loser drunk drive himself into a telephone pole then sue the bar for emotional trauma I am going to throw myself off a cliff,” you huffed as you desperately tried to ignore the pang in your chest at the sound of your best friend’s laugh.
“That sounds like hell,” he said. “So, why are you calling? Did something happen, is everything alright?”
“God, you are adorable,” you giggled and shook your head. “Everything’s fine, Matt. I just wanted you to know that I was forced to take a week off and I know you’re free this week and I figured it’s time for us to get together. It’s been too long since we’ve done something together.”
“Yes,” Matt said. “What are you doing tomorrow?”
“Sleeping in for the first time in five months,” you huffed.
“Alright when you wake up I’m gonna pick you up and then we’re having a good old fashioned Matt and Y/N day, okay?” he said with a small chuckle. There was that pang in your chest again.
“Okay,” you said. “Goodnight, Matt. See you tomorrow.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
You woke up the next morning at nine o’clock to the smell and sound of sizzling bacon. Something you hadn’t done since you were in high school. Wait. Bacon. Your roommate was away on a girls’ trip to Vegas.
“Mornin’ sunshine,” Matt smiled when you walked into the kitchen. Your chest panged yet again. Something in the back of your mind couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to wake up to this sight every morning.
“I would ask how you got into my apartment but since you made me bacon, I’ll skip on pressing charges,” you said with a smile and walked around the kitchen counter and straight into Matt’s arms.
Matt engulfed you in his arms, holding you tight to his chest. You wrapped your arms around his waist and took a deep breath, breathing him in. He ducked his head to the crook of your neck and buried his face in your hair. Your heart sped up on its own accord at the physical contact with your best friend. Your mind raced. You had never felt like this when you hugged Matt before. You had no idea where these sudden feelings were coming from and, if you were being honest, it made you nervous.
“I missed you,” Matt mumbled after a few moments of silence. “You have no idea how much I missed you.”
“I missed you more,” you laughed lightly before pulling away from him, despite your heart screaming at you to stay in his embrace for as long as you possibly could.
“So I thought there was no better way to start a classic Matt and Y/N day with a nice, home cooked breakfast. Well, nice home cooked bacon. I uh, I don’t know how to make anything else,” Matt chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. He’d always done that when he was nervous. You never found it adorable until now.
“Well lucky for you I make a mean bagel,” you laughed and reached for the bag sitting next to the toaster. “Still like it burnt to a crisp?”
“Hey,” Matt laughed, bumping your hip with his. “I like it slightly blackened.”
“Burnt to a crisp it is,” you smiled. “So what do you have planned for the day? Do I need to wear anything special?”
“A sweater,” Matt responded as he stepped up beside you at the oven. “I have a fun day planned for us.”
“Can’t wait,” you tossed a grin up at him, still ignoring the pang in your chest.
“Y/N, I swear, I thought he was gonna rip my head off,” Matt laughed as you walked through the lobby after breakfast. “It was terrifying.”
“What did you expect when you decided to fight Deslauriers?” you giggled, locking the door behind you. “Good Lord it’s cold out here.”
“And you don’t have gloves do you?” Matt asked, glancing over at you. You shook your head and shivered. He wordlessly took your hand in his. Sparks ignited from where your skin touched. You shivered again, this time not from the cold.
“So,” you cleared your throat, desperately trying to brush away the thoughts your mind was tossing before your eyes. “Where are we going?”
“I wanna see if you can guess,” he said, tossing a look at you. You raised your eyebrows at him and pursed your lips. “Fine, it’s the first place I took you when you moved to Charlestown.”
“I always thought you were crazy for bringing me to a graveyard,” you laughed as the Uber Matt had ordered pulled up in front of you. He opened the door for you, letting go of your hand briefly as he climbed in beside you.
“Bunker Hill Cemetery, please,” Matt told the driver. He nodded and pulled away from the curb. Matt looked over at you and held out his hand again. You sucked in a subtle breath and laced your fingers with his. He’d never done that before and it had your lawyer senses kicking into overdrive trying to figure why he was doing it now.
“Remember when I tripped over the tree root and tore up my knee?” you asked, pointing to a gnarly, overgrown tree root that had cracked one of the headstones straight up the middle.
“Yeah,” Matt laughed. “You could barely walk, I had to carry you home.”
“Good times,” you sighed, looking around the snow-dusted graveyard. It was creepy, sure, but where you used to be scared of it now, when you were with Matt, you felt safer than you ever had before.
“Next stop?” he asked after you completed your round of the graveyard. You nodded, grinning up at him.
“So I know it’s a little out of the way,” he said as you got into another Uber after hitting all your childhood haunts. “But I thought you might be up for a North End visit?”
“Cannolis from Modern? Absolutely,” you giggled.
“Modern?” he asked with a chuckle. “Everybody knows Mike’s is better.”
“Mike’s? Are you kidding me, Matt?” you gasped. “Every self respecting Bostonian knows Mike’s is a tourist trap.”
“It might be a tourist trap but it damn well has the best cannolis,” Matt protested.
“Did Deslauriers punch you too hard?” you asked, shaking your head. “You’re crazy.”
“Fine, we’ll get cannolis from Mike’s and Modern then go back to my place and have a cannoli taste off then watch movies,” Matt decided. “Deal?”
“Deal,” you nodded, laughing to yourself. “A good old fashioned Matt and Y/N movie night is just what the doctor ordered me to do with my time off.”
“Just you wait,” Matt smirked as the Uber pulled the curb between Mike’s and Modern. “Mike’s is wipe the floor with you precious little Modern.”
“Just you wait,” you retorted. “Modern is gonna beat the crap out of Mike’s.”
“Oh my God,” Matt mumbled, his mouth full of a cannoli from Modern. “I digress, you were right.”
“I was what?” you asked, smirking at him, desperately trying to push the pang that was still in your chest out of your mind.
“Shut up,” Matt laughed, wiping the powdered sugar from his mouth with his sleeve. You glanced up at him to see a spot of sugar still left on the corner of his mouth.
“You, uh,” you paused before reaching over, your fingers hovering just above his skin. “You missed a spot.”
Matt looked at you as you wiped the sugar away. He was shocked. This was the first time he was seeing you in this light. He watched the way your eyes glimmered in the low light of his living room. He had looked at you countless times, seen the way you looked in every light imaginable, and only now, only today after not seeing you for five months, did he realize how completely and utterly in love with you.
“Y/N,” he whispered. “Can- can I kiss you?”
His question took you aback. But your heart and your mind didn’t argue in saying yes.
“Please,” you said, your voice needy.
Matt cupped your cheek and kissed you instantly. You felt yourself melt into him as his lips, chapped, pressed against yours. You and Matt relished in the moment. Neither of you knew just how much you wanted to kiss each other until now. You never thought how amazing it would be until now. You never thought you would find yourself kissing your best friend.
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Fall(ing) - Matt Grzelcyk
Summary: Matt and his girlfriend spent the day under the soft blankets, watching Halloween movies with their puppy to hideaway form the thunderstorm.
Notes: Shorter but hopefully fluffy enough 💘
Words: 757
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“He looked at her the way all women want to be looked at by a man.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald
It was the coldest day of October the warmth and sunshine of previous days was just a memory now. Leaves of all shades of orange, yellow, and red appeared to be just brown and they were quickly falling on the ground in the strong wind. The blue sky was now gray even black at some parts and all the clouds covered the sun so perfectly that there was no trace of it. Busy streets full of people who were enjoying a nice Saturday afternoon were now empty as everyone was scared away by the lightning and thunder that followed. And soon raindrops covered all of our windows making everything look even colder and darker.
Matt returned home from a trip the night before, his bags were still in the hall but we didn’t bother with them. We decided to have a nice lazy and cozy day at home despite the thunderstorm outside. I lit some candles that made the air smell like apples and cinnamon and Matt prepared tea and snacks to enjoy while watching a movie. After a long discussion, we decided to watch Hocus Pocus which was my favorite followed by The Addams Family which is what Matt wanted to watch the most.
“Look who finally decided to join his parents,” Matt chuckled when our new puppy jumped on the couch and made his way closer to us. “Now the family is complete.”
“Hey buddy,” I smiled at the puppy and almost melted when he licked my cheek and then he lay down next to me and Matt. He was asleep within a few moments.
I snuggled up to Matt resting my head in the crook of his neck and he immediately pulled the soft blanket closer to my face. His right hand was running up and down my back while his left hand held mind. Everything was nice and warm, extremely familiar yet still knew. I could repeat every line from the movie but it never got old. We had our puppy for a few weeks yet I was still getting used to having him around and Matt calling us a family. It certainly wasn’t the first time I spent the day in Matt’s arms but I still had butterflies in my stomach making me wonder how I could get so lucky.
Matt chuckled from time to time making my heart skip a beat because there was no better sound than his laughter. I was looking at him adoring and remembering every detail; the small wrinkles around his eyes whenever he laughed, how the corners of his lips went up immediately when he caught me looking at him, how his hands were always protectively wrapped around my body or how he held my hand whenever he had the chance.
As the movie progressed, as the day got even darker and as I got even comfier in Matt’s arms, melting completely under his touch and each kiss he gave me on the top of my head randomly for no reason at all I felt my eyes get heavy and it was hard to focus on the movie or on what Matt had to say. I lazily kissed his jaw and ran my hands through his hair and Matt smiled at me widely. I always believed autumn was overrated. It wasn’t as nice and comfortable as people made it to be. To me autumn meant the end of the summer and the end of freedom, returning to school and work, and the beginning of a new hockey season which brought happiness as well sadness because it meant Matt wouldn’t be home as much as he was in summer. But now I understood why people enjoyed it; the ugly weather was perfect for a lazy day at home preferably on the couch watching Halloween movies with a good boyfriend and a puppy.
“Are you sleeping, baby?” Matt whispered and stroked my cheek gently. He was tired himself, his voice was low and raspy, his movements were slow and his eyes looked heavy too although probably not as heavy as mine. I furrowed my eyebrows at him, letting out a loud whimper because he had the audacity to wake me up. “I apologize.” He chuckled. Matt removed a piece of hair that fell into my face and tucked it behind me ear, lightly kissed me cheek and then he rested his chin on my head and closed his eyes.
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Cheers - Matt Grzelcyk
Word Count: 1,261
Requested: yes
Warnings: Language
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When you moved to Boston a couple of years ago, you never expected to meet the love of your life, but that’s exactly what happened when you met Matt. You knew nothing about hockey, but when your coworker asked you to go to a Bruins game; you figured you had nothing to lose since you were new to the area. She made you go early, so you could watch them warm-up and that’s when you saw him. 
 You didn’t really notice him until he came crashing into the boards in front of you. It honestly scared the shit out of you and had your beer splashing on the floor. “Fuck,” you muttered and looked up to see Matt smiling at you. He had the most piercing blue-gray eyes and at the moment they were staring at you. “Sorry,” He mumbled through the plexiglass. 
 You shrugged it off, and added, “I’ll live.” He skated away then. 
 “Oh my god, he is so into you,” Abigail told you while grabbing your arm and spilling more of your beer.
 “Really Abs?" you asked brushing more beer off you. "He just probably couldn’t stop or something.” 
 “No, I’m telling you. I read somewhere that when they think a girl is hot, they totally do this.” You rolled your eyes at her. 
 “He probably has a girlfriend and is just looking for a side piece.”
 “Nope, totally single.”
 “And how do you know this?” She went to say something, but you stopped her. “No, don’t tell me, the same place you read about ramming into us.” She simply lifted her shoulder and smiled.
 “Don’t look now, but he seems to be warming up in your line of sight.” Matt was of course. He was doing some kind of stretch right in front of you and Abigail. 
 “It’s probably what he always does.”
 “Nope, I’ve been here a few times and he doesn’t stretch here. I’m telling you he likes you.”
 “Abs, I can’t even pronounce his last name. Hell, I don’t even know his first.” This was your first hockey game, the most you knew was that the puck was to go in the net.
 “It’s Matt.” 
 The next thing you knew he was skating over, dangling a puck off the end of his stick. “Hey,” he shouted over to you. “Sorry about the beer.” He flipped the puck up then tossed it on the other side of the glass to you. You grabbed it and mouthed a ‘Thanks’ back over to him.
 “I told you!” You didn’t want to admit it, but the puck in your hand was telling you Abigail was right. 
 “So he gave me a puck,” You said trying to brush off the gesture. “He probably gives them away every game.”
 “Sure to children, not grown women.” The team skated off the ice, ending the warmups and hopefully this obsession that Abigail had with this Matt guy being interested in you. You changed the subject, and thankfully Abby let you. 
 The countdown to the start of the game began on the jumbotron. Saying that it would begin in three minutes when an usher came down and tapped you on the shoulder. He had a folded piece of paper in his hand. “You’re the girl that got the puck right?”
 “Yes,” you said holding up the aforementioned object. Maybe you’d won a prize or something; how exciting.
 “Then this is for you.” He said handing over the paper.
 Slowly you unfolded it, then read what was inside. ‘Would love to get to know you. Call me after the game 617-555-1212 - Matt.’ You handed it over to Abigail. “What do I do?”
 “You call him!” She screamed, and those around all stared at the two of you. You snatched the piece of paper back and slunk down in the seat, shushing your friend at the same time. The whole evening you spent worrying between calling Matt and watching the number forty-eight skate around on the ice. In the end, you decided to just send him a text, even though Abigail said you were chicken for not calling.
 ‘Thanks for the puck.’ It was short simple and to the point. I mean what else were you supposed to say. This way if he was truly interested, he would text back. His reply came back fairly quick. ‘Would love to sign it for you and maybe buy you a drink sometime.’ Of course, you and Abigail ended up meeting up with him a couple of guys from the team for drinks. After that, the two of you were inseparable. There were long dinner dates at first, that was just the two of you. As you got more comfortable, he started offering you tickets to his home games, where you got to be friends with the other wives and girlfriends. Before you knew it, he was taking you to team events and one year later you were moving in with him.
 Now here you were three years later, on the exact day that you met him, celebrating your anniversary. Matt had gone all out, taking you to one of Boston’s finest restaurants. You were midway through the meal when there was a commotion on the other side of the restaurant. Both of you turned to see what was going on. You watched as the young woman was squealing and trying to get what looked like an engagement ring out of a champagne glass. “Awww, Matt, look how sweet that is. Can you believe it?”
 “No, no I can’t, because I literally put that ring in the champagne glass and told the waiter to deliver it after our meal. Now, what the hell am I supposed to do? Go tell her that’s not hers?”
 “Okay, but back up a for a sec, YOU DID WHAT?” Had Matt just implied that ring was for you? You glanced back over at the table, the man looked frantic, as if he didn’t quite know what to say. You swiveled your head back to Matt, waiting for an answer, his face was flushed red.
 “Umm…so like yeah. I wanted to propose tonight, but…” His hand went to the back of his neck, and he hissed out a soft, “fuck,” before getting up and grabbing the waiter. You couldn’t quite make out the whispered conversation, but the server seemed quite embarrassed that he’d gotten the wrong tray. He headed over to the other couple, apologizing profusely for the mix-up. You weren’t sure who was more uncomfortable, the waiter, the guy who wasn’t proposing, or the woman who just had her dreams crushed.
 “I’m so sorry sir. We’ll comp your meal completely.” He handed the ring back over to Matt.
 “That’s not necessary.”
 “Again, I’m so, so sorry.” He quickly hurried away before Matt could say anything more. 
 “Well, um…it’s not exactly the romantic proposal I had planned but…” He got down on one knee then. The whole restaurant now watching, after the ring debacle. “I love you, (Y/N). I think I have from the moment I saw you. I never told you this, but I ran into those boards on purpose that night. I wanted to get your attention and I’m so glad I did. You’re my everything (Y/N) and I don’t know what my life would be like without you. Will you marry me?”
 “Yes, Matt, yes!” It was barely above a whisper as you were too choked up with emotion. Matt slipped the ring on your finger, then reached up and kissed you. The whole restaurant cheering in the background. 
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kaapoincorporated · 4 years
A Game of Chance | Matt Grzelcyk
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Requested: Yes | No
Overview: Matt finally brings down his walls! It was requested by an amazing anon (I hope you like it!)
Note: Did you drink any water today? No? Only some? Get yourself another cup and then read, okay? You need to stay healthy and happy! No reader of mine is going to be sad because they are feeling the effects of dehydration. Enjoy 💕
Carlo always had you go to the team’s parties and dinners because, to him, “You are my best friend! How else will they get to know you? Through postcards?” You had originally laughed at him but he still managed to get you to attend. Brandon had long since introduced you, bringing you as a plus one to Tuukka’s house after a win to have you finally meet his team in person. You had amazingly enough immediately got along with “the boys” and became a regular babysitter for the little Bruins, well, all of them except Matt.
Now, you sat in Pasta’s loveseat next to Brandon, looking right at him. Patrice laughed as he made a joke, his eyes barely visible as he patted his friend on the back. David had invited the team over to have a team reboot. “What? It would be good for our team!” He had given you a hug partnered with a look to Matt that you missed but you let him guide you to the chair. Matt was looking at you every now and then, the look a cloud of emotions of which you could not figure out. 
“Hey… Hey? HEY?” You snapped back to attention and flinched as Brandon looked down at you, now standing with Patrice chuckling as you looked at Brandon with confusion. “Yes? Sorry about that…” Brandon laughed a little and smiled, a little worry in his eyes. “ Are you okay? What do you want to drink? A beer?” “Yes most likely, Brandon; she’s known for her ability but you should get her a water.” You blinked a couple of times as your gaze shifted and settled on the man. “On it, chief.” Brandon and Patrice left the reading room, leaving you staring at Matt, the shadows of blinds slowly making their descent as the sky’s last golden rays peeked through the windows. Seven minutes later, they were gone, plunging you both into a fire-lit viewing of the other.
You jolted at the comment, your mind declaring focus as you leaned forward in the loveseat, your empty solo cup limp in your hand.
“Why what?”
“Why do you not take care of yourself?”
His gaze, you noticed was worried, but you still huffed at the man.
“Well, why do you care? You barely talk to me until now, Matt.”
He flinched, his eyes now cautious as he cleared his throat, his words following in suit.
“ I don’t want to break the silence if you don’t want me to approach you in the way I want to.”
Your eyes locked with his as the flames flicked in the fireplace, your faces warmed by the embers. You studied his body as if you had never seen him before, his hair, his eyes, his fidgeting hands- he looked open. You watched as he swallowed hard, the blush slowly flooding his cheeks. 
“ Listen, I- I can go. I-”
“Matt, don’t.”
Your hand had gripped his wrist across the table as he had stood to go. You quickly, sensing the confusion, let go, the blush rising to your cheeks relentless as you moved to stand in front of the tall man. 
“ I want you to tell me- um- approach me, rather um… if you are still interested.”
The bruin looked down at you with an unmissable mix of hopefulness and joy as he softly grabbed your hand, his thumb rubbing the smooth skin as he spoke, not a single hesitation in his words.
“ I have loved you since the moment I saw you and over time that feeling has only grown stronger.” He blushed, swallowing hard before continuing. “ I have been afraid and too nervous to ask this for a while now but here goes nothing: will you go out with me and give me a chance?”
As you moved to kiss him, the boys who had gathered in the doorway cheered, their chirps making you blush harder when your lips met and opened the next chapter of your life.
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bambigoose · 4 years
Secret Santa - M.Grzelcyk
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Day 18
Over the past couple of years Secret Santa had been the ban of Kelsey’s existence. The Bruin players always went over the top for each other and for the others participating, but what does she get the people who already have everything they need. This year however she lucked out, pulling Matt Grzelcyk out of the helmet. Your will they won’t they relationship was giving the team and yourself whiplash but gave you an insight into the perfect gifts.
Matt was always cold, didn’t matter if it was the middle of the summer the man desired to be wrapped up in sweats and blankets not that he’d ever admit it. An extra blanket was permanently on the back of your couch and making one for him was a no brainer. Adding in some wool socks, mittens, and a hat would complete the entire set and knitting was great stress relief throughout the grind of the season. Working in nutrition with the team kept Kelsey busy but she was lucky in cultivating an outside relationship with the boys.
Tying together a blanket and knitting the other items was the easy part, the most difficult part was dropping them at a locker Matt guards like a bull dog against outside threats. Chuckie put glitter in his gloves one time before practice and Matt refuses to let it happen again. Deploying multiple tactics, including having Bruce call for him from the office she was at her wits end before Jaro pulled the package from her hands with a wink. This lanky bastard slunk along the wall never arising suspicion besides a laughing Tuukka and stuck the present behind a talking Grzelcyk. Their observational skill off ice clearly needs some work. Winking at the two goalies she fell back into the kitchen to prepare the after practice meal, laughing as Matt shouted over the present.
After practice her table for lunch was quickly filled in by Chuckie, Jake, Danton, and Monte leaving the usual open seat next to her for Matt. “Honestly Kels just move in with me, I’ll pay you to cook.” DeBrusk says biting into the warm baked ziti.
“She wouldn’t let you eat your oreos man.”
Kelsey leaned forward and slapped Chuckie upside the head with a joking glare while the table laughed.“Don’t piss off the person who can poison your food.” was the sage advice from Tuukka Rask as he passed by while a hush came over the table. The occupants staring back and forth between each other.
Matt choose that moment to drop into his unassigned seat, “Best Secret Santa ever.” he says looking directly at Kelsey, “but I have a better idea of something to keep me warm.” He pulled her chair smack against his before dropping a kiss on her lips.
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A Matt Grzelcyk Christmas (Matt Grzelcyk)
Anonymous said: please write an imagine for matt grzelcyk, maybe christmas or holiday themed? thank you!
Anonymous said: #38 from List 3, please! It can be any person you want
Word count: 839
Author’s Note: This is a part of my holiday series! You can find the three prompt lists on my blog. Also, why are there so many consonants in Matt Grzelcyk’s name? 
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“Oh no.” You can’t help the snort of laughter that falls out of your mouth when you first step into Matt’s apartment. He was very proud that he decorated his place all by himself, and had been begging you all day to come by and check out his handiwork. While you were impressed by his ability to hang a wreath on a door and put twinkling lights everywhere, the Christmas tree was a whole different story.
“‘Oh no?’ What do you mean by that?” Matt asks, the glow from the string lights casting odd shadows across his face. You turn towards him, biting your lip in an attempt to look serious.
“Matt, honey, that is the saddest Christmas tree I’ve ever seen.” The look of indignation on his face is enough to send you into another fit of giggles.
“Excuse you, (Y/N), I do believe they say that we don’t choose the tree, the tree chooses us.”
“Did you just quote Harry Potter?” Matt ignores you, continuing on his grand spiel.
“And when the guys and I were at that tree lot today, this little guy called out to me. I had to save him!” You take another look at the tree, tilting your head in an attempt to see the appeal. It’s a scrawny little thing, not even five feet tall. The branches are pretty sparse towards the bottom, and you can already see a pile of pine needles gathering where Matt has neglected to put a tree skirt.
“Have you had a Christmas tree since you got your own place?” Matt shakes his head.
“Nope, which is why I decided to let the trees do the talking and make their case as to why I should take it home.”
“Well, did you buy it a drink first?” You joke. Matt shoots a sour look your way. “I’m sorry Matt, I had to! The joke was right there!”
“Okay, now that you’ve had your comedy special can you give me some honest feedback? I’ve never done this before, obviously.”
“It’s a nice little tree for your place, it’s just going to make a big mess.” Matt raises an eyebrow.
“Why will there be a mess?”
Pointing down to the pile of needles already accumulating under the tree, you move Matt’s attention from you to the tree. “The pine needles. We need to get you a tree skirt. And you obviously need some ornaments on this, but other than that I think it’ll be a great first tree.” You spare a glance at Matt, who’s still waiting for you to continue. “You have ornaments and a tree skirt, right?” Smiling sheepishly, Matt shakes his head.
“Target?” You nod, already slipping your coat back on. “I knew there was a reason that I kept you around, and it isn’t your jokes.”
One trip to Target and an hour and a half later, there’s finally progress with the tree. After some strategic garland placement and lots of rotating the tree, it’s finally in a position where it doesn’t look too scrawny. You’re just placing what you think is the last ornament when Matt comes back into the kitchen, two mugs of tea in his hands. Taking one from him, you place a grateful kiss on his cheek and move back to study your handiwork.
“It looks like a completely different tree.” Matt comments, taking a sip of his tea before wincing.
“So you admit it was a sad little thing before I showed up?”
“Never. It always looked great, this is just version two point oh.” You playfully roll your eyes and move to turn the main lights off, letting the soft glow of the holiday lights flood the living room in a warm light. You both stand in silence, looking at the festive scene and stealing glances of the person next to you when you think the other isn’t looking.
“Thanks for letting me take over this operation.” You lean into Matt’s chest.
“I’m glad you took it over, it looks way better than anything I could ever do. Thanks for letting this be our first tree as a couple.” You think for a moment.
“Huh, I guess it is.”
“Wouldn’t wanna spend the holidays with anyone else.” Matt grins. You both clink your mugs together before taking sips of your drinks. Smirking, you start quietly humming. It takes Matt a minute, but eventually he looks down at you.
“Are you humming the song from ‘Charlie Brown Christmas?’” He asks. You laugh, nodding. Gently shoving your shoulder, he groans. “Boo, you really do think you’re a comedian, don’t you?” Your quiet humming is interrupted by Matt placing a kiss on your lips. Whether it’s because he really does like your jokes or because he just wants to get you to shut up, you’re not too sure. You get your answer soon enough when he starts humming the same song under his breath. You laugh quietly before joining in, just two people in love spending their first Christmas season together.
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retrocelly · 5 years
ok so as you guys know via my last couple posts (before the asks) i did not have a good day yesterday and so the matt imagine wasn’t edited and so it will be up tomorrow 🙃 yes I’m terrible and I’m so sorry
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leafsbabe · 3 years
how Matt Grzelcyk is like as a boyfriend
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- dating Matt is fun
- he’s a great boyfriend
- very open and loving 
- actually puts in effort and works on the relationship and communication
- he’s not the kind of guy to completely switch personalities once you’ve been dating for a while
- he sends you good morning and good night texts in the beginning of the relationship and he sends you good morning and good night texts months into the relationship
- except when he’s sleeping next to you
- then he goes and gets breakfast before you wake up to surprise you
- like he’s not gonna suddenly put in less effort just because you moved past the wooing stage and settled into the relationship
- the honeymoon phase just continues on and on and on
- Matt is just a great guy and you never get sick of him
- hopefully
- while he’s still trying to woo you he tries making you dinner
- in a cute oh you should come over for dinner i can cook and maybe we can open a bottle of wine and stay in oh no it’s already so late maybe you should stay over way
- of course only if you want to 
- he’d never just assume or presume
- but he probably prepars like a little overnight basket 
- getting you some fluffy socks and a toothbrush to keep at his place and maybe some comfy clothes of his you can borrow
- and you can totally sleep whatever is most comfortable for you
- fall asleep during a movie on the couch or the guest bedroom or his bed 
- whatever you like best
- he totally loves to snuggle though
- definitely the big spoon
- likes going on dates just as much as staying in and relaxing
- but dates always end up being little adventures
- likes taking you out on the water or into nature
- maybe pack a picnic or go on a roadtrip
- would remember to pack snacks but not to pack actual food 
- thinks stereotypical dinner and a movie dates are boring
- when he takes you out he’s going to make sure it’s memorable
- Matt’s love language is definitely quality time
- he just enjoys being around you
- you don’t even have to do anything fun or exciting 
- it’s just nice to be in the same room while you idk work on some emails
- what’s most important to him is that you can just exist together
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nhl-stories · 3 years
I’m Such A Fool – Charlie McAvoy
Requested: Yes ∆ No
Author’s Note: This started as something very different and turned into this, so hope you enjoy. Warnings for pregnancy and abortion.
Word Count: 5k
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You knocked on the door of Matt’s apartment, you were already in a bad mood before you had gotten your mail and now you felt abysmal.
Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse, Charlie McAvoy answered the door.
The creases in your frown deepen and he has the nerve to laugh, “I can’t wait for your face to freeze that way.”
You shove past him into the apartment, finding Matt on the couch where you jumped on him, desperately needing a hug.
His warm arms squeezing you tight, he gently rubbed your back.
“I take it you saw the invitation.”
“The day already sucked, then I got the invite, then I saw Char here. So I’m basically at rock bottom today.” You make sure to enunciate the nickname he hates so much.
“Yeah and you’re interrupting guys night, so no one is happy.” Charlie sneered as he took a seat on the adjacent chair.
You sat up on the couch, face scrunched up in disgust, “you guys play hockey for a living, basically every night is guys night.”
“It’s not my fault Matt is your only friend.”
“Oh sorry that in my darkest hour I come to my oldest friend in the world.”
Before he can respond, there was another knock on the door.
“Y/N go get that, I can’t risk leaving you two alone for even a second.”
Even though you were both adults, you pouted like petulant children. Regardless, you got up and answered the door to reveal Jake Debrusk with a case of beer.
He rips it open and hands you one, “You look like you could use one.”
You have wry smile and crack open the beer. You retake your spot on the couch, resting your head on Matt’s shoulder.
“They’re doing this on purpose. Like if I don’t go they know I’m bitter and if I do go I have to see them get married,” you mumble miserably.
“I don’t think they’re doing this on purpose,” Matt said, trying to reason, “She’s one of your friends and she wants to share this day with you.”
“They’ve been engaged for over two years, was it too much to ask that they break it off and I forgot about them entirely?”
“Take this as an olive branch, you guys used to be really close.”
“So this is you agreeing to be my date to the wedding? Cause I can’t be a loser who goes alone on top of everything else.”
You shoot a glare at Charlie before he can take the loser comment and run with it.
“Fine.” Matt huffs dramatically, as if he wouldn’t have said yes.
“Now that this is sorted, you can leave,” Charlie butts in.
He always got under your skin, but today felt extra.
“Char, you know these people. They went to BU with us.”
This seemed to pique his interest.
“It’s Olivia and Peter.” Matt says flatly before handing over the invite sitting on his coffee table. 
“Peter Lillard?” You both nod, “that guy is an asshole.”
“Wow, something Charlie and I agree on.” You stand up, “I should leave before we all get sucked into some sort of apocalyptic wormhole.”
“Good riddance, Y/N,” Charlie laughs as you walk out.
But you hear a punching sound and smirk to yourself knowing he got what he deserved.
You were running late and cursing your choice to take the T while wearing heels; you refused to take a Lyft during surge pricing and you’d walk miles in snow to stick by that conviction. But the heels, your lateness, your tipsiness, and the fact you were in a revealing Halloween costume made for a miserable combination on public transit.
Your phone was blowing up with worried texts from Matt, you were known for your almost anal punctuality. Making it into the bar you were immediately pulled in a hug by your best friend.
He was clearly too sober for how late in the evening it was, “I was worried.”
“Sorry I got held up.”
Once he was certain you were okay he grins, “Happy Halloween.”
“You clearly need a drink, I’ll go grab you one.”
You slithered through the crowd to the bar, ordering a couple shots and two beers. You felt your buzz wearing off as you waiting for your drink.
With drinks in hand you meander around the bar until you find Matt. You’re both quick to take the shots before you can even register who he’s with.
“I know you’re usually on time, but I would have expected you to be in worse shape with how worried Gryz was,” Jake joked.
“She also wasn’t texting me...” Matt says, red faced and embarrassed.
“He’s been ignoring that girl all night because of it.” Jake nodded towards the girl clearly making eyes at the brunette.
“Matty seriously? If I would have known I would have definitely arrived early, made sure I was the perfect wingman.”
He rolls his eyes and keeps his attention on you, “ was your other party fun?”
“Yeah clearly she was having tons of fun,” Charlie chimed in.
Their eyes followed Charlie’s to your exposed chest and the red marks peeking out.
You immediately regretted letting your friend convince you to wear such a revealing dress. You pulled the neckline up but your legs felt too exposed and there was no happy medium.
If you were more in your element, you might have thought of a good comeback; perhaps one pointing out that he was ogling at your chest. Something sure to get Matt’s blood boiling.
He piled on more before anyone else could comment.
“And this is a costume party, we already know you’re a witch.”
You shoot him a glare but are interrupted by Pasta stealing your hat as he pulls you out onto the dance floor.
You dance for most of the night, only with small breaks to help Matt get acquainted to his admirer. Going as far as giving her a drunken pep talk in the bathroom. Last call rolls around and you’re quick to get one last drink in.
As soon as you turn away from the bar with your drink, you crash into another body, you can feel the cold drink run down your stomach, soaking your dress.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, I–“ You stop your reflex apology, “What the hell Char?”
“It’s not like I did it on purpose, my whole goal in life is not to make you miserable.”
“It sure feels like it is,” you mumble under your breath.
Charlie grabs some napkins from the bar, he starts to dab at your chest and you snatch them away. Your own attempts not doing much other than wasting paper.
“Have you seen Matt? I’ll just go home with him and get some dry clothes.”
“He left with that girl a while ago.”
You groan out in frustration, you had already decided stumbling the much closer distance to his place was preferable. You whip out your phone to see the trains will stop running soon.
“Damnit, I’ll just try and catch the last train home,” you move as fast as you can in your heels but are pulled back by one strong, swift yank.
“I’m not letting you take the T alone.”
“If this is you trying to take me home, hard pass.”
“Jesus fuck that’s the last thing I want,” he says this with a little less venom than he normally would, “but you’re drunk and Matt would kill me if I didn’t call you a car and make sure you were safe.”
You want to protest, but the thought of taking a warm car home is too tempting.
“Now what do you say when someone does something nice for you?”
“Thank you, Char.” You overdramatically bat your eyelashes.
You were sitting on the floor outside his door. You were doing him a favor and he was late. It was a pet peeve of yours and soured your already unpleasant mood.
You had been asked to be a bridesmaid for the wedding you didn’t even want to attend, much less be involved.
You obsessively picked at one particular cuticle that you had been trying to get all day. Thankful that Olivia had a sister and you weren’t somehow Maid of Honor and furious at late people.
After many attempts you finally got the piece of skin just as you heard the rattle of metal down the hall.
There was Charlie and his dog, Otto, walking down the hall; you jumped up from your spot on the ground.
“Sorry we’re late, someone had to smell every tree on the way back,” Charlie nodded towards the dog.
“Oh, okay. That’s fine,” your frustration melting at his civility.
He lets you into his place and takes Otto off his leash. He immediately jumps on your legs.
“Hi little guy, you’re so cute,” your dog voice coming out immediately as you crouch down to the little pup.
“Y/N, you’re bleeding.”
“What?” You look confused for second before you spot the scarlet drip, “oh god.”
Charlie rushes to grab a paper towel, wrapping it around your finger and applying pressure.
“Sorry, I um- I pick at my cuticles when I’m overwhelmed,” you reply lamely, but letting Charlie continue to apply pressure.
This is the most civil you two had been since you first met, and it felt oddly nice.
You don’t know what came over you, maybe just the need to vent or the fact that Charlie’s opinion of you probably couldn’t get any worse.
“Just that wedding, I just got asked to be a bridesmaid and I couldn’t exactly say no but I wanted to. I don’t know, I don’t want to be a bitch because we used to be the best of friends. I don’t know. I’m a bad person.”
Silence clings in the air and you feel your heartbeat in the tip of your finger from the pressure.
“You already know I think you’re a bad person.” He gives an airy chuckle and you pull away your hand.
“So what am I supposed to do with this little guy?”
“Right. Thanks for doing this, you’re the only person I know staying in the city over the holidays.”
You curtly nod.
“If you want you can stay here if it’s easier, but just feed him in the morning and at like dinner time and then take him out whenever you have time.”
“You know I have a real job right?”
“You’re a hotel receptionist...”
“And a part time concierge,” you roll your eyes, things feel in balance again.
“Whatever. Stay here to make it easy. Or don’t, Otto is pretty chill overall, so I don’t think you’ll have any problems.” He rummages in his pocket and hands you a key.
“And you guys get back when... January 5th?”
“The 7th.”
“Cool. I guess see you later,” you give a small wave before crouching down to the dog, “and we’re gonna have so much fun together once your dad is out of town.”
The bell at the front desk rang. It was nearing the end of your shift and you weren’t expecting a guest to check in.
You take a deep breath and try to put on a professional smile as you exit the back room.
“Sorry for the wait how can I- oh. What are you doing here?”
Charlie was leaned up against the desk in a rumpled suit.
“Um- Matt had to see the trainers after the flight but he wanted to get you your birthday gift before it ended.” He pulls a bag and places it on desk.
You pull it to the other side, but look up with a raised eyebrow, waiting by for more.
“And I hadn’t seen you since you looked after Otto, and I got you a gift too,” his cheeks tinted pink as he said that.
You bit your lip to hold back a small laugh.
“I saw this and thought you’d like it,” he gingerly places a small stuffed dog in front of you.
“Awww, it’s a mini Otto,” you smile for what feels like the first time in days.
“I actually think Otto-“ he’s cut off by the sound of your phone alarm going off.
The sound instantly brings you back to reality and tears begin to prick at your eyes.
“Y/N...?” He gently probes.
“It’s nothing, thanks for the gift,” your voice cracks.
“Crying on your birthday doesn’t seem like nothing.”
He’s clearly uncomfortable and you can’t quite tell if it’s because he’s bad with crying people or because it’s you... crying.
“It’s just- it’s,” you run into the back room real quick and come back with a pregnancy test.
“Can you look, I can’t,” you hold out the test.
“Fuck, um it’s two little lines. I don’t know what that means.”
But you place your head in your hands, letting the tear pour out.
“Clearly this was not planned, but Matt’s gonna be happy.”
You snap your head up, “what?”
“Like Griz is a good guy, he’ll be excited to be a dad.”
“You think Matt and I are... god no that would be literally sleeping with my brother.”
“You guys are just so close and you’re always around, I guess I just assumed.”
“He dates other girls,” getting stuck on this topic felt better than the reality.
“I always thought you two had one of those ‘if we haven’t met someone by 40 we’ll marry each other’ things. I don’t know it doesn’t actually make any sense.”
“No we’re not a thing and it’s not his.” You let out a heavy sigh.
“And please don’t tell him about this, he’ll just get all ‘I can raise the kid as my own’ and ‘I’ll kick the dude’s ass.’ And I just can’t deal with that.”
“Do you know who the dad is?”
You shoot him a stern glance, “Yes. And he’s like a non-factor and— you’re like the last person I want to be talking to this about, or I guess second to last, after Matt.”
“I’m more than happy to leave,” he starts to back away, “or I can kick that guy’s ass for you or I can drive you home.”
“No, please leave me to wallow on my own.”
“If you’re sure?” you nod, “okay enjoy the last 10 minutes of your birthday.”
You had never been a fan of Valentine’s Day, but this had to be the worst one anyone had ever had.
“So you don’t have to hang around or anything but you have to come in and give them your ID to show I have someone who can drive me home.”
“And remind me again why I’m the one doing this?” Charlie raised an eyebrow but didn’t take his eyes off the road.
“Cause we’re the best of friends.” You deadpanned, causing both of you to laugh.
“Really it’s cause all my friends have V Day plans, even Matt.”
“Yeah what guy plans a date on Valentine’s with a girl he’s just started seeing?”
“Matt.” you say in unison.
“Also it helps that you already know I’m pregnant.”
He nervously laughs.
“And it doesn’t hurt that you already have a negative opinion of me.”
He abruptly stops the car as he parks, jarring you forward.
“This doesn’t make you a bad person,” he looks almost hurt by your comment, “And you getting an abortion doesn’t change what I think about you, I don’t get an opinion cause it’s not my life and not my body.”
This was the last response you thought you’d hear him say. You’re not really sure how to respond, but there’s a wave of relief and warmth that washes over you.
Without thinking you lean over and kiss his cheek. It’s platonic yet intimate and you’re immediately blushing. But you hope it conveys how grateful you are. How even though you didn’t know it, those were the words you needed to hear. 
Charlie pulls his hat down low as you enter the clinic. He’s not the most recognizable Bruin, but this is the last place and honestly you’re the last person he’d want to get spotted with.
The check in is extra awkward as he hands over his ID, all but confirming to the receptionist that he is in fact Charlie McAvoy. She tried to hide her clear intrigue and you hope she is a strict follower of HIPPA.
You let him leave while you wait to get called back, telling him to come back in an hour and a half or so; mostly because you don’t want to awkwardly flip through pamphlets next to him in the waiting room. 
The procedure itself goes well, it’s a little uncomfortable but not more so than any other gynecological visit.
The worst part is the recovery room where you sit next to the rest of the sad souls who chose Valentine’s Day as the best day to get an abortion.
You assumed the rest of them were like you and found the 14th to be the first day they had time off to get the procedure and maybe they also had a dark sense of humor.
“So is this your man’s idea of a romantic date too?” The woman sitting next to you gives a Cheshire smile.
You lightly chuckle in response, “No, I don’t have a man, hence the romantic getaway I gave myself.”
You two chatted until the nurse told you, you could get back in your own clothes and go.
As you both made your way into the waiting room you saw Charlie awkwardly sitting in a chair with Otto in his lap and a heart shape box of chocolates. As soon as he spotted you he stood up, Otto clambering to get to you.
“I thought you said you didn’t have a honey?”
“He’s just my designated driver.”
“My boyfriend isn’t even here on time and this boy brought you a dog and some chocolates. I would lock him down if I were you.”
You give an awkward chuckle before kneeling down to pet Otto.
“Thought you might want a friend when you came out.” He smiles almost as if he’s the friend he’s referring to, “And some chocolate, I know it’s not your period but my sisters always say chocolate solves all lady problems.”
You take the heart and try to stop yourself from rolling your eyes.
You don’t talk as he drive you back to your building and you’re surprised when he finds a parking spot and follows you up to your apartment. On any other day you might be annoyed and make a comment, but today you welcome the company, especially Otto.
You set your stuff down on the coffee table and go to get some ibuprofen. Charlie awkwardly stands in the living room, unsure what to do. On your way to the kitchen you wordlessly shove the TV remote into his chest. You get yourself a glass of water and downing it with the pills.
You realize you should be somewhat of a good hostess, “Do you want anything to drink? Water? Beer? Wine? I think we might have some White Claws or something?”
“Uh a beer is fine.”
You grab two beers and fill a bowl with water for Otto. Charlie is sitting on the far edge of the couch with Otto resting at his feet. You sit on the other end and wrap a blanket around you as the opening of Wayne’s World starts. You smile to yourself, it’s one of your favorites and a movie that always puts you in a better mood.
“I was gonna order a pizza and chill, if that’s in your diet plan,” he looks shocked at your question.
“You’re under no obligation to stay though.”  
“Pizza sounds good.” He smiles and leans back and Otto jumps up on his lap.
“I like this whole us being cordial thing,” he smirks.
“Cheers to that,” you agree and clink beers with him.
You’re finished with the pizza and halfway through Wayne’s World 2. You’re now curled up on the couch, Otto  curled up by your chest and your feet lightly touching Charlie’s thigh. The cramps are coming over you with a vengeance.
Just as Wayne and Cassandra run away from her wedding you let out a sob, the emotions just taking over you. Otto licks your face in response.
“Are you okay? Do you need pain killers or-“
“It was Peter’s baby.” You cry out the confession.
“I’m a bridesmaid in his wedding, I’m friends with his fiancee, and I got pregnant with his baby. I’m an awful, trash, terrible person.”
Charlie is unsure what to say, he opts to gently rub your leg.
“I liked him first, but that doesn’t make it okay. I’m just some dirty mistress whore.”
Charlie opens his mouth to say something.
“You don’t have to say anything, I just needed to tell someone. I’ve been holding it all in for too long.”
He hums a response in a tone you can’t quite decipher. And shockingly pulls you into a hug. When he lets go he keeps a gentle hand on your leg but doesn’t say another word as he goes back to watching the movie. 
You weren’t sure when you fell asleep after your tearful admission, but you woke up tucked into your bed. Your apartment was empty and you were alone, just like you deserved.
Ever since your confession you had tried your hardest to avoid Charlie, and he seemed to be doing the same.
This proved to be pretty difficult with your mutual friend in Matt. It meant you were almost cutting him out of your life as you tried to avoid home games or team meetups or even just going to his place. 
All for the fear that seeing Charlie would stir up too much emotion.
At some point you knew you’d have to run into him. So you finally just let it happen.
Matt’s new girlfriend, Katie, had been asking you to come to a game with her; she was new to watching hockey and needed someone to explain the rules.
Plus, Matt had point blank asked for you to come help Katie out in front of her and  both your families at Easter dinner so you couldn’t exactly say no. That and you’re a terrible liar and everyone would instantly see through any excuse you make.
The only lie you can really get through is a lie of omission.
So you find yourself in the Garden wearing a matching jersey with Katie. The atmosphere feels like home and any haywire nerves seem to dissipate as the first puck is dropped.
You enjoy the company and answer all of Katie’s questions; she’s solely a baseball fan but catches on pretty quickly to the rules. She’s also a bit of a bad influence as she talks you into one too many beers.
You’re both stumbling and giggling as you make your way near the locker room waiting to congratulate Matt on the big win.
“Oh no Matt you have double trouble,” Pasta said as he locked eyes on the whispering pair.
“I shouldn’t have let you two become friends.” Matt laughs before pulling Katie in for a kiss.
Pasta wraps an arm around you, “Coming out with us tonight?”
“I got nothing better to do,” you laugh, but your smile quickly fades as Charlie comes out of the locker room. You had completely forgotten you were still trying to avoid him.
Despite your better efforts, you two were literally shoved together in the center of a large booth.
“Hey Char,” you bump his shoulder, trying to pretend like he wasn’t the one who took you to get an abortion or the only one who knew you were a mistress of sorts.
“Hi, Y/N, almost didn’t recognize you. Haven’t really seen you since Matt’s replaced you.” He gives you a cheeky smile.
One of the guys slides some beers down to you two and you wink at him instead of giving your usually snarky remark.
You spend most of the evening yelling over the sound of the bar to talk to Matt and Katie, catching up on what felt like years away from your bestie.
All the while you kept stealing looks at Charlie. Every time you’d look over he’d quickly move his eyes away.
Katie leans over and whispers in your ear, “Are you and Charlie like a thing?”
You widened your eyes in shock, but the thought didn’t make you sick like it would have just a few months ago.
“Oh does Matt not know?” She fills in the blank herself.
You still can’t find the right words to say, “I can distract Matt if you need to talk to him real quick.”
“That’s not necessary,” But it was too late.
“Let’s get another drink Matt, do you want anything Y/N?” She continues to shove Matt out of the mostly empty booth, “Never mind I’ll just have Matt choose something for you.”
You could feel your cheeks burning as you turned towards Charlie, your knee bumping his.
“I feel like I need to explain a little bit,” you let out a heavy sigh.
“Want to get out of here, talk in private.”
“Nah, Matt’s head might explode if you and I left a bar together.”
“So Olivia was my roommate all through college and Peter was in a bunch of my classes and I liked him so much, but all we ever did was hook up.”
“I went abroad in Junior year and came back and all of a sudden they were dating and it was serious, even though she knew I really liked him.”
“Then they got engaged and moved away from Boston, but Peter kept coming back and every time he would say all these wonderful things about me and I’m just here stuck in this dead end job where I’m never going to get promoted.”
You felt light headed actually putting it all out there, and Charlie just stared on, stone-faced
“And it was nice to be wanted by someone and maybe get revenge on Olivia, I don’t know. It’s not excuse and I’m still trash but-“
“That’s just what he wanted,” Charlie cuts you off.
“When we were in school, I met you real quick at a pregame and I instantly had a crush,” you bite your lip to hold back a smile or a biting comment you’re not sure.
“And then we were at another party and I guess Peter caught me staring and he told me to not even try because you were so hung up on him and the moment he wanted you, you’d come running. He always wanted you to be his little lap dog.”
“He said what?” Your heart ached and your blood boiled.
“I thought if this is the kind of asshole you’re into then you’re probably an asshole too. Which makes no sense cause Grizz wouldn’t be friends with you then.”
You both smile.
“Then I got drunk and was a little abrasive to you and you just dished it right back and that’s how we both got here.”
You leaned forward and kissed him square on the mouth. It’s short and simple, but shocking nonetheless.
A smile starts to spread across his face but he doesn’t have time to respond  because Matt is placing a drink front of you.
“You two actually getting along?” He laughed at the mere thought.
“Yeah, ever since we bonded over Otto we’re trying this new grown up thing called communication.” Charlie laughed.
His arm rests on the booth behind you, not quite touching you but you could feel a heat in his closeness. You were having a hard time keeping up with the conversation. Your head swirling with his words and your actions.
“I’m gonna head out. But Y/N? You need to tell her, otherwise you’re always gonna be right where he wants you, and you’re better than that.”
He shrugs on his coat and wanders off and you focus on sucking up the rest of your drink in one go to avoid the eyes boring into you.
“What the hell was that about?”
You wave your best friend off, “I’ll tell you later.”
There was a pep in your step and a weight off your shoulder as you made your way to Matt’s apartment.
Matt opened the door, your arrival is unexpected but not a complete surprise. You’re pushing past him before he can start talking.
“So I guess you heard.”
You’re barely paying attention to Matt as you make it into the living room to find Charlie, who’s now eyeing you suspiciously.
“Can you believe it? They called off the wedding.”
“Uh-huh,” you respond but you’re busy having a conversation with Charlie using only your eyes.
His eyebrow is raised in question.
“He apparently been cheating on her this whole time.”
“Yup,” you give a small smile to Charlie as if to answer his question.
“You don’t seemed shocked at all.” Matt is now the suspicious one.
“Yeah I was the other woman and I told Olivia.” You finally look back towards Matt.
“You and Peter? For how long?”
“A year I guess, Matthew we can hash this out later.” You turn back to Charlie, “Do you want to go out with me?”
“Like right now?” Charlie questions.
“Yeah, you’re just hanging here so clearly you’re free.” You bite your lip but can’t hold back the smirk.
“What is going on?!” Matt shouts.
“I’m gonna go on a date with your best friend and she’s…” he holds out a hand to prompt you to fill in the blank.
“I’m gonna go on a date with your teammate now. And will set a time aside to just talk through everything because I’ve been omitting a lot for the past year-ish and we’re gonna need a lot of time and a lot of alcohol.”
Matt just stands stunned unsure of what to say or do. You pull him into a tight hug and kiss his cheek, “Let’s get out of here, Char.”
“Still don’t love the nickname,” he laughs wrapping an arm around your shoulder, leaving a stunned Matt in the dust.
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bqstqnbruin · 3 years
Prompt 62 and 1 with jake debrusk (<- this is your fault)...or Gryz (<- also your fault), whichever player you prefer 😜 for your blurb weekend
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Happy blurb weekend!
Shoutout to my girl @bruins-simp for helping me come up with this!
I'm also very ok with you falling for the Bruins just you wait my friend 😘
Tagging: @besthockeyfics @glassdanse @stlbluesbrat21 @dembenchboys @stars-canucks @beauvibaby
62. “You look like something’s bothering you...You can talk to me if you need to.”
1.“ You don’t have to do this alone.”
Word Count: 422
Matt had a bad game that night. A really bad game. You were watching, getting notifications about the two pucks that had deflected off him and into the goal for the other team, theScore and the NHL App calling it “bad luck.” Which it was. Everyone has off nights, but you knew that Matt felt horrible putting his team two goals down in a game that they needed to win to clinch a playoff berth. Luckily, they won the game and a place in the playoffs, but Matt would be coming home soon
“Hey, babe,” you hear him say, not his usual happy tone when he comes into your bedroom. He flops down on the bed, letting out a long groan as he did. He stayed there, lying face down.
“I know that game is bothering you,” you say to him, breaking the silence that Matt desperately wanted after that game. “You can talk to me if you need to.”
He groans again, lifting himself up and looking at you. “You wouldn’t understand.”
“I know enough to know you had a bad night and that you think that you and the guys almost losing the game was entirely your fault.” Matt rolls his eyes at you, rolling himself over to stare at the ceiling instead. You move so that you can lay next to him. “You’re not the only one on the team. There were four other skaters and there was Jeremy on the ice with you. You don’t play the game alone, Matt.”
“Yeah, but they deflected off me.”
“You act like no one has ever done that before.”
“Twice in the same game?” he whines.
“Then you set a new record,” you joke, another groan from him. “Babe, it’s fine. So you go out there next game and score two goals on the other team.”
“Like that’ll happen.”
“Well not with that attitude, it won’t.”
“What makes you so sure?”
“Well,” you say sitting up, doing your best to pull your boyfriend up with you despite him acting like a toddler. “You’re one of the best defensemen in the league for a reason, yeah?”
“Maybe,” he mumbles, laying his head on your shoulder.
“You are. You’re my favorite defenseman. How’s that?”
He takes in a deep breath, letting it slowly. “I guess that’s enough.” You let out a scoff from his lackluster response, finally pulling a laugh from him and seeing the first smile appear on his face since he got home that night. “It’s more than enough. It’s everything.”
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pastrnaks-sainz · 4 years
Hometown Hero
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Pairing: Matt Grzelcyk x female!reader
Type: Fluff 
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1004
Summary: Most hockey players need to travel hundreds of miles to go home. In Matt Grzelyck’s case, he only had to go a mile and a half. You’d been his best friend for a long time. You were so close to him that you got a job with the Boston Bruins when he was drafted. Going home for Christmas is always fun, this year more so than others. 
“How much longer are you gonna be?” Matt whined from his spot in the corner, still playing with the spare lace you’d given him when he first started bothering you. “I wanna go home.” 
“I just have one more skate to sharpen and then we can go,” you said, grabbing David Krecji’s right skate from the work bench beside you. “Put that down.” 
“How’d you-”
“I have spent more time in this workshop than you have playing for the Bruins,” you retorted, turning the machine on before Matt got the chance to fire off a witty response. 
Sparks flew off the belt grinder as you slid the skate blade against the grinder. Matt was already talking when you shut the machine off and took off your headphones. 
“What?” you asked as you turned around and snatched the lace from his hand. 
“I asked if you were ready to tell everyone?” he grabbed your hand as you walked down the corridor running beneath the Garden. They were mostly empty, save for a few team employees still finishing up for the Christmas break. 
“It’s not like they haven’t seen this coming,” you replied, pushing open the door to the players lot. “They have been trying to get us together since freshman year.” 
“Yeah,” Matt shrugged and pulled his keys out of his pocket. “I guess you’re right.” 
“I’m sorry? I don’t think I heard you correctly. Did you just tell me I was right?” you teased, opening the passenger side door. 
“You’re lucky I love you,” he shook his head and pulled out of the player lot. You laughed and rested your hand on his thigh as he drove the 8 minutes back to Charlestown. 
“Y/N’s home!” your little cousin screeched when she saw you get out of the car. You smiled and took Matt’s hand again. Your mother walked out of the house, scooping up your cousin and perching her on her hip. 
“When did that happen?” she asked, nodding to your hands. 
“Nice to see you too, mom,” you retorted sarcastically. 
“No seriously, I need to know,” she persisted as you and Matt followed her into the house. 
“Did you guys make bets?” you sighed, looking to Matt and rolling your eyes. 
“If it’s before the season started I win three hundred bucks from Matt’s mom,” she said, putting your cousin down in the makeshift playpen in the living room. 
“We’ll tell you after dinner,” Matt cut in, saving you from having to answer. “Keep it a surprise. Like a Christmas present.” 
“You two are so cute in your matching shirts,” Matt’s mom said as she walked in, a dish towel hanging from her hands. You glanced at Matt to see him wearing a Bruins Dri-Fit long sleeve shirt, the same on you were wearing. With closets full of Bruins gear you weren’t at all surprised, you often matched without meaning to. 
“See if you can get it out of them,” your mom said as she started back into the kitchen. “They wouldn’t tell me.” 
“Wouldn’t tell you what?” Matt’s mom asked, her brow furrowing. 
Without missing a beat, Matt placed his hand on your cheek and kissed you, hiding your lips behind his hand in order to kiss you harder than he normally would have in front of people. You brought your hand up to his chest to really sell it. 
“Finally!” his mom clapped her hands together. “If you guys got together at the end of last season I win three hundred bucks from Y/N’s mom.” 
You and Matt made eye contact and silently agreed upon keeping it a secret until after dinner. 
“You’ll find out soon enough,” Matt responded. “Is there anything we can help with?” 
“Not at all,” she answered, putting her hand on her son’s arm. “You two sit down, you’ve both been working hard.” 
You led Matt up the stairs to your old room. You fell back on the bed and sighed heavily, letting your eyes close. 
“You alright?” Matt asked as he sat beside you, his hand running over your head. 
“You know, we seriously should have known this is what would happen,” you sighed, your hand finding his. “It’s like having a fan club.” 
“Just wait ‘til we go public,” he said. “Boston is going to fall in love with us. The team doesn’t even know.” 
“Wait,” you sat up and looked at your boyfriend. “The team seriously doesn’t know? We haven’t been exactly discrete about us.” 
“They’re hockey players,” he said, shaking his head with a heavy sigh. “They aren’t exactly the smartest people on the planet.” 
“You’re a hockey player too,” you said, smiling as you started fiddling with a stray strand of his hair. 
“I know,” he grinned at you. 
“You are adorable,” you laughed. 
“You’re more adorable,” he said, tackling you back to the mattress. His fingers attacking your sides as he tickled you. You laughed, curling in on yourself as you tried to escape his barrage. 
“Matt!” you squealed. 
“I was gonna tell you two to come down for dinner but this is so cute I don’t know if I want to break it up,” your mother’s voice came from the doorway. “Who am I kidding of course I want to break it up. I can’t wait to get my three hundred bucks.” 
“Don’t look too forward to it, mom,” you said as you sat up and caught your breath. “Our six month anniversary is tomorrow.” 
“What?” she groaned. “You two have been dating for six months and you didn’t tell us?” 
“We knew this was how you’d react,” you said, desperately trying to ignore Matt’s hand as it made itself comfortable in the small of your back. “We didn’t exactly want a lot of attention.” 
“I’ll never forgive you for this,” your mom teased as she walked out. 
“Come on,” Matt took your hand and led you back down the stairs. “Let's go give proof of our love that we were apparently oblivious to for twenty six years.”
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Nursery - Matt Grzelcyk
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We knew there would be complications the moment we made the hard decision to be surprised by the baby’s gender. We had a hard time resisting a pink dress or miniature button-up shirt with cars (although we agreed on not buying stereotypical clothing) and having to buy gender-neutral clothes and toys instead. Family and friends got us gifts for either a boy or a girl and whenever we saw each other they all begged us to tell them the gender finally. They never believed us we truly didn’t know. But the arguments started once we started talking about the nursery and our ideas. Matt wanted a light-yellow paint while I preferred white or natural color. He wanted a safari while I wanted palm trees. He liked a crib while I liked a classic bassinet more. And it took us over a week to agree on everything.
The grey wall was now white and decorated by blue, yellow, orange, and purple dots so they didn’t look so empty while the wall where the bed would take its place was decorated by a wallpaper. Originally the wall was supposed to stay white however I randomly came across the jungle wallpaper which was a perfect combination of a safari and palm trees: white background with four palm trees and animals such as parrots, monkeys, giraffes, flamingos, and elephants.
“How beautiful is this!” I shouted when I entered the room after Matt announced he was done with the wallpaper. “Matt this is gorgeous,” I added happily.
“I worked pretty hard on it, it better be beautiful,” Matt joked patting himself on the shoulder proudly.
“Don’t act like you painted that jungle yourself,” I said laughing. “But I am indeed very proud of you,” I said as I walked closer to him to kiss him.
Once we placed the white wooden cot into its place, decorated it with a yellow pillow and blanket that matched the wallpaper perfectly thanks to the palms that were on it and once we also added the Moses basket made from palm leaves decorated with a white textile it all started coming together. However, it wasn’t until we added some of the toys around the bed (no other animals than a giraffe, tiger and a monkey) that I started sobbing.
“Love, are you okay?” Matt rushed to me immediately and placed his hands on my stomach protectively.
“I’m fine,” I whispered through the crying. “I just now realized how impatient I am. I don’t know if I can wait for another ten weeks.” I admitted. My whole pregnancy I was the patient one while Matt complained every day about the anticipation.
“Oh, so Mrs. Grzelcyk is finally admitting she’s impatient as well? I’ve been waiting for this moment the entire time.” Matt’s words made me chuckle and although I hated to admit it he was right. “He or she will be there in no time. Until then we still have a nursery to decorate.”
Matt put up the shelves while I hanged some paintings and placed the children’s books into their place. The room that was just a few hours ago completely empty started to look warm and sweet and I was proud of us both for doing such a good job decorating it. I then placed a framed ultrasound picture on the table next to the chair and added two more frames that were empty for now however in ten weeks a print of your baby’s feet and hands would soon fill them.
“How do you turn everything into something beautiful?” Matt said looking around the nursery after I added the final touches.
“It’s a gift,” I chuckled. “I wouldn’t have done this without you though,” I said knowing damn well it wasn’t only thanks to me but thanks to both of us.
“We’re such a perfect couple. I mean we had a perfect engagement, perfect wedding, you looked perfect before and even more now when you’re pregnant, we made a beautiful nursery and just wait until we see your little one.” Matt shouted happily making me chuckle and blush as he always does.
“I think the baby agrees with you,” I said smiling. “He or she started kicking when you said our little one will be perfect.” I placed Matt’s hand on my stomach where I felt the kicks hoping the little one would kick again so Matt could feel it too.
“And he or she is already on my side! I couldn’t be happier.”
“On your side? Just because the baby agrees with you on being perfect doesn’t mean anything. This kid is taking my side for all the struggles I had during pregnancy.”
“Just don’t get your hopes up, Y/n! There’s a slight chance the baby’s gonna take your side but I wouldn’t bet on that.” Matt walked over to me, got on his knees, and rested his head on my stomach kissing it lazily a few times. I closed my eyes for a while and enjoyed the moment. “I can’t wait to have you here with us. I love you so much already. Nothing matters more than you and your mommy.” He whispered to our baby before he looked up at me with his adorable grin.
“Stop or I’ll cry again,” I chuckled on the verge of tears and ran my fingers through his hair to calm myself down.
“As if you don’t cry at anything already love,”
“Not exactly my fault,” I pointed out. “The nursery turned out even better than I thought.” I tried to change to topic of our conversation, and I wanted to adore the nursery for a little longer.
“It sure did,” Matt said smiling before he kissed the swollen skin of my stomach and rubbed it gently with his thumbs. “You’ll love this kiddo.” He whispered.
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jockcoded · 2 years
I was saying this to friends but man imagine telling 17 year old matt grzelcyk in 2011 that one day he’d be playing for the bruins, and his dad would be interviewed on tv about his 5 point game the night before, then patrice bergeron would take a penalty defending him when he gets hit
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loserdudes · 3 years
imagine getting into a fight with matt grzelcyk jake debrusk and mike reilly and losing
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intoafandom · 3 years
Imagine if Matt Grzelcyk had a tumblr blog
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