#mat's random thoughts
a-fast-rebloger · 3 months
There is just something about the union of someone who has trouble seeing herself as human because she has been treated as a monster, and someone who has trouble seeing herself as human because it she has been performing godly perfection for as long as she can remember
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funghifungi · 11 months
Haven't seen a cool bug in a while. Experiencing withdrawal symptoms (bug like behaviour)
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jessiesjaded · 8 months
I really, really wish people who don't have the capacity to properly take care of animals would simply accept and acknowledge that about themselves. This isn't even a post of me trying to be mean or judge anyone, I'm sure most people go into getting an animal with good intentions, but intentions and actions are different. If you don't have the time and the space and the care an animal needs, the animal will suffer. The fleeting joy of having a kitten or puppy or anything else doesn't last forever and they aren't toys to be put down and forgotten once you've moved past the inital excitement. If you don't have the ability to properly care for an animal, just accept that and simply admire them from a distance.
#the amount of people i know who flippantly just. buy a random pet with no prior planning or thought#and like its not always outright neglect#you can technically feed and groom a pet get them flee treatments etc but if you lock it outside 24/7 and spend no actual time#like why do you have that animal?#you should not have that aninal#if you have too much in your life to adequately care for one its vetter for YOU and for the animal to not have one#like this little cat is so sweet#actually the sweetest cat ive ever known and my cat tigs has always been a massive sweety already#so its saying something that shes been even sweeter#i mean i brushed her teeth and got matted fur off her and cleaned her eyes and she NEVER bit or scratched me once#shes so quiet and sweet#but the people across the road clearly just left her outside to her own devices her whole life#seemingly no vet checks. didnt feed her properly and i sometimes wonder if at all bc their next door neighbour was feeding her apparently#and he has no pets!! even he knew that shit was wrong#and now shes so sickly and small and malnourished and her teeth are rotting out of her head#and its just like ????#why have her#you could have realized you werent really the type for pets and given her to a shelter#and she would have been adopted 100%#but they kept her all this time but also not really bc its not like she was kept properly at all#its sad she didnt come over here sooner#i wish id had since she was a baby or even a year ago#bc then maybe i could have helped her more#its just so unnecessary. Animals are a privilege not a right.#and again like. go visit your cousin or uncle or sister or friends pet in that case#you might not have the time or ability but you could still enjoy animals wothout directly having one
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ryemiffie · 2 months
How the fuck did they make food theory and clothes theory before book theory??!
Is book theory a thing already? Am I just a moron?
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nobodysdaydreams · 10 months
you are such a good writer and a cool person in general!! :D
Thank you anon. I have had a very difficult 45 minutes and really needed to hear this. I hope you have the best evening of your life and that all good things come your way.
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siriuslynephilim · 8 months
*holds your hand* okay babe i am being 200 hundred percent serious from.this episode on we need to pay attention ikik some details.can be boring but they are imp like very very imp okay
WTF i got scared i was like omg kya hua is she okay until i realised you were talking about jjk pls 😭
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wizardverse · 8 months
After reading some comments, I'm beginning to wonder if I love show!Mat so much because I fell in love with EotW Mat.
Sure, Mat is great in the later books, but book 1 Mat is what hooked me. The Mat that was getting blamed for everything that went wrong in the village and whose word wasn't worth squat because he fucked around that much. The Mat who got himself possessed by the evil dagger he stole and then spent a whole bunch of time scared, hurt, whining, and one step away from biting anyone who wasn't Rand. The Mat who threatened an innkeeper to ensure Rand had shelter and food when he was sick and cried at night because Ishy was tormenting them in their dreams.
Even going into TGH, my favorite Mat scene is his reaction to flicker flicker. After starting off their journey telling Rand he would stay away because Rand wasn't the same person now that he could channel, he's horrified by a world where he's a traitor (probably multiple worlds considering his reaction).
Maybe the show leaning into Mat being a messy little shit fighting off inner darkness just ended up being right up my alley.
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xylodemon · 10 months
i've been skimming through The Great Hunt as i plot out the next chapter of my fic and i ended up having some Random Thoughts about the Show
(book spoilers under the cut)
what got me thinking was the Dragon Banner scene in TGH, particularly Mat's less-than-stellar reaction to finding out Rand can channel. it's a hard scene to read - even on rereads, knowing that Mat stops Being Like That fairly quickly - but it does help set up the fact that (nearly) everyone is going to be at least a little afraid of Rand moving forward.
i am, however, wondering if the show will skip all that, thinking that Mat staying behind at the Waygate is enough to put the necessary strain on their relationship. although... Rand defended Mat pretty vehemently in 1x07. it'll be interesting to see if Rand really isn't upset about it, or if he just snapped at Egwene in a "no one talks shit about my boyfriend bestie but me" kind of way.
while i was writing the last chapter of my fic, i rewatched the scene where Min tells Rand about Tam finding him in the snow, which got me thinking about them. i love Rand's screwy love-life, but in the books, Rand/Min is the least compelling of the relationships to me, mainly bc she spends so much of LOC/COS trying to make her viewing happen, regardless of what he wants (or says he wants). Show!Min's "ugh, you" reaction to him walking into the tavern makes me hope wonder if the show is going to rework their dynamic a bit.
Speaking of relationships, the show leaning into Moiraine/Siuan so hard (love it) has me curious re: what it plans to do with Siuan/Gareth and Moiraine/Thom. i have zero investment in either of those relationships, but Thom and Moiraine's feelings for each other are tied up with how the Tower of Ghenjei stuff plays out.
(not me maundering about stuff that'll be in, like, Season 10 or 11 when we're still waiting for Season 2.
back to Season 2: in the promo and the stills, Rand sure does seem to be channeling a lot. i wonder if he's going to skip the whole I'LL NEVER DO IT AGAIN I PROMISE stuff. likely, he starts off like that in 2x01/2x02 but gets "talked" out of it by "Selene." Rand traveling with her alone instead of with Loial and Hurin (RIP) has the potential to do truly bonkers things to their dynamic.
back to Mat (sorry i'm genuinely all over the place today): there's a scene in the promo that looks like he's being Healed, which suggests he's at Tar Valon. i'm wondering how he gets out. i understand that they're collapsing some plotlines from TGH and TDR, which would probably put Mat in the Tower while Egwene/Elayne/Nynaeve are at Falme. that means they won't be there to bust him out with Siuan's Black Ajah hunting letter.
Unraveling the Pattern on YT did a promo breakdown that's convinced me the Rand/Siuan meeting goes down in Cairhien. i'm wondering now if Siuan brings Mat with her. that would get him to Rand in time to go to Falme and blow the Horn.
Sadly, this could end up costing me two of my absolute favorite Mat sequences: his quarterstaff face-off with Gawyn and Galad, and the whole bit where he gambles his way out of Tar Valon.
(he still better answer the door naked when Rand saves him from the Darkhounds. that is peak comedy. PEAK.)
i'm probably not saying anything anyone hasn't already figured out here, but i'm thinking, since TGH and TDR are getting meshed, that Rand goes straight from Falme to the Aiel Waste. i've seen some speculation that Aviendha is the Aiel Perrin rescues from the cage, thus explaining why she's with him at Falme, but she wouldn't be the only Aiel around. i'm betting the show is altering the People of the Dragon prophecy so that it's about Falme (the Car'a'carn appearing in the sky???) rather than the Stone. Maybe Rand takes the Aiel with him when he goes to Tear and picks up his plot coupon Callandor.
okay, that's it. i swear.
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leonsliga · 9 months
First a Leon goal, then a Mats goal…both of my faves are winning this weekend 😁
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 6 months
Finished dream daddy and I have . . . Thoughts
#random thoughts#dream daddy#okay so first of all i really like the writing and humor#at least in the main good routes#all the character designs are great#yadda yadda yadda okay can we talk about how underdeveloped some of these dads are???#specifically brian mat and hugo's routes were a bit lacking#mainly because their routes didn't really focus on a central flaw in their character like the other dads did#mat and hugo were trying to overcome A Thing and brian's route wasn't even about him like at all#it was more about the player character's daddy issues which like compelling but we're not supposed to be a character#mat's main character flaw is his social awkwardness but not even that because he doesn't perform cuz his WIFE DIED#hugo's route is just a series of events he doesn't even have a main character flaw#unless you count him being secretive about his hobbies??? which is literally just damien. they are the same#damien also kind of suffers from this lack of character flaws which affect his route but it's compensated for#with his direct relationship with other characters (mary)#who is hugo friends with? what about mat? brian?#the game really feels like joseph damien and mary were the characters they put the most thought into#with everyone else being an afterthought#really doesn't help that mat and hugo are the only dark-skinned dads#it really feels like they realized they were thin character-wise and made them poc to provide an illusion of depth#also??? why is mat's relationship with his daughter so underdeveloped???#she is literally just there.#and speaking of daughters i feel like brian's relationship with his daughter could have been a good focus for his route#like cmon he's raising a child who's DEF neurodivergent and doesn't know how to socialize her correctly#make him actually full of himself and think his way of parenting is the best way until you show him the light#at least don't make it focus on the fucking self insert mc#i like craig! nothing to say about craig. platonic ideal of a route.#wish more of the dads had relationships with each other on an individual level#like specifically with brian. have we seen brian talk to anyone outside the bbq???#and im not counting the texting thing this is base game ONLY. i think the texting thing is weird and poorly implemented
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a-fast-rebloger · 3 months
I'm now choosing to interpret every For Good picture where they look into the distance as birdwatching
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funghifungi · 11 months
I am so impressed by people who can write long fics. I always agonise over the entirety of a fic before I even consider publishing it. Like,, full month(s) of mulling over the written thing and changing little word choices
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I consistently get recommended a Welcome Home theory video, and the thumbnail style is really similar to Game Theory so I every time I see it, I think "wait, matpat made a video about Welcome Home?!" But then quickly calm down.
Edit: Goddammit it. Not a theory on it but uh
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mindnmybidness · 2 years
BIIIITCH if I get up super early on Monday I can get to the laundry mat by 7:30am.
I’m excited.
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Happy birthday Roch
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elodieunderglass · 1 month
Honestly thought I'd never hear the word "usborne" again. My mom used to live and breathe that company, and while I certainly don't regret a fair chunk, I do find it amusing as I look back now. I legitimately thought it had fallen off faster than Juice+.
In reference to a post where i mention my kid has the usborne “see inside germs” book.
So if people don’t know, usborne is a weird publishing company that has done indispensable books for British children for generations; they’re in every library, school and nursery, and have shelves devoted to them in every bookstore. They are how many people learned to read, and are the originators of many hyper focuses. They’re famed for doing educational lift the flap books for all ages, like “see inside your body”, as well as as the ubiquitous touch-and-feel series, “that’s not my….” In which a mouse comments improbably on various creatures not being their creature. “That’s not my dragon,” the mouse says, inviting you to stroke a dragon with a patch of fur on it, “its tummy is too soft. That’s not my dragon,” on the next page, where the dragon’s ears are lined with textured paper, “its ears are too bumpy.” This seems like such an inefficient way to find one’s missing dragon, a fact that simmers underneath you through endless repetition. Why does the mouse own so many things (pirates, ducks, polar bears) and why is it interrogating other people’s pirates etc by feeling their legs.
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At any rate, turn a parents’ house upside down and these books fall out.
Which is why it’s completely hilarious that they are also an MLM.
Well. Kind of. In the old school sense. It’s less about signing up a pyramid scheme and more about getting a random citizen to buy a crate of perfectly popular books and try to sell them on from their home. It’s very traditional for Mums On Maternity Leave to do this. Pre-social media and online ordering, they’d hook up other mums at toddler group. Today, they post awkwardly on social media. The idea is that buying from another parent is cheaper than the bookstore, and they get to keep the markup. They get intense about things, and I believe they attend conferences. Nobody makes a huge amount of money and it’s unclear how undercutting local bookstores is helpful; it’s also basically the same RRP as Amazon I think.
And the books are perfectly respectable and sell perfectly well in bookstores.
So. Like. This marketing scheme is completely weird. Why?? Why does it still exist? People buy the books normally! You don’t need to promote them aggressively! You don’t need elaborate independent local middlemen schemes! You can just buy them! I have never understood this. I just file it under one of those weird mat leave hustles.
But don’t worry OP. They’re still going. They’ll never stop. The thing is that your mom got bored and online sales probably ate whatever residual profit margins were left and it’s probably very liberating for everyone to grow out of the “that’s not my cow” stage, but Usborne books are going strong.
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