akianessrosa · 1 year
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I had to heal my heart by drawing my fav moments from the novel. There're so many, I don't know when I gonna draw them all but I'm gonna do it xD [Tsurune book 2, chapter 6]
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poyoyoloots · 6 months
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Today's loot: booth via zenmarket
Had 3000 zenpoints to use from last promo.
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gem2niki · 2 years
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Speedpainting 0997
Namjatown Nyanderful Festival collab *w*
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x0401x · 2 months
holy fuck, it's over
i've finished it
at long damn last
i wrote the thing
i can barely believe it
just need to edit it a little bit before posting but yes
the tsurune bible tm is officially done
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thefinalcinderella · 6 months
Tsurune Book 3 Chapter 5 - Declaration (Part 1)
whoa it's been more than a month since i posted here
anyways masamina fans come get ur food
Glossary here
Full list of translations here
Translation Notes
The original Japanese is "生者必滅、会者定離", which contains the characters for kai and hanare
These are all traditional Japanese wind instruments
Takamagahara is the home of the gods in Shintoism
An imina is the real name of a noble or deceased person
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The light rain was falling onto their kyudo raincoats.
Minato and Shuu were visiting the kyudojo where Saionji had taught them when they were young. It was the perfect place for intensive training as they could avoid the public eye. But something unexpected happened.
“Please let us join the Saionji school,” the twins Senichi and Manji said.
“I as well. I would very much like to learn from the master of the Saionji school of kyudo,” Seiya said after them.
Saionji’s eyes crinkled into a smile. “Oh my, you are all being very dramatic, aren’t you? I don’t have such a sign put up, though. Do you have the approval of your current teachers?”
“Yes, there is no problem.” “Please let us become your disciples.” “Please.” The three refused to budge, their heads bowed. Saionji laughed aloud as he looked at the three round heads lined up.
“I’m not taking any disciples, but let us draw our bows together. It’s a pleasure to have more companions. I welcome you all.”
Seiya bowed deeply, and Senichi and Manji pumped their fists.
First, they swept, sang prayers, read sutras, meditated for three minutes, and did warm-up exercises. Then, Saionji told them to do these things at home next time.
“It has been a long time since I’ve held a bow in front of people, but Fujiwara-kun asked me to do it, so I had no choice but to accept it. Please watch my shooting.”
Saionji went before the targets with four arrows. He raised his bow up high. His eyes were half-closed, similar to the Buddha’s meditative state. The genuine article couldn’t hide his brilliance even when he became old. The rain hid the scenery that should have been visible, even erasing the sounds of people that should have been audible.
The drawn bow overflowed with joy and begged him not to let go yet. The kyudo terms “kai” and “hanare” came from the Last Teaching of the Buddha, “Death is the doom of every living thing, those who meet must part.” (1) The truth that no one could overturn, and a proud statement of will by the archer who accepted his mortality but never stopped walking. The bow and archer were together until the very end.
When the arrow landed at twelve o’clock, just before the target frame, Senichi and Manji let out cries of admiration.
The second arrow landed at six o’clock, also right before the target frame.
The third shot hit the target at nine o’clock, near the target frame once again. At this point, Seiya’s body was trembling. “N-No way,” Senichi and Manji muttered. Shuu and Minato were silent.
For the last shot, Saionji hit the target at three o’clock, the arrow just grazing the target frame.
Minato went to collect the arrows. Meanwhile, Senichi and Manji were still extremely excited.
“It’s difficult just to hit the target, but to hit the target in different directions!? That’s superhuman!”
Unusually, Shuu showed emotion on his face. That was no wonder, since his master granted his disciple’s wish. He was intoxicated with this greatest luxury.
“Aim at the target without aiming, while having the skill to hit the spots he’s aiming at. After personifying a hundred shots, he aims for even higher peaks. Awa-hanshi from Zen in the Art of Archery was able to do the same thing, apparently. I feel incredibly fortunate to be able to be in this miraculous place.”
“As expected of Shuu’s master. I got goosebumps.”
“It feels like a legend becoming truth, and truth becoming myth.”
Senichi and Manji were speaking enthusiastically, but Seiya felt something like despair.
“I’ve heard about it, but when I actually see it with my own eyes, it just makes me realize how weak I am. No matter how much I practice, I don’t think I’ll ever reach that level.”
When Minato returned from arrow collecting, the five of them sat in front of Saionji.
“My earlier shots are improper, so please don’t copy them. The way of the bow is about perfecting one’s personality and uniting with nature. It is not about hitting a target with arrows. It would be difficult to suddenly free your mind from obstructive thoughts, so the first step is to visualize good form. Believe in yourself and love yourself wholly even if you are hopeless. Then verbalize ‘I can do it’ and fix that into your brain. Your brain will faithfully respond to your words and send commands to each part of your body. If you change your thinking, your body will also change.”
Shuu added, “This is an easy-to-understand example of the placebo effect. If you take a simple nutritional supplement after hearing that it’s ‘medicine,’ your symptoms would recover or be alleviated. It has been medically proven that the expectation or pleasure of a drug activates the part of the brain that boosts the immune system.”
“That’s right. And if we go one step further and follow the voice of our inner soul rather than the voice of our brain, the powers we have as living beings will begin to function. Saying ‘keep at it’ with your heart even when your body is tired will only create an estrangement. Your soul should be telling you that it wants to rest.”
“So, you’re saying that the words uttered by the body, mind, and soul should be the same.”
“We are immature creatures who have not yet matured as humans. It could also be interpreted as saying that we still have room to grow. When we learn to listen to the voices of our inner souls, good situations naturally follow.”
Then, they let out yagoe.
As soon as they released their arrows, they let out a powerful “Yah!”
Minato and Shuu roared without hesitation. It was a lion’s roar. In the other martial arts kendo and judo, one shouted kiai, but this technique had somehow disappeared in kyudo. Seiya, unused to it, was reserved, but Senichi and Manji shouted without hesitation.
“Whoa, this actually feels good.”
Saionji observed everyone’s shooting forms.
“Keep stretching, keep stretching. Yes, that’s perfect.”
“When you reach daisan, your right elbow will remain tense. At kai, the bow hand and sword hand twist, as though wringing a rag.”
They also practiced stretching out their arms and lightly gripping the pillars, then twist their elbows without moving their hands.
After finishing two hours of practice, Minato took out his bento box.
There was takoyaki inside.
“There might not be enough since it was intended for three people. Shuu is around here.”///
Senichi and Manji were glued to Shuu.
“It’s kinda refreshing to see Shuu eating takoyaki in his kyudo clothes.”
“Sen, Man, if you’re not going to eat them, then I’ll have them.”
“Hey, wait, we’re eating them! What, this is really good.”
“They seem to contain the Narumiya family’s secret ingredients.”
“No wonder Shuu loves takoyaki.”
Senichi and Manji devoured them in no time, and Shuu, who was trying to enjoy them thoroughly, stared at the empty bento box.
When they were about to head home, Saionji stopped Minato and Shuu, and asked Seiya, Senichi, and Manji to return home first.
The rain had stopped before they knew it.
The azaleas withstood the weight of their wet petals.
On the scarred floor of the dojo, the long shadows of one man and two boys faced each other.
The sun tilted to the west, dyeing the horizon red, and the sky became a river of deep blue and madder. Purple-tinged clouds dyed by two-colored light flowed slowly along the river. The clouds constantly changed their expressions as they drifted, never remaining in the same shape. Everything returned to the mother sea.
The setting sun gave off its last rays behind Saionji’s shoulders.
“The statute of limitations has already expired. I was hiding something from both of you. In actuality, I told Narumiya-kun’s mother that he was drawing a bow under my tutelage. After the accident, Fujiwara-kun was saddened by the fact that he wasn’t informed of anything. It was a foolish act on my part. I apologize.”
Shuu was ashamed.
“Since Saionji-sensei didn’t say anything, I thought that there must have been some sort of deep reason behind it. I also knew that it wasn’t as though Minato had suddenly lost interest in kyudo.”
Saionji looked into Minato’s eyes and continued.
“Narumiya-kun’s mother once watched a match that you and Fujiwara-kun were in. She told me that she cheered for you both. The promise that you made with your mother has already been fulfilled. Please be rest assured.”
“…Yes, thank you.”
Shuu put his hand on Minato’s shoulder. A faint vibration was felt.
“I guess it was bad of me to keep things a secret… After the accident, I distanced myself from the kyudojo and didn’t contact anyone. Because of that, I made Shuu worry as well. I’m sorry, Shuu.”
“I understand, there’s no problem. I’m glad that your mom was able to watch your shooting.”
He responded by lightly patting Shuu’s hand on his shoulder. Afterwards, something spilled over and wetted his hakama.
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Around that time, Kuon, a first-year from Kirisaki, was stretching his legs on a chair. He was watching the footage of the yabusame competition that took place the other day on his phone.
“Fujiwara-senpai, how beautiful you are. In comparisons, how impudent that commoner is!”
On the screen was Minato answering interview questions. Kuon tossed his phone onto the side chair and grabbed several pages of documents.
This was the report from the detective agency.
“Narumiya Minato, born on December 21. Graduated from Kotonoha Elementary School, graduated from Kirisaki Middle School, has a medical history… What, he has such an obvious weakness? This might be useful.”
Kuon uncrossed his legs and stood up. He called for a maid.
“Give this detective his completion bonus. Also, tell him that there are additional requests. The others are incompetent, so keep them out of my sight.”
“Yes, sir.”
When the maid left, the corner of Kuon’s mouth raised.
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The sound of a flute resounded through Yata Shrine.
Gagaku music was being performed to the members of the Kazemai kyudo club, who were gathered in the front shrine. Minato and the others, sitting in seiza, waited impatiently for the moment when the performance would begin.
Gagaku was a form of Japanese classical music, and was a unique art that combines traditional Japanese music and dance with music introduced from the continent. It boasted a history of more than 1,200 years, and many people might have heard it at hatsumode or Shinto wedding ceremonies.
The performers were Masa-san, Ren, and Masa-san’s mother. Masa-san’s mother was in charge of the main melody and played the hichiriki, Masa-san played the shou, and Ren played the ryuuteki. (2) They were all made from bamboo. The hichiriki, shou, and ryuuteki were called the “three pipes,” and the taiko, kakko, and shouko were called the “three drums.” The wagon and biwa were also included at times.
The shou represented the sound of heaven, the light that shined from heaven. The ryuuteki was the sound of the sky, the cry of a dragon that rushed between heaven and earth freely. The hichiriki was said to express the sounds of the earth and the voices of the people, and it was believed that by playing these instruments together, it was possible to create the universe.
“I’ve heard that Western music adopts the rhythm of the heartbeat, and Japanese classical music adopts the rhythm of breathing,” Keyaki whispered to Kanbayashi.
“It’s truly elegant music. It sounds like the divine voice of heaven, or the voice of the sobbing dead.”
Ryouhei and Nanao also joined the conversation.
“It’s not the dead, it’s a cute dragon. Pyuu, hyororororo.”
“That’s the sound of a water whistle. Isn’t it more like fuaan, kyuu, bobobobobobo?”
A shadow descended over Kaito’s face.
“You guys talk too much. Shut up and listen.”
The three girls decided not to listen to the boys’ innocent conversations.
After the performance was finished, Minato ran to the performers.
“Masa-san, may I ask you a question?”
“Is it about the priesthood stuff from the other day?”
“No, that’s not it. A long time ago, I read an explanation book on the ‘Heart Sutra’ after Saionji-sensei told me that I didn’t study hard enough, but there’s a part that I was confused about.”
In Buddhism, there were the “six sense organs,” the “six objective fields of the senses,” and the “six consciousnesses.” All together, they were called the “eighteen components of perception.”
The “six sense organs” were the sense organs humans were equipped with—the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind.
The “six objective fields of the senses” were the objects of perception—color, sound, scent, taste, touch, and mental presentation.
 The “six consciousnesses” were the perception that arose from the six sense organs perceiving the six objective fields of the senses—seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, and reasoning.
“The Buddha gave words to the materials and phenomena of this world, classifying them in detail. He also taught that we should abandon our obsessions. But the Heart Sutra says that the organ called the ‘eye’ perceived ‘color’ and perceived it as ‘beautiful.’ So, it’s saying that all of this is just an illusion, right?”
“Yeah, that’s probably the most common interpretation.”
“I also found it strange that the sixth of the six sense organs was translated as ‘mind.’ The others are names of parts of the body, so why is the sixth one different?”
“I can’t answer that right away due to my lack of study, but I think that what the Heart Sutra was trying to convey wasn’t so much the first half, the empty mind, but the second half. If I were the writer, I would put the important points in the conclusion.”
“The ending is an incantation, right? ‘Let’s all chant it together,’ like that. I thought the theme of the Heart Sutra was to learn the truth and wisdom of the universe, wasn’t it?”
“If you cannot attain enlightenment unless you give up earthly desires, then most people would be unable to reach this state. Because wanting to save people is also greed. Heaven wouldn’t give to man useless things. Kukai taught that the desire for food, sleep, excretion, and sex, are all of the status of a Buddha. If the desire to eat and sleep disappear, the survival of living beings is in danger. The Buddhist teaching to abandon greed means ‘do not covet, do not go too far.’”
Ren, who was listening nearby, laughed lightly.
“Archers have to learn Buddhism too? Sounds busy. Sorry to interrupt, but I think it’s time to call it a night. Masaki, you have another errand to do, don’t you?”
“Yeah, got it. Sorry, Minato, next time.”
Masa-san hurriedly left the scene. The other members were also preparing to go home. Minato realized that he was the only one left behind and was about to follow everyone else.
Suddenly, he felt something like an electric current near his shoulder blade. He turned around and saw Ren with one finger outstretched.
“You’re a sensitive person, aren’t you?”
“I just put my fingers on your back and sent some qi. Is your sensitivity hereditary? Does it run in your family? Actually, Masaki is also sensitive, even more so than me. He can see and hear all sorts of things. Minato-kun, what is the color of the outside lights of Yata Shrine to you?”
“It’s usually rainbow-colored. I’d say the purple is deeper.”
“To most people, myself included, it only looks white or yellowish. You may be one of those people who don’t realize they have a strong connection to the gods, or in other words, nature. Since both of you are spiritually inclined, you should ask a lot of questions now. That guy may not be back for a while. And I don’t know if he’ll continue coaching at Kazemai.”
“It seems that he found something he couldn’t catch if he didn’t chase it now. I don’t think I’ll be able to hold him back.”
“What do you mean, you can’t hold him back?”
“I can’t tell you.”
Ren took off his eboshi hat and put it on Minato’s head, then turned on his heel.
As always, Ren did nothing but tease and didn’t talk about the important parts. To only drop hints and not inform him of anything was too malicious if he was doing this while knowing that it would cause him a lot of stress. It would be fine if it was good news, but that would transform into anger if it was a rejection email.
The sound of the gagaku music lingered in his ears, and the scar on his left side started to itch.
Minato stood there, holding the hat.
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One Sunday, Minato was riding his bike.
He was taking a short trip to town to go shopping. He was buying daily necessities for the summer.
The wind caressing his neck felt comfortable. The sky was blue with rising clouds. Flowers were in full bloom in the gardens of the houses he passed, and he saw two cats sleeping snuggled together. A dragonfly was flying parallel to Minato’s speed, but he wondered how far it would follow.
After passing through the crowd, he parked his bike in front of a store. It was a casual clothing store. While looking at the suggestions for coordinated outfits, he proceeded to the department he was here for.
On the way there, someone called out his name.
“I saw a bike similar to yours in front of the store, but I didn’t think you would really be here. You came all the way here by bike? I thought your house is a long way from here.”
“I also just wanted to ride my bike. There’s a hole in my jeans. Which one do you think is better?”
“Let’s see, you look good in the classic indigo blue, straight-leg style. For the upcoming season, chino shorts would also look good.”
The two looked around the store. They separated for a while and then promised to meet up again at the exit.
Masa-san handed Minato a package.
“If you want, you can take this guy home too. I think it’ll go well with the jeans from earlier.”
“Huh? Oh, t-thanks. Um, actually, I also…”
Minato also held out a gift-wrapped package containing clothes. It was the exact same wrapping, only the color of the ribbon was different. Both people were momentarily speechless.
“We ended up exchanging gifts.”
“Haha, that’s right.”
“Thank you, I’ll try it on as soon as I get home. I’ve also bought some other stuff, so I’ll give them to the other Kazemai members tomorrow. Minato, are you free right now? You can come and pick up the book I was telling you about.”
“Oh, the book that wasn’t for sale.”
Masa-san had come by car, so they loaded Minato’s bike into the car, and Minato sat in the passenger seat. After a while, they arrived at the parking lot of a two-story apartment building. Masa-san’s apartment was a one-bedroom apartment, and it was built not long ago. When Minato first visited, he imagined that Masa-san was living in a four-and-a-half tatami room that was built over thirty years ago. “What kind of image do you have of me?” Masa-san had lamented. There were ornamental plants by the window, Scandinavian-patterned cushions on the couch, and a Shinto altar enshrined on the wall, as expected of a priest. Everything was neat and tidy, but Minato noticed a prescription bag in the corner of the kitchen. What was more, there was something sitting there that didn’t fit the season at all.
“Masa-san, the kotatsu…shouldn’t you be putting that away soon?”
“I was too lazy to clean the kotatsu futon, so I just left it there.”
Masa-san opened the closet and took out three cardboard boxes. He spread his arms out towards them, which looked heavy.
“Search to your heart’s content.”
“Were you tired of searching? Is that why you called me here? That’s what I thought. You’re so lazy.”
He found the book he was looking for when the box was almost empty. After putting it on the table, Minato and Masa-san sat down at the kotatsu facing each other. Their feet were touching, and they both laughed.
Minato was searching for a book titled The Archery Saint Awa Kenzou—The Representative of Heaven, Earth, and Nature by Sakurai Yasunosuke. It was published to commemorate the 120th anniversary of Awa Kenzou’s birth, so it was thick and heavy.
Masa-san slid his long fingertips over the cover, as though caressing something dear.
“Awa-hanshi’s words are difficult to understand unless you have a background in Buddhism, Shinto, or Confucianism, but this book explains the ‘path of shooting’ in detail. Beyond a hundred shots and hundred hits, there are the ‘one shot and expire’ and ‘shari misei.’ Shari misei refers to the inherent manifestation of someone’s inherent Buddha nature or divinity through archery. It involves letting go of negative emotions such as worry and anger, and it emphasizes dantian breathing. He even said that ‘Takamagahara is inside people’s stomachs.’” (3)
“Saionji-sensei told me once to listen to the voice in my stomach, not head. ‘One shot and expire’ is the teaching of ‘you died with a single shot. Now, become a newborn baby.’ So, I wonder if shari misei is growing even further from a baby.”
“In fact, the hundred shot-hundred hit level is the lowest of the five stages called ‘shakai,’ and it’s still at the entry level of ‘learning shooting.’ However, Awa-hanshi says that even if you don’t hit a hundred shots, you can still reach the realm of one shot and expire and shari misei. He also taught kyudo at high schools, and it’s said that he loved young people very much. When his disciples shoot with all their might, he would embrace them and cry with joy.”
“I’ll take my time to read it. …Um, Masa-san, Ren-san said something recently…”
“Did he say something again?”
“Um, something about your eyes.”
“Oh, my eyes are fine. Because I’m living in a place surrounded by so much greenery.”
“That’s right. I also grew up in the mountains.”
It was weird to forcefully ask someone about something they were keeping secret. Nothing was clear yet, so he was sure Masa-san would tell him if it was true.
Minato was about to return the book to where it was before and found another book at the bottom of the box. It was as though it was hidden away. He picked it up.
“There’s a name on this picture book. Maybe it got mixed up with someone else’s book? How do you read this?”
Minato was pointing at a name written in oil-based marker.
It read 玉守正樹.
“It’s ‘Tamamori Masaki.’ My old name.”
“Is it your old last name?”
“I changed it along with my first name. For me, my old name is a cursed name. I don’t really want to remember it.”
Masa-san had a bitter look on his face, which was unlike him.
Just like Ren the other day, these brothers had too many secrets. Minato didn’t care if he didn’t tell him the reason. But, it was too sad that he hated his own name.
“No, it isn’t, right? Iminas were used until the Meiji era, and they were important things that only the lord and his family knew about. The only time someone would tell it to another person is when they are proposing marriage.”*
“…Huh, that’s bad. Seiya would beat me up if he finds out about this. So, can I hear your answer?”
“Your answer to my proposal.”
“Huh? I-I don’t get that kind of thing.”
“That kind of thing, huh…”
“I’ve never thought about that kind of thing.”
“You’re calling it ‘that kind of thing’ again.”
“You’re a terrible master.”
“Minato, you’re a surprising Urashima’s casket. I can’t even imagine what’s inside you.”
Masa-san chuckled. Apparently, Minato was being made fun of. Ugh, I seriously can’t win against this guy.
Minato stood up.
“I have to go home soon.”
“Shall I give you a ride?”
“It’s okay.”
When he pushed the doorknob, a gray sky spread out before him.
“Oh, it’s raining. I didn’t bring my raincoat today.”
“A rain that’s trying to prevent you from leaving, huh? Do you want some coffee?”
Minato closed the door.
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fujimiiiya · 5 months
Funny how I despise masamina but then I took one glance at yuji and...
...oh boy...
im doomed.
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adustyspectacle · 6 years
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W-wait! Don't disappear! I love the way you shoot, Masa-san. I want to see more of it! I only jus found you! So please...
Please don't disappear!
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taiyochan · 6 years
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Misunderstanding my ass look at that tender smile
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Thank you Kyoani thank you.
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hyuntha97 · 5 years
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This waited for me to finish it for a while... so I just painted it with flat colours and couldn't bring myself to do more😅
Anyway, I wanted them to hug at least once after the accident man
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akianessrosa · 1 year
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Today just MasaMina fanart ❤️ I want them together at the end of the story 🥹I was speeding previous "fav moment from the novel" so maybe I'll redraw it in the future, but for now I'm gonna draw next fav scene 😌
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poyoyoloots · 9 months
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Today's loot: Zenmarket
Collecting all the Masamina I couldn't purchase before because they were event related.
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gem2niki · 2 years
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“Speedpainting” 0985
Masamina!!! based on new year outfit.
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x0401x · 7 months
hello! I'm glad you're back. Did you know that minato finally say that word (the one in light novel) to masaki on live reading event amatsu hoshi matsuri??
Hi! Thanks! And, no, not really. I saw people freaking out about this event but haven't had time to look for summaries of it. ^^' This is great to know, though? Like, lmfao, they really went there?
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thefinalcinderella · 2 years
Tsurune Book 3 spoilers (not really)
So I was looking on Twitter for Tsurune Book 3 thoughts and it seems that the book has...mixed reviews!!!
The general consensus seems to be that this book takes a weird turn from the other two and that the story progresses without really expanding on certain things despite introducing a bunch of new characters (ngl just reading the synopsis I could tell that this book isn’t going to be the most tightly plotted). Basically, if you like the refreshing youthful atmosphere 
Anyways I’ll put some of the interesting spoilers here. Keep in mind that I’m getting this all second-hand from other people’s own personal opinions so...don’t cause jump to conclusions right away haha
- Shuu’s family has a helicopter (or private jet)
- There will be Ryouhei family lore
- There will be Masaki lore-we’ll find out his old last name and (more) of his baggage
- Minato’s grandparents show up/get a backstory
- Seiya’s brother shows up
- Kuon Takumi (the Shuu simp) is kinda crazy and tried to make Minato get an allergic reaction/stole his yugake or something
- Job hunting(?)
- The story gets spiritual; Minato can see ghosts or something? God Minato
- MasaMina nation gets fed???
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So Stay Awake And I’ll Stay
AO3 or FFN
~1k, MasaMina, G-rating, Canon AU
Summary: Minato experiences a violent nightmare during the first day of training camp, and Masaki does his best to comfort him.
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thenon-fictiondays · 5 years
seiyamina fics on ao3: unrequited love, pining, angst, you needed your heart? well too bad :)
masamina fics on ao3: and there was sex tonight
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