#marvin block
aplaceinme · 7 months
I started reading “Teacher of the Year (Teachers in Love)” by M. A. Wardell. I'm only at chapter 8 so it's too soon to tell if it's really good or not, but so far I am liking it (each chapter gets more interesting).
I wanted to share some quotes, though (for context, the narrator and main character is called Marvin and his cat is called Gonzo):
“I wouldn’t run unless zombies were chasing me, and even then, after a block, I’d probably relent and offer myself up as a tasty kosher snack.”
“I’ve mastered overthinking, and my body finds bolting awake in the middle of the night the perfect time to hone my expertise. A whole night’s sleep? Why rest when my mind can ping-pong about multiple topics and increase my bubbling anxiety simultaneously?”
“bananas are the one food I can’t stomach. Something about the smell makes me nauseous; if I get too close to one, my gag reflex kicks in.”
“Why are nerds so damn sexy? Their glasses and big vocabulary have me babbling like a fool.”
“What I actually want to do is go home, order a large pizza for myself, put on pajamas, and be in bed shoving pizza in my face and watching Netflix with Gonzo by seven.”
I'm Marvin… Marvin is me!!!! So relatable!!!
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froggosalad · 14 days
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Happy Falsettos day!!!!
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clairettaa · 2 months
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5 jews (in a room bitching) !
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requiemforpsyche · 4 months
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more falsettos art . so normal about this musical chat.
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fourmenmarching · 3 months
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Passion Dies !!!! somethings telling me they would kill for the thrill of first love idk guys
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rennyspamz · 3 months
pspspsps has anyone been hunting for an orchestra boot for falsettos?
don’t tell anyone i told you guys, but…
act one: https://youtu.be/OImGArm2sDw?si=HNWfawj7o1cBnSWc
act two: https://youtu.be/NcMg54jD18Q?si=n3tL8RtAVpVGTGWS
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sudomanic · 1 month
"Falsettos 2016 balcony view isn't real, it can't hurt you"
Falsettos 2016 balcony view:
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marvinsmeadow · 1 month
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She would be a happy woman if she hadn’t met Marvin (i’m on my falsettos grind)
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pemberlaey · 2 months
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Moodboard: Falsettos
It's about growing up, getting older, living on a lover's shoulder. Learning love is not a crime. It's about time.
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rosebug3 · 1 month
It's interesting what fans grab onto and consider canon.
Michael Rupert, og Marvin, says on social media that Marvin is a weatherman, but in the revival Zoom reunion, Stephanie and Christian agree that revival Marvin was in advertising or marketing, and lived on the upper west side. Fans went with weatherman.
However, in that same question, Chrisitan jokes that Marvin's last name is Gardens, and then thanks Stephanie for laughing cause she likes dad jokes, but yet that caught on and fans ignore Brandon and Tracie going with O'Malley and Andrew went with Jones. In actuality , they were all joking and the answer the revival had in the portfolio is what Anthony was trying to remember.
I'll be honest, the first time I watched this, I thought the portfolio Christian was talking about Marvin looked like he did advertising, but it seems like he had an actual character bio. I want to know who wrote it. I know some actors do that, but a quick Google search has me believing that's against the Outside In acting technique Christian talks about using, and Christian, Stephanie, and Anthony seem to take it very deeply like it came from William Finn or James Lapine.
Anyways, I think I prefer Weatherman, but I can see advertising (It feels very How To Succeed), but I can't take another Marvin Garden joke, although I do love how much joy it brought Christian and Stephanie.
Edit: Also, I rewatched the Broadway on the scene in the falsetto rehearsal, and Stephanie calls Marvin an advertising agent.
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asheatsspiders · 2 months
someone please have a really long conversation with me and analyze the visual metaphors in falsettos/in trousers 🤞🤞
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aplaceinme · 7 months
I finished reading “Teacher of the Year (Teachers in Love)” by M. A. Wardell last night.
Overall, it was ok. It's entertaining and an easy read, good to pass the time, and especially good when you just want something light to read.
Will I read it again? Probably not.
For me, the major problem was the pacing of the story, and the fact that most of the time, it told you not show you. Both of those things, made it difficult for me to truly get invested in the relationship between the main character and his love interest. They are cute together, and there were 'awww' moments, but it wasn't well-developed. It got a little bit better at the end, but, it just wasn't enough.
The best part of the book for me was the main character, Marvin Block, who was a completely relatable character to me. Marvin is me, I am Marvin!
That's all I have to say about it without getting too deep into it.
As with my other posts about this book, here are some good quotes that made me think “me” and “same”:
“I push the worry away and ignore it. For now.”
“Why do you think you need to be perfect?” “I don’t know. Maybe if I’m perfect…” But I can’t say the rest: maybe nobody will leave me.”
“I’m not sure where to look. Eye contact would be the polite move, but my skin tingles with discomfort at her compliments.”
“have you ever considered you throw yourself into your job to avoid dealing with, with, things?”
“maybe I’m not loveable”
“Your anxiety can be crippling. You avoid life because you’re petrified”
“My damn head keeps getting in the way of my heart. And fear, the worst of all emotions, keeps jutting itself in front of me, crafting obstacles to my happiness.”
Now, on to the next book to read!!!
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absoblume-reblogs · 9 months
golly, I hath bedazzled my computer!!
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I.. I regret everything yet nothing at the same time.. THOSE WHO GET ALL OF THESE, CAN WE BE FRIENDS /J 💖💜
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clairettaa · 2 months
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I want it all (I like the way they cook linguini)
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sadclowncentral · 6 months
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everyone. you know how i never ask for anything. i need your fucking help executing a prank but you have to be chill about it. please. a friend of mine is trying to locate me can you PLEASE interact with this post as much as possible and reply to it without spoiling my username it would mean so much to me. PLEASE. it's so important. to me
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fourmenmarching · 6 months
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