#marquis hadelio
blackhazefanblog · 3 years
Me: I read Black Haze for the plot.
The Plot:
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marlikesthings · 7 years
(Shicrood anon from before) I agree with everything you've said, haha, it's crazy. Especially how Shic/Rood are so similar to Lanoste/Eperia it can't be a coincidence. I mean, even the way they met, that was such a deja vu? And oh my god, the flowers... At the beginning of chapter 148, Shic is looking at (well, destroying) flowers and remembers the first time he met Rood. Guess what happens in chapter 215... yep... exactly the same thing, only with Eperia remembering Lanoste... (p1)
It’s even the same flower. Could have been any flower. But it’s that one. Just. Moving on, I’m holding my breath that after the flashback arc, we’ll have Lanoste and Shic directly talking about the parallels between Rood and Eperia, because I don’t believe such a long flashback was there only for the King/Liltopaz story. I’m sorry for this monsterous ask, haha, it’s just that BH isn’t big on tumblr and I’m not very fond of the fandom for BH elsewhere. (p2)
I’m so glad to find another shicrood fan in tumblr!! Before starting, I feel the need to apologize, since this is going to be long :p 
To be honest, what made me officially say: “yes, I ship this” was lanoste’s flashback. Like, I always thought it was interesting how shicmuon reacted to rood, and how rood (although reluctantly) depended on shicmuon to help him defeat the enemies. They are/were both ‘equals’ (before rood awakened as the demon king). It’s just that, when I saw how lanoste/eperia behaved when they were together, and after rereading the scenes with shicmuon and rood, it was impossible for me not to notice how similar they were. That’s when I thought: “wait, why is this married couple and shicrood’s relationship so similar??” and I realized that I could no longer ignore this ship. Too many coincidences and what made it better, was that those hints were established very early in the series. Lanoste first talked about shicmuon chasing rood in chapter 57 and considering that there are already 223 chapters, I’ll say this is quite early. The author also planified introducing eperia many chapters ago, since we saw how lanoste had flashblacks of eperia. So, it can’t be a coincidence. The author did it on purpose, but why? 
Eperia got interested in lanoste after learning he was the one who defeated all those monsters. Who did the same thing? Shicmuon. After seeing rood’s strength he was fascinated by him, and decided he would start chasing him. He went to every mission where blackie might be, after seeing him just once. 
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After shicmuon met him again during the auction, even Van noticed he wasn’t being his usual self and said: “Shic’s gotten talkative. He’s too excited” (chapter 6). How can someone be so excited after meeting someone they only saw once before? Someone they barely know? I’ve always felt that shicmuon found in rood, someone who could understand him. That he could be himself in front of rood. Rood is the only person who is able to match his strength, and hence, he is the only person who doesn’t fear his powers and who treats him as a normal person.
Since I talked about how rood and lanoste defeated all the demons, I’ll show pictures because I like them XD
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This is what shicmuon saw in chapter 155. The reason why he became so obsessed with blackie.
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And this is how lanoste looks after defeating all those demons. 
I didn’t notice before, but your comment made me realize that rood and lanoste also have some similarities (I went back to reread some scenes jaja)! Not only they are powerful, but they both got stalkers after fighting demons. For eperia and lanoste, this was a faithful meeting, for shicmuon it’s the same thing, but what about rood? I am convinced that shicmuon will play a key role in helping him fight the tower/the empire. Shicmuon is strong, and he is always helping rood save the students/humans (first when the door opened in helios, and then when they were in the empire. He also helped him in the tower, although this time shicmuon didn’t help the students. Anyway, the previous times, he only helped them indirectly. His objective was always to save/help/fight alongside rood). Another similarity between rood and lanoste I’ve noticed, is that they both have to pretend/lie to the other magicians who are with them. In chapter 208, lanoste warns/tells the magicians that the tower is getting rid of low classed magicians “in order to be used as food for the secret experiments being conducted by the empire”, he then tries to act as if he didn’t really know by saying “…is what the rumors are saying…is that true?” and smiles. Rood and lanoste know more than average people, but they are forced to act as if they didn’t. 
They are also forced to act as if they weren’t strong. In chapter 210, lanoste tries to lie to eperia by telling her, he isn’t the magician who killed all the monsters. Probably to avoid attracting too much attention, but still.
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Chapter 152
In rood’s case, he is forced to say he wasn’t the one who killed the woopis, since he realized no one believed him, and everyone thought it was strange for him to defeat them alone.
They are also both underestimated by the others. 
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Lanoste chapter 208
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Rood chapter 149
To be fair, lanose does it on purpose (since he is a spy working for sephia, I think), while rood doesn’t. He tries to deny it, although not hard enough. Anyway, the man doesn’t believe him since he looks so young and at that time, no one ever heard of [opion]. 
Okay, I’ll stop talking about lanoste and rood XD
I noticed the flowers were the same! I thought it was a nice detail, since eperia seemed to like these flowers. Also, I love how shicmuon looks at the flowers and think of rood, please! This is too much. But yes, parallels are everywhere, it’s hard not to see them. I think, this is probably one of the reasons why I am enjoying this flashback so much. I mean, I love lanoste and eperia’s relationship, although I know all that awaits me is pain… but this flashback happened for a reason. Why is lanoste telling all this to kielnode? This is obviously related to rood and that’s why lanoste felt the need to tell him everything. Also, kielnode already said that lanoste isn’t the type of person who “help others out of his good gracious heart” (chapter 173). There is a reason why lanoste keeps helping rood, and I think it is definitely related to eperia. Another thing that I am curious about: Why does lanoste want shic and rood to “become partners and combine their strength” ? (chapter 173). He even goes as far as to falsificate a document that shows opion’s magicians now belong to the association. Another thing, when diorook appeared in his dragon form, lanoste wasn’t surprised and immediately knew the black magician had send him. Why? I mean, he already saw diorook in helios, but it still seems weird to me. Moreover, lanoste knew rood wasn’t human. He says to kielnode “[rood chrishi] is not a human. As for you [kielnode chrishi] you won’t be able to handle that” (chapter 171). Why does it seem like he is talking about eperia? Once again, we have rood/eperia parallels. 
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Look at lanoste’s face here. How many times have we seen lanoste being serious since the beginning of the series? Not many times. Actually, I think this is the first time lanoste looks so serious, like he is reminiscing bad/painful memories. 
I also think lanoste and shic will talk. Or at least, I hope so. If lanoste is trying to avoid rood ending up like eperia, then telling shicmuon the whole truth is necessary. As I said before, shicmuon is strong, so he is (among the humans) the only person who can help rood fight demons/humans. He is also a kansiol. His status might help rood in the future. I mean, he already used his name to help rood before, and he may have to do it again in the near future. He is the only kansiol who have the power to help. The “perfect kansiol”. The princess is still young, she does have good allies, like marquis hadelio and professor rowell, but while they will definitely be useful, if there was a fight against demons, they wouldn’t be able to help too much (against strong demons like lispen). At least, that’s what I think. 
To finish this long post, I wanted to post images showing shicmuon and the king interacting together:
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The king knows what shicmuon wants XD The fact that the king acknowledges that shicmuon is willing to do whatever is necessary only to fight him, is very funny for some reason.
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Even here, the only reason why the king kicked shicmuon was to protect him, since rubymontes was going to attack him.
I know the king is gentle to humans, but I think it’s cute how nice he is to shicmuon.
Don’t be sorry for the ask! I love talking about my favorite characters, so it made me happy :D 
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blackhazefanblog · 3 years
Marquis Hadelio is as bright and shining as the sun.
Duke Artian is as elegant and graceful the moon.
Duchess Nuadly is as sharp and piercing as the star.
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blackhazefanblog · 3 years
If I could write any scene of my choosing into Black Haze, it would be this:
Marquis Hadelio and Duke Artian beat up Lispen.
“THIS IS FOR MY SON!” Duke Artian cries as he punches him with a right uppercut.
“THIS IS FOR MY DAUGHTER!” Marquis Hadelio yells as he punches him with a left uppercut.
“NOW WE WILL BEAT YOU UP TOGETHER!!” They both scream in union as they hit him with a double uppercut.
Since Lissy is a demon these don’t do him much actual damage, but being beaten up like this by humans is equal parts both unpleasant and humiliating. However, he is under renewed orders not to hurt humans (this time with strict supervision!) and is thus unable to defend himself against their barrage of punches and kicks. So he reaches his hand out to Rood pleadingly like all “DAD, HELP ME!” 
Rood just throws his shoe at him.
“SORRY! I hit the wrong guy last time, so I need to make up for it!~”
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blackhazefanblog · 3 years
Chevel Phon Hadelio: The son.
Janel Fontar Hadelio: The sun.
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blackhazefanblog · 3 years
Reblog if you think Marquis Hadelio is the best anime dad.
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blackhazefanblog · 3 years
Marquis: Why did you throw your shoe at Duke Artian’s eldest son?? Did you mistake him for a shoebox or something?
Me: No, sir. We mistook him for a trashcan.
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