#marcos Delmont
onmyyan · 2 months
Out of all of your yans who handles "fights" with his darling the best and who handles them the worst (I know all of them would rather eat nails than fight with their darling but let's say the subject is something that they take really seriously and couldn't just let slide, like their darling's safety/their darling is doing something really reckless)
I love this ask, in order from best to worst
Caspian is the best with fights because he never leaves them unresolved, he knows you so well, so deeply, he can tell exactly what's wrong with you, and knows exactly what to say to make you forget you were mad in the first place.
Ricky comes in a close second, the only reason he doesn't take first is because his stubborn ass takes a bit longer than Cas to start kissing your feet, no matter the subject of the fight he doesn't let either of you leave the house mad or go to sleep angry, he's an excellent communicator and even better listener.
Ashley comes in third, he can be a little hard-headed but genuinely does his best to understand, he knows he's a big, intimidating man so if he gets real angry he'll leave the house for a bit to avoid scaring you, when he comes back he looks like a kicked puppy, the subject of the fight forgotten completely, overwhelmed by the desire to be holding you again.
Gabe comes in fourth because he's a little dumb and can sometimes take a minute to realize he's done something to piss you off, once he realizes it game over, falls to his knees and spends all day making it right, he's genuinely sorry and you can feel it in the way he holds you, how he stares.
Marcos is second to last because his ego and pride often get in the way, he will eventually come around, if only to get you talking to him again, he thinks he's right all of the time, comes with the territory of being a Scorpio, and it's semi infuriating, but eventually he always comes crawling back with his tail between his legs, a large bouquet of your favorite flowers and a blunt to say he's sorry.
Manny is the worst to get into fights with because Manny is scary when he gets mad, it's never at you, but his anger and seething hatred for others has caused a few fights between you, and while his white hot rage wasn't directed at you directly, it scared you, to know he was capable of being so angry, so hateful, so he's down here for that reason of course he can't stay mad once he sees that fearful look on your face, he's quick to switch his anger off and coddle you, cooing and holding your face softly, apologizing between kisses
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stateofasphyxiation · 2 years
First time ko pumunta sa ganito pano kasi sa mismong botohan nabago yung gusto ko iboto. Si Lacson sana kaso sinunod ko kabog sa puso ko di ako nagsisi na VP Leni yung pinili ko. Sobrang saya kanina sa Ateneo from Frisco Delmonte nakabike ako papuntang Ateneo para man lang witness ko kung masaya ba. Tangina nakita ko yung mga tao ang friendly may mga nag-aabot ng pagkain, tubig. Nakakaiyak nung nagsalita si VP Leni as in naiyak ako. Sa kabila ng panggigipit sa kanya ni Dutae tumindig pa rin siya at tumulong sa mga tao kahit na iniipit yung budget para sa office niya. Tangina mo Duterte at Tangina mo Marcos
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autoplacer · 4 years
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Avda. Constitución 23, Móstoles. Metro Pradillo L12 Cercanías C5
  Con los conciertos de:
Con las colaboraciones de:
+ CONCURSO DE MAQUETAS AUTOPLACER 2020 (Apertura de convocatoria 28 de septiembre). + “AUTOPLACER/CONJETURAR” (Grupo de trabajo, noviembre).
  Vuelve Autoplacer con dos fechas de conciertos en la terraza del CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo con una edición muy especial adaptada a la nueva normalidad.
Autoplacer 2020 se desarrollará con todas las medidas higiénico-sanitarias marcadas por las autoridades para las actuaciones musicales en directo. Para ello el Festival pasará de celebrarse en las salas del interior del museo al espacio abierto de la terraza, donde un aforo reducido podrá disfrutar de diferentes conciertos manteniendo la distancia de seguridad.
Para garantizar la distancia social, la afluencia del público se gestionará a través de reservas en un formulario alojado en la web del museo a partir del 4 de septiembre (para la entrada del día 19) y del 11 de septiembre (para la entrada del día 26). Cada persona interesada podrá escoger un solo día para asistir hasta completar ambos aforos.
Además, esta edición de Autoplacer cuenta con una colaboración muy importante: la Red de Apoyo Mutuo de Móstoles, una organización vecinal e independiente, que trabaja desde la autogestión y la ayuda mutua entre iguales, y que cuenta con una despensa solidaria. El CA2M y la organización del festival insta a todos los asistentes a los conciertos a través del formulario de inscripción, así como a los grupos y colaboradores participantes, a realizar una aportación en la recogida de alimentos y artículos de primera necesidad que se organizará ambos días en la entrada del Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo.
Apertura de inscripciones: viernes 4 de septiembre.
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Ajuar es un proyecto de recuperación y reinterpretación de la jota leonesa y extremeña desde una perspectiva feminista. Ajuar son Ana, Corazón, una pandereta y un mortero.    
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Entrar en el universo de rebe no es solo entrar en su pop de habitación líquido y evanescente, analógico y de juguete, sensual y extra suave. Es también entrar en su estética vintage turbadora, en sus letras y su forma abreviada de escribir, en sus vídeos inexplicables. Todo ello hace que sea difícil hablar de rebe utilizando solo sus canciones.
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Morreo son Germán y Joseca, un dúo pop con raíces andaluzas afincado en Madrid. Tras el lanzamiento de su primer sencillo “Cluedo”, hace un año, están listos para presentar nuevas melodías con guitarra y juegos de voces, que bien podrían recordar a los mismísimos Brincos. 
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Grupo de Barcelona liderado por Marta Delmont y Marina Correa y su pésima gestión emocional, con Xiri Romaní a la batería y Rober Busquets a la guitarra, con un directo que dispara powerpop y garage con toques en plan realismo garrulo. Igual tú no sabes que perteneces al ministerio de las básicas, pero ellas sí.
Apertura de inscripciones: viernes 11 de septiembre. 
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Con una treintena de conciertos a sus espaldas Claire y Raúl conforman un dúo nada aséptico que se enfoca primordialmente en la exploración de ritmos a base de repeticiones al igual que en el desorden compositivo y estilístico. Con ellos no se puede hablar de ejercicios de estilo o de volcarse en un género en particular.
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Toda la obra de Tomeu Mulet alma mater de Polseguera tiene como denominador común la pérdida, que hace que la realidad que creíamos asentada huya de cualquier tipo de control. Su disco “Vida Grisa” es una naturaleza muerta creada a partir de una llaga emocional, la evocación de unos recuerdos que son bellos per se pero que ya no respiran: la juventud que queda atrás y abre paso a una rutina vacía de emociones, consiguiendo así un resultado frío pero que irradia humanidad.
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Los madrileños Somos la Herencia, uno de los secretos a voces mejor guardados del underground estatal, debutan con “Dolo”, un devocionario sonoro que está llamado a ser la BSO de una época. Con un sonido a medio camino entre la urgencia del post-punk, la electrónica contemporánea más experimental y la dark-wave más atmosférica se acercan a un marco tan minimalista desde el diseño sonoro como maximalista desde la abrasión punk. 
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Tras una primera época más o menos por el año 2000, Toys Sarasas retoman su actividad en 2009, después de asistir a una actuación de Sandra Montiel en Torremolinos. Sus influencias son las mejores travestis de Benidorm y Torremolinos y el más execrable crust, hardcore, gótico y metal extreme. Desde Disrupt pasando por Rocío Jurado, Cheb Bello, Napalm Death y los dos primeros de la Niña Pastori.
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La Red de Apoyo Mutuo de Móstoles es una red de solidaridad vecinal que se crea con el objetivo de construir barrios solidarios que pongan la mirada en la defensa de los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales básicos. La RAM no se limita a paliar de manera coyuntural los efectos de la crisis, sino que busca constituirse como una estructura permanente. Surge con vocación solidaria de apoyo mutuo con nuestras vecinas y nuestros vecinos que tengan tanto necesidades materiales (alimentación, suministros, vivienda...) como inmateriales (educación, sanidad, servicios sociales, acompañamiento...).
DISEÑO Daniel Puiggròs: www.danielpuiggros.net
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Con la colaboración de Cervezas Alhambra.
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elcorreografico · 2 years
Flavia Delmonte: “La autonomía municipal es una deuda de la Provincia”
#Politica #QuintaSección #BuenosAires #PBA | #FlaviaDelmonte: “La #autonomíamunicipal es una deuda de la Provincia”
La senadora provincial por la 5ª Sección electoral Flavia Delmonte (UCR) se refirió al proyecto que impulsan para dar mayor autonomía a los municipios.En diálogo con Picado Fino, por Radio Provincia, explicó que “la intención del proyecto es darle a los municipios un mayor grado de libertad para regular sus intereses locales”. En ese marco, puntualizó: “Consideramos que la autonomía municipal es…
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lifefactorymagazine · 4 years
CALIGOLA Regia Romina Delmonte Valerio Rosati
CALIGOLA Regia Romina Delmonte Valerio Rosati
Esclusivamente dal 9 al 12 gennaio 2020
Romina Delmonte
Valerio Rosati
Caligola Romina Delmonte
Cherea Valerio Rosati
Cesonia Isabella Ripoli
Elicone Francesco Bonaccorso
Scipione Emanuel Pascale
Muzio Stefano Pizzigallo
Moglie di Muzio Federica Santuccio
disegno luci
Paolo Fortini
Natalia Di Cosmo
Carolina Silvetti
Marco Scuderi
Una manciata di luce, una…
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rideordiebarcelona · 7 years
Primavera Sound en bicicleta: una manera diferente de disfrutar del Festival
Primavera Sound en bicicleta: una manera diferente de disfrutar del Festival
Festivales de Música de Barcelona 2017: Primavera Sound en bicicleta
Primavera Sound en bicicleta: la mejor solución para los amantes de la música electrónica!
Del 29 al 4 de junio, Barcelona acogerá uno de los más importantes festivales de música electrónica. ¡Estamos hablando del Primavera Sound! ¿Qué te parece alquilar una bicicleta con nosotros? Es la mejor manera de disfrutar del festival. Escaparás colas con el metro o el autobús, y podrías volver a casa en el momento en que te va mejor! Aquí algunos consejos para disfrutar del Primavera Sound en bicicleta. ¡Elije Ride or Die, el mejor alquiler de bicicletas de Barcelona!
Cómo reservar un aparcamiento para bicicletas
Algunos consejos útiles sobre las bicis:
Situado en el acceso al Parque del Fòrum. Servicio gratuito con vigilancia y asistencia técnica para pequeñas reparaciones. Los usuarios deben traer sus propias cerraduras.
Miércoles 31 de mayo de 17:00 a 00:00 h Jueves 1 de junio de 18:00 a 06:00 h Viernes 2 de junio de 18:00 a 06:00 h Sábado 3 de junio de 18:00 a 06:00 h
Todo el mundo en la ciudad sabe que disfrutar del Primavera Sound en bicicleta es la mejor solución! DejA en casa el estrés y la ansiedad, elige Ride or Die y déjanos trabajar para ti!
Line up
Lunes 29 Mayo: Jeremy Jay · The Wave Pictures
Martes 30 Mayo: Cigarettes After Sex · Les Sueques · Let´s Eat Grandma
Miercoles 31 Mayo: 7 Notas 7 Colores · Anímic · Elmini · Formation · Gordi · Kate Tempest · Local Natives · Marc Piñol · No Zu · Retirada! · Saint Etienne · The Wedding Present
Jueves 1 Junio: The Afghan Whigs · Alexandra Savior · Annette Peacock · Aphex Twin · Aries · Aurora Halal · BADBADNOTGOOD · Ben UFO · Bicep · The Black Angels · Bon Iver · Broken Social Scene · Converge · Cymbals Eat Guitars · The Damned · Death Grips · Discos Paradiso Crew · Elza Soares · Fatima Yamaha · Glass Animals · Gojira · Henrik Schwarz · Joy Orbison · Julia Jacklin · Kate Tempest · Kevin Morby · King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard · Kokoshca · Lord Of The Isles · Matrixxman · Miguel · Mishima · The Molochs · Moscoman live band · Nikki Lane · No Zu · Nots · Pearson Sound · Pender Street Steppers · Pinegrove · Romare · S U R V I V E · Skinny Puppy · Slayer · Solange · Soledad Vélez · Dj Tennis · This Is Not This Heat · Triángulo de Amor Bizarro · Tycho · Vox Low · Youandewan · The Zombies perform “Odessey & Oracle”. 50th Anniversary
Viernes 2 Junio: Abdulla Rashim · About Leaving · Âme live · Autarkic · Avalon Emerson · Belako · Berri Txarrak · Conttra · Descendents · Dixon · Flying Lotus · Frank Ocean · Front 242 · Grandaddy · The Growlers · HVOB · InnerCut · Iosonouncane · It´s Not Not · Kepa Junkera & Los Hermanos Cubero · King Sunny Adé · KiNK · Kornél Kovács · Mac DeMarco · The Magnetic Fields · The Make-Up · Màquina Total · Marie Davidson · Melange · Michael Mayer · Mitski · Noga Erez · Operators · Phurpa · Polar Inertia · Priests · Rebuig · Run The Jewels · Sampha · Shelby Grey · Shellac · Sinkane · Sleaford Mods · Slim Cessna’s Auto Club · Swans · Talaboman · Tuff City Kids · Vaadat Charigim · Wand · William Tyler · Whitney · The xx
Sabado 3 Junio: !!! (Chk Chk Chk) · Against Me! · Agorazein · Alex Cameron · Angel Olsen · Arcade Fire · CLUBZ · Dj Coco · Dave P. · Don´t Dj · Dj Dustin · El Petit De Cal Eril · Ferenc · Gas · Grace Jones · Hamilton Leithauser · Her Little Donkey · Huerco S. · Japandroids · Jardín de la Croix · JMII · Joey Purp · John Talabot Disco Set · Julie Doiron · Junun featuring Shye Ben Tzur & The Rajasthan Express · Kelly Lee Owens · Khidja · King Krule · Lady Wray · Lauer · Lvl Up · Les Cruet · The Magnetic Fields · Mannequin Pussy · Metronomy · Museless · Pedro Vian · Playback Maracas · Pond · Preoccupations · Recondite · Rosalía & Raül Refree “Los Ángeles” · Royal Trux · Salfumán · Sau Poler · Seu Jorge plays The Life Aquatic. A Tribute to David Bowie · Skepta · Sleep · Sorry Kate · Swet Shop Boys · Teenage Fanclub · Van Morrison · Vladimir Ivkovic · Weval · Weyes Blood · The Wheels · Wild Beasts · Young Marco
Domingo 4 Junio: !!! (Chk Chk Chk) · Alien Tango · Barbott · Dave P. · Japandroids · Julie Doiron · Lvl Up · The Make-Up · Mannequin Pussy · Maresme · Marta Delmont · Medalla · Muñeco · Murdoc · The Mystery Lights · Ocellot · Odina · PAVVLA · Shellac · Sleaford Mods · The Waterparties
La entrada Primavera Sound en bicicleta: una manera diferente de disfrutar del Festival aparece primero en RideOrDie.
http://rideordie.es/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/primavera-sound-by-bike-01.jpg admin http://rideordie.es/primavera-sound-by-bike-ride-or-die/
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onmyyan · 1 year
Can I get Delmont HC’s for when one of their ex flings or situationships try to get at the Delmont’s again and reader just gets sad instead of jealous ☹️
Oh this was so good my hands started typing before I could stop em!
A/N: Yandere, murder mentioned in Marcos, Manny kills someone,
Starting with OG lover boy, Cas takes your relationship very, very seriously.
Let's set the scene, the two of you are cuddled up at a work party of yours and a coworker you didn't really talk to much comes sauntering over with a smile far too friendly for your liking, it made a nasty feeling settle deep within your gut, something about her gaze lingering on the tall man by your side made you feel uncomfortable.
"Caspian? I haven't seen you in ages! How are you these days?" She'd ask completely ignoring your presence. Your eye flickered from the long legged woman to your now tense boyfriend. Caspian was almost always relaxed and happy with you, so you immediately clocked his off behavior.
"Hey Ana, been good." Was his simple, curt response, his hand moved from it's warm spot on your waist to his pant pocket, (He felt his temper instantly rise and couldn't risk hurting you so he moved his clenched fist to his pocket.) and you felt silly about it afterwards but in that moment, that small action felt like a rejection. The ugly feelings brewing in your stomach made the drink on your tongue turn bitter.
"You look amazing Cas, I see you kept up with our gym routine after all huh?" She giggled as if it was an inside joke between them, her body faced him, now closer than before, and you felt like a stranger intruding on something personal, all too quickly, you felt your throat tighten.
"It's so crazy running into you here, I was just thinking about how much fun we had together, we should go out for a drink later, maybe catch up?"
Caspian stared long and hard at the woman but your emotions were quickly spiraling out of control, you could feel your gut twist at the thought of him entertaining her, and before you could hear his response, you muttered out a barley audible "Excuse me." To the pair, quickly making your retreat to the nearest bathroom, thanking the universe that it was empty because no sooner than you closed the door did your bottom lip start to tremble.
Had you stayed you would have seen the downright murderous look on your boyfriend's face.
In his head he's trying to figure out the best way to turn her down without embarrassing you at your job, it's the only reason he doesn't notice your sudden mood shift.
He was trying to process the woman's audacity, a curt decline on the tip of his tongue, when you suddenly disappeared from his side. In an instant panic, he not so subtly shoves his way past the woman to where he thinks you went.
He uses the tracker on your phone to track you down to the bathroom and fully intended on waiting by the door until you came out, but then he heard the sound he hated most in the world, you sniffling.
Bursts in the door like there's a fire, not caring about anything but getting to you, checking you over. He ignores your gasp and hushed whispers to get out before he got in trouble, and cradles your wet face between his big hands.
"What's wrong Honey? How can I help?" He's staring at you with those big red eyes, brows furrowed in concern, and you can't help the tearful giggle you let out at his behavior.
"It's stupid-"
"If it made my baby cry it's far from stupid." He corrects immediately, thumbs wiping at any stray tears left.
"That woman- the way she spoke to you. I just, I hated how that made me feel and I don't know- I'm sorry, we can just go back to the party okay?" You turn from him to face the mirror and in an attempt to brush past what you considered an embarrassing moment, begin wiping at the smeared mascara on your eyes.
He smacks his teeth at his own idiocy, he hadn't even considered how that stupid wench made you feel in the moment, god what must be running through your mind, he couldn't imagine an ex of yours trying to ask you out in front of him, the guilt swells immediately, he wanted to run back out there and throw that harlot down the stairs for making your pretty face fall the way it had.
Instead he made his way to the bathroom door and clicked the lock in place, you turned to face him but your questions died on your tongue as he made his way towards you with that particular dark look in his eye.
"Forgive me, my love. I didn't mean to make you upset, I just didn't wanna make a scene at your job." He says casually falling to his knees before you, his hands trailing up your calves, to your thighs, finally settling on the thin fabric of your underwear, he stared up from between your legs with the softest look on his face.
"Let me make it up to you Honey."
Gabe has a much more explosive reaction
You two are at the gym, Gabe was sweating and sitting there all gorgeous and shit, he's making sure you watch as he lifts, his veins bulging in his arms as he winks at you. "Be my spotter baby I need my motivation." He grits out with that wolfish smile stretched across his flushed face.
You weren't nearly as athletic as the man and sometimes it felt as if you didn't belong in the gym, but he was quick to snuff out these thoughts, swearing up and down he preformed better on his sets when you were watching, that he needed you by his side even if you weren't working out as well.
He not only wants you around because he can't get enough of you, but he also really wants you to see him be hot, unfortunately that meant everyone at the gym got to see it too.
"I'll be right back baby, gonna go grab you a water." You smile at his immediate pout, the grabby hands he makes as he demands a goodbye kiss, even though you'd only be gone a few moments, but that's all the time the blonde woman stalking up to him needs.
The stranger to you was an old fling of Gabe's, he barely recognized her when she invited herself to his personal space like she was allowed, the only reason he didn't immediately brush her off was because she said his name, he was confused as she neared him, her smile too wide to be genuine.
the blue haired giant was the best sex of her life and despite the fact that she saw his blatant affection for you, she made her move anyway.
You came back to quite the sight, Gabe sat stiffly on the machine he was at, his elbows on his knees as he stared up at the blonde beside him, his face set in that sinfully attractive hardened stare,
The woman currently leaning too close for comfort on his machine looked like someone out of a fitness magazine, she was fit, completely toned and gorgeous, you couldn't help the twinge of discomfort at how close they were, how they looked like the perfect couple.
You neared them awkwardly as her back was to you and heard her say, "It's been too long Gabriel, I miss you, god your body is still insane, what are your benching now 250? 300. You could definitely still toss me around the bed." Her tone was dripping in flirtation, she dragged a finger up the pole of the machine he sat on, leaning down to press her chest together.
Before you could think about turning away from the upsetting sight, Gabe abruptly stood up, his glare dead set on the woman, his eyes flickered to you, immediately clocking the way your shoulders shrunk in, how you seemed to deflate at the situation, he could practically read your mind, knowing how easily your brain went to the worst places, he felt his temper skyrocket at the mere idea of you being upset by this nobody.
"Baby! I think we should end this early yeah? I got a better idea for a workout that involves you, me, and my backseat." He says almost whining as he throws his sweaty body all over you, his arms holding you tight against his body as he kissed the top of your head, rocking into the hug.
"This place just let's anybody in, we should switch to a new gym." His glare turned to the woman, if looks could kill she'd be on the ground. "C'mon ma, let's go before I get belligerent."
Ricky fully ignores the interaction lmao it's so rude
You'd come to the Auto shop with a homemade lunch for your sweet Ricky as he forgot to pack his own and called you to bring him one (he definitely did this on purpose just to see you at work)
You enter the shop and start to head straight to the back before being stopped by a manicured hand snapping in your face rather rudely.
"Hi ma'am, you can't just walk in here, you have to make an appointment." The woman behind the receptionist desk was new, you'd never seen her in here before, she was practically sneering at you, her plastic, customer service smile held no warmth as she tapped her nail against the sign in sheet impatiently.
You laughed instinctually at the tense situation, trying to dispell the awkwardness, you didn't understand her hostility, "Oh my boyfriend works here, he's expecting me." You say offering her a friendly smile, trying to smooth over any unpleasantness.
"Well I'm going to need some identification." She says matter of factly, her body now blocking your path. "uh no?" You said not wanting the stranger to see your information, you'd come to the shop hundreds of times now, everyone knew who you were, everyone but this woman it seems.
She scoffed at your refusal her voice raising in anger as she glared at you, "If you don't cooperate I'll have to call security." She threatened not knowing how deep she was digging her grave.
"My love? What's going on." Ricky's deep, baritone voice suddenly called out from around the corner, he thought it was odd you hadn't appeared yet as his tracker app said you'd arrived at his work minutes ago, it wasn't like you to delay so he listened to his gut and went outside seeing you being harassed by the new receptionist.
His blood pressure rises instantly and he has to fight to keep his hands from yanking her away from you.
He'd only signed off on her hiring because he knew she was infatuated with him, they hooked up once a few years ago and she would do anything to have it happen again, of course Ricky had no intention of fulfilling her desires, he just needed someone he knew would keep their mouth shut if they happened to see/notice something funky with the shop.
But her value immediately diminishes the second she gets in your way, his glare could melt glass as he tells her a simple, but aggressive, "Move." He holds his arms out to you and when you curl into his touch he makes a point to kiss your temple, his focus completely on you. "Are you alright love? What was she doing?" He asks tenderly rubbing your face. The receptionist opens her mouth to respond but Ricky shuts her up with a single raised hand, "She was just asking for my ID, I brought your lunch!" You say excitedly, his gaze grows warm at the adorable sight before he turns to the woman, his eyes dead, his aura dark and imposing.
"Clean out your desk immediately, I want you out of my shop before I come back out here." His tone left no room for argument, almost threatening as he places a hand in the small of your back, gently leading you away. "You didn't need to do that for me-" he cuts you off with an intense, breath stealing kiss, "Of course I did, no one interrupts our time together."
Marcos had always been afraid of his promiscuous past coming back to haunt him, and his violent reaction to this shows.
The two of you had been at a club for a while now, both proper sloshed and sweating, hours of grinding on each other to every song that came on the thumping speakers, he's in heaven with his arms around your waist, his nose buried in your neck as he mouths needy kisses up and down your throat.
You motion towards the bar, your drunk body demanding more alcohol and he begins leading you towards it, his hands never leaving your body.
He all but pushes a guy out of his seat so you can rest there while he gets the bartenders attention. He freezes when the woman turns around. The bartender shoots him a knowing, flirty grin, leans over close and yells over the pounding music, "Hey Marcos baby, you come back for more? I can take my break right now if that's the case."
His eyes flicker to you and his heart stutters at the sad look on your face, be it the copious amounts of liquor you had in your body or how just how gorgeous the woman hitting on him was, you feel your spirits drop, your mind tortured you with images of them together, of him with another, and the insecurities bubble up faster than you can handle, "scuse' me." You drunkenly mutter clasping a hand over your mouth, your stomach felt queasy all of a sudden and you all but ran to the bathroom on shakey legs.
Marcos is seeing red, his mind panicking as he watches you retreat to the bathroom he feels sick himself at the thought of you leaving him, the fear that you may be comparing yourself to such a nothing person, the terrifying thought of this insignificant person making you see him different, it had his chest heaving in a barley concealed rage.
He fixes his burning stare on the bartender, his eyes holding pure malice as he holds himself back from pressing his thumbs into her eyes and slamming her into the bar until it broke.
He says nothing to her, his eyes making her so uneasy she baked away slightly, his mouth felt dry as he pushes and bullies his way past the crowd to barge into the bathroom where he finds you curled around the toilet, he's falling to his knees beside you in an instant, he keeps your hair from your face, a soothing hand on your back as you empty your stomach.
His words are soft and encouraging as he helps you to your feet, uncaring about his expensive clothes being dirtied, uncaring of how messy you look, his eyes are full of love, even a bit teary as he helps you to the sink, as you wash your mouth out he's wetting a paper towel and dabbing the cold cloth to your burning neck, "Oh baby, my sweet girl are you okay? I'm so sorry, come here let me see you."
The moment sobers him entirely, he's calling a deluxe Uber to pick you both up and sending a message to his twin about the bartender, he wanted the bitch dead for even momentarily causing you to frown, he's holding your swaying form against him protectively as he waits for the car, his mind swirling with thoughts of violence and revenge, how dare that waste of air upset you so much? The crime would be repaid in blood.
Manny has the most volatile reaction.
The two of you are a late night, semi exclusive car show, Manny loved watching the races, he stopped racing in them the second you said you worried for his safety but his love for the adrenaline filled sport remained, the classic cars were beautiful and he always smiled so brightly when you indulged his more risky interests.
He loved pointing out the racers he liked or hated, his favorite cars and why, sharing this with you was one of his favorite ways to pass time. You always looked so beautiful under the neon lights, the smell of gasoline in the air.
It's rare for him to leave your side when you're out and about so this happens in front of you, the two of you are cuddled up together, sat comfortably on the hood of his car, his arms around you as you leaned back into his chest, when a woman in leather saunters up to his car.
"Hey Manny, long time no see pretty boy." The woman coo's from her position, her eyes drinking him in, blatantly ignoring your existence.
"Yeah." Is Manny's only response, his grip on your hips tightening before he moves from holding you against him to stepping in front of you, keeping his body between you and what he felt was a threat.
His hair moved everytime a car whizzed by him, but he didn't flinch, his cold eyes trained on the woman from his past.
His voice was clearly irritated, tone leaving no room for friendly interpretation, and yet she persisted, taking a step closer to the tall man who had begun to clench his fists, his body trembling in unfiltered rage.
"You wanna' take another ride? This time if I win, I get my prize up front." Her tone was clear, her implication made more lewd as she looked him up and down.
"Don't talk to me like you know me. Don't talk to me like you're somebody." His voice was dripping venom as he spoke, and if he wasn't furious before, the sad, almost deflated look on your face at her comments made him see red.
The crowds of people were so thick and intense, the loud sounds of the revving engines and screaming spectators only added to his slip of control.
"Relax Manny baby! I'm just teasing you." She puts her hand on his chest and before you could blink the woman's body is flying out towards the road where a car smacks into her with a sick crunch, her limp body is dragged as the car speeds along, unaware of the carnage it caused, screams and shouts of horror come from all around you, people beginning to panic as Manny turns around, all malice gone from his face as he lifts you off the car and ushers you to the passenger seat without a word. "Time to go!" He all but sings as he peels out of the parking lot.
"Holy shit are you okay?" You asked him turning back to stare as the horrifying scene grew farther and farther from his rearview mirror. He placed a shaky hand on your thigh to calm himself as he spoke, "I'm okay baby girl, are you? I'm so so sorry you had to see that." He says, his only guilt came from your date night being cut short.
"Don't be sorry baby, no one could have known that would happen Jesus Christ." You put a hand to your chest trying to ease the fierce beat, he grabbed your free hand, bringing the back of your palm to his lips for a sweet kiss, his eyes crinkling in joy at the thought of her now crumpled body.
"Yeah, accidents happen."
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onmyyan · 1 year
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A/N: Mariah Carey voice* ITS TIIIIME Smut will be in part three and I hope y’all enjoy!!! 17.1 pages, 6,340 words NOT EDITED
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If someone told you a week ago that your childhood best friends were planning some huge conspiracy to kidnap you, You'd of laughed in their faces.
After all, your boys couldn't be capable of something like that.
Sure they were a little more intense than the average person, but that's just how they've always been!
Growing up as the next-door neighbor to the Delmont Family used to be something you'd take great joy in, you would thank the stars you'd gotten lucky enough to be in their presence, how insanely loving they were to you from the second you entered their lives.
The family had taken you in more times than you could remember, whenever your parents fell through- be it picking you up from school hours late or forgetting to leave food money when they left you home alone, you were forced to care for yourself way too young and it didn't go unnoticed by the Delmont's.
Caspian recalls the day he'd first seen you vividly. He was twelve years old at the time and had just gotten into a rather nasty fight with his old man, he'd sulked his way outside to his small garden bed of herbs and veggies, the tiny oasis was a birthday gift from his mother last year, anytime life got too hard for the young boy he found himself kneeling in the dirt, and it's here he spots you.
Your small form sat idly in front of the T.V., a large blanket draped over your shoulders, he was confused, it was early in the day, why were you all alone? He checked your front yard to confirm his suspensions and it only made him sadder to see your parent's car's missing from the driveway.
He watched as you numbly munched on some dry cereal, but what really caught his eye were the tears running down your chubby cheeks, his chest began to ache at the sight, you couldn't have been much older than his youngest brothers, and be it his older brother instincts or the way you looked so sad, he was soon in the kitchen, furiously gathering all he needed to bake his mama's special cookies, the treats always managed to cheer him up, so he hoped they'd do the same for you.
When his mother came down to see her oldest baking as he'd never done before, she asked what the rush was. "I think our neighbor is sad mama- she looks all alone I just thought your cookies would make her feel better." His eyebrows were furrowed in the cutest form of frustration, she mentally cooed over him, how sweet he was, before beginning to wash her hands.
"Well, we better hurry up and give em' to her then." With the two working in tandem, he was bouncing on the balls of his feet outside your door in no time, the plate of warm treats made his hands hot, but he needed to be the one to give these to you. He wanted you to know you had someone in your corner.
His mother knocked on the door, her face twisting as she realized you were truly by yourself. The small pitter-patter of bare feet came closer before the door was swung open.
"Mama's not home." Was the first thing you said as if practiced. Both Delmonts felt their heart clench at the sight of you, you had bags under your eyes, your hair was messy as if you'd done it yourself, and the crumbs from something stuck haphazardly to the sweater you had on.
"Hi Honey, my name is Carla Delmont, I live right there with my family, this is my son Caspian- say hi mijo."
The awestruck boy shook himself from his stupor and thrust the plate forward. "Hi, there! Um. I-we made these for you." You stared at him with that blank look in your eye, at his words warmth seemed to pool into your gaze, the soft gapped tooth smile you gave him had his heart hammering in his chest, gently your small hands reached out to grab it, fingers touching his for a split second, but that's all it took for a bolt to shoot up his arm.
"Thank you! I'm (Y/N), we were supposed to come over and say hi when we moved in but I think mommy forgot."
She didn't want to assume something so harsh so early, but based on the way you looked and spoke, she couldn't help the sinking feeling that said your parents weren't the greatest at caring for you.
"Well how about this, when she gets home tonight you two come over for dinner hm?" Caspian had this hopeful look on his face as if urging you to say agree.
"Sure! I um, I dunno when she's coming home but that sounds fun." Your eyes lost a bit of twinkle at the thought, the older woman leaned down to put her hand on your shoulder, "Well if you get hungry before then come over. I'll even call your mom so she doesn't get worried okay?"
And that's exactly what you did anytime your parents went MIA, they knew they could find you next door.
A few hours later the matriarch heard the smallest knock at the door. She opened it with a warmth you weren't used to, ushering you inside before you could change your mind, she could see how nervous you were.
"Gabriel! Tell your brother to set another plate, we have a guest." The tall red-haired boy seemed to perk up at the request of his mother, nodding so fast you're sure he got whiplash, he took off, not before shooting you a big toothy grin, and soon returned red-faced and out of breath.
"Hi! I'm Gabriel but you can call me Gabe- do you like dogs? We have a dog, her name is Sophie, she's a pitbull and we had to put her outside cuz she bit Father. I thought it was pretty funny but he didn't." He rambled bouncing from either foot.
"Hi, Gabe- I'm (Y/n)." Despite baby, you's poor social skills Gabe didn't skip a beat as he stuck out his hand, grabbing your own in a gentle grip "Can we go play Mama?" The older woman sighed gently brushing fly-away curls from her second oldest's face.
"Yes mijo, just don't let (Y/n) get hurt okay? You boys can be so rough I don't want a single scratch on her understand?" He suddenly looked as serious as he could, nodding sternly to his mother, "Pinkie swear." She had no idea just how long he'd keep that promise.
And just what lengths he'd go to to do so.
He led the way through their comforting home with a gentle grip, careful not to hurt your smaller hand. The second the twins caught sight of you they abandoned whatever they were doing, tripping over themselves to say hello.
The twins looked nearly identical, the only way you could tell the two apart is if you really looked at Manny, the smaller boy had the prettiest eyes you'd ever seen, when you told him this he had to pull his shirt over his face to hide the red hot blush on his cheeks.
Marcos was so excited to meet a new friend, and his age no less! He spent the whole time outside asking you questions and trying to show off, the quiet boy sitting on the porch swing gave you a simple smile, introducing himself as Ricky, "I like your hair! It's so long and pretty!" You gushed over the long locks, he turned cherry red and decided then and there he'd never cut it short.
Time flew by in the sweetest moments, and before you knew it you were about to start High school.
About a week before the mandatory orientation you and the twins were set to attend, the parental unit sat you down in their living room, it felt odd being summoned without any of the boys, it didn't occur to you until that moment that you've never been in their home without one or more of them lingering around you, so to say you felt out of place was an understatement.
The way their Father was staring you down only added to your stress, but then again you learned long ago he just looked like he wanted to murder everyone in the room, he was quite sweet to you, often treating you like the daughter he never had,
"Am I in trouble?" You asked with a nervous laugh, hands wringing themselves ragged under the table.
"Of course not Hun! We were just talking about how you spend so much time here and how you're always bouncing back and forth." Carla sat down at the table to lay her hand palm side up, her silent request was met by you giving her your own, she began rubbing calming circles into the skin, trying to pacify your unease.
The effect of your absence on the boys, no matter how short of a duration, was becoming more and more volatile. Manny had begun acting out the longer you spent out of his reach, he'd be in such a foul mood he'd start snapping at his twin, a feat that unnerved everyone in the house because if Manny was mad enough to actually raise his voice at Marcos, something was very wrong in the universe.
Anytime you were not under the watchful gaze of one of her sons they seemed to deflate, curl into themselves. The clouds hanging over each of their heads, made the whole house feel like a ticking time bomb, she wasn't a dumb woman, she knew exactly who her husband was and exactly how alike her children were.
They were all so loving and kind, most of society couldn't understand the deep, raw, brutally honest way they felt their feelings, but she could, she knew what her sons needed to keep their heads on straight.
It seemed like the most rational course of action to the older woman, the way their heavy mood would instantly dissipate whenever your presence was near, plus she adored you like one of her own.
"We want you to move in you're practically my daughter already and it just is so lovely having you home, where we know you're safe." You felt your eyes widen at the statement, a million things ran through your mind but the strongest feeling was this warmth, your eyes begin to water, opening and closing your mouth in shock at the generous offer, "Oh god- that's the nicest thing anyone's ever offered me but- I don't know how long it'll take me to get a job-" the older woman's usually soft features soured at the words, "What job? You're just a child, don't worry your pretty head about any of that. Besides you stay here so often that nothing would really change." She looked to her husband to continue.
Their father wasn't much of a talker but whenever he did speak to you it was always awkwardly pleasant. "Before you start with that crap- it's nothing and you're already family so quit the yappin' and move your shit in your room already."
Your parents put up a bit of a fight but ultimately relented, knowing you were never as happy as you were when with the Delmonts.
That decision was what truly sealed your fate.
As you grew up alongside them, their toxic behavior seemed like the norm.
As if it was normal for the brothers to be the only friends you had, Marcos isn't proud of it but he'd use his popularity to slander your name, start a rumor here and there- nothing too bad! Just enough lies to keep the general population uninterested in you, if anyone ever dared to hurt you in any way because of these actions they'd be stopped before they got the chance.
In Marco's mind, it was a flawless plan because neither he nor his twin would let anything close enough to even touch you, they never left your side, going so far as to threaten the principal into giving you all the same classes, he was happy to keep lying if it meant you only looked to them for comfort.
It seemed perfectly fine for Ricky to stop you one day and ask you to install a tracking app on your phone, "You never know what kinda' psychos you're dealing with, at least with this I'll always know where you are- just in case." He spoke so confidently and so surely, you never questioned him, Ricky was the smartest person you knew, and he was always watching your back in ways you didn't even know you needed.
Gabe had this habit where he'd hover, like a guard dog, no matter how old you got he never grew out of his habit of looming over your shoulder, ready and waiting for a threat so he could sink his teeth into it, but their grip wasn't always as tight as it was today.
Before the unanimous decision to keep you to themselves, you'd managed to get a crush on some lowlife boy in your class, he'd gotten wind of your feelings and he thought it be funny to ask you out as some kind of cruel joke when you'd inevitably found out, you'd rushed home after school, not having it in you to wait for the twins like always, you felt too embarrassed to face them. Thankfully Gabe had football practice and Caspian had his cooking club, and you knew Ricky went straight to the shop after school so you managed to sneak into the house, undetected.
That is where mama Delmont found you a good two hours later, the boys still weren't home, and she thanked god because when she caught sight of your still sobbing form, buried face first in your pillow, the silent cries soaking into the fabric.
You were all but inconsolable, weeping into her arms as she tried in vain to soothe you. Had you looked up you would have seen the fear on her face. Because she knew something awful would come of this.
It didn't take long for the tale-tell the sound of their front door slamming shut. She heard a distinct set of footsteps running towards the (h/c) haired girl's room. She quickly stood to her feet and intercepted the two troublemakers before they could enter.
"Is she here? She left before us." Manny looked frantic, wide eyes darting from the door behind his mother to his twin. "That isn't like her, sum' wrong I just know it." Marcos placed a comforting hand on his younger brother's shoulder. "What happened Ma?"
She managed to get a few words out of you that summed up the situation. "Some stupid boy hurt her feelings. I think she's feeling a little embarrassed so maybe-" before she could finish Manny's hand gently moved her aside before slinking into your room, Marcos followed after only seconds behind him.
They spent a good hour coaxing the full story from you, sandwiching your sniffling body between them in a bear hug from both sides.
After the older brothers all got home, Marcos took the initiative to fill them in, mostly because Manny refused to leave your side, and Gabe had to leave the room because he needed to hit something, bad.
He was quiet as a ghost that night at dinner, in fact, most of the boys were, as your disheartened face was all too fresh in their minds. Caspian gave Gabe a look before he went to bed, a silent conversation taking place between the two.
In the dead of night Gabe snuck out his window and took off like a bloodhound, it took little to no effort to get the kid's full name from the school's website, and he soon after found his address.
He waited in the shadows, hood pulled up, the facemask he wore concealed the snarl on his face, the baseball cap shrouding his poisonous glare.
Gabe's ruby eyes were like slits as he waited, silent and still as a statue. His all-black outfit blended him seamlessly into the darkness, he forced his trembling hands to remain by his side, feeling himself vibrate in his skin, the rage bubbling under the surface threatening to pour over and consume him, but he made himself be still.
His efforts in self-control were rewarded as the teen who'd made the fatal mistake of breaking your heart walked out his backdoor with a trash bag in hand. He dragged his feet towards the can without a care in the world. Unknowingly delivering himself to his end.
Before he could lift the lid his neck was grabbed in a vice-like grip, Gabe yanked him into the bushes, dragging the scrawny guy by his throat he finally stopped once he found something hard enough to slam him into.
The surprised yelp that left his mouth brought a small sliver of joy to Gabe.
But not nearly as much joy as it brought to knock his skull against the concrete, his hand was so big he only needed one to do it.
He'd only gone out that night with the intention of roughing him up, making him pay for your tears with his blood, but the longer he wailed on the sputtering male, the angrier he got.
"Fucking piece of shit!- you got some kinda' nerve!" He stopped his assault to bring the bloodied face closer to his own. "You fuck with her feelings like that and expect to just walk away?"
To be blessed with your love, to reject it so coldly? The venomous mix of jealousy and anger had him repeating the violent motion until the other male's face turned to unrecognizable mush.
When he made it home, after dumping the body in its own garbage can, of course, Ricky and Caspian were up waiting for him in his room.
"You do it?" The youngest of the three asked chewing his thumb, eyes flickering to and from the door as if he expected his parents to burst in, while Caspian handed Gabe a warm towel, knowing he'd come home covered in gore.
The proud smile on his face was all the reassurance Gabe needed.
"I had to." Gabe began wiping at his soaking hands, the pride in defending your honor had the adrenaline pumping. Ricky gave his older brother a small smile, nodding to himself, "Course you did big guy- c'mon get clean then meet us in the garage."
After tossing his blood-soaked garments in a bag to deal with later, he joined his brothers downstairs. They kept the lights off in order not to arouse suspicion.
"Ricky has an idea," Caspian said as soon as Gabe entered, he was leaning against his father's car, a hand toying with his bottom lip, a look of contemplation.
Ricky made a point to look across each of his siblings before starting.
"We can't let what happened today happen again." The long-haired man spoke leaning on the red workbench with his knuckles.
"She sees the best in everyone which means it falls to us to keep the scum of the world at bay."
"Look what happened when we didn't have our eye on her for one second, she still up there crying, and if we don't do somethin' now we're just as bad as the piece of shit who made her like that." He watched the way each of their faces scrunched in displeasure.
"It's gone on unspoken for years but since we all clearly care about her we need to come to an agreement, here and now."
Their silence told him to continue, "We all want her, and we can either kill each other about it or we can come to a compromise."
"What kind of compromise?" Marcos asked from his seat on the washing machine. His smirk told Ricky he knew exactly what he was talking about.
"We share. Simple."
"Agreed- I know nobody but us would love her the way she deserves, seems rational t'me." Caspian spoke up quickly, making his way to Ricky's side, clapping a supporting hand on the younger man's shoulder.
"What if I-someone gets jealous?" Manny asked toying with the fabric of his sleeves, his eyes darting from sibling to sibling. "Then we talk about it- the only way this works is if the communication is on point. You feel like someone's hoggin' her, tell us okay?" Ricky spoke softly, despite the pain in his ass Manny was on a daily, he had a soft spot for the guy.
"We gotta' make it official! Ooh, what about a blood pact!" Marcos jumped off the machine, wildly gesturing with his hands.
"You dumb fuck we already share the same blood." Ricky rolled his eyes so hard he swore he saw his brain, Gabe snickered at the jab, throwing his obnoxiously large arm over the smaller man's shoulder. "C'mon Rick, baby boy just wants to make it official- let the little weirdo do his blood thing."
From that night on, after a quick cut to each of their palms, they were sworn to you.
Ricky had made it abundantly clear they couldn't move too fast or you'd freak out, so they wait it out, slowly prepping you for the day when they can finally stop hiding their devotion.
But they're not all that good at hiding it, it slipped out in lots of little ways.
Caspian always had you eating, he made a point to make little snack bags for you before school each morning, even if he didn't go to school that day he'd made sure one of his siblings got you your treat, and he left little encouraging notes in each one. The side you didn't get to see was how he intercepted every love note and gift that wasn't from him or his brothers, ripping and tearing at the items like an animal. Only to replace them with his own. Anonymous of course.
The Twins did a pretty good job keeping everyone else away since they were around you the most, one would distract you while the other beat the shit out of anyone who even thought to cause you problems.
By the time of your 22nd birthday, you'd long since moved into your own place, a place they helped you pick out of course, not too far from each of them, Caspian made sure to install some cameras the day he helped you move in.
They'd each fallen so deep into their obsession, there was no hope for you.
But you were none the wiser.
After all, why would you expect any of them to harbor romantic feelings when you've known them nearly all your life? When they treated you like their own family?
Marcos was a lover by nature, he had a different hottie on his arm faster than you could count, it seemed like before you could ask their name he'd replace them. And this was completely on purpose.
He was so terribly afraid you'd see through him, catch on to the truly dark, ever-growing feelings, and turn tail, he made a point to discuss his late-night adventures with you always hanging off your reaction, hoping one day he'd see a flicker of jealousy in your eye, just so he had an excuse to tell you what he so desperately hid.
You have no idea he's imagining your face every time he's intimate with someone, how his dates always had some sort of echo of your being, be it (e/c) eyes or the same haircut, he sought you out in everyone.
Cas and Gabe always tried to take care of you, be it making sure you ate that day or walking on the street side of the sidewalk just in case, they'd been doing these little things for as long as you can remember, the almost possessive way they cared for you had gone on so long you no longer batted an eye when they got in one of their moods, you just assumed that brotherly instinct to provide carried over to adulthood.
You were completely unaware of the darkness in their hearts.
Ricky confided in you much like the way a husband would, he made a point to fall asleep with you whenever he got the chance, he liked to imagine you were his, enjoying the domestic way you snuggled into him, or how you always went to him to unwind from your day, it fueled his deepening obsession.
He often has you over, tucked away in his room, just having you close by relaxes him completely. Funny considering all you do is just exist in the same space and suddenly his migraine is gone and he smiles for the first time that day, you just think you're being a good friend, but to Ricky, you're giving him a space to safely bare his soul and he doesn't take this kindness lightly.
Manny is your self-proclaimed best friend, he spoke to you the most and was at your place so often he had a drawer just for his clothes. He believes the two of you are not only soulmates but twin flames.
The way you sync up is too perfect to not be a love destined for the stars!
It was one of those days where he was lounging around your place like a house cat, sprawled out on your bed, head fuzzy from being surrounded by your heavenly scent. The grin on his face only grew at the sight of your towel-clad form, you were so comfortable around him this was normal, but he never got used to being so fucking close to you like this, he could see the sporadic beads of water falling down the crevice of your chest. His throat tightened as he watched the droplet fall. His tongue flicking out over his canines, his ring-clad fingers gripped the cotton of your sheets in an attempt to calm down.
The sight had him turning to lay on his stomach, in an attempt to hide his growing hard-on, he pretended to be scrolling on his phone, eyes frantically flicking from your goddess-like form. "Sorry- didn't know you were coming over or I woulda' showered sooner, you don't mind if I get ready right?"
Manny swallowed dryly, not trusting his voice at the moment.
"Mmhm" His bright orange eyes never left your form as you shimmied your underwear on under the towel. You were talking but all the blood from his head was rushing south, so he didn't catch a word until you said,
"-date, I mean I've never been on a real one so I'm nervous ya know? I almost called Marcos up to ask for advice but he'd never let me live it down." You giggled to yourself slipping on the lace bra. Meanwhile, his mind was melting. How could you drop such a bomb on him at a time like this?! he was torn between kissing you and bursting into tears.
"W-uh, date? like with a person?" he tried to keep his tone light, but he could feel himself beginning to unravel at the seams. His hands anxiously wringing themselves in his lap. He'd sat up the second he heard the word date come out of your mouth. His shoulders tense as if he were about to pounce.
"Yeah, you know that cute guy from the cafe we go to? He wrote his number on my receipt yesterday and I dunno," You paused to brush a few stray strands away, "I just guess I thought 'god (y/n) you're a twenty-two-year-old virgin and if you keep being the hermit you are, that will never change'." you said slipping on a knit sweater, "Just feels kinda nice to be wanted you know?" You offered a shrug as you began browsing your clothes for bottoms that satisfied you, completely unaware of the total mental breakdown your bestie was having on your bed.
He made up some half-baked excuse to leave and all but ran to his car. He could hardly close the door from how blurred his vision was, hot, salty tears cascading down his face, his cheeks flushed in unfiltered frustration, You wanted to feel desired? God, he could wring Ricky's neck right now, if Manny had it his way you'd have been theirs ages ago, but nooo, Ricky said to play it cool- now look what happened, he could hardly breathe as he hit his speed dial.
"Yo-" Marcos was interrupted by the loud sob from his younger brother, he immediately brushed the person off his lap and made his way outside, face set in stone, knowing his twin he figured it could be anything that set him off.
"Ya gotta breathe little man- y'know I can't understand you when you get like this." he sighed through his nose, his index and thumb fingers gently massaging the bridge of his nose.
"SHE'S GOING ON A- A DATEEE." Now that Marcos could understand, his eyes widened as he laughed to himself in disbelief.
"No she's not." he shook his head, an empty smile on his face, as he kept waiting for the 'gotcha'
"She is! I-I was at her h-house and she," he cut himself off with another whimper, Marcos, feeling his blood pressure reach a dangerous new high forced his tone to be as calm as he could, "What even- How is that even possible? We're with her 24/7, how in the fuck-" he scoffed cutting himself off. "Look where are you? I'll come with Cas, he'll get your car while you ride back with me and tell me exactly what she said." Manny gave him a shakey 'okay' before sending his location. 
It wasn't rare for all the Delmont boys to be together in one room, in fact, they had weekly meetings just to talk about everything cute you did that week.
This was different.
The air in the room felt dark. Like all their negative emotions had festered into a poison.
Ricky had called them all to his home office since his place was the biggest.
He was the last to arrive as he'd been hard at work in his father's shop- he dropped everything the second he got Caspian's call. Gabe sat in his desk chair, he flipped a pen back and forth between his fingers, the dark look in his eye meant nothing but trouble if Ricky didn't fix this soon. The twins were huddled on the couch he'd put in just so you had somewhere comfy to be when you visited. Marcos had a lit joint between his teeth, his right leg shaking rather aggressively, he made sure to look Ricky in the eye before ashing it on his previously clean floor.
Manny wouldn't even look at him when he entered, so he knew he was pissed.
Caspian was the only one to properly greet him, but even he could see the horrid mood he hid just under the surface.
After a moment of tense silence, Ricky exhaled sharply through his nose.
"Okay I'll say it, I fucked up." his admission of guilt broke Caspian's foul mood immediately, he knew his brother well enough to know pushing you into some random nobody's arms was the very last thing he wanted. The taller man moved closer to rub Ricky's back affectionately.
"We know you were just doing what you thought was best right guys?" It was rare for Caspian to use his 'Big Brother' voice on them so they knew he was serious. Manny's glare had turned into a small pout, finally looking at his older brother.
"What now Ricky? We do everything you say no question, no matter how many times I wanted to just take her in my arms and hold her the way she deserves- you said not yet." He pointed his finger at the older man, "Well now she's on a date with some fuckin' loser and she has no idea how we feel." Manny had stood during his rant, beginning to pace the room, his hands on his hips. "I know bud, look I thought we'd scare her off but clearly I was wrong." He flicked his tongue against his cheek. 
Ricky made his way to his desk, not so gently pushing Gabe and the chair he occupied out of the way. After a few moments under the watchful eye of his kin, he flipped the computer monitor around.
Gabe scooted back over with a sour look on his face, clearly not pleased with his previous removal, his face twisted into pure confusion at the content on the screen.
"You bought a house? This is in the middle of nowhere."
"Exactly." Ricky crossed his arms, anxiously chewing his thumb as the four of them crowded around the desk.
"Is this-" Marcos gaped at the images, his mind running a mile a minute as he realized what it meant.
"Home. Like the forever home ." Ricky then pulled out a manila folder from the drawer to his right. He flipped it open, his heart pounding, as he set it before them. Inside was all the detailed information he'd been collecting over the years, ever the perfectionist he knew he had to pick a place perfect for all of you.
"I've been looking at the land for years, the property is close to a small town but deep enough in the woods that we won't have to worry about strangers. There's a Gym in the basement-" He was cut off by Manny throwing his arms around his shoulders. 
"It's so perfect! She loves the forest oh my god she's gonna be so excited! When can we go?- Wait How are we gonna get her to go if she's too busy dating that asshole?" The speed at which his emotions flipped could be scary, but they wouldn't have him any other way, Ricky awkwardly returned the hug with a few pats on his back.
"Don't worry, I have an idea for that too," He turned to face the hulking blue-haired man still in his seat, Gabe pointed at his chest with his thumb, a goofy smile on his face, "Moi? What can I do for ya squirt?" Ricky ignored the nickname, "You gotta get rid of that guy before she goes on the date, I don't care how you do it, just make sure he doesn't show up." Gabe stood up so fast the chair shot backward, he put two fingers to his forehead and gave them all a wolfish grin. "One dead son'ofa'bitch coming right up."
The long-haired man then turned to his oldest brother, handing him a pair of keys from the same drawer he pulled the file from. "Cas I need you to stock up on about two weeks worth of food and anything else you think we'll need, she's gonna need an adjustment period so we gotta be prepared not to leave for a while." Caspian took the keys with a smile, affectionately rubbing the twin's heads as he all but ran to his car. "Oh! I'll get started on dinner soon as I get there-" The gentle giant trailed off now talking to himself.
"Okay, you two probably got the most important jobs, think you can handle it?"
Both men nodded their heads simultaneously, each looking like a puppy about to get a treat, which in a way, was exactly what they were.
"When that dickhead inevitably stands her up tonight I need you two to be there for her, order some comfort food, and when I text you the signal, give her these." He handed them a small bag of pills. "Gotta make sure she eats or drinks at least two of em', she should be out like a light in no time and when that happens, Marcos will pack everything on this list." Ricky handed him the paper with a stern look, "No extra, just what's on here got it?"
"I'm not gonna steal her panties or somethin'- I'm not Gabe." The older twin scoffed taking the list with a pout. "Considering we're trying to make it look like a voluntary vacation, we can't take any risks okay?" The older twin nodded, happy to be given the task around you.
Before the two buzzing men left for their tasks, the oldest one turned to Ricky with an evil little smirk, "What'r yooou gonna do while we're out doing all the leg work hm?" 
"Somebody's gotta make the world believe she's going, I'm just gonna go on all her socials and leave a long enough trail of evidence that if anyone does come sniffing around, it looks like she's been planning to leave for a while." He shrugged as if it was normal making Marcos laugh so hard he had to lean against the door frame. 
"What an evil genius."
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onmyyan · 1 year
okay but like… how would the delmonts react if their darling wakes them up by giving them head? i think they would go feral but idk
No ur absolutely right!!! Feral is the perfect way to describe it, but be warned, if you do this there is a chance you two aren't leaving the bed for a few hours.
He hissed bucking into your drooling lips, your tongue working over his twitching cock with a happy hum once you noticed his open eyes staring down at you with that familiar, heavy look, this only seemed to encourage your pace, your suckling getting more intense, his hips find a steady rhythm before his brain can fully catch up to the situation, but when it does, a wicked grin stretches across his lips, he can't help the grunt that leaves the back of his throat, a breathless laugh tumbles past his open mouth as he gently grabs the back of your head, eagerly bobbing your head along to his thrusts, "O-Oh fuck babygirl-" he whines through gritted teeth as you swallow around him, "You sure do know how to wake a man up huh?" He says voice thick with sleep, his eyes hazy, as he chases his high. You swallow around him again, your hand coming up to cradle his heavy sack, your eyes locked into his as he rocks even harder into you, his groans turn to growls as he gets closer and closer, "That's it- nasty girl, take this fuckin' dick you just couldn't wait for." He taunts, you dig your nails into his thighs relaxing your muscles as he fucks your throat, he cums with a slew of curses leaving his mouth, the sight of you between his thighs, staring up at him with that coy smile all while sucking the soul from him, it made his hips stutter against your face, a broken cry of your name leaves his lips, his eyes roll back as he rides his high, you swallow every drop, proudly showing off your clean tongue, the sight makes him laugh, his dick jumping against his thigh, god the things you did to him.
GABE(HEAVY ON THIS ONE), Marcos, Ricky^^
His eyes flutter open, he'd been having the most wonderful dream where your perfect mouth was sucking the life from him- "Ngh- oh fuck." He whimpers feeling the sensations from his lewd dream in real life, you moaned around his head, sucking the tip with a smile, you pulled off to pump the large shaft, slick with his pre and your spit. "Mornin' baby!" You say far too sweetly for the whorish way you lick a flat stripe up from his balls to his leaking tip, sucking once more on the head as he bucked against you, a hand fisted in your sheets, threatening to tear the fabric, a porn worthy keen leaves his mouth as he throws his head back, eyes screwed shut as you played with him. "Ah! Ah! Good..good morning." He manages to say through his moans his breath heavy as he rocked into your throat, his chest shuddering as you swallow around him, "My sweet girl, so perfect for me, oh god-" he coo's cutting himself off with a whine as you suddenly speed up, he sits up staring at you with heart eyes as he gently grabs your head with both hands, "My sweet baby~" he says almost whispering before he begins to feverishly pump his hips into your warm tight throat, his moans get choppy as his hips speed up, drool and pre dripping out from where he fucked you, his touch is loving as he pets your hair, a stark contrast to the almost brutal pace of his hips, his moans reach a crescendo as he rockets over the edge, load after load hitting the back of your throat, he kisses you immediately after.
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onmyyan · 6 months
How each of your original characters dealin with Y/N who’s in labor? Who be panicking, composed, etc?
He packed your labor bag to maximum efficiency, has the car warmed and ready by the time he helped you outside, takes the fastest roads to the hospital, (he pre-planned route months ago), and is a picture of calm, collected energy, let's you crush his hand with the happiest smile on his face, he's been ready for this since the day you met and it shows
He's panicking but somehow gets you to the hospital on time, screams when your water breaks , you end up comforting him as you drive to the hospital at three in the morning, he's so fuckin excited it's coming out as anxiety, almost breaks the nurses arm when he sticks you with a needle too hard for his liking.
Finally we have the home birthers, for whatever reason you two decide to have the baby at home with a trusted doula/midwife, and he couldn't be happier, it's as private as can be, completely personal, lots of belly rubs and cooing, these MFS are in a state of half bliss at your child coming into the world and half scared because you're in pain, holds your hand through it all.
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onmyyan · 5 days
👋 You mentioned that Marcos killed the earliest out of his brothers and is the best at it, and even that he's gotten paid for it before. If you're still taking requests I'd love to see Marcos in a "falling for the mark" situation where someone hires him to "handle" the reader but during the research process he falls in love with her (or he can fall in love at first sight or even after their first conversation, whatever works best) and ends up killing the person who hired him instead
Loooove your OCs, especially the Delmonts! Super excited for whatever you drop next!
Marcos felt his fingers twitching in his coat pocket as he entered the building, making a b-line for the mahogany bar full of patrons he couldn't help but grin to himself, this was his favorite part after all.
Sure he was good at the killing bit and sure he was talented at it, man oh man did his skills shine when it came to the parts before that, the stalking, the studying, he relishes the feeling of getting to know his target, and today that target was you, a pretty little bartender who'd been unfortunate enough to serve Marcos client, Tito, see Tito liked to get hammered and run his mouth, turns out he said some things to you, his bartender, that really shouldn't have left his mouth and now to cover his own ass, he'd hired Marcos.
You were a classic case in his eyes, in the wrong place at the wrong time, overhearing something you shouldn't have, put you in the line of sight of a bad man like Marcos.
He came on a particularly busy day intentionally, wanting to see you in your natural state amid the chaos of rush hour, and he noticed a few things immediately, you were very attentive to your patrons, probably how you ended up in this mess he thought to himself, it showed a level of care not many people had in their jobs, the second thing he noticed was your laugh, it carried over the music and the chatter and the yells from customers, and he felt a twinge of guilt, the idea of never hearing that laugh again, of depriving the world from it, didn't sit well with him.
He shifts in his seat uncomfortable, lost in his subconscious he doesn't realize he'd walked up to the bar, sneakily taking his place amongst the crowd, he let his eyes drift to you from your Doc Martin's to the old jeans you had on, then up past your wonderfully sculpted ass, and finally settling on your face, this is when he knew he was really fucked.
You filled glass after glass never stopping, your motion fluid and smooth, he could watch you work forever, and he did. So long in fact the bar had closed, "you know I've never had someone take this long to decide what to drink." You joke making your way towards him, most of the lingering patrons were slowly, drunkenly, heading for the door, leaving Marcos and you alone. In theory this was the perfect time, he could finish the job and pour himself a drink before anyone noticed your body.
But he didn't.
Instead he smiled, his ringed fingers knocking into the wood of the bar, "Maybe I'm shy."
"A pretty boy like you? No way." Your response was quick, like your mind, your warm (e/c) eyes held him there where he sat, unable to lift a finger to do his job. "You probably say that to all your customers, but I know I'm the prettiest." He leaned into his chair, red eyes never leaving your gaze, "Well no matter how true that is, it's closing time gorgeous, order something now or hit the bricks." You leaned on your hand , nails drumming along to the music playing from the speakers above you.
"what takes the longest to make?"
"are you trying to screw with me?"
"No! I just don't know how else to stall long enough to get your number." He folds his fingers together, resting his chin on his hands, the pose makes you laugh, you shake your head ripping a piece of napkin, you jot down a number and slide it to him with two pretty fingers. "Here, now get out."
And he did, with a grin so wide it showed off all his teeth, he couldn't recall the last time someone had lit a fire under him the way you did, the piece of napkin seemed to burn a hole in his pocket, all he wanted to do was call you and really lay on the charm he knew he had, but first, he had a visit to make to his friend Tito. He whistles the song that was playing as he left the bar and thumbs the knife in his pocket, someone would be dying tonight, but it wasn't you.
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onmyyan · 1 year
How do your ocs feel about a spit kink? Like reader gets messy w it and kinda drools when they 👉👌 and maybe she's a lil possessive and spits in their mouth even if she's babbling and losing her mind on them. Also if that's gross it can also be like when she's subbing she gives them little wet baby kisses bc that's all she has the energy for 🥺 idk like I'm trying to give a tame alternative here hsjsks. Also also i think it'd be so funny if their s/o was like....biting and marking them and feeling guilty about being possessive and has no idea that these big hot guys are yanderes and 10000000x worse than her lolol
A/N: Dw you can never get too nasty when these mf's are involved. SMUTTY LIL SCENARIOS BASED ON THIS PERFECT REQUEST
Caspian loses his mind, you spit in this mans mouth and he's busting I'm sorry I don't make the rules. Likes to make a big show of swallowing, "Do it again." He begs in the softest, whiniest little voice, whimpers when you do. Please lay claim to this man, he is never as happy as he is when your marking him, clawing into his back, show him who he belongs to.
Gabe is sloppy and messy himself so when you drool some of his cum into his mouth he's folding you in half and pounding you so hard neither of you can walk well tomorrow. If you bite him he will rut into you like a wild dog, please make him bleed, he's a certified Daddy Dom but pull his hair back, make him bare his neck and sink your teeth into his skin, watch how fast he starts begging.
Ricky turns as red as his eyes, instant subspace, he's moaning into your mouth and begging for more, not even sure what hes asking for he just needs you to do that again please. Hurt him, tell him his cock is yours and yours alone, he gets borderline feral after, fucks into you with so much vigor it shakes the bed, his eyes roll to the back of his head as he babbles broken little "Thank you's"
Marcos swallows hard making sure to look you in the eye when he does, "Fuck yes- c'mon baby treat me like your whore." He feels like a virgin again the way it has his hips stuttering and his dick throbbing, he's addicted to the pain you inflict when you get possessive in bed, all the bites and hickeys, loves watching you get rougher and rougher, the little shit riles you up on purpose. "Mark me up baby- ngh- show em' who I belong to."
Manny is so fucking loud you do it partially to get him to quiet down, spitting in his mouth and stuffing your fingers in right after, he goes absolutely insane, his hips slapping against yours so hard you'd both be bruised, "Mmm, fuck baby please, more! I wan' more." He whines around your soaked digits, making an even bigger mess, the prettiest tears are streaming down his face because he doesn't stop once he cums, his pace never falters, he just keeps fucking into you like your lives depended on it. Overstims you both.
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onmyyan · 3 months
BRATZ!!! Omg r u a Bratz girlie???!!!
Side shoot question n brain rot. Imagine ur OCs having a “Hello Kitty gf.” I honestly don’t know if it’d b chaos for all of them or probs just bliss for the twin Delmonts. Ik it’s a old meme but still I think it’s funny
This goes one of two ways:
Falls over themselves to entertain this obsession of yours, takes it beyond just buying you merchandise, he becomes a hello kitty girl himself, wants to love everything you love, y'all have matching everything, will take you three cities away just for a rare plush and do so with a grin.
MANNY, Gabe, Caspian
Or the kind who also indulges you fully but does it without seeing the appeal themselves, they fully support and adore your fascination with all things Hello Kitty, especially seeing you in the cute, dainty apparel, drools over the sight and will happily cash out if it means seeing that smile on your lovely face.
Ricky, Marcos, Ashley
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onmyyan · 1 year
Sharing is Caring (2/3)
A/N:OKAY BABES ITS HERE AHHHAGGH SO EXCITED THIS TOOK AGES BEC LIFE N SHIT BUT ANYWAY WHOOO SO EXCITED Anyway few things, this chapter gets kinda steamy but all the explicit smuts will be in part 3 its gonna be pure filth, after editing this mf came out to 28.3 pages and 10,275 words so I had to split it up, for those of you disappointed by the lack of horny never fear, the smut chapter is about 60% done and as soon as I post this I'm going back to working at it anyway please enjoy hope you like it!! feedback is welcome. Mi amada = My beloved
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To say your day had been a bad one would have been putting it lightly.
It started out fine enough, you awoke to several of your usual good mornings, each Delmont had their own unique way of greeting you, and after taking the time to sleepily respond to each of them, you started your morning routine, fighting the urge to fall back into the warmth of your bed, your eyes struggled to remain open.
See you'd spent the better half of last night scrolling through your personal feeds, hours upon hours of cute couples blaring their love in your face, blatant affection everywhere you looked, shameless PDA, and grand romantic gestures.
The tooth-rotting fluff didn't usually bug you, but something about this particular onslaught of romance brought out this tidal wave of loneliness and envy.
It felt murky and heavy and you hated every second of it.
The five Delmont boys had grown into your found family, and usually, their antics didn't allow you the space to feel alone, but even that immense affection couldn't fill the hole that had steadily begun to grow in your chest.
Years upon years of no one showing genuine romantic interest in you had slowly but surely carved out a pit of self-loathing in your gut. Something you managed to hold off being consumed by until now.
Falling in love seemed like such an expected life event, from movies to songs and stories, people falling in love were everywhere you looked, and even though the little voice in your head tried to reassure you that you were just a late bloomer, the dark thoughts still haunted you well into the morning.
Brushing your teeth with a focused vigor, your mind began to reel as you stopped to really think about it all, the state of your love life or rather, lack thereof, how you've never been in a relationship, never been on a date, hell if it weren't for Marcos, you'd have to add never been kissed to the pitiful list, the older twin had been your first and only kiss when you were seventeen, but that was just him being a good friend in your time of need, of that you were certain.
You can remember it so clearly, sitting idly in your room, still living at the Delmont house, you'd been silently stewing in your sadness for a few hours by the time he found you.
What brought on this sour mood was a few offhanded jokes at your expense, you know those people you're only 'friends' with in class? Well, one of those girls, Lisa, had teased you relentlessly for the entire hour of biology when you'd accidentally let it slip you'd never kissed someone before.
And while she may have been joking, the words still left the strangest sting in your stomach, it made you feel weird, an odd cocktail of shame and embarrassment, and it wasn't as if you didn't want to kiss someone, you just didn't have many- scratch that, any options.
No one but the boys ever talked to you at school, for some strange reason, everyone else seemed to avoid you like the plague, cruel whispers of your name said behind even crueler stares, the twins usually swooped in before you could think to question the odd looks, but it was impossible not to notice.
Marcos found you curled into a fetal position on your bed, stuffed animals surrounding you in a protective barrier, he'd originally come upstairs with the intention of collecting you for dinner, there was this unspoken rule between the boys that whoever brought you down got to sit next to you at the table, but when he entered he could practically feel your sadness hanging in the air, his brows furrowed at the sight, instantly clocking your upset mood, he quickly switched gears, his face scrunching in visible concern.
One thing about Marcos was his inability to hide how he was feeling.
"What's wrong? What happened?" he toyed with the small silver ball in his ear, his nerves on edge at the sight of that look on your face, he hated seeing you upset, all the boys did, he didn't wait for an answer before rushing the rest of the way inside, kicking the door shut with his foot.
"No Co'- I'm fine, just tired." You used his nickname, trying in vain to put on a brave face but you knew in your heart of hearts that trying to lie to a Delmont was all but impossible. "Is dinner done? I hope she made adobo again god it's so good-" You tried to get up and walk downstairs but he stopped you with a gentle push of your shoulders, gently leading you back into a seated position, he gave a comforting squeeze before letting go, now standing before you with his hands on his hips, the image made you want to laugh, he looked a lot like his mother when she was about to scold him for something.
"Nah- we ain't leaving this room till you tell me what's up."
His insistence caused you to roll your pretty (e/c) eyes at the taller male, the way you crossed your arms, paired with that damn pout on your lipgloss-lined lips was a foul combo that had his heart skipping all kinds of beats. It took all his willpower not to squish your cheeks together.
"Why do you assume something's up?" 
"Cuz' I know you dummy." He said so softly, it immediately disarmed you, his hand gently tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, and you felt your chest tighten at the action.
"I swear I'm good okay? Can we just go eat? My stomach is touching my back." Usually, by this point, your puppy-dog eyes would make him fold, he was, and still is, rather weak to your whims, but he held strong.
Flopping beside you on the bed, he shuffled to lay on his right side, making sure to maintain eye contact, his hand began toying with one of his longer necklaces, his red eyes rolling as he spoke, "Mhm, right, okay. Quick question, how are you sitting there so calmly when your pants are clearly on fire?"
You gasped laughing slightly, "How dare you come into my domain and call me a liar? Have you no shame?" He smiled to himself knowing his plan to cheer you up was working, "C'moooon tell me whats wronggggg- I won't stop whining till ya fess up pleaseeeeeeee-" you threw a pillow at his head, "Okay! okay just shut up! Damn.."
You felt yourself hesitate, as if not speaking the words made them any less true.
"-Lisa kinda clowned me in class today cuz' I," the words turned to ash on your tongue, the embarrassment flushing your skin with an uncomfortable heat, to be admitting something so childish to someone as promiscuous as Marcos, felt all the more humiliating, and you didn't think you could handle him laughing at you.
"You can tell me anything Mi amada." You could hear the sincerity in the soft way he spoke, all playfulness gone.
How seriously he took your emotions managed to ease your fear of rejection enough to blurt out, "I haven't ever um- kissed anyone, and it made me feel, I dunno kinda bad I guess?" you laughed softly, that uncomfortable wave of shame echoing through your body, "She was just kiddin' around." You added that last bit knowing how overprotective he could get, god forbid he told Manny, you tried again to laugh it off, beginning to play with the ears of the blue stuffed bunny Gabe had given you years ago, the action was a wonderful alternative to holding Marcos's now burning stare.
He was quiet for a moment which was concerning since Marcos was never quiet. Suddenly sitting straight up, he ever so softly took the stuffed bunny from your hands to interlock your fingers. His intense, warm gaze held you frozen in place like a statue.
His tongue poked out to flick over his bottom lip, a nervous tick of his, and he swallowed before whispering,
"Kiss me then."
Marcos spoke it so softly, sounding so breathless. You laughed on instinct, thinking he was teasing, but when he remained silent, smiling at you like you held all the stars in the sky, you felt the heat crawl up your skin.
"Ha ha very amusing Co'-" you threw a pillow toward his chest with your free hand, "Cides' I don't want my first one to be some kinda' pity kiss from my best friend because he felt bad." Once more you played it off, trying desperately to ignore the funny feeling that had blossomed in your stomach, waiting for him to quit the game and stop the joke.
Only Marcos wasn't laughing.
"Who the fuck said anything about pity? You should know me well enough by now- I never say anything I don't mean." He leaned over, close enough where you could see the small constellation of freckles just under his eyes, you'd never noticed them before. He was far enough away not to pressure you, but the invitation was clear. 
"But- we, um I-" Your mind was racing with hundreds of thoughts, and as if he sensed this, he let go of one hand to brush the hair from your face, his thumb lingering to swipe across your cheek in a feather-like touch, it felt like he had electricity in his fingertips, he stared into your eyes with an intensity you couldn't quite place.
"Don't think so hard." He smiled as he spoke, the words whispered against your lips, you were so close you could feel each of his shaky exhales, he looked back and forth from your eyes to your lips, waiting on bated breath for your response.
Allowing your eyes to flutter shut, you relaxed your posture and simply fell into the moment, now both of his hands were on your face, pulling you in that much deeper, his lips were soft and tasted faintly of cherry chapstick, one of his hands moved to cradle the back of your neck, holding you against him as he moved his mouth against yours in what felt like a well-practiced dance. His tongue swiped against your plush lips ever so slightly as you pulled away, skin flushed and hearts pounding.
He didn't allow the budding tension to take over, instead, he sat back with his familiar grin. "There, easy fix." he swiped at his lips with his thumb, sticking the appendage between his teeth in a daring display. The way you tasted, how perfect you felt in his arms, he could feel the addiction settling in, and happily surrendered himself to it.
He knew at that moment no one else would ever compare to you, to the way you made him feel. And despite how simple, the relatively innocent kiss you just shared was, it had him the hardest he'd ever been in his life, thankfully you seemed so flustered and dazed he was able to hide the tent in his pants with a well-placed pillow.
You'd both gone down to dinner after locking pinkies and swearing never to tell another soul, you assuming he simply didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea about you two, but really he was covering his ass, knowing if any of the others found out he'd gotten to be your first kiss, he wouldn't be walking for a while, Gabe had promised to break both ankles if he ever touched you, a threat he knew was no joke, but to Marcos, it was well worth the risk, he hated seeing you so upset about something he could very easily change, so he did, and he couldn't be happier.
The two of you had matching, knowing smiles on your faces that night, he even shot you a wink before bed, you couldn't get the giddy feeling to go away for weeks, even though you knew it was just him being a good friend, the warmth that had blossomed couldn't be undone. 
These spiraling thoughts haunted you like a ghost, that is until you looked down at your coffee pot and remembered the cute guy who slipped you his number a few days ago. Normally you'd just let the small piece of paper go unused, too afraid to make a fool of yourself to actually reach out, but today was different.
Fueled by your melancholy thoughts, you quickly texted him before you could talk yourself out of it, and it seemed to be going well, the banter was flirty enough, if nothing else it would be fun to play dress up, so you began a feverish rush to get ready, and in that time, Manny had invited himself in while you rushed through a shower.
The redhead did this often, so you didn't blink when you heard him enter in his usual brand of loud. "Oh, honey I'm home!"
"In the shower!" You felt rude leaving him out there so you sped through the last of your routine and found him lying comfortably on your bed, face buried in his phone. He offered you a familiar, wolf-like grin before turning his attention back to the screen, you'd known him so long the action of dressing in front of him wasn't anything to bat an eye at, "Sorry- didn't know you were coming over or I woulda' showered sooner, you don't mind if I get ready right?"
"Mmhm" was his simple response so you continued with your routine, rambling nervously about your plans.
He appeared as chipper as usual, that is until you told him about your date, it was as if the energy in the room shifted into something- else.
He seemed to be in this state of disbelief, questioning how and when this happened, ignoring the sting in your chest at the thought of him not believing you, and all the ugly thoughts it brought up, you continued to browse through your wardrobe, hoping the search for a cute set of bottoms would help you push through your nerves about it all before you could ask why he found the concept so unbelievable, you'd heard his rushed goodbye, the slam of the door made you jump in place, nearly dropping the garment because that was weird as hell.
Manny always hugged you goodbye, so his running off made you pause, it was instinctual for you to comfort him when he got worked up in that way only Manny could, so you were just about to call him to double-check but were interrupted by your date's number popping up on the screen.
His name was Michael and he sounded so shy when he called to double confirm your attendance, you found his eagerness cute. you silently vowed to check in with your friend after the date and hyped yourself for the night to come.
As the evening began, you found yourself waiting idly by the table, he'd chosen a bit of an upscale bistro as your meeting spot so you felt the need to dress up a bit, a cute black turtleneck dress covered your body like a second skin, hugging your curves in all the right ways, the cashmere number was a gift from Gabe ages ago, and his flustered reaction to seeing you come out of that dressing room is what pushed you to bring it home, you knew your ass looked incredible in the outfit, paired with the knee length, black crushed-velvet boots, you felt hot as hell and were excited to see your date's reaction.
Only you never got the chance.
Thirty minutes go by with no sign of Michael.
What was supposed to be a fun night out quickly soured into an evening of humiliation as your date ignored your call for the third time since you'd arrived. You felt the shame creep up as you faced the cold hard fact, you'd been stood up.
Feeling utterly stupid for getting all primped and preened for some douche who didn't even have the nerve to cancel, you resigned yourself to the sad reality. 
I mean he asked you out! He even bothered to make sure you were coming, all that to so coldly blow you off?
A disheartened breath escaped your lips as you let your head meet the table with a thunk. You quickly excused yourself from the restaurant, tossing the money for the wine you'd had with shakey hands. Tears had rushed to your eye, building at the waterline, but you didn't want to cry, not yet.
You'd done well not to fall to the urge to curl up and sob, kicking your boots off at the door, uncaring of the way they nearly knocked over a plant, it wasn't until a second later when the silence of your home became glaringly loud, did it all become too much.
Throwing yourself onto the couch, you buried your face in the soft cushion and wept like a baby. Shoulders shaking, voice cracking cries left your form. After a good fifteen minutes of crying as hard as you could, you wiped at your flush face and shuffled your way to the bottle of some half-empty whiskey, Marcos had left in your cabinet ages ago.
He'd pitch a full fit if he saw you chasing his 100$ liquor with the Coke you had in your fridge, the thought of the male made a new round of sobs bubble past your wet lips, you'd always held a candle of affection for the tall redhead, of course, you loved all of the Delmont's but you'd always had a little crush on Marcos, you compared it to the feeling of crushing on a celebrity, where your subconscious mind knows they're out of reach, so it feels like a harmless fantasy.
Love came to him so effortlessly, and he discarded it just as easily, the nasty feeling of envy came up and you quickly shook your head, choosing to drown the thoughts in the burning amber liquid rather than face them.
About an hour after your failed excursion, you found yourself resting comfortably on the kitchen floor, back pressed into the cool metal of your fridge, the whiskey bottle now empty, you'd taken to rolling it back and forth between your foot and the wall, allowing yourself to just be lost in the hazy sensations around you.
The shrill ring of your doorbell burst your blissfully drunk bubble.
"Go 'way.." you slurred from your rather relaxed position on the floor, the sexy outfit you'd put on just to show off was bunched at your waist for comfort, the knock came again, this time followed by the voice of one of your best friends.
"Sugarplum? It's us, can we come in?" Manny whined from behind the wood, you could practically see the pout on his face, of course, he had a key so it was really more of a formality than an actual question.
He didn't wait for your response, instead shuffling his way inside, the greasy takeout in his hand had you crawling across the floor to meet him halfway. 
A happy and clearly drunk gasp left your wine-stained lips, "Manny! you didn't gimmie a hug earlier what was up with that?-Oh shit is that Taco Bell?" He made a noise of agreement holding the bag towards you. "Sure is, and m'sorry about before Hun, I was in a mood but I promise it wasn't your fault."
His voice was like warm sugar as he spoke, now kneeling beside you, he held his arms out eagerly accepting the somewhat sloppy hug you threw his way. "Now, can you let Marcos pick you up so you can eat baby?" His hands rubbed up and down your arms, bringing goosebumps to the surface.
With a few slow but determined nods, you happily agreed, turning to face Manny's other half.
The older of the two had squatted down beside you, his ring-clad hand moved to brush a few sweat-soaked curls from your head. "Hey princess." He smiled softly at your pretty flushed face, the way you stared up at him, had his pulse thumping. "Heeey good lookin' you come here often?" You threw your hands around his neck which gave him the perfect opportunity to scoop you up, he led you to the couch, setting you down as if you were made of porcelain. He sent his twin a subtle nod as he moved you.
"How was your date?" Marcos's honey-dipped voice cooed from his position beside you, the action sent vibrations down your back making you flinch away from him with an airy giggle. "Wellllll, kinda hard to rate it when the guy doesn't show up." You sighed hastily digging through the bag Mammy had given you.
"What a scumbag- I'd never leave you by your lonesome like that." He cupped your flushed cheek, gently rubbing his thumb along the underside of your jaw. Food momentarily forgotten you dropped the bag in your lap, shoulders sagging with all the weight of the failed night, "Promise?" You asked, getting teary-eyed all over again.
He felt his chest tighten at the sight, as pretty as you looked right now, he was the only one allowed to make you cry, anyone else doing it was basically a war crime in his eyes. "Cross my heart and hope to die, baby." He threw an arm over the couch allowing you space to cuddle into his side.
When you were good and comfy he turned you to face him with the lightest touch to your chin, "You see this?" He slipped the ring on his pointer finger off, and gently lowered the band around your thumb. "This makes my promise official."
Manny had suddenly appeared before you, a small cup in his hands.
"Hey sweetie, you finished off Marco's bottle huh?" He smiled at the dazy way you nodded yes, fighting the urge to gush over your cuteness, "Well I don't want you to be sick tomorrow, can you take these for me? Good girl." You'd opened your mouth without question, having nothing but trust in the two men before you, you let him hold the cup to your lips and swallowed, mumbling a sleepy "thank you." into the skin of Marco's neck. His full body shiver goes unnoticed by you.
The twins watched you fall under with laser-focused eyes, the hardest part would be peeling Marcos away from you long enough for him to do his job.
Once they had both you and your stuff tucked away snugly in the car, Manny insisted on being in the back with you, holding you close to his chest, in your sleep, you held him back, quickly becoming overwhelmed by all the good emotions pumping through his veins- at his love for you, he felt himself get a bit teary at the sight of you finally where you belonged, safe in his arms.
Marcos made good and sure to wipe away any evidence of them being there, and all but ran back to their car to begin the long drive to your forever house.
Back at said home, the eldest of the brothers was doing one last walkthrough to make everything perfect for his Honey's arrival.
Caspian had managed to make the home feel lived in from the few hours he had to prep, a fully stocked kitchen, your favorite scent wafting gently through the air, Ricky had the foresight to install dimmer switches in every room because he knew how you loathed the 'big light', your bedroom had the biggest bed Caspian had ever seen, he'd made sure everything was ready for your arrival, even taking the time to warm your blankets in the dryer.
He moved around the space with a fluidness surprising for someone of his size, already familiar with the layout, the eldest Delmont made his final rounds around the home, making extra sure all the locks and exits were secure, he knew eventually, you'd come to love it here, but he also understood you'd need some time to adjust, these were just precautions.
He nearly squealed when he got the text from the twins, you were finally here! Finally home. He couldn't wait to hug you, kiss you, and give you all the affection he'd been forced to hold back. But he was a patient man and knew you'd be overwhelmed if he did, so instead, he settled for scooping you out of the car, much to his younger brother's displeasure.
You snuggled into his warmth in your sleep, to which he couldn't help but coo over. "Welcome home Honey," he whispered into the crown of your head, a small kiss left as he gently, but hurriedly rushed you inside and away from the snowfall that had just begun.
Manny nearly tackled his twin when they entered their new house, his energy was off the roof, practically buzzing in place as he took in their dream home. The living room had a 70's style conversation pit where you all could relax and they could smother you in the affection you so clearly needed.
A part of him was still bitter about the date, not at you, never at you, but the feeling was there, and all he wanted to do right now was hold you to his chest and let the lull of your heartbeat calm him down. Marcos plopped himself on the soft cushioned couch with a troubling sigh and waved him over.
"What's up? You got a weird look on your face." Manny couldn't fathom his twin being anything other than elated right now, so the odd air around him didn't sit well with the youngest.
"C'mere for a sec Little man- we gotta go over some ground rules before she wakes up." Manny's smile fell as he complied, sitting with a pout, "Ground rules are how we ended up here in the first place." He all but sneered, arms crossed in visible frustration.
Marcos held his hands up in a show of surrender. "I get it, but this is different."
"I know you're excited, god I am too, but there's a real chance she won't be too happy when she wakes up." The older of the two now sat hunched over, his elbows on his knees as he tried to find the right words to explain to his other half.
"What do you mean? This house was literally made for us all, we're in the woods like she's always talked about- she's gonna love it!" Marcos sighed taking his younger brother's hand, already he could feel him panicking at the thought of this going anything but swell. 
"Think about it like this bud, she has no idea how we feel, this is gonna be the first time she hears it, and we feel a lot, so we gotta be delicate."
Manny felt his face scrunch in confusion, not able to understand why you wouldn't be happy. You'd never have to lift a finger again, no more bills, work or slimy coffee house creeps to prey on your sweetness, he knew you'd be your happiest here!
"Not to mention the whole waking up somewhere she didn't fall asleep thing." He licked his bottom lip, knowing he had to toe the line in fear of causing his younger brother's next breakdown.
"I'm just sayin' this in case she freaks out okay? I don't want you to be caught off guard- if she says anything mean or hurtful you can't lose your cool aight'?" Marcos watched his younger brother as he processed his words. Knowing his reaction could go either way.
After a tense moment of silence, there was a shift in Manny's expression, as if something clicked. He rubbed at his chin, and Marcos could practically see the gears in his head turning.
"..Okay, it's sorta' like when we brought home that feral kitty, can't hold it against her if we get a few scratches right?" Marcos felt himself relax nodding with a smile that mirrored Manny's. "That's exactly right Bud, C'mon when Cas comes out we can go in there, we should be the first faces she sees dontcha' think?"
Ricky and Gabe arrived at their new home at the same time. The ladder immediately headed straight for the shower as whatever it was he did to your date still stained his hands crimson. Gabe couldn't wipe the wild grin from his face if he wanted to, he felt like he'd just won the lottery.
Ricky had done exactly as he said he would and left a convincing trail of evidence that you were feeling a bit free-spirited and decided to take a little vacation, of course leaving out the where and with whom.
He made his way around your new home with a feeling of accomplishment, everything was perfect now.
You were safe, and once you got over whatever adjustment period you needed, he knew everyone would be happier than ever before. Caspian greeted his younger brother with a bear hug, his smile wider than Ricky had seen in years. "You did good Ricky, real good. This place is perfect." The praise made a weight lift off the long-haired man's shoulders, Caspian was the one he looked up to the most, so to hear such positive confirmation made him let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
"I'm scared she's gonna' freak out- I don't want her to hate us-" he found his anxieties tumbling past his lips without permission, Caspian had that effect on people.
"She won't. Know why? Because this was the right call, we have all the time in the world to show her just how much we care okay? Don't stress it." He clapped a hand on his shoulder and began dragging him to the kitchen.
"C'mon I got too excited and kinda' made too much food." 
Gabe took his time in the shower, letting the perfectly hot water wash away his sins of the night. Scratch that, he didn't consider his acts sins, or that of violence, rather, it was an act of love, putting that bastard in the ground for you was just him speaking his particular brand of love language.
The wicked smile curled upon his lips only widened as he watched the pink water turn clear, he was giddy at the thought of you sleeping peacefully just a few rooms away. You were here, like actually here. Nothing or no one would ever hurt you again, and most excitingly, he didn't have to hold back anymore, once you woke up he was going to spill his guts, and if his words of love weren't enough to convince you, he'd just have to show you how you effected him all these years.
Waking up in a slightly hungover haze in an entirely different place than you passed out in should have sent you into a panic, but the familiar feeling of being sandwiched between the twins killed any fear that may have come up, even half asleep and a little hungover, you knew you were always safe when a Delmont was around.
Before you could try to wrap your head around your new surroundings both Manny and Marcos were pressing a big fat kiss into each of your cheeks. "Morning sunshine." Manny sang sweetly, Marcos gave you a hug from the side mumbling his greeting into the skin of your neck. When they pulled away you were far too flustered to ask all the questions burning in your mind, instead, you returned the greetings and mutely followed behind them as Manny took your hand and began to lead you away from the wonderful room you'd woken up in.
Manny led you to the dining room of the seemingly massive house you resided in while Marcos went to shower (not before inviting you to join him of course), the youngest Delmont was as chatty as ever, rambling about everything and nothing but his words weren't registering, you definitely didn't remember coming to wherever the hell this was, and him acting so normal made you feel even weirder, as you shuffled forward the familiar sounds of the rest of the boys got louder and louder.
"Gabriel Miguel Delmont if you touch that bacon one more time I'm putting you outside like a dog." Caspian rarely yelled, even now when he was scolding the blue-haired giant he sounded more disappointed than angry, but it was his voice you noticed first.
"C'mon Cas I'm hungryyy-" you could hear the pout in Gabe's words, "I wanna' eat, there's no reason to wait it's not like we're running out of food anytime soon."
"Yeah well, people in hell want ice water so tough." 
"Gabe shut up- Cas stop readjusting the silverware she's not gonna' notice."
"But she might!!" As you both rounded the corner the conversation fell deathly silent. Each man was overcome with their affection for you, it didn't help that you looked so damn cute rubbing the sleep from your eye.
"Mornin'?" You said after a good thirty seconds of them just staring. This seemed to restart them all as Caspian jumped to pull out a chair, his warm smile was infectious, and you found yourself returning it as you sat. "Holy hell Cas you made enough to feed an army."
The spread before you was truly something out of a movie, from savory grits to big fluffy waffles, he seemed to have made every one of your favorite breakfast dishes, and each looked picture-perfect, he was all but beaming as he stood beside you. 
"Hope you're hungry." He laughed a bit, nervously flattening the baby pink apron covering his wide chest, he picked up the plate before you, staring down through his thick lashes with such warmth it made your heart race. "May I?" He gestured to the buffet and you nodded, mouth slightly agape as your brain tried to process the scene. 
Ricky sat across from you, his long hair in a messy bun, a few strands fell out, framing his face, which speaking of was fixed in the most peaceful expression, you couldn't recall the last time he seemed so relaxed. For once he didn't look like he was moments away from falling asleep, instead, he seemed refreshed, like he'd caught up on all the rest he hadn't gotten over the years.
He stared at you with the softest look, licking his bottom lip before speaking, "Good morning love, did you sleep well?" He sipped at his mug, the cinnamon coffee scent wafted through the room, that cat-like stare of his never once leaving your form.
"Slept like the dead actually-" You figured now was good a time as any to bring up the elephant in the room. "Probably the best sleep I've gotten in ages- speaking of whose bed did I just wake up in?" 
"Sorry for the holdup! Water's still warm if you wanna shower sweets." Marcos cut you off as he entered taking his seat by Manny who sat directly to your right, as he eagerly drank you in, the youngest seemed to be vibrating in his seat. 
"You should eat, lord knows the last time you did." Gabe teased from his spot beside Ricky, he was the most unabashed in his staring, it felt as if he was just barely holding himself back from leaping across the table, to do what you had no idea, but the grip he had on his fork was cause for concern.
After Caspian deemed your plate full enough he set it before you, his large frame cast a shadow across the table as he leaned over, it almost sounded as if he smelled your hair as he pulled away to take the seat by your left.
"Okay everyone eat up, after you do I'll answer all your questions okay? No lies. Complete transparency." Ricky spoke as if reading your mind, he gave you that smile of his that always made you feel like everything was under control and you relinquished yourself to the five-star meal before you.
If you could ignore the new location, the scene you found yourself in felt rather familiar. Each man bickered with each other as you all ate, you could almost pretend you were back at their house. Gabe finished first as usual, going in for seconds when he asked you to pass him the eggs, his much larger hand gently brushed over your own, and based on the grin he was sporting after, the move was intentional.
Once everyone was finished you thanked Caspian for the meal and turned your attention to Ricky, who looked a bit nervous now. "Soo. This isn't my house?" Despite your casual and light-hearted tone, the atmosphere seemed to shift at that second.
"Yes, it is, just not your old one. And to answer your question from before, that was your bed you woke up in."
"Right. Okay sure- where exactly are we? It's snowing outside." Ricky took a moment to finish off his coffee before responding.
"We're home. Our new home and it's winter Darling, snow is expected for this area." The long-haired man seemed to choose his words carefully, putting extra emphasis on the word our.
"Okay. Um and how exactly did I get to this area? The last thing I remember was chilling at my place with things 1&2 over there." The twins stared at you bashfully, both suddenly looking everywhere but you.
You flicked your gaze over each of them, all looking rather anxious, Ricky opened his mouth to answer but Marcos beat him to the punch. "I- we brought you here last night." He gestured to his twin who was beaming at you. "We couldn't just leave you alone in the state you were in." He added, not technically a lie he reasoned mentally.
You nodded to yourself, wondering how to ask what you really wanted to know.
"You're wondering why right?" Caspian spoke up, his voice was gentle as if talking down a wounded, cornered animal. 
You nodded, brows furrowed in confusion, not trusting your voice.
"Well-" he seemed to look to his brothers for confirmation before continuing, a red hue growing on his cheeks as he racked his mind for the right words, he had so much he wanted to say to you! Everything got all jumbled in his brain causing the eldest Delmont to visibly fluster.
"God I've been thinking about this moment for years but now that you're actually here I'm blanking." He let out an embarrassed laugh, rubbing his hand over his face as he stumbled over his words.
"Okay I'll say it since these bozos forgot how to talk or somethin'," Gabe rolled up his sleeves and leaned over on the table all business-like. 
"You are ours now-" he gestured to the rest of the men in the room, "Sorry, I say 'now' like you haven't always been, but officially, you're ours." He gave a self-satisfied grin, leaning back into his chair. "Yours? what?" He cooed at your frustration, reaching across the table to take your hand in his much larger one.
"Ours to protect," he kissed your pointer finger, "To love," another kiss, now on your palm. "To fuck." His searing stare was only broken when he took the tip of your finger between his lips, gently sucking as he pulled away. 
You felt like liquid putty as if he was the only thing grounding you at the moment.
Marcos rolled his eyes at his brute of a brother, jealousy came off him in waves as he sat on the table, taking your other hand he began laying on a few of his own possessive kisses, between each one he spoke "What that meathead is trying to say is we want to take care of you," another kiss, "-all of you." Another. "In every way." He added as if it cleared up any of your steadily building confusion.
Between the tingling in your lower abdomen to the confusion-headache beginning to pulse, you felt breathless.
"Sorry- just let me get this right. You took me out to some fancy cabin in the woods to take care of me?" Your face scrunched in confusion, and gently, you took back both your hands in an attempt to calm down, fanning your face you shakily laughed,
"Why? I'm okay guys really-"
"No, you're not!" Manny interrupted with a teary-eyed huff. "You feel lonely. I know you do, you told me so! You said you were gonna go out with that loser cuz you felt unwanted! That doesn't sound okay to me." The jealousy practically seeped from his words, his bright orange eyes held this darkness you'd only seen in him once or twice, and while he'd always been rather protective of you, this level of hate for someone else at your expense was new.
He had worked himself up and out of instinct, your hand found his own, immediately it calmed his tantrum down, resulting in him just sniffling instead of screaming which he very much wanted to do.
Brushing your thumb against the back of his hand in what you hoped were comforting circles, you hushed his tears, wiping them away with a practiced tenderness.
"It's okay Manny- don't get upset, not for me. I'm just trying to understand all this, can you help me understand?" He nuzzled into your palm like a pup, sighing deeply, he leaned over to rest his forehead against your own.
"I love you- we all do."
"God- I love you guys too, you're my family-"
"No! No! No! Not like that!- we love you." Manny had leaped from his seat, falling to his knees like a worshiper at their God's alter. "I love you like... I love you like the moon loves the sun. I crave you," he kissed his way from your feet to your calves, his hands rubbing patterns into the flesh, "I need you more than I need air in my lungs!" he whined looking up from between your knees.
"I adore you darling- we all do, can't you see?" Bending down, you wipe at his tears once more, and he melts into your touch, muttering this next bit into your skin, "My heart beats for you."
Heat as you'd never felt before rushed through your veins at his bold confession. Your heart raced, blood pounding in your ears as you looped his words in your brain.
A thousand emotions whirled inside you as you stared at them all, there was a small part of you that thought this was all some dream your lonely mind concocted after a night of getting hammered. But then you felt Manny's tears begin to soak into the fabric of your sweats, and the reality of the situation hit you like a ton of bricks.
Your mouth gaped as you struggled to find the right words. "You're in love with me? Like all of you?" Manny had resigned himself to leaning in your lap, head buried in your thighs as you combed through his curls with one hand.
"I don't know what to say." You spoke honestly, staring at each of them, you expected sadness from your lack of response but only found warmth in their gazes.
"And you don't need to, I'm glad you're even hearing us out," Caspian spoke, taking a hesitant seat beside you as if he was afraid to scare you off. "Of course, I'm hearing you out you guys are everything to me, sure you went about telling me in the absolute wildest way possible but I don't know what I'd do without you- all of you." 
"And you never have to. I meant what I said, you're ours now, we got all the time in the world for you to catch up." Gabe said, his eyes flickered over his youngest brother, still in your lap, and instead of animosity, he stared with a knowing grin. "Okay little man, you worked yourself up, c'mon let's take a walk." 
A muffled shout of 'No!' could be heard from Manny, his grip on your waist had become like iron, but Gabe persisted. He scooped the skinner male up by his arms, much like a cat grabbing their kitten by the scruff of its neck, and dragged the pouting male outside with a well-timed wink. "See you in a bit Ma." And with that, they left. 
You offered to help Cas clear the dishes, if only for a sense of normalcy but he quickly ushered you away, sending you off to rest with a quick peck to your cheek.
In an attempt not to overwhelm you, each Delmont was off to their own devices, Gabe and Manny still hadn't returned from their walk, Marcos was hotboxing the basement and Caspian was humming his way around the kitchen, which left you to wander the large estate you'd found yourself in. 
Retracing your steps led you back into the room you'd woken up in, the large space was open and seemed almost tailored to your tastes. You took the time to search the drawers and see your clothes, the bathroom connected to the room was fully stocked with your favorite brands, and much to your growing confusion, even had stuff from your wishlist.
You looked for your phone in all the typical places it usually was, purse, nightstand, etc. But came up empty-handed. You had a sneaking feeling this was intentional as everything else you could have needed for this impromptu vacation was accounted for. 
Feeling the burn of more questions you sought out the man who swore to answer them. 
He wasn't too hard to find, and the sound of soft music coming from a record player led you straight to him, the room he was in looked like an upgraded version of his office, he was writing in a leather-bound journal so intensely he didn't notice you walk up. He always looked so pretty when he was working, chin jutted out just the slightest as his eyes flickered back and forth, you always told him how he looked like he belonged in a modern art museum.
"Hey, Ricky?" His head snapped towards you with breakneck speed. "What's up?" He seemed eager as he snapped the book shut and shoved it in a drawer, his small smile was enough to relax you, quickly turning to give you his undivided attention, he waved you in.
"You know where my phone is? I couldn't find it with all my stuff." He smiled at you, taking his glasses off with finesse as if he was prepared for this question. "The boys must have forgotten it." He said matter of factly.
"Well can I use yours?"
"It's dead."
You scoffed feeling your irritation spike at his dismissive attitude, you turned to leave before he spoke out again. "What are you so eager to do on the phone exactly?"
"Oh my god- nothing, I get you guys are trying to- well do whatever this is, but you can't just keep me from my life Rick- I don't need to be coddled." He leaned back into his seat, brows furrowed at your tense form.
"And what exactly are we keeping you from? An empty apartment? A job you despise that sucks the joy outta ya?" He sighed through his nose, tucking a runaway strand behind his ear, "You don't need to worry about any of that shit anymore okay? Have you looked around the house yet?" He asked changing the subject smoothly, you shook your head no, anger fading as quickly as it had come, and watched as he rose, pausing to crack his back. 
"Well c'mon, there's lots to see and you oughta be familiar with your own home." 
The two of you walked side by side as he took you along the tour, so far not including the rooms you'd already been in, you'd seen a reading room, but what made you pause was the living room itself. It had a flat screen that took up a whole wall, a working currently lit fireplace, a few hanging plants and well-placed candles, and dead center was what you considered the crowing jewel, a mauve and orange themed conversation pit, one you'd always dreamed of having. You couldn't fight your excitement as you rushed past him to flop on the soft cushion.
"I think I've died and gone to heaven." You mumbled into the fabric, Ricky stared on in amusement, more than pleased you seemed to be enjoying the home he'd painstakingly brought together for you. Every inch of the house was managed with you in mind, he'd kept amazing notes on your likes and preferences throughout the years, but seeing your genuine excitement had to be his favorite part.
"I promise we can come back here but there are literally three floors to this mother fucker." He smiled down at you, holding a slender hand out, he felt his heart swell as you took it, but instead of rising to his level, you yanked him down to your own, pulling him over, he bounced on the couch with shock written on his features.
"No way my guy- tour is officially paused until we test this here T.V. out okay?" His face flushed as you curled up beside him, "Yes ma'am." He laughed a bit to himself, loving how easily you were entertained. He pulled the remote out from a cleverly disguised compartment on the couch and watched your eyes light up even brighter. 
"Holy shit secret couch pouch."
"Focus woman, I paid good money for this T.V. and you're more interested in the furniture." He turned on a random movie and let himself relax at the moment. Drinking in the sight of you so at ease, his heart about exploded from his chest when you snuggled into his side, his arm wrapped around you snuggly, hand rubbing patterns into your flesh.
You didn't feel like racking your brain with a million questions about why you were there or where their sudden confessions came from, instead, you chose to focus on what you did know, Ricky was comfortable, and despite everything, you still trusted the Delmont men, as they were all you knew.
Maybe subconsciously you knew this was wrong, that keeping you here was wrong, but it didn't feel wrong. It felt right. Like you were supposed to be here at this moment.
You ended up passing out in the tall man's arms, your small snores and completely relaxed face had Ricky's skin flushed cherry red, he couldn't wipe the grin from his lips if he tried, Gabe and a now calmed down Manny returned shortly after you fell asleep, the older of the two insisted on carrying you back to your room, only he stopped by his room to tuck you snuggly into bed, wrapped in his soft Egyptian cotton black sheets, he felt himself twitch in his pants at the sight of you so safe and sound.
He stood over you for a while, happy to stand there and drink you in all night, only to be interrupted by a text from his older brother.
"Okay so, how do we think it's going?" Caspian asked after summoning them all to the still slightly smokey basement, he held a tablet in one hand, the cameras placed around the house were mostly for his peace of mind, so he could be sure you were okay no matter where he was.
"She seemed chill at breakfast, I say a win is a win." Gabe shrugged, eager to leave this little meeting and cuddle up to you. 
"Yeah I'm with Gabe on this one, she seems okay, do we have to keep up with the whole 'give her space' thing?" Marcos asked from his spot on the couch, he was lying on his back tossing a foam football up and down.
"I wanna sleep with her- s'not fair Ricky got to." Manny piped up from his seat on a beanbag, the pout could be heard in his voice.
"I was just in the right place at the right time, not like I planned it." Ricky defended himself, but the satisfied smile on his face made it hard to believe him. "And it could just be the shock, give it a few days before you lay into her, and I'm looking at you three." Gabe and the twins made a noise of disbelief.
The next morning you awoke not on the couch but pressed against the big chest of one Gabriel Delmont. The bluenette had one hand behind his head and the other securely wrapped around your middle, holding you against him, he rarely slept in a shirt so you were used to his statuesque features, but it felt different now, after his bold claim at the breakfast table, it all seemed rather intimate to be face first in his naked chest.
As if he sensed you were awake, he soon started shuffling close toward you.
"G'mornin Mi Amor." His morning voice was husky with sleep, it sent a warm tingle down your spine as he shifted, pulling you even closer. "Morning Gabe." He stared at you for a second before tilting your chin up with his free hand, his pillowy lips were on yours in an instant, warm and cozy, he hummed as he pulled away, his smile turning wicked at the obvious heat on your face.
"I uh- I fell asleep on the couch?" Was all your brain managed to say after the heated kiss, still processing the tingly way it made you feel.
He huffed a laugh, leaning over to place another kiss, this time on your neck, "Yeah I may have stolen you from Ricky but you can't really blame me." He mumbled into the flesh of your neck, the sensation made a ghost of a whimper leave your lips.
He froze against you before his lips turned to teeth, "Keep making those pretty noises for me n' We're never leaving the bed." He sounded breathless as he nipped and sucked his mark into your skin. Breathy little moans left your lips, "Shit- hold on a second-ngh."
Your hands buried themselves in him, one in his hair the other trying to find purchase on his toned back. His chest began to rise and fall, his heart pounding as he fell into the delicious sensations, your hand tugging at his locks, the other digging into his skin so hard he felt the crescent-shaped indents you were leaving, the mental image of your own mark on him had him rolling his hips into yours, his boxers suddenly all too tight, he rolled himself to lay comfortably between your thighs, suddenly, he lifted himself just enough to stare in your eyes. "You want my tongue or my fingers first Ma'?" The sinful smile he sported was enough to short-circuit your brain.
But before you could stumble out an answer, a few sharp knocks came from the door, so hard they shook the wood. 
"Put your dick away Gabriel, food's ready." Marco's voice carried through the barrier instantly popping whatever heated bubble you two had been in. Gabe growled something obscene under his breath, his angry stare melted back into a teasing one as he met your gaze once more.
"To be continued Baby girl."
Your second breakfast at your new home was a lot like the first one, only this time before you could sit Manny pulled you into his lap, his surprisingly strong arms locked around your waist, fingers dancing along any skin he could find. "Missed you." He mumbled into the back of your neck, goosebumps exploded across your skin at the timber in his voice. "But you just seen me?" You couldn't fight the giggles that escaped you as he started trailing little kisses along the column of your throat, nosing just below your ear as he knew you were ticklish. "So what? I didn't wake up and see you so it's been too long." He reasoned, basking in the perfect way you fit in his arms, how soft and warm you were.
"Oi, let her eat." Ricky pointed his fork at the youngest, his tone full of accusation. "Hmm that's fair, my baby does need to eat, hey Cas, little help?" Manny asked hiding his wolfish grin by kissing your nape. He knew what he was doing.
"Well of course." The eldest Delmont was quick to bring a fork full of food to your lips, the heat in your stomach only worsened as he stared down at you so lovingly. Being hand-fed was embarrassing, but with each passing moment the electric feeling of Manny's wandering hands paired with the downright lustful way Caspian was staring at you, and each of the little proud noises he made whenever you took a bite, quickly wiped away any embarrassment. 
You managed to usher Caspian to his seat so he himself could eat, Manny seemed much too preoccupied caressing your body to feed himself, so you cleared your throat, it was almost comical how each of their heads snapped towards you, like a pack of puppies waiting for their next command.
"So- uhm, what's on the agenda today?" It was hard to keep your voice steady, Manny's fingers danced up and down your sides in an addicting manner.
"I've gotta head into town with Manny and Gabe, pop needs us for a few hours but when we come back I'll make it up to you okay love?" Ricky spoke first seemingly genuinely upset at the prospect of leaving you, the other two mentioned visibly deflated at the news, and the younger twin tightened his hold on you.
Once those three departed Marcos loudly announced he was taking a bath and how lonely it be, oh if only someone would help him, only leaving when Caspian launched his slipper at the devious Twin.
Which left you with the gentle giant of the house.
You helped Cas clear the table no matter how adorable the pout on his face was. It felt so normal, drying the dishes as he washed, a soft song playing in the background.
"How are you doing? I mean really doing." He spoke so gently, so earnestly, the truth couldn't help but come out of you. "I feel like I'm dreaming. Like I'm gonna wake up any second and all of this will have been some strange concoction by my lonely brain." You laughed as you spoke, but it was true.
It was as if you were waiting for the other shoe to drop. "Why do you say that Honey?" He seemed so concerned, enough to set the plate he had in the sink, dry his hands, and turn and face you fully. "Well- I mean it is all very dreamy, plus you guys all- I mean what you said at breakfast yesterday, that you all um-" For some reason, the words refused to leave like you were embarrassed to say them Incase you were wrong.
"Love you?" He asked, gently taking each of your hands, "Yeah- I mean I'm flattered, fuck any one of you being into me is like a dream but all of you? I'm just kinda, scared I guess? That this is another one of those jokes where I'm the only one not in on it." His frown was so out of place on his face, how disturbed he seemed. Before you could backpedal he was lowering himself down just enough to scoop you up and sit you on the kitchen counter.
"I'm so sorry baby, my poor girl." He sighed, thumb brushing against your cheek. "Your brain is being mean to you, that's just not gonna work for me." He rolled up the sleeves of his sweater and undid his apron with a finesse that had your thighs clenching together. "We shoulda' told you how we felt years ago. Then it be unquestionable. I guess I just gotta convince you some other way right?" He had this look in his eye, the bass in his voice made your next words come out shakey.
"What did you have in mind?"
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onmyyan · 2 months
The boys zodiac signs
Caspian Capricorn ♑🐐
Ricky Virgo ♍
Gabe Scorpio 🦂♏
Marcos Scorpio 🦂♏
Manny Scorpio 🦂♏
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onmyyan · 1 year
Marcos Delmont NSFW HC'S
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Nastiest mf
If there's one thing this cheeky bastard knows how to do is fuck.
He is very sexually adventurous, probably the most out of the boys.
Willing to try anything once, especially if you're into it.
Another switch, soft Dom/Power bottom depending on his mood.
Loves the way your eyes glaze over when he’s ramming into you.
Ready to get down and dirty anywhere, anytime.
Loooves public stuff, the thrill of anyone seeing what you two are up to makes him giddy.
Has a get freaky playlist and you've inadvertently trained him to get hard whenever he hears one of the songs outside of him intentionally playing it lmao.
Another one who likes filming you two, dozens of encrypted folders of you guys having nasty, sweaty, toe-curling sex.
Overstims you until you cry those pretty tears he loves so much, licks em’ off your face while he whines about how beautiful you are. 
Dick jumps when he sees you.
If he has you on your back, feet hooked over his shoulders, he the type to lick a stripe up your leg while he's rearranging your guts.
High sex good lord, weed makes him stupid horny, if he smokes you out y’all won’t leave the bed for hours.
Foreplay is insane with this mf, he likes to play guitar so those fingers never get tired if you catch my drift.
His absolute favorite place to be is 7.3 inches in your guts with a blunt hanging between his teeth.
Huge masochist, please hurt him, carve into his skin, leave crescent-shaped moons in his back, he wants everyone to know who he belongs to.
Loves wax play, the sting, and the way you hiss, god, he has creamed his jeans thinking about this before.
Addicted to how you feel around him, cockwarming will happen, just not for long, it feels too good not to buck into you.
You make him feel like a virgin in the best way.
Impact play, you are getting spanked, but don’t worry, he’ll kiss it better.
As kinky as he can be his favorite sex is when he can take his time, and worship every inch of your body.
Breeding kink, type to eat his cum out of you cuz he likes how you squirm.
There are some days he just needs to be held, interlock your hands, and tell him you love him, a surefire way to get him to bust so hard he shakes.
If you're away and he gets horny you'll get a ton of videos of him stroking his cock with your shirt pressed against his nose, "Look what you did princess, look how you got me."
Nut videos where he's whining your name in that breathless little tone, he likes to tell you precisely what set him off
“Thought about that cute little noise you make when I fill you up I got so fuckin’ hard it hurts.”
Bath sex that starts out tender but you pull his hair then boom he's fucking into you so hard there's barely any water left in the tub.
Obsessed with watching you cum, you make the prettiest faces when you go over the edge.
Anytime you get in a car with him there's a 50/50 chance you two are gonna fuck in it.
Praise kink and a degradation kink all wrapped in a kinky little bow.
 "C'mon princess I know you're not cock drunk already?"
"That’s my girl, my slut- fuck, you take me so well baby."
"I know you can beg better- show me how bad you need it."
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