#marc IS awake but they NEVER talk about it lmaoooo
moonshynecybin · 3 months
How does vale help and deal with Marc’s pain post reconciliation and would they ever fight because vale doesn’t think Marc is taking enough care of himself.
i DONT think it would be a fight post reconciliation they’ve worked on conflict resolution hopefully A LOT… but the thing about marc is he is only good at conceptualizing himself and his body as something to be protected when others tell him so explicitly. no fucking brakes on that guy people have to look him in the face and FORCE him to reckon with himself as someone whose bodily person and health um. matter. alex giving him permission not to race when concussed type vibe. you may not matter to yourself but you matter to ME
so actually vale in this scenario (so worried about marc he is NAUSEOUS. but at the same time deeply and intimately aware that riding that motorcycle is the living beating heart of him) is mayhaps a positive influence on marc’s deeply weird conception of self! so like. i could see them when it’s late at night, after a race where marc had a scary crash. and he’s fine, just a little sore, but there was a moment when vale saw him— when it seemed like maybe he wasn’t. when he flew through the air and vale’s heart seized in his chest. and now they’re curled around each other, and it’s so dark in the room that they can’t really make out each other’s faces, and vale doesn’t even know if marc is asleep really, but he’s warm and alive and his chin is notched against vale’s chest and it’s been quiet for a long while. and vale’s is just. playing everything over in his head. the aftermath of marc’s arm injury. the crash today. various and sundry other traumas related to their sport that we’ve all perceived. and like. without even knowing if marc is asleep or not, he starts talking softly, the words dragging out of his throat like sandpaper: you have to— you have to be okay. you have to take care of yourself marc. and marc’s fingers dig a little deeper into vale’s side, hands on the contours of his ribs. and vale thinks he heard him.
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