#marblecarved (shireen)
spynorth · 1 year
"We may be away for a while. Buy what you need and stay in my eyeline."
@marblecarved s.c (shireen !)
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soulatsiege · 1 month
❝ history and legend sometimes blur together. ❞ / from Shireen @marblecarved
And how they do. Even feats from living memory become a mixture of ideality, unreality, and remembrance to so many faster than a sunset in winter. Perhaps it was a quality of life, that some were unable to separate from the common man.
His lady wife would often remark on the girl's perceptiveness to him, and she was not wrong. The book she was holding did have quite a bit of myth in it, often touted as history by fools, but as he often did he wished they were close enough so he could prod further. In the context they were living in, with people treating him as an inheritor to fire and shadow (A rumor fanned from his own self) but they were some harsher ones, like the Lannisters lies over control, truth, blood. Was there anything his daughter could relate to her current experience?
"They do, child. There are some tells for lies though, truth can leave a small but noticeable print in myth." He added, looking directly at her book. Some applied to his own campaign, if you looked hard enough. It might be invisible for nobody truly cared for the person they flew their banners under. "Have you spotted it?"
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stormbcrn · 1 year
“ plots please ” for Shireen or Jenny? / @marblecarved
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Shireen and Jenny, because they both need some love <3 putting these ideas below the cut, but feel free to message me if you are interested in plotting something more in depth or writing new a thread or something!
for shireen, an au where stannis inherited the iron throne would be cool to explore !! and this is a new au idea for me so i would love to hear if you have any thoughts about how this would look for shireen, but it would mean that shireen is the crowned princess of westeros and she could be living in the red keep. then there could either be a peaceful transition of power where dany cuts off supplies to king's landing and forces stannis to bend the knee, or stannis dies in battle in daenerys' conquest. shireen could become daenerys' eventual heir (which is interesting because i'm guessing stannis would not name her his heir, but again i'd love to hear your thoughts on this) but she could serve as her cupbearer or something first !! in this au, daenerys could tell shireen eastern legends about dragons and magic, she can show shireen the fragments of dragon eggs and how small they used to be, they could plant gardens together around the castle and shireen can read in them like she used to do at dragonstone.
we could do something more in line with show-canon, too, where shireen flies north with daenerys to winterfell. maybe shireen has read some ancient stories about the undead, the night king, or the three-eyed raven or something and she knows that valyrian steel can kill the dead before jon snow kills the wight. i'd love to see shireen explain these stories and what they mean for them in the war against the dead to a bunch of adults.
for jenny, i know less about the got verse you have for her but depending on what you are interested in doing, i can see a couple of things happening ! i could create an au where daenerys doesn't accrue power in essos, so when she comes to westeros with her dragons, she does so mostly because she's searching for somewhere that feels like home rather than taking the iron throne. she can come across jenny or perhaps jenny hears of her arrival and seeks her out (since dragons haven't been seen in westeros in 300 years, i'm sure word would travel that the last targaryen is back even if she wasn't a queen) and daenerys can get the simple life she has dreamt of with jenny.
or if you'd be interested in something more canon-based, jenny could become an advisor of sorts to dany, or she could come to her while daenerys is holding court in king's landing, after she becomes queen of the seven kingdoms! i think this has a lot of possibilities depending on how you incorporate jenny into got canon (i think you've said she has a ghost verse, but i may be misremembering so please correct me if i'm wrong!) from memes i've sent in before i also think you have a human verse for her. i'd be interested in writing / plotting in either! ghost jenny could have a lot of potential if we wanted to do something angsty (like mad queen angst!) or even something where jenny's ghost appears in the keep when dany takes the throne, without her going mad.
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summerkng · 3 years
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soft interactions | accepting
【 @marblecarved​ sent a raven】:  “ [ embrace ]  for  your  muse  to  pull  my  muse  into  a  tight  embrace. / from Shireen ?”
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Feeble arms wrapped themselves around the tall male’s slender waist all of a sudden, and he looked down to see a head of coal-black locks. His little niece, for whom he had no genuine affection, was never a good omen for it meant Stannis was also about .. delightful.
However, neither the girl’s uncomely appearance nor her unfortunate parentage could be blamed on her, so Renly had always been nothing but kind and doting around her. Today was no exception. Wiping the startled look off of his face, he offered her a tight smile while stroking her hair. “Looks like my little lady has missed me .. How have you been, darling ?” 
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ashenvoid · 3 years
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   With a swift movement Trym takes up her guitar and sits down on a wooden chair infront of the child. A soft smile graced her lips as she leaned forward, brown locks falling off her shoulder.  ❝  Sooo, is there a tune that you would like to hear 𝙸𝙽 𝙿𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙸𝙲𝚄𝙻𝙰𝚁?  ❞
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    ---   𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔠𝔞𝔩𝔩.   for @marblecarved​ (shireen) from trym tealeaf.
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stovmborn-arc · 3 years
 𝐃𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐑  𝐎𝐅  𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐒.  valyrian  blood  coursed  beneath  her  veins  and  perhaps,  that  was  why  she  had  felt  such  a  spiritual  connection  with  her  ancestral  seat.  although  it  was  cold  –––  dark  and  gloomy  –––  it  had  been  her  home  nonetheless.  there  are  ghosts  here,  daenerys  thought  to  herself  as  she  allowed  the  silence  to  invade  her  mind  for  a  mere  moment.  it  felt  as  though  her  mother  walked  the  halls  of  dragonstone  still,  grace  and  beauty  all  but  haunting  as  she  found  herself  in  the  very  place  where  it  had  all  begun.  dainty  digits  trace  over  blackened  carvings,  fingertips  following  the  horns  of  dragons  until  they  danced  to  the  tips  of  razors.  they  had  all  been  made  to  look  so  terrifying  ;  threatening,  grim  and  ghastly.  though,  she  had  been  blessed  enough  to  hear  dragon  song,  the  cries  of  her  children  reverberating  through  clouds  as  they  chased  one  another  off  into  the  distance.  and  such  squawks  continued  into  the  night,  as  though  they  were  restless  in  these  lands  that  were  unfamiliar  to  them.  if  they  are  monsters,  then  so  am  i.  footfalls  pave  their  path  through  corridors,  moonlight  spilling  through  each  window  where  blackened  bricks  lack  and  as  she  turns  one  corner,  she  stumbles  upon  shireen  ...  a  smile  befalling  her  petals.  
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 ❝  princess  –––  ❞  tone  is  soft  as  it  addresses  her,  almost  as  if  her  father  is  still  the  lord  that  resides  here.  though  battle  has  already  taken  him,  yet  another  usurper  who  dared  take  her  throne  gone.  shireen  however,  is  not  guilty  of  the  treason  stannis  baratheon  had  committed.  many  others  were  greeted  by  a  reptilian  tongue,  words  twisting  and  forming  as  though  she  could  breathe  fire  herself  (  as  a  queen  should  have  spoken  ).  though  in  some  bitter  irony,  aerys  targaryen  had  been  no  saint  either  ;  driven  by  tyranny  and  madness  all  in  the  same  instance.  another  step  closes  the  distance  between  herself  and  shireen,  amethyst  hues  alight  with  a  kindness  as  she  looks  down  upon  the  girl  who  had  been  left  fatherless.  the  mother  of  dragons  gazes  into  her  eyes,  as  if  she  recognises  herself  behind  baratheon  hues.  ❝  –––  it  is  the  dragons  keeping  you  awake.  i  can  assure  you,  there  is  nothing  to  fear.  this  is  your  home  and  it  has  been  for  longer  than  it  ever  was  mine.  ❞
@marblecarved​  liked  for  a  starter   
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liondaughter · 4 years
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@marblecarved​ (SHIREEN!) said:  ❛ Do you know where you’re going to spend the summer? ❜
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     “hmmm....?” the inquisitive little hum comes as she glances up from the magazine she’s only idly leafing through, green eyes lifting to focus on her cousin’s face, instead. “oh, no - - - i haven’t decided yet. i was thinking of going to the south of france, though, for a couple of weeks at least. and if i do, i was going to invite you and sansa and maybe rosamund as well.” flipping the magazine closed she pushes it to the side. “why do you ask? do you have one of those brilliant ideas of yours for someplace we should go?” 
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ofjordayne-blog · 5 years
@marblecarved​ // SHIREEN
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“you’re a baratheon then, hm?” once, perhaps, the name would have stirred anger in her, kindled the churning fury all the dornish shared, but those days have long since passed. that cycle had cut down far too many and left too many grieving in its wake. arlis has no interest in it now, nor any patience for it. “i met your uncle, back when i was a girl, though i cannot say i met your father. he must be proud, to have so lovely and gracious a daughter, though.” 
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illfatedpartners · 3 years
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[𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌]: @marblecarved​ | Shireen [𝐅𝐎𝐑]: Renly [𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄]:  ❝ under the sea, the birds have scales for feathers. ❞
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❝That is...an interesting way to describe fish.❞ Renly comments amusingly. It’s interesting, looking at her. The scar on her face is atrocious, but she is nothing like her father  —   nothing like her mother either. Where Stannis is cold and distant, unhappy with life and disliking everyone he ever interacted with, the girl seems kind, warm, viewing life as once Renly did: softly, lovingly. It’s strange how it makes her both likeable and annoying to him, wanting to choose her company instead of anyone else’s at this place, and wanting to get away from the family his brother seemed to love instead of Renly. No, he thinks, I don’t care about what Stannis does or whom he chooses to love. Besides, his brother might be a castle away from abandoning this girl too.
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So instead he chuckles and decides to actually be nice. Wouldn’t be interesting if Shireen ended up liking her uncle more than her own father?  ❝Tell me, Shireen. Have you ever swam in the sea? Has your father told you about...❞ he leans towards her, as if he is to share a secret  ❝...a secret beach at Storm’s End?❞
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khruseosold · 5 years
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Trick or treat (x) for @marblecarved
Shireen Baratheon (A Song of Ice and Fire): Your Grace, if you are dead... // — You will avenge my death, and seat my daughter on the Iron Throne. Or die in the attempt. // On my honor as a knight, you have my word.
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stormbcrn · 2 years
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shireen asked,  ❛  what if something happens to you ?  ❜   /   @marblecarved​
                   DAENERYS  WANTED  TO  PROMISE  SHIREEN  that there was no reason for her to be scared,  that when she flew on dragons’ wings she was untouchable to the rest of the world,  but the words would ring empty of truth and Shireen was smarter than to believe them,  anyway.  She surely knew there were  one hundred things  that could happen in  one hundred different ways  when Daenerys flew north.  Stannis Baratheon had,  too,  gone north but he did not return home to her alive;  already,  she had faced immeasurable loss despite her youth.  She deserved a world that was kinder to young girls,  Daenerys thought.  They all did.
A hand cupped Shireen’s cheek,  her thumb gently tracing over  scales  that had long since healed of infection.  Worry creased her brows,  but when looking into her light eyes,  Daenerys knew she could not leave Shireen on Dragonstone as her father had done before her.  She could not leave her alone to fear for her safety,  or to wonder if she would see her again  ––  Daenerys remembered what it was like to be young and frightened.  “You do not need to worry for me,  sweet child,”  she murmured,  the words only for Shireen’s ears.  “If it pleases you to join me,  we will ride north together.  I would be  grateful  to have your company  ––  it is a long trip to make on horse,  you see.”  A smile lined Daenerys’ lips,  her hand falling to Shireen’s shoulder giving it a squeeze.  “You do not have to stay behind to wonder what will happen.  I will protect us both.”
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praeludio · 4 years
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« 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐄 I'll be there and send your fears away. »
@marblecarved​ liked for a lyrics call ( cassana & shireen )
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sealskind-blog · 5 years
( a starter for @marblecarved and SHIREEN? ) 
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          dragonstone. like a whisper from a dream that name had come to her : there was a storm here once some years ago, that much she remembers, one she had waited out in rocky coves until she could swim north again. a storm and great ships and a woman’s screams, a baby’s cries.....yes,. she could remember it, though she could not remember why. it matters not - - - she does not think of it. not when she must balance a basket of linens (linens? was that what they were called?) and walk both at once! when she finds the girl’s room empty she sets the basket down with a sigh, goes snooping: looking at the bits and bobs of life, to see what she can find. fingers close upon a....thing. a great, big block made of leather and....(she sniffs the insides) skins? it opens in her hands to display squiggles like birds in flight across a pale sky, and ailsa’s dark brows furrow as she picks the thing (the book) up, tilts it back and forth, thumbs through the inside-things-made-of-skins. (she does not notice the girl’s approach until it is too late) 
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stovmborn-arc · 4 years
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                𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐇𝐄�� 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄.   amethyst  hues  rained  upon  the  sculptures  that  haunted  the  walls   ;   stone  teeth  and  blackened  scales.  though,  it  was  not  simply  the  ghosts  of  dragons  that  lived  on  the  island  in  which  her  ancestors  had  built.  with  every  footfall  that  leather  boots  gave,  daenerys  stormborn  could  sense  the  fear  that  loomed  with  each  room  she  entered.  dragonstone  had  been  both  the  beginning  and  end  of  house  targaryen   –––   a  reminder  of  everything  that  had  been  stolen  from  her.  as  lilacs  cast  themselves  upon  gargoyles  and  the  pride  that  littered  the  fortress,  there  was  a  sense  of  sadness  that  overcame  her  also.  the  targaryen’s  had  been  proud  of  the  dragons  that  lay  siege  to  her  sigil,  though  they  were  also  the  same  people  who  had  caged  them  within  the  confines  of  the  capital.  a  dragon  is  not  a  slave  and  yet,  they  had  been  condemned  to  a  pit  and  as  a  result,  had  lost  their  lives.  
 a  sigh  caught  in  her  throat,  hands  brushing  against  the  painted  table  that  sat  ahead  of  the  cavernous  mouth  of  her  battlement  room.  soon,  she  would  strike  upon  kings  landing   ;   reclaiming  what  had  been  taken  from  her  family  by  the  hands  of  usurpers.  she  was  the  mother  of  dragons,  the  breaker  of  chains   ...   and  the  daughter  of  madness.  from  one  daughter  to  another,  lilacs  cascaded  over  to  shireen.  hues  were  sullen  and  daenerys  attempted  to  press  a  smile  upon  her  petals,  though  it  was  no  use.  on  this  side  of  the  sea,  she  was  a  foreign  invader  to  most.  but  no  daughter  should  have  been  judged  by  the  sins  of  her  father.  lips  parted  as  though  to  speak,  shireen  had  once  been  a  princess  too   –––   with  a  claim  that  her  father  had  given  her.  the  seven  kingdoms  had  been  destroyed  by  men  who  believed  that  they  could  make  the  world  a  better  place,  enforcing  their  own  reign  and  forgetting  about  the  people  who  lived  beneath  them.  and  still,  even  men  of  daenerys’  own  family  believed  that  they  too  could  rule  upon  westeros  and  lead  the  people  as  it  suited  their  own  greed.   ❝  history  is  a  wheel,  for  the  nature  of  man  is  fundamentally  unchanging.  ❞
@marblecarved​​​​  hit  the  ♡  for  a  starter  from  this  generator  !!!
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undomael · 4 years
                           STARTER CALL !                 liked by : @marblecarved ( shireen? )                                            
                                                                                     UNDÓMIEL’S CHEEKS SPREAD OPENLY   ,    brightness   touching   across   dimples   as   they   form  ,     amethyst   gaze   pressing   down   towards   the   girl   before   her  .          ❝     do   you   know   the   stories   of   how   the   stars   were   made  ?    ❞
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anogarien · 3 years
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❛❛ My muña once told me that you , too , have dreams of dragons ? ❜❜ Such a thing was traditionally a Targaryen ability , so the boy’s curiosity soared upon hearing that a little Baratheon girl possessed such thing ! Their houses were related by old blood and new , so there shouldn’t be any surprise but - she just did not fit the image of who Aegon expected to have such sacred dreams . ❛❛ Who visits you the most ? I see Meraxes . . .  too often I watch her fall and the pain in her voice , ❜❜ the egg shook his head ; nightmares . Aegon saw her most often . . . perhaps , as a way to hone his Dornish and Valyrian lineage - having perished in Hellholt . Such dreams always left him sad , such creatures deserved kindness - not to perish in such cruel ways . ❛❛ I’m getting ahead of myself , lady Shireen . How often to you see them ? ❜❜
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@marblecarved​ / starter call !
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