#manicr writes
manicr · 13 hours
Last installment of this decade long project. I hope it satisfies, 18 k of plot and porn.
Norman cleans house of his misdeeds, Daken and Bullseye aren't replaceable.
Warnings: canon typical violence, mild gore, torture, very graphic sexual content, mental illness, disassociation, murder fantasies, medical drug misuse/withdrawal, internalized homophobia, sadomasochism, choking kink, H/C.
It's literally 10 years and 4 days of writing this series.
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honmyoseagull · 2 years
Anyway, some nice niiiiiice people are starting to join. As suggested, let’s start with the prompts you have a fondness for… Come claim them.
I’m going to use the comment section to start listing who wants to participate and who wants what prompt.
Ideally, let’s do all.
Obviously, if more than one people want to do one prompt, I won’t have the heart to say no. ^^
See you all in the comments. I’m gonna list a few participants and claimed prompts already.
Addendum. Let’s make things easier. I’ll have the claimed prompts here too. I’ll add stars if some are are asked more than once:
Addendum 2. Hey, darlings, you can claim the Alt prompts too, we might use them as jokers for the unclaimed days…
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the-graves-family · 1 year
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@manicr my writing s not that good so i made this i feel it was a little rushed but i hope you like it and feel better
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teal-bandit · 1 year
Tagged by @imperiuswrecked
Rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better/catch up with and answer the questions below
Last song: The Carpal Tunnel of Love - Fallout Boy (I picked a great band to be into as someone with Auditory Processing Disorder lol)
Last movie: Shutter Island (I know it has a lot wrong with it, but I love movies that delve into the psyche of their characters. Horror has a lot of capability to provide catharsis for dealing with the messy emotions that a lot of other genres avoid)
Currently reading: The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, & Healing in a Toxic Culture by Gabor Maté and Daniel Maté (I love Dr. Maté's writing; it's very informative and enlightening. I've read his book on ADHD [Scattered] and the one exploring the relationship between autoimmune diseases/chronic illnesses and a person's ability to cope with stress and negativity in their lives [When the Body Says No] )
Three ships: Bullsnikt (I can't help myself; I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers and the romance of being accepted as you are [even if what you are is a remorseless killer])
Akihiro/Aurora/Carl (Akihiro has two hands, Marvel) (Something about someone you spent a lifetime with despite not knowing that was what you wanted/needed is just -chef's kiss- and add in someone who you can relate to and who can love you now... The juxtaposition of past lover and current lover, but make it work)
Jubilee/Laura (they were so cute in the X-23 run I wish they were being written by almost literally anyone other than fuckin Leah Williams right now I've been waiting for them to get back together)
Craving: nothing, currently. Am sick 😷 usually craving spicy foods, though
Tagging: @manicr @honmyoseagull @gealach-in-a-misty-world @paigeartsaround @thisiswhatwereupagainst @urgoingtohell @vortalchorus @bothsidesofaquestion @cykelops and whoever wants to join :3
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whumpteam · 2 years
Sent our official form to be registered as compeltionists as a team. Let’s cross fingers!!!
Anyway, the mods of the official event have also a survey… does any of you have comment(s) they want me to relay? here are their questions:
What did we do well?
What can we change?
Any other comments?
What is your age? (I’ll probably answer ‘variable’ unless you want to give me yours so I can make an average… You don’t have too.)
What was your favourite prompt?
What was your least favourite prompt?
How many fills did you create?
For writers - how many words did you write in total?
Did you write hypothermia or hyperthermia? (this one is for @manicr) Don't worry, this is for statistics only! HYPERthermia HYPOthermia None
(IF YOU WANT US TO DO THIS AGAIN NEXT YEAR, you can also answer for our OWN organization too, I’ll take notes!!!)
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2021 Year in review: Akihiro fics
Inspired by @manicr's post, a collection of the best Akihiro fanfics of the year according to yours truly! 2021 was truly inspired, I couldn’t remember a recent year with so many and so amazing works featuring our favourite snikt person!
New Author:
Honmyoseagull (tumblr) (AO3)
The gift that keeps on giving! Honmyoseagull took us all by storm in January 2021 and has kept us supplied throughout the year with such diverse fics! She has it for all tastes: funny, tragic, and inbetween, and all with intricate plots and truly interesting cameos.
Honorable Mention:
Manicr (tumblr) (AO3)
She’s been a staple of this fandom for so many years and this was the year she started writing again (and such amazing stories!) so! Give it up for the woman, the myth, the legend!
In Memoriam:
sketzocase (AO3)
She left us at the beginning of the year. Her works were incredibly dark and funny, and she will be missed.
Fic of the Year:
@honmyoseagull's Claws with another name
Just. I have no words. Go read it. A beautiful, beautiful analysis of Akihiro’s psyche, his past, and his present.
Best hurt/comfort:
@teal-bandit's When no one else would
Romulus kidnaps Akihiro off Krakoa, but Johnny is on the case!
@manicr's Party Favors
An investigation leads X-Factor to Bullseye, and Akihiro must face the conflicting feelings caused by the meeting.
Snikt Family Feels:
@honmyoseagull's Home of Wolverines
The first meeting between Akihiro and Gabby, the first tentative knitting of the family. Laura is firm and hopeful and Akihiro unveils himself, a little. Lovely fic.
Best WIP:
@fandom-susceptible‘s Changing Tactics
An in-depth exploration of the relationship between Akihiro and Johnny Storm, with plenty of boundary discussions. Slightly divergent from canon.
Best AU:
indevan's Gook Work, Never comes Easy
The story belongs to a series where most of the cast is in the music scene, the core cast being Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Akihiro, Bobby Drake and Jean-Paul Beaubier. Akihiro has a turbulent past with drug abuse and alcoholism: in this story, Laura and Bobby (Akihiro’s boyfriend) ask the rest of the band help to organize a surprise party for his five years of sobriety.
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sin2thea · 4 years
Pass the happy!
Pass the happy! 🌻🌈 When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications!
1. Listening to music and jump-dancing through the apartment.
2. Watching YouTube videos about SCPs. (Fuck hyperfixation)
3. Writing down all my story ideas, even if I know that I could never write all of them.
4. Right now enjoying this sweet spot where it is still warm, but you feel autumn already on its way.
5. There are some great new series out that I watch right now. “Raised by wolves” and “Lovecraft Country”
Tagged by: @highchu
Tagging: @manicr @gabes-domain @spiffythespook whoever wants.
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acebokutowl · 7 years
manicr replied to your post “Oh and one more thing that’s been on my mind regarding the matter of...”
hey I totally agree, there needs to be better and more diverse ace/aro rep in media. The sex pos to the sex repulsed, the kissy cuddly to the no touch.
It would be the best if there could be representation of different types of aroace people, wouldn’t it? And let’s not pretend there’s not enough room for that, because there is.
But it’s like, I’m used by now to headcanoning characters as aroace, who just don’t mind physical displays of affection. There’s plenty of characters, who could actually be aroace. But hell, wouldn’t it be nice to for once not having to basically write fanfiction in your head but be sure there’s a character I can 100% relate to...
Not this time I guess.
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manicr · 7 months
Fic Priority Polling
Hiya! I'm emerging from pneumonia, last day on antibiotics, and I'm wanting to get back the the saddle. So, I have four active WIPs, and a graveyard of many more and plot bunnies multiplying, and I want to know what there's interest for. So vote! Comment!
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Links to the works on AO3:
OTP Challenge Daken/Bullseye (29/30 finished) Misc works, the latter more plotty but all nsfw.
The Way You Shake and Shiver (1/?) Fake-Dating after sadistic punishment gone wrong, they work together to undermine Osborn. Team dynamics and base in the Dark Avengers arc.
Doing the Work (1/?) Est. Relationship post DA, working with and against the Kingpin. Feelings happen and conflicts are created.
What's Owed to us as the World Ends (8/?) Crossbones and Bullseye navigate the King in Black event and their feelings. Very H/C and villain relationship.
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manicr · 3 months
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Dark Avengers (Comic), Marvel 616, Dark Wolverine (Comics) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Daken Akihiro/Lester | Benjamin "Dex" Poindexter Characters: Daken Akihiro, Lester | Benjamin "Dex" Poindexter, Victoria Hand Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Mental Health Issues, Medical Trauma, Hurt/Comfort, Internalized Homophobia, Panic Attacks, Manipulation, Power Dynamics, Whumptober Summary:
Bullseye made a deal for his sanity and Daken for the downfall of Osborn. Harry Osborn made his own deal with the Devil.
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manicr · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dark Avengers (Comic), Marvel (Comics), Dark Wolverine (Comics) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Akihiro | Daken/Lester | Benjamin "Dex" Poindexter Characters: Akihiro | Daken (Marvel), Lester | Benjamin "Dex" Poindexter Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Anal Sex, Power Dynamics, Light BDSM, Mild S&M, Breathplay, Toxic Relationship Summary:
A conversation about their relationship.
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manicr · 8 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Dark Avengers (Comic), Marvel 616, Marvel (Comics), Dark Wolverine (Comics) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Akihiro | Daken/Lester | Benjamin "Dex" Poindexter Characters: Akihiro | Daken (Marvel), Lester | Benjamin "Dex" Poindexter, Wilson Fisk Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Mental Health Issues, Anal Sex, Light Dom/sub, S&M, Implied/Referenced Sex Work, Power Dynamics Summary:
The Kingpin wants Bullseye for a job, Daken interferes and gets dragged in deeper than he expected.
It starts with a simple question: Where is Bullseye?
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manicr · 10 months
What's Owed to Us: 'Twas the night before Christmas
Summary: Bullseye finally has a good day.
Pairing: Crossbones/Bullseye EXPLICIT
Additional tags: canon typical violence, explicit sex, mental illness, manipulation, power dynamics, possessiveness, dependency.
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manicr · 1 year
Chapters: 29/30 Fandom: Dark Avengers (Comic), Dark Wolverine (Comics), Marvel (Comics) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con (some chapters) Relationships: Daken Akihiro/Lester | Bullseye Additional Warnings In Author's Note for each chapter
Summary for chapter 29: Daken has an unexpected guest that needs his help. His sisters think that he needs it more. (12k words)
Warnings for chapter 29: canon typical violence, sexual content, dysfunctional relationship, power dynamics, references to past abuse, mental conditioning, mental illness, slurs, H/C.
Inspired by @just-a-bandit‘s art.
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manicr · 2 years
Chapters: 26/30 Fandom: Dark Avengers (Comic), Dark Wolverine (Comics), Marvel (Comics) Rating: Explicit Relationships: Daken Akihiro/Lester | Bullseye
  1983: Bullseye’s stay in Japan was a little longer and he had the company of a punk he knew he couldn’t trust. But fuck, he was beautiful.
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manicr · 1 year
Daken/Bullseye (pre-Krakoa era)
Daken gets an uninvited guest who needs his help. His sisters think he needs help. A relationship argued and built in small gestures.
Shameless self-promotion of chapter 29 because I still LOVE IT ❤️
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