#malvs art
mantis-on-a-table · 1 year
Here fellow bug lovers, come and grab some food🤲
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(Redraw of this post)
Lineart only under the cut !!
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thebotanicalarcade · 1 year
n321_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: J. Sturms Flora von Deutschland : Stuttgart :K. G. Lutz,1900-1907. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/55369300
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gingerrhd · 1 year
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I'm gonna have the brightest art in the malv tag, God I wish I could do the golden brown oil paint pallet without having to dig out acrylics ;~;
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canalsart · 4 months
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Un dels destacats artistes que tenim exposada obra en el Fons d'Art de la galeria és Gerard Sala i Rosselló (Tona –Barcelona-, 1942) passa la seva infantesa a Palma de Mallorca. Actualment viu a Sant Joan de les Abadesses.
Es forma a l'Escola Massana, l'Escola Superior de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi i a l’Escola de pintura mural a Sant Cugat del Vallès. L'any 1979 comença com a professor del Departament de Pintura de la Facultat de Belles Arts a la Universitat de Barcelona, essent professor emèrit.
Ha realitzat nombroses exposicions al país i també a l’estranger i la seva obra es pot veure també a molts museus i institucions públiques i privades.
Gerard Sala es dedica essencialment a la pintura, tot i que també ha conreat alguns altres camps de l'art com el gravat, la litografia, l'escultura, el mural, escenografia i a la poesia.
La seva pintura gestual amb domini dels blaus, ocasionalment trencats amb malves i vermells. La figuració queda sotmesa al ritme que imposen els sentits i les seves obres esdevenen superfícies plenes de lirisme. Identificat amb alguns plantejaments del Romanticisme d'una banda, i del Taoïsme de l'altra, el seu treball es diversifica darrerament també a través de l'escultura i la poesia.
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buenomalvesadv · 2 years
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Você está grávida? Então esse post é para você. Conhece uma mulher que está grávida? Encaminhe esse post para que ela fique ciente dos direitos dela. São 8 direitos trabalhistas da gestante: 1 - Estabilidade provisória (art. 10, CLT): a mulher não pode ser dispensada até o 5º mês após o parto; 2 - Reintegração ou indenização: caso a gestação seja descoberta após demissão sem justa causa, ela tem direito a reintegração ou indenização substitutiva ou compensatória; 3 - Dispensa para consultas (art. 392, CLT): tem direito de se ausentar para no mínimo 6 consultas médicas; 4 - Realocação de função (art. 394-A, CLT): a gestante tem direito de ser realocada de função que ponha em risco a saúde dela e do bebê; 5 - Ampliação do período de repouso (art. 392, § 2º, CLT): os períodos de repouso, antes e depois do parto, poderão ser aumentados em 2 semanas cada um, mediante atestado médico; 6 - Licença-maternidade: direito a 120 dias de licença; 7 - Salário-maternidade: trata-se da remuneração que é paga no período da licença. Em caso de aborto, o benefício é pago pelo prazo de 14 dias; 8 - Intervalos para amamentação (art. 339, CLT): durante a jornada de trabalho, até os 6 meses do bebê, a mulher terá direito a 2 descansos especiais de meia hora cada um, inclusive aquelas que adotaram. A critério da autoridade competente e, quando a saúde do bebê exigir, esse período de 6 meses pode ser dilatado. Você conhecia esses direitos? Continue acompanhando as publicações, vem muita informação boa por aí. #direitodotrabalho #trabalho #direitostrabalhistas #direitosdagestante #gestante #direitos #advocaciatrabalhista #advocacia #advogado #advocaciatrabalhistaemjundiai (em Bueno Malves Advogados) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiPtWwFO2eo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Tag Yourself (Placebo Edition)
Pure condensed anxiety
Could kill you but would cry the entire time
Spent his childhood as a bridge troll
Said “no” to society
Comes out of the shadows to help you like a mythical guide
Lowkey protective
Fidget 100
Crime as a bonding experience
Evil robin hood
“Do Not Perceive Me”
Has mastered the poker face
Survives on a steady diet of gossip
Horse Girl™
Collects figurines
Would sell you to Satan for one corn chip
Sexuality: money
Hates everyone except for like one person
Could 360 noscope you no problem
Small body big voice
Stable interests? I don’t even know her
Gets a crush and immediately regresses to being a flustered schoolgirl
Trying her best
GPS implanted directly in brain
Biology nerd
Pigs are good
Mad online, mad offline, mad all the time
Oops all repression
Will kill for you without hesitation if he likes you
Not a fan of nature
Punches extremists
Politely asked the grim reaper to leave him alone and it worked
God simp
Holy dad
Attempts to be the sensible one
Reliable when not engaging in Rat Behavior
Works out to get good at hugging
Doesn’t like fish
Has just completely given up and is mad about it
Saw god
Brooding as a hobby
Judging you
Egotism as a coping mechanism
Goes by his nickname only
Calculated chaos
Supplies the cursed knowledge
Made one (1) mistake years ago and will never forgive himself
Be gay do crimes
Here to make things worse
Dead inside and outside but still kicking somehow
Hopeless romantic
Writing a fix-it fic for life
Probably on an FBI watchlist and not just for her search history
Names everything she comes across
Pestering as a love language
Can only express one (1) emotion per lunar cycle
Screwed up so bad that ghosts had to stage an intervention
Reluctant mom friend
Looks like she could kill you and would 100% kill you
Must be the best or she’ll just die
Has a husband but is also married to the grind
In a constant state of “fight me”
Living in denial
MVP dad friend
Killed god
Tired but also a chaos enabler
If looks could kill you’d be dead
Earned 1st place in having trust issues
Bad luck magnet
Fancy street tricks go brrrrrr
Raccoon energy
Kisses the homies
No talk
Hates excessive loud noise
Loves his dog more than he loves most people
Is the law
Beware of dog
“I can fix him”
The sane one
Pampers his dog 24/7
Doesn’t like alcohol
Does it for the bit
Loves his wife
Is your dad now
Personified trauma
Music god
Needs a hug but will also stab you if you get near him
He protecc he attacc
Cannot heely away from the feelies (but he does try)
Big boy. Buff
The one responsible member in the group project
He forgor :(
Riddle Hour Is Every Hour
Everyone’s chill cryptid uncle
Has come to terms with the inevitability of death
Youngest in the group but is somehow the leader
Did a Leeroy Jenkins once
Physically fought his demons
Funny accent
Grandpa vibes
DIY king
Doesn’t like war
Hyper strict
“Get off my lawn!!!”
Job is life
Stays up all night reading
Mommy issues
Smarter than you
Is brother
Edgy loner
Art as a coping mechanism
Token extravert
Cottagecore gay
Gifted kid syndrome
Will kill you if you don’t vaccinate
Necrophilia pog
Group baby
Just wants to be taken seriously
Keeps having to watch everyone she loves die
Likes being carried around
Who is she
Only in charge because she’s the oldest
Had a rebellious phase (and may still be having it)
Religion bad
Sweet and shy but will start swinging without hesitation
Listens when you vent
Will feed all you heckers
Beautiful cinnamon roll to good for this world, too pure
Immediately knows when things are sus
Firm believer in the power of friendship
Chivalry died with him
Group brain cell
Gives scoldings (affectionate)
Pigs are bad
Got tired of waiting for her husband to return from war
Plant whisperer
Do no harm take no crap
Daddy issues extraordinaire
Social skills replaced with street smarts
Learning the hard way that life is so painfully complicated
Tells you exactly what she thinks
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fgooooooo · 2 years
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I'm so late but!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY VICTOR!!!
I played him all day and got his worn costume and then bought him 😭💖
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Meet Malvarick, Rick Ψ\0, an evil incarnate of all that is wrong with the world. Really but not really, that is.
Malvarick is a Rick whose body consists entirely of nanobots whose structure, colour and other attributes he can manipulate at will. He uploaded his consciousness into a data-core which enables him to directly control the nanobots he comprises of. He uses this mainly to his advantage while performing evil deeds to further his reputation of an evil maniac.
Also he hates a certain Zeta with inexplicable passion ( said Zeta belongs to @rickitywrecked)
More stuffo coming, maybe-- I am very easily distracted.
Shout out and huge thanks to @rickitywrecked and @pigeons-pictures for helping with the naming!!
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scotlen · 4 years
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drew people from my old favorite anime from memory just becuz me n my friend were on crack
edit: the colors were so much brighter but wow
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naturalxnotizblog · 4 years
Weg-Malve, Malva neglecta
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200713, 111600, Weg-Malve, Malva neglecta, Wiese, SchulstraßeNotizblog Naturbeobachtungen: https://wp.me/p9TZZ6-vb, …
Eurosiden II, Ordnung: Malvenartige (Malvales), Familie: Malvengewächse (Malvaceae), Unterfamilie: Malvoideae, Gattung: Malven (Malva), Art: Weg-Malve, Wissenschaftlicher Name: Malva neglecta, Wallr.,
Eurosiden II, Malvenartige, Malvales, Malvengewächse, Malvaceae,…
View On WordPress
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mantis-on-a-table · 10 months
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Seriously one of the best games ever <33
173 notes · View notes
flecha-de-fogo · 7 years
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Tudo ocorre no Silêncio...
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bush-viper-cutie · 4 years
sMuggled Art
Pairing: young muggle!snape x muggle!reader
Word Count: 5, 262
Rating: E for Everyone
Plot:  Severus is forced to take work in his father’s coworker’s wife’s store where he meets (Y/n). Severus’ view of the world seems dark, and you don’t really make things any better, but there is yet hope to change his mind! 
Warnings: None
A/N: Another request completed for anon! Since Severus doesn’t go to Hogwarts he has (my best attempt) at his North England accent. Hope you like it and the next on the list is the long awaited Crystal Ball part 4! :D
Posted: 8/31/20
(Y/n) = Your Name
 ~ * ~ * ~   = time skip
 ~ * ~ * ~
~ * ~ * ~ = POV switch
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~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
The front door slammed and shook the walls; Severus and his mother both jumped knowing what was soon to follow. His father was home and it didn’t sound like work had gone well again. His father walked into the kitchen where Severus was eating, his mother was wafting the cigarette smoke out the window before hastily dropping it into a water-filled pan in the sink and turned to her husband.
“They cut our pays. Again!” His father pulled on the fridge door so hard the entire thing moved forward several inches, scraping the tile.
That was Severus’ cue to escape to his room. He didn’t like being in the same room as either of his parents, though he could tolerate it when they were sober. All they ever did was order him around or ignore him on good days and yell at him on bad ones. Drunk, however, he knew what awaited him. He gathered his books and left his half-eaten cheese sandwich on his plate and turned to leave.
His father’s gruff voice stopped him in his tracks. He turned, staring up at him as he took a long swig of beer and wiped his mouth on his sleeve.
“You need to start earnin’ for this ‘ousehold.” He stepped closer and stared down at him over his large, hooked nose. His black eyes looked hazy and dark circles made his face look much older than he was. Anyone could look at his face alone and guess an age ten years older than he was, except his large square shoulders and huge bulging muscles would make anyone second guess themselves. He slid his jacket off himself and let it drop to the floor, flexing his arms and leaned over the doorway, blocking Severus’ exit. “T’morrow. I’m takin’ you ‘round to Malv’s wife’s store. They’re lookin’ for an extra ‘and.”
“Doin’ what?” Severus squeezed his eyes, regretting having spoken.
His father smirked and bent down to Severus’ hunched height. “Doin’ wh’ever they ask s’long as it pays.” He shoved him out of the kitchen and slammed the door.
Severus straightened his shirt and cursed to himself, heading upstairs. He closed his bedroom door and sat on the edge of his bed. He had plans tomorrow to do the homework he’d been putting off for the week. He was already falling behind in school, which wasn’t a good enough excuse to get out of doing work. It wasn’t like his parents cared whether he stayed in his disgusting school. His father had, on more than one occasion, talked to him about quitting and starting work in the mill, but there was no bloody way he was throwing out his only chance of leaving this horrid town.
He kicked his nightstand in frustration and winced as the leg snapped with a crunch and the whole thing came toppling over. Pencils and loose paper fell out, along with his black leather-bound journal. It was the most expensive thing in the house, given to him for his eighth birthday by his grandfather before he died.
His father had wanted to sell it, but it wasn’t even worth the cost of gas it took to get to the pawn shop across town. His grandfather had paid good money for it, and in the end, it stayed in Severus’ possession, used to hold his rubbish drawings throughout the years.
He picked it up and started sketching out the broken furniture and shading it as best he could. He sighed and closed it, throwing it back on the pile of loose doodles.
~ * ~ * ~
The next morning he picked out anything that didn’t have obvious patches or holes to wear. He even combed through his hair, per his mother’s orders, and brushed his teeth, ready for work. He dumped out his school supplies from his bag and packed his journal and a few pencils. He hated having nothing to do and carried it with him everywhere. He liked drawing in public because normally no one talked to him when he did, and if they did, he could ignore them with ease and pretended to be too focused on his art.
“Severus! Get down! Now!” His father’s deep voice roared through the house.
He growled to himself and slammed his bedroom door shut, marching down the stairs to where his father stood waiting with his arms crossed.
“Don’t make me late for work,” his father growled.
He was always late for work.
Severus nodded and slipped on his shoes, tucking the laces inside and pulled the door open. His father pushed him aside and walked out first, heading to his old grey car with the paint coming off the sides. He looked around for his mother but she was in the kitchen, smoking again.
“There food I can take? …For breaks?” he called out.
She didn’t respond and he headed out. He walked around to the passenger side and did his best to unjam the car door, finally needing help from his father to get it open. He sat down, hugged his bag to his chest, and buckled in.
~ * ~ * ~
He stared at the rain droplets racing down the window as they drove a few minutes into town. The shops were just opening as the car pulled up to the curve of a street of small and old looking store fronts. The most immediate store had a metal sign with their store name stamped on and rusting on all the edges. It was still in better condition than the wooden sign from the store next to it with bloated letters from all the years of rain.
His father slammed the door closed and walked around the car, pulling the passenger door open with such ferocity the car wobbled in place.
“I’ll pick you up after work. ‘Round seven. ‘ere’s your papers.” His father handed him three folded pieces of paper and pulled him out of the car, slammed the door closed and walked back around. “Don’t mess this up, Severus. Or you’ll be dealin’ with me.”
Severus nodded, clutching his papers and watched his father’s car pull into the street and head back around towards the large looming factory in the distance. The smoke from the factory mixed with the grey clouds, hiding any hints of the sun outside.
He covered the papers from the rain and walked the few steps to the door and pulled but it wouldn’t budge. He pressed his forehead to the window and peered inside, watching as a silhouette of a short woman approached.
He backed away as the door unlocked and a pale, sunken-faced woman with big bushy brown brows stared up at him through golden glasses. She pulled on her string of waxy pearls around her neck and looked him up and down.
He stared back at her and extended his hand with his papers his father had given him. She unfolded and shuffled through them, humming affirmatively after each one.
“I can use you.” She stepped back and let him in out of the rain into the yellow glare of the ceiling lights. “Was ‘oping you’d be… more like your father.”
She squeezed his arms and he recoiled into a shelf, hitting his head against the sharp wood.
“But I s’ppose jus’ your height will do.” She led him through several tight spaces between shelves of porcelain figures and around the front counter into the back room.
The back room was brighter than the main store, using whiter light, and there were larger stacks of boxes piled in the corner behind a single round table where someone sat reading.
“This is (Y/N). Do what you’re told. I’ll be back ‘round noon to check up on things ‘ere. Or might be back sooner. Don’ know yet.” She eyed him up and down with squinted eyes and exited the back room.
After a few awkward seconds the front door creaked open and closed. Severus stood there doing his best to avoid looking at (Y/n), instead looking down hoping his hair would hide his burning face.
~ * ~ * ~
~ * ~ * ~
A tall boy with long inky hair stood awkwardly in the doorway, looking at his shoes, glancing up at you every few seconds, and clutching his beige tattered bag in his arms.
You set your book down and stood. “Sorry about my mum… She can be a bit…” you shrugged, not knowing exactly what word best described the creature that was your mother. “What’s your name?”
His eyes flashed to your face and back down to his shoes, a light blush spreading over his cheeks. “Severus.” He turned his head to look at the wall of advertisements for new porcelain figures and let his hair fall over his face.
“Welcome, Severus. It’s pretty easy what you’ll be doing. Just… restocking and opening boxes while I dust and sit at the counter.” You turn to face the boxes and brought one down on the table with a grunt. You pulled on the tape and opened it up, taking out the little porcelain figure wrapped in tissue and plastic. “You can just set them on that cart over there and wheel it out into the store.”
Severus looked over at the cart and nodded.
You stood there awkwardly, waiting for him to say anything or ask any questions but all he did was hang his bag on one of the hooks on the wall and avoid your eyes.
“The sheet there says what number box to open and how many figurines to take out every morning. Just… let me know if you have any questions or can’t find something… I’ll be in the front.” You closed the box and headed out, closing the door to the back room and went to flip the ‘closed’ sign to ‘open’.
You spent the hour dusting the figures all over the store before finally sitting down on the stool behind the counter – a little high for your liking – and opened up your book once more. Severus had begun restocking the figurines, preferring to wonder around the store like a lanky giant than ask for your help. You tried concentrating on the words beneath you but watching him struggle to find the shelf full of porcelain ducks while carrying a glossy yellow one with a blue umbrella was entertaining enough.
The first customer of the day came through and bought about six of the forest series figures. As they walked out you spotted Severus’ look of disgust and laughed, catching his attention.
“You should see them over the Holidays. The shelves need constant restocking.” You watched a tiny smile grow and felt the air around get significantly lighter.
“But what are they for?” He stepped closer but avoided your gaze.
You shrugged, “They collect them.”
“Waste of money,” he mumbled and continued finding where the last of the figurines went.
~ * ~ * ~
It was around noon now and like she had said, your mother was back. She pushed the door open with her pink faux-leather purse and sneered at Severus in the corner as he replaced some figures a customer had just bought moments ago.
“Got anythin’ nicer to wear? You’re drivin’ down the prices with those pants of yours. They’re too short.”
“Mum,” you cut in before she could embarrass him further. “No one’s even noticed him.”
She turned back to Severus. “Ever think to tuck in that shirt?”
“No,” Severus snapped. He crossed his arms over his chest, somehow looking smaller than before.
Your mother scoffed and headed to the counter, shooing you out. “Go eat your lunches.”
You jerked your head to the back room, inviting Severus to join you. He shuffled in ahead, going straight for his bag.
You unwrapped the brown bag in the corner and took out your sandwich, turning back to Severus. He was bent over the table scribbling in a journal. You pulled the other chair out and sat down, peering over and seeing it was the beginnings of a doodle.
You watched him for a few minutes until he looked up and closed it.
“What were you drawing?” You finished one of your sandwich halves and waited for his reply.
His eyes flickered to you and he licked his lips, getting ready to answer. “Its… Just nothin’.”
“Your tongue was sticking out… You looked pretty concentrated.”
“I wasn’t drawin’ nothin’,” he growled and put his stuff back in his bag. He laid his head down, letting his hair spread out on the table.
You stretched out your finger and snuck a feel, smiling to yourself. You wrapped your last sandwich half and pushed it up to him. “Want my sandwich? I haven’t bitten it.”
He dragged his face up and looked down at the sandwich half next to his elbow. He looked back up at you and raised his brow.
“Take it.” You nudged it closer.
He took the sandwich and began eating. “I don’t take bribes, just to inform you.”
You gave a giggle and enjoyed the slight blush that spread over his cheeks. “You think I’m giving you my sandwich so that u can show me your art?” You leaned forward and grinned. “I’m just being nice.”
“Nice?” He shook his head, “No one’s just nice.”
“What?” You laughed. “People are nice all the time!”
He turned to you, furrowing his thick brows and leaned in. “Everyone wants somethin’. Even if it’s just to feel good ‘bout themselves.”
Your grin shrunk and you looked deep into his eyes, seeing he was speaking his truth, even if you disagreed. You sat back and mulled over what he said, seeing a bit of where he was coming from. What you didn’t understand is how someone could actually think that.
He set down his sandwich and got up from the table, walking over to the bathroom and locked it. You looked at his bag and thought back to the doodle he had been working on. You looked back at the locked door and back at his bag. What sort of stuff did he draw with a mentality like that? He frowned when he restocked, snapped angrily at people, and believed the world to be selfish.
You reach in his bag and pulled out his black leather journal, opening it from the back forward and flipped through pages until you found the first doodle. It was a scribbled mess, but it had begun to take shape into one of the tiny lamb figurines, cowering from a large grey wolf with an open drooling mouth.
You flipped to the next page and saw a broken stand and a few shattered bottles. The next page was a broken mirror and the next a burning house. The page after caught your eye. It was a swing set in the foregrounds and a group of teens talking by the slides of the playground he’d drawn. All of the teens had smiling faces and ice cream cones or popsicles in their hands. Were these his friends? But why did they look so far away? Regardless, his skills were amazing. Everything looked so detailed and precise.
“Couldn’t resist?” A cold low voice spoke from above.
Severus’ hands came down above you and snatched up his book. You turned around and stood to face him, red in the face with embarrassment and shame.
“I-I’m sorry I… I just… It was only a few pages.”
He was fuming, lips turned down with bared teeth. His eyes glistened as he clutched onto the journal. “You can keep the rest of your ruddy sandwich.”
“No, please. I’m so sorry. I wasn’t thinking… I was just curious and I let it get the better of me… I really am sorry. I swear I only looked at a few drawings. I’m sorry. Really.” You were a fool for not realizing how upset he’d be. You’d thought worst case scenario he’d be annoyed, and once the band aid of you looking at his art was torn off, he’d be more open to going through it with you. Best case you’d put the journal back before he came back and your curiosity would be settled.
He stepped forward, towering over you. “No. You’re not. You got what you wanted… So why would you be sorry?”
“Because I didn’t consider your feelings. I thought you wouldn’t care so much about your art. I didn’t think you’d really care.” You hugged your arms closer and watched his expression change.
His furious black eyes took in your figure and he looked down at his book. His frown turned softer. “I don’t care. It’s pointless to care.”
He turned away from you and walked into the bathroom. Within seconds he was back out with empty hands and left the back room to continue stocking the shelves in the store. You made your way to the bathroom and saw he had turned the faucet on the book, soaking it in the sink.
Tears coated your eyes as you blinked, turning the other pages of the journal and seeing nothing but smeared figures and smudged faces. You hadn’t expected such an extreme reaction… but it was still all your fault. You should have realized some people could be very sensitive about their art… even if you hadn’t seen anything that personal in it.
~ * ~ * ~
The next four hours was spent in silence as you helped in the front desk and occasionally restocked some figurines. Severus had refused to even look at you, keeping his eyelids half closed in boredom the rest of the time and responded to only your mother.
The last customer left, and the shop was ready to close. The next hour was spent dusting and counting money until finally your father’s car pulled up on the curb.
“Time to close,” your mother pushed you and Severus out as she locked the shop door and dropped the key in her pocket.
Severus’ bag was noticeably more empty than it had been when he walked into the shop. You clutched your bag closer and felt the journal you had slipped into your bag. You weren’t really sure what you were going to do with it… but you wanted to make things right with him.
You father honked and your mother and you got in his car, leaving Severus standing outside the shop in the rain. You watched him sit against the door and pull his legs in, resting his head on his knees. Your father pulled away from the curb and you sat back, wondering what to do.
~ * ~ * ~
The night air was cold but the rain had stopped shortly after dinner. You gripped onto the handlebars of your bike and squinted at the signs as you rode passed. The torch in your hand kept flickering and the rows and rows of identical houses made biking all the way to Severus’ house in the dead of night seem like the worst idea of the century.
You kept your feet still as the wheels turned on their own down the hill, taking you to the last neighborhood of Spinner’s End. You stopped a few houses away from the house you believed to be Severus’. You took out the note where you’d written his address and shined your torch at the letters written sloppily on his dented mailbox.
You ditched your bike in a bush across the street and headed to his house. You placed your hand on the gate and breathed out, pushing it open and walking down his cobblestone walkway and up the two steps to his front door.
You knocked a few times and heard a door close inside and then quick footsteps. The front door swung open and a tall woman looked down at you. Her eyes made her look cross, but her down turned mouth gave off a sullen air about her. She looked you up and down and crossed her arms.
“S-sorry,” you stammered. “Can I speak to Severus?”
The woman’s sad mouth turned up at the ends. “Severus? And what would you wan’ with him?”
Did she find it funny you wanted to speak to him? “I’d just like to.”
Her smile pulled up higher to show her yellow crooked teeth. “Run ‘long back to where you came from, brasser. Come back when we ‘ave the money to spend.” She slammed the door.
Your mouth fell open and you backed away, shaking with anger. If you could go back several second you’d’ve hit her long pale face square in the nose. She may not have realized who you were and the fact your mother was currently employing her son, but that still didn’t giver her the right to talk to you that way.
You headed out of their property and noticed a shadow on the pavement coming from the house. You turned just in time to see a dash of black hair as Severus pulled his head back inside his window. You looked at the windows at the front of the house and made sure no one was watching you from there before heading around the brick wall to the left side of the house. Severus was hiding under the windowsill, only the top of his head was visible from down where you stood.
You climbed the low wall and shined your torch on the dead dried grass, spotting a ladder. You jumped down and dragged the ladder, pulling it out as long as it’d go, and propped it up on the side of the house. His window wasn’t that high up and the ladder seemed sturdy enough so you climbed, clutching your bag under your arm as best you could.
You reached the top and looked down into Severus’ eyes as he sat under his windowsill still with a red face. You sighed and looked around his room. His door was closed and it looked safe enough, away from the eyes and ears of his horrible mother.
“Are you going to invite me in?”
Severus nodded and moved back awkwardly, still on the floor of his room.
You threw your bag in and ducked inside, doing your best to not fall on your face. You sat in front of him and pulled your bag close. “Severus, I wanted to talk to you and apologize.” You looked around his messy room. “Though I was hoping to do it at your front door but… I suppose this is still the least weird apology I’ve given in my life.” You smiled hoping to lighten the mood.
He shook his head and pulled down on his hair. “I heard… I-I mean…” He pressed his face down into his hands, hiding his red face. “I’m sorry my mam called you a… She… She ‘ates everyone. Please don’t…” He sighed.
You laughed, “Don’t worry. It’s not like you called me that.”
He looked up and watched you behind his hair as you pulled out his black journal.
“I… was a jerk earlier. I got curious and went behind your back… You don’t deserve that… So… Here.” You extended his notebook out to him.
He pushed his hair back and frowned. “It’s ruined. I soaked it.”
You nodded, “Well… The art is no longer in there. It was really smudged. But I cleaned it off as best I could and spent all evening drying it… The pages are dry and hold pencil led well enough again… See?” You flipped to the first page where you’d written:
‘I’m Sorry I’m Awful
Please Don’t Hate Me.’
He took it and flipped through it, feeling the paper with his long fingers and rubbing at the occasional left over smudge. He looked back up at you with still furrowed brows. “But why? We aren’t friends… What d’you expect to get from this?”
You raised your brow and pushed your hair aside. “Still so cynical. But you’re right. I do want something – Two things actually. One, for you to forgive me. And two, to be friends. You seem pretty alright and your art was really good, from what I could tell.”
His face softened and he looked back at his journal, closing it and placing it between you both. “Friends?”
You laughed. “Yeah. What? Have too many to squeeze me in?”
He shook his head. “No, it’s just…” He gripped his knees and bit his lip. “D’you know we go to the same school?”
You blinked, taken completely aback. “We what? Really? I’ve never seen you around.” How had you not noticed him ever at school. It wasn’t that big of a school, and most students knew each other through their parents who most all worked at the mill.
He nodded, bringing his head lower and letting his hair cover his face again. “You’re too popular t’even know I exist.”
You laughed at that word. “Popular? I’m not popular.” You couldn’t believe what he was saying.
“You’re always around all those people…”
You giggled, “They’re just my friends…” It suddenly struck you that he’d been watching you before. As you were cleaning up his journal you had noticed several groups of students he’d drawn. Besides the one at whatever park, some of the settings were school settings. But it hadn’t clicked that it was your school he had drawn. “Severus?”
He looked up, his face was no longer red, but a light pink blush remained on his pale cheeks.
“Did you want to be friends with me before? At school I mean?”
He shook his head.
You frowned, confused about what he was trying to say. If he didn’t want to be friends why was he watching you? Why did it seem he had an interest in you if he wanted nothing to do with you? “Then what? I don’t get it.”
He shook his head again. “Nothin’… I forgive you. You should go before my parents catch you in ‘ere. My mam will lose it… and you wouldn’t want to see that. Things get weird when she does.”
You nodded and stood, zipping up your bag and turned to the window. You wanted to stay longer, figure out what the hell was Severus’ secret. Why was he so secretive!
You swung a leg over and felt for the step, ducking through the window and finding the step again with your other foot. You looked down to make sure everything was okay and took a step down. You turned back and froze. Severus was back to kneeling next to the window and his face just inches from yours.
“S-sorry! I thought I should be close enough to catch you if the ladder started tiltin’…” His cheeks reddened even more and spread to his neck.
You nodded and looked into the deep wells of his eyes, seeing yourself reflected in their dark depths. He got closer, letting you stare at him longer.
Another explanation popped into your head, for why he’d been the one to know you existed despite never having met him. Why he’d observed you with your friends. Why he cared about your social differences….
“Do you have a crush on me, Severus?” you smiled.
His eyes widened and his mouth fell open slightly. The blush that had been spreading down his neck turned red again, and he looked away, giving you a curtain of inky hair. He turned back with more composed features. “Of course I don’t! Why would I? I-I just met you today and… and I was just sayin’ that stuff about school because I-I noticed you once. That’s all!” His voice was deep and harsh.
You rolled your eyes at his weak attempt at intimidation. “Just admit it! Why else would you be acting so weird about being friends and caring about how ‘popular’ I am even though I’m not?” You climbed back up the ladder and pushed him aside to climb back through the window.
He stood and squeezed his hands into fists, no longer cowering. “Just because I’ve seen you ‘round doesn’t mean I ‘ave a crush on you!”
You scoffed. “Do we have any classes together?”
“No.” He crossed his arms.
“Do we have the same lunch together?”
“No.” He started tugging on his sleeve.
You smiled again. “There are over a thousand students in our crummy school and hundreds during lunches and somehow you know I’m not part of those hundreds in your lunch?” You laughed again. “Explain that.”
His face got even redder. “Well.. I-I… I-it…” He shut his mouth and clenched his jaw. “Fine. I DID. ‘appy?”
Your smile dropped. “‘Did’? When… Why did you stop?” Why did you care?
He huffed. “I told you. It’s pointless to care… about you…”
You looked down at his greying socks. You weren’t sure why his words kind of stung.
“Why d’you look like that?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know…” You bit your lip. “I think I… Liked? That you had a crush on me?”
He scoffed, “Why? S’you could feel good about yourself?”
You shrugged again, feeling tears grow in the corner of your eyes and wishing you could escape such an awkward turn of the argument.
There was a long pause.
“D-d’you like me?”
Your head shot up and your faced burned hot. His eyebrows were raised and his crossed arms were loosening the longer you took to respond. “I… might have taken an interest in… you.”
“You’re interested in me?” His face pulled up into a grin suddenly. “Is that what you’re sayin’?”
You scoffed, “I didn’t say that exactly!”
He laughed and stepped forward, still towering over you. “I felt you feel my hair! I was right! I knew it!”
Your jaw dropped and if your face wasn’t red before it was now the color of a tomato. You did remember doing that. “I… I don’t know why I did that!”
“That’s why you want me to admit I ‘ave a crush on you,” he shrugged and stepped back, looking as if he’d won.
“Aha!” You quickly put your finger up. “You DO have a crush on me!”
He placed his hands on his hips and shook his head. “I’ve already won. You ‘ave a crush on me – and you didn’t even realize it.”
What had this day turned into. Being suddenly told this morning you’d have to train someone knew at the store and now it was passed midnight and somehow you’d accidently confessed a crush you’d also gotten today? The day was as messy as the clean up for his journal that now lay forgotten on the floor.
You held your hands up in defeat. “Fine… So maybe I do… But you do too!”
He curled his finger and pressed it to his lips. “Alright… I do…”
You smiled down at your shoes and stood there awkwardly for a minute before decided to just go for it. You stepped forward and kissed his cheek, accidently touching the corner of his mouth and pulled away.
Your face burned. “Ok… Bye – !” You turned and headed out the window, quickly climbing down and let the ladder down on the ground gently.
You climbed the brick wall and looked back up at Severus.
He was touching his cheek as he smiled and waved. “S-see you t’morrow!”
You put your hand to your mouth and giggled. “See you.”
He looked smug suddenly and you rolled your eyes playfully.
You quickly jumped down and ran to your bike, hopping on and peddling back up the hill, trying to pull your giant smile back to normal.
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
Request: “may I request a muggle young sev x muggle reader please idk a story or headcanon really anything you want I just love the way you write young severus okie dokie thank you for reading 🥺❤” – Anon
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lanahria · 4 years
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Hi! While I am not too happy with the result, I did say I would draw @malve_morgentau OC Malve! I hope it’s not too bad #oc #originalcharacter #drawing #art #artoninstagram #artistsoninstagram #newart #occhallenge #ocs #originalcharacterart #digitalart https://www.instagram.com/p/CC1kofUjSmq/?igshid=5lottvmr4uiq
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buenomalvesadv · 2 years
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que lá amigos e clientes! Gravei um reels a respeito. Mas também decidi fazer um post para aqueles que não puderam ver. A Súmula 450 do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho (TST) dispõe que é “devido o pagamento em dobro da remuneração de férias, incluído o terço constitucional, com base no art. 137 da CLT, quando, ainda que gozadas na época própria, o empregador tenha descumprido o prazo previsto no art. 145 do mesmo diploma legal”. Contudo, no julgamento da Arguição de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental (ADPF) nº 501, o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), entendeu pela declaração de inconstitucionalidade, invalidando as decisões judiciais não transitadas em julgado que, amparadas no texto sumular, tenham aplicado a sanção de pagamento em dobro, quando da quitação das férias fora do prazo legal, ainda que o período concessivo tenha sido observado. Fonte: Supremo Tribunal Federal #feriasematraso #pagamentoemdobro #pagamentoferias #advocaciatrabalhista #advocaciatrabalhistaemjundiai (em Bueno Malves Advogados) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChZ_6kTOwL0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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