#makes me crazy!!! insane!!!
cemeterything · 3 years
haha bro you fell for my epic prank where i used my body to shield you from a fatal injury so that i could collapse into your arms and be held by you as you push my hair out of my eyes and tell me i'm going to be okay and to just hold on in a panicked voice while i laugh because i'm delirious from blood loss and tell you not to cry, even though we are both very much crying. you got totally tricked dude.
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evercelle · 2 years
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sing me a song of surrender / freed from your burdens forever
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mydarlingstarling · 3 years
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Bela Lugosi in the 30s / Dave Vanian in the 70s
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prdsd4na · 2 years
it’s been weeks since i started obsessing over the filming locations of the series trying to figure out if the Theerapanyakul mansion is in fact a hotel or a mix of more locations like hotels + luxury apartments and whatnot and i don’t know maybe someone got there first maybe everyone already know but i didn’t until today so i went all out cosplaying kim trying to find the location wandering around bangkok with google maps like a real pro kim would be so proud 
so,,, we all already knew from the trailer that the mansion should be located in front of the Deutsche Bank building but i didn’t think that the sets for the mansion would be there as well i kinda took for granted that they would take outdoor footage and then they would be filming elsewhere mostly because of budget 
then in episode 5 while kinn and his father are playing chess we get to see a different building on the background that is the Mahatun Plaza and in the picture below you can see both the Mahatun Plaza and the Deutsche Bank building in the background while the pool is the same pool where we got mermaid!porsche and the doors on the sides are located where we see arm, pol, pete and porsche coming back home after the nights out with Tankhun and where in episode 5 we see porsche coming back home and finding kinn in the lounge asleep
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watching that second building with its name right on the front i finally decided to go on my little quest on google maps trying find where they filmed AND I ACTUALLY FOUND IT! it’s a hotel and it’s called Rosewood Bangkok and i actually got that it’s the one because when you search for it on google images the first picture that appears is the one with the pool from this scene with tankhun and you can even see the Deutsche Bank building in the backgroud as well in both pictures
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i later went on the hotel’s website as one does (also because i wanted to know how much booking a room would cost but unfortunately you can’t make reservations at the moment) and i found some other pictures of the places we’ve already seen in the episodes aired so far 
EXHIBIT A: the entrance we see at the very beginning of the series that is the same as we see in episode 2 when porsche has his elegant catwalk
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EXHIBIT B: the infamous lounge that we see while the two families are having their meeting (and it is the same that we see in episode 1 when kinn comes back home after failing to get porsche to accept the job and he finds his father and chan playing chess) 
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EXHIBIT C: this some sort of bar/private lounge where in episode 2 chan reports back about porsche failing the tests to kinn
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also on the website you can actually virtually walk in the rooms and there’s a virtual tour for kinn’s suite too which is more like an apartment and we have: 
the lounge/living room that we see in episode 1 when kinn says to porsche ‘your life is mine now’ for the first time and behind there’s the couch where in episode 2 when kinn’s reading that book about coffee and tankhun asks him to switch bodyguards
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the bathtub scene in episode 3 when kinn rejects the company of his friend because he’s still thinking about what happened to porsche when he was shot
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the infamous condom+lube scene in episode 4 when we see kinn’s bedroom
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the aftermath of the kiss in episode 4 
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and finally the scene in episode 5 when porsche asks permission to go with thankun to kinn 
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(also lol i think i’m pretty certain that kinn’s apartment in the mansion is the same as So from Our Days for those who are watching)
i can’t find more pictures of the inside of the hotel so i don’t know if the bit where we see the elevator is in this hotel or if it is another location but i’m pretty sure it’s all in there + i don’t think that the zone of the mansion where’s the koi pond is in the same hotel but it could be i guess  
lol i’ll leave the link to the visual tour of kinn’s room if anyone’s interested: https://www.rosewoodhotels.com/en/bangkok/accommodation/houses/bannakarn-house 
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cr0wc0rpse · 2 years
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castielcommunism · 2 years
I genuinely think on some level cas believed he was owed dean’s love and affection. “I gave up everything and this is what you give to me?” is demonstrative of this. and like cas eventually grows out of this and realises people are not owed love, love isn’t something you deserve, nor is it a reward you get for your actions. but in the early stages of his rebellion I think one of the lights at the end of the tunnel for him was that at least I will be able to have dean when this is over. I will have lost everything in heaven and be forever cast out but at least we can be together. and then dean doesn’t reciprocate and cas is left with serving the winchesters not necessarily out of love and loyalty and devotion (although that’s definitely part of it!), but also obligation. he burned every single bridge to get where he is and dean doesn’t love him back. like what would that do to an angels brain.
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quarterdollar · 2 years
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ANYWAY. Kiki being held like hamburger compilation :)
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eclipticass · 2 years
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yohankang · 2 years
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Isn’t it time that you got rid of me for good?
(Bad and Crazy, ep. 10)
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jennycalendar · 2 years
every day of my fucking life i think of willow trying to masquerade as a grown-up by pulling from fragmented memories of jenny. cutting her hair and learning magics and picking up some maxi skirts in the thrift store before college and holding her chin high like jenny. pushing forward and carving out a space for herself and taking initiative like jenny. calling on the dead that summer that buffy’s gone -- who else would she be reaching for? who else would she be trying to talk to? who were we watching tuck the rose quartz necklace into giles’s hand and tell him firmly that jenny would never be this mean? the name never gets said after a certain point, but that doesn’t mean that willow’s short hair came from nowhere. she started learning magic because she was looking for scraps of jenny -- somewhere, anywhere. because she has always wanted to be useful and this felt like a way to do it. because jenny’s the only grown-up who pressed a big responsibility into her hands and said you can do this. you’ll be fine.
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trans-xianxian · 2 years
always always thinking about jiang yanli telling wei wuxian "you were born with a smiling face" and how he died with one too,
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the reason kakagai works so well is that gai is the type to constantly pick up cool rocks and leaves and hand them to kakashi so he can see and kakashi is the type to keep all of them in a neat little collection
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floppydisk7000 · 2 years
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if you put everything together...this is how the scene really was.. 😭🥺
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melancholyarchivist · 2 years
absolutely love Sweeping romance as much as the next guy but am obsessed with the fact that Jean Valjean is the least empathic person alive and only tends to interact with people based on what they can offer him and his daughter. i mean he is this way for a reason and active empathy truly is about your actions, but he’s like a cold biblical angel in that he really does good all the time but then when confronted with someone it’s like. "you literally saved my life i think of you everyday” “huh. you mean nothing to me. let me sleep in your house.”
like if Javert lived i fully believe he would show up at valjeans door 05 Darcy style just having discovered feelings like You changed my life I would Die for you and Valjean would just like. “oh ok” (internally) shouldn't this guy be getting a lobotomy or something
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glitchydyke · 2 years
every single piece of art of chiaki is so inherently wrapped in blood and tragedy and desperation and love and warmth and hope it makes me INSANE. she’s such a fucking interesting character!!!! she’s the personification of hope she’s dead two times over she’s pure love she’s a broken piece of code she’s not even real she’s the most human person in existence. shes so fucking COMPLEX and INTEGRAL and MEANINGFUL and her story is so caught up in this web of tragedy and despair and death and there really is no happy end for her is there. she’s a shy student who made friends and found her place and changed the world and then had it ripped away from her and the world came crashing down in her absence. she’s a sentient piece of code pulled from the tortured memories of a dead prodigy, forced into a game that kills her for the second time, breaking her and trapping her in a collapsing world she can never follow her loved ones out of. her entire story is insane and makes me froth at the mouth im literally eating drywall rn
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I didn’t just see an wanda stan just say that America was being selfish and should of just let Wanda k*ll and use her powers I know I didn’t bc people can’t be that stupid they just can’t I swear Wanda Stan’s are a different breed, I don’t even know why I’m even shocked rn, bc at this point every Wanda stan is a toxic Wanda stan, how can you say that about a literal child ik she a fictional character but still it disgust me when I see stuff like this.
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