#mainly because 'fanworks' are a way for fans to show appreciation for the work
dayenurose · 3 years
Bughead Appreciation Week - Day One: Fandom Love Day
While this last season was airing, a friend who is only tangentially interested in Riverdale asked me to let her know when there were episodes (or, as it turned out to be, parts of episodes) worth watching. The criteria for ‘worth watching’ was simple enough—good Bughead moments. There really wasn’t much in the way of quality show content to offer her this season, but there were a few moments.
After 5x17, I started the conversation with “Last night’s episode of Bughead….” When I corrected my mistake, she responded with “No, I like what you call the show better.”
And, yes, I had to agree. Bughead is why I watch the show. It’s why I keep coming back, in hopes that the relationship developing over the first four seasons will return. But, while the show continually disappoints, the Bughead fandom hasn’t.
Being new to the fandom, there is an abundance of riches in which to indulge. I’ve had many more hours of enjoyment delving into the amazing fanworks than I ever had of watching the show. Because my record keeping is abysmal and I have years of ficfiction I’ve delved into over the past seven months, there’s no way I can mention all the writers and artists and fan creators that I have helped cement my enjoyment as a Bughead fan.
Here are a few shoutouts to those who have been part of my journey and have made it worth continuing…
@mieteve-minijoma (ao3) — We met in another fandom and when I finally took the plunge into Riverdale, Bina listened to me ramble about the show. She is an awesome, encouraging friend. Thanks for being there as I started this crazy journey. She is also an amazing writer. I love her Fairytale of New York series.
@50shades-of-bughead / @decydoodles (ao3) — Decy has created a myriad of worlds featuring Bughead, each of which pulls me deeper into loving Bughead. She not only has an amazing talent as an artist, but as a storyteller as well. Even when the story is a drawing and a few paragraphs, you know that there’s a whole world there to explore. Her attention to detail is spectacular. I love looking at her drawings and finding those details which add so much depth to the stories she’s telling.  Decy is also incredibly encouraging, kind, and generous. Check out her art on both her Tumblrs. Her SoS stories are absolutely spellbinding and has introduced Pen (eeiii!) to the world. Also, definitely give Armageddon a read!
Podfics - I’ve always been a fan of audio books, audio dramas, and other forms of audio storytelling. I love being able to listen to a story while my hands are busy crafting or cooking, etc. So, I was absolutely delighted when I came across these two lovely individuals who made Bughead podfics. Check out the collection of podfics by Mo1347 (I wasn’t able to find a Tumblr for Mo) and Hufflepuff Betty ( @protectorofthesmoll ).
For an added podfic bonus, check out HufflepuffBetty’s Welcome to Riverdale. It’s a clever fic which gives us a Nightvale AU version of Riverdale. (It works!) And, I can tell already miles better than anything we’ll see in Rivervale.
@bughead-in-the-comics - Before coming to Riverdale and subsequently Bughead, my familiarity with Jughead and Betty was mainly through cultural osmosis. Thank you to bighead-in-the-comics for your dedication in sharing the long history of Bughead in the comics. I appreciate all the work you’ve done.
@blueandgoldoffice, and @bughead-quotes - A big thanks to the folks that run these blogs. These blogs are dedicated to sharing (and finding) Bughead fics. They’ve helped introduce me to many an excellent fics that would have passed me by. And, the tag system at blueandgoldoffice has been a great help when I have an idea about the kind of fic I’m interested in reading at the moment, but don’t have a particular story in mind.
There are many more fics and authors that I have come to love. I can’t name them all. Here are a few that I have read multiple times and have greatly shaped my understanding and enjoyment of Bughead. While I’ve only mentioned one fic for each of the authors, all their fics are worth reading.
The Elusive Elenor Clancy by @darknessaroundus  (Part of the Willowdale-verse series)
On the Observation of Trifles by @thepointoftheneedle
a comic miniverse series by @sullypants 
Eye for an Eye by @lazydaizies
Cowboy Jones series by @writeradamanteve 
What Does Shakespeare Know? Parts (1) (2) (3) by makingitwork (@typing123)
For everyone I have and haven’t mentioned--Thank you for writing, drawing, making edits and gif sets, and sharing episode analysis, fan theories, and synopsis. Thank you for being part of fandom and sharing your work. Thanks to everyone who has liked, kudo-ed, re-blogged and reviewed. You all make our fandom a wonderful place to be. It’s all of you who keep us invested in this fandom and creating. Thank you. <3<3<3
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daredevilexchange · 2 years
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Want to be featured here? Head to this page and fill in the form!
See what this is about here, or if you’re using the app here.
What’s your fannish ID? Skink Salinger or Harpy! 
What types of fanworks do you create? I mainly create traditional art and write fanfiction! My favourite thing about the artwork in particular is illustrating silly things that make people smile. 
What are your favourite types of fanworks, when you’re not creating? I absolutely love when people make their own interpretations of what the characters look like to them. I’m also very partial to fan fictions with flowery wording. 
What do you like in particular about this fandom? I love how people are beginning to integrate more comic canon elements into their artwork and fics! I’ve been seeing a lot of redhead Matt and appreciation for ships like Team Red, and I’m loving every second of it. 
Do you like participating in fan events? Yes I do! I love participating in community events, because it gives everyone a spotlight. 
What about your creating process? I’ve found that the only way I can write fics is by listening to music and using a particular song as the inspiration for a chapter. With my artwork, I almost always take inspiration from the daredevil comics before I take any inspiration from the show. I think I have a definite bias for earth 616 Matt Murdock :)
Do you interact a lot with other fans? I have a small community of fan creator friends, but I’d love to meet and interact with more people! 
Do you have other fandoms you'd like to talk about? I’m a big fan of Spiderman! I’ve been illustrating a lot of Daredevil and Spider-Man content, because I absolutely love the way they interact in the comics :)) 
Is there any particular piece you'd like to showcase for this post? https://harpyofhellskitchen.tumblr.com/post/677176937701130240/where-there-is-no-vision-the-people-are This is one of my best Daredevil related pieces! I love it an awful lot, and I’d love for more people to see it. 
Is there anything else you want to tell us about yourself? I’ve been working on creating my own queer Daredevil fanwork comic that I’m very excited to begin releasing! I also make music and do a bunch of other creative things to keep me going :) 
Where can your fanworks be found? You can find me on tumblr here https://harpyofhellskitchen.tumblr.com/ - masterlist! My Instagram (linked to a post of my art) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbAckSFppnk/?utm_medium=copy_link AO3 https://archiveofourown.org/users/RitkaMortis
Thank you, @harpyofhellskitchen !
banner by @context-is-for-kingpins !
[ID on a white background, four black triangles that look like spotlights from above. Each illuminates one of the Defenders silhouetted in white: Jessica, Luke, Danny, Matt. A hand on the left is holding a pen writing the words Content Creator Spotlight. There is a little Punisher skull on the pen. End ID]
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imaginethathaikyuu · 4 years
kinktober 2020 faq // prologue
alright mothers and fuckers, kinktober is right around the corner and just like last year, we got an faq! 
i’m making this post to answer some faq’s and to preface the event, that way there’s one place you can all find all of my kinktober info. (yes a lot of this is copy and pasted from kinktober 2019′s faq, cuz i am Lazy)
PSA: if you’re not into this event and don’t wanna see the posts, please blacklist the “kinktober 2020″ tag, as that’s the tag i’ll be using throughout the month for my kinktober fics! 
ok now take this faq:
what is kinktober? - definition taken from fanlore: “Kinktober is a multifandom prompt based challenge that encourages the creation of erotic fanworks, mostly fanfiction and fan art, that focus on specific kinks. Taking place during the month of October.” so basically its just 31 days of smut
what prompts are you using? - these, a prompt list created by myself 
can i use your prompt list for my own kinktober event? - sure thing, go for it! you can credit, or not, i don’t mind either way 
what does X prompt even mean? - a lot of the prompts this year aren’t technically kinks, they’re just... prompts. it was more fun for me that way. i recommend using google for ones that seem foreign, but there will be definitions or explanations in the note on the fic for those that need them
what characters are you including? - the character list isn’t being posted, characters will be revealed as the scenarios are posted. you know, to add some suspense
is X character included? - if the character you’re wondering about is quite popular, then yea, probably. if not, then, who knows. many people have asked about specific characters, and sometimes i answer, sometimes i don’t. i like keeping things a surprise, so i tend not to answer, but sometimes i like to throw yall a treat and let you know who’s in once the event starts, i won’t be answering any of those questions. just wait and see! 
why didn’t you include X character? - there are only 31 days of october, but there are more than 31 characters in haikyuu. because of that, some characters had to be left out. there was nothing i could do to change that. because of that issue, i held a kinktober roster poll a few months back, and the characters who received the most votes were picked first. after that, i chose those who i wanted to include. if you want to see a kinky scenario for someone who isn’t included, i do take requests after kinktober ends, so visit my ask box!
what time are scenarios going to be posted? - i’ll have posts scheduled (hopefully) most days, probably around 3 pm EST. for those that aren’t scheduled, honestly who knows the time i’ll post them (if they aren’t scheduled that means they aren’t finished yet.) i work a couple days a week, so that throws a wrench into times i can post - i really just recommend turning on my post notifications and being patient. please don’t ask when or if i’m posting it - even if they’re not on time, they’ll be up, don’t worry 
isn’t this a bit too much smut? yep
i thought i’d include some questions i received on the kinktober poll i put out a few months back, just to spice things up and answer some concerns more directly: 
- perhaps go a little further or explore each concept more? your writing is beautiful but for a lot of the fics i felt a tad underwhelmed. Or maybe i'm just really thirsty and wanted more smut lmao
- Maybe make them a little longer (?). I know it’s a lot of work. I could never do what you do so I’m not trying to demand more of you. So please don’t take it that way. I just enjoy longer reads in general. Idk please don’t be offended. I love your work so much.
- I would like it if scenarios were a lil longer but if that’s not possible that’s completely okay! That’s just me being picky bc I rlly don’t have any criticisms
- this was by far the most common comment i received (i only showed three here but there were More.) to be honest, i think i could have done a better job at wrapping up the fics last year. i think the issue was that a lot of them just ended, because i didn’t have the time or energy or ideas to end them well, and that tends to leave the reader thirsty for more unfortunately, the idea of making each fic longer in a way that adds more smut rather than just wrapping it up nicely at a good enough spot is nearly impossible because of just how much work that adds. it’s a lot less efficient to add 1k words to a fic that needs to be posted the next day, when i haven’t even started the fic that’s going up the next week yall are thirsty. there are 31 days of smut and yall still want them to be longer. THIRSTY!!!!! however there are much longer fics this year, so hopefully i can feed you all well :p
Umm there were a couple that had a one-sided kink and the other partner never got pleasured. Whether it was the reader or the character. Like the Tendō one or the Futakuchi one. Favs of mine, but they ended with the implication that more would happen but we didn’t get to see it. And I know it’s not part of the kink, but it’s be cool to include how it plays out from there if you could cos I always love seeing both sides pleased! Sorry if that’s weird
- yeah, that was kind of the point of a few of the kinks i featured last year, and again i think it’s just a matter of ending those stories better. i really hate when fics end in implications for more, it honestly is the lazy way out of a fic, but sometimes as a writer who’s posting a lot at once, i have to take the lazy way and accept that the fic could’ve been better if i had the time or energy or skill for it. i don’t like the idea of kinktober being quantity over quality, but there are rare times where i just have to make that exception in order to succeed with the event. what can ya do! 
tbh i wasn't really a fan on semi's! it was great to read when it came out but it was kinda weird to reread when it wasn't halloween
- all i’ll say is i probably should’ve taken this feedback into consideration before writing semi’s fic this year ... anyway 
Probably just more research on the said kink(s) you’ll write.
- not sure which fics or kinks this was in reference to, but yeah you’re right i could’ve done more research for a few of them. but sometimes mistakes happen, like with oikawa’s when i got two kinks confused and had to change his prompt last minute, and things slip through the cracks of my small brain. and as much as i can research, i’ll still never know everything about every kink i write about. i think most of last year’s fics captured their kinks well enough, though! 
Make some more of the stories, one-shots, type things gender neutral if possible
- i always try my best! it can be tricky with smut but it can be done, and i do always try. i’m wondering if it would be okay or helpful for some to label some fics that don’t include pronouns/gendered language but have a “fem presenting” reader as “afab reader,” mainly because it’s tricky to write smut without mentioning body parts, however avoiding gendered language when writing is much easier. if it would be better than labeling those it applies to as “fem reader” then i would much rather go with that to make more of my fics accessible to more people! i’m not sure if that’d be helpful or correct, so please feel free to give me feedback on this if you have any insight and correct me if this wouldn’t be cool!
please be patient with me when it comes to answering asks and posting these scenarios. i’m kinda pretty stressed about failing, and i’m trying my hardest - even though i started writing these in july, it still feels like there’s not enough time to prepare.
thank you for giving me a reason to even have events like these. i love you all, dear friends, and i appreciate every bit of support you offer me. thank you so much for your excitement, the kind words you’ve left in my ask box and on the kinktober poll, and for supporting my writing at all. i hope you’ll all enjoy this next month of smut! 
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icegoddessrukia · 3 years
TyZula, MaiLee, and Tokka
What made you ship it?
I like to explore it in AUs/post-canon works mainly even though in the three Books it wouldn’t have worked. Some fans introduced me to the ship during the renaissance then I read some superbly well-written fics that got me thinking about this ship a lot. A lot of Maiko fanworks also have Tyzula as a side ship and I loved the idea of keeping the four of them together so much. After I started enjoying Azula much more as a character, I felt sorry for her and wanted her to find love. 
What are your favorite things about the ship?
One of my favourite things about them is the potential dynamic between this really socially awkward/intense person becoming flustered around the bubbly/charming person. I like how despite their differences, deep down both of them are actually desperately wanting love and acceptance. I like how Azula lets her guard down during The Beach and shows a more vulnerable side to Ty Lee and how she has rare moments of empathy/kindness to her in that episode as well. I like the intensity/tragic nature of a potential relationship between them in the future and the idea that Azula can redeem herself and they can rebuild a more positive relationship together. 
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Even though all of the angst and conflicts between them are interesting when they’re younger, I would hope eventually both of them would mature and start getting along better even if they’re never going to be perfect. I’m more into the idea of them having a stereotypical happy/peaceful ending with marriage/kids (?) than always being on different wavelengths and I think it’s possible for both have them to have that ten or twenty years later. Ultimately, angst is nice but it’s more enjoyable reading about them eventually being happy. 
Why don't you ship it?
It just doesn’t appeal to me in a romantic sense at all, even though there’s nothing really wrong with it. A lot of my friends like it and I respect that but it’s just not interesting to me personally. I just see Mai as straight and completely invested in Zuko so it’s difficult to imagine otherwise. 
Their personalities are very opposite and I’m not sure if Mai would be into this really bright/bubbly/frilly person romantically while I’m not sure if Mai’s really blunt and cold personality would appeal to attention-loving Ty Lee. If Mai was bi/gay I would see her being more into someone with an emo/goth aesthetic like June lol. 
Also it makes me sad how some Mai//Lee shippers (not most of them just a vocal minority of purity culture types) have been sending hateful anons to Tyzula shippers. Seeing all of the hate and the talk about “Why ship Tyzula when Ma*Lee is better” kind of turns me off of wanting to check out Ma*Lee because it sucks feeling judged and pressured into ships. 
What would have made you like it?
Maybe if Mai had never been shown as having feelings for Zuko or if Ty Lee wasn’t so attention seeking and exuberant. Basically their entire personalities and character arcs would have to change because most of Mai’s arc is tied to her romantic love for Zuko. 
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Mai and Ty Lee do have a really sweet friendship and mutual fondness for each other. I do love them as a brotp and they will likely be friends for the rest of their lives. 
Why don't you ship it?
I’m kind of neutral to T*kka as a ship and prefer the idea of a platonic friendship between them but don’t really have much against it either. Since I’m more of a Sukka monogamist, I can’t really ship him with Toph in a romantic way. Sokka seems to be more into sweet, softer girls and Toph is more of a blunt, tough girl so not sure if she would be his type. 
What would have made you like it?
Not sure tbh it might just not be a dynamic that appeals to me but everyone has different taste. 
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
The fandom has been really nice during the Renaissance. I met some lovely people from this part of the fandom! I’ve been seeing Tokkas being so kind to Kataang/Maiko/Sukka shippers recently and it’s appreciated. 
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annabellelux · 4 years
i notice you always comment/respond to artwork and fics you see, and always reply. does that ever get annoying or tiring, and does it stress you out at times? sorry if it sounds weird im just curious and blunt
Hi! Thanks for the question; it’s not weird at all! 
I do purposefully go out of my way to comment on other people’s fanwork and to reply to comments on mine. I know some people don’t think this way (which is totally valid) but for me, it feels like the least I can do. For commenting on other people’s stuff: I realize how much hard work goes into creating fan art and fanfic and fandom stuff, and I want to show that I appreciate that hard work and enjoyed it. For always replying to people: that’s a mix of always wanting to talk to fandom people and wanting to show I really appreciate people reaching out to me. 
I wouldn’t say it ever gets annoying, but it can get tiring sometimes. That’s mainly because I have a lot of anxiety and I worry a lot about whether my tone/ words are coming out right. (Am I being properly appreciative? Do they understand when I’m just teasing?) That’s less about replying/ commenting and more about my own insecurities. I have to push through that in real life, and I push through it online too. I also sometimes get stressed when I forget to/ don’t have time to comment, but I try to at least like/ leave kudos to show I cared about the work. (And that’s just me being too hard on myself.) 
Bottom line though: I genuinely enjoy reaching out to people to spread some love and kindness and appreciation. Ever since I started sharing my stuff online, I realized how much comments can help someone whose feeling insecure or brighten someone’s day.  Sometimes I wonder if I’m being annoying or a fangirl or something like that, but, again, pushing through my dumb insecurities and existing the way I want to anyways. 
TLDR; I comment on a lot of Carry On fandom stuff because it’s how I show I love it. 
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missytearex · 5 years
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Happy fanworks appreciation day! Now, I know WIPs aren’t exactly everybody’s cup of tea, BUT I actually love them. I love the excitement of waking up to a new chapter that’s been posted and feeling like I’m a part of something while it’s happening. So, if any of you feel the same way, or if you see something amazing and you just can’t help yourself, go check them out and give them a chance!
Please note that this is by no means a comprehensive list. I’m only including works that I have come across and am either currently reading or want to read at some point.
✏️ Kiss Me Deadly by @13ways-of-looking, @twopoppies
larry | not rated — 5/20
The world’s most ingenious art thief has committed a series of heists, replacing world-famous masterpieces with forgeries. Harry Styles, an FBI agent straight out of training, happens to have a fine art degree and a bum knee. When Harry is sent to Miami with his FBI mentor to break the case, he meets a real estate agent who deals in more than condominiums, and comes face to face with a gorgeous surfer, the human equivalent of an unridable superbreak— the devilishly clever, incomparably hot Louis Tomlinson.
✏️ Need by @dimpled-halo
larry | 7k so far | explicit — 2/?
After another world tour, Harry can’t wait to get home to Louis and finally begin their wedding preparations. Louis’ got his hands full, on the verge of signing a new artist and having to deal with someone he thought he’d erased from his past. With all the stress trying to get the best of Louis, he’s in need of a little help.
Help only Harry can provide.
✏️ Out of Paradise by @whimsicule
larry | 21k so far | mature — 1/3
scotland yard inspector styles travels to berlin in the winter of 1924, chasing defector liam payne and a suspected network of communist radicals. faced with open hostility from his german counterparts, it is far too easy to fall into the city’s nefarious nightlife and give in to a part of himself he’d vowed to lock away forever. 
✏️ Almost In Your Arms by @goldbootsandvans
larry | 24k so far | explicit — 3/?
It’s 1953, and Louis Tomlinson is a household name after winning two Academy Awards in his career. Now he’s about to star in his first period piece: Hadrian, the story of the gay Roman Emperor. He has one rule, though, and that is to never get involved with another actor. That rule gets hard to follow when he starts to fall for his love interest in the film, and even harder when they’re put into a publicity relationship.
✏️ Your Life Worth Walking on a Bright Morning by @helloamhere
larry | 24k so far | explicit — 5/?
For all its complexity, Louis sometimes reminded himself, life could always be simplified into a series of forks in the road. Even overwhelmingly big things were survivable when you broke them down to their choice. One path or the other, left or right.
✏️ The Blood of Words by @mediawhorefics
larry | 33k so far | mature — 3/?
Louis Tomlinson hasn’t sworn off relationships per se. He just doesn’t think he’s quite ready for one yet, despite his therapist’s encouragements. He’s comfortable in his position as editor for Styles Publishing and he’s happy to focus on his career while he gives himself more time to heal.
Enter his CEO’s brother, a boxer with a heart of gold who is determined to carve himself a space in Louis’ life and, more importantly, his heart.
✏️ Tied Down by @ham-palpert
larry | 39k so far | explicit — 5/6
The most interesting case in Liam and Niall’s careers falls directly into their laps, courtesy of an epic fuck-up of one Harry Styles, partner to the almost-infamous drug dealer Louis Tomlinson. The investigation yields an unexpected yet satisfactory outcome for Liam and Niall. For Harry and Louis, however, things are far more complicated.
✏️ A Fantastic Wreck by @13ways-of-looking​
larry | 40k so far | explicit — 3/8
Prince Louis William Tomlinson, heir to the Kingdom of Doncaster, has arrived in Rome to make an important announcement— his betrothal to Princess Eleanor of Anesidora, whom he barely knows. His grandfather, King William, lies gravely ill, and the country’s fate is in his hands.
What harm could it possibly be to leave the embassy for one day? Prince Louis has never fallen in love, mainly because he has a secret that cannot be disclosed. He’s never even had a proper kiss.
When he bumps into a journalist named Harry Styles, their mutual attraction is undeniable. But Harry, too, has a secret.
A WIP based on the movie “Roman Holiday,” starring Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck.
✏️ Harry Styles Cooks… by @magicalrocketships
larry | 46k so far | explicit — 14/?
In which Louis Tomlinson can’t cook, there’s a very special shower curtain, and Harry Styles used to be a baker.
Or: Louis owns all of Harry Styles’ cookbooks, and he never intends to cook a single thing out of any of them.
✏️ cut your teeth on my heart by @turnyourankle
larry | 48k so far | explicit — 4/6
Louis has worked as a security officer for years, but he’s handed his first opportunity to be team lead. The assignment is nothing like what he expected.
Harry has spent years trying to distance himself from the pressure of the Twist name and legacy. But it’s going to be hard to avoid when his mum hires him a bodyguard.
✏️ Starry, Starry Night by @goodmorningtoyouuniverse
larry | 54k so far | not rated — 16/20
AU where Harry’s getting a degree in fine arts but he’s always envied street artists their freedom and the thrill coming from illegal activity. One day, he notices a particular graffiti and decides to paint into it. Louis does graffiti. One day, somebody starts messing with his murals.
✏️ Best of me by niamcuddles
niam | 82k so far | explicit — 8/?
Though Niall’s life as a single father of a 6-year-old is stressful and completely exhausting, he still wouldn’t trade it in for the world. Between trying to juggle new jobs, a social life and spending enough time with his daughter, a love life is the very last thing on his mind. And yet somehow all of it seems to connect.
(Or where Niall’s daughter is a huge fan of Liam Payne, an international popstar, and Niall just wants her to be happy.)
✏️ An Illusion in Time by @sadaveniren
larry | 106k so far | explicit — 11/18
Louis wakes up in a bedroom that isn’t his own, next to a person he doesn’t know. It doesn’t take him long to find out he isn’t in the right year either; he’s five years in the future.
✏️ Than A Man Swear He Loves Me by @magicalrocketships
tomlinshaw | 129k so far | explicit — 8/?
The first time Louis had kissed Nick Grimshaw, Louis had been dressed as God, he’d never wanted anything so much in his life, and he’d never hated himself more for giving into it.
That part at least hadn’t changed.
Or: Nick and Louis like each other, but sometimes that’s not enough.
✏️ You Were Made To Be Mine by @chloehl10
larry | 532k so far | explicit — 81/?
Louis Tomlinson takes his 6 year old son Jacob to see Harry Styles in concert. Jacob has been a huge fan of Harry’s for as long as he can remember, so it’s a dream come true when Harry notices him in the pit. But Jacob isn’t all that Harry has his eye on…
Louis is a bit embarrassed when Harry picks on him from the stage, but when he’s invited backstage after the show, he wonders what Harry Styles could possibly want with a single dad and his kid from Manchester…
Remember to leave kudos + comments to show your appreciation!
More lists here.
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nyxelestia · 7 years
Let me assure you, Nyx, that Hoechlin's comments on Sterek (I think you're mainly referring to his comment about Sterek being disrespectful), has by no means been forgotten, and absolutely not in one week lol! Just yesterday there was a long discussion on it between many of my mutual Stereks. The difference about Hoechlin and Posey's comments, though, is the spiteful nature of Posey's comments. He also hasn't tried to apologize or explain his comments, not even to save face, like Hoechlin. 1/2
There are many of us who are very disappointed in Hoechlin, and who are now side-eyeing him. I think there’s a truth to the saying that you don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Lastly, another difference between Hoechlin’s and Posey’s statements is that Hoechlin replied to a question to him, while Posey hijacked a question not directed at him to take out his frustration on fans. 2/2
Do you have any links where I can read up on how Sterek fans harassed Posey into calling Sterek fans bizarre, weird and twisted?
I’m pretty sure you are two separate people, but since my response is mostly the same, I’m lumping you into one post.
A slice of what Posey had been dealing with:
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People literally not knowing that that his character is the main character of the show, or sometimes not even knowing he’s in it at all.
Panels and cons about Teen Wolf getting constantly derailed by Sterek. There have been bans on Sterek fanart, and Hoechlin avoiding signing Sterek fanart, as a result.
And as someone on Reddit point out (on a post about how Tyler Hoechlin finds Sterek to be disrespectful), the cast and crew may appreciate the publicity and support, but that doesn’t mean the sheer prevalence of the fandom ship doesn’t burn, given, “…it is slightly insulting to the cast and crew. They’re pouring their efforts into doing X, and all they get asked about is Y. Also…people are practically leering at these guys when they ask about it usually.”
Literally cutting Posey out of gifs and pictures to make it about Hobrien (aka RPF Sterek).
Calling for the show to kill off Tyler Posey and make someone else the main character.
It’s not just “shitty people being shitty on the Internet” - this has had ripple effects on cons that Posey has absolutely noticed.
And it’s not just racism - there’s misogyny, too!
Complete with tremendous victim-blaming of Allison.
We don’t see it as much now, but Allison hate was extremely widespread, back then. And this absolutely hit the actress - such as being asked, in a con, “Is Allison going to dress like a slut this season?” So it’s not just Posey watching himself get marginalized - it’s watching a friend of his get mistreated, too, and that’s on top of the overall show getting drowned in a fanon/crackship.
Also, the fact that people claim Posey insulted or slammed on Sterek fans is one of the ways people twist him into something he’s not in order to justify hating him.
Posey never called Sterek fans “bizarre or twisted”. He called the ship that, which sucks - it hurts when someone you like looks down on something you like.
But as so many other Sterek shippers themselves have pointed out, he already had a really shitty history with Sterek fans and fandom.
Given how often Sterek fandom has overtaken everything else about the show, I don’t blame him for overtaking this single question.
Quoting from another Sterek shipper on Poseygate:
“It’s like going up to an actor playing Hamlet each night after the performance and asking him what it’s like playing… Macbeth. Eventually, the guy playing Hamlet isn’t going to want to talk about Macbeth any more… and will get a little pissy when you continue to badger him about it.
When fans and the press focus on the Sterek phenomenon and ignore almost every other aspect of the show, you are not only ignoring the incredible fact that a young Latino is the lead in a popular television show, you are also ignoring the story that everyone who works on Teen Wolf is trying to tell you.”
His word choice was terrible, but Posey was speaking out not against fans of Sterek, but, “anyone who pays more attention to Sterek than the show”. As some of the aforelinked Redditors have pointed out,
“if you’re only watching for Sterek, there’s a 99 percent chance it won’t happen, and you’re missing the rest of the show.”
As another one said,
“It’s okay to watch Teen Wolf for inspiration for Sterek. It’s not okay to demand that the creators include it or to insist the actors discuss fanart/fanfiction about their characters when they are at an interview/panel expecting to discuss the show.”
Yet after “Posey gate”, people were saying Posey needs to get raped (by Hoechlin, no less).
All of this is accompanied by a long history of hatred of Scott - the main character of the show, and Posey’s character - that was largely perpetuated by Sterek fandom. Things like:
Claiming that the show is all about Stiles.
Injecting Sterek-derived Scott hate onto non-Sterek fanart (Sterek derived in that the language, argument, and intent are all derived of Sterek fandom), and saying that Scott needs to die.
People trying to remove Scott from his own story by claiming it’s really about Derek and that everything is from Stiles’ POV, and if he isn’t actually in the scene, we should just assume it was “told” to him and may never have actually happened (which conveniently means you get to ignore quite a bit of Scott’s storyline and development, as well as many of the other characters’ evil and villainy).
Erasing all of Scott’s (and Derek’s!) character development.
All on top of a long history of erasing Derek’s abusive behavior while calling Scott a rapist and victim-blaming him.
Calling Scott selfish for making tough decisions to save as many lives as possible in really shitty circumstances, such as falsely accusing someone he thought to be dead of murder to protect his peers (and then still trying to help Derek anyway, even when Stiles didn’t want to); blaming Scott for Gerard’s villainy and making a choice to save as many people as possible (especially while ignoring some of the Hale mens’ own actions), and erasing Scott scenes to paint him as putting Stiles and Derek in danger so he can spend time with his girlfriend.
And the rest of us can’t avoid it.
For all that people claim Scott-stans and non-Sterek fans go into Sterek tags to bully them, most Sterek fans seem to have no idea just how much Sterek infects other fandoms/the rest of fandom.
People will make non-Sterek fanart, and it still gets tagged as Sterek - even when the post is captioned with Scott, or when there’s some pretty clear disparities in skin tone.
They turned a picture of Stiles and Scott into a post about Sterek. And somehow a Scerek fanart became a Sterek post.
And we’re all supposed to be grateful because turning non-Sterek fanworks into Sterek and getting reblogged by Sterek fans will give it more notes.
Yes, there were crazy fans from all ships sending hate to all the actors, for a variety of reasons.
But, something a lot of people fail to realize is the sheer scale of the Sterek fandom compared to all the rest of Teen Wolf fandom combined. The numbers may have been even worse back then.
The last two paragraphs of that link, neatly summarize why I side-eye a lot of the claims that Sterek fans were unfairly bullied, especially by Scott fans, and my sentiments on the matter overall:
And this is just a sampling of some of what this fandom throws in Scott’s direction (and not even bringing in the shit and the fuckery that they throw at Tyler Posey). So, yeah. In conclusion: you are not a special and unique snowflake because you hate Scott McCall; you are falling in line with about 90% of the rest of the fandom on this count (at least). It is not hard to be a Scott McCall hater in this fandom just because a handful of vocal people call you on your shit when the reasons you give for hating Scott are hot problematic nonsense; most of your fellow fans agree with you and think you’re being unfairly bullied when people criticize you.
No one is saying that you are required to like Scott McCall—but when the majority of the fandom hates him, demeans him, demonizes him, belittles him, flings ableist and racist shit at him on a regular basis, mischaracterizes him in order to valorize their faves, and actively wishes death on him (usually so Stiles or Derek can become the star of the show), and when this behavior and these attitudes are not only common but actively encouraged and supported, with an undercurrent that suggests, “but why would anyone ever like Scott, I don’t like Scott so clearly no one else would ever like him either”? Then yes, people have a right to be pissed off.
In conclusion, as I’ve literally already said before:
If my understanding of a ship was predominantly made up of people erasing me from my own TV show, saying I deserved to be raped and murdered, and making the rest of my friends uncomfortable or harassing them in the process? “Bizarre and twisted” would be the nicest way to say what I think of them.
(In my case, it really is.)
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birdboyjustice · 7 years
Strap in everyone, this is 16 years worth of content. Disclaimer: may contain minor spoilers and Opinions™. Also, I tried my best, but this still isn’t a conclusive list. If you have any additions/corrections, please let me know! (under the cut for length so mobile users need to click through)
Main series games (including availability)
Spin-off games (including where you can access)
Other official media (including stage plays + links)
Notable fan media (musicals + Youtube)
First things first, the core six games (release dates are of western release) :
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (2005 [DS])
The game that started it all. This game deals with Phoenix’s first cases as a lawyer, and has a really solid internal arc that has appeared in so much other media now that I don’t appreciate it as much as I probably should anymore. Edgeworth is main prosecutor. Five cases. Available on DS, 3DS eShop, Wiiware, and iOS.
 PWAA: Justice for All (2007 [DS]) 
The second game carries on character development and gives more background on the Fey clan, introducing the concept of Psyche-Locks. The last case of this game is my favourite in the series because I live for the #drama. Franziska is main prosecutor. Four cases. Available on DS, 3DS eShop, Wiiware, and iOS.
PWAA: Trials and Tribulations (2007 [DS])
This game finishes off the initial trilogy of games. Includes flashbacks where you play as Phoenix’s mentor Mia when she was a rookie, so you get to see young Phoenix. The last case of this one is another one which completely owns me. This game gets kinda fucked up. Godot is main prosecutor. Five cases. Available on DS, 3DS eShop, Wiiware, and iOS.
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (2008)
Takes place 7 years after the previous game, focusing on new lawyer Apollo after Phoenix was disbarred. Introduces the ‘Perceive’ feature that lets you see people’s tells when they are lying. This is like…… a really good game, you guys. Separate from the original series, could be played as a standalone easily enough. Klavier is main prosecutor. Four cases. Available on DS, iOS, and Android.
PWAA: Dual Destinies (2013)
Phoenix Is Back. This game features anime cutscenes and voice acting, which was Very Exciting at the time and Sam Riegal is there. Introduces Athena and her ~mood matrix~ which lets you work out the truth from people’s emotions. Mixed opinions these days but most people are fucked up about the Phantom. Blackquill is the main prosecutor. Five cases + DLC. Available on 3DS eShop and iOS.
PWAA: Spirit of Justice (2016)
This game is mainly set in a separate kingdom and the revolution of that legal system. Adds a new branch to the Kurain mythos linked to the Fey clan that doesn’t make loads of sense but I loved the game so whatever. Introduces seances so you can see the victim’s final moments. Nahyuta is the main prosecutor. Five cases + DLC. Available on 3DS eShop.
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (2010)
This game series focuses on the investigation part rather than the court part, and you can run around the map which is pretty cool. You play as Edgeworth as more bad things happen to him and you get to see some more of the prosecutors and police. Origin of Deid Mann. Five cases. Available on DS.
Ace Attorney Investigations: Prosecutor’s Path
The sequel is arguably better than the original and there’s flashbacks to Edgeworth’s dad which is heartbreaking. It’s not released in the west, but instructions and links to play it in English with an emulator can be found here.
Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (2014)
This crossover features elements from both games, so you solve puzzles and do court cases. Also it’s medieval and there’s magic. It’s another one with cutscenes and voice acting, which is great but also TRAUMATISING. Barnham is main prosecutor. 12 cases + DLC. Available on DS.
Dai Gyakuten Saiban: Naruhodō Ryūnosuke no Bōken
The DGS games follow Phoenix’s ancestor in 1800s Japan, though it is partially set in Victorian steampunk London with Sherlock Holmes. It’s really, really good. Another one not released in the west, but you can watch the entire thing subbed here.
Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2: Naruhodō Ryūnosuke no Kakugo 
This one has only recently been released in Japan and so is not subbed in full yet, and can only be played on a Japanese 3DS. Looks good though. The subbed trailer is here.
Kodansha Comics Manga
I don’t know loads about this series but the one I read had a giant spider mutant in so. Phoenix and Maya are the protagonists. There are 15 overall, and you can get them through Amazon.
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (manga) 
This manga series is based on the AAI games but there’s a lot more to it. The protagonists are Edgeworth and Gumshoe. There are 25 overall, again I think they can all be found on Amazon.
Ace Attorney (Film) 2012
This live-action film features cases 1, 2, and 4 from the first game. It’s got a great cast and some real tongue-in-cheek humour about how ridiculous the game is. It’s also just really cute in the way they show the characters and relationships and stuff, I would definitely recommend. You can watch it subbed here.
Anime 2016
There’s currently only one season of the anime, covering the first two games and including a couple of extra bits, like more detail on Larry, Miles, and Phoenix as kids. I’m not a massive fan of the art style and find the writing a bit dull, but the story is obviously good, the OP is a Jam, there’s good voice acting and it’s cool that it exists. You can watch the whole season for free on crunchyroll here, which I assume is legally supporting it also.
Turnabout Spotlight/Farewell, My Turnabout
It’s hard to tell, but these seem to be official stage plays. The former is a new story, whereas the latter is a dramatisation of the final case from the second game. They can be downloaded in Japanese here, though I’m not aware of any full subs available sadly.
The Truth Reborn: Musical
Capcom teamed up with Takarazuka Revue to make this all-female musical. It’s really good. It’s based on the fifth case of the first game but altered so Phoenix is more in the middle of it. It is all in Japanese, but the music is good, and it’s all very professional. You can watch it subbed here. Its success led to two more musicals, though I can’t find the second one anywhere and the third one (you can watch here) hasn’t been subbed yet.
Special Edition CD Dramas
These Japanese stories are companions to the games. Translations can be found here. [Note - the linked blog translates many other AA-related media]
There’s loads of great fanworks in this fandom so this is by no means a comprehensive list, but it’ll get you started.
Turnabout Musical
Honestly? If you like Ace Attorney and you have any interest at all in musicals, you need this in your life. It’s incredible. This fan musical covers the first four cases of the first game. The songs are amazing and sample relevant music from the games, and the characterisation and interpretation of relationships is on point, in my opinion. There’s some great counterpoint too. You can watch a live production of the musical here (where the third case was cut for time), and download the full soundtrack here. The team(?) are also currently working on an Apollo Justice Musical, and you can follow their progress here.
Phoenix Wright: The Musical
This one is more of a parody, with some dumb jokes and silly costumes. Maya is arrested for murdering Larry. There aren’t a lot of actual songs, but the ones that exist are pretty good (especially Franziska’s, and, weirdly, Payne’s). You can watch it here. 
Youtube: Boot to the Head
Listen. I wasn’t gonna not include this. The MOST iconic ace attorney meme, audio from a comedy sketch put to sprites. Link.
Youtube: Gay or European?
This one uses the audio from a Legally Blonde song to be about Klavier Gavin and it is canon. Link.
Youtube: Bohemian Rhapsody
This is a slightly less well-known video but it makes me emotional and I still think of it every time I hear Bohemian Rhapsody so yknow. Link.
Like I say, please message me if you have any additions or corrections!
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rironomind · 7 years
Tagged by: @the-nysh I completely forgot about this lmfao sorry
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to know better, but since when have I followed the rules. 
Relationship Status: Single and dead inside.
Lipstick or chapstick: Lipstain 83 It’s moisturising and it doesn’t come off completely when you eat.
Last song I listened to: I…I don’t remember uh, oh! Down in New Orleans
Last movie I watched: Iron Giant 
Favourite colour(s): I always say purple but I always gravitate towards black and blue. 
Top 3 shows: 
Black Books: I feel bad putting it on this list populated mainly by anime but this is a really, really, really good brit comedy. Amazing humour, amazing characters, seriously, if you’re grumpy and sarcastic, you might appreciate this one.
Mononoke: The graphics were flawless and it had an interesting story. The manga follow-up was also just as interesting design-wise. 
Saiyuki: I feel obligated to include this because it was, to me, what Naruto was to other people. God the whole show is just nothing but aesthetic and zen-thinking. And fan service.
Top 3 favourite characters: 
Genjo Sanzo (Saiyuki): Shit talking gun-toting, quick to anger with a sharp tongue and sharper wits, meanwhile battling PTSD and depression? hECK FUCKING YEAH
Saitama (One Punch Man): Please, do we even need to go there with this egg. He’s an every man turned hero, close to depression and pushed through his first bout of depression to stick himself firmly in a limbo of strength. Would I watch him buy groceries and watch TV for the rest of his life? Heck fucking yeah.  
A toss-up between Near (Death Note) and Seta Sojiro (Ruroni Kenshin): Smart, focused, highly-skilled, prone to making mistakes and very, very young. 
Top 3 ships: I’ll admit, fan-related stuff played a big role in what I shipped and how hard I shipped it. If I found a good treasure trove, I would consume and consume and consume content until I ran dry on either the dynamic, or content. 
Zoro/Sanji (One Piece): A good hate-love pair steeped in deep bonds of nakama-ship and shared understanding and just, their arguments are so funny and so stupid. Here’s the thing, the younger they are, the more desperate, the more passionate, the more thick-headed. So many good doujins, SO MANY. I read a few good fics but it was really the DOUJINS that pulled this ship together for me. THey were so in-character and AMAZING and they just FIT SO WELL. 
Charles/Erik (XMFC): A good domestic pair, their argument is old and can be reiterated in so many different universes because it makes up the very essence of their characters. I say this over and over to so many people that the TV and Movie fandoms produce the BEST fics. I binged on these for two-three years, coming back to the same fics over and over over the course of my high school years. The fics were TOP NOTCH. This pair is so in-tune with the world, anime pairs have a tendency to be centered on the universe but Cherik among other TV/Movie pairs, had their universe integrated so well with the real world it’s like you could actually meet them on the street or in a cafe. 
Tezuka/Fuji (Prince of Tennis): An old classic, I am a sucker for domestic pairs. Perfect Pair, as it was called, is one of the first of these. Like Daisuga, the dynamic just naturally works in canon. Although I never really finished either the manga or anime :3c My favourite zombie!au fic came out of this one.
Light/L (Death Note): A whip-smart pair saturated with a natural hate, a deep regret and a begrudging but grateful camaraderie due to shared superior intellect. I was there for its heyday back in 2007. The fandom exploded in both devart and ff.net and I think it was my first full-fledged pair. I checked for new fanworks religiously and even wrote a few fics of my own for it. The AUs for this pair were amazing and so were the comics like those from silentreaper and go-devil-dante. 
Steve/Tony (Avengers): They butt heads frequently but Tony’s self-destructive nature and Steve’s self-sacrificing ass suit each other and just! Tony’s “It wasn’t worth it” and Steve guilt-tripping Tony, gOD it’s so gritty and real and heart-wrenching. The fics were great, although most of these fics were based off of events in the comics and the actors from the film. Which sucks because the movie!verse definitely supports Stucky more than Stony.
Genos/Saitama (One Punch Man): I got drawn into this pair because of the fanart, I started writing because of the fic and the discourse, and I stayed because of the friends I made. I’ve talked myself in circles about the dynamic but in the end, I only really appreciate it in the quiet ways it conveys. I won’t expound, you can read my biggest piece of meta, Colourless Saitama and his Years of Training for that. 
Tagging: Welp
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daredevilexchange · 3 years
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What’s your fannish ID? The_Shy_One is the one I use for all my writing on AO3. It's a play on my real name and my personality that I thought was clever when I was younger :)
What types of fanworks do you create? I solely do fics since that's what I've been participating since I was 13. I just love using the written word to explore characters thoughts and emotions from specific moments in the show or comic runs or just throw the characters into another plot entirely that my brain throws at me in the middle of the night.
What are your favourite types of fanworks, when you're not creating?  I like a variety of fanworks since it takes all kinds to express how you feel about a show or character to the rest of the world. Especially since many take so much effort to create and should be given some appreciation in one way or another :D
What do you like in particular about this fandom? I just absolutely love how many different ways people can view similar moments from the show/comics and spin a canon altering story from them, it's just so much fun to see what could have happened if the details were tweaked just a bit to spiral into something else happening.
Do you like participating in fan events? I participate with the Fratt Week since I like looking at the list of prompts and going wild with what I can write for Matt and Frank since I find their relationship interesting (especially the philosophical debates those two can have about how to deal with criminals.)
What about your creating process? I often have music on when writing since it can help me write out the atmosphere of a scene or how I want the general feeling I'm going for in a fic. I also like having a cup of soda to sip when sitting down to write. I listen to a variety of music when writing, mostly Florence + The Machine for Fratt since her lyrics for many of her songs remind me of them.
Do you interact a lot with other fans?  I don't interact much with others in this fandom since I'm also in many other fandoms as well and my main blog is very cluttered with all those interests for anyone to stick around unless they like the cluttered mess lol.
Is there any particular piece you'd like to showcase for this post?  https://archiveofourown.org/works/24188455 I had a ton of fun with having different versions of Frank and Matt meeting because of a magical creature element and like sharing the headcanon that Matt would make fore a pretty, but deadly siren/merman to others.
Do you have other fandoms you'd like to talk about?  There are several that I'm currently participating in besides Daredevil and the Punisher is mainly The Mandalorian/The Clone Wars show since I've fallen in love with the characters and like that I can experiment with different tropes that I hadn't had the chance to before such as Time-Travel Fix-It. I also do dabble in DC, mostly with Batman/Green Lantern since that relationship interests me a lot. I do hope to do a crossover someday where Frank is dropped into the SW universe and see how that would work out. Just have to wait for the day my brain drops a concrete idea into my lap :D
Where can your fanworks be found? https://archiveofourown.org/users/The_Shy_One/works is where you can find my Fratt works as well as anything that might interest you if you go looking :D
Thank you, @too-music / The_Shy_One !
banner by @context-is-for-kingpins !
[ID on a white background, four black triangles that look like spotlights from above. Each illuminates one of the Defenders silhouetted in white: Jessica, Luke, Danny, Matt. A hand on the left is holding a pen writing the words Content Creator Spotlight. There is a little Punisher skull on the pen. End ID]
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