valen-dreth · 1 year
ൠ meant to send this last night but random headcanon for sir valen please
he grew up in anvil, his father was a deckhand with east empire and mostly absent. valen's the 3rd of 4 children. he isn't in contact with any of his family, they're scattered all through tamriel by now (one may be madsu dreth from morrowind? im not decided on that)
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kb85lazy · 3 months
Tea color madsu car rj sA Ra frv
Merc belongs to me rainbow
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lookerweekly · 2 years
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Danskom glumcu Madsu Mikkelsenu večeras je, u Ljetnom kinu Coca-Cola, uručeno Počasno Srce Sarajeva za izvanredan doprinos filmskoj umetnosti. Priznanje mu je uručio Mirsad Purivatra, osnivač Sarajevo Film Festivala.
| LookerWeekly
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mulyatin1089 · 2 years
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#buku AL-Ibanah Penulis Imam Asy'ari Ukuran 2 x 14 x 21 Cm Tebal 360 Halaman (BW) Berat 600 Gram Sampul Hard Cover ISBN 978-623-7327-63-9 Penerbit @turos_pustaka Cetakan Pertama, Desember 2021 Agen Reseller @mulyatin1089 물야띤 ملیت Harga Rp119Ribu
Sinopsis Kitab Babon Teologi ini adalah #Book yang menandai Hijrah Ideologis Pondasi Ajaran Aqidah Imam Asy'ariyah (lebih dulu dari AL-Luma') dari Mu'tazilah ke Pengikut Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah Ada sebagian Kelompok menyatakan bahwa Para Ulama Pengikut Imam Asy'ari/Asy'ariyah telah menyimpang dari Ajaran Aqidah Abu Hasan AL-Asy'ari (873-935M) tertuang dalam Kitab AL-Ibanah 'An Ushul Ad-Dinayah ini Hal ini jelas keliru, karena apa yang ada dalam Kitab AL-Ibanah justru menjadi Rujukan Para Ulama Asy'ari
Semua isi Kitab AL-Ibanah ini adalah Ajaran Utama Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah Kecuali 1 bagian kecil yang sudah Madsus/dimanipulasi oleh pemahaman yang berseberangan dengan Aqidah Imam Asy'ari sendiri Namun jangan khawatir, Terjemah Kitab AL-Ibanah yang hadirkan ini merupakan Versi yang sudah Ditahkik oleh Seorang Ulama Perempuan #Egypt dan Pengajar di Universitas Ain Shams, Dr. Fauqiyah Husein Mahmud & paling Lengkap Dan Khusus bagian yang dimanipulasi sudah Ditahsih oleh Dr. Arrazy Hasyim Terjemahan ini juga sudah dilengkapi dengan Sanad Tersambung pada Penulis, Imam Asy'ari
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thevanyahargreeves · 6 years
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dreths @romlyndreth u,u
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computer-wizard · 3 years
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why did i think drawing more of them would be a good idea
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modsumessenger · 7 years
when soooo many ppl hate ur fave bc the localization butchered his characterization and his motives so badly it almost seems fucking DELIBERATE. THANKS NIS AMERICA!!!!!!! FOR LITERALLY JUST OMITTING REALLY FUCKING CRUCIAL AND PIVOTAL CHARACTER MOMENTS SO YOU COULD PUT IN MEMES AND SHIT. AWESOME. GREAT JOB. IM GONNA SET MYSELF ON FIRE
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ioiohekate · 5 years
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romlyndreth · 5 years
*thinks about Dreths* *heart races*
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Day Four: Your OC meets a friendly animal.
Yes, I know this is late but real life got in the way. Anyway, here we have more of baby Azirina encountering a friendly camel for the springtime prompts of @vilkas. Also, Madsu belongs to @hoemaeus-mora who I received permission from to use.
It wasn't often that she was allowed to leave the village. It was even rarer that she went without one of her parents. But her father had agreed when Ma'rjo explained that he would be the one going to the markets in Dune with K'med and L'larzen. After alot of pleading and large eyes from Azirina. Which was how she ended up in the market now, sat beneath a large marquee as K'med peddled spices and silks.
It seemed bringing her was incredibly useful as many approached the stall to see the young Khajiit. Few managed to escape without some purchase. And yet, the strangest incident happened as she was sat, playing with a doll given to her by another market stall owner.
A strange huff of breath ruffled her hair, making her turn to face a large, sandy coloured head with big brown eyes. The strange creature stared at her before pushing her slightly with its head.
"Woah, Naboris! She's just a child. Leave her be." A strange voice called from her left as she looked at the creature.
"Take control of your camel!" L'larzen hissed as he stepped closer, his claws exposed as he snarled. A dunmer man rushed forward, taking the reigns of the beast.
"I'm sorry. She has a mind of her own. I guess she saw your child and wanted to investigate." The Dunmer explained as he went to pull the camel away. It grunted, huffing again and pulling back towards Azirina who giggled. She wrapped her arms around its nose, laughing as it lifted her slightly.
"Starlight, be careful." Ma'rjo cried as he stepped forward. The dunmer laughed softly.
"I think she likes you. Though I admit, I don't recall seeing your tribe here before." He said. "Do you not make alot of materials to sell?"
"Khajiit wary of our tribe." K'med noted, a hint of anger in his voice. The dunmer paused before realising.
"The Kharabbi tribe? Oh, this is a blessing from him. I had heard rumours of a tribe of Khajiit that worshipped him but I never thought I would find you." He began. "I am Madsu." He said, holding his hand out for Ma'rjo to shake. The three older Khajiit merely stared at him as the camel continued to nuzzle at Azirina. Madsu laughed.
"It looks like she likes your daughter." He said.
"Starlight is not my daughter." Ma'rjo countered. "She is the child of our chief. He agreed to let her come with us today." The three Khajiit couldn't hold back a smile as Azirina laughed, petting the camel that nuzzled her. She scratched its snout, watching as it dropped to its knees before her. Immediately, she scrambled up it's back and sat on the hump.
"Ma'rjo look!" She exclaimed happily as Naboris stood and began to walk around the marquee.
"This one can see, sweet starlight." Ma'rjo laughed. K'med chuckled as he walked forward, taking the reigns to guide the camel out to let her experience riding it. Once she was out of earshot, L'larzen and Ma'rjo turned to Madsu.
"Why do you seek the Kharabbi tribe?"
"I heard the Kharabbi bloodline is linked to some of Molag Bal's most revered and loyal followers. I wish to join you in service to him." He explained.
"Khajiit will discuss it with Chief Ri'siri. If you are to be accepted, you will need to speak with him." Ma'rjo explained. Madsu nodded before stepping out of the tent. K'med stepped back in, leading Azirina back as she hugged Naboris' neck. The camel let out a strange noise to her as it bumped its head against hers gently before Madsu climbed back on it's back.
"Goodbye Naboris." Azirina waved as the camel and its rider turned and headed out of the market. As she waved, K'med glanced at L'larzen and Ma'rjo.
"Khajiit will bring it up with Ri'siri when we return. He will make an excellent sacrifice at least." L'larzen said.
"Correct. Come, sweet starlight, we must be leaving now, yes?" Ma'rjo called, smiling as Azirina ran back over to the three of them.
"This one cannot wait to tell Mama and Papa about today." She explained excitedly as L'larzen picked her up and placed her on the wagon they travelled in on. The three older Khajiit merely chuckled as they continued to load the wagon, listening to her talk excitedly.
It had been an interesting market day. And one that had yielded some incredibly interesting results.
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valen-dreth · 3 years
Also I just learned of the existence of Madsu Dreth and Taron Dreth?! HOW have I never encountered them before?!
ive never met them but yea i know them! in my fucked up tes canon Taron is Valen’s eldest child :)
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kb85lazy · 3 months
Nm ap en hl rg kai mds
Pl en hel nn henth kai madsu
Ist rjkiy
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swedebeast · 3 years
Heres’s a idea, how about Jeremiah Johnson meets Mad Max. You could have isolated communities who have reverted backwards to life similar to the 1840s, having to deal with marauding raiders and mutated horrors. There could also be military/government installations stocked full of interesting items and technological threats. Just imagine burly mountain men armed with laser rifles fighting off raiders around some frontier outpost.
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This is shockingly similar to how I play my post-apoc games, holy shit.
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"I ran and ran and ran. Pil and Madsus I never saw again... Mucking gizzards, getting into a fight with a stag beetle!"
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skyrim-crossing · 4 years
Obsidian Dovahkiin’s backstory
This is the backstory of my Elder Scrolls OC, Obsidian Dovahkiin. Azirina belongs to @ask-demon-princess-astarte and Aranaga and Korillia belong to @warlockin-asimplealtmer
Obsidian was born on 2nd Rains Hand 4E 24 in an Ashlander tribe on Vvardenfell. Her parents, along with her tribe, had recently returned from mainland Morrowind before she was born, due to the devastation caused by Red mountain. The tribe was devoted to their religion, but they mainly worshipped Boethiah. Her mother Reyla was a priestess and her father Madsu was a hunter. As a child, Obsidian's name was Aerie, taking her current name later on in life.
As a child, she was obsessed with all things Daedric and magical. She would spend many days practising her magic if she wasn't helping her parents. Her hair is purple due to her being able to use illusion magic for long periods in time. In actuality, her hair was white, but her eyes have always been purple. When she was around 114  a Daedric cultist made contact with her tribe as she had a felt a  strong magical presence. When the cultist found that it was coming from Obsidian, she made an offer for her to teach Obsidian further magic and introduce her to the prince she served. Obsidian accepted and spent many weeks practising more magic. Obsidian was able to pick up conjuration instantly and finally met the prince the cultist served: Hermaeus Mora. From then on, she incorporated him into her worship and tried to get her tribe to do the same. Naturally, they refused and wanted her to continue her life as usual. However, her father had recently begun to serve Molag Bal, as well as Hermaeus Mora, and promised to stay with Obsidian. After many weeks of arguing with her mother and tribe, she decided to leave to join the other cultists who made their home in northern Elswyer. The cultists of both Princes made a truce a few years before that point so they could travel together. She didn't feel like worshipping Molag was right, but she ignored the cultist's actions for the most part. However, after a few years, she couldn't handle what she had seen the cults do to people, so she escaped to Cyrodil to start again.
In Cyrodil, she joined the Vigilant of Stendarr, as she knew how Daedric Cults worked. She was extremely ashamed of her past, and she felt like that was the only way to receive forgiveness. She spent the next 30 years with the Vigilants until a group began to form and eventually break off from the others. These people studied all things Daedra, rendering them Daedrologists. As she had extensive knowledge into the daedra, she knew that this would be more beneficial in the long run. They made their base in Bruma and worked under the guise of Vigilants still. Here was where she truly began to love daedra, despite her previous negative encounters with them. However, some people didn't fall for it and placed a Dark Brotherhood contract on them. Only 5 of the original 40 were able to escape, one being Obsidian. In her desperate escape, she illegally crossed the border to Skyrim and was captured by Imperials. She tried proving she was a citizen of the Empire, but they refused to listen.
From here, she was taken to Helgen to be executed. While a dragon razed the city, she was able to flee thanks to the help of Hadvar. After a few years of being in Skyrim, she had become the Dragonborn and slew nearly all threats to Skyrim. The civil war was still in full swing, but she made a vow to stay out of politics. During her adventures, she found all of her old Daedrologist friends and found love with Serana and a Dremora called Hefdet. Hefdet was an unbound dremora she summoned while at the College of Winterhold, further practising her magic (mainly restoration). When she had proven her strength, he admired and respected her greatly so began to assist in her adventures. Obsidian and Serana had already been together for a few months after they stopped her father. When Obsidian began to fall for Hefdet too, they chose to all be in a relationship mutually. Obsidian became a hero of Skyrim and Morrowind too. She had met again with her mother, asking for her forgiveness (which she gave).
After she killed Miraak, who was the last threat she disposed of, nothing posed as a problem anymore so she decided to work on her Daedrology and family life. She had also made amends with Hermaeus Mora, serving him once again. Alongside her partners, she built a home in Morthal and focussed on getting her studies finished. While she was walking to Solitude to gather more decorations for her house one day, she found an injured Khajiit who would later be her best friend. This Khajiit called Azirina was involved with the cult she had left long ago. Obsidian couldn't believe it and was determined to help her. Sadly, Azirina didn't get away so easily like Obsidian and was being tracked down by Molag himself. She did her best to help, but she ended up being taken to Coldharbour.
Obsidian was distraught and tried going there to bring her back, summoning her like she was a Daedra etc. Nothing worked. She had built up such a connection that she would stop at nothing to save her. Hefdet and Serana both tried to reason with Molag, but he refused to give her back. In her anger, she asked Mora what she could do. One of her possible options was to try and kill him. When she told him that she would most likely end up dying, Mora wanted to show her how she could achieve this. By doing so, he sent her soul back in time to the 2nd Era. Disorientated and confused, she believed she was still in the 4th Era so didn't think much of it at first.
Being herself, she travelled around the beautiful province helping people. Thanks to the townsfolk of Shimmerine, she soon learned she was in the 2nd Era. Tne guards of Shimmerine tried to test her on her knowledge and etiquette of Altmer society which she managed to pass. She began to work at an Inn not too far from Shimmerine while she figured out what to do. One day, she met an Altmer named Valsirenn who met her with a proposition to save Summerset. Obsidian accepted instantly and Valsirenn revealed her affiliation to the Psijic Order. Valsirenn travelled with her to Artaeum after a few weeks of silence on her part.
When she began helping them, Valsirenn introduced her to Aranaga, the hero names the Vestige. She was to work with him bring an end to the threats of Summerset. Despite not truly being over the loss of Hefdet and Serana, over time she found herself falling for him as they worked together. It wasn't that long after that until she found herself marrying him on Artaeum, surrounded by all of her new friends.  She knew she would never forget her former partners, but she knew they would want her to be happy.
She lived an extremely happy life with him and his two children, Elenwen and Esterdel and gave him another son called Reyln. She couldn't have asked for anything more. She had a wonderful husband, children and an amazing manor in Alinor. She became best friends with his cousin Korillia and found herself going on adventures with her as well. More threats arose outside of Summerset which she dealt with alongside Aranaga. For as long as they appeared, they tackled them together.
Hermaeus Mora made contact with her one day, while she was sat at home. He asked her if she had learned enough to defeat Molag and wanted to go back to which she declined. Obsidian felt guilty, but she hoped that her old friend could wait. She knew she could probably go back and help but that chapter of her life was not yet complete.
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vgmenhatsmart · 4 years
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^@! BRAND NEW RARE Been Trill x KTZ #MADSUS Embroidered Snapback Hat White/Red/Black https://ift.tt/32aSzxz
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Hi Madsu i like your blog ʕ•ﻌ•ʔ
Oh hehe thank desu :3c (kms )
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