#madea arinori
stardustbee · 1 year
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Comissions done by @kimageddon
❧ The Kiss
Ayane x Maul | Inspired by "The Kiss" from Gustav Klimt
❧ And from now on...
Ayane x Maul
❧ The Lulling Vampire
Luciana in her bar
❧ The hanged Vampire
Tarot card Ayane
❧ Ayane Fighting Pose
With daggers and an iron will
❧ Our hearts are one
Ayane x Maul | with a writing from @eloquentmoon
❧ Happy Birthday!
Birthday present for @eloquentmoon with Nienna and Ayane
❧ The Kiss: Redeux
Redrawing of the first 'The Kiss'
❧ Fangs
Little sketch Kima gifted me with ♡
❧ Sun, sea and cocktails for Mi and Lu!
Luciana Arinori and Mimi Mirage (Twi'lek OC by @eloquentmoon) on a vacation!
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Comission done by @cccrouton
❧ Me and the Devil
Ayane x Maul
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Comission done @inquisitorius-sin-bin
❧ A little cheering up
Luciana x Aurra Sing
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Comission done by @moonlitalien
❧ Ayane Arinori
Symmetry portray
❧ Luciana Arinori
Chibi symmetry portray
❧ Cadoc Arinori
Symmetry portray
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Comission done by @audpaints
❧ Ayane, Luciana and Cadoc Arinori
Little group picture of the siblings
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Comission done by @theoasiswinds
❧ Cythraul
Portrait of my Zabrak OC
❧ Ayane Arinori
Half body art of Ayane looking lovingly and dreamy (probably at Maul)
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Comission done by @kenobiwanx
❧ Jedi Ayane Arinori
First design of Ayanes look in 'Stardust made to shine'
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Comission done by @the-chains-are-the-easy-part
❧ Stardust made to shine Cover Art
Darth Maul x fem!oc Ayane Arinori
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Comission done by @butts-art
❧ Queen Ayane Arinori
Design and Art giveaway for Ayane for The Dance of Sun and Moon
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stardustbee · 1 year
Any members of Ayane's family you want to talk more about?
Well thank you! I actually would like to talk a bit about Madea and Gwydion! So since I've already done it with Cadoc and Einar I shall write a little background story on how they met! First I planned something to do with Luciana but well 😅 and actually we have some Ayane x Maul time at the end because.......love 😅
Warnings: nothing! Just some softness ♡
Word count: 1461
It was a fairly warm summer day. The sun shone through the full treetops and the wind made them rustle gently. The flowers bloomed and the birds sang their beautiful songs. The perfect day for a stroll through the woods behind the property. So thought young Gwydion Arinori as he dressed in his best going out attire, topping it off with a dark blue cloak. 
Gwydion was a handsome man and anxious to take over the leadership of the house soon. His beloved father would soon pass his place to him. Gwydion was already looking forward to it. He would be a good heir and lead the House to new splendor and glory. The young man had already done a lot for it. He has trained his magic and learned the history of Midgard inside and out. Still, his father wasn't satisfied. Because he wished that Gwydion would finally find a wife.
Unlike his father, Gwydion did not want an arranged marriage. He wanted someone he could love and honor and who would do the same for him. And in a wondrous way, fate thought that the paths of two people would have to cross today. 
He saw a figure crouching under the shade of a tree. He realized the figure was trembling. He slowly approached it. "Hello?" he said cautiously. The figure jumped up in alarm, holding a large toss of stones in its hand. It was a young woman with white hair and, as far as Gwydion could tell from the distance, emerald green eyes. She wore wildly tangled robes in a partly black and dark red fabric. The clothes were a bit worn in some places and the woman had several small wounds and bruises. She snorted wildly and jerked again as if ready to throw the stone at him.
Gwydion threw his hands out in front of him protectively. "Take it easy! Look, I'm not carrying any weapons! I have no intention of harming you." His voice was very calm and a bit scratchy. The woman stared at him while Gwydion took a few more steps toward her. Noticing his peaceful and friendly nature, she lowered the stone. So Gwydion lowered his hands too. He was standing right in front of her now and the sight of her took his breath away. It must be love at first sight because he didn't want to take his eyes off her. He also noticed the dirt on her skin now. 
Gwydion held his hands out in front. "May I ask who you are?" The woman doesn't answer. "Do you speak my language?" She nodded. Gwydion smiled. "That makes me happy." The woman cocked her head questioningly. "My name is Gwydion," he said, placing his hands on his chest. She eyed Gwydion suspiciously, but he must have done something to warm her trust. "Madea..." she whispered softly and a wide grin split Gwydion's face. 
He fumbled with the cloak he wore over his shoulder and pried it free from the metal on his chest to which it was attached. Then he threw it over Madea's shoulders, who dropped the stone out of sheer shock and let out a angry sigh. It really wasn't that the help and kindness was unwelcome from her. She just wasn't used to it. "May I invite you to our estate? You look hungry and perhaps you would like to take a bath?" Madea clutched the piece of fabric and pulled it closer to her, then whispered in a low voice, "Thank you...that would be very nice..."
So Madea accompanies him to the big estate. After the horror and hardship she had endured, she was glad of the help the man offered her. The property was vast and rich in antiques, paintings and fine ornaments. She was so impressed her jaw almost dropped. Madea had never seen anything like it in her life. She was standing in the entrance hall. In front of her, opposite the entrance, was a large fireplace. In front of it were some sofas and small side tables. A large picture hung over the fireplace. It showed a young Gwydion, with a woman and a man, presumably his parents. To her right was another door. Gwydion had rushed in that direction, what layed beyond she did not know yet.
To her left, a stairway led to the first floor. The stairs split in the middle, so you had to go either left or right to other rooms. Madea took a few steps towards the stairs. She looked at the window that was placed where the stairs split. The window was embedded in the entire wall and there were beautiful glass pictures to see. In the middle you could see a tree, which had spread over the entire glass. The knots were so perfectly and finely worked. Runes and other symbols were embedded around the tree. At the top of the tree sat a royal raven. It spread its wings and its beak was open.
"The raven..." Madea heard the deep voice of Gwydion, "...is the protector of our family." She hadn't even noticed that he was standing next to her. One hand rested on his sword and he ran his other hand through his hair. His eyes were fixated on the glass. Madea now noticed that his hair color was the same as a raven's feathers. The man turned his gaze to Madea. He had two different colored eyes. One was red, like a blazing fire. The other blue, as icy as the glaciers of the mountains. 
Gwydion held out his free hand to her. "I've got you some food and clothes ready. You can stay here for a while if you like?" Madea's cheeks flushed at the gesture. He didn't forced her to stay, no. Gwydion had phrased it as a question. The woman with the hair as white as the snow, put her hand in his. With the other she was still holding the cloak. She smiled and wanted to leave behind the hardships she was going through. Even though she didn't know this man, who had shown her nothing but warmth and kindness, she knew she could trust him.
Snowflakes fell quietly to the ground. The days were getting shorter, the nights colder, and the moon shone through the painted window with a glow she had seldom seen like this. It really accentuated the raven that was let in there. Ayane Arinori was standing at the bottom of the stairs in the entrance hall. On the spot where her mother has stood many times before. She had placed her hands in front of her body and was feeling the ring she wore on her right ring finger. It was a very simple ring, made of bronze, and looked old and worn. It was the ring her mother was already wearing. And before her mother, it was worn by her grandmother. She didn't care that it looked a bit old, the meaning behind it was much bigger and more important. 
With her free hand she turned it back and forth, always keeping her eyes on the window. Then she felt a hand covering hers. Ayane felt someone put his head on her shoulder and pressed her body against his. "What are you thinking, Fairy?", she heard Maul's voice whisper quietly and softly in her ear. "Of mother. How she met father. She often talked about it." Her free hand ran over Maul's ring finger and she closed her eyes as she fingered the ring he wore. The same material and texture as the ring placed on her own finger.
Maul planted a kiss on her cheek. And Ayane brushed her hair on the free shoulder to make way for her lover. The Zabrak's hand, which had just been holding her hand, now pushed her head slightly to the side. His lips pressed against her neck while his hands held the vampire tighter against his body. Maul's teeth gnawed and sucked at the sensitive flesh and when Ayane let out an uneasy whimper, he turned her around in one easy motion. 
One hand now pushed her chin up towards his face, the other gripped her waist tightly. Ayane's hands rested on Maul's chest and she could feel his heart beating underneath. Slowly she ran her hands over his neck and let them rest on his head. Feeling every inch of his warm skin. She pushed his head a little towards her and her forehead was now touching his. Without saying another word, the two enjoyed the moment of togetherness. 
A moment when the world could stand still. And the sad thoughts that came to Ayane when she thought about her mother were gone. As if the Zabrak knew she needed him.
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@eloquentmoon @eyecandyeoz @justalittletomato @dinsverdika @moonstrider9904 @literatureandqueen @by-the-primes @kimageddon @corona-one @book-of-baba-fett @storm89 @misogirl828 @inquisitorius-sin-bin @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @lune-de-miel-au-paradis
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stardustbee · 1 year
The Kiss by @kimageddon
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This awsome piece was made by Kima. And I cannot express how much I love this. It is pictured so perfect. And I love this and those two with all my heart!
Thank you so much Kima for this!
Please go over to Kimas blog and support her by sending her a comission if you have the chance!
Oh and btw, not me being a total softcake to write something about this! If your interested you find it under the cut ♡
I recomend listening to this
She was standing on the cliff. The cliff she has known since her childhood. Here she had always waited for him. And even today she didn't wait for anyone else. The water of the sea rushed against the rock. It foamed and sloshed. Wild and unbridled. The tree she was leaning against was blooming with beautiful leaves. The wind was gentle, the grass and flowers around them still and full. New life filled the expanse and her gaze turned longingly towards the endless horizon. 
Her ravenblack hair hung loose on her body. The light blue dress with the fine pattern suited her well and it was one of the few in which she felt comfortable. Small strings of pearls were attached around the upper body and on the chest area was an amulet that her mother had once worn. A blue heart was depicted on it. Madea had often told her how much it reminded her of her daughter and how well it matched her icy blue eyes. Her mother gave it to her one night. The words she whispered still laid in her ears.
Her hands felt the amulet and yet her thoughts wandered to the bronze rings she had laid out in the manor. It was Madea and Gwydion Arinori's wedding ring. She had made up her mind that when he returned she would give him this ring as a present. And she would wear her mother's ring proudly. 
Her eyes closed, she took a deep breath of the sea breeze. It smelled salty and another scent mingled with it. A familiar scent. A familiar presence. It didn't take words to know who was behind her. She turned around and couldn't suppress a relieved smile when she saw him walking towards her in the middle of the field. Dressed all in black, hands clasped behind his back and golden eyes fixed on her. The horns placed like a crown on his head. His body language was proud and powerful. And at the same time, and that was something only she could notice, happy and open to this reunion.
When he finally reached her, he placed a hand on her cheek. The other ruffled her hair. They had waited a long time and they would never be apart again. As her hand rested gently on his, she turned her head into the touch of his palm. He held her like he was scared. Scared that she was about to slip out of his grasp. The vampire's other hand gently stroked his chest to his neck, where it finally rested. A kiss on her cheek. Her gaze met his. The moment when the endless expanse between them finally ended. The wind that carried her name when they finally kissed. "Ayane…"
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Tagging some of you! ♡
@eloquentmoon @eyecandyeoz @elledjarin @oh-three @justalittletomato @dinsverdika @moonstrider9904 @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @nxctuaryninetythree @fairytaleapple @literatureandqueen @by-the-primes @darthmaussy @corona-one @book-of-baba-fett @storm89 @botherbother-blog @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @inquisitorius-sin-bin
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stardustbee · 1 year
🖊 + Cadoc!!
YAS THANK YOU!!!! So here are some fun facts
Some general Stuff about our boi MAN
Cadoc is the oldest of the Arinori siblings
His name is Welsh and means "cad"= "battle, fight".
Cadoc is a very mysterious man. He never talks much and when he does, he surely doesn't talk about stuff he did
Our boy doesn't feel anything for anyone and if I see he doesn't feel something, I mean it
He is how he
However when it comes to his siblings, he does get some protective thoughts
Feelings he never knew and he can't sort into the right place
Normally you shouldn't have a fav sibling as a big brother, but Cadoc does
And that is Ayane
She has something that reminds him of himself and he wants to protect her and all cost
Also Cadoc was the first who knew about Maul because Ayane went straight to her big brother when she heard a unfamiliar voice in her head
Also Ayane is the one that really cares about him
When Cadoc returned with a wound that was straight across is face, she was the first to ran into him with a worried face
After he told her it was himself who did that, she just hit him and got angry
Inspiration from other characters and Design
Cadoc is based of two other men
Squall Leonhard from Final Fantasy 8 (gif below)
Hei from Darker than Black (gif below)
I have a weakness for men like these 👀
Cadoc look is very diffrent to the other siblings
He hasn't the usual ravenblack hair and blue eyes
He is the only one who has green eyes and his hair is just black with two white strains in front (here we have him in his glory from @eyecandyeoz 💙)
So Cadoc is the only one in the family who has something from their Mother, Madea
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So I have written a little background story for him which you can find here
His actions are not clear and no one know what is going through his mind
His father Gwydion sends him away after Ayane suffered the Pain from Maul as he got his tattoos
Cadoc meet Ayane soon in the storyline of Fly me to the Moon!
One thing that might be interesting, Cadoc will be 100% be loyal to Maul! Not just because of his sister, but he believes in Maul and the things he do
That's all I say becouse of spoilers ❤
Tagging some of you
@eloquentmoon @eyecandyeoz @justalittletomato @by-the-primes @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @herbalinz-of-yesteryear @gran-maul-seizure @storm89
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stardustbee · 1 year
Ah the sweet Ayane as always. Let us see what we put into these!
01. Full name: Ayane Arinori
02. Best friend: There was a young eleven girl in Midgard in her childhood she sometimes met. Her name was Chiyo (not me bringing ANOTHER OC in fmttm that was TOTALLY SELF INSERT when I was younger)
03. Sexuality: hetero
04. Favorite color: white and blue
05. Relationship status: well ok that depends on the time of the story 😳 basically she is together with Maul but at the current events she hasn't told him how she feels yet.
06. Ideal mate: Maul ❤😊
07. Turn-ons: Uhm everything Maul does 😳
08. Favorite food: so since she is a vampire the answer would be blood. But in her human days she loved everything that is sweet! Specially apple pie
09. Crushes: Mauuuuuul
11. Biggest fear: losing her loved ones, her family and friends
10. Favorite music: Ayane really likes classic music! But also some traditional music played in Midgard! (In that case it would be Pagan and Folk music)
12. Biggest fantasy: getting to rest with Maul in her family estate. Just living a normal, peaceful life...maybe with some children?
13. Bad habits: She starts fiddling with her hands when she gets nervous
14. Biggest regret: not telling Maul about her secret
15. Best kept secrets: naaahh this would spoil the story!
16. Last thought: I should really answer the OC Interview ask...😳
17. Worst romantic experience: hasn't had any yet. But there might come some with Maul in the future. Although they will try to seek out the postive out of it!
18. Biggest insecurity: Her body. Although she is really beautiful she is super insecure with it
19. Weapon of choice: She fights with two daggers
20. Role Model: Her Mother, Madea
Give me the Name of one of my OCs and I shall answer these questions!
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