mittensmorgul · 3 years
Do you think it's possibly Dean and Cas might end up sharing a body like Michael/Adam? That's the only way I could be fine with Misha not coming back for the finale.
you know... I hadn’t thought of it exactly that way, but maybe in a... weird cosmic way? but I think they’ll all have free will and autonomy at the end, so I don’t know.
I’m really trying not to think about what might happen, because right now my only concerns are:
1. Engaging with and understanding the ending that canon will present to us so that I can be relatively objective in analyzing, and then either internalizing or ignoring it as necessary while maintaining my love of everything they’ve given us to this point,
2. Maintaining my personal understanding of everything up to this point, and what I have always believed would make for the best ending for each of these characters, because I am fairly convinced that the show’s writers do not live inside my head and have composed THEIR ideal ending from my personal wishes and desires. Lucky for me, I’m perfectly capable of writing my own ending if I can’t live with theirs...
(oh, and I plan to keep writing alternate endings for the show probably for the rest of my life, regardless of how it ends, even if it gives me everything I’ve always wanted and more, because I am just Like That about these morons in love...)
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astudyinfreewill · 4 years
As much as I love the Gangsay, I love the potential of new friendship groups in CDtH (Adam and the crying club; Ronan, Hennessy, Declan, Jordan and maybe Carmen and Liliana in the future). I kinda love that both Adam and Ronan are making their own independent connections. What do you think about it? Btw, do you think it's possible that Adam and Hennessy will become friends?
i’m a big fan! i want them both to grow independently as their own people, as well as together as a couple. adam is clearly set on doing it, even if he’s not going about it the best way, so it’s great for ronan to make new friends too.
as for your question, i’m not sure i understand the query; i don’t see why adam and hennessy shouldn’t become friends - surely since ronan and hennessy are becoming friends, adam will at least make an effort to get to know her and be friendly with her at some point, like ronan did with the criers. but if the question is whether they’ll become bffs, i don’t think so - hennessy seems like she’s meant to be closer with ronan, and that’s fine by me.
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neven-ebrez · 5 years
Do you think there is any significance to the episode making it very clear that swallowing the souls of hell is the way to get the throne of Hell? Especially after what happened to Rowena? Even in the DeanCas fight, Cas described Bel's plan "to eat every last soul to take over Hell, Earth, everything." Not what I want for her, but better than perma-death, I guess...
I think it’s more “a way” rather than THE WAY. Because Crowley was running Hell as he was and he was doing it just fine. Bel was talking about becoming God-like by transforming into something else and then using that power to take over Hell, Earth, and everything else. More to the point, it was Cas watching “Jack” make the first major mistake Cas ever made, which was taking in the Leviathan and becoming “God” like. I think the scene between Cas and Bel and so, the explanation, was used to bring out Cas’ inner reflection of his past mistakes so that when Dean brought up his most recent failure (with the Crook) that this would be the straw that broke the camel’s back for Cas and that this would organically lead to his heartbreaking confession regarding how Dean treats him both before and after his changed reality concerning the truth of the world.
The touch on Bel himself explaining he would be transformed does seem significant, yes. But it did take me a bit to step back and look at things this way. Carrying things, primordial forces, inside you, often prompts fantastical transformations on SPN. And the transformations are often terrifying and bad in some way. But that doesn’t mean they have to be. Disposition effects execution. Rowena tells us this and she did what she did with the most honorable of intentions, not selfish ones, not even partly. In her final act a woman who once only sought power for herself instead thought nothing of herself. I have to think that counts for something. And these sacrificial intentions, generally, grant rewards, transformations and resurrections. It’s the Christ story.
So. Sam and Dean in the first half are meant to lose people in a very real way. Cas loses Jack, loses the Winchesters. Dean loses Cas. Sam loses Rowena. I think “real way” in the PR is meant to highlight TFW’s changed reality. Nothing is supposed to come back anymore. So emotionally they all face these deaths under that understanding. But we know Jack will eventually come back, that Dean and Cas will truly reunite. So yeah. I think Rowena will be back (transformed, like how SPN handled Billie) somewhere down the line as well. Bel as a character was structurally introduced to fracture two relationships, Sam and Rowena’s and Dean and Cas’. Mostly tho, Dean and Cas’. Since that is the plot the show is currently focused on telling as of 15x03. Every move he said to TFW (including Rowena) generated fracturing of a sort, discord. Problems are created by plot devices such as Bel, then they are solved. So yeah. I’m firmly of the mind this is what will (eventually) happen.
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mymelancholiesblues · 5 years
002 CloTi or Matt/Elektra
Why not both, hahah?! I’ll do both.
– When I started shipping them: Around 8 years old as well. My dad used to rent SNES and N64 cartridges and PS1 discs in a local video rental store – this is how I got to play RE2 OG in N64 (and started shipping Aeon) and FFVII. That part where Cloud and Tifa are submerged in the Lifestream and she enters his subconscious, finally being able to restore his true memories and, with that, his identity, is such a powerful moment – I couldn’t just shrug it off ever since;
– My thoughts: Other than the fact that the LTD ever (and still) being a thing both baffles and bothers me a lot, I think their relationship is one of the most organic and thoroughly developed narratives I got to see in fiction. Oh, and “Do You” by Carina Round totally is my aesthetic song for them (from Cloud’s pov);
– What makes me happy about them: Well, first and foremost, I love the whole background of Cloud being in love with Tifa since forever basically, and that everything he did as a child and then a pre-teen/teen had, amongst other things, the clear objective of getting her attention. I also love the angst that surrounds them prior to the conclusion of FFVII:AC/C: the circumstances never making it easier for them, the timing is always off somehow (but despite that, they still yearn for and are very much devoted to each other);
– What makes me sad about them: Many aspects of their plot together: Cloud never feeling quite worthy – scarred and traumatized by witnessing her falling the bridge without being able to prevent it and then her father blaming him for the accident –, Tifa not feeling comfortable to open up about her feelings because now the guy is, in some ways, a stranger. Their hiccups in OtWtaS:CoT and FFVII:AC/C;
– Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Out of Character Cloud very much influenced by his FFVII:AC/C development – Cloud’s entire personality is reduced to his depression and mental health issues, and Out of Character Tifa being pushy and clingy in response to it. Lack of depth in their dynamics, authors failing to recognize that the night under the Highwind represented an upgrade in their intimacy and overall relationship – I hate reading those ones where the writer really wants to convince me that these two people who have been in love with each other for pretty much their entire lives and now live together raising two kids still haven’t kissed or touched in any way;
– Things I look for in fanfic: Soft and mellow CloTi. With Cloud being all supportive and understanding, and Tifa feeling encouraged and comfortable with him. My favorites examples are: “Family” by KevehKins, “To Remember Home By” by sister_coyote and “Ostinato” by soloplayersab;
– My wishlist: The FFVII Compilation already delivered all I could’ve asked for their relationship, so now my expectations are set high for what the Remake has in store for them. I hope Nojima, Kitase and Nomura are faithful to the source material and keep Cloud/Tifa organically written;
– Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: CloTi (together with Aeon, HitsuHina and Polivia – my OTPs for life) is one of the cases that I can’t accept any other romantic outcome for one or the other. They’ve known each other so deeply (Tifa has literally seen his subconscious and helped him remember whom he truly was), for so long – as well as being together through thick and thin – that no one can persuade me that they aren’t soulmates;
– My happily ever after for them: I can safely say that they had their happily ever after (they’re living with each other, they’re happy now that Geostigma don’t plague their lives any longer, they raise two kids together, etc.).
– When I started shipping them: By the age of six years old. My father was a great Comics enthusiast (still is) and his favourite Marvel characters were Spider-man, the Silver Surfer and Daredevil. Whenever he told me about them he would always make sure to say that Elektra was the love of Matt’s life, hahahaha;
– My thoughts: Matt and Elektra probably shaped what I would look for in ships for the rest of my life. Much of the angst and circumstances that encompasses their relationship marked me;
– What makes me happy about them: I think that there are two quotes that sums it up for me: “Their time together was like a sentence left unfinished. Now, they half expect to bump into each other again every time they go out and they both feel a tiny jab of disappointment everytime they don’t.” and “First love, first everything.” (both from ELEKTRA VOL 1, #11) since they explicit in text just how much they loved each other and how their time together was the happiest they were in their lives;
– What makes me sad about them: That life didn’t allow them to be together even though that’s all they ever wanted, also: “It was as if God had given me twelve months of joy to prepare me for all the horror to come.” (from ELEKTRA LIVES AGAIN);
– Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Since we’re at it and Netflix’s Daredevil would enter that sort of conversation topic - being an adaptation of the original source and all – I hate when writers butch and distort Elektra’s characterization. She’s not a psychopath, she never wanted to “corrupt” Matt, she actually left Matt and the U.S. when she got heartbroken by life and cynical to the world;
– Things I look for in fanfic: I never went after fanfics for them since I think there’s plenty of official sources to enjoy substantial material that provides various facets of their relationship;
– My wishlist: I would very much enjoy a “What If” where Elektra’s father wasn’t killed and they married, had a daughter, etc. “Somewhere where a woman named Elektra is still alive… and a man named Matthew Murdock is happy.”
– Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I’m fond of Matt’s relationship with Natasha and with Felicia, but I don’t think Matt will “end up” with neither. I think Kirsten McDuffie made him very happy and that’s all I wish for Matt, the guy certainly deserves it. As for Elektra, well, I think Logan spoke my mind when he said “[…] But Elektra’s only been in love once, and true love never dies.” in WOLVERINE VOL 3, #32;
– My happily ever after for them: Oh, in an ideal world, Matt and Elektra would find their way back to each other in spite of life circumstances never allowing them to, and they’d stay. Together. So they wouldn’t regret it ever again (not staying).
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lemedy · 6 years
Re: your Clear Cards/TRC meta. If the original staff went to Yuko, it means the staff now is in Wateneki's possession. Wateneki, C!Sayoran and C!Sakura's universe repayment baby (the reason why they gave the staff to Yuko in first place too, if i'm not wrong, was to make it possible to Original Syaoran and Watanuki to coexist). Very mind-blowing, very CLAMP to have all this weird TRC backstory in Clear Cards.
You know, I was going to go into Yuko dying and Watanuki taking her place and then I looked at my post and thought 'is this not a holy mess already'.
But yes, you're 1000% right. Sakura Kinomoto's staff now belongs to Watanuki. Who, in another universe, is hers and Syaoran's son (after time was reset and he 'replaced' Original Syaoran as their son).
Watanuki, who is then also a descendant of Clow Reed and looks an awful look like him and honestly I'm pretty sure the endgame for xxxHolic is going to be Watanuki is Clow Reed, and it was an origin story all along.
All of this. All of this is woven into the background of Clear Card. THANKS, CLAMP, I BOTH LOVE AND HATE IT.
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knownoshamc · 6 years
madamoftime replied to your post: In 2x06 sitcom hallucination, Elliot's mom sprays...
imo when Mr.Robot goes after Tyrell in 3x09 it’s pretty clear that to him, Tyrell isn’t a part of the Dark Army nor the 1%, but rather someone that was used by them just like him. It’s amazing, really, because it would be easy to blame Tyrell for the “revolution going wrong” and it’s also interesting that Mr.Robot thought that “anti 1% speech” would work to motivate Tyrell to join the fight, because in season 1 Tyrell said some very meritocratic stuff to Elliot.
mhmmmm. after that little speech of his in 1x05, he could have easily placed him in the 1%. but I don’t think it’s a coincidence that that speech was at the same episode that Elliot says all that hurtful things to this guy.  but I think everything changed when Tyrell told him about his father and that poem, and later when he told him he told him about Sharon...which is also interesting, hmm
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sarahbatistapereira · 7 years
Do you think resurrecting the real Cas could be next season's goal for Dean? I can see that working to keep fandom engaged with the plot (especially if Misha stays as AU versions of Cas) and a believable and not co-depedent way of making the Winchesters finally be active in the plot again.
I’d probably do that, yes, since Jack has been established to have the ability and it gives them a lesson to relearn (one the show has been trying to teach but not well). Though I would also make it both Sam and Dean’s quest, to avoid complicating an already sticky situation.
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Hi! Is it ok if I tag your blog in my book edits?
Of course you can :) We track #addictedforbooksquad
Looking forward to seeing your edits,
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yullen-week · 7 years
Tbh, I was trying to choose between “the bridges we have burnt will light our way back home” and "you awoke into my night, you could see the madness in my eyes”.
Tumblr media
5: No longer really suits recent manga developments, I can’t think of poetry for this to make it exclusively Yullen-y, because 5 and 1 are both more gen DGM. 4: 🙈🌚😅 1: I already have poetry on this in the works (already asked for help because I thought it would win over 3... and it did.... but 3 was less popular than I thought 😂 )
nherizu: 3, 1, 2, 5, 4 a1y-puff: 1, 5, 2, 4, 3 cun: 1, 3, 5, 2, 4 miyukiko: 3, 5 snow: 1, 2 nea-chi: 4, 2, 5, 1, 3 wintertyne: 5, 1, 2, 4, 3 naou: 5, 1, 4, 2, 3 raventao: 4, 5 madamoftime: 3, 5, 1 dirigibleballoon: 5, 4, 3 timidaria: 4, 2, 5 chocoazelle: 4, 3, 5, 2, 1
So please don’t send pitchforks after me if I finalize it to #1 😂 I think it fits this year really well
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shikouten · 9 years
Katou x Kira for the ship meme.
who holds the umbrella when it rains: Neither.  They both get soaking wet and share an intense kiss in the rain that makes Katou get weak in the knees.  Then they go back to the apartment, strip, and do the do.  Romantically and shit.
who is the grumpiest in the morning: Katou.  Shitty punk never wants to wake up, especially when he’s hungover.
who worries more when the other is sick/hurt: Hmm.  Katou will care more.  Kira’s the kind of person to tell Katou to brush off an injury by telling him not to be a baby (all of this was added by my girlfriend).
who plays pranks on the other: Katou will prank Kira and then get his ass whooped.
who is always the first to suggest cuddling on the sofa: Katou is too tsundere to start cuddling, so Kira might have to pat his lap to invite him over.  But it’s not like Katou wants to sit on his lap.  Oh, no, not at all.  It’s just that the couch cushion is lumpy as all hell.
who insists on creating nicknames for the other: Katou is more likely to create nicknames, but he values his balls too much to make anything too ridiculous for Kira.
who drools on the other when they’re asleep: Katou is one drooly sonuvagun.
who says ‘I love you’ first: Katou’s a moron, so Kira will probably have to say it first.
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mittensmorgul · 4 years
Hi! I hope you and your family are doing well. I saw your answer about 7x17 and the gifset you reblogged. I always thought that one of the things Dean loves the most about Cas - and that made him fell in love so hard and completely - is how Cas is full of compassion and empathy [for everyone, really]. The gifset shows pretty well how this isn't something Dean gets a lot off. What do you think about it?
Yeah, Dean was desperately in need of a bit of compassion back in s7, and he hadn’t gotten it from ANYONE really... Well there was that one time Bobby tried to talk with him right after Cas disappeared into the lake, where he asked how Dean was doing, but he was still in the middle of falling apart and things weren’t slowing down at all. Sam was Hallucifering, the Leviathans were finding their gooey footholds, and they had zero clue how to find/hunt for them, let alone kill them. And that’s not a sustainable approach to coping, you know? You can only shove your feelings down so long before they will eat you alive.
from 7.02:
Bobby: Course. You just lost one of the best friends you ever had, your brother's in the bell jar, and purgatory's most wanted are surfing the sewer lines, but you know, yeah, I get it. You're fine.
And like... it was a rather gruff attempt at getting Dean to talk, but it was all brushed aside anyway because Things Kept Happening and Dean couldn’t stop long enough to have a good cry yet.
Over the next few episodes he’s physically laid up by a broken leg, Sam’s Hallucifering is a constant concern, and they have nothing to go on re: the Leviathan anyway, so he’s forced to sit on his ass doing nothing, which is not great for him... Then he’s directly confronted by his own guilt, is separated from Sam for a while and doubly concerned because Sam isn’t on constant speaking terms with reality, and then Sam is love-potioned ON TOP OF that. And then he gets the first in that series of “pull yourself together and ignore your own cracking psyche” pep talks that drive him even further into nihilism from Bobby (the closest thing he has to a father), and then Frank (who he has respect for and who has become a sort of teacher to him with both computer tech AND coping skills despite Frank’s own admission that he is in no way okay), and then Eliot Ness (someone he has idolized for years)... That smile he pastes on his face at the end of 7.11 while he’s driving is one of the most painful scenes to me.
Then he fathers a monster baby who tries to kill him and who Sam kills. is captured by a HUMAN and nearly killed, while Sam finally cracks and can no longer control the Hallucifering (because Dean had been his “stone number one” and Dean’s capture had shattered that stone). The Leviathan threat is congealing, too, and oh, right, totally forgot that one time Dean had to kill his Leviathan doppelganger and felt good about having done that. Yikes.
So Dean spent s7 slowly spiraling, losing everything he’d ever relied on in the world including his home (Baby), and was about to lose Sam entirely. And he had no hope of defeating the Leviathan on his own.
Cas’s return gave him one (1) thing to build himself back up around. His talk with Cas, or Emmanuel since he didn’t know/remember he was Cas, was the FIRST time all season he’d been able to actually express his grief and frustration and hopelessness. And Cas-- unlike everyone else over the last dozen episodes or so-- didn’t tell him to suck it up and take care of business. He told Dean that IT WAS OKAY to be upset. That it was okay to feel his feelings, because he’s human and not a machine. And like... what a freaking relief. Obviously Cas still has a lot of his own issues to deal with after that, but it is the first step for both of them in rebuilding their own sense of self, and the corner of s7 where they begin to turn toward victory and away from the 17-episode-long grief parade.
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astudyinfreewill · 5 years
Re: Ashley. I think she might be a dropped plot point. Maybe Maggie was still playing around with the narrative in book one and quite possible didn't decide yet how much she would explore the "dream mafia world" narrative.
i think you might be right! similar to the camaro wheel they found in the lake or the dreaming tree, no i will not let that go.
i do so hope she’ll be back though, especially since the dreamer trilogy is very likely to explore the “dream mafia world”. :’) and seriously, what about that camaro wheel.
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neven-ebrez · 5 years
Rowena is in 15x07. The TV Guide article confirmed "Sam and Dean face witches searching for precious books in the home of onetime superwitch Rowena (Ruth Connell)."
This description doesn’t confirm Rowena is in the episode tho. Just that witches are coming after her stuff? Which they would if she were dead?
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mymelancholiesblues · 5 years
003 Ada Wong
– How I feel about this character: That she’s one of Capcom’s most complex written female ones and that she has to be protected from fandom’s idiocy;
– Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: I ship her with Leon only, can’t see her with anyone else ever;
– My favourite non-romantic relationship for this character: It’d have to be with her own set of ideologies and worldviews. I think it’s one of the most interesting aspects of her arc: the way in which she relates to those elements;
– My unpopular opinion about this character: Most people hate her for unconscious misogynist and racist prejudices, a social ingrained sense of morality that oftentimes associates “good” with “white skin” and “trustworthy” with “man”;
– One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: I wish she were in the movies Leon featured in since they’d be much better. Degeneration and Vendetta suck big time;
– Favourite friendship for this character: Helena! I just love the fact that Helena can fill the shoes of best buddy for both Leon and Ada as well as of a adoptive daughter figure for them, hahaha;
– My crossover ship: None.
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lemedy · 6 years
madamoftime replied to your post “Re: your Clear Cards/TRC meta. If the original staff went to Yuko, it...”
OMG, if Watanuki turns out to be Clow Reed (which does make a lot of sense)... Clow Reed was divided in Eriol and Sakura's father... What would mean Watanuki would sort be an 'indirect' father to his alternate universe mother.
and to be fair, I’m not completely caught up on xxxHolic but....I mean. Look at him. Look at his relationship with Yuuko, that he’s now wearing Clow’s glasses, has the same magic circle.
If Watanuki isn’t Clow, he’s very, very closely related.
And yep, all of that too. All of that, and remember that Clow basically planted himself as Clone Sakura’s father in her kingdom so....god. I don’t know. I’m going to need to make a spreadsheet to keep track.
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knownoshamc · 6 years
madamoftime replied to your post: can we talk about how the first thing that Mr...
Mr. Robot really wanted his ~partner in crime~ back, tbh.
Yeah he was just like “I don’t even have a plan this time, just the general concept, but....why not get people involved? most specifically Tyrell. cause of reasons”
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