#lyarra mormont
anoras · 2 years
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𝕷𝖞𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖆 𝕸𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖙  //  Lady Lyarra Mormont was the heir, and later Lady, of Bear Island during the Dance of the Dragons.  She was a handsome woman who stood six foot in height, with strong, able limbs with which she would come to wield her family’s ancestral sword; Longclaw.  Her parents, the Lord Duncan Mormont and Lady Maera Mormont née Tallhart, had only two children; Lyarra herself, and her sister, Danyla, though three failed pregnancies followed little Danyla.  After the miscarriages, and an ultimatum from Lady Maera, Duncan named Lyarra - then only 10 - as his heir. Late in the war, she marched south with her father and a handful of Mormont men as part of Cregan Stark’s army.  During a battle with a Green army during the march, Lord Duncan was slain by enemy arrows, leaving Lyarra to lead the Mormont men and wield Longclaw as the new head of House Mormont. Once in King’s Landing with the Stark-led army, she helped to maintain order within the court, now finally able to divest herself of her disguise.  Though she knew she would soon have to return to Bear Island to sort out her House’s affairs, she elected to remain in King’s Landing with her men for a short time longer, curious to witness the political web unravel itself following the Hour of the Wolf. She was forever intrigued by the women at court, and fell into a friendship - strangely enough - with the sisters Rhaena and Baela Targaryen; it is said they were intrigued by the sight of a woman their own age standing alongside men in battle.  It was said that Lyarra had a preference for women, and that was truly why she remained in King’s Landing for so long. Those rumors would never be confirmed, though never would they be truly denied either, as Lyarra would maintain a deep friendship with Baela even after returning north to Bear Island.  The two young women would write often, and it was said that on two occasions, Baela and Rhaena both rode upon the latter’s dragon, Morning, to visit Lyarra on Bear Island. Two years after Lyarra’s return to her holdings, she would marry Brandon Cerwyn at her mother’s urging, with whom she would have only one child, a boy whom she would name Duncan, for her father.  It was said that after her son’s birth she told Brandon that he “need not trouble her bed any longer,” and that he could take his pleasure elsewhere.  It seemed as though he took her words to heart, as he would come to father three bastard daughters, all of whom Lyarra declared she would consider as daughters of her own blood.
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goodqueenaly · 23 hours
I saw that House of the Dragon in their podcast named Alicent's mother as Alerie Florent. Any thoughts on that? The Florents do seem to have bad luck in wars.
I’m still not talking about HotD, but it’s funny you mention this because I meant to make a post about it (and then completely forgot). You can find the interview here and the clip here specifically mentioning the name.
Anyway, the reason I wanted to mention it is not to praise this show but rather to bemoan the fact that a non-canon (to the books) TV show seems more interested in the identity of a female character, no matter how relatively minor, than GRRM himself has with various female characters of ASOIAF. I’m not saying I necessarily expected F&B to identify Alicent Hightower’s mother (although it’s not like I wouldn’t have liked it to), and in the vast annals of awfulness representing F&B’s treatment of female characters, Alicent Hightower’s mother’s lack of presence or even name may seem relatively low on the scale of offensiveness. Yet what bothers me deeply is the startling disregard GRRM has shown more than once in failing to identify female characters, or indeed failing to treat some female characters as more than walking wombs. The reigning yet unnamed Princess of Dorne is an infamous example; “Lady Stark, she died” - that is, Lyarra Stark, the wife of Rickard - is another. (Need I remind anyone that he sarcastically and yet totally inaccurately compared her to Aragorn’s actually named mother?) Quellon Greyjoy gets a detailed biography, but his wives don’t even get first names; Hoster Tully’s wife Minisa and Jon Arryn’s wives Rowena and Jeyne are only identifiable by their dynasties and the manners of their deaths. Nor did F&B go any real way toward solving this problem: Alaric Stark gets plenty of backstory and screentime, but his supposedly beloved Mormont wife doesn’t even have a first name; Rogar Baratheon’s first wife is only mentioned as an anonymous corpse already in the ground; Rodrik Arryn’s nameless first wife dies early enough for creep Rodrik to prey on Daella; Unwin Peake’s nameless adolescent daughter only exists to be raped and die in childbirth. 
I don’t mention all this to say GRRM is a terrible writer, or hates female characters. Far from it! It’s precisely because I think GRRM is an extremely good writer, including with respect to female characters, that I find myself so disappointed when he shows such lack of regard in this area. In the 10+ years since GRRM began focusing in-depth on the Dance of the Dragons, there have been two novellas about this civil war, a world book describing in part this civil war, and an entire “related work�� history of (the first roughly century and a half of) House Targaryen, with multiple chapters about this civil war expanding upon those novellas - yet it took the showrunner of a TV show adapting the F&B narrative of the Dance to care enough about Alicent’s mother to name her. I don’t know that this show is going so far as to give any personality or character to the dead figure of “Alerie Florent” (and again, I really don’t care about anything this show does), but even the showrunner mentioning that Alicent wants to remember her mother in prayers is more than we readers can say about, for example, Ned Stark’s relationship with his mother, or Catelyn’s with hers. GRRM’s lack of attention to or indeed interest in the identity of yet another female character, over the course of tens of thousands of words he’s written about the Dance era, stands in sharp and frankly unflattering contrast compared to even the passing mention of this figure allowed by the showrunner of a TV series which, by its nature, might have every incentive to be more streamlined about such details. 
(Once again, I’m not posting about HotD and I’m not inviting anyone to use this post to talk about HotD, because those conversations are getting blocked by me. This is me using a news story related to HotD to comment on GRRM’s writing.)
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atopvisenyashill · 10 days
listen my personal characterization for lyarra stark is that she’s like if maege mormont fell in love, and part of this is simply bc i picture her as catriona balfe (yes that’s claire from out-*gunshots*), but part of it is because i like to parallel them with the other cousin fuckers, where tywin was nice(r) to the twins and then joanna died and he stopped caring, so rickard was permissive of lyanna’s ~wildness until lyarra died and then he was like “alright adult time” bc no, lyarra didn’t die in childbirth, she died in a wildling incursion wherein she was visiting home, they got attacked, she went down fighting, and rickard turned his eyes and ambitions south to cope. it wasn’t childbirth, it’s true george told me this.
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thecursedthrone · 1 year
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001 ― DISPONIBLE || Rickard Stark Edad: 25 años Asentamiento: Invernalia Títulos: Señor de Invernalia y Guardián del Norte Rasgo vetado: Intriga Ambición, tal vez es la mejor palabra que puede definir al único hijo de Lord Edwyle Stark y Lady Marna Locke. Su apariencia es la de un Stark, con su rostro alargado y esos ojos apagados que recuerdan a las interminables nevadas que caen sobre el Norte, pero su comportamiento es lo que distingue a este señor. No se conoce cuándo empezó su interés por el Sur, pero muchos culpan de este comportamiento al maestre que ha llegado hace apenas un par de años a los salones de Invernalia, mientras que otros señalan a su cuñado. Rickard se ha convertido en un señor que mira en la dirección opuesta al Muro, y que cambia el cuero curtido por una reluciente armadura dorada. El señor de Invernalia sabe que muchos señores lo miran atento, y empieza a calcular cuál es el primer paso para acercar el norte hacia el sur.
002 ― DISPONIBLE || Lyarra Stark Edad: 29 años Asentamiento: Invernalia Datos: Esposa de Lord Rickard Stark. Sin hijos. Rasgo vetado: Proeza La lealtad que tiene la esposa de Rickard en su esposo es digna de admiración, pero no hay que ser ingenuos para pensar que esta confianza se reduce a una fe ciega e ignorante. Lyarra es descendiente de una rama secundaria de la principal, y, como segunda hija, su educación temprana se limitó a lo básico. Su padre era un señor viejo cuando la tuvo, por lo que se crió principalmente con su hermana mayor, Branda. Lyarra confía en los planes de su señor esposo, pero sabe que tal vez se necesitan palabras diferentes para convencer a los señores del Norte, y está dispuesta a ser el brazo que pueda ayudar a que los sueños de Rickard se vean cumplidas.
003 ― DISPONIBLE || Branda Stark Edad: 32 años Asentamiento: Invernalia Datos: Hermana mayor de Lady Lyarra Stark. Descendencia a elección de los usuarios. Rasgo vetado: Marcial Branda representa al norteño mas acérrimo, ese que se rehúsa a ver el progreso en todas las cosas que se hagan en el Norte. Para ojos de las demás mujeres norteñas, representa ese orgullo y testarudez que suelen tener muchos miembros de la Casa Stark. Branda no eligió su compromiso y, aunque no es infeliz, envidia el lugar de su hermana menor.
004 ― DISPONIBLE || Harrold Rogers Edad: 40 años Asentamiento actual: Invernalia Datos: Esposo de Branda Stark. Descendencia a elección de los usuarios. Rasgo vetado: Administración Ser Harrold llegó recientemente al Norte por su matrimonio con una mujer de la Casa Stark, pero eso no ha hecho que sus pensamientos, costumbres e ideas cambien. En su lugar, Ser Harrold ha logrado hacer que los más jóvenes se sientan atraídos por sus modales, y por su manera de encandilar incluso a las damas norteñas. Naturalmente, esto ha provocado que más de un señor le suelte más de una frase hiriente, que no parece molestarle en lo absoluto.
001 ― RESERVADO || Wyman Manderly Edad: 25 años Datos: Señor de Puerto Blanco.
002 ― DISPONIBLE || Jeor Mormont Edad: 30 años Datos: Señor de Isla del Oso.
Se interpretarán como nietos de Artos Stark o de Errold Stark.
―Stark original femenino #1 (disponible) ―Stark original femenino #2 (disponible) ―Stark original masculino #1 (disponible) ―Stark original masculino #2 (disponible)
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Oh god, I have a timeline for The Prince of Summerhall now. Since formatting it on AO3 would be a nightmare, I'm sticking it here.
Early 281 - The Tourney at Harrenhal
Late 281 - The Royal Court tours The Vale Prince Aegon "the White", son of Rhaegar, is born
Early 282 - Lyarra Sand, daughter of Ashara Dayne, is born
Mid 282 - Prince Aegon "the Black", son of Rhaella, is born Brandon Stark marries Catelyn Tully Black Aegon "dies"/is sent to Myr Robert's Rebellion begins
Late 282 - Battle of Ashford, Siege of Storm's End begins Battle of the Bells
Early 283 - Battle of the Trident, Rhaegar and Rickard killed Sack of King's Landing, Aerys II killed Siege of Storm's End ends Aenar Sand, son of Lyanna Stark, is born Lyanna, Lyarra, and Aenar die of fever
Mid 283 - Ned Stark arrives at Tower of Joy, Ashara dies of fever Rickon Stark, son of Brandon, is born
Late 283 - Assault on Dragonstone Daenerys Stormborn is born, Rhaella dies Ned returns to Winterfell
Early 284 - Ned is named Lord of Long Lake Robert Baratheon marries Cersei Lannister
Mid 286 - Crown Prince Joffrey Baratheon is born
Late 286 - Sansa Stark, daughter of Brandon, is born
Mid 288 - Ned Stark marries Dacey Mormont
Late 289 - Arya Stark, daughter of Brandon, is born
Early 290 - Princess Myrcella Baratheon is born
Early 291 - Benjen Stark marries Allenna Chester
Mid 291 - Greyjoy Rebellion, Siege of Pyke
Mid 292 - The Tourney at Lannisport
"Early" encompasses the first third of the year, "Mid" the second, and "Late" the third. Getting more specific would require inventing a calendar, which is not a path I want to go down now.
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the-redwyne-bros · 2 years
House Targaryen at the end of 310 AC
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Rhaella Targaryen, Queen Grandmother
— Her Second Husband, Lord Bonnifer Hasty
— Her son, Prince Viserys Targaryen, Consort to arianne Martell
— Arianne Martell, Heir to Sunspear and councillor to king Aegon
— Their three children, Mors, Rhaellaena, and Aerys Targaryen Nymeros Martell
— Her Daughter, Daenerys Targaryen
— Her husband, Orys Baratheon, Heir to Storms end
— their newborn son, Rhaegar Targaryen
Elia Martell, Dowager Queen Mother of Westeros
— Her Daughter, Rhaenys Targaryen - Stark
— Her Daughters Husband, Robb Stark, Heir to winterfell
— Their Three Children, Eddard, Aemon and Nymeria ( who is betrothed to her cousin, Duncan )
— Her Son, Aegon VI Targaryen
— His Queen of love and beauty, Margaery Tyrell
— their three children ( Heir Duncan), and twins Aegon ‘egg’ and Maegelle
— Queen Dowager Lyanna Stark, Second Wife of Rhaegar I Targaryen, banished to the north
— Her Son, Aemon Targaryen, formerly prince of dragonstone, now hand of the king
— His lady wife, Jorelle Mormont, third daughter of Maege Mormont, Lady of Bear Island
— their newborn daughter, Lyarra Targaryen
— Her daughter, Visenya Targaryen
— Her Husband, Willas Tyrell, heir to high garden.
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anoras · 1 year
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@indorilnerevarine tagged me to make some gals in this picrew 🥰 thank uu !! tagging uhmmmm @druidgroves @girlbosselrond @veisshaupt and everyone else too !
velaena velaryon (hotd) / seren waters (hotd) / lyarra mormont (hotd)
tegan green-song (tes) / sanya girard (dnd) / meabh vanry (tes)
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ao3feed-tywin · 2 years
The Great Kindom of The North
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/bpF1BSQ
by DaeronITargaryen
Rickard Stark becomes The Lord of Winterfell after the death of his father he asks himself what had the North accomplished 8000 years House Stark has ruled The North and they accomplished nothing. He decided as the last Male Stark he will change that.
 Author Note: forgive me if there's any grammatical mistakes English is not my first language. This fanfiction is AU it may not follow the events of the canon
Words: 1019, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rickard Stark, Lyarra Stark, Original Male Character(s), Brandon Stark, Ned Stark, Lyanna Stark, Benjen Stark, Aerys II Targaryen, Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II), Rhaegar Targaryen, Hoster Tully, Brynden "Blackfish" Tully, Catelyn Tully Stark, Lysa Tully Arryn, Jon Arryn, Denys Arryn, Tywin Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Kevan Lannister, Mace Tyrell, Olenna Tyrell, Robert Baratheon, Jon Connington, Doran Martell, Oberyn Martell, Lewyn Martell, Roose Bolton, Rickard Karstark, Jon "The Greatjon" Umber, Wyman Manderly, Martyn Cassel, Barbrey Dustin, Jeor Mormont, Jorah Mormont, Aegon V Targaryen, Jaehaerys II Targaryen, Steffon Baratheon
Additional Tags: The North (A Song of Ice and Fire), The Old Gods (A Song of Ice and Fire), Wargs & Warging (A Song of Ice and Fire), Skinchangers & Skinchanging (A Song of Ice and Fire), Magic, Direwolves (A Song of Ice and Fire), The North is Powerful (A Song of Ice and Fire), The First Men (A Song of Ice and Fire), Children of the Forest (A Song of Ice and Fire), BAMF Stark Family (A Song of Ice and Fire), Wolf Pack, Winter is Coming | Stark House Words (A Song of Ice and Fire), The North Remembers (A Song of Ice and Fire)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/bpF1BSQ
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tessasocs · 4 years
I’ve been really into my Game Of Thrones OCs recently so if you have any questions please ask me!!!
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westerosenvogue · 7 years
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Fur Gown for a Northern woman-Igor Gulyaev
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dragonmartellstark · 3 years
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Best Destinations for the Stark Family (2/5)
~SANSA STARK: She was the second daughter of Eddard “Ned” Stark and his wife Catelyn Tully. She was considered the most beautiful and sweet-natured maiden, being highly sought after by several powerful men and even by the prince of the Seven Kingdoms, Joffrey Baratheon.
Despite having different commitments to powerful men, her aunt the widowed Lysa Tully offered her sister Catelyn to marry her children, Sansa and Robert Arryn so that they would both be Lords of the Vale, this was well seen by Catelyn and convinced her husband of formalize the commitment. Robert was a sickly child who had a high probability of dying young so his mother was in a hurry to marry him off and for him to have offspring. Lady Sansa was not very happy to marry a sick child, but she accepted without question the will of her parents and she married Robert in 301 A. C., when she was 15 years old and 9 years old.
Her stay in the Vale of Arryn was disastrous due to the excessive control of her aunt Lysa of her and the capricious behavior of her husband being her more of a babysitter than her wife. It took a long time for the couple to consummate their marriage by sharing the bed until 307 A. C., but Sansa was unable to finish the act with a sick teenager and the surveillance of the widow Arryn. In the end Lysa asked to annul the marriage between her cousins ​​stating that Sansa was sterile and that with her her son would have no descendants.
Robert Arryn refused to let her ex-wife go, preventing her from returning to the North, so Nestor Royce and her daughter Myranda gave him shelter in her home at the Gates of the Moon. During her stay, Sansa had a good friendship with Lady Myranda who made sure that she was comfortable and healthy, but she also became close to Mya Stone, the illegitimate daughter of Robert Baratheon. Lord Robert married a woman of the Ruthermont House, but with this he did not have children either being called "The bird without eggs" and his distant cousin, Harrold Hardyng was considered as heir to the Vale, but Lysa Tully refused to give up the throne of his son.
Three years after living with the Royce family, her ex-husband Robert Arryn died without descendants, being succeeded by Harrold Hardyng who was the grandson of Alys Arryn, Jon Arryn's younger sister. Hardyng had met Sansa when she arrived in Eyrie and had fallen in love with her because of her beauty despite the fact that he was having an affair with a commoner named Cissy who had given him an illegitimate daughter, Alys Piedra.
After becoming Lord of the Eagles' Nest, Lord Hardyng appeared at the Gates of the Moon and in front of those present asked the hand of the Princess of Winterfell to which she accepted. For fear of being punished by the Faith of the Seven, Harrold and Sansa secretly married in the settlement of House Royce with the help of Lord Nestor and his children, being a happy event. The older brother of Sansa, Robb saw with good eyes that union maintaining the alliances between the Stark and the Arryn.
Lysa Arryn, frustrated by that marriage, began to spread rumors that the new Lady of the Vale was sterile and that she came to share a bed with Nestor Royce, her son and even with Myranda. Faced with these accusations, Harrold ordered Lysa to be locked up in one of the Cells of Heaven, remaining there until her death in 329 A. C.
The rumors about Lady Sansa were false when she got pregnant on her wedding night, this being a great joy for the marriage and the Vale. At the beginning of 311 A. C., her first daughter is born, Lyarra, who would have the surname Arryn by choice of her parents as well as her siblings. Her daughter would become Mistress of Winterfell upon marrying her cousin, Berron Stark. Sansa proved to be a very fertile woman, giving her husband five more children with a difference of one year each:
Elys Arryn who would be Lord of the Vale and known for having a love affair with his cousin, Catelyn Baratheon, daughter of his aunt Arya Stark.
Jon Arryn who would be a Mountain Guide in the service of his brother.
Nestor Arryn who would be a master in the citadel.
Sansa Arryn who would marry Rickard Wylde, a descendant of Walder Frey.
Ceryce Arryn who would be Alysane Mormont's daughter-in-law by marrying her son.
Sansa had an important weight in the politics of the East being regent during almost a year when Harrold left for Harrenhal where he would support the cause of the kings Aegon VI and Shireen Baratheon in their war against Joffrey Hill for the Iron throne. During her regency she had numerous problems with some bandits who planned to take advantage of a woman's mandate, but Lady Stark ended up imprisoning them and some decided to execute them for attacking the Arryns.
After the return of her husband from the war, Sansa Stark's life was quiet spending most of the time with her children and her husband, in addition to supporting him in some of her decisions as Lord of Eyrie. Sansa Stark died in 335 A. C., at 49 years of age and her death was painful for her family, especially for Harrold who kept the memory of his beloved woman.
Los mejores destinos para la familia Stark (2/5)
~SANSA STARK: Era la segunda hija de Eddard “Ned” Stark y su esposa Catelyn Tully. Era considerada la doncella mas bella y de carácter dulce siendo muy pretendida por varios hombres poderosos e incluso por el príncipe de los Siete Reinos, Joffrey Baratheon.
Pese a tener diferentes compromisos con hombres poderosos, su tía la viuda Lysa Tully le ofreció a su hermana Catelyn casar a sus hijos, Sansa y Robert Arryn para que ambos fueran Señores del Valle, esto fue bien visto por Catelyn y convenció a su marido de formalizar el compromiso. Robert era un niño enfermizo que tenia muchas probabilidades de morir joven por lo que su madre estaba apurada en casarlo y que tuviera descendencia. Lady Sansa no le hizo mucha gracia casarse con un niño enfermo, pero acepto sin rechistar por la voluntad de sus padres y se caso con Robert en 301 d. C., cuando ella tenia 15 años y el 9 años.
Su estancia en el Valle de Arryn fue desastrosa debido al control excesivo de su tía Lysa y al comportamiento caprichoso de su marido siendo mas una niñera que su esposa. La pareja tardo mucho en consumar su matrimonio compartiendo la cama hasta el 307 d. C., pero a Sansa le fue imposible terminar el acto con un adolescente enfermo y la vigilancia de la viuda Arryn. Al final Lysa pidió anular el matrimonio entre los primos afirmando que Sansa era estéril y que con ella su hijo no tendría descendientes.
Robert Arryn se negaba a dejar ir a su ex esposa evitando que esta regresase al Norte por lo que Nestor Royce y su hija, Myranda le dieron cobijo en su hogar en las Puertas de la Luna. Durante su estadía Sansa tuvo una buena amistad con Lady Myranda la cual se encargo de que estuviera cómoda y sana, pero también llego a ser cercana a Mya Piedra, hija ilegitima de Robert Baratheon. Lord Robert se caso con una mujer de la Casa Ruthermont, pero con esta tampoco tuvo hijos siendo llamado “La ave sin huevos” y se considero a su primo lejano, Harrold Hardyng como heredero del Valle, pero Lysa Tully se negaba a ceder el trono de su hijo.
Tres años después de estar conviviendo con la familia Royce, su ex marido Robert Arryn falleció sin descendientes siendo sucedido por Harrold Hardyng que era nieto de Alys Arryn, hermana menor de Jon Arryn. Hardyng había conocido a Sansa cuando esta llego a Nido de Águilas y había quedado enamorado de su belleza pese a que el estaba teniendo un romance con una plebeya llamada Cissy que le había dado una hija ilegitima, Alys Piedra.
Tras convertirse en Señor de Nido de Águilas, Lord Hardyng se presento en las Puertas de la Luna y delante de los presentes pidió la mano de la princesa de Invernalia a lo que esta acepto. Por miedo a ser castigados la Fe de los Siete, Harrold y Sansa se casaron en secreto en el asentamiento de la Casa Royce con ayuda de Lord Nestor y sus hijos, siendo un acontecimiento feliz. El hermano mayor de Sansa, Robb vio con buenos ojos aquella unión manteniendo las alianzas entre los Stark y los Arryn.
Lysa Arryn frustrada por aquel matrimonio empezó a esparcir los rumores de que la nueva Señora del Valle era estéril y que llego a compartir la cama con Nestor Royce, su hijo y hasta con Myranda. Ante estas acusaciones, Harrold mando a encerrar a Lysa en una de las Celdas del cielo permaneciendo allí hasta su muerte en 329 d. C..
Los rumores sobre Lady Sansa eran falsos cuando en la noche de boda se quedo embarazada siendo esto una gran alegría para el matrimonio y el Valle. A principios del 311 d. C., nace su primera hija, Lyarra que tendría el apellido Arryn por elección de sus padres al igual que sus hermanos. Su hija sería Señora de Invernalia al casarse con su primo, Berron Stark. Sansa demostró ser una mujer muy fértil llegando a darle a su marido cinco hijos mas con una diferencia de un año cada uno:
Elys Arryn que sería Señor del Valle y conocido por tener una historia de amor con su prima, Catelyn Baratheon, hija de su tía Arya Stark. 
Jon Arryn que sería Guía de montaña estando al servicio de su hermano.
Nestor Arryn que sería maestre en la ciudadela.
Sansa Arryn que se casaría con Rickard Wylde, descendiente de Walder Frey.
Ceryce Arryn que sería nuera de Alysane Mormont al casarse con el hijo de esta.
Sansa tuvo un peso importante en la politica del Oriente siendo regente durante casi un año cuando Harrold partió hacia Harrenhal donde apoyaría la causa de los reyes Aegon VI y Shireen Baratheon en su guerra contra Joffrey Colina por el trono de Hierro. Durante su regencia tuvo numerosos problemas con algunos bandidos que planeaban aprovecharse del mandato de una mujer, pero Lady Stark acabo por encarcelarlos y algunos decidió ejecutarlos por atentar contra los Arryn.
Tras el regreso de su marido de la guerra, la vida de Sansa Stark fue tranquila pasando la mayor parte del tiempo junto a sus hijos y su marido, además de apoyar a este en algunas de sus decisiones como Señor de Nido de Águilas. Sansa Stark falleció en 335 d. C., a los 49 años de edad y su muerte fue dolorosa para su familia, en especial para Harrold que mantuvo la memoría de su amada mujer.
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throneshq · 2 years
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welcome  to  king’s  landing  lyarra  mormont  &  cisely  lannister,  the  king  has  been  expecting  you  !  please  send  in  your  account  within  the  next  twenty  four  hours  !  sophie  turner  &  imogen  waterhouse  are  now  taken  .
*     ──     [   sophie  turner  ,   cis  woman  ,   she  +  her  .   ]   :   in  the  frays  of  king  aerys  iii's   reign  ,  therein  remains  lyarra  mormont,  the  twenty  three  year  old  lady  of  bear  island  .   rumor  has  it  that  their  loyalties  lie  with  house  mormont  ,  house  stark  &  the  north  and  they  are  neutral  to  the  targaryen  reign  .   they're  so  valiant  +  cunning  that  it  makes  sense  ,   but  most  seem  to  look  past  their  unruly  +  audacious  nature  .   when  they  come  up  in  conversation  ,   i'm  always  reminded  of  '  as  fierce  &  mighty  as  she  is  beautiful  ’  ,  riding  on  horseback  through  the  snow  &  locks of hair as fiery as she  .   [   lily  ,  twenty  three  ,   pst  ,   she  +  her  ,   none  .   ]
*     ──     [   imogen  waterhouse  ,   female  ,   she  /  her  .   ]   :   in  the  frays  of  king  aerys  iii's   reign  ,  therein  remains  cisely  lannister,  the  twenty  six  year  old  lady  of  lannisport  .   rumor  has  it  that  their  loyalties  lie  with  house  lannister  and  they  are  for  the  targaryen  reign  .   they're  so  vibrant  +  charismatic  that  it  makes  sense  ,   but  most  seem  to  look  past  their  bossy  +  over  -  critical  nature  .   when  they  come  up  in  conversation  ,   i'm  always  reminded  of  pressed  flowers  in  lipstick,  half  -  used  bottles  of  perfume,  soft  pillows  and  fresh  sheets  .   [   toni  ,  23  ,   gmt  ,   she/her  ,   &   redacted  .   ]
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dwellordream · 3 years
LYSARA STARK, Queen in the North, the sole child of Robb Stark, King in the North, Lord of Winterfell, and his queen, Lady Donella, of House Bolton
Her mother, LADY DONELLA, of House Bolton, widow of King Robb Stark
Her stepfather, LORD HARRION, of House Karstark, Lord of the Karhold and Lord Protector of the North
Her aunt, QUEEN SANSA, queen consort of Harrold Arryn, King of the Vale
Her uncle, PRINCE BRAN
Her grandmother, LADY CATELYN, of House Tully, widow of Lord Eddard Stark
HARRION KARSTARK, Lord of the Karhold and Lord Protector of the North
His sister, LADY ALYS, of House Thenn
His goodbrother, LORD SIGORN, of House Thenn
His niece, JONELLE, daughter of Alys and Sigorn
MARIYA BOLTON, daughter of Roose Bolton and his lady wife, Lady Walda, of House Frey
Her mother, LADY WALDA, of House Frey, widow of Lord Roose Bolton
DARYN HORNWOOD, son of Lord Halys Hornwood, and his wife, Lady Donella, of House Manderly
His wife, LADY WYLLA, of House Manderly
His mother, LADY DONELLA, of House Manderly, widow of Lord Halys Hornwood
His ward, MARIYA, of House Bolton
Her mother, LADY WALDA, of House Frey
His squire, WALDER, of House Frey
MEERA REED, daughter of Lord Howland Reed, and his wife, Lady Jyanna, of House Fenn
Her daughter, JYANNA
WYNAFRYD MANDERLY, Lady of White Harbor, Shield of the Faith, Defender of the Dispossessed, Lady Marshal of the Mander
Her husband, LYALL, of House Flint, Warden of the White Knife 
Her twin sons, WENDEL and WYLAN
Her mother, LADY LEONA, of House Woolfield, widow of Ser Wylis Manderly
Her sister, LADY WYLLA, of House Hornwood, wife of Lord Daryn Hornwood
BARBREY DUSTIN, Lady of Barrowton, widow of Lord Willam Dustin
Her ward and heir, WYNNE, daughter of Lady Jocelyn Dustin and Lucas of House Harclay
LYESSA FLINT, Lady of Widow’s Watch
Her daughter, JONELLE, of House Flint
Her son, CREGAN, of House Flint
Her son, LYALL, of House Flint, husband of Lady Wynafryd of House Manderly
Her daughter, LYNARA, of House Flint
Her daughter, ALYSANE, of House Flint
BENNARD FLINT, Lord of Flint’s Finger, son of Beron Flint and his wife, Wynta
His wife, LADY MARNA, of House Flint
His son, BERON
His mother, WYNTA, of House Stout, widow of Beron Flint
His aunt, JOCELYN, of House Tallhart, widow of Willam Flint
His aunt, ALYS, of House Norrey, widow of Artos Flint
EDDARA TALLHART, Lady of Torrhen’s Square, daughter of Master Helman Tallhart, and his wife, Lady Brenna, of House Glover
Her mother, LADY BRENNA, of House Glover, widow of Master Helman Tallhart
Her aunt, RAYA, of House Norrey, widow of Leobald Tallhart
Her cousins, BRANDON and BEREN
Her goodsisters, SERRA, and MARISSA, of House Frey
MARK RYSWELL, Lord of Rills, son of Lord Roger Ryswell, and his wife, Lady Serra, of House Marsh
His mother, LADY SERRA, of House Marsh, 
His sister, BETHANY
His brother, ROBB
His aunt, MYRA, of House Locke, widow of Roger Ryswell
His cousin, BARBA, daughter of Roger Ryswell and Myra Locke
JONELLE CERWYN, Lady of Castle Cerwyn, daughter of Lord Medger Cerwyn and his wife, Lady Gilliane of House Hornwood
Her husband, MORGAN, of House Liddle
Her son, CLEY
GAWEN GLOVER, Master of Deepwood Motte, son of Robett Glover and his wife, Lady Sybelle, of House Locke
His sister, ERENA
His mother, LADY SYBELLE, of House Glover
CREGARD UMBER, Lord of Last Hearth, son of Lord Greatjon Umber and his wife, Lady Gilliane, of House Burley
His wife, LADY LYNARA, of House Flint
His son, JON, of House Umber
His brother, OSRIC
His sisters, BERENA and AREGELLE
ALARRA, Lady of Bear Island, daughter of Lady Alysane Mormont, Lady of Bear Island
Her brother, JONNEL
Her aunts, LYRA, JORELLE, and LYANNA
Her goodbrother, SER OLYVAR, of House Frey
WILLAM, Lord of Blackpool, son of Lord Robard Slate, and his wife, Lady Jenny, of House Flint
His mother, LADY JENNY, of House Flint
His sister, DELLA
His aunt, MARA
THEO, Lord of Wull, son of Lord Hugo Wull, and his wife, Lady Karla, of House Knott
His wife, LADY MARA, of House Slate
His sister, BRANDA
His brother, EDRICK
His brother, HARLON
His sister, RAYA
TORGA, Lady of Clan Flint, daughter of Lord Donnel Flint, and his wife, Lady Branda, of House Wull
Her mother, LADY BRANDA, of House Wull
Her uncle, ARTOS
Her aunt, LYARRA, of House Liddle
Her cousins, ALYS, BRANDON, and RODRIK
RICKARD, Lord of Oldcastle, son of Ser Donnel Locke, and his wife, Lady Alicent, of House Manderly
His mother, LADY ALICENT, of House Manderly, widow of Ser Donnel Locke
His sister, LYSA
JEYNE, daughter of Master Vayon Poole, and his wife, Gwynne, of House Wells
BETH, daughter of Ser Rodrik Cassel, and his wife, Anya, of House Burley
Val, Leader of the Free Folk
Her husband, TOREGG
Her daughter, DALLA
Her nephew, AEMON, son of Mance Rayder and Dalla
Her ward, SAMWELL, son of Gilly
His mother, GILLY
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little-lazuli · 3 years
So many questions... Do you have a rough outline of the timeline for the OC, Benjen, and kids? Like who lives, who dies, and when? I just love this whole mini plot, it's got me really invested. Casually going through all of your other what if's and fics as well. 😁-M
I love you so much 😭😭😭😭 so a rough timeline of benjen’s au life would look like:
tw / cw : m*scarr*age and possibly gory
267 AC: Benjen Stark is born to Rickard and Lyarra Stark.
267 AC: Iduna Stane is born to the Magnar of Stane on Skagos.
281 AC: Benjen attends the Tourney of Harrenhal alongside all of his siblings.
282-283 AC: Benjen is the Stark of Winterfell throughout Robert’s Rebellion.
284 AC: Benjen declares he wants to join the watch, Ned’s low key disappointment prompts Benjen to visit all three castles of the Night’s Watch before making his oath.
284 AC: Benjen meets Iduna during his visit to Eastwatch; Iduna usually travels to Eastwatch to trade with the watch every now and again with her people. Benjen entertains the idea of having some nighttime fun before joining the watch and Iduna finds Benjen attractive. The two quickly become infatuated with one another and at this point their relationship is nothing but lust.
284 AC: When Iduna is timed to leave for Skagos weeks later, she becomes too sick to sail. A maester from Eastwatch is asked by Benjen to check on his new “friend” and reveals she is pregnant.
284 AC: Benjen is devastated at the idea of dishonoring her but she couldn’t care any less cause she reveals that she’s a “true born Stane” and she doesn’t really have a mom and is set to inherit her father’s domains as his only issues (Benjen realizes her case is similar to that of Maege Mormont and her daughters).
284 AC: To please his own morals and nerves Benjen proposes to Iduna Stane and she accepts, for the sole fact that she’s still infatuated.
284 AC: word of the marriage spreads eventually. Benjen and Iduna go to Skagos because it was closer and Benjen wished to make ammends for possibly offending Iduna’s family. Magnar Stane is more annoyed but is glad his daughter finally has a husband.
284 AC: Benjen and Iduna choose for their marriage to be recognized as matrilineal, but Benjen will keep his stark name.
285 AC: Benjen travels back to winterfell alone and confronts the news head on to Ned and his growing family. This is when a big fight ensues between Ned and Benjen. Ned’s “honorable” persona clashes with Benjen’s hidden emotions throughout his life. Benjen leaves on a sour note and returns to Skagos.
285 AC: Jocelyn Stane is born at Driftwood Hall to Benjen Stark and Iduna Stane; the birth is so harsh on Iduna that it is recognized as the reason for Iduna’s numerous following miscarriages.
285 AC: Benjen adjusts to all the swift changes in his life. While on Skagos, he learns of its history from Iduna, he sees the said unicorns which are not as pretty as the stories say (the skagosi unicorns are based off of Elasmotherium) and he explores Driftwood Hall, he also adores his daughter Jocelyn.
285-289 AC: Overtime Benjen and Iduna has become true lovers through their love for their daughter, their stories they tell each other and of course their time together in bed. Over this time, Iduna has suffered two miscarriages and is currently pregnant once again.
289 AC: Benjen is recalled to Winterfell by Ned at the start of the Greyjoy Rebellion; he returns and remains distant but for the most part kind to his winterfell relatives. Throughout the war, Benjen and Ned make up. Though they don’t agree with each other completely, they have made up.
289 AC: Along with Ned, Benjen returns to the North; he’s happy for Ned and cat with the birth of Arya. When he arrives to Skagos, he is met with the news of Iduna birthing a stillborn. The two go to sleep holding each other.
290 AC: Beron Stane is born to Benjen Stark and Iduna Stane; his birth is a welcomed surprise by his parents and he immediately becomes Magnar of Stane’s favorite because he’s a boy. Jocelyn isn’t entirely pleased about that.
That is where I’m stuck at with the defined parts of Benjen and Iduna’s story. In the aftermath of everything however, I wanted:
- Hostage Benjen is killed by the Boltons at the Battle of Winterfell, he dies in Jocelyn’s arms.
- Jocelyn flees with Bran and Rickon after the Ironborn take Winterfell and they meet Jon on the way (he doesn’t take the black at the last second). Jocelyn takes Bran’s place as three eyed raven and defies Bloodraven at his cave. Bran and rickon escapes to Skagos and stay with Iduna and Beron. She and Meera Reed head back south just in time to be captured by Stannis who is marching south on the Boltons.
- Iduna is killed in the Battle of Driftwood Hall; Stannis Baratheon tries taking the Stark boys hostage for his campaign in the North and only manages to take Bran. Iduna dies from her wound sustained from the attack.
- Beron becomes lord of Driftwood Hall after Stannis leaves, keeping Rickon as his guest.
- Jon heads south after splitting from Jocelyn and the boys and is backed by Wyman Manderly in retaking the North from the Ironborn and later the Boltons. At the Battle for Winterfell he leads a secret force to betray the Boltons when they fight the coming Stannis. However Jon breaks his covers when Bran and Jocelyn are forced to watch Benjen Stark be killed by Ramsay Bolton when Stannis refuses to surrender. Eventually, Jon and his Manderly force occupy Winterfell. Jon is declared king by his people. Bran refuses Jon’s calls for him to be lord or king instead.
At this point the story ends at around Game of thrones season 6ish and the start of Winds of Winter. This is as far as I got and yeah, I hope you like it. let me know what y’all think, hope you’re having a beautiful day/night take care 💗
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sanjuno · 4 years
Did you have a fic idea were Ned Stark was sent back in time but as a woman? Was it you or was just something I dreamt of?
I did, gimmie a second... ah, here it is:
Wolf At The Door: When Ice takes the head of Eddard Stark, Valeryian magic mixes with the Blood of the First Men. It’s wild, uncontrolled, and Ned ends up as a four year old in Winterfell’s Godswood, staring at his reflection in the water. Eddara Stark, second-born child and first-born daughter of Rikard and Lyarra Stark looks back up at him. Ned, fully believing that this is his punishment for failing his family and best friend the first time around, decides to fix the Realm by fulfilling the Pact of Fire and Ice. The thing about being a woman is that no one ever expects you to be a threat, not even other women. The thing about being the Quiet Wolf is that everyone overlooks you until the moment your teeth sink into their throat.
To expand on the story, Ned publicly makes an old First Man oath that basically informs the entire North that “she’s” got the soul of a man, which means Ned gets mostly treated like a man by the Northerners. Only the North calls them “Sword Maidens” rather than trans. Anyway that’s why Ned doesn’t have a betrothal in the wings after being reborn.
Note that Ned does not get fostered out, because the North has a history of “Sword Maidens” but they still aren’t all that educated about gender theory. Which is there the “mostly” treated like a man fits in.
At Harrenhal Ned takes Lyanna’s place as the Knight of the Laughing Tree, admits to “her” identity when the Mad King tells her to take her helmet off, and accidentally seduces Elia Martell during the feast. Ned’s basically a straight man in the body of a woman so do not expect Ned to feel anything for Rhaegar aside from bitter resentment and vague pity that he’s being cuckolded by his “wives”.
Because yeah, Mad King Aerys decides that Ned’s got so much “fire” that “she's” going to be Rhaegar’s second wife. Part of the decision even makes a bit of political sense, given that the North is fucking huge and as far from Dorne as you can get and still be in Westros. 
The North is basically going “... eww...” when the marriage announcement goes out because they know that Ned’s a straight dude on the inside, but Rickard can’t tell the King to fuck off without kicking off a war. And so Ned’s all stoic nobility and self sacrificing martyrdom when “she” tells her dad agree to the betrothal. Because fuck you Rhaegar you don’t get to ruin Ned’s baby sister a second time.
Lyanna is cis, so she’s still gotta get married the way noble girls tend to, but Ned manages to convince their father to marry Lyanna into the North. Specifically, Lyanna marries Jorah Mormont in the hopes that a wife with more interest in swords than silks will keep him from being dumb and getting exiled.
Because Ned never fostered with Robert, there was never a betrothal between Robert and Lyanna, so Robert never “lost the love of his life”. So when Robert eventually gets around to marrying there won’t be any ghosts souring the marriage before it even starts.
Ned brings a real Weirwood sapling with “her” to King’s Landing and plants it in the Godswood of the Red Keep. Ned also has a bunch of First Man spells learned from the memories stored in the Weirwood trees. Because Ned was promised that he would get his children back if he agreed to go back in time and make sure that the Prince Who Was Promised shanks the Night King.
Ned agrees because that means Jon’s really going to be his son and he’s actually kinda excited about that.
Basically what I’m saying here is that Ned has a veritable litter of children with red or black hair and makes sure to add Elia’s blood to the mix through the liberal use of Northern Magic because the less Targaryen blood his kids have to deal with the better.
Robb and Jon are going to be twins. Robb with weirsap red hair and violet eyes rather than the Tully looks he had last time. Jon will still be “all Stark” with black hair and grey eyes. The rest of the kids follow the same theme, with the redhead’s hair being the same shade as Weirwood leaves and violet eyes substituted for blue.
It’s ironic that that Ageon is the Crown Prince and the only one of Rhaegar’s children with the Targaryen look. *cackles*
I’m not going to have Ned’s kids remember anything about the first timeline but the Old Gods are going to cheat a little bit and give them “Greendreams” to teach them the skills they learned in canon. Which means Ned’s kids are OP as all get out and he’s unrepentantly smug about that. XD
The working title I had for this AU was “Ned Stark Does Not Wear Skirts”. And props to Ned he does actually manage to avoid wearing skirts for most of his second life.
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anoras · 2 years
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my two asoiaf gals, seren waters, and lyarra mormont :')
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