eirianrobotto · 15 days
a martyr no one needs whose mother always feeds. cult leader wannabe. Nimona pfp.
yeah, we heard he died. he wasn’t really nice. yeah, we heard he died. he wasn’t really nice. y'all wanna play ball? let’s play ball. y'all wanna play ball? let’s play ball.
awake in Germany while the country is asleep. speaks for minorities. none of whom would speak for him.
yeah, we heard he died. he wasn’t really nice. yeah, we heard he died. he wasn’t really nice. y'all wanna play ball? let’s play ball. y'all wanna play ball? let’s play ball.
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veryfrickingqueer · 8 months
Luschige Männer <3
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mybeingthere · 7 months
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Birdie Lusch (1903–1988) was a self-taught artist who worked for most of her life at an assembly line in a ball-bearing factory in Columbus, Ohio, and made art out of found materials and repurposed household articles such as fruit crates and potato sacks. The selection of her paintings, sculptures, and collages shown recently at Kerry Schuss was of uneven quality: some works appeared simplistic or overwrought and others sophisticated and clear-eyed.
The collages (all untitled and all but one ca. 1977) were among the latter. Made on Hallmark Cards sales catalogue pages, they are variations on a single theme: one, two, or occasionally three vases with flowers against a white background. The vases and blossoms are composed of magazine clippings, while the tabletops on which the vases stand are indicated by marker scribbles. In some pieces, several lines of printed text and a Hallmark logo are visible behind the imagery, and a rectangular frame that once held a card sample now resembles a picture or window in the back of the depicted space.
Despite the limited means, the collages have a remarkable spatial complexity, with the push and pull between the drawn lines, printed text, and colorful cutout shapes producing Cubist-like visual oscillations—an illusion of depth momentarily opening up and collapsing again. Fragments of the original imagery cropping up in the cutout pieces strengthen or disrupt the figuration. In one image the vase is fashioned out of a black-and-white photograph showing three gazelles frozen in place against the night sky; their long necks and legs create a rhythmic pattern that seems to twist around the vase’s rotund body. In the same work, images of a tomato, a pillow, and a bowl of rice are deftly employed as red and white blossoms. There is a strong modernist impulse in the collages: the methodical exploration of slight variations in a predetermined format, combined with the mundane subject matter, demonstrates the artist’s deep engagement with the mechanics of pictorial organization. But the main attraction of these works lies in their fine balance between a rigorous, experimental attitude and an easy playfulness and humor in the artist’s handling of found imagery.
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birdofmay · 11 months
Following my previous post, a reliable way to spot tourists, btw, is if they laugh at the names of our towns, villages, and other places.
For example:
Achim (that's a male first name)
Besitz (belongings/property)
Breiholz (mash/mashed wood)
Glückstadt (luck town)
Gottesgabe (god's gift)
Großenkneten (groß = big, kneten = to knead)
Himmelpforten (heaven's gates, more or less)
Hoffnung (hope)
Itzehoe (it's pronounced "it's a hoe")
Kotzenbüll ("Kotzen" translates to "throwing up")
Leck (Lick. More giggles when they find out that there's a "leck huus", a "lick house" if you will. It doesn't matter that "leck" has other meanings, the focus stays on licking.)
Leer (means "empty")
Luschendorf (fool's village. There are other less nice words for "Lusche", but it's generally someone who's completely untalented, clueless, and weak)
Nützen (use or usage)
Pferdekrug (horse's jug/pub)
Witzhave ("Witz" mens "joke")
Witzwort (if you swap the two components of that word, you get "Wortwitz", which means "pun" in English)
Not exhaustive, there definitely are more. Germans, feel free to add on!
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opheliagreif · 7 months
Klamottenshaming - wie originell. Das ist schon ein Sympath, der gute Mann.
Wobei Karl auch ordentlich ins Fettnäpfchen langt mit seiner Lusche. Meine Güte. o.O
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tetrafelino · 1 year
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bayouette · 1 year
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If I had to describe my biblical horror story/video game "Babylon, the Great" just from random images saved on my laptop.
my art / "Ptolemaea" Ethel Cain / "Anecdote of the Pig" Tori Adkisson / Warsan Shire "Backwards / "Doña Juana la Loca" Fransisco Pradilla / "Resident Evil 7" / "Agamemnon" Aeschylus trans. Anne Carson "Granddaughter of the Sun" C.A.E Lusching / "Hippolytus" Euripides trans. David Grene / "Libation Bearers" Aeschylus / my art / "Inbred" Ethel Cain / "My Sister's Keeper" Jodi Picoult / ? / "Family Tree Intro" Ethel Cain / "Orestes" Euripides trans. Anne Carson / Joan Tierney / ? / "Interview with a Vampire" / my art / "Hereditary" / "The Witch" / "Carrie" / "Lighthousekeeping" Jeanette Winterson
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westestshop · 11 months
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Vintage Lusch & Co West Germany Chocolate Brown Balloon Lounge Chair. SOLD
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vergeltvng · 1 year
❝ Diese Tür bleibt den Winter über nicht umsonst verschlossen. ❞
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Dec. 02, 2022 Writing Prompts "Diese Tür bleibt den Winter über nicht umsonst verschlossen." Ein beachtlicher Kraftaufwand war nötig, um die schwere, mehrfach isolierte Stahltür wieder zu schließen. Diese beschützte den wertvollen Inhalt eines Bunkers in der Ödnis. Oder die Welt vor dem was darin war? Der Mann vom Reparaturservice ließ unter lautem Klirren seinen Werkzeugkasten zu Boden fallen, nachdem er rausgetreten war. Er trug Winterbekleidung wie für einen Ausflug an den Nordpol und dicke, gefütterte Lederhandschuhe zum Schutz vor der Kälte, die bis ins Drehkreuz an der Außenseite der Panzertür kroch. Tür und Rahmen begannen schon zu vereisen an den Rändern, das Zeitlimit war fast überschritten und er kam keine Sekunde zu früh wieder. Als er an der Schließvorrichtung drehte, drangen die Bolzen des Schlosses knackend durch das frisch gebildete Eis. 'Wieso eigentlich nur im Winter? Ich meine, ist die nicht immer so kalt wie jetzt?' Ein zweiter Mann hatte draußen gewartet und fröstelte sichtlich mehr als sein Kollege, der gerade aus der zugefrorenen Hölle zurück kam. In der näheren Umgebung, schätzungsweise 100 Meter in alle Richtungen, war der sibirische Winter ausgebrochen. Es herrschten hier draußen minus 30 Grad, nachdem die Tür nur für ein paar Minuten offen gestanden hatte. Der ältere reagierte argwöhnisch auf die unbeholfene Frage seines neuen Kollegen. "Das ist nur ne verdammte Metapher. Sobald sie aktiv wird, nennen wir das den 'Winter’. Wie bist du eigentlich an diesen Job gekommen?" 'Ich habe mich ganz normal beworben?' "Und Vought hat dich nicht fürs Witzigsein eingestellt, soviel steht fest. Komm jetzt, bevor dir noch was abfriert. Kennst du die Story über Ice Princess? Einer aus der Kreativabteilung hat sich mir ihr eingelassen, dabei ist ihm sein Ding eingefroren und abgefallen." 'Wie.. wie, abgefallen? Will ich das überhaupt hören?! Ist die.. verwandt mit unserer Eiskönigin?' "Ice Princess ist Softeis im Vergleich zu dem, was in diesem Bunker ist, merk dir das." Aber darüber dachte der junge Mann für den Rest der Fahrt zurück in die Stadt eher weniger nach. Wohingegen die Geschichte über abgefallene Körperteile, wenn man mit bloßer Haut etwas berührt das minus 220 Grad kalt ist, ihn ab heute bis an sein Lebensende verfolgen wird. 'Ich denke ich kündige und such mir einen anderen Job.'
Zur selben Zeit, anderer Ort. In New York herrschten heute kuschelige 6 Grad, leichter Nieselregen, der Himmel verhangen von dicken, grauen Wolken. Ein Dartpfeil flog quer durch den Raum und blieb im linken Ohr von Homelander stecken, der gefällig von einem The Seven-Poster grinste. Eigentlich hatte Butcher ihm zwischen die Augen gezielt aber jemand kam auf die Idee ihn genau jetzt von der Seite anzusprechen. Er wandte sich um und brummte wie üblich leicht angepisst. Das war bekanntermaßen sein normaler Gemütszustand und noch kein Grund zur Sorge. "Hab dir nicht zugehört." 'Natürlich hast du das wie immer nicht. Ich hab ja auch wie immer nichts wichtiges zu sagen.' Hughie versteckte seine Kränkung üblicherweise hinter Witzen, die ein bisschen steif rüberkamen aber eigentlich prügelte er mit einem Zaunpfahl auf Butcher ein. "Wenns um den Plan geht, ich hab euch das doch schon durchgekaut. Wir ziehen uns warm an, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes, suchen diesen Bunker am Arsch der Welt und schnappen uns den Winter Soldier." 'Du hast aber schon in der Memo gelesen, dass Bucky eine sie ist?' "Dann halt fucking Elsa, ist mir egal. Hauptsache sie hilft uns. Wir würden soviele Fliegen mit einer Klappe schlagen, und ich weiß auch schon genau, wie ich ihr die Sache schmackhaft mache." 'Davon ausgehend, du kriegst überhaupt in ihrer Nähe noch die Zähne auseinander. Wie willst du verhindern zum Eiszapfen zu werden? Du hast höchstens vierzig Sekunden.' "Weißt du was ich in vierzig Sekunden alles anstellen kann? Meine Fresse, seit wann seid ihr eigentlich allesamt zu solchen Luschen geworden?" Er knurrte in die Runde und deutete danach auf seine Augen, aus denen er unter Einfluss von Temp V goldene Laser schoss, die so heiß wie die verdammte Sonne waren. "Noch Fragen? Wir brechen auf sobald es dunkel wird."
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apfelhalm · 1 year
Kälte der Erde, ungefilterte Impressionen
viel zu wenig Gewalt, haha
die Lauterner "Hools" sahen zumindest auch nach Hools aus, die Saarbrücker wie von The Tribe
mochte Alinas Charakter von der Grundidee, das Acting war mir zu drüber und hat mir Aggro-Veganer Vibes gegeben
Pia/Esther wird meiner Meinung nach für die kommenden Folgen vorbereitet und ich find's sehr cute
uhm. so viel haben wir über die Mädels jetzt eigentlich nicht erfahren?!?!
die ganzen Lampshading-Kommentare zu Leo und Adam, lol. (Ist das dein Partner? Ihr seht gut zusammen aus. & ihr habt ne toxische Beziehung) Bestätigt mich in meinem Eindruck, dass sie zwar wissen, wie die Wahrnehmung zu den beiden ist, aber nullkommanull vorhaben, das in irgendeine Richtung Canon werden zu lassen
Leo = Tiger CONFIRMED #derkönigundseingeneral
"Das is'n Gartengerät!" sadlfaksjldfj Beschde
"Königssohn". Tickles my brain.
Ich find's zwar geil, dass Adam immer noch seine Einsamer Wolf Nummer abzieht, aber rein plottechnisch gibt es dafür einfach keinen Grund mehr lol
Der erste kohärente Fall für dieses Team ever. Mochte die Folge, auch wenn die Auflösung seicht war.
außedem: das war doch kein Western, nur weil man nen Gelbfilter und ein bisschen westernangehauchte Musik drüberlegt
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robotpoetry · 9 months
Spreads His Airy Throne And Brush
And Love That Prays In The Lusch
Dress Farewell Making All Bohemian
The Voice Ii The Hebron
Abstract Pity Blown In The Glastetter
Clear Peace To This Bloodsucker
Page Father Ll Tell Lush
Like Thee I Gush
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wxnderlvstblog · 9 months
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The Traveller traverses Rainbow Fields and Lusch Landscapes.
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SOU gives food scraps to farm – Medford News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News
SOU gives food scraps to farm – Medford News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News
Steven Humphries discards food scraps into a bin while prepping at the Hawk at Southern Oregon University Friday. The scraps will go to the SOU Farm and feed the soil. [Jamie Lusch / Mail Tribune] A few years ago, Southern Oregon University sought to reduce food waste by using smaller plates in its dining halls. Now the Ashland institution seeks to close the consumer food loop by taking the waste…
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jaidonschool · 2 years
Service Phenomenological Experience Literature Review
Core of Business Activity
“Characterising the concept of service experience the emerging paradigm of service-dominant logic (S-D logic), which regards the service experience as the basis of all business Characterising the concept of service experience (Lusch and Vargo, 2006 RRR; Schembri, 2006; Vargo and Lusch, 2008).“ (Helkkula, A. 2011)
“. . . all exchange activities are conducted in order to realize services . . . [I]t is through exchange that the potential services of resources are released and value arises. In other words, the out- come of the business exchange activity is the services rendered and the goal of business activity is to actualize the potential services buried in the innermost recesses of the included resources . . . The objective is to create value through the release of the services habituated within resources. (Håkansson and Prenkert, 2004: 91–2) These services, and the associated value, are created through an ‘actor’ combining resources accessed in an exchange with other resources, both internal and avail- able through other exchanges.“ (Vargo S. Lusch S. 2006 RRR)
“exchange moved from one-to-one trading of specialized skills to the indirect exchange of skills in vertical marketing systems and increasingly large, bureaucratic hierarchical organizations” (Vargo and Lusch 2004a, p.8). Thus, value networks and constellations, as we later argued (e.g., Lusch and Vargo 2006c), will continue to mask the fundamental nature of exchange. ...as the division of labor increased, another important development occurred—the connectedness of individuals. As each person specializes we become more dependent and connected to others. Thus both the extent of the market and the density of the network of interconnections is a function of the division of labor in society. ...We have always considered value to be phenomenologically determined. We believe that this orientation is implied by the term “service,” as we have defined it. It is also reflected in the JM (Vargo and Lush 2004a) article in the use of terms like “consumer’s perceptions,” “meeting higher-level needs,” “customer determination,” “co-creation,” etc., in conjunction with the discussion of “service” to capture its phenomenological nature and idiosyncratic determination. Yet, we acknowledge that “experience” is perhaps a more contemporarily specific and descriptive term. ...value is uniquely and contextually interpreted. Some (e.g., Shembri 2006) construed this single-article treatment as evidence that we considered value-determination by the customer to be entirely “rationalistic,” which we do not. ...’Sid Levy’s ‘Symbols for Sale’ (1959). In this text (foundation) of Consumer Culture Theory, he asserted that people buy things for what they mean... Premise three, like the definition of service itself (Vargo and Lusch 2006b, p. 4), also recalls Deighton’s (1992) contention that people don’t buy objects, but instead buy performances.’ Arnould (2006, p. 293–4)“ (Vargo and Lusch 2008)
“Characterising the concept of service experience Holbrook and Hirschman (1982) and Prahalad and Ramaswamy (2004) (because of their influence in characterising service experience as the locus of business and consumption).“ (Helkkula, A. 2011)
“the consumption experience as a phenomenon directed toward the pursuit of fantasies, feelings, and fun. ...Conventional research, however, has neglected an important portion of the consumption experience. Thus our understanding of leisure activities, consumer esthetics, symbolic meanings, variety seeking, hedonic response, psychotemporal resources, daydreaming, creativity, emotions, play, an artistic endeavors may benefit from a broadened view.“ (Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982)
“The interaction between the firm and the consumer is becoming the locus of value creation and value extraction. As value shifts to experiences, the market is becoming a forum for conversation and interactions between consumers, consumer communities, and firms. It is this dialogue, access, transparency, and understanding of risk benefits that is central to the next practice in value creation. ...Consumers now seek to exercise their influence in every part of the business system. Armed with new tools and dissatisfied with available choices, consumers want to interact with firms and thereby “co-create” value (Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2004)... companies must escape the firm-centric view of the past and seek to co-create value with customers through an obsessive focus on personalized interactions between the consumer and the company. Further, doing so will require managers to escape their product-centered thinking and instead focus on the experiences that customers will seek to co-create.
What is of value here? Is it the medications, the hospital, the equipment that is used, and the expertise of the doctor? Surely, all these are critical. But what differentiates one hospital from another? One doctor from another? For the patient, it is the experience of cocreating with the doctor a modality of treatment that takes into account his or her peculiar circumstances...
Value is co-created at multiple points of interaction. Basis of value is co-creation experience. ...all the points of consumer-company interaction are critical for creating value. Since no one can predict the experience a consumer will have at any point in time, the task of the firm is one of innovating a robust experience environments (Prahalad & Ramaswamy, 2003).“ (Prahalad and Ramaswamy, 2004)
Guide the conversation to ask them what they would like, advise what would be beneficial, give options, help shape their future, shape their understanding of things, fit their preferences and context...
Blueprint/journey map to find moments to shape the narrative, extend the discourse. The market is the ambient forum of communications that frame and realize content’s value. [Social] media channels are places of storytelling. You can create a macro-story and nest chapters inside of it. Like a design system, but a story system.
“In conceptual art the idea or concept is the most important aspect of the work. When an artist uses a conceptual form of art, it means that all of the planning and decisions are made beforehand and the execution is a perfunctory affair. The idea becomes a machine that makes the art.“ (S LeWitt - Artforum, 1967)
“Characterising the concept of service experience the subjective experience of the service phenomenon, which Pine and Gilmore (1999) have characterised as the foundation of all business. ...Characterising the concept of service experience the content of phenomenological service experiences is assumed to be specific to an individual and situation. However, an important trigger is interpersonal interaction. This means that experiences are not only subjective but also relational, social, and inter-subjective (Pullman and Gross, 2004).
Characterising the concept of service experience individually perceived experience that is subjective, case-specific, and context-specific, the paradigm of S-D logic acknowledges that this takes place in co-creation with other people in social-experience networks, where all individuals are experiencing subjects ...service experience is also social – because people do not live in isolation.” (Helkkula, A. 2011)
Value is a process of realization
“move well beyond a single transaction to establish a relationship between producer and customer and foster an on-going conversation... Defining a series of steps in the sales process creates opportunities for setting goals, tracking performance, and analyzing effectiveness, which makes forecasting more reliable and enables improvement of the process. ...definitions of problems depend on their point of view and are often formed in conversations with others—including producers.” (Dubberly, H. 2016)
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“...The experience cycle model suggests attributes for an ideal experience—criteria for evaluating experience or even key performance indicators (KPI)...” (Dubberly, H. 2016)
Value, service, is helping people build their narratives via: framing, inspiring, content delivery; service encounters. Sharing with people why it’s relevant, important, interesting. It’s the classes you love for the teachers. It develops, educates, helps your operant potential. Consumers feel your intentions and align with those with a strong heart.
“...producers (and designers) have goals for their customers’ experience. But all they can do is provide artifacts and services that create opportunities for experience. We should be cautious about proposing to “design experience.” Ultimately, construction of experience remains with the customer... At each stage, resources for experience must account for or consciously disregard a customer’s expectations for the stage and design accordingly.” (Dubberly, H. 2016)
Jaidon Thinking
[Learning] Knowledge -> Power (Agency) -> Resources -> Fun
Every actor pursues experiences. Resources enables the experiences. Agency enables the coordination of resources. Learning knowledge enables agency. Curiosity drives a natural practice for learning. Cultural value for curiosity kindles the love of self guided learning in peoples hearts. Coordination of the actor network shapes culture.
Curiosity drives education, drives understanding, drives agency, drives adaptability, drives value realization.
Survival system - functional system (business process modeling and implementation)
Phenomenological needs - phenomenological (narrative, institutions and arrangements) system
Service is anything that moves you up Maslow’s hierarchy
Ballantyne and Varey (2006) which calls for communication between all network participants to co-create value through trust, learning and adaptation. (Source Lush + Vargo 2006 RRR)
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Service quality: scorecard. (service of the whole product services system)
CSO - get big picture of company ecosystem, and insert service design (designers or projects) in areas to harmonize. To increase the service health. Service is ambient.
The right education increases the durability of your potential to realize value. There is a common set of skills required to maintain strong personal life support and phenomenologically fulfilling systems. Social skills, critical thinking, adaptability, professional skills, marketing/cocreation skills. It will develop the durability of your mental maps. Develop the durability of your purpose narrative, not with bandaids, but with flexibility and understanding humans and the world.
Mine is currently: Everything is cheap, humans are the value. Human connection is at the heart of health. The purpose of business activity is to deliver the experiences people want.
S-D L = People, Relationships, Sustainability
“the idea of service being the foundational concept of exchange and marketing has some strong and arguably very important normative implications. It intimates a very different kind of purpose and process for marketing activity and for the firm as a whole: to provide service to stakeholders, including customers, stockholders, and employees. It points almost directly to normative notions of investment in people (operant resources), long-term relationships, quality service flows, and only somewhat less directly toward notions of symmetric relations, transparency, ethical approaches to exchange, and sustainability. Arguably, these directions have advantages for both the enterprise and society that cannot be found in G-D logic.“ (Vargo, S. Lusch, R. 2006)
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Brown is the new green at Oak Knoll Golf Course – Medford News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News
Brown is the new green at Oak Knoll Golf Course – Medford News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News
A practice green at Oak Knoll Golf Course is brown from the drought. [Jamie Lusch / Mail Tribune] Ashland Parks and Recreation commissioners came together for a study session Wednesday to discuss falling revenue and the fate of the imperiled Oak Knoll Golf Course. “We’re seeing revenue drop off a pretty good amount. I’m not ready to report on that yet because those numbers aren’t technically…
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indianamailbox · 2 years
Gunner takes a 'Sentimental Journey' - Mail Tribune
[Jamie Lusch / Mail Tribune]. WWII vet Larry Wills toured a B-17 at the Medford airport Tuesday, recalling his experience as a gunner on a similar ... http://dlvr.it/SXWLwz
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