#lunas had no last name for 10 years im sorry baby girl
cvtesins · 29 days
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wanted to sketch out my fallout ocs... i started playing new vegas properly (finally) and also finally gave my LW a last name
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bvckst · 7 years
70 horrible questions
tagged by @kookno​
1. do you have a good relationship with your parents?
kind of. my dad and i are pretty close, and my mom and i used to be really distant, but we’re starting to get more in touch with each other. 
2. who did you last say “i love you” to?
i think either my grandmother or my best friend syd. 
3. do you regret anything?
yeah like every single decision i make. my life is nothing but second-guessing every action i take.
4.  are you insecure?
incredibly so.
5. what is your relationship status?
hopelessly single.
6. how do you want to die?
ok so this is going to sound really weird but my cousin and i have thought very deeply about this. we decided that we either want to become immortal (like technology evolves enough to make us live forever without getting old) or we want to die relatively young bc we don’t want to be old. that sounds really really bad but dude if we’re both immortal then we won’t be lonely.
7. what did you last eat?
8. played any sports?
yeah i used to play soccer and i was really good at it. 
9. do you bite your nails?
yes, to the point that they bleed, and it’s really annoying. 
10. when was your last physical fight?
in elementary school on the first day in T.A.G. class a girl kept teasing me and messing with me and stuff so i punched her in the stomach. 
11. do you like someone?
yeah but im p sure i don’t even register to her.
12. have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
yeah finals week b.
13. do you hate anyone at the moment?
yeah a lot of people i have this bad habit of disliking people at the drop of a hat. too cynical. 
14. do you miss someone?
yeah, my aunt moved really far away and we used to be super duper close.
15. have any pets?
yeah man two mastiffs ( gimli and daisy ) and two cats ( buddy and luna ) who are completely unrelated but have the exact same markings and are really hard to tell apart for strangers. 
16. how exactly are you feeling at the moment?
excited bc i’m hanging out with friends tomorrow. 
17. ever made out in the bathroom. 
never made out period mate. a little too far for me. 
18. are you scared of spiders?
i have a very hot and cold relationship with spiders. i understand that they are benign and i try to let them go their own way but if one happens to get too close or is a bit bigger than i’d like it to be i will not stop until it is gone. 
19. would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
i mean not forever bc the past doesn’t like gay people but for a brief period of time hells yeah ur talking to a major history nerd i couldn’t resist. 
20. where was the last place you snogged someone?
christ never. 
21. what are your plans for this weekend?
hanging out with friends and buying a swim suit. 
22. do you want to have kids? how many?
no not at all sorry dad but there are no kids in the future for me. 
23. do you have piercings? how many?
just my ears. 
24. what is/are/were your best subject(s)?
really all of them but my favorites are math and science. 
25. do you miss anyone from your past?
no i think i’ve moved on. 
26. what are you craving right now?
chick fil a.
27. have you ever broken someone’s heart?
a few times maybe, but one of them i don’t feel bad about bc he was stalking me.
28. have you ever been cheated on?
yeah in elementary school lmao. 
29. have you ever made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
idk probably i’m a shitting gf i think i don’t know not a lot of experience.
30. what’s irritating you right now?
my sister had her friend over and they were up until 5:30 in the morning shouting and they kept me up all fucking night and i would have slept in except my dad woke me up to check if i was still alive. 
31. does somebody love you?
i mean yeah like my friends and my family. def hate myself though. 
32. what is your favorite color?
ok legit i do not know this is a serious problem for me i like a lot of colors like blue and green and yellow i can’t decide on a favorite. 
33. do you have trust issues?
yes and no. i feel like a lot of people have ulterior motives bc i’ve been around a lot of people like that but i’m also willing to open up if i know it’ll help someone. 
34. who/what was your last dream about?
i dreamed that my grandmother was best friends with the chinese president. 
35. who was the last person you cried in front of?
idk i cry every fucking day i think i got in a fight with my dad and started crying bc i’m a crybaby. 
36. do you have out second chances too easily?
yeah i think so. i mean i’m still suspicious of the person but i allow them to try and make it up. 
37. is it easier to forgive or forget?
forget, i’m bad at forgiving so i try to just block it out. 
38. is this year the best year of your life?
yeah i think so. i’ve picked up a lot of the things i used to love, and i’m a lot happier than i used to be. 
39. how old were you when you had your first kiss?
i think i was it third grade and this kid we called vampire kid ( he bit people ) dragged me underneath a bush by my leg and forced me to kiss him. 
40. have you ever walked outside completely naked?
dude no wth.
51. favorite food?
pasta, chicken, potatoes, sushi. don’t make me choose. 
52. do you believe everything happens for a reason?
nahhh i don’t think so. i believe in science and science is random and meaningless but also patterns and meticulous. i think that everything is explainable but that doesn’t mean everything has a purpose. 
53. what is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? 
watched blackfish for the 75th time.
54. is cheating ever okay?
nah b down with cheaters. 
55. are you mean?
i don’t think i’m mean, i’m somewhat brash and i like to tease but i’ve never intentionally tried to belittle someone or cause someone pain. plus i’d never have the courage to be mean to someone, i’m too scared of everything ever. 
56. how many people have you fist fought?
none i’m small. i have wrestled with my cousin skye though but i always lose. 
57. do you believe in true love?
nope i think you can love someone with all your heart and still it might not work out. love is someone you have to work for. 
58. favorite weather?
sunny and 65. 
59. do you like the snow?
yeah bc it means i get a snow day. 
60. do you wanna get married?
idk man like i don’t see a reason for it because i don’t think you need a piece of paper to validate your relationship but i do think that if you wanna get married that’s totally chill. 
61. is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
platonically yeah, i love it. 
62. what makes you happy?
idk my friends, painting without reason, books, nature, the beach. a lot of simple things make me happy. 
63. would you change your name?
no i don’t like my name but it’s still MY name, and i don’t think any other name would fit me. 
64. would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
we’re talking abt vamp boy so yeah, hella hard. 
65. your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
politely turn them down bc i’m gay. however this scenario wouldn’t ever happen bc my best friend of the opposite sex is also gay. 
66. do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act like your complete self around?
yeah several. i think i’m very much myself nowadays, i’m not as afraid to be myself as i used to be. 
67. who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
my dad?
68. who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? 
probably my grandmother talking we like to yell abt how much we hate trump. 
69. do you believe in soulmates?
no i think you can have deep connections with multiple people. 
70. is there anyone you would die for?
honestly i’m really scared of dying, but there are still a few people i would. especially my little sister, because i’m always worried about her. 
i tag @3cbx @tencafe @softheartae @overdevv @shinee-prism @namjoone @dreamscript @jeon-gguk @amartae
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tayegi · 7 years
Tagged by @her-everythingcollection. Thank you :) 
Rules: Tag (9) people you want to know better 
Relationship status: In a committed relationship with hot cheetos
Lipstick or Chapstick: hmm i rarely use either, but I like those matte lipglosses. 
Last song I listened to: Prob something big bang? I had spotify on to shuffle thru their discography last night
Top 3 shows: hmmm i rarely watch tv anymore... Community, maybe? I finished I can hear your voice and I LOVED that. Hmm... Knowing Bros? 
Top 3 characters: Troy ‘n Abed in the moooorrrning! :) 
Top 3 ships: wait ships in where? Which fandom? What’s happening? Taegi, yoonseok... namjin? 
Tagged by @okaynamjoon Thanks so much for tagging me!
Rules: Spell out your url with kpop songs and tag ten people. I haven’t done this w/ my new blog, yet, so here we go! ^^
T hat XX-- GD
A ll Mine-- f(x) 
Y ou and I-- Park Bom :(
E asy-- Dragonette
G aims-- Kamau
I ‘m Not Sorry-- Dean
Get to Know Me Tag
Tagged by @omgbigbangtheory-blog thanks so much!
nickname: Lu, Lulu, etc. 
star sign: 
height: Anywhere bw 5′3-5′5 apparently... 
last thing i googled: I think they were directions? haha
favorite music artists: Kpop, it’s BTS, b1a4, f(x), Mamamoo & Monsta X! For outside of kpop, I really only like EDM/Trap O.O 
song stuck in my head: Tiamo by T-ara! I am not familiar with them at all, but this new song is so great!
last movie i watched: ... I really cant remember. Star Wars Rogue One? O.O I really don’t watch movies anymore D: 
last tv show i watched: Age of Youth! IM ADDICTED!!!
what im wearing right now: my unisex, unisize bathrobe :’) 
when did i create my blog: A year and a half ago now? 
what kind of stuff i post: Fics!
why did i choose my URL: TAEGI IS LIFE!!!
gender: F
hogwarts house: Depends. I always get gryffindor on pottermore, but I feel like I shift between the other ones
pokemon team: Valor... But only bc my friend valerie was in the car when I chose and we thought it would be funny 
favorite color: ORANGEEEEEE
average hours of sleep: I’m a ph.d student, man... Prob only like 4-5 D: BUT OVER BREAK, I GOT 8 HOURS, AND IT WAS GLORIOUSSSS
lucky numbers: I’m not sure about luck, but 3 is my fave number!
favorite characters: I don’t know what this means. D: from tv? books? 
how many blankets do i sleep with: Just 1! It’s always warm in my condo 
dream job: Academia! I would love to find the funding to be a full time scientist. 
following: writing blogs, shit posting blogs, hyungline/rapline blogs, etc. 
tagged by @noonachronicles <3
Rules: List 5 or 10 of your favorite kpop boy/girl group. Put your very first bias of each group and name the m/v you first saw the member in.
1. BTS > Namjoon > N.O. (THO I DIDNT LIKE HIM UNTIL DANGER AKLJSDFLJSF) 2. B1A4 > Jinyoung > Lonely (even tho gongchan is now my fave... oops) 3. Mamamoo > Hwasa > Um Oh Ah Yeh (NOTHING WILL EVER CHANGE) 4. f(x) > Luna > Red Light (she just looked too badass in Red Light... OTL sorry queen vic but i have strayed!) 5. Monsta X > Wonho > Their debut show, whatever that was  6. Big Bang > Seungri > Blue (Sorry Daesung...)  7. Got7 > BamBam > Girls, Girls, Girls (In my defense, I only loved him like a son and I was extremely shocked and offended when he sprouted 10 feet of height. How. Dare. You.?) 8. Shinee > Key > Lucifer O.O (He was really sassy and fun in Hello Baby... But towards the end of Hello Baby, I’d already left him for Onew, so...) 9. Exo > Tao > Wolf :”( 10. 2NE1 > Bom > I am the best :”( 
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